VOL. XX HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 3, 1908 NO. 10 SOCIETIES. HOOli KIVKK OOMMKRClALOLl'B-MeeU evry ainud Muuday lu eaeo mouth at 8 p. m., lu Hie club rooiui over Jackaon't unra. A. A. Jay a, Pre. P. 8. Da Vinson, Secretary. OOD RIVKK LODGK NO. 106, A. F. and A. M. MeeU Saturday evening on or before recti mil moon. O. N. CukKI, W. U McUonaip, Hecreiary. HOOnKlVKKCHAFTKKNO.87. U. A. M. Uwla flrat and third Friday nights or each month. U. R. Cahtnkh H. P. K. o. lli.ANCHAR, Hecretary. llnod Klver Commamlery No. 12. K.T. MwU every una Monday evening ol each ntoiilh. W. K. Lara way, & C. A. U. Moo, Recorder. HOOD KIVKK tHAFTKR NO. 25, O. E. 8. MetUaecund and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. V lultore cord tally welcomed. C'akhib Bailsv, W. M. MlsalDKL. WooDWOHTH, Secretary IDLKW1LDELO GENU. 107, I. O. O. F. Meeu In Kravrnal hall, every Thuraday Bight. M. J. MABIKKB.N. O. Ubo. Thomson, 'cretary El) K.N ENCA JPMKNT, NO. 48, I. O. O. . Krvular ineetlng aeoond and fourth Mondays of each month. Uso. Thomson, C. P. II, C. smith. Scribe. KEMP LODOE.No. 181, 1. 0. O. K.-MeeU In Odell Improvement Co.'i hull every Satur day night. v",lu,r,cordia0eN.a. RQ MASsikek, Rec. Secy. LAUREL REBEK AH UKUKm uui'ue. nu. I o O K.-Meeu Bint and lulrd Fridays mch month. MBg E 8. MaviC8i N. Q. Ella Mat Davidson. BecreUry. WOW meet the 2d and 4th Saturday! Web month at I. O. O. F tall. V dlally Invited. A. CSTATEN, l. F. W. McKkvnolus, Clerk. WAUCOMA LOIHIE NO. 30, K. OK R MMUluK. of P. nallevery Tneaday night C P. Rosa, c c J. E. Nichols, K.ofR. nd 8. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,7(B,M. W. A. H MeeS in I.O. O. F. hall ever Wednesday nleht. H. s. dano, v. j, C. V. DAK1M, Clerk. BOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 624, WOMEN OF Woodcran -Meets at I.O. O .F. ball , on the first aud Third Saturday of each month. LoU McKkysoliw. O. N. F. W. McRBYBtoLD. Clerk. RIVERSIDE LODOBNO. 1)8 A. O. V. W. Meet nrt and third Saturday -X each tnonlb. K. E. CHAPMAN. M. W. OKO. HUiCOM, Financier CHKrtTKK SH utk, Recorder. m VTA ASSEMBLY NO. 103, UNITED ART-V-MuVtheflSt and third Wednes day, work: secoadand fourth Wednesdays ArtlHans' hall. C. D. HKNBICUS. M. A. K.H. Ha htwju. Secretary. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. 42, FORESTERS or.A.nerlca,-MeeU every Thursday evening atWcork. w. Fleming. C.R. F. C. B bom its. Secretary. . I ANHY POST, NO. 16.U. A. R. MEETS AT A O U W. hall, second and fourth Katur atavsof each month at2o'clock p. m. All O A It members Invited U. meet with us. : ' ti. K. CAHTNKH, Commander. 8. F. Blythb, Adjutant. VHYwTRTtirNo71MEE-I,S SKtXJNI) n" fonrtnHatt.fili.ysor rch Monti, in A. o. U.W.hall.iAS.B.. GlLLi 1reakleul. Lvuia Sumnkk. secreury MOUNTAIN HOMr. CAMP No. WW, R. N. A. "lelw at 1 t. O. K. Hall oi. the second and fourth Friday, oi each moj.th. y Mlts. F. E. BuoSIUS. Recorder. PAYNTER LODUE. No. 2110, M. B. A. 'meets first aud third Friday, of each month at K. of P. hall. Oao. S. Millbb, Pie.. AUG. UU1GKABD, Be MtTiOOB LODGENo. 2. I. O. O. P.-MV eveVv Wednesday evening In Orlhble'. hall, Mt, Hood. U. H. Shaw. N.U.. , U. W. Dimmuk, Sec. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Office, 281; reHldence, 811. SUKUEON O. R. A N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Calls promptly auswer;d In town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Renldence, 611: Office, 613. oiHce lu the liroslu Building. E. 0. DTJTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Ullice over First National Bank. Hood River, Oregon. Office Phone Main 871 Rea. Main 873 M.'F. SHAW, M. D. Otlice in Jackson Block. Office phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. 593. Hit. M. H. SHARP UK. EDBA B. SHABP Osteopathic Physicians Graduates oi the American School of .Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office, Hood River Hank and Trust Co. Bldg Home Phone 102 ites. UU-B FC. BR0S1US, M. D. PIIYHIC1AN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. Mn Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.! 