The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 03, 1908, Image 2

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    4 !
f ' h i
t. i
$ 1
Iwud Every Thursday by
ART MIR D. MOE. PuMltkw.
The recent aoonuocetueut by tbe
kailroads of an iaorease of tun pet
Cent u freight rite comei somewhat
unexpectedly and in view of busiueea
coiiiiitioui ia unwarranted. With a
sluggish market and decreasing pricea
for uioit products tba exaction of
higher ratoa inesns considerably less
tnjm-y for tbe rroducer than it would
year ago wben prices were high and
crops laiger.
It id a singular coincidence that
will) (he announcement of increased
railroad tuildiug iu the Northwest we
are also confronted with higher freight
rateti. It looks very much ai tbougb
tbe railroad magnate lu deciding to
give tbe people more lailroada bad
also come to the decision tout they
must pay tbe added coat for them.
The amount ol money which tbe
higher ratea will take fiom (be pro
ducers of tbe Northwest can be real
IzeU by ao estimate made by tbe
Spokesman Review of tbe added Gout
of transportation to tbe wheat farm
era of Washington alone. Itaaya:
"lake, for lustauce, tbe wheat tann
er a of eastern Washington. With an
estimated wheat crop in eastern Wash
ington tbia yeai of 25,000,000 bushels,
four-flfths of which will probably be
shipped to tidewater at an average
rate of moio than 10 cents a bushel,
tbe wheat giowera will pay to tbe
railroads, or there will be paid In
freight upon their product, to be ta
ken out of the prices they receive, ap
proximately 13,000,000.
"An increase iu 'wheat ratei on an
average of 10 per oeut would mean the
railroads, upon their own Initiative,
reaching their ban4i into tbe pookets
of tbe wheat raiser aud talcing out
1200,000. l'bla iu a season of light
crop. In a season of an average crop
tbe amount would exceed 1300,000 and
in a aeBson of a bumper crop it might
reach flOO.OOJ. This on wheat aloue.
"When there is added to this tbe in
oiease which would be taken In in
creased rates on other farm products,
such as live atock, bay, oats, barley,
rye, potatoes, fruits sod vegetables,
aud upou other commodities such as
lumber, wood and coal, aud upon all
of tbe articles shipped into tbe coun
try to be consumed by tbe farmers,
It Is easily conoelvable that the total
increase to be saddled upon tbe farm
era of eastern Washington might
eulsly amount to 11,000,000 per an
num." A pamphlet contaiulag a copy of the
proposed amendments to the city
charter, which will be submitted tc
voters beta September 22 Is being
mailed out by the oity reoorder. Af
ter due consideration the oity oouuoil
deems it necessary fot the. welfare and
coutiuuod progrens of tba oity that
these amendments ,be aoted on altlr
atlvely. The one that it la most im
portant should reoeive favorable at
tention from voters is that which
allows tba city to Increase Us indebt
edness from tbe small amount of 12,
500 to t5,000. Having outgrown its
bwaddliug clothes Hoed Klvei should
be able to assume an indebtedness
lawfully that will provide it with
Bullloient funds to make proper im
provements and run the affairs of the
oity government on a btouder basis.
The most oogeo t reason, however, for
allowing tbe increase at present, is to
provide funds to pay for tbe new
bridge that ia being constructed to
the cast side. It is linpeiatlve that
the bridge be built aud equallyjlmper
ative that it be paid for, Tue quest ion
of Ha construction ia oue that aifeots
tba welfare of every business man aud
taxpayer in the city. It Is oue of the
important links that oounecU the city
with one of its greatest sources of
revenue, it is a publio benefit aud uh
a putllo trust tbe work of securing its
completion as soon as possible was de
volved on the oity council. In assum
ing this responsibility they became
the pullio servants of the people.
That evsnta have transpired sluoe the
bridge was oouttaoted for tbatoHll fur
additional means to pay for it could
not be foreseen by tbem and it is iu
fact a matter for which the oouuoil
tnen are iu no way responsible The
incontrovertible facts still remain
that the bridge is a publio struoture
built for tbe publio good and that the
money to pay foi It should be forth
coming wben it Is finished. We believe
that viewing the matter in the right
light, tbe amendment to Increase the
city's iudebteduess iu oider to pro
vide for oootlngeuoes of tbischaiacter
ought to aud will be favorably acted
I Am In My New Quarters
With the most complete and up-to-date stock of
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
etc., east of Portland, and we challenge them to
surpass our stock.
