The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 31, 1908, Page Seven, Image 7

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OOULai. f.,:ii ,-rrff. M h mi u . 1 cszsa em i " .c",-
- a
g . -
D. 8. Boiugnrdiier, death t. Phone.
The Diets 8tudio for uhotop.
Best line of Spray Nozzles at .McDon
alds. Fur men's suits see Vogt Br oh. be
fore purchasing.
Petaluma Incubators for eale at
McRi'ynolds & Co.
Stranahan & Clark meet all bona fide
quotations on cement.
Full line of Lowney's lionbons and
Chocolates at Roes'.
Fine line of tobacco, cigars and con
fectionery at the Pastime.
See VV. S. Gribble for Duck Eries,
Fead overs. , tf
Yucca Tree Protectors, kept in stock
at MoReynolds.
Stock foods of different kinds at
McPieynolds & Co.
For a neat piece of crown a d bridge
work see Dra Arnold & Rupp.
A Que line at confections and tredi
fruils at tbo Red Apple confectionery.
For Painless Extraction see Arnold &
Unpp, the I)enti"tM
Are you uli run dovui? tiot run up
by takiiiH Nichol's Ulood & Neive
touie; price 00c.
CoolidRe makes a specialty f t line
watch repairing, aud RimrBiitees
pton pt ilelivory of nil work.
Vont Bros, have received their full
oud winter linos of clothing and
shoes. See tbm before purclmfintf.
Ilavoyour teeth attended t before
winter by Arnold & Hupp.
The finest Hoe of cigars aud tobaccos
in the city at the Red Apple conteo
t iouery.
Sptcial low price on pianos aud or
gans and all musical goods during the
fair. a. II. Sonle's House.
Carpets aud ruga tiken up aud
cleaned All facilities for handling
F'tnip. Phone, 1101 M, or apply to M.
W. Hisonx.
When you get burnt, sout quick lor
Nichol's "Cool It". Price 50o. It
takes out the Hre, relioves the pain,
and prevents soar.
If you have a ft iff neck or sore
joints, try Niohol's Liniment. Onoe
tried you wilt uevcr do without it
afterwards. Price 50c.
II you want to buy or sell real estaie
go to Onthank & Otten. Money to
loan on first mortgages. Abstracts ami
legal papers carefully prepared. Nota
rial work of all kinds.
To bo sure of getting your goods on
time, for Xoibb, buy at Laraway's, as
they do their own engraving. You
don't take the ohanoes of disappoint
ment by having it sent out of town
Get a trial bottle rf Ur. Nichol's
Rheumatic Remedy, Kidney lenedy,
or Bladder tnhlU A remedy fio
erery ill, that will do the work at.
small cost Manufactured by Ur.
Nichol's Pharmacy, Hood River, Ore.
Our work guaranteed. Ueitz Studio.
Kye, Kar Nose mid Throat
Office. New Hrostiis block, ak iftieel
Office Home phone 43 Hnod Klv f r
Ine Deceived A m'w supp!y of stationery
uUol HtU slH.h as Blank Books Letter
Files, Waste Paper Baskets, Typewriter Paper, Paper Fast
eners, carbon Paper, nk Erasers, Ink Wells, Bills Files,
Business Blanks, All Kinds of Ink, Library Paste, and
Tablets in all Grades.
We have a number of Broken Sets in
Decorated Queens Ware
on which we are offering special values. This is a good chance to supply
jour needs in the dish line with very little expense.
What we have left in Christmas Goois ve are selling at bargain prices.
en's and Boys' Overcoats and Raincoats
Arnold & Kupp make plates that fit.
Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu
dio For Flower and Alfalfa Seeds go to
Clover, Timothy anj Alfalfa hav at
McHeynolds & Co.
New styhs of (Jordou bats at Vogt
Mrs. Louise Uoddard was a Christ
mas visitor in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ilaynes were
up from Portland for Christmas.
II. C. (Jreeu of Hood River is
spending the holidays in Newberg.
Leon Strong of Moro, spent Christ
mas with friends and relavtives at
JJood River.
Burleigh Cash, who is a student at
the State Uuiveisity at Eugene, Is
home for tbo holidays.
Mrs, Parry, who has been visiting
her sou J. M. Parry here, has return
ed to her home at Moro.
Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Adams were
guttata at the borne of Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Nichols for Christinas.
Miss Carrie Cnpple came home
Wednesday to spend the holidays with
her parents aud other relatives here.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Shoemaker came
,o llocd River to spend Christmas at
the home of the latter' mother, Mrs.
May L. Gil belt.