2 U andfttoTP M. E. WELCH, LICEJiSEI) VEIERIS ARY 8CRVE05 a .i u-,.rt in the veterin ary Hue. Ho oati be found by calling at or ph-nlng to Ctarae urug n'ie. drTIkdmgton Smith Building U00D RIVER - OREGON . DR. . T. CARNES DNTIST Office over Barttness store Telephone 31 H. D. W. PINEO.D.D.S, DENTId'l" Oflit over Telephone I it-l Natiiiti'il Hank 131 C H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST Telfphum's: Office 28; residence 28-lt tillife over miner ostin, A. JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Ixiined E. H. HARTWIG, I.AWYKU. Win I'nii'tl In Ml ConrN im- In Smith Uiitldiiiu, ever First N.i M nal Rink. DR C. W. ED MU SPECIALIST KYE, EAR, Xn-iK AND TIII!'T White Salmon Valley Bank lit- ixiiiiiil l"piitor recvivi's the same ro'irteous treat ment us the larger ones. We have loth. COME AND SEE US. rXHTAKLBr, K. UKHITB, KO.Blahcbab Piwa. V toe-Pro. Caabler. V. C. Bbock, Asst. Cashier. First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREUON. Capital $50,000 Nurplus, $15,000. P. M. Hall-Lewis & Co. ARCHITECTS and ENGINEERS Deputy County Surveyor for Waaco County. Deputy County Surveyor for Klickitat Co., Waali. City Engineer, City of Hood River. Make survey, plana and estimates for tew. er, light and power and railway plants, aud furnlau aubject to approval, plana, epeclflca tiona and estimate for all olHiwe of building public, private n J mercantile. Special atten tion given to economic and alow-burning oon fttru"llon. Accuracy and economy guaranteed. Home and Pacitio Telephones. Davidson Building, Hood River, Oregon. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER. NO TARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AUENT. For 23 years a resident of O. egon and Wash ington lias bad many year experience in Real Etitate matter, as abstractor, searcher of titles sud agent. Satisfaction guaranteed ur no charge International Correspondence Jchool SCR ANTON, PA. H. V. REED, Representative 64 Sixth HL, Portland, Oregon. Hood River once a month. Full infor mation mailed upou request. Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. t nee Delivery, Phone Maiu 35. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Stranahaii & Slaven Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 2S1-S Estimates furnished on request. An honest job guaranteed. E. A. JEROME, Architect flavins I. ad several year' experience In drafting and biiildlin;. I would respectfully solicit a part of Hie pauotitoic ot the peoplo ol Hood Ittver who unticipsie uutiiiiug. lerm reamn:lile, a id satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice at residence on llvlgl'U. WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood. FRED HOWE. ASSOCIATION OF McMINNVILLE, ORE. Announces another reduction in the cost of insurance. T. L. DUN8M0RK, THE DALLES or C. D.THOMPSON, HOOD RIVER FREDFRICK di ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS BtUoMtet furnished on all kinds of work PhnnAH- Arnold. Main M. Farm for Sale 10 Acres beautifully located, good level land, half mile from town, one mile from St. Martins Springs', 5 acres cult! tivated; 80 walnut trees; young family orchard; izood well, 6 room house, new barn and chicken house, 2A chickens, 3 tons of hay, household goods and tools. Price for quick sale 11700.00. Address J. L. OLSON Box 27 Carson, Wash. RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle A. C. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Room 12 Brositns Block McReynolds & Co. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain and Poultry Supplies YUCCA TREE PROTECTORS Petaluma Incubators and Brooders STOCK FOOD Phone lOQl HOOD RIVER OREGON Chaa. U. Pratt, J. H. Osborne, R. W. Pratt, Prasldeut, Vice 1'res. Cashier. Hood River Banking and Trust Co. We transact a general banking business and own ourown banking property Interest paid on time and Bavlngs deposit Safe deposit boxes. C.F.SUMNER HEADQUARTE M ' Plumbing Come in and exam ine our line of Pumps, Bath Tubs, La vatories, Sinks, Etc. Agents For L1 Ferguson & Wright Hood River Marble Works Are prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, etc. Fruit Growers Send us your orders for fruit boxes at the low price of $10.00 per 100 for apple boxes $ 5.00 per 100 for peach boxes We can also furnish slab wood for 50c per cord at mill or .fl.25 per cord delivered on cars at Lentz Station. Can make delivery at once. PINE GROVE BOX & LUMBER CO. Pine Grove, Ore. k TAFT DRAYING, GEN1 KAL TEAMING Wood For Sale. Prompt Delivery OFFICE PHONE 60-M RES. PHONE PHONE 232-M Hood River, Oregon Underwood And n Choice Fruit Lands Improved and un proved land at reasonable prices A Specialty of Small racts WRITE OR CALL ON F. W. DeliART Underwood, Wn. For Sale Twenty acres of land three acres grass; two acres more can be cleared for 100.00; i balance brush and timber; joins the I). E. Miller place on east; is fis fine apple and strawberry land as there is in the valley. Trice $2000. Will sell smaller tracts if desired. 