Hood River's Leading
The eighteenth annual fair of the
secoud Kasteru Oregon district, com
prising tbe counties or Wasco, bbor
mau. Wbeelei Crook and Hood Kiver,
will be held at Ibe Dalles October C
to 10. The I hi r commences Tuesday
aud ends Saturday, and will be larger
aud better this tban it has ever
A big pavitlion will be provided for
tbe exhibition of agricultural pro
ducts, Uowe's, fruits and other exhib
its and a department in it will be de
voted to children. At tbe fair grounds
an attraction will be an Indian vil
iHge with braves, squaws and tepees,
and who will give war dances aud
other phases of Indian life.
Horse races, bucking contests uud
athletic spoits will be provided each
dsy tor tbe amusement of visitors i. oil
two banda will furnish oontiuuous
iuiihIo to enliven tbe occasion.
Money prizes running from tM to
1150 are ottered for all tbe contests
aud sporting events and tbe fair is
being ao well advertised that it Is ex
pected to attract a large attendance
from all paits of tbe district.
Mannen Willis, Pioneer of '54.
Mannen Willis, au Oregon pioneer
of '54, died at bis home near hero
Monday, aged GO yeais. Mr. Willis is
survived by bis wife, Emma C. Kun
kel, to whom be was mairied iu l'JOO,
and one son. (lis father, with whom
he orosted the plains, died iu 1802
and his mother in 1H02. The tuueial
took place Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clook from the 0. U. church, He.
O. W. Coram officiating, with in er
ment iu IdlenilJe cemetery iu this
oity under diiection of S. K. liait-
Mi. Willis was born in Benton coun
ty, Missouri, May 21, 18.')!), aud iu
company with uls parents ai tne age
of 15 lett Missouri lui Oregon In Ap.
11,1851 In the fall of that year be
arrived in Lane oounty, where be liv
ed until 1871, wben he moved to Pun
dleton. In 1801 he came to Hood Hir
er, where be resided until nis ucnin.
Mr. Willis was au earnest ohtirou
woiker and was superintendent of the
Suuday school of the Christian church
at Pendleton for nine years. He also
taught tbe Bible class in the United
Hrethreu church here for a number of
lo a diary whlob tie Kepi ne tens ot
his trip across tbe plains more than
bait a century ago. From its pages is
gleaned tbe fact that although but 15
be drove ona of the three ox tenuis
whlob constituted tbe family tralu
and that his sisters, the eldest of
whom was but II, drove tbe loose cat
tle during their long journey over
the dusty plains and rugged mountain
passes. The journey whs made through
tbe territory now comprising Nebras
ka, Wyoming and Idaho, ana I ok
place a year in advance of tho time
that tbo Hudson Day aompauy was
forced to vacate United ytatea terri
toiy. lu fact Mr. Willis status that
emissaries ot tbe company exerted
tbemseles to turn the tide of emigra
tion away from Oiegon even at that
late date aud In his account of his
trip be says: "At several poluta we
came across trading stations maintain
ed by men employed by the Hudson
tsay company, Una ot these waa Kept
by an old Hudson Hay man uumed
Capt. Grant. Ibis man Grant was one
of tbe historic characters of the north
fuel Mo ooast aud was opposed to the
occupancy by the United States of tbe
viiHt territory that whs thou known us
Oregou. It was through the fear of
oomiug In contact with Uiuut that
Marcus Whitman in makiug bis cele
brated trip Borons tbe plains iu winter
went ao much out of his way and
reached tbe count by going south of
Salt Lake. Capt. Grunt did all he
could eveu iu our time to turn emi
gration away from Oregon and suc
ceeded iu turning many toward Cali
fornia, as tbe California and Oregon
roads separated at this point. We
stopped at the trailing station for tin
hour or two, tint resumed our journey
toward Oregon notw'tbdtaudiug Capt.
