0C3C 0 DC DC DC 3C DC 31 IOC 31 DC DC DC SALE TfflrW Just Puts Back into Your Pocket 1 0 Per Cent, of what you expected to pay for whatever you require in wearing apparel for the family or yourself. Buy early and secure this advantage 0 CRAM'S UP-TO-DATE STORE IS RELIABLE DC DC DC 3C DC DOC 0 BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. The Pietz Studio for photos. Best line of Spray Nozzles at McDon alds. Mew styles of Gordon bats at Vogt Bros. Lime and cement in any quantity at wniteneau's. Peaches for canning. Pbone or see A. Whitehead. For men's suits sea Vogt Bros, be fore purchasing. Petalutna Incubators for sale at McReynolds & Co. Slranaban A Clark meet all bona fide quotations on cement. Full line of Lowney's Bonbons and Chocolates at Ross'. Fine line of tobacco, cigars and con fectionery at the runtime. Don't roast her buy her an electric iron of the Light & Water Co. Schram Fruit Jar, easy to seal, easy to open, for sale at McDonald's. Lund plaster both kinds, Utah am1 Ore., at Whitehead's feed store. Timothy, red and white clover, vetch and alfalfa seed at Whitehead's. GotoW. 8. Gribble. Mt. Hood, for the District No. 70 Shoe. tf Hazel wood Double Jersey ice cold Buttermilk at C. P. Ross. A One line ot confections and freh fruits at the Red Apple confectionery. Itlai-k Leaf Tobacco Extract, sure death to aphis, at Whitehead's. Ibe finest line of cigars and tobaccos in the city at the Bed Apple confec tionery. Vogt Bros, have received their fall and winter lines of clothing and shoes. See thm before purchasing. Come and bring your friends to tbe moving piotuie show at the opera bouse. Knn and amusement foi all. Admission only 1U cents. For R .nt In the Davidson block, two as fine office rooics as there are in town. Inquire at room 4 or in the fruit office. - si" The Y. W. C. T. U. will meet at tbe borne of Mrs. Geo. Crowed Satur day night, October 10th at 7:30 o'clook. Call at Soule's Piano House for Edison phonographs and records. With tbe exception of one bouse in Portland this is tbe largest atook in Oregon. Don't fail to see the Royal Tailors line of samples for fall and winter at The Toggery. No cotton mixes in this lot, nothing but absolutely all wool shown for this fall. If you want to buy or sell real estaie go to Ootbank A .Otten. Money to loan on first mortgages. Abstracts and legal papers carefully prepared. Nota rial work of all kinds. - TEA Is there a better way to keep the family longer at table, to keep it together? Your f rocer returns your money U ru doa't like Schilling's Bail: wt par bin. Our work guaranteed. Deitz Studio. Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu dio. Wood For Sale Phone 3595. L. E. Taft. Wheat and Timothy hay at Whitehead's. For Flower and Alfalfa Seeds go to Aicuonaius. J. II. Ferguson took a trip dowu tne road riiday. A. J. Derby was a business visitor at toe Dalles, Friday. Our Light make dag op Night. The Light & Water Co. Pbone or see. A. Whitehead tor peaches for canning. See W. 8. Gribble for Duck Eries, Fead overs. tf Yucca Tree Frotectors, kept in stock at McReynolds. Rex spray in any quantity at White head s leed store. Clover, Timothy and Alfalfa hay at ftlcKeynolds & uo. Best clover pasture in the valley, C. K. Masiker, Odell. Stock foods of different ' kinds at McReynolds & Co. Born To Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Miller, Ootober 2, a girl. Wheat, alfalfa, clover, mixed clover and timothy hay at Whitehead s. Have quantity of peaches for can ning. Phone cr see Whitehead. Ten teams wanted by Oregon Lum ber Co., Phone Oregon Lumber Co., at Dee, or Mr. Early's office in town. There are letters at tbe Glacier office directed to G. 11. J., J. F. and S. Don't " Rocut Her"liuy her an Electric Iron. The Light & Water. Co. Mr. and Mr. Shelley