The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 07, 1909, Page Three, Image 3

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la this euligbtened bkb the babj
boy olteo comet boms from kinder
garten to Instruct hit lnther uud
mother. Tbe tamo relation exists be
tween the baby West and the patent
East, in one (Latter at leant borticu)
Talk to mine of Die nurserymen
who an boldiog tbelr annual meeting
t the Coatea bouse and learn that no
lent the East and that includea the
Missouri valley soon adopts and ton
tert the fruitxrowiog methods of the
west, the eastern fruit a rowers will
be put out ot business by tboae of a
country that baa not been known loun
aa a truit producer.
Last year William P. Stark of Lou
iaana, Mo., president of the Missouri
state tmord cf hottionlture; J. M. Ir
vine, editor of the trait Grower; 1".
11 iodd and J. II. Christian, also
members or the lieaid, spent ueiirl?
two mouths traceliug through that
fruit oouutry wett of the Kooky
mountauis which comprise the tutea
Of Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Washing
ton, Oregon and a part of Montana.
Wbut they learned Mr. Stark tcld
about tbla morning.
"liiiok here in Missmiii,' bo said,
"we feel pretty good if ne can sell
orobard laud for more thau 8101) an
aero Hut out in that Western couu
try 11,000 an acre Is considered a fxir
price Poesibiltles. 1 never mw any
thing like it. Wbv, eveu a real estate
man couldn't exagerute the posfiuil
ities of that country out there. Ap
ples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries,
berries, fruit of any kind, grows in
size aud quautlty and quality that are
remarkable. Everything's just right.
The climatic conditions are just ex
actly what ate needed, tbe majority
of the growera are college gtaduates
and everything is done in a scientific
"Beginning at Palisade, Col , tbe
land is worth M.000 aa sere. Every
where is piosperity and energy. Ev
erywhere are irrigation canals, cleuu
cut orchards, tbe most up to date ma
chinery lor the extermination ot iu
seoti and worms that destroy fruit,
and tbe best implements for the out
tivation of tbe ground.
"Further on, io the Hood River
valley io Oregon are the dry farms,
just as valuable. There, by iutense
cultivation and by conservation ot
moisture men are groning rich on ti e
proceeds of a few acres. Why out
there, teu acres of fruit oultirattd
land in enough to keep a family in
luxury. The proceeds of an acre is
about $2,000 a year Kind me tbe
Kansas and Missouri farm of Ulty
acres that yields $2,000 a year !
"Now here's the ptopoeition. The
east must lourn tbe west a methods, or
'go broke' on the fruit proportion.
Right now. a tifty pound box of West
ern apples brings as tLUcb hs a barrel
ot New i ork or Michigan apples. The
reasou? They're better quality, larg
er, firmer aud Ireer from tbe UaB of
iiisecta aud worms aud much of that
quality is due to the systematic way
in wbioh they are grown. "
Mr. Stark pulled a large pear shaped
apple from bis pocket.
"Tbe Delicious, " he said, "and a
product ot the west. Every one is tbe
tuiiie in size and firmness. It has the
tu-le of everything from pineapple to
pear aud this apple is just one of the
fruits that makes that western lud
worth $4,000 an acre."
The l'ure Food Law .
Secretary Wilson says, ''One of the ob
jects of the law is to inform the consum
er of the presence of certain Jiarniful
drugs in medicines." The law requi es
that the amount of chloroform, opium,
morphine, and other hahit forming
drills b" stated ou the.lub.-l "f each bot
tle. The inantifacturersofChaiiibei Iain's
Cough Remedy have already claimad
that their remedy did not contain any
of these drills, and the truth of this
claim is now fully pr jven, bh no mention
of thein is made or. the label. This
remedy is not only oi e of the safest, but
one of the best in m-o for coughs and
colds. Its value I. as -been proven be
yond question d ,i' the many years it
has been in gem ral use. For sale by
Kier f Cass.
Real Estate Transfers.
Real estate trau&fms recorded at the
otUceJot the county cleik recently are
as follows.
W. II. Moote to Edgar J. Wiigbt,
lots 21 and 22, 4, Waucoma add
to 11. 11., consideration $250.
