flOODiBIVEB OLAOIBR THD&SDAY, AUGUST 27. 1908. Three 'li DESTROYED 2,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT A Are which originated from coal fro m a thresher engine destroyed 2.000 buabela of wheat Dear lioyd, Ore., laat Inurirfay. Ad account if lb Ur,and bow it occurred, taken from Ihe Dalles Clirooicle, saya that the tbr.eah en comilti their day's work Iburg daj about '5" o'clock on the farm of Dirk Neil I be grain had beeo pl'.oed in sack a beside the straw stack. In Gleaning to engine a few live coila ' were thrown out. No cue on the ' Meal farm notioed tbera. Soon after, however, the big pile of grain aacb were obeeived to be a Are, baring been ignited from the coals. . '1 be thresher bad no means of pre ; venting the spreading of the blaze i(and anon all the sacks were enveloped in the flamesi Oufui was inimedia'.ely f-oodiuHiniouted with. - J. U. Heimrioh geriral manHRor of the Great Booth- era ioad, waa iu Dufur at the time the news of the lire . waa received tber. Under bis orders an engine ,. . waa ordered out and in oharge of Con ductor J. D Tubin a coachload of men and boys was carried to the aoene ,h" jtJb)--;obrflagration. .Ihe chemioal app'aratua of the Dnfur Ure depart ment waa aiso taken in the coaob, this being the, only means the men bad of lighting the flames. ., While the, Ore burned over allot (be aoka, it waa extiuHUiahed after it bad consumed about one half of the grain. In all tbeia were about 150 meu and boya Bt the scene of the tire lighting the flames. v, 'Nathan Wbealdou left tbia after . noon for Dufur to adjust the loss of the Ore, Mr. Neal'a grain oiop having been covered by insurance. . .... Chronic Dlarrhoe.i Relieved. , Mr. Edward ' E. Henrv, with ' the Lniletl Stales Express Co., Chicago, writes: "Our general superintendent, Mr. Quick, handed me a bottle of , CIiUwI;um'h Coluv- .Cholera and ., l)iarrli(W'a Remedy pome time ago to check ri'ri" nltdcVof t tie old chronic (Jiiirrlir.cn. 1 have usrd it since that 'tinio uii- iturcd luailY. on our trains .-. wh luvve been sick. I am an old eol- lur who Buried with Rutherford 1? "Hayes and William McKinley four years ti" in the 2"d Ohio regiment ""mid have no ailment except chronic . diarrhoea, whjcli lliis remely stops at once." 1-or sale uv Keir V Cass. "Young men are not as earnest as thi-y weiein our day," said the rem ""iiriHHent citizen. - "No," answered Mr. Bit ius Darker. "Instead of burning the midnight oil they put in all their time exploding gasoline. Excellent Health Advice. "" Mrs. M. K. Davison, of No. 379 Git ford avcn'.e, San Jose, Cal., says: "The worth of Electric Hitters as a general family remedy, for headache, bilious ness and torpor of the liver and bowels is o pronouticod that 1 am prompted to V" :. r f.. .1... 1 u say a woru in us mvor, mr ine uuneuv of those seeking relief from such afliic- tions. There is more health for the di gestive organs iu a bottle of Electric Hitters timn in any other remedy I know of. Sold under guarantee at Chas. N. Clarke's.drng store 50c. Real Eonoiny. While a penurious grocer was tell lug his new boy .how careful be mast lie, a fly settled on' a - bag of sgnr, The grooer caught it and thiew it away The boy then said . "If you want me to be careful)jyou aie (tetting me a bad example." " Why?" Seised the grooer. - "Hucause," said the. hoy, '"you nave "thrown that' fly away without brushing the sugar oli its feet." Disagreeable at Hour. Lots of men and women who are 'ntfieeablo -with others get "cranky" at home. It's not di position, it's the liver.