I Sis OREGON BRIEFS HO 1) KIVBft OLAC1KK llltiKtiMAY, JAN. ARY 7, 009. Wtre of PKnonHnnnl interest. Alumni and ex-KtmUnts of the Ore Eon Agricultural ColleRe residing in Umatilla county have formed an as sociation and Kve their first ban quet Tuesday night. Among the guests who were jjressnt was Presi dent Kerr of the college. The mem berg of the afttouiittion hope to make this baniiuet an annual event. An enlarged picture and a dia mond ring or a rocker chair for cood measure, all for f 2.98, were tho ia uucenientg held forth by a trio of Binooth-talkine fakers who Induced large number of Itosebiirg women to part with 2. 9S ench. After collect ing the 52.98, the fakers told their victims to cull at a local store and get the prizes. Hero they discovered the merchant know nothing of the scheme. Appropriations aggregating almost suu,ouo will be asked of the com ing session of the legislature, for tho maintenance of the State Insane Asylum and for repairs and improve ments for the ensuing year. This is an increase of $200,000 over the appropriations of two years ago, or an increase of 33 per cent. The re port asks for appropriations upon tho assumption that no branch asylum will be provided for in Easlern Ore gon. The percentage of recoveries, computed upon tho number received fluting the period, Is 22 per cent. Senator Fulton held a conference with the Director of the Reclamation Service, Sunday Washington, roln tlve to requests ho has received from settlers on (he Klamath Irrigation project, for nn extension of time for making water payments to the Gov ernment. Settlers were under the Impression that their entries would be cancelled If payment were not mado by May next. Director Newell Informed Mr. Fulton that navments on the first unit of this project will become due May 1, 1909, but set tlors will have one year's grace In which to pay up. Therefore, settlors will not be in danger of having en tries i-iuiccli'd unless they are de linquent with payments after May 1, 1910. It is the policy of tho de partment to give settlers two full sea sons of irrigation before requiring them to make the first payment. In the suit of tho State of Oregon ngnlnst the Columbia Southern Irri gation Company for the reclamation of an extensive tract in Eastern Ore Ton, tho Btato offered testimony to show that whllo the project proposed the development of about 27,000 acres, there was only sufficient water for Irrigating about 1500 acres. It will be on this showing that tho state expects to be authorized to re scind tho contract that was originally entered into with th.) Three Sisters' Irrigation Company, which subse quently transferred its Interests to the Columbia Southern Irrigating Company. A law is being drafted to determine the water rights of tho state under the direction of a com mittee representing the Oregon Con servation Commission and which has called to Its assistance several prom inent authorities connected with the Government Irrigation service. Christmas was made as merry ns possible for the Inmutes, of (lie nix public institutions located in Salimi. At the insane asylum, where 1500 uufortunatcB are cared for, a musical entertainment and Christmas tree was given Christinas eve. An excelent Turkey dinner was served. At the penitentiary a special