Alma How.) to W. U. Coiey and
wife, 5 acres cf Mrs. Howe's bouie
stead 8200
Oregon L imber Co. to Anton Flint
lot 28 Rivet sitiu purk sub div, 1.
O. D.Wo-Jdworth to E. R. Mxuuing,
sjjn el4 sec 8, tp 1 r 10 e, $KHJ.
W. H. Moore to Audrew Piersou,
lot 10, Llk 4, Waucoma add. 8125.
Roy E ti.ond and wile to Mary
U. llroAa. I s 1 and 2, sec 31 tp 2 u,
r 11 e-H
Mary I). Ijjbee toll. A Sargent,
ne 4 sw sec 10 tp 1 n, r 10 e if 1.
E.T. i;olu uud wife to L. 13. (Jibsou,
10 acres in ti o 1 tp In, r lOe $1400.
S. S. ltnmpson aud wifo to John
A. Wi Iter, 10 acres, seo 11, tp 2n, r
IDe 5a(J.J0.
Juskur vsiokbam aud wito to Nellie
A. 1 at lor., 15 acres in seo 20, tp 2n,
1 10 -1.
W ti. vxilsouand wife to Geo. D.
Culi' i nMii, lot 8 blk 7, W'inaus add
to li.'i;d i;iver,-$l.
Guii. V. Kollas and wife to Winian
.iiaui8 aud wife, se'j nw i teo 33,
tp 2u r 11 e-1500.
. V. M. 11 ttol-tt eu to Fred II ;(
steou 'fate :il '.f. " 1, r lOe S
1 1 1 UiOiiHon tu 1. U brHOluy,
111 fto 2.1. 1 1 2n. r l)e-?lo00
i 1 lien lersnu uud wile to
iccs-IJeWitt Co, lot fi, w,.
.00 ilti
.1 I., ,
l it 5 Hock 6 Waucoaip add-S850.
City of Hooil Kiver to A. Samuel
aud wife, lots 10 and 17, blk b liariett
A Horrible Hold-Up
"About ten years ago my brother whs
'held up" in hi work' health and liup
piri'BS by what wan believed to be hope
less Consumption," writes V. R. Lips
comb, of Washington, iN. C. "He took
nil kinds cf remedies and treatment
from several doctors, but found no help
t;il he used Dr. King's New Discovery
and was wln-lly cured by six bottles.
He is a well man ti day." It's quick to
relieve und the surest cure for weak or
fore lungs, Iletnor luie., C'uiighs and
(jqlds, Briiii.-hilis, li (irippe, Asthma
and all Bronchial nlfei-i 011s. 50c and
$1,00 Trial bot'l free. (iiiaranleeJ
by Chas. N. Clarke
Likes The IMI ( n.
W. P. Stark, preslin-l the Mia
souri State Hoard of II it iture has
forwarded to this oil - f.o n pv ot a
letter fromO. li. drai-ko'i, 1 nmologist
of tbe Agricultural de; tneut, in
which bo states t h it l.e u n u'ers the
Deltoioos a comint vsrio'.;. Tbe let
tr 1b 11 , iiillowB :
Washington, 1). C On '.'0
' Mr. W. P. Stalk. -..
, Mis
Pear Sir: Your courteous favor
sending to tbrs otlloe box of Hood
Hirer packed Delicious apples, is
greatly appreciated. The tipples were
uertect in lack and perfect iu condi
tion. Tbe apt leg were uuitcrro in size
acd beautiful in at paraure as well ua
good in quality. I do not remembei
to bare seeu peciir.eaa of Delicious
moie perfectly gron than these
There is a bright futnre for tbe
growing of this variety and 1 consider
it one of Ibe best ut the varieties that
arc grown in Oregon.
l'haukiug you f. r submitting tbe
piciiueos, I am it b the compliments
and best wikoh for the Chiistniasti Ie,
yours very truly, tl. ti. lirarkctt,
Don't Take the Klfk
When you have a bad coiili or cold
do not let it drag along until it becomes
chronic hrotit'liitip or develops into an
attu-k of pneiiiirnii, hut give it tin Rt
teriticn it deserve' and get rid of it.