Morgan who bad been visiting in Portland for several days returued to Hood River Friday. Mt. Hood ioe cream served at the Red Apple confectionery. Nothing on tbe market quite equal to this cream. I handle excluisvely Upper Hood River Valley lands. Call upou me at Dee and I will show them to you. W. H. Marshall. J. O. Rountree, tbe well known real estate man of Portland who is inter ested in Hood River propercy came op Saturday and spent Sunday here. Try a Royal Tailors suit and you will have no other. Fully guaranteed in every particular. See the samples and have your measure taken at The Tog gery. L. W. Tomliuson who has been living at Asbwood in Eastern Otegon for tbe past year, returned to Hood River last week and will go to live on his ranch Jno 11. Stephenson, a tnemoer of the Democratic state central committee was a visitor at Hood River Friday. Mr. Stephenson beld a conferene with tbe Demooratio leaders of tbe county organization while here. Dr. H. W. Coe, of Portland, Re pnlioan state chairman of tbe com mittee on county organization spent several hours at Hoorl River Thursday in oompauy with Unas. I. Early look ing after the interests of the oiganiza tion here. Alarm clocks, 11.25 to 120.00 at Coolidge's. Frank Stanton was a visitor at Tbe Dallies Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Bone were in Portland for a few days 'his week. Miss Nan Cooper, of Tbe Dalles was a visitor at Hood River Monday; A. A. Jayne la oooupying office rooms la tbe Davidson Block tempo rarily. Have yur watches and clooks repair ed at Coolidge's. Satisfaction guar anteed. Wm. II. Ecoles, of Dee, returned from Portland Satuiday after a abort business visit. Are you all run down? Get run up by taking Nicbol'a Blood A Nerve tonic; prioe 50o. Mrs. S. P. Rolpb wbo baa been away for some time visiting friends in Wisconsin baa returned home. Dr. M. A. Jones, wbo is now locat ed in Portland spent a few days bete last week returning to the city Sun day. ' A complete line of watches at Cool idge's Elgin. Waltham, Howard A Hamilton and all standard makes car ried iu stock. It you have a stiff neok or sore joints, try Niobol's Liniment. Once tried you will never do without it afterwards. Price 50c. Mrs. Failing and daughter of Port laud, returned borne Sunday after spending a few days at tbe home of Mrs. E. H. Shopard. When you get burnt, sent quick for Nlnbol's "Cool It". Prioe 50o. It takes out the lire, relieves the nain. and prevents a scar. .1. W. Tnvlnp niinnnatafl with thm San Fianclsco Examiner spent Sunday here getting data for a writeop ot tbe apple industry at Hood River. Get a trial bottle of Dr. Niobol's Rbeuraatio Remedy, Kidney Remedy, every ill, that will do tbe work at small cost. Manufactured by Dr. Niobol's Pbarmaoy, Hood River, Ore. Albeit Sutton, of San Francisco, wbo bought a big part of tbe Jarvis hainestfftd. Bnmit HAvAral riasa hara during tbe last week. Mr. Sutton ia having a large part of ' hia purchase cleared and will build a fine house on it. A box oar halnnnina tn tha Mt Hood Railroad Cmnnanv nanohr. flrh Sunday while being hauled to Dee and nartl oonamnd hafnra tha flu could be extinguished. It was brought oaof to HOO'l Klver and will be repaired. Ensina Nil. 2 hnlnnolncr to Hi a Mt Hood railroad whinh ha haan iinrlor. going repairs arrived here Sunday evening after being thoroughly over hauled and painted and will be put in use oy me company to held handle tbe big business it is doing at uiea- ent. - r . Frank Schmidt formerly employed at tbe Glacier office, but baa been in tha printing bsiness at Heine's Ore. for tbe past nine months has dispos ed of interests there. Mr. Schmidt ariived here Sunday for a few days' visit after which be will go to South ern Oegon to jolu his wife wbo was foroed to leave the Eastern Oregon country ou aooount of ill health. CET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT PARRY'S SUCCESSORS TO BOOTH & CO. This week we will White Enamel Ware The have a new lot of Post best ware for your Cards & different views kitchen. Cost a little of Hood River valley mor.'