- It' you find in yourself that you feel cross around the 'honce, little things worry yon, just buy a bottle of Ballard's llerbine mid put your liver in shape. Y.oij and, evervbody around yon will ' feet better for it. I'rice fit) cents per bottle. Sold by ' Cfias'- NV.CIarke." ''Dq you thjuk the Hying machine willfever perform any lmpoitant ser vice to the public?" '" ' "It is already perform iug an impor tant service," answeied Miss Ca yenne, ""it ,ia 'something tc talk about." Diarrhoea Cured. "My father Iihh for years been trou bled with diarrhoea, and tried every - ' -i i- t ..re... :l means possioie w eneci a curu, wmiuui avail," writes John ll. Zirkle, of Pliil- ippi, W. Va. "He saw Chamberlain 8 Colic, Cholera and .Diarrhoea Remedy '"' advertised in the Philippi Republican and decided to try i Ihe result is one bottle cured mm una'tie nas noi suiier ' ... .f.d with.te disetise for 18 months. Be fore taking idis remedy he was a con stant sufferer. He i now sound and , '" well, and although (K) years old can do nfi..-,a8, moi-li . work as a younger man." 'Hold by Keir & Cass; ) "ntvrr0 Lay Man. at Condon. ' ' in Dqu pu, rbe shores ol a little lake 'in central Uiegon lives the prizo win ning luzy mau. His name is Tfaad deus Jnncs. Mr. Jones has a potato patch, -q half-dozen pigs, a flock of ducks and n dog among bis other pos sessions..' '"When Thaddens wants a ,fiieai fce luirns bfs p" out of the pen i'tnfo, t,bu -potato, pitch, flrst Uttiug nvef the fhont of each porker a muz zle wnico permits me mim"ihi m mui but not eat. When the grunteia have : i-.iJS .-.'dn enouun notatces tor u meal Mr. I . . . . . . . t i. . . 1 1 i.f h n.a ,in fliA sDUd?. i ,tjil ire I'lKS Hie uoiog inis jou ue eeilds this' iliickf cut into tbe lake to fish for him. I'.ach duck has a list- ..... hook nd line attached to one leg. ig "Ihe hook is Waited, and -whenever a " , ttsh takes good hr.ld the webbed bird , ' flees frigbteaed tl the shore. s ' The Onny denizens bite quick and V- ' often in that lake, rnd It only takes a few minute for Mr. Jones' biaiu mak ' 'lug food to be tlzzling on ,tbo par. v LBt week a four pound trout get on (' n book eud now there Is one duck shy on the Jcnes demesre. '1 bis dceen't l . .' happen very often, however, mid when it dri-p 4ried duck thkes the iiiHCH of trout on the menu When wash day corn's ThaddtMis' dog gets iu bis ,i,rk Olf comes Mr. Joins' flarri'l i-hirr. wMch h tif- lo Pedro's tail stti t hoi oi.iihly ' soHpid. Mt. ,line T il Au g m I ce bf bfcou into tie I k mrt the laon diy gees if'tr it. V Iiki. tie I ui tniitt d sjmu'ci 4et.otrs to the shcr the i hilt in i s cici u n- if it hurt icom .' to a kltuu. lit i:dr On gou "iiriul ACT QUiCKLY - lWai ll. s'ilei'ii'6 ngrniliS in li iirt ' ' River. Do the riylit ih tin at ther'i l.' tine . Act quickfy in times of dai g. r. Backache i8 kidney danger." Doan' Kidney Pills act quickly. Care all distressing, dangerous kid ney ii If. Plenty of evidence to prove this. Mrs. C. Hoctor, lUOtt Jiluff xtret. The Dalle-, Ore., says: "Dean's Kidney Pills have been used in our family many times, and the results have al ways been satisfactory. A few months ago our little girl began to complain of pain iu her back. The aching kept vetting tuo-e annoying until I got a box o Doan s kidney 1 ills. Less than one box entirely rid her of the I rouble, and she baa not complained of it since. " tor sale by all dealers. rice ou cte. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Re member the name Doan'a and take no other. Womanly Logic "Never," groaned a Euclid avenue picture dealer the other day, "never day, "never tiy to aigue a woman in to believing that she ought to pay a bill when she thinks otherwise. 