Take Chamberlain's Coitfli Remedy and
you ar; u-e of prompt h lief. From a
4iii:tll hivinning the r..e ai d use of this
preparation has extended to all parts of
the I'niteil States and to mam fonun
countries. lis maiiv remarkable c ire
of coughs and coldi Imvj ni fur it tl.i
aide reputation and txteisive u-e
So'd by Kier & Ca.
Pretty II m- Heddin-.
I';ur. 1 1 C I'lioiiley of Hood River
Hud Mits lTnreucc.Syouneest daugbtur
of Mr hud .Mrs. t)'V. Cook ot Thrae
Mile, iM ie iiuirrled at the home ot the
bride's parents Sunday afternoon, De
cember 27tb, ut 2 o'clock, Rev. F. L.
Cook, pt stor of tbe Christian church
of lliis city.perforuiliig the ceremony.
The home was prettily decoraied and
the young couple vere married uud r
a large wedding bell, which was sus
pended from a beautiful wbite arcb.
- Dalles Optimist.
Stiitnaib Trouble Cured
If you have anv trouble with vour
stomach you should take'Chamlierhin's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. P.
Klote, of Kdina, .Mo., savs: "I have
used a great many different medicines
for stomach trouble, but find Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more
beneficial than any other remedy I ever
used. For sale by Keir & Cass.
Roys and Urls fur Reform.
New York, January 0, liiOii. That
Massachusetts. Pennsylvania and New
Jersey w ill during tbe new yeai join
the young nation ot Ueorge Jo-iuior
Republics witb lull fledged common
wealths of boys and girls was an
nounced at the beadquarteis of this
new national organization at 22 Will
iaai Street iu this city today. Ub
hundreds of wayward youngsters
struggling to reclaim themselves as
"citizens" of their juvenile republic
in Cblifornia, Couuetiout, Maryland
aud New York, tbe adult supporteis
of this spreading movement are pro
viding for tbe annexation ot these
tbreo important additions to their
four origiunl states. Before the year
is over, they predict, many other
states in the greater union will be
applying for this successful method
of tin 11. Lg their strayed young folks
into real citizens instead of confirmed
Iu i-pite of the financial trials cf the
past year, the leaders of the (ieurga
Juuinr Republic movement through
out the couutiy have today decided
to discount tho returning prosperity
in the greater nation and go ahead
Kith piessing plans to extend their
smaller republics to other states. All
New York State is thoroughly capable
of sustaining its nrigin il juuinr re
public st Freeville, they belieie, and
Connecticut H now iMiisiug itself to
bank its imil ir colony at Litchfield
Tbe Annapolis coinmonwunitli of boys
and gills is today l:'im! l emtily sup
ported by tho poople of Mart land aud
Washington, while all California is
enthusiastic over the young repuhiio
wbiob has been established during the
past year near L s Angelea. Witb
each of the?o states pieparod to oaie
for its owo youthful representatives
in the new nation of boys aud girls,
it bag beeu thought time to admit the 1
little commonwealths ot M-astcha-
setts, New Jersey and Pennsylvania,)
whose older citizeus have for some
time beeu eager to project George
Junior Republic plans for their stat 8.
The selectiuu of a suitable site for
tbe Pennsylvania juuior lepublio neur
Pittsburg is today already being un
dertaken by L. S. Leviu, Aaidstunt
City Solicitor of that city, who has
assured the n Ilk-era of thd natioual
movement tbut bis state will soon te
the most flouiisbing little common
welatb in tbe uew nation. Strong sup
porters of tbe Ueorge idea tbiougbouc
MassabcusettP oro at present taking
steps to incorporate an organization
to maintain un extrusive lepublio for
the boys aud girls ot that state. Con
certed action among tbe friends cf the
national plau in New Jersey is also
promising to set up oue of the strong
est ot these juvenile oolouies in that
state before tbe new year H over.
"These arut itious forward Bteps In
our new Nationla Association ot Juu
ioi Republics will prove fully warrant
ed by the hearty Mippnrt which I be
lieve the people ot othei states will
give to their new republics," said
Thomas M. Osborne, a leader in tbe
movement, iu this city today. "1 be
lievo that the success of the junior
republic idea, as we have worked it
out duiiog the last foorteeu years, is
no longer depeudeut upon Mr Ueorge,
its originatoi, or upon au oue man.