Grant, who impressed me with being
a rough specimen living among the
Indiana aud having a squaw tor a
In other paits ot the diary he tells
of reaobing lioise Hasln, the Snake
rier country and finally the Cas
cades, and relates that It was not un
til they bad crossed the summit ot the
mountains that they were attacked by
Indians. They were successful lu re
pulsing tbem, however, and continued
their journey up tbe Malheur river.
At one point in this section the
graves ot several hundred emigrants
who died iu tin cholera aud smallpox
plague of 1852 were passed, many of
which bad been dug open by the
coyotes and the bones scattered in all
On reaohing the Desohute river the
provisions gave out and for several
days the party hud nothing to eut but
a little coin meal until they reached a
trading post, lu the l itter part of
August the party commenced the dn
loenl; of the Cascade mountains and n
few days uftei loft the foothills and
reached the middle fork of the Will
amette river, lleie they struck a roud
made through the timber by former
emigrants aud reached Hutte Disap
poiutmeut, near which Mr. Willis Buys
ffas the finest body of tmher he has
ever seen In bis 50 years' residence iu
Oregou. At Little Prairie the first
potatoes eaten by the party sinco they
left Missouri were secured and a tew
daya later they came to a little white
sohoolbouse aiouud which the child
ren were playing the same games he
Just Being Unpacked
Wo arc v'!l supplied with
Miit.s for tho ho vs. having
jus retrivid our F-ill line.
You will find we have hcl
tT h.-irji'.-iins than over in
this line. Suits of the lat
newt'st patterns. Iioys
est styles and
Suits made to stand the
and our prices are most reasonable,
Boys Suits for
and up.
$2 $2.50
Look ihem over.
Men's Softs
Wo have never
in N'ourinjr the
Clothing as we
before been so
have this
bad indulged in iu his home on tho
Missouri river. This was near
Wbittomore'a ferry on tho const fork
of tbe Willamette river, and a fen
more days of hardship brought tbem
to th- Mpnt iu Lane oounty where
he mndo his home fur many yeais.
At Llutte Disappointment be stated
that the party wlicb hud traveled to
gctber for many weary miles sepaiat
ed mid that iu after lite he met but
few of them.
Elk Picnic at Itoiinevillc.
Vancouver lodge No. 823, 11. P. O.
10., gave an ontint at Bonneville Sun
day. Tho Dulles Klks, with their lam
iiies and friends, loft on a special
train for the scene of pleasure about
9:1)0 in Ihe morning. They were join
ed at Hood River by Elks aud friends,
about 16" in number, nud at Cascade
Locks by about 20.
The day was delightful to the pic
nickers, who, with well ludeu lunch
baskets, were bent on having a, good
time and to help others enjoy the day.
The Dalles Klka, always generous
ii nd opeu handed, carried ten orates
of watermelons from the rolling hills
around The Dalles and six crates of
golden cantaloupes, 30 boxes ot beau
tiful Dalles peaches, and sugar and
hundreds of pounds ot Ice and yes,
lemons, too, with which to make loin
cnailn. There nua niuei., liy the 1mm), pia
nolos, monologues, speeches and
sports of nil kinds, such aa wrretliug
und footraces. Then there was waltz
ing, ton, mid voting at 10 cents a vote
for tbe best looking Elk from The
Dallos. Then tlieie was throwing at
the "nigger Imbies," and tbe lemon
tree at hi cents n peep. It is said the
crowd was the moht orderly of any
seen at a piouio iu a long time.
Tbe steamer Kellogg brought 200
passeugers fiom Vancouver to eujoy
the festivities. The Dulles crowd le
turned to this oity about 7 o'clook
Sumlny evening, after having vpent
oue of the most delighttul days nf the
season. Dulles Chronicle.
Meets Wild Iteasl Out Walking.