dinner was nerved, nlinis tho turkey, but with an ubundance of roast Meat and plum pudding. Christmas eve the prisoners guvo an entertainment in the chapel. The Christmas tree in the Keform School was in the form of a huge bell, made of evergreen boughs. At the close of the exercises presents were distributed, each boy receiving some useful gift, together with a bag of candy and a box of nuts. The duy wus also ckservod at tho Mute School and tho mind School, where everything was done to bring cheer to the unfortunato children at these institutions. itir. Jfiiifa wnti nrn in mhImii i ia;v acd cnuie to Amanita ith hii mnnti Pt Ml r,;-!v ku ltlii:v in Ohin II.. Jonnson.i ii ,e,.n a resident of Portland 'tmn lvst. At t Ijo time of bis death be held M, position c.t chief eugiueer of the I Nnrthftt t'onjuit-rcial Company, of i St. MtrhnrJ, Alaska. While euirin- tfiident rf the Wollf A Zk-ber Iron Works, Mi. Joue bud c Largo ot tbe rfiiihirucrlou of the torpedo toati Vox si:d Duvis. llu whs iii inventor of nek', having secured letters Htent to a numbtr of derires.the niott valuable of uhkh wag the Jouer underfeed 8to,.(r, now oenig manuratcured on l'o: this in tent i n he received t he Jcl.n Suttt iii"dl from the Fiankliu liititiluio tf Philadelphia. Mr. .'outs is eurvived 'by bis if, win is a siMor r.i u. ji, iiiieti.au: u ildiiglittr, Mrs. Clarence II. Gilbert, wife ot Attorney Gilbert i,f Portland, hu I a -ou, Winfted A. lone-', of Hun I'riincitco. Two In other.-, C. II. Jones, of Poitlumi, IV. II. Jouch, of I ns Angeles, and a sister, Mre. Nellie lloi kiiirt. r f Se;ittie, alen survive him 1 lie funer il tvas held utcrdiy ermng at 1(J o'clock from Kiii'm'. Clniiol. rim aei vine were conducted Yne family oi waiter now at the Salem penitentiary await ing execu'ion ,v banging, as a pen alty for the murder of Elmer Per due, will make t very effort to have Governor Chamberlain commute the sentence to life imprisonment. The third annual convention of tbe Oregon National Guard was held in Portland Monday, in tho armory. Addresses were delivered by mem bers Of the oriranlj.irlnn ami rinlnr " .1t,uiu I Ol'JIH I, IIIITV ll.'ltli( IIJUII army covering matters pertaining to i a lr; tcsle in Chicugn. I.rt V :....,. 1 n I . . i ... . . I .. I ; .1 .i uu..auuuai uuaru anu wie military protessiou and five until i lie Imfh Un'oiiie regular 1 OU will llOt hAVM tfl Ink lilirnutli'.w c'anfly, us Foley'? Onno Laxative rosi lively ciirts rli'onir constipation and slui'g sh liver. Pleasant t., lake. Clarke Drug l'o. Oregon (irape In New Verk. t)regoo G'rape wai the chi--f decora tion in bi.etrui old Plynuiith cburcb in lirookiyn. Now York, on Christmas Day, nd Onjou'i state (loner was deserving of a (dare of honor iu tbe cburcb niade famous by one of the greatest of all Americans, Henry Ward lieecbor. For health and happiness DeWitt's Little Fnrly ttiM-nt pleasant little liver pills, the best made. S.iM by Ki-ir iV; (,'asn. I? lr. ii'eiuiiiin tiiitiij n).utnr il 'l i. lor Street MctbofJIi-t ('Inner,. TOO MICH KU'K Von feel as if you liml Oiie iiim (Hi many whin yi.u have Xenrulgi.i. Don'l juii? Have tbe ace you may n cl it ; lut get rid of the Ntmralfai by . y !vin: llallard's Snow Liniment I inest thing in the world for rlmiimat't-m, iifiiralgiii, burns, cuts, scalds, lame back and all pains. Hold by Chan. X. Clark.'