.looksalittlenicer and city. Pommellpost and lastsyoulotslonger cards. Also a new lot ( of Post Card Albums, j Closing Out Our line of . .. . i i ' ' Underwear. What 'we Artist Materials , wt is h for Lverything for oil and j r . , pricw water color work. ' Baskets IWt.vni Butter Paper Wax paper, tiei'd oin'? We have nil : Tissue Paper, 1'up.r kinds from a kid's has-. Napkins, Corduroy pa kef, to a hamper basket per, Shelf PaMr. ! , . Crockery If you a re needing dishes come in and see our line its a money saver. For house clean ing you will find the necessaries here. Sa polio, nmmonia, sul phur candles, carpet stretchers, brooirsand scrub ..brushes, mops, window cleaners at , LITTLE PRICES A fine assortment. Plates. Salad Bowls, Celery I rays, Oil ve Dishes. Lake IMates,e1c. You will njoy looking Beautiful New China t them. Come and aee them. A. A. Jayne was a Portland visitor this week. . W. S. Chapman, of Portland, spent Sunday here. F. W. Angus made a flying trip to rornana Saturday. II. M. Huxley and wife spent the day at M osier Sunday. Grandpa Ellis came up from Wyeth for a day'a visit Inst week. A. F. Gray spent Friday at Ibe Dalles where be waa called on busi ness. Mrs. May L. Oilbert returued from Portland Monday after spending a few daya in that oity during tbe past week. St. Mark's Guild will meet with Miss. Seabrooke at her borne in tbe Jenkin'a bouse, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. District-Attorney Fred 'Wilson of Tbe Dalles was called here Monday for a tew hours in connection with legal business. Come and bring your friends to tbe moving pioture show at tbe opera bouse. Fan and amusement for all. Admission only 10 cents. Miss Anna Fowler, who formerly lived at Hood Kiver, but has been staying in Portland for some time, was a visitor here Wednesday. Hood Fiver's school teachers are this week attending teacher's Insti tute at Tbe Dalles and it is needlem to say that they are also probably tak ing in tbe fair. Tbe Ladies' Aid society of the Congregational oburob will meet Fri day afternoon with Mrs. II. D. W. Plneo. It it requested that all the membership be resent at this meet ing. R. J. Brum will open "a tin and sheet motBl works in tbe rooms for merly occupied as a law office by A. A. Jayne. Mr. brims came here this week and ia at present busy getting the plaoe ready for business. Rev. Walton Skipwoith, D. D., will bold quarterly conference at Asbury Methodist Episcopal cburob Thursday evening Got. 8th at 730. Kveryone interested n tbe upbuilding of tbe cburoh is invited to be present. The sacrament of tbe Lord's sapper will be administered at tbe close ot tbe morning sermon in Asbury Meth odist Episcopal church next Sunday. Tbe'pastor will preach at 11 a. m. and 7;30p. m. Vou will flpd a cordial weloome. A. P. Batebam, of Mosler, waa a visitor at Hood Kiver Wednesday. Mr. Batebam bad just relumed from Portland where he went to bear Sen ator Ueveridge wbo spoke there Tues day evening and states that be deliv erd a fine address on the issues of tbe campaign. Earl, aged Jtwo 'and 'a half years, a son ot Mr. and Mis. .1. P. Thomp son, of Pine Grove, died Monday after a short illness. Tbe funeral wa beld Wednesday morning from the bouse under the direction of S. K. Bartmesa and interment was made iu Pine Grove Cemetery. A. C. Cass has oought tbe three acre tract of oity property belonging to H. C. Coe back of the Crnwell place and will split il np into building lots. If Mr. Caea wants to do the city and himself a