The following is taken from the
Oregiiniun of September 2 f.ud if it
were not for (he fact that wo now
have a prohibition town the source
cf its origin might not be hard to de
termine: Hood River, Or., Aug. 31. (To tho
Editor. ) While on u sightseeing
htroll yesterday 1 think 1 saw the wild
itniuiHl that was reported lu Intit Fri
day's Oregoniiiti to lie terrifying the
farmers of lJriiievilli. While I was
sitting on tho top of a fence the aui
mul 1 refer to came within 25 feet of
me. It wuh ot a tawny or grayish red
dish brown color aud looked like a
cross between an African lion and n
inustilf, but larger thun any must ill I
have seen. The creaturo Imd a bushy
tip to Its tail and a mane like a lion,
hut not quite ho heavy. 1 did not uro
h ti y blood about bis mouth and when
1 jump d down ho rnn over the trestle
in the direction of I'oitlaud iu pur
suit of two men. As 1 did not hear
auy terrifying yell I do nut think the
animal did any damage. Iluve dis
covered some wonderful peitillcntions
here human and auimul skull,
trails, nuts, teeth, eta.
OhHileB A. H. Hall.
Mrs. Hubbard Tuyloi bus returned
home from a visit to friends in
roughest wear
s in
We have
One ot the most inteiesting and
pleasing semi-social events ever given
in Hood Kivor took place last Friday
eveuin; in the opera house when tbe
pupils ot Frof. lieggs' dancing classes
participated iu an entertainment call
ed the "Fairies' Levee." Ibo enter
tainment wns given to show the pro
gress the pupils have made in master
ing the gentle art of duncing under
the direction of the professor aud
demonstrated most convincingly that
he is a master of his profession.
The patronesses were Mrs. V. S.
Davidson, Mrs. It. 11. Walluoe, Mrs.
Adrian F.pping uud .Mrs. 11. 8. liut
terlleld. The hull and stage were
tiistofully decorated tor tbe occasion
and the opening number on tbe pro
gram was a pcenio dialogue entitled
"The Coronation of the Queen of
Flowers." The piece repiesented the
retirement of the last year's queen
and tho crowning of tbe new one for
the oomiug season, and was very pret
tily enacted. The speaking putt and
characters were taken as follows:
Queen Flora (the retiring queeu)-
Miss Vera Williams.
The new Queen Miss Margaret Wal
Spring Misi Allberta Jackson.
Summer Miss Mildred Huxley.
Autumn Miss Uenevlece liutter
Winter Miss Virginia Jobuson.
Maids in waiting to the queen Miss
Agnes Holt uud Miss Helen Montague.
Cushion Dourer Miss Helen Ran
soine. Pages Newton Clarke and Dickey
lu a bower of evergreens and llowerg
Queen Flora selected the new queen
surrounded by her courtiers, maids
and subjects. Alter being dnlycrowu
ed and reoolviug the homage of ber
new subjects the queen led the march
of ilowera around the hall closing the
coronation exercises.
Dressed in typical Highland cos
tumes Miss Dorothy Kppiug, Miss
Mary Wbitmer Whitebeaua, Miss Lu
cile Abbott and Miss Adriana Kpplug
thou gava the Scottish sword dauce,
displaying rare aptitude and wonder
ful agility In tho steps required to
execute this intricate dance.
Tho Maypole dunce given next was
oue of the prettiest features of, the ev
ening and was executed by Misses
Adriaun Kpping, Luolle Abbott, Mny
Whitehead. Catherine Buker, Elda
.lacksou, Hurrell Clark, Elizabeth
llndley, Elizabeth Epping and Masteis
liusil Williams, Thurston Laraway,
(temi Hunt, Jce Williams, Malcolm
Button, George Batobelder, Frank
Kansome and Allen linttnu. The little
dancers went through the mazes ot
the Mitypole dance without a bitoh
uud dixpluyed much graoe iu their
revolutions to tho tuneful music A
special feature during an intermission
in the thin dunce. Miss Dorothy Ep
plug executed the Spanish dauoe very
An interesting part cf the evening's
entertainment was then given when
Frof. lieggs guvo a demonstration of
his method iu tenoning by lining up
the youug dancers und showing how
they wero taught tbe first steps in
gruoe and motion. At its conclusion
M iss Catherine liuker and Miss Mary
Whitehead gave a skirt dauce in true
professlouul style aud with an airi
ii. 'M and lightness of foot that de
lighted tbe spectators.