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Biythe and Miss
Clara lily the went to Portland Wednes
day to be v itb their son, Ned Biythe,
of that city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Ileilbronuer
went to Portland Wednesday to spend
Christmas with Mrs. ileilbroDtier's
parents iu that city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L Dunbar of
Portland were Christmas visitors at
the hoir.e of Mrs. Dunbar's parents,
Mr. and Mis. P. R Orr.
Hood River merchants report a g)od
Christmas trade. lUnlike precious
years Christmas buying tbis year com
menced several days before Cbrietmas
day Instead of being ooutlued to the
list few days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Ilinilchs re
turned to Hood Biver Sunday after
spending a few days with Mrs llin
rirhs' parents, Mr. aud Mrs. J. W.
Wiedriok in Portland.
Whilo no' in a cord with their re
ligious belief a large number of our
Japanese residents caught the Chirst
mas spirit and sent their American
friends gifts and cards. Tbea selectiou
ot wae of the cards which were evi
dently choson ht random was rathei
amusing to their recipients As they
weie sent iu good faith however the
frieuds of the little browu men ac
cepted them in that spirit.
Fewer people weie seeu ou the
streets of Hood Hirer Cliristmas day
than any time iu the memory of close
observers. With the exception of
thoeo who were obliged to go to the
pnstoUlce few ventured out. The bad
weather no doubt scooimted for this
to a large exteut but stilli it was not
as unpleasnat as that of Christmas
Day a year ago, when it not only
rained in torrents hut blew a gale.
Hood Klver was not the ouly plaoe
that experienced bad wta'Ler as re
ports are to the eUect that a general
storm prevailed atong the coast in the
Northwest states.
uits, Blankets, Comforts and
1 W I
Arnold & Rupp, Dentists, gnarante
all work.
C. A. McAllister spent the day at
The Dalles Chiistmas.
Mrs. Cbai. Frasier of this city spent
Christmas at The Dalles.
Joseph A. Wilson left Saturday on
a business trip to Seattle.
Miss May Campbell of Lyle is visit
ing friends here this wrek.
Harry Nelson of this city was a vh
ltor at The Dalles last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Marshall left
Monday for a visit in Portlaud.
Hugh Esson who is now living in
Portland made a. abort visit here Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Slusher spent
Christmas with Mr. Slusber's parents
at Wasoo.
Percy Cross came down from Dee
this week and spent several days vis
iting friends here.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Win. Edick,
Mount Hood, a girl, December 25, Dr.
Shaw atteuding.
II. F. Davidson who came home
from Coble to be here for Christmas
returned there Sunday.
Cordon Bragg came up from Port
land to spend Christmas with bis
father, K. B. Bragg,
Sidney Henderson, who Is attending
the State University at Eugene, is
borne for the holidays.
Mrs. Porter MoMillin and ber son
Fred, spent Christmas at tbo Bone
ranch with Mr. MoMillin.
V. C. Brook went to Portland Sat
urday to pieseut be at the convention
of the American Travelers Protective
Mr and Mrs. C. 1). Hiui lobes speut
Cbirstmas in Portland with Mrs. ilin
rinb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Next Sunday Pastor Nutley at the
Baptist church will speak on the sub
jects, "The Incarnation," and "Em
pty Profession."
Misa Leone Hartle, Miss Ann Fug
land, Miss May Putnam aud Millard
Newhall and son spent Chiistmas day
with Mr. aud Mrs. 11. F. Davidson.
On Wednesday evening ot tbis week
will occur the annual business meet
ing ot the Baptist ohurch, to be pro
ceeded with a sermoi by the pastor.
Tbere will also be a union service of
tbe missionary alliance and the Bap
tists at tbe Baptist ohurch Thursday
evening beginniug at 7:30 p. m.
Tbe new year's number of tbe Ore
goi'ian will be larger and better than
ever before. A descriptive write up
ot tbe entiie state witb ' illustiatious,
makes it a winner. Mail them to
your eastern friends. Leave a list ot
those you want mailed at Slocom's
Book Store. Wrapped ready for mail
ing, 5 cts, or will be mailed direct
for ten cents per copy.
AH Day Meeting
Tbere will be an all day meeting at
tbe Alliance Chapel, corner May and
8th streets , Hood River, Oregon,
Sunday, January 3, 1909. Morning
service, 11 a. m. "Communion."
Afternoon servioe, 2:30 p. m. Sub
ject, Christ for Soul and Body.
Evangelistic service 7:30 p. ni. We
cordially invite tbe publio to attend.