Its est a hi shed priucipes will now live
on into tar tut urn and work the sure
righting of thousands of youngsters
gone wrong in every section of tbe
greater itpubilo."
llrave Plre l.adilira
i.ften receive severe burns, putting out
fires, then uso Uucklen's Arnica Salve
and t'irgot them. It soon drives out
piio. For Hums, Scalds, Wounds, Cuts
and Itruises it's earth's ureatest healer.
Quickly cin Skin Eruptions, Old
Soreh, Hod-, I' leers, FeloiiB; beBt Pile
core made, tliiief is instant 25c at
Ciiaa. X. C;;irke.
Sh t Weapon Out ut His II and.
John Fleming, a bartender at Tbe
Dai lea made a New Year resolution
to kill tbn police olUeers, but Friday
morning, as be drew hi gun to carry
out hi- thieHt, Cliiuf ut i'ol'ne J. II.
Harper shot the weapon out of his
baud aud Fleming wag taken to tbe
oity jail to wait trial on a charge ot
astault with intent to kill, ajs tbe
Last night Fleming celebrated tbe
departure of PJU8 too vigorously and
was locked up, spending tbe nicht in
a 01II. This morning he pBid a tine
and was relei1, promptly threaten
ing to "ge " bis oat turs. lie secured
a revolver and went gunning. CI if
Harper and Police Otlicer
met him coming trom the loi
tilla barroom and get tbe Cr.',
oa would not delay taking I ?
Kidney Remedy at the lir t sign f k'ul-
ney and- bladder trouble if you realiz
ed fiat n-g'e-t miifi t result in
r.rignrs disae or dnbetes. rot y
Kidney Keiuody corrects irregularis
and cures all kidney and .hladdt-r di' r-
ders. Clarke Drug Co.
" Two years ago a severe cold settled on my lungs and so completely prostrated me that I was
nnable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and
after using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was."
W. I. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn.
We Sell all Kinds of Incandescent Lamps
Also Electric Motors, Electric Sad Irons and All kinds 'of Heating and Other
Electric Apparatus.
Ye have sold tho wiring and supply busin.-ss to The Wiring & Supply Company.
Will Ask For New County.
A muss meeting was held in tbe
Coiumeiolnl Club rooms Friday night
says tbe Oiegonian, for the purpose
of considering the question of tbe
creation of a new county. Tbe meet
ing was oallud by invitation and sev
eral hundred people were pieseDt.
There was not a dissenting expression
as to tho proposed undertaking. The
quustiou br to motes and bounds and
olber details fair to the couuties ot
Lane and Douglas consumed several
hours' discussion. Tbe Hues so far
have not been definitely fixed.
it is the intention ot tbe committee
to meet tbe business men of Eugene
aud Douglas County, aud if possible,
to arrive at a satisfactory understand
ing. The peoplo in this locality are
not antagonistic to Eugone, tbe pres
ent county-Heat, nor to the neighbors
in Douglas County ou the south side.
Cottage Drove Is forging ahead at a
rapid pace as a commercial center,
her population Is rapidly increasing,
ir,d it U aigued here that it is not
unfair or unreasonable to at-k either
Lane cr Douglas Couuties to give a
strip 01 these two counties, which are
very largo and also rapidly increasing
in weeilb and population.
A committor has beeu appointed to
outline delluite plans as to lines, tho
name aud other details, whiob will be
worked out next Tuesday uigbt.
Lame Mi milder Cured
Lame f boulder is usually caused by
rheumatism ol the muscles and quickly
yii-lds to a few applications of Clianiber-
1 1
.'n's Tain Halm. Mrs. i'. II. McElwee,
I Hoistown, New Brunswick, writes:
' Having been troubled for some time
with a pain in my left shoulder, I decid
id to give Chamberlain's Pain HalnT a
trial, with the result that. 1 got prompt
relief." For sale by Kier & Case.
LIpplncottN and the Sew Year,
. .. ... . .,.,
I". 8.plte 2f r1-1" 1Faa?, ol .l008' tbe
Publisher of Lippinoott s Magazme
n.t,sert t,bat tbe Pt rear was one of
the most successful in that period
iual'-i loug history. Mauy good things
have beeu seoured for the coming
twelveiuoutb, a partial announcement
ot whicb was published in tin Uece ni
cer number.