1 tried it this morning presented a bill for some stuff ordered two months ago. ueie was ner lrretutatle logio: "1 never oidered any pictures. "llf I did I never got them. If did I psid tor them. "If I didn't I must bavt. bad some good reason fot it. "And It I bad, of course, I won't pay you. "What d'you think ot.tbatt" Ten Years In Bed. "For ten years I was confined to my lied with disease of my kidneys, writes R. A. Gray, J. P., of Oakville, Ind. "It was so severe that 1 could not move part of the time. I consulted the very best medical skill available, but could get no relief until Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me. It has been a God send to me." Chas. N.Clarke. Roosters, bnt Have the Hoods. Tbe Hood River country and the city of Eugene are often held up to us as evidence o' what persistent and ioval boosting will d . Certainly tbey are good examples. They have made a noise and Ihe eastern publio has ta ken notice of them and has gone to see for itself. But do you reflect as to the sort of impression Hood River advertising would have made if tbe distriot bad not bad something to show tbe said publio? Advertising and boosting are graud factors iu de velopment, but what is vastly mote important is concrete evidence ot what a district will do and produce. If tbe people of Grants Pass and vi oinity had tbe proper amount of faitb In the possibilities of their section to back up en Irrigation system and turn the river bottom and foothills into gardens, tbe eSect upon the investor and bomeseeker would be teutold more than tbe most attractive boom literature. Grnti Psas Bulletin. llaf Fever and Summer Colds. Victims of hay fever will experience great benefit by taking Foley's Honey and Tar, as it stops difficult breathing immediately and heals the inflamed air passages, and even if it should fail to core you it will give instant relief." I'lie genuine is in a yellow package. C. N. Clarke. Inspected Astoria Court House. County Commissioner K. J. Mo Isaao, of Hood River, and a pomiueut orohardist of that famous district, spent tbe day in Astnriu yesterday, ; .j u I. i .. t... ii hi. in 1 HUUUUJlJaiJiaU UJf ui. idiuei, a uiur uent citizen ot Uskaloosn, lowa, wbo is summLriQg in Uregou, aud both gentlemen weie happily prepossessed mtb tbe city, tbe harbor, tbe country aud tbe people generally, and udmit- ted freely that next to their own live oumuiuulty up under the shadow cf noble old Hood, Astoria aud Clatsop looked best to tbem. i'hey attcuded tbe good roads' convention ut Poit- land an I ran down bore at tbe in stance of a number of cordial Astor- ians they met there, and both are glad they did. Commissioner Mc- Isaao was immensely pleased wlto me new court Douse wnion ne tospeoiea from top to bottom, end declares it is beyond all doubt tbe nuest tning oi its kind on tbe upper coast. Astor- ian. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is sold under a positive guarantee to cure con- etipation, flck lieadacne,, etomacn trouble, or any form of indigestion. If it fails, the manufacturers retuna your money. What more can any one do? Chas. N. Clarke. Learned to Root at College. It turns out that it is college bred men who have made the Hood River apples famous. Learned to root at tbe big football games, no doubt. Editor Sbepard, of Better Fruit, is oruanlzing a university club at flood River and already bas thirty in tbe line up. Newberg Giapbio. (iranulated Sore Eyes Cured. 'For 20 years I suffered from a bad case of granulated sore eyes," says Mar tin Boyd, of Hekrletta, Ky. "In Feb ruary, 1W03, a gentleman asked me to try Cli'.itiberlain's Salve. I bought one box and used about two-thirds of it and mv eves have not idven me any troubl since." This salve is for sale by Keir & Cass. Thinks We're tioing Some. Tbe Hood River people claim tbey will witbin two years have 3.500 rars of apples to ship eaob year. Allowing GOO boxes to the car and $2.50 per box that will mean an Inoome ot over five million dollars to tbe valley for apples alone, well, we long ago decided that e would believe auytbing tbe hood people told us, foi.they usually tell the truth, but this statement atsg gers us just a little hit, lor