. More Praia From Slelniianft & Kelly. Tbe following is nil extract frr.ni u letter roceutly recetia.l Irom Kteiu- bardt & Kelly, by tbo iirst N,tliuntil Dunk. "However we oan tell urn this tliht V9 fool that we :irn nnilei ltmI nhli,.... tious to the meii who oomnoi-ed tbe Uiiectorat.i of the Hood Hirer Artie Growers' Union. When Dp urit.r whu was out iu your alloy bift fail iMide bis cotitrhcl vjl.t tLu Hood I5iv- r ApDlo liiMwert' Uiiinii tliioiiub Ihidr Hoard of Direetc rs navel did it nti r our minds for one ninn'ent tliut wonld get the hiiiiiip clu-1 I hut u. eeuutully did get. Xow th it t! that wu (an niv this with h um.it ri nl ot pleasure anil to eny that vvh hnv9 never before dono biitiimi-a with such i.n upright body of men. At no time iiui mg tlm entire i-pafoii ne we (oiinn n eanpiito register tl lltilitest coinpjiii ut 1 Iji v bate lived up to every word of tlivii promises i' u nicy pur, up n pack li.i n- tbe anal f;f whirli has never liven feeii m til ' east an.i ii.'tnii.l ot tlmiil: U:,j . i Jiiiild have I " n nnlv iuki t..i. il . llnOil Hirer 1. 0!:i. ;eii'inl ( luij to i;t tie Hill e t line h. ml i, letter tn t I n .! ir.,..t o:s of th'i 1 1 j 1 1 liber Apple Glowers Union, for wiiluut Heir HM-istnnce we would ii'.t n. i could we bavo dont so miinh to I ( tn t the Valley. Our labur would bavu been uli iu vain if WO l:l:tl nt,t Lceil biekel It bntiolit kind i,l goods i-e ccitunily did receive and the Hood Kivcr Apple Growers' Unlun can safely say lliut, they stand I'leuiniueili na the one t iciiniurciiil Growers Association if llu United Suites owing to their IhiiicbIt. inleu ritv n in I butter iin.l nlnni 1 1 m-,1 t . . nosa methods. I'eve Sifes l'OVUr Slireri mill I. .1 el.r,.iiu k..i..u ("b'Hilil not behealedentirely, but slu.olil be kept in healthy condition This can be dono by applying Cliaiulierlaui'h Halve. Tbis salve has no superior foi thin iiuriio.Me. It in nl. ii , v .-..I i.. .. i lor ch.ipped liiinds, sure nipples, Inirns and diseases of the kin. F.r sale l.v Kior A- Vtif . A ;lal Hand (umiiilttee. The Portland Commercial Club lias introduced u novel feature that should be adopted t y every community in Oregou. it is the appointment of a newcomers' Special Committee, and that committee held its fiiet meeting Saturday, ciitl niiig i. (dan to be rui ned ou ilrcuu'iout the mtire year '.' I ich frill lflsult iu giviug ei-eli j.ud eiery newcomer the "glad bund." If You Have 5S St.'4. mit To Ship, Sell or Store f SHE THIi DAVIDSON FRUIT CO. $ C. P. ROSS Billiards and Bowling Alley and Confectionery! J We Manufacture Fruit Boxes of All Kinds and of First Quality Also Cold Storage and Ice Factory m Connection PARLOUS THE BEST LINE OF Tobaccos and Cigars IN THIS CITY I lit-Oregonian, Telegram and Journal ON HALF SUNDAY. Si Cull at our Office, .'Jd find Kivor Stn., or Phone Office ."0 or Culd ,Stt)rn' 0") t WE ARE HERE FOR BUSINESS I C. EVERETT. The rractionl Shoemaker, At Kiggs' Old Stand. Fine Work a Specialty. F.VEKY .MOTH I! It in or Hbould be worried wlieu Ihe little onoahave a cough or c ild. It may b ad to croup or nleuritiv or piicuinimia then to souietliinj' inon n-riiius. Bal lard's Hnrehound Syrup will cure tin trouble at once and prevent any compli