The January issue Las an attractive
table of contents, tbe leading feature
cf wbiub is a complete novel, "The
Flight of Kobert Sevier," by Urace
MaoUowan Cooke, author of "Re
turn," "Tbe Urapplo," "Of tbe
Lion's Breed," and other popular
books. In this tale Mrs. Cooke bus
evolved a plot as original it is fau
tastio It deals with tbe doings of a
young professor of chemistry, who
discovers a (luid which, when injected
into the living Cody ot n bunion beins
or no animal, enables tbat liody to
Uoat through tbe air. Believiug that
bis .discovery should not be made
public b fore he has perfected tt, he
ries to conduct bis experiments in
secret. Then the trouble begins.
Few more roirtb provoking yarns
have ever been presented, und be who
can read it without hiughtng must be
totally lacking in a sense of humor.
I here are some unusually good
spucial articles, including oue by
Ueorge L. Knapp on Hint great yet
morbid geoiuB Ldgsr Allan Poe, who
was born just a hundred years ago.
Httrrison S Morris writes on "Whist
ler," and Mrs. La Salle Corbell Pick
o't gives some iuterestng reminivceu
sea of her soldier-husband, as well ns
ot Ueneials Lee aud Jncksoo. iu a
paper called "the Jaunary Uenfrnla. "
Keed the Children," by Kills O.
Jones; "The Ulind Spot" by Kdwin
L. sabin, aud other teasonable topics
are entertainingly disccs-ed under the
beading, "Ways of the Hour "
Among tbe shorter stories "The
Ureen liooni,'- tbe Sfcnud of a notable
series ot theatrical tales by Will l.ev-
ington Comfort, stands nut promin
ently. "ilieUirl Who Foig.)t," by
Elennoi Merceiu Kelley, is a storv
which the reader is not likely to for
get. Other good ones are "The Tur
quoise Ring,'' ty Karl vvn Kraft;
"The honor ot tbe Chapter," by J.
R. Fisher, and "The Woman Who
Had No Needs," by Jane Bolfleld.
Some bright miscellany includes a
very funny sketch 011 "UraiuH," by
Ihouias L. Mnsson, and tbat miue of
amusement, "Walnuts and Wine."
Lippincott a ia plainly on the up
Ueo. T. Pratber left Ti etday for
Southern California wheie he v ill
spend several weeks iu the hope cf te-
enperating from a bad attack i t t u n
Simple Ueicetlr for La (Jrlf i e
Hacking la grippe conghi that iu
develop into pneumonia over night itiv
qotrkly cured by Foley'a Honey and
Tar. The tore and inflamed lungs are
healeujand ttrengthened, and a dan -or-oiis
condition is quickly averted. Take
only Foley's Honey anil Tar in the yel
package. Clarke Lrug Co,
for COUGHS and
many of good style and wearnbility to fit pocket
books of varying degrees of thickness. Buggies, Run
abouts, Surreys, etc. 1 have over fifty samples on my
floor. Have a look in. .More styles and better prices than
you are used to. (Vehicle Repository second floor.)
Vehicles Harness Farm Implements
Notice la hereby etrti, thift tliemriorslirned
has been duly appointed ty the ordt-r of
the Honorable County Court of . Hit; Hliito of
Oregon lor nooa Kiver ( ounty, to he execu
trix of the lust will ol Kdlth Talbot, deceased.
All persons having clnlmx MgiiliiHt aald estate
are lien by notified to present the Mime, ut
the iillice of a. A. .layne, iu Hood Itlver,
Oregon, within Six mnnttia of the date of the
tirai piioiication or turn notice.
Notice is hereby given Hint on Tuesdny,
January 12, 190)1, an election will bu held In
the Hood River Irrigation lilxirict at Oak
Orove Hall, in said district, for the purpose
of electlUK an assessor, collector and a treas
urer, und u board of lireclorH of five mem.
hers. The polls will be open at said election
from 8 o'clock in the morning until fi o'clock
nt night. Haid election Khali he conducted
and the results thercol determined an nearly
on practicable in accordance with the general
laws of the stale governing elections In said
Irrigation districts.