C. E. Perry, superintendent.
fiSSI CEa l tB!S?!S!3 effissa g-y'a ffr" if ,1
J. M. Parry speut Monday in Port
land on business.
W. T. Harris and J. White are not
ed by tbe Cbroniole aa visitors at Tbe
Dalles last week.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. II. Zane, Portland
residents visited with Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Ferguson last week.
The J. U. U. olub were entertained
Monday night with tin oynter supper
by Mr. and Mrs. IS. II. llartwig.
The annual eleotion of one trustee
for the Union cbnrcb, at Udell, will
be iield at tbe oburob January 4th, at
2 p. in.
Prof. McLaughlin has taken a posi
tion at tbe High School and wiil have
charge of tbe junior, class iu mat he
Miss Stevens, one of tbe teachers
the High School has been compelled
to give up ber position on account ot
ill health.
Miss Grace Keir, who is a teacher
in one of the Seattle publio schools.
spent tbe holidays visiting relatives
In tbis city.
A series of revival services iire'beinn
halri rI: the MeMindiat: nhnreh mtflur
the diiectiun ot Kev. N. Evans pastor,
nd Kev. 11. H. Whito.
Nelson Emerv and Flnvd Arnold
who are students at business eoleues
In Portlaud spent tbe holidays iu this
city witb their parents.
Tbe travel depaituieut of tbe Wo-
mam' Club will meet with Mrs. Bait
mess on TEuesday, January 5, at 2:30
Subjeot, TbeNetherlauds,
M pa W 1. f 1 1 ii Dnnnmnanlait tiv.
villi ... u. viai a, nubuiuauiliu .1 ,
ber son, Newton, left Monday for her
former home In Missouri, where she
will make an extended visit.
Prof. Cordley had a short visit with
some friends who were at the station
here Tuesday. He was cn bis way to
Peudleton in connection with tbe
work of the experiment station.
Miss Alta Poole, who has been
spending tbe holidays in Portlaud,
returned home btinuay. Miss Poole
has as ber guest Miss Mary Matthews
who will visit here for a tew days.
Mr, and Mrs. W. II. Pencil have as
their guests this week, Mr. aud Mrs.
C. II. llowell, of Wusoo, and Mr. and
Mrs. O. Z. Bridges ot Seattle. Mrs.
Bridges aud Mis. How. II are daugh
ters of Mr. and Mrs. Peugb.
Tbe members of the Hood River
city Die department will give a dano
tomorrow evening, New real a Eve.
Tbe affair will be given to raise funds
for the use of the department aud it
is hoped that there will be a large
sale of tickets.
Clias Richards, who has beeu em
ployed in the cigar store and coufeo
tio. eiy for tome time owned by Carl
Koss ha i nought an interest In the
business and the -tcre will be run in
future under the tlnn name of Ross &
Mrs. R. ( Mcintosh arrived from
Hood River valley lust night and loft
today for Heppner where she will visit
ber daughter, Mrs. W. . Wharton,
formerly Miss Oussio Mcintosh of
tbia oity While In this city Mrs. Mo
Intosb was a guest of Mrs. Ellen Wat
ers. Cbroniole.
Tbe bowling alleys In oonnectiou
with tbe cigar and confectionery store
of Ross & Richards have been put in
fine shape for the bowling contest
with tbe team from Tbe Dalles which
will take plaoe this week. A series of
gamea will be bowled to decide the
Kouville's Monthly published in
Portland devotes several pages to a
write-up of Hood River this niontb
that will probably interest residents
here and will make good reading for
easterneis v ho are contemplating
trip to the Hood River country or ate
interested iu it. Copies of it cao be
ordered through Slocom's book store.
Christinas business at tbe Hood
River poetottice was tbe largest tbis
year In the history ot tbe .itllce,
Packiges by tbe hundreds were re
oeived and sent out tud for a week
the force of tbe office were woiked
early and lute. The rural mall men
were also forced to do double duty.
O. M. DeWitt, ot Odell, purchased
a One Schiller piano at Honle's Piano
House as a present for bis little
daughter Zcra, last week. The piano
la an especially due cue, and was or
dered from the factory especially lor
Mr. DeWitt Miss DeWitt, who is but
eight years old Is asid to be a wonder
ful performer and bids fair to become
famous as a pianist.
Toe Oregon Agricultural Colleae
Experiment taliou requests
tbe Ulaoier that infoim itinn he sent
it iu regard to the poultry business
in the vulioy at Hood River. A letter
liooi James Diydeu who has the mat
ter in charge dates that hn would like
to have tunpe in the huslnei-a here
i communicate with hi in and be will
rud them a printed list of questions
lo amw-r In connection with poultry
, farming.
Mr. aud Mrs. Burns Jones left for a
visit at St Johus aud Medford. Sun
Ed. Byerlee, ot St. Johus, oamo up
from there and spent Christmas
herii visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sheets of Poit
laud, were among tho holiday visitor
here who oamo up from Protland.
Miss Leila llershner. who is a stu
dent at PaciUc University at Forest
(J rove, is spending the holidays witb
ner parents at Mood liiver.
The members of tbe Hood River
baud are planning another minstrel
show which will be given under the
direction ot Arthur Clarke.
I he Woman's Club will meet aa
usual Wednosduy afternoon, January
U, nt two o'clock at the Unitarian
ohurch. The niuaio Committee have
charge of the program.
Mr, aud Mrs. A. P. Bnteham and
Mltfi Maud Bnteham, of Mosier came
down Tuesday 10 be present nt the
dauoe of the Assembly Club Tuesday
II. B. Langille has gone into the el-
ectrioal engineering business and will
have an oUjce at the corner of May
and Fifth streets, where be will er
ceive order s' for installing individual
electric power and lighting plants.
Sacred Concert
The annual sacred couoert giveu by
the choir of Hiverside Congregational
c tin rob will be rendered next Sunday
evening at 7 :,'U).
Tbe program will consist of An
thems by a double quarette and a
violin solo.
J. Adiinn Epping, Miss Leila llersh
ner and Mrs Frank Deems will sing.
The full piogram promises to be one
of the best given by tbe choir. All
are cordially invited to tbis airvice.
Assembly Club (ivea Dance
The Assembly Dancing Club gave
its first dance of tbe season in Odd
bellows Hall Tuesday evening. About
forty members were present. Musio
for the occasion being furnished by
tho Trio Orchestra assisted by several
muslotaus from Portland. The hall
whs very prettily decorated witb ferns
and palms. At 11 o'clock refresh
ments were served iu the banquet
room and dancing was afterward con
tinued until 1:30 a. in. The evening
was very much enjoyed ty all wbo
were present.
PI re Destroys A. Butts' Home
Fire destroyed the home'of A. Butts
in tbe Belmont distriot last Thursday
morning having caught, it is thought,
in some way from the chimney. The
flames were discovered shortly after
the fire had been kindled in the kit
chen aud started on the toe floor ot
the bouse iu n pile of lumber. The
first Mr. Butts knew ot it was when
ho happened to look up and saw the
flames through the cracks in the ceil
ing. He notified the other members of
tie family nud they immediately set
to work to 'save tbe furniture and
wore forutnate enoughg to get out all
that was on the first floor. They were
unable to get out that on tho second
floor which was consumed , causing a
loss o' $100. The loss on the house
was $00 on which there wbb no in
Mr. Butts and his family are at
present residing in a house ou the
Ramsey place.
An infant son of Mr. and Mrs R
L. Austin died Saturday, Deoember
20. Tho luueral was held Monday,
December 2H, at Nichols Chapel at 2
p. m. Interment being in Idlewilde
Win. P. Hunter, a resident of Mob
ier died at bis home there Christmas
day and was buried Monday, Decern
ber Ti. The services were conducted
by Kev. Browne aud weie held in the
church there.
Time Certificates
of Deposit
are a convenient means of
investing funds that are tern
porni ily idle-. We pay and
4 per cent per annum on Time
Certificates to run t hree montta
or longer. Ily investing in
these certificate your idle
money is safely taken care
of, and pays you a dividend
foi a short time investment
We will be pleased to talk
ith you about them.
i Hood River Banking & Trust Co.
- I - H - -
..Decorate Your Home..
Now is Your Chance
Our entire stock of
Framed and Unframed Pictures
Are on sale at a greatly reduced price. You can't
afford to let this opportunity to brighten up your
home, pass.
Slocom's Book vStore
f6e Place that does the Framing
Pure Apple Cider & Apple Vinegar
We receive Canning and Cider Apple from one season to
another, paying market price for the same. In ship
ping over Mt. Hood H. K. or from Mosier there will be
no transfer charge from freight house to factory.
Patronize your home Industry and let us have your apples.
Ily trading at
S6e Star Grocery
Our Stocks are always fresh and complete, and our
Coffee in particular, the best in the city. We will
appreciate your patronage. Wishing you a Pros
perous and Happy New Year, we are
Yours for satisfaction,
Phone 53
Reliable Druggists
Hood River - Oregon
H - H - H -
Work Guaranteed.
Crown and Bridge Work
a Specialty.