I Asa conclusion to the apecial pro
gram Miss Dorothy Epping executed
1 the Sailor's Hornpipe au admiiahly
i that she whs forced to respond to aa
Jeuocre. Other features during tbe
i evening were the dancing ot tho two
! and three step aud other dunces by
I the pupils and un exhibition ol round
iduuciug hy 1'iof. lieggs aud Miss
Helen Kansome, a tiny girl visitor at
; Hood River from Portland. The ev
i euiug's entertainment waa concluded
! by n dance, in which nil took part and
J further demoiintrtited tbe excelleut
, efficiency that the pupils have attaiu
! ed under the direction of Frof. Ueggs
in the comparatively abort time they
have been receiving instruction.
Tho excellent nitisio furnished by
Mrs. Del Rand helped very matet tally
iu aiding the dancers to make the en
tertainment a fuccefs
The professor will continue his
classes until Oatoher 1, when he will
be compelled to return to Portland to
take up his engagements there (or tho
School Yea Opens Mircessfully.
The school year at 'Hood River
opened Monday with an enrollment of
over 500 pupils. Compaied lo last
year the number of pupils In attend
ance is about the same with tbe ex
ception of the high school, which en
&f)e Paris Fair
Suits that we are selling for $3 and $10
that, are truly bargains. They are made
in tho latest styles and of the new shades
and strip's. Cuff sleeve. You must see
them. to appreciate the big values there is
in them.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits
For $18 and $20
These are the best on the market. When
you have this name on the garment you
know, and so will any one else who sees
the name know, that there is nothing
better made. If you want the best try
one of these.
We are showing a most complete line of
Men's Shirts for every day or dress wear.
Some especially nice ones of self corded
Madras of excellent quality of assorted
patterns in stripes and figures, attach id
coat style, double stitched,
rolled 101 aa against 81 at tbe opening
or me term iast seasou. Ibe teachers
were all present and the school year
is expected to be a successful one.
I'be following certificates were
granted by County Sohool Superin
tendent E. E. Coad at tbe recent ex
aminations held in Hood River:
Flr.t grade Merle blino, Margaret
W. Vuunet, Ilulda Uinricbs, Florenoe
Buchanan, Olivia V. Lucas, Cbas. W
Second grade Bessie Ooyette.F'reda
flinriohs. Carry E Candee Zeua A.
Miller, Maude E. Merrill, Ada Hioks,
Isabella H. Stewart, Bernice Jobuson,
Nellie Bailey, Anna Hope Shelly, Ruy
F. Murpby.
Third grade Jennie Edington,
Pearl Bradley, Viva L. Clapp.
State certificates Lulu Hicks, Miss
Robinson. Miss Lulu Hicks was grant
ed a special teachers' primary certill
Will Hold M. E. Convention.
Wasco and Hood River counties will
unlto aud bold their annual conven
tion at Hood River the 0th and 10th
of September. The sessions will be
held iu tbe M. E. church oomme iolug
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock aud
closing Thursday afternoon. Ail
meeting will be opened with devo
tiououl exercise conducted by Mrs. J.
W. Rigby, our county evangelist. Ibe
usual routine of business will occupy
much of the morning sessiou. During
the convention a variety of topics will
be dismissed lo five minute speeobes,
either verbal or written, by tbe differ
ent ones present
Wednesday evening it is expected
a speaking contest will bo held fur a
prize awarded by the county organiz
ations. The young people oi Ihe
Dulles arx invited to join tbe contest.
Special musio under oare of Mr. O.
B. Hartley and Mrs S. E. Bartmess
will be a pleasant feature of tbe pro
gram. Thursday morning will be "praise
tervloe" aud disoussion after tbe
business hour. Election of officers in
tbe afternoon aud tbauk offeriug ser
vice All are most cordially invited
to attend Miese meetings.
I. A. Hunt
E O.Smitb, of Odell, bought a fine
Schiller piano at Soulo's Piano House
hist week.
J. W. Wiedrick has purchased a
borne in Portland and will move there
soon to live.
Wire wound stave pipe iu three,
four and six inch sizes. Joe Wilson,
Hood River, Ore.
Mrs. Ueo. V. Pratber aud daughters,
who have been visiting relatives in
Washington, returned home last week.
Rev. W. A. Wood and family left
for Independence Saturday, where
they will make their home in future.
Miss Viola Wilson has been given
the position of principal of a school'
at Six Prong, Wash., and will teach
tbare during the uext school term.
L. C Marley and family, of Lock
port. Cal.., arrived at Hood River
Wednesday and expects to stay here
if tbey can find a suitable location.
At the sign of tbe big Red Apple
buy fancy candies, cold sott drinks,
the famous Mt. Hood ice cream, fresh
fruits and the finest and best tobuacos
and cigars.
F, E. House is one of the new in
structors who will be connected with
the Hood River high school during
the coming school term. Vr. House
is a graduate ot Harvard University.
Cbas. E Spencer, of Portland, and
Miss Fay (iearnardt, ot White Salmon,
were mairied at Astoria Augus' 27.
Tbe bride is a daughter ot Dr. llear
hardfc and the groom a son of Cupt.
Fi. W. Spencer, of the steamboat of
that unme.
Ifyon want thr liyht that makes lite
niiht like day.
You ran ret it, and there ixn't uiavh to
IVx a " Tuntstcn" free of trouble
worth itnenst exaeth double;
"J'is the hriyhtext 1'njht on earth we
The Light & Water Co.
Mips J. R. Davis, of Portland, has
purchased the railliuery business for
merly conducted by Mrs. 11. M. Ab
bott and will conduct it in future.
It Is Miss Divis' intention to remodel
the iutorior of tbe stoic and refit It.
the naw puichaser has been in the
millineiy tiusiuees in Poitlaud find
nndeislHuds hut trimming and other
parts ot the husintss thoroughly.
Succe ftfiil Season at l'e Inn.
The season at Cloud Cap Inn closed
Tuesday and is said to have beu one
of tbe most successful since tho Inu
was opened. V. N. Ladd. cue cf tb
owners of tbe inn who spect several
days there recently, ia said to be con
templatiug improvements that will
Of extra fine Count cloth in a very neat
broken stripe and figured combination,
assorted colors on white ground, coat
style attached
buttons, double stitched tl
For Ladies
Just the thing for this season. Values up
to $4.50. Your choice while they last
is a
They are big values at 10 and $12, but
we want to clear them up and have
marked them
make this resort more popular next
year than ever before. Among them
si the improvement of tho read from
tbe Elk Beds to the inn so that it can
bo traversed all the way by an auto
mobile. A new roof will bo pliioed ou
tbe inn and the cottages will also be
overhauled and put in shape for next
season's guests. A feature of this
year's busiuetis was tbe fact that theie
wero many more women guests llian
men and thut inoro ot the tormot as
cended the mountain thau in former
Wonderful (ironth of Tears.
B. II. Allen brought u display of
Bartlett peura to thj Commercial
Club's exhibition bcolh Wednosduy
that shows the most prolilio growth
of that fruit ever seen in this aty.
Ou u branch not over 14 iuolies long
there are 22 large, well-developed
Hurt in Kuhanay.
Mrs. John Ohea aud Mrs. M. Bart
row, while driving to town lust Satur
day, wero lun away with while near
ton Park street school and thrown
from the vehicle iu which they were
riding. Mrs. Olsen, who was driving,
escaped with slight injury, but Mrs.
Burtrow whs quite badly hurt.
Will Open Stoic Here.
R. P. snd 11. A. Patterson, who
have resided iu The Dulles for the
past 20 yesrj, have ootne to Hood
Kiver, whero they will ehtat.Iish n
novelty store, an agents' supply depot
and inuil order house.
For Sale or Trade for Homl Itiver
Orchard Land.
75 nores iu the Wenatchee Valley;
75 Inches water; 30 acres young orch
ard, peach fillers; gome beniiug orch
ard; standard varieties; 10 acres al
falfa; good, T-roomed house, barn aud
other outbuildings; two miles from
railroad station and on main county
It will pay you to iuvestigate'this
W. J. Baker & Co.
Do Not Injure Fruit
Owing to the fact that there is a
general impression that pine boxes
are undesirable to pack apples in be
ouuse tbe odor ot the box ia imparted
to tbe fruit, tbe Fine Ornvn Box snd
Lumber Co., which has bteu investi
gating tbe mutter and has written to
several apple buyers, on tbe subject,
has received the following letter
from Rae & Hatfield:
New Vork, Juno 20, 1008.
Mr. P. P. Friday, Hood River, Ore.
Dear Sir: Replying to yours of the
11th will state that there ia nothing
In tbe statement made nf apples tak
ing on tbe flavor ot pilch by reason of
the fact that the mnterial used in
making the boxe might be full of
pitch. If we knew that to bo a fact
we would make it a point to use ma
terial saturated with pitch, and pack
all our Ben Davis apples into tbem,
for they are flavorloes, as yon know,
aud it the fluvoi nf pitch could be im
parted into tbem we might be doing a
land office business iu tbem, by rea
son ot tbe medicinal qualities that
tbey would ooutaiu.
Youis very truly,
Rao & Hatfield.
Drying .Cherries to Save Crop.
Dryins cherries instead of oanning
them is uu experiment beiug. made
extensively at Milton this season on
account cf the dull market and the
heavy loss to growets because nothing
could be done with the fruit in season.
On many of the trees the fruit still
clings, while in some orchards the lute
varieties sre just at their best.
(irowers sold all the cherries they
could aud theu ottered the local can
nery more thBU could be tinned dur
ing the season. With cherries still
going to waste growers tried the ex
periment of drying the fruit, and it
was found feasible. After the cherries
are seeded and spread out in a hot
sun the process is simple and quick,
and some varieties have n flavor quite
like raisi'.s wheu tho curing process
is complete.
Complaiut Is made that theie is net
a large dryer in this section to which
tbo fruit could bare bt en taken and
dried in large quantities Thousands
o" dollars could have thns been saved
to the orrlardirts ot.tliU tec ion.
inns wanted.
BidawiP be received for the work ol clear
ing and grubbing '.HI acres of Inn 1 three iiiHpk
sonlh of town nn the Mount Hnod r.'ad.
Kids will he received mill 0 c'ock I. M.,
September 9. 1WH. Work to be commenced
hy October 1, HW. nrt complete .1 hy March
:J1. 1IK9 For information anr! : c citli-julons
call on W. I,. Clark at fiw-t 01 . i-otirt sipi ,
or addrot Lock Box 7(1, Hood liixer, Oregon.
The right is reserved to reject anv or all bids
otlered. W. I.IUKK. sl7
New Goods in All Departments
Suits for Ladies and Gentlemen
Dress Goods and Notions
Men's Shirts
lanndred cults, tine pearl
Second Floor.
dandy bargain in
down to your choice
Second Floor.
Oakdale Greenhouse
Cut llowers and plants at Keir & Cass.
Choice Roses Shrubs, Vines & Gladiolus.
While Wyandotte Ecgs for Setting
from Mated Pens $1.50 & (2.00.
Fletcher & Fletcher.
lor Sale-ono larure nre-uroof Hall's Iron
stile. Fur terms and price see Jolin Leland
Kor Sale Team of good work horses; weigh t
ubout 2J.W; geiitle; one of (hem works doulile
or single. Atldresa A. Tlutts. 3
Iinrses Kor 8ale ( heap nnd at your own
terms. Telephone 2JK.K.
Wood For Hale I'lno und oak, lfi Inch, on
the I), ti. Hill plane mar liarrett Hchool.
riuniftSUU-L. J. II. Shoemaker. HI
For Sale A good gentle pony. 8 years old,
good for riding or puck, 9.10. Apply to
Fi aiilsehy Bros., residence one mile up Irom
liealli Point Creek Fall. I'osuilllce, Dee, Or. h3
Lost-Keystone watch charm; gold and
engraved on back with name Mnd address,
h indcr please return to Chas. N. Clarke for
reward. k3
Fur Hale-House and one or two lots, tin ee
blocks from posmfllce. Will lake good milch
cow and one horse as part payment. Enquire
ot Matt Hnsseli, Hood Ulver, Ore. 30tr
Foil NALK Two mare colts, one veur old
$75 for the two, or J: and W5 separale. Van.
tillers, Mt, Hood. if
For Hale-House and lot, SO x 100, In Hood
Ulver l'aik addition, HX. T. U. lluslmnds. i;
For sale -Rick wood, pine, fir and oak, IM (10,
$4.5(1 und $.".(io per cord delivered. Kruno
Franz, ttnute No. t. tut
Wanted Hositliin on fruit ranch by man of
experience; married but no children. Address
.1. F., care iJlacler. hIu
r"or Kent Dealruble suite of furnished
rooms. Lsrge ironl room slid smaller room
In back. Knuuire at Mrs. Caufleld's. slO
Lost In Hood Kiver Saturday, August 15,
black and while check shawl. Belongs to
Mra.CW.Keed. Finder will please return
to this otlice. uio
For Sale Kables go-cart In good condition
and a wood heater. Euqulre of Mrs. N. I..
Noting. ,(,
Lost A gold bracelet with the Initials "K.
A. V." inside. If finder will retiuu to this
otlice a reward will be paid. siU
Lost A fox terrier, black head, with white
stripe In face and tall cropped. Has collar on
with name of owner, W. U. Hoover, l'hons
JU Pacific Stales. H17
For Hale Oak and pine wood, cheap. Phone
For Sale One spring wagon, almost newTT
tarm wanon, set ol farming Implements and
a Hue Mock of Plymouth. Rock chickens. P
O. Hai 33, Phone i98-M. n
For Sale-one oak roll top desk, 1 flat lop
desk, swivel office chairs, four other oflluo
chairs, settees, rugs, stands and a Densmore
typewriter. Cheap for cash or will trade for
cliy lots. F;njuire at 2;w Sherman Avenue.
Found-A lady's handbag. Ian colored, be
twecn Hood Kiver and Tucker's mill. Owner
can have same by applying to Glacier Ortlee.
Dry Kick Wood for sale; split extra fine
rioni dry li.jrs and plied close. No bark; will
deliver down town. Write the Crescent Fruit
Co., r. f. d. 1 or Phone 2023-11. su
(iood Horse For Sale Cheap-work, drive or
ride, weigh about 1100. liargaln for small
rancher, loop a card to Creacent Fruit Co..
r. t. d. 1 or phone '2023-M. u
l;ost-Between Indian Creek aud Blowers
Hill a child s coal, gray with white braid.
Finder will pleBse notify F;. H. Shepard, care
Better Fruit Publishing Co. ,04
Wanted to Buy Comparatively new second
blind, wagon. Muat be good and
cheap. Call up Phone 195.K. gu
I.osl-Nickel dust cap for wheel on hearse.
r inder please reluru to Fashion stable. s24
For Sale Koan horse, weight about 1.201). A
line work or farm animal. Knuuire at Fash
ion stable.
To Clear-seven acres of brush land 10 clear
in upper Hood Ulver Valley. Chester C.
...i.mi, ...i. iiuuu posiumce. sly
Warned Ten teams, by Oregon Lumber Co.
I none Oregou Lumber Co. at Dee or Mr.
F.urly's olllce In town. .21
For 81U-I 00 lb. horse, cheap; will work
aiugienr double. V. LI. or K. Hinrlch. 121
Kor sale-Lady's black driving or saddle
horse. Address O. Y. Edwards, care Glacier
Hood River, ore., Sept. S, 1908.
scaled proposals are wanted by the City of
Hood Kiver, Oregon, for Ihe construction of
Scctioa Two, ol tlie H"ud Rivei Sewer System,
l'luns and sMrclnclinns may be seen at the
olliceol the City Recorder, at Hood Kiver.
Oregon from lhl dale until tie 14th day of
pn inlH-r, P.Hfc. ai ihh.ii of which date bids
w II clow. Kids iiin-t lie accompanied by
ceriili.Mi clue (or i-n s-r cent of-the amount
of bio, made pnyuiile ... J. It. Mckelnen. Ite
coidei. IheHoiou..! ol such check Ui forleit to
thecnyo, lio..d Kiver, or Midi part thereof
n nm be rninrd lo iiiiiemiiifv the cltv lo
case of loll lire of the siiccensuil bidder to
qualify (with a sallsladorv Ix.ii l 10 secure
pioier execullon or coiuracl) wllilo five
d:is from rec-lpl of noilce of award. Tlie .
right unserved lo reject any or i.ll of ihe.
toils I'lesniu-tfiate the time within which
tin- bldiltr pn.poMn lo coiuiilele tne works,
nd unisi state a Imivp sum bid for ihe entire
J"1- ' that no extra charges will be made.
By order ol the Sewer Committee
m City Reoorder,