Notice is further given that Charles Fran.,
W. C. Adions and Thomas Hhere, are regular
ly appoiuled Ijudges aud t'. C. .lanlzen and
Puui H. Huglies aru regularly appointed
clerks of said election.
Addltionnl notice is given that n Frlday
evenlng, Jonnary 8, nt 7 o'clock in the llarrett
school house, a meeting of tiie voters has
been called for the purjjose of iiumlug candi
dates for -office at said election to be held
January 12, 1H0U.
Hy oidcr of the Hoard ol Directors, Hood
River Irrigation Dlmrict.
K. W. KFXI.Y, Secretary.
Dated at Hood Hlvcr, Oregon, this Si day of
December, mos. d24-J7
Notice. is herety given thnt the under
signed, as administrator of the estate of J .hn
H. tiroX deceased, Iihs tiled his oiliclal ac
count in the above named estate, ill the
County Court of tbe Htale of Oregon, for Hood
Hlver County, and that said Court has hxed
Friday, the lfttli day of January. KKIil, nt the
hour of three o'clock p. in., on said day, or as
soon thereafter as the same can he heard, aa
the time, aud t lie County t'ourt Room, In the
Cltvofllood Hlver. County of Hood Itlver.
Oregon, as the place for hearing ohlitt-tious Ui
said nnai account, nna lor me settlement ol
the same.
Dnted this Htli day of December, lwH.
(Not Coal l.ii lid.)
U. H. Land Olli.e at The Dalit, Oregon,
Noven. her sth, lUDti.
Notice is hereby Riven Hint.
ALAMKHA H 11,1.,
of Hood Klvcr Oregon, who, on No.
Temher &Mh. I'w. made limber and
KUine Application, No. msM, lor 8W3VV'.,,
Hectlon 21, Township ) North, Ratine 11 East,
Willamette .Meridian, lias men notice o In.
teutlon to make Kinul Timber and Mtone
Proof, to establish claim to the land above, de-
erlhed, before the Hegisler and Receiver o
the United Hlatea Land tlltice, at The lalle,
OreKon, on the Mil tiny of February, MM.
uiaimant niimc its wnncsseH; j. w. Himon.
ton. Kmil li. West, John W. Iiavla, Thomus
Hill, allofjllood hiver, oit-irt n
llepartm-nt ol the Inlertor,
U. S. Laud Otlice at The Iiullt-H, Ore.
t u-l, 'J, UWij.
Notice It hereby given that
WILEY ti. 1'II.InV,
of Hood Klvcr, Oregon, who, on September 110,
1'JUK, Timber and Stone Application
No. OHIO, fur NK'.,NI-:(4 Hecilon Town.
Blilp a North, lOimiu 'J Kiu.1, Willamette.
Meridian, lias tiled notice of Intention
to make tinal timber it tonc proof, to establish
claim to the land itKove described before the
KcRlster and Receiver nt The 1h lies, Oregon,
on Hie ISlii day ol January, Hum.
C. at mailt namea art wiliies-aes: Harry (J.
I lilow, of Welches, Oregon, and Louis K
Mtiise, Edwatd Hoot, Koliert Young, .lostrpti
K. Carson, Lawrence N. Ulowers, JiulH D.
Do ed. nil ol Hood Klvcr, Oregon.
Dl2-15 Kegisler,
notici: i on itiu.ication,
Not Coal Land,
Ut pnrtin. tii of the Interior,
U g. Land OiMce at Tho Dalies, Oregon,
Nov. inter 11th, 1uk.
Notice ts lieT'.liv flven that
.H;r v smoHVIEYI'.lt,
of Wa tiokn, lklnhonia, who, tin Notttobcr
lit''. nnole Timl er r.n.' Stone Applicatli n
No 01ii:tr, for Lot 3 NK'.,svt iSKNW , Sec
ti.Mi 'It u nship I North, Kange 11 ",
WMIiim t e Met PH. ,ii, has tiled notice of In.
PT.llon to imike final timber and stone proof,
in e1a!.iih ciaiin to the hind above descrlla-d,
bttore ti e ItrgMer an. I ilecen -jrnf Hie I uited
statcK Liirto (i-i'cti, :it tin-lial'es, t.licg.,n, on
lv Wnd day uf Jaiuia-y, lmw.