It means an iuooine of a thousand dollars to each man, woman and child in the Hood river valley. And tbat is going some 1 lrrigon Irrigator. Baby Morphine Fiends are made by all soothing syrups and baby medicines that contain opium and narcotics. Meuee s uaov i-.nxir con tains no injurious or narcotic drugs of any kind A sure and safe cure for dis ordered stomachs, bowels- and fretful lit' splendid for teething infa'its K r sule by Chas. N. Clarke. Special .Notice. Having secured tbe agency for the famous Edison phonographs aod re roidv. I wish to HUiiouoce tbat I bare ju t Mceived ti e complete I ne of luadliiiji s i,ud the entire caUlog of ei orus, tibiuaall the records iiuide ky this cnu pmiy up to January I. 1!V8 Aim Wit) sti ck Ot dio riOnls In all over three thousand to select In m. Due of the largiat stocks in the st..t. ChJI and se and hear them. S ale's flano Huose, Silas H. Soule, Prop ill Miijr in II 'il Itiwr l'lnc-.l t'.tti ma ti vull i-h! , i Tin Ml! I mi . . f llcl 1" ililin I rl'il . ,t i i.i' . i- ir.uliii.y I iy illiaina 'iiai iu m i , I!" il Kiwr. Tli-g. great in i p ml i . iiii 1 1 nl ion tmililerw coat only 5u fr box, nix boxes, $2.60. if . Take Kodol whenever you feel that you need it. That is the only time yoa need to take Kodol. Jnst when you need it; then you will not be troubled with soar stomach, belching, gas on the stomach, etc. Sold by Keir &Cass. A neat proposal of marriage was made by a young man tbe other night Hsid: "Now, Miss Scbultz, yoa cay you have $50,000 in your own name why not put it In mine?" ACTIVE AT 87. This would be no unusual news ' men and women would keep themselves ee from rheumatism aud all aches end pains as well as keepinir their mus les and joints limlier with Ballard's Snow Liniment Hold by Chas. N. Clarke. Why He Keeps Moving. A little boy, listening to the weird skirl of the bagpipes of street per former, ouce said to hit fatbei : Fath er, why does tbe piper keep on tbe move all tbe time be plays?" "I ean't tell, my boy," th father answered, "unless it is to prevent any one's getting tbe range with a cobble stone' The Laziest Man(ln the World. would not be contentod to be kept in the house and doing nothing by rheu matism. Neither are you, who are al ways busy and active. Then don't neg lect the first twinge of an ache or pain that vou inieht think is just a "crick." Rub well with Ballard's Snow Liniment and no matter what tbe trouble is it will disappear at once. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. In tb County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County (formerly Wmco Uounty). In the matter of the Guardianship of Roba J, m I L- 1 .. .. .. VlnMnM U 1'lU.bAF 1 II I K 1 1 , 11. 1 W ivinun, .-imiwiiw now Klaus, IUa K. Tucker, now Klaus, ml Koblna Tucker, now Klaus, minor children of Roba J. Tucter, deceased, by Trim Hll Klaus. Uuardlan. Now coming on tor hearing the motion of Unra Bene Klaus, (uuraiiw) oi iu ptmra nu estate of Kob J. Tucker, now Klaus, Florence R. Tucker, now Klaus, Lells K. Tucker, now Klaus, nd Rohlna Tucker, now KIhus, minor chiiili-m of Roba J. Tucker, aeceasea, noiv appolnled br order of tbe Uounty Court of ibe County ol watco, ny joun lihiiu nciiurrwijii and Wm. M. Watson, her attorneys, alleging: That on the Uitu day oi msy. ine ueii lion of aald gURrdlan waa filed in the aliove enlltled cause In the County Court of Wasco r.Mintv. wherein she seeks, as inch guardian. to fell certain realty belonging to said minors deoi-rlbed in said petition, and praying for an ordci to show cause why said real estate should not be sold at private sale; riiat ou. to-wlt. the lein ay oi may, iwb, tha order was en u-red In said cause and court hv .Inilirn A. V.. Iake. Uonnty Judice of said Wruco i-ountv. ordering the next of kin of said wards, ana ail persons inwremcu