good turn he will put as many houses on it as the lots will onmfortably stand. Jack Lackey is spending tbe week at Tbe Dalles wber.e be baa his ball bearing bub and look-nut on exhibi tion. A vehicle eouined with these devioes is being used to demonstrate their good qnnlities and in said by visitors irom here to he attracting much attention. Chris. Geisen wbo spent a week at Wentaobee, in the intetest of Better Fruit, returned borne Sunday even ing. Mrs. Greisen wbo baa been making an extended visit with hei father t Dallas baa also returned to Hood Kiver to spend tbe winter. Mr. and Mrs. Root. Treat Piatt, of Portland Mr. John Carson. Mrs. Piatt's brother and,' Mr. Wm. Moore, of New York Cot oity, came to Hood Kiver Sunday and were tbe guests of K. P. Loomis for tbe day. 'Ibe party was taken for a ride over tbe valley visiting the orchards ot A. I. Mason and M. M. Hill In the lower valley and aftewards continuing their trip to Mt. Hood Poetofllce, and foim there to tbe Lava Bed Fruit Farm where they lunched iu camp in tbe timber. Returning tbe patty came back by way of Dee and tbe river road. Tbe Dalles fair is attracting; a eood man; Hood River visitors this week many of whom bave gone np each dav ; returning In tbe evening Ibe Hood River bund will furnish mnsio for the fslr today and a big crowd is expected to aoonmpanv it tf The Dallas To morrow the High School hoys will go up and try their muscle and wiud aglnst tbe High School boys of that city and many wbo were going up to day bave put off their trip until to monow to root tor tbem. Mrs. Adah Hose weut to Portland for a short visit Wednesday, Dr. 11. L. Dumble was a piiKsenger for Portland Wednesday ou tbe local. J. B. Goit and Senator Nick Sin nott were visitors at flood Kiver Mon day. T. W. Uadder, of Cascade Locks was in attendance at tbe session of the county court Mouday. Mrs. W. J. Baker left for Portland, Wednesday, where she will spend a week visiting with her daughter, Mrs. S. Fouts. Tbe burial of an infant child be longing to Mr. and Mis. Clareuce Shaw, which died Thursday took pice Friday, lntormeut was iu Idle wllde Cemetery. Tha ladies of the Committee of the Hood Kiver Fruit Fair are anxious that a good display ot canned fruit be made at tbe fair and requests that the good housewives ot Hood Kiver make a special effort to provide a good ex hibit in this line. At the Baptist oburob next Sunday at 11 o'clock Pastor Nutly will preaoh to tbe children ; a juvenile quartett will give a speoial number. Tbe young peoles meeting will be at 7 o'clock, followed with the usual gospel service by the pastor. Topic, "An Uedgo ot Thorns." A rat that ambled out into the middle of the street Saturday after noon when the crowds were thickest on the street coiners oreated some exoitement. Uyi-taiiders wbo saw it Indulged iu an impromptu game f foothall and bis ratship paid tor his venturesomeness by being killed Tbe literary and musioal entertain meut to be given In tbe Capper die trict, Friday evening, Oot. Utb will be beld in Oak Grove Hall. An ex oellent program has been arranged under tbe direction ot Mrs. Louis Goddaid who will be assisted by ber pupils and tbe Ladies' Aid Soolety under whose auspices the entertain ment is being held hi pes that it will be well attended. Managers of tbe Fruit Fair an nounce that no names will be allowed on fruit exhibited until aftei the prizes are awarded this year. Kxhibi its will be designated by numbers un til after the prizes are awarded. It is expected that tbe premiums will be announced at the end ot the first day so that growers who so desire oan tbeu plaoe their names or tbe name ot their respective ranches on their displays. Dlllliiran-Iiaker. A very pretty wedding occurred at tbe home ot Mr. and Mia. N. M. Ostergard, a daughter of tbe bride, on Ootober 4, wben Mrs. Mary E. Baker was joined In marriage with Mr. Joseph D. Milligan. Rev. H. O. Clark of Cascade Looks officiating. Alter congratulations a dinner was waived. The bride wore a gown of blue silk, and the groom a suit ot black. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Ohtergard. Mr. and Mrs. B. K. JJertelsen, a daughter of tbe groom. Mr. and Mrs. Bert K. Wild er, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. II. Wilder, sons or bride. Mr. J. (Jlmtie and Mr. J. Ostergard. Many beautiful and costly presents were received. Slntdier-Mcltejnolds. Harvey Slusher and Miss lrma Mo Reynolds were married In Portland Wednesday evening, Sept. 30, at tbe home ot Mrs. J. K Dtiggene, on Wil liami Avpiiup, by Rev. W. C.Gilmore Mi. and Mrs. Slusher after spending a few days in Portland went to Dufur where tbey visited with Mr. Blusher's telutives. Both Mr. and Mrs. Slusher are well known here and will iake their borne at Hood River. Spent the Bay In the Valley. A party of seventeen of tbe ladies of the United iirethten Church aid eooiety took advantage of tbe line weather last Ihursday and spent tbe day at the beautiful borne of Mrs Kilsingei out in tbe valley. Eaob took a well filled basket with every thing that waa good to eat. Tbe ladies were royally entertaiued by Mr. and Mrs. Filsluger and were so enthusi8ntio over the good time they bad that they were inspired to in vent an aid society yell wbiob goes, "Rab, rah, nb, who ate we? Tbe Ladies Aid Sooiety of tbe U. B. C Don't fume and fret and fm, Come ttraiffhtwa to iu; We'll fitrnixh you with light and (duo power; It mutter not the neanon, our price arc, in reaxon And ire ntver make a hit of faun. THE Ltd 11 T 4 WA l'Elt CO. NKWKLL, (JOSSETT & WALSH Engineers and Surveyors Olllce Willi HiIkkk. Anient Und Co, WAl'COMA IIOTKI. BI.DO Hnrvey, tinn and Ktlinto. Ritllmiid drlga Iron an I Wmer l'.wr Hrnle.-1-i 'lowu luKstulte Laud Surveys, Contour Map. STATIONERY SALE 50 cL Values 35 ct. This is not a sale to clean up old stock, but a stock of Stationery of the best grades that was bought at an exceedingly j0w price. We Offer you the benefit. WATCH OUR WINDOW Slocom's Book Store The Place that Does the Framing LOOK READ - ACT We are placing on the market this week twenty sightly lots in Coe'a Ad dition. These lots are the best building sites that are to be had In the City of Hood River, boing within one block of the new High School build ing, with sewerage connections, city water, and on well improved streets. The prices are reasonable, ranging from $250 up. Don't wait but aecure some of these lota while yon can. They are all good, but if you come early you can get your choica. Do it today-tomorrow may be too late J. H. HEILBRONNER & CO. The Reliable Dealers Portland Offfce CORBETT BUILDING Hood River Office DAVIDSON BUILDING ilBliilii Wax:! f mm i .. v.i : ... ; , i a .v.-,.:;i:,:v:l The Toggery Is now showing the best line of fall samples for Men's Suits and Overcoats ever shown in Hood Kiver. The Royal Tailors line which are absolutely all pure WOOL. Not a sample in the lot that has a fibre of cotton or mercer ized stock in it. Suit or overcoat made to measure, fit guaranteed, style guar anteed, and the cloth is guaranteed ALL WOOL. A written guarantee from the Royal Tailors goes with each suit. Prices from $20 to $45 Whether you are ready to order or not we want you to come in and inspect these samples. Uf)e Tog'g'ery, "VSftT ill 1 P'Me Bioitiifi DR. CHARLES W. EDMUNDS Specialist Eye, Kar Nom tod Throat , Office, Hew Hroalus block, oak Hlieet Offlie Horns phone 43 Hood Klver, Oregon Oakdale Greenh Cut flowers and plants at KeirA Cass. Choice Roses Shrubs, Vines A Gladiolaa. White VVyandotte Eigs for Setting from Mated Pens. $1.50 & $2.00. Fletcher & Fletcher.