cation. Sold by t'lniH. Clarke." HOod River to Lnrich i lark Count j (Jeorge Page, ol .Minnehiilia. was in tie city today on l usinuiJH. lie htnten that thin week William Cram en. of Hood Kivei, n friend with whom be ciophpiI the plains l!0 years ago, wan making Clarke enmity a visit with tliu iiiieniion or ineuting Here, TIM Air. CrappmrH tlist vint to thin part ot tho utatH nnd he in much pleut-e-.l with everytlnng licreiiluiutH and i soiiously eoin-nlerliig oelllng his bid itign in Pood Uiver valley and coming to Clarko county to live, lie will be utile to sell bin place thore and bring r.iii.mm to thi'i oountry. .Mr. Cranpen sniid that ho never before naw tudi u proHpetous etiontry witbtuob a blight luiuro us nut ouver ann t larke cnun ty- Mr. I'age and Mr. Crappen, though leny have lived not fur from each oth er, nai iost all trace or each othei him it was merely an aooldeut that .Mr, Crappen (uoated .Mr. l'ugo when be came here to visit lreln.is and to look over the country. - imcjuver Co lumbian. Tut in Jail very accurately descrilivs unvciiie'.- (c, 1 ingswhois contined to the limisie with an attack of rheumatism, lumbago, stiff joina or muscles llallard's Snow Lini ment will cure the trouble, relieve too lain and make vou as supple as a two year old. Sold by Clms. X. Clarke. L. , Junes, K. W. Jonen, the well kuonu engi neer, at different times minerluteud enj ot tho Uuiou Iron Works, Woltl k Zwioker Iron Works, ami the Will amette Irou Worki of Portland, died at big home in South Mount Tabor Wednesday night, alter a trief Ulceus! The Tule of n Cmv. 'Iheio is a llillhboto IiikIi: i ' m mini hii, like the avi'ti i'e !iiiilviilniil too. bin likes and dislikes. I.ul ir Ilium ii. one thing more itlimi nnntlier that l.e uoesu r tiKo it is a now; in fi.ct, ci bossy i j his pi t aversion. Wlloil till) lllVUOS llielidn nn. lirouched. with its ciiitmn i.r giving to loved oney. a niiml.ir of bis tl imid.s who knew nt II. u i,ifi..,ii.. conceived tho ideu tbut it would no'l. nnly Ijo an not appropriate to thy seas un, but 11 good ji .ice ns well to present their friend u cow Sn the word ih iuikhI un .1 11,1.1 all friends must show class uud come through and in a short time tbo pot aiiioiinted to sixteen simidci im llinre were no bnruain eiinniui' i i li. . 011 eoivs last week nnd I be animal the ii.xteen IiiicIih sei urnl Ur net e.victlj 1 ne that would be picked out by u 1 onnolsciir. Its thin sides lore ( 1 i neiioo of having- weathered tho storm: td many winters, to say nothing ol the summers, uud r,ll 11 ci old in at-t in tho wav of a tin I nun n tl.n.t ui II 111 II Covered willi banners beaiing suitable iiiseripnons it was driven through tLe itrcets to the biisinos man's in me, alter which tho escort dodged and disappeared as rapidly as the mud would permit. Ihsu the teli I noiiH was brought into use hiu! the Happiness of tho recipient whs mad ocmplete. One friend gravely stated ho Has In tho feed but-inoH and anx ious to contract to lurnish a supply. Aiicittier was dlssatislled with his milkman and wanted to engage milk, ami so until tlin tnNiiiiii-iiiiii-11 i..,i particular houne rose to th taunting peinr. no. 1 iiiu 00 ownei refuted to :nier when the phono rnug. Hut the story like all Htm lea has a S"iiUi'l. and those uho .l,lni..,l i,. 1 1,,. p.it are scrutehing their bouds uud trj init to llguie just n ho the jokn is 1111. It tocms, hka many teniHles bessy'd apiearauce wan deceptive Altliougli lie doesn't like cows the owner bus a kind heart and saw that thu despised beast wiisoired lo;', ui d iisari suit it lets t hi iven like 11 111 oa tree, it's thin tulcs me n-iuning iildiirmanie prnportic us sud when Handed sou' sou'enst the (ml mi-foi tui:o doesn't cniiut ugan.st iier up pi ai'i.iu'i'. Silie looks very much like a enw now. and there's nn tullinu 1 .... . . ri 11:11 a lew uiiiie wet Us in her new home ill do. And as ciii' s art! cows iu Uiiiduntoii ooiintv. tl IM tntf 1 u 11 rn wemiering wliat brand (it pl-jnrarho (iiiiv C'li.i mil sou ke tit their expense h um no invites nroiioii Is to 11 iau III! flit. COW lllseiintrd III! "mi- l,i,.,. . . j iriniiiis. - ii islioro luilen.ini net Caught iu the Ruin then a cold and a c uii.'h--let it run mi k.'it piieiiiiioina or coi.siiinption tlmt's ll. No ni.'llll'l llo' villi linn lon't neitlect it lal'i- It iM .'nl'u ll.,r. hound Snru,.;and you'll bo over it in no lime, llie sure cure for 01 .. I iu bronchitis j and all pulmouarv dis uses in young and old. Sold In Clms. ..The Craft Shop.. Quaint; Artistic and Odd Furniture made to your or der. Fine Kepairiii';'. H. S. Richmond Pknt27oM OPEN RIVER Transportation Co. DAILY SERVICE 1 Jet ween I'OKTLAXI), HOOD HIVKU tuid TJIE DALLES gotoe HOTEL WAUCOMA For Yourg SUNDAY DINNER P. F. F0UTS, Prop. Hood River, Or Stanley- Smith Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath, Shing'les, Ete Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers EXPERT HORSESHOERS NEWWORK& GENERAL REPAIRS JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise Fancy Groceries Flour and Feed and Lumbermen Supplies, Free Delivery. Home Phone HOOD UJVEH, OK. - I am S 1 I i m$VM A ii r. m M " i i M m ML. UK Wt " V ' ' . rf , i a n a r-n u i v u a m u in! I II A'fci;i :t iCi T ils of orllmp t Tim iinnl8 of thn Punllli' hiMi.i.ui ilia tho mlijeot ot au extnuiiiid m inio 111 H r lIlt 1M.SI1II Of till! M. t'lil.luv i.v pniiiK l'os'. This attraclhe prrtpi.tit tion of Uib fruit indutriy to oL. ut tire ii i Dions of tlflOlllll iw U f.l.i.ion 1. tiou iniioh apjueclMted ty Oroou and ii uauiuijiuu, If you will take Ftilcy'g Orino Lxn- Steamers J. N. Teal Sarah Dixon OWNLD l,y the PEOI'LE Should be Supported ly the People Special attention given Fruit ShipnientH Spaeious Aoeonimodati mis for handling Live Stock and Wagons Deal orniture and Building Materia: AND We solicit your patronage: I. A. Stranahan, Agt., Hood River Dorsey li. Smith. (ieneral Manager, Portland If E( LIVING DAILY FRESH Flour and Feed CELEBRATED WHITE RIVER AND GOLDFN CROWN BRANDS A SUCCESSFUL BAKING MADE FROM SELECTED HARD WHEAT Ar fnl nun tin nun nf Wliitu lliv. mill Golden Crown Hour. Whether you tiakf bread, cakes, pies, or 'y kind of paltry, you will find thi flour s safe and M-linble standby. Try it once and you in never use nny other. STRANAHAN & CLARK HOOD RIVER. ORKGOX. Y:-..A"f APE IN THE LEAD awd Union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Dally Till, HI, I, l',,)l..,o ,.. . . . ki..;: tourist HljH.,.lnK dully to KiBw. tt, tluiiiiKl) I'ulliiuin tourist ulet'iiinu rr iiiMviuisaiiy rmirtnrtnli wiwklv to rhlomm dully n.,,, ui'i'Mii inef;ni Arrive i a T. KAWhON. , F. H RTAwmv HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We tl.-irr to U't our friondft and patrons know tha! ; ,t- i .!! planting w will hare and can iup ply Hi . '.-.'i.Ur Cherry, r :.-r : ot, Peach& Plum Trees. GRAF l is, Ot ANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade ariu Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varleiiea of apple treeg. Can supply tbe trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitcen. berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & 8TANTON, Hood River. Or. flood R I 'll Inn llnmil t ( tiloiiKivl'orihiiiil SpprlHl for llm Fum via HimtliiKion, itiitho l.", um N'"kiihH FlyiT lor KiiKt.'in wnvhinition, Wnliit Wiillu, lwlslnn. i 'ni'iinl' v I...... i (lri-Ht Norihi-i n -nln!s, ilniiv MX) rm AtliintlrFpntw fm the luix't vIh lliiiitliieiiin. iIhIIv li iK) pm all iiolnm lii-iwe. ii I'.. mi i, .i., I I'orH.in.i, d.itly 7:15 am UvXI pin 0:31 pm 7:10 am f:V hiu KIVKIi SCIIKHrr.K KOK r. I!; I A mill s ill 1 il wny HI ii ti". I'lioni-ctlni! Unliv' ITllh MlMiniiT for II , Hi'!,; fT.-.'iil I Ninth Kei'.i'tisli'HUi-: Siimlav, llnssiilii Ali mi I sil ....I.. 1. lin k (Vllli r p,T ;(1..,M . Vl' Full li;i ton, ctriH'iiit 711 M 'It v Mil l Vnmliiii Itiv-- IMHv : eiilntn. Ash nir.ti pint 'liK k (wati r i-r. Hiinitny. Ft lit I.K.W IHTI1V H Jil 1 n I'lllliV Hllll HHV lMiliilu' ll.'.li.. n.itn ILipii-lii, WhkIi. rxrrpt Snl ii relay 5:(i0 I'. M 1 Dal l.v exi-ept Hutnluy. 4.-00P. M Dully pxeot Friday ot Fin tiopks In-iuM Hons-8. ni. lo 12 noou; 1 to IS i i No frelKlit rwclveil or ilellvinvd n p. m. 1'llNKtMMri.r n.ilul ll.tnHl..J.ll. .. . 7 ." i'"'-"ii"i uoiiiitv ill ex- I reiwiiiiil liaiiKaKe win be 8 a. in. till 6 p. in. WM. McMURRAY, Ut ueral PiuistUKer Agent. I'ortland.Or. iver Millin gai!ciftjtWT;.'ffiWag38aaBr W K 11AVK JUST RKCK1VKD A FRKS1I SIMTI.Y OK Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS COMK TO US DIRECT FOR WOOD - FIB ERE D HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WK UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS STRANAHAN & CLARK Hood River, Oregon WHOLESALE RETAIL THE DALLES NURSERIES R. H. WEBER, Prop. THE DALLES. OREGON. GROWER AND DEALER IN FRUIT, SHADE AXD- TREES GRAPE VINES AND 6 Co. H I I . .1 ORNAMENTAL SMALL FRUITS Evegeem, Roses and Shrubbey. Remember. Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation. B CMTfTT "JtWt 3VISrTIBMI I Si Overside Dairy EC i i un-, nwii jiiiK irom a sanitary Dairy, by th.' pint, quart or gallon delivered in the city at rea.son.ilii.' rates. J. W. AlORTON, Prop. Piione 3'2H2-Mjj ..MILLER'S DRUGSTORE. Has jui-t received a shipment of American an.! In ported lWnnicK, Lnndberg's, Rieger's, Roger & Gal iett s in bulk and presentation boxes. The Finest Imported Soaps for the Toilet Toilet Sets, Fancy I'apetrie, and nuuiv other nr tides suitable for Presents. On the Heights, Hood River, Ore. Why Go Down the Hill? A New Carpet In appearance ma l- .,f ymir old one if washed l.y the Hood River Laundry Co. Phone 123 Upper Valley Lands Can best be secured bv ad. dressing at oneo The Upper Hood River Vallv n opment League, H. B. Lan- sine, zec.tatn& MaySts., Hood River, Ore. Largest list; lowest prices run inrormation State kind of land you waut