iu uiu ptm. to aiiDear before said Court on the act h ruv i.r .iiiiin. louH. at 10 o'clock a. in., at tbe countv court room of the county court of Wasco, Oregon in inecnyoi .iirB, iu said county of Wasco, state of Oregon, then and thorn lo show cause. If any there be. why an order should not be granted for the sale of said real estate, ana runner, oraenng mat. a copy of aald order be published for four suo cesxlve weeks In the Hood River Glacier, a mxriuiiirrnfaenerHl circulation, published la the city of Hood Klver. Uounty of Wasco, atale ot Oregon, wie nrm iiwue ui wmuu uuuii. cation shall be on the sttth day of May.l'JOS: That thereafter said order was regularly nniiiiKhed for tbe time rruuirea in sum oraer, as by proof ol publication on die in suld cause dated June fe.tb, That persoiial service waa had on aald mln. oin and on Cora lielle Klaus, widow aud next of kin, on the 'isih day of May, 1908, and that acceptance of service on said minora and on said Cora Helle Klaus is also regularly en. tered on said oraer, an oi wuicn win oe more ful v seen bv reference to me returns inereon nn hia in ha! A rAnse: That then alter, on saia aim aay oi juue, IfMIK. in the County Court of Wasco County, at The Dalles. Oregon, the said petition to sell aald real estate came on for hearing upon said order to show cause and procesa asaioresatd; that at said hearing objections were inane u ihe ln of aald real estate by H. U.Tucker and others; that on motion of attorneys for petitioner, oom Ol wnom were preaeiib in mnri the nhtectlons were overruled: 1 nat cerunea copy oi mo uruwr oi mo su perior Court of the BUite of Washington for k inirCniiniv. dulv entered, in the matter of the adoption of said Tucker minora by Albert Cross Klaus and Cora Belle Klaus, their nat ural mother, waa riled in said cause In the Wasco County Court, whereby the names of said minors wuere cnuugeu iruiu uciter w Klaus; ... That at Bald time ana place an oraer to sen unlrt real estate was enttrea by judge a. fc, Lake. In said cause ana court, autnormng and emiviwerlnit the said vuard an to sell said real estate from and after Thursday, the 80th day of July, IMS, as described Iu said net tlnn nna in saiu oruer oi sale: Tuut at the general election of the State of Oregon, held June 1st, 1U03; the electors of the Stale oi iregon carvea out oi wnscouramj th( ountvor itooa Kiver. ana tnai ineuov. ornor or the Htale of Ureiron. on the Md day of June, 190U by omclal proclamation, proclaim ed said county oi iioou ttiver as auiy lormcu, and that on the 'J4tli day of June, WU8, the Uovernor appointed the county offlcers; Tbat the real estate nought to be sold, Is In the new Countv or Hood River, and Btateof Oregon, and that all the papers In said cause, and the cause itself, haa been transferred to ana is to proceed In said County of Hood Klver, male oi Oregon; That as suld order of sale was entered by the Judge or the County of Wasco op the 2r.lb day ot June, 1U08, on said order to show cause. returnable ai saiu uaie, auu as tne suiu coun tv of Hood River was organized on the 241b day of June, 1IXJ8, tbe question of the jurisdic tion of tbe County Court of Waaco County. Judge A. K. Lake, to grant such order, Is In doubt. And the Court having beard the saia mo tion, and being advised In the promisee, and all tiie original papers in said cause having been transferred from the County of Wasco to the County of Hood Klver, and now pro duced before this Court In tne City of H.xd River and Countv of Hood River. Htate of Oregon, and tbe Court having examined tbe same ana neing aavisea in uie preiniKes, uuu having carefully considered the petition tiled In said cause by Cora Helle Klaus, guardian, aa aforesaid, on tbe Ulth day of May, iut8. praying for the sale of the Interests of her said wards li the real estate