Claimant, names as witnesses: A. C. Krencli.
H. D. Wt.oriwoiih. fpp Woohev and K-iv
WootHtorlli, nil o Ho'1 Ilic r, Orcon.
C. W. MitnllK.
ulf-J-i Uigister.
and LUNG
w B iUkd
AND $1.00
1 don't urge you to buy an
expensive Vehicle. I have
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
an orueroi met ounty court of Multnomah
County, Htnte of Oregon, made and entered on
the 7lh day of December, l'MH, In the mi-Her of
me esiaie oi itoueri iss, uci-easeu, tne under
signed, as administratrix ol said estate aud In
pui suiince of said order, will on tho Kith dny
or .liinuary, moil, at the hour or eleven o'clock
n. m. on said day, at the front door of the
Court House In the City of Hood Klvcr, Coun
ty of Hood Uiver, Hlate of Oregon, offer lor
sale, sud sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder lor cash, and subject to the continua
tion of said County Court as by law provided,
t lie real estate belonging to said estate and
described as follows, to-wlt.
the southwest quarter of the northwest
quarter, and the west ball of the Boutbwest
quarter of section thirty-two (..') In township
one (li north, and lot four (4) of section (it) of
township one (I) smith, range eleven (11) east,
W. M., containing UiK.'JS ueres.
Ten per cent of said purchase price to be
paid iu cash on dny of sain, and tbe balance
on confirmation of said side by said court.
Cahoi.yn Hosm,
Admlnlstralrlxof the estate of Kobert Koss.
Coovcrt and Stnpleton, attorneys Air said es
tate. Date of 11 1. st publication December 17, I90H.
Nature Provides
But one
It in tho natural winter
Inline of many thousand
of the w oi'M'h heft icople.
Undor Ki-iitlo inllnence
of its inilil w inter cliniato
every aiiiiiseimint ami
rscreation Hhountls. Such
bathing, liahini;,
driving; sticli picnics, par
don and "jollilieatiiina."
Los Angt-li'H,I'!iso Koblei,
Hot Springs, Ilo'el tlel
Monte, Santa liarhara,
Sun Diego, Santa Monica
Crtiy,, or a score of siin ilar
resorts and you will find
health, congenial sur
roundings, hospitable
associates, faultless ac
cuiinnndat ions and num
berless attractions and
The 0. R. & N. Co.
The Southern Pacific Co.
Makes hie xpen-iivu round trip
excursion rates to California
A six months stopover
ticket Hood River, Ore.
to Los Angeles and re
turn is$58.80.
Corresponding rates nre in effect
to oilier points.
We hare touio very distinctive
literature, covering California's
winter resorts, and will take
pleasure in giving you all of the
information and assistance at our
For tickets, sltM'ping ear reservations,
etc , ciil on, telegraph or write
1'. S. SMITH, Agent O. It. & X.
Win. McMurray, Gen. Pass. Agt
I'ortlaitd, Ore.
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attended to.
Attorney-at-Iw mi Notary I'ulili.; Vice President
S. E. HENDERSON, Sec.-Treae.
Hood River Land
Real Estate, Loans, Conveyancing
and Surveying
Conveyancing and Surveying a Specialty.
The President of the Company is prepared to do
Surveying and Civil Engineering Work of all kinds.
Hunts Paint & Wall Paper
Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH
Our stock of paper includes latest designs in Blanks, Giltrt
and high Grades, From 10c up. A full stock of room
molding, Picture rail. Plate rail and a small line of
novelties in Framed Pictures. CALCIMO, the
latest thing in room tinting, mixed to order.
Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc.
Phone 671. First and Oak Streets.
"The Best Way"
To See Hood River Canyon and Valley is
Mt. Hood Railroad
Train leaves Hood River 8 A. M. every day
and returns 5:10 P. M. Spend your Sunday
in the mountains.
A. WILSON, Agent
J. H
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
iff ml
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
,Liveryt Feed
Ph. C. YOUNG, Prop.
Fresh and Cured Meats
Lard, Poultry and Fish
Phone Main 6 Free Delivery
and Draying
Hood River, Ore.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure first-class rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture an
We do everything horses can do.