0. M. BAILEY, Mt. Hood, Oregon Opportunities Hood River Farms that will pay 10 per cent or better net right from the start and en hance in value at the rate of 25 per cent per annum $10,000.00 invested today will earn a fancy rate of in terest and nell for at least $2500 more in a year. WHAT BETTER DO YOU WANT? The safest investment on earth is good Hood Hiver land. AVe can put you next to the best offerings in the city and valley. THIS IS THE TIME TOGET IN RIGHT J. H. Heilbronner &Co. uTIia DAltaklA Mnolorc" lilt lalUUVlt UIUIUJ PORTLAND HOOD RIVER 408 Corbett Davidson Bldg. Electric Wiring & Supply Co. Electrical Supplies and Fixtures Scientific Wiring of Building fiiSi'cialty Phone 3. Hood River Banking & Trus Co. Building, Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon Offers collegiate courses in Agricul ture, including Agronomy, Horticulture Animal Husbandry, etc. ; forestry; io mestic Science and Art; Civil, Electri cal. Mechanical and Alining Engineer ing; Commerce; Iharmacv. Offers elementary courses in Agricul ture, Foiestry, Domestic Science and Art. Commerce, Mechanic Arts, includ ing forge work, cabinet mak'ng, steam titling, plumbing, machine work, etc. Strong faculty, modern equipment; free tuition; opens Sept. 25. Illustrated catalogue with full infor mation on application to the Registrar, ree. Ten Good Reasons Why You Should Stop at "The Cornelius" "The Best in Portland" Situated in the center of the shop ping district. One block from the street cars. Not so expensive as some other hotels Sixty rooms with private bath. Long distance and local telephones in every room. Writing detsk in every room. Carpeted throughout in the beet velvet carpets. The rooms are furninhed in solid mahoganv. Every room contains a heavy solid Simmons bra's bed on which is a 40 or 50 p;.und hair mat; reus. The furnishings ami general apear ance of the public rooms muni be seen to be appreciated. The Cornelius, Park and Alder Streets, Portland's newest and most modern equipped hotel, sol icits your patronage and assures you good service and courteous treatment. An exceptional hotel for Eastern Oregon families who eome to Portland shopping and sightseeing. When next in l'oitland give us a chance to make you look pleased. THE CORNELIUS Free l'.us meets all trains. Europlan. Dr. C. W. Cornelius, Prop. H. K. Clarke, Mice Land For Sale I have about 1 .000 acres of No. 1 Apple Lard, most of it under ditch at prices ranging from $00 per ficre up. J. R. Steele HOOD IUVEK, OREGON FIRE LOSS WILL EXCEED MILLION FIREMEN WERE AWAY ON A PICNIC Mine Casks Explode With Thunderous ols Shaking the Wallt or Adjoining Vuildlnjr". Nw Orleans, Sept. 1. Fire which broke out in the center of the com mercial district Sunday afternoon wept over portions of three blocks, destroying a large number of whole sale houses, manufacturing houses and stores, with a loss of botween one aud two millions of dollars be foro the flames were Dually subdued. At the lime the alarm was turned in the New Orl"aDs firemen wore in the midst of their annual picnic at a suburban park and the enRiueg and patrols respoudi-d with a more hand ful of men. I: was more than an hour before the department was In a position to make anything like a stic (loKsful fight against the tire. The fire was one of the most spec tacular that has occurred In New Orleans during recent years. Two warehouses filled with wines and liquors were among the buildings destroyed. Barrels of whiskey and brandy exploded with thunderous roars, which could be heard for blocks, and which shook the walls of adjoining buildings and endanger ed the lives of firemen engacod in fighting the flames. Chinese Horn in Americ Barred. San Francisco, Sept. 1. City At torney Long has furnished the Board of Education an opinion deal ing with the question of the admissi bility of native-born Chinese ohlldren to public schools other than schools established for thorn. In brief, he holds that the question of nativity has no bearing on the case; that Chi nese children are Mongolians, Irre spective of birthplace, aud that if special schools of equal standing are not provided for them, they are entitled to attend any school. The opinion Is given In response to a query from the Hoard of Education with reference to the request of the paronts of throe native-born Chinese maidens who wished their daughters to attend schools other than the Ori ental school. The political code provides that every school shall be opon for the admission of all children between 6 and 21 years of age, residing In the district. This section also author ize boards of education to establish separate schools for Indian, Chinese or Mongolian children, and provides that when such schools are estab lished, such children must not be admitted to any other school. The object of the law is clearly to segregate the white children of the public schools from those of Mongol ian or Indian descent, and Is not to deny the latter of any of the equal rights guaranteed by the constitu tion. Dairy Herd Goes Blind. Los Angeles, Sept. 1. That 11 cows lu the Glegerlch dairy which have gone blind mysteriously are the victims of a new disease is the opin ion of H. J. Daniels, a veterinary surgeon, who has been studying the cases. At first there seemed to be every indication that the cows had been blinded by a knife plunged Into their eyes. On closer examination It was discovered that the hole In each eye was located In the same rotative posi tion. The veterinary acknowledges that he never heard of a similar disease. It is thought pocslble that small tum ors have formed In the eyes and broken, hmvlng a hole and destroy ing the sight. Tests will be made with the cows, and It is hoped to learn the exact causo of the animals going blind. Killed lu Stage Wreck. Alturas, Cal., Sept. 1. The north bound stago from the terminus of the Nevada, California & Oregon, over turned eight miles below hero Sat urday. One passenger, a man named Baxter, was killed and a woman was badly Injured. Seven other passen gers and the driver escaped without Injury. Baxter was en route from Scot land to Join his father, James Bax ter, a well-known stonecutter of Al turas, and his long journey lacked but eight miles of completion. When the stage was overturned a heavy Iron casting, being carried as express matter, fell on his head, crushing It and causing Instant death. Valuable Cargo of Silk. San Francisco, Sept. 1. The rich est cargo of raw silk Imported from the Orient in r.everal years reached t'jls port on the steamer Asia. It couststed of 2C00 bales, valued at J2, 000, 000, and was sent to New York on a special train, which was in 1 waiting at the dock when the Asia ar ; rived. Arrest Tillamook Btage Robber. Portland Matt Jackson, alias A I Carlson, alias "The Swede," who held , up the Tillamook stage, robbed Its : three passengers and rifled the malls July 2 last, is under arrest In San , Francisco. Postal Inspector E. C. ', Clement has returned from the Bay i City, where ho recovered about 800 worth of checks, drafts, money o?- ders and postage stamps, praotloally I the total value of the booty. I Having used a firearm and ea ' dangered the stagedrlver's llfo la committing the robbery, Jacksoi will be liable to a life sentence at Mc Neil's Island If convkael He bsA just concluded a 1 4-year sontfBQe Ifl the Oregon Penitentiary for roBkltfj l Portland street car1. I'pon application the WVlls-Fargo Express Company was granted per mission by the Hailroad Commission to grant a one-half rate upon ship ments of fruit and vegetables to be exhibited at the Stato Fair. The rate goes Into effoct immediately. Drlgadier-General Medorem Craw ford, 17. S. A., retired, who has been visiting his sister in Oregon City, was for years a neighbor and personal ac quaintance of Dr. John McLoughlin during the pioneer days. It has been 35 years since General Crawford left the state. ELI PARRY MEETS VIOLENT DEATH Eli Parry, a young man who was a comparative stranger at Hood Kirer, received injuries while unloading tele phone poles IhhI Thursday that result ed In bis death. With several other meu engaged in unloading the Pairy was oles in the lot back ot the Oavldsou He stcoped down to block Fiuit Co. the wheel ot the wagon with a stoue when one of the poles rolled ott striking him on the hack of the head and crushing him to the ground. As soon as possible he was takeu to the Cottoge lloupital, hut died Hluiost as soon us he reached there. The unfortunate man whs in the em ploy ot the Paclllo Htates Telephone company and was about 30 years of age. His home was in West Branch, lown, where he Is survived by a wife and two children aud his father. His relatives were communicated with there aud the body shipped to West Branch Satuiday for burial. Parry was a member of the M. W. of A. at West Branch and before coming to Hood Kiver had been employed at Cottage til ove. Transfers of Properly. 11. M, Abbott reports the sale and tiunsfer of the following properties recently : Besidence owned by Ur. M. A. Jones to B. Nichols, of Montana. Consideration, $3,000. Seventeen and one-haif acres belonging to Uass & Schcmltzer, which adjoins the E. II. Shepard place on tho west, to Win. E. (ireeu, of Spokane. 11. M. Abbott to S. (ireeu, of Portland, 20 acres of the 100 recently purchased by Mr, Abbott on Pine Elat. Price, 61,200. BETTER FIRE PROTEC TION FOR SCHOOLS At a recent meeting of the Hood River board of school directors the matter of better tire protection was taken up and resulted in the purohase of six fire extinguishers of the most approved type. These will be placed in the sohoolsaud the pupils Instruct ed in regsid to their use la case ol emergoucy. The board also voted to scouie live Ore escapes. These are so constructed that they can be kept near the win dows aud thiowu to the ground in case of fire. They have a sack or l.ammock uttaobment in which the pupils can rapidly slide to tho bottom. Another matter taken up by the di rect ois was that of providing protec tion for the school grounds on Paik stieet ngaitibt runaway teams, it is stated that seveial runaways have oc curred recently on the road leading past the school ind owing to the fact that the horses cannot make the short turn near the sobool they have dashed Into tho grounds It is feared by the patrons of the school that one ot these runaways may take place at the time school is being dismissed and that it might be the cause ot the death or serious injury to a uumbir of the children. Io protect against an acci dent of this kind the directors have decided to erect a low of strong posts along the side of the sobool grounds. Delivered Pine Address. Joseph V. Kerr, sou of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Kerr, delirerod a splendid ad dress upon V. M, C. A. work at Hiv eiside Congiegational church last Sunday morning. A large number of interested friends had anticipated the u'ddrctts and were greatly pleased and prolited. Mr. Kerr is an up-to-date man in work for men and his woids told of mighty uplifting movements going on iu the cities and rural dis tricts. It is hoped that some work outlined by the speaket may ho or gautzed here and the wider and deep er invitation received by the congre gation may be realized io Hood Klver. AUTO ROAD HOOD RIVER TO PORTLAND A proposition to build an automo bile road Horn Portland to Hood Kiv- et is being agitated by Portland own ers of Hood Kiver property. It is stated that they are willing to give S 15,000 toward building the road if the rest of the money necessary to build It will be contributed by resi dents of Hood Kiver. Bough estim ates that have beeu secured place the cost of the roHd at 1,000. Most ot this, It is claimed, would be spent be tween Hood Kiver und Cascade Looks, At present there is no highway be tweeu these two places, as the O. K, & N. Railroad company appropriated the wagon road. The road to be oonstrooted would extend from Latou relle Falls to Vieuto. If the load Is completed plans include an Improve ment of the toad iiom here to Cloud Cap Ion, so that automobilists will be able to reaob that resoit in quick time with their oars. The clan is to restore the old Dulles Sandy state road tu Latourelle lads and then follow the nud now lu use from there to Portland. A committee cousistiug nf C. K. Marshall, Col Hartley and Chaufleur Baldwin expect to go to Bonneville tils week aud ride oer the proposed route otiueroau oo horseback. TEH 5 OF APPLE I DYING IN EAST H. F.DAVIDSON TALKS ON SITUTION Business Condition Retard Sales Presidential lampalgn Also Hav ing Influence. II. K. Davidson, president of the Davidson Fruit company at Hood Hiver, arrived home Monday after an extended trip tbiougb the fruit grow ing sections of the east and middle west. Mr. Davidson was In attend ance at the annual meeting of the In ternationa Apple Shippers' Associa tion held at Niagara Falls August 5 and C and also visited many ot the large apple dealers In New York City and Chicago. In bis observations he states that the apple crop iu the east from the lakes to the Atlantic coast, both in the United States and Canada, will he large this year, but that the crop in the middle west Is very light. Until he teaobed Colorado on bis re turn trip ha found no evidence of abundant fiuit crops and in some sec tions of that state the appleyield will be small. He states, however, that there la an abundant yield all over the country this year of farm produce, particularly corn. Apart from apples he found big crops ofjother varieties of fruit, more especially peats and peaches. In none of the districts he visited had winter apples as yet been bought, although usually at this season of the year most of the crops are contracted for. This situation, be discovered, applies not only to the east aud middle west, but to apple shipping centers ou the coast, which he dropped off at on bis way home. The tardiness of buyers In contract ing for apple crops this year, Mr. Davidson believes, Is due to the fact that the high prioes at which tbe fruit was bought last year,coupled with the financial panlo whioh came on shortly after the crops were'purohased, caused many eastern dealers to lose money. Tbe profits whioh dealers expected to make are said by a number of them with whom Mr. Davidson consulted to he reposing In the pockets of the growers wbo tbey say were never more prosperous than at the present time. Another faot that is causing buyers to bold off Is said to be because con sumers lack the purchasing money tbey bad last year, owing to business depression. Many of the big indus tries In tbe large manufacturing cities of the east have not resumed full oper ations since tbe panlo and are run ning on short time. This bas affeoted au abundant circulatiou ot cash and caused tbe fruit buyers to be more wary this year In plaolng large orders In advance of a full resumption ot business. Tbe ultimate result of the presidential eleotlon Is also thought to be having its influence on the ao tion of buyers who, to some extent, are afraid of a contraction ot credit in tbe event ot a ohange ot administra tion, Mr. Davidson was informed by large operators In the apple business that there Is no lack ot money in tbe banks, but that tbey are witholding its Investment pending tbe results of the presidential campaign. He he llo ves, howevei, that latur there will be a good market for tbe fine fiuit of Hood River and tbe coast, and that It will move at profitable prioes. lu comparing conditions between the east aud west Mr. Davidson, whose borne was formerly in Ohio, said : "After my trip I am more than ever impressed with tbe superiority of the resources and advantages ot the west and Oregon In particular over those ot the east. Nowhere did 1 find Indi cations of snob prosperity as exists in the northwest. As an iudloation of this 1 found no better barometer than tbe faoes of the people whom I met. As I came west on my return trip I noticed that tbe Smiles grew broader until 1 reached Oregon, whioh pre sented a broad grin of sunshine, peace and oontent. For three weeks I sweltered in the east with tbe ther mometei no higher than it reaohes here, the nights being particularly un pleasant. Instead of arising In the fresh and Invigorating atmosphere of Oregon l got up in au atmosphere that was already sizzling. Our cli mate can not be surpassed, our oppor tunities aie unlimited and nowhere I went did I find more piogresHive and prosperous class of people than those of Oregon and the noithwest in gener al. 1 found also that the judiolous advertising campaign that Is being conducted in our state is accomplish ing wondersjand is creating an inter est that can not fail to attraot many desirable residents and added oapital to this section of the oountry." Announcement. Ou the seoond day oi the apple fair no one need go hungry. Tbe Ladies Aid of tbe Congregational oburob will serve dinner and supper to their many friends and visitors. These ladies are noted tor tlw exoellency of their din ners. This is to be a treat ot an un usual order. 'Ihe realization will ex ceed autioipation. Watch tbe papers, for further announcements.