described in tbe said petition, to-wlt: rirsi tract. ine souinenai. uunrwr in inn southeast quarter of section twenty-seven (27), township (3) north, range ten (10) east Willam ette Meridian, containing forty (40) acres, ex- centlnir thereout the following described por tion thereor, heretofore sold and conveyed by order of aald court vl: Beginning at the corner to sections twenty, six (a) and twenty-seven (27), thirty-four (HI) and Ihirty.Hve(So), township two (2) north, range ten (10) east- of tbe Willamette Meridian; thence running north along the section line between sections twenty-six (2fi) aBd twenty seven (27), ten (10) chains to an Iron bur set for the norlheust corner of the land herein des-rlned;- thence run south 8 degrees w mlnules west parallel to the south boundary of section twenty-seven (27), ten (10) chains to an Iron bar set for the northwest corner of tbe land herein described; thence run smith par allel to the east boundary of suld sc-ilon twenty-seven (27) ten (III) chalnsto uu iron bar on. tbe south boundary of section twenty- seven (27), net for the southwest coi ner of the land herein described: thence run north 149 degrees 57 minutes, east ten (10) chains to the southeast corner of said section twenty-seven (27), township two (2) norlh, range ten (10) east or the Willamette Meridian, alter aaur. vev made hy John Leland Henderson, sur veyor, in accordance with a former older ol tne t.ouuty i;ourioi wasco i;ouniy, wregr.n. . Second tract Commencing at t lie south east corner of tbe nortl.ea.tt quarter of ih. southeast quarter of section twenty-seven Ui) In township (2) north of range ten ( 10) eul of the Willamette Meridian running thence north thirty (30) rods, thence west eighty (80) rods, thence south thirty (90) rods, thence east eighty (80) rods to the place ot begin ning, containing fifteen (15) acres more or less: being Ritunle in the County of Hood Kiver (formerly Wasco) and Htate of Oregon. And It appearing to the Court also, from the said petition, that the income from the es tate of said minors Is Insufficient to malntiiln the said wards, and that it Is for tbe best In terests ofsald wards aad necessary tbat said real estate should be sold, It Is hereby o-der. ed that the next of kin or tne saia wards, and all persons Interested in said estate, apps a before the Court on the 5th day of October. 1B08, at 10 o'clock a. in,, at the court nsun of the County Court of Hood River County. Ore gon, at the City of Hood Klver, in the said County of Hood River, Mate of Oregon, then and mere ft snow eaue, u any mere oe, wnr ar order should not be granted mr the sale ol said reM estate. It Is lurther ordered that a copy of said or. der shall he -published for four successive weeks and five Insertions, in tbe Hood Klver Glacier, a newspaper of general rirculstinn, published weekly in the City of Hood River, fountv of Hood River. 8ule of Oregon, and circulating Iu sa d County, the flrst Issue of which publication shall be the lith day of August, isje.snu me innt uuuiicuwuii u wuicn shall be the SH dv of September. 190. aord lng to tbe statute In such cases made mi l pro vlded. Ordered tills 3d day of August, 1W. A. J. iKKKY. agsl County Judge, v.is i , M yiSJ ASUCCKSSFUR BAKtfa s follows theuse of White River and Golden Crown flour. Whether vou bake bread, cakes, tues, or any kind of pastry, you w ill finii this flour "a safe and reliable standby. Try it once and you will never use any other. STRANAHAN & CLARK HOOD RIVKU, ORKGOX. a T. KAWKON. HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Etcck Grown on Full Roots. We d"sii. to let our friends and patrons know thul fr t! fnil planting we will hare and can sup- plj i' t'-v i; umber Cherry, P:ar,Apricot, Peach&Plum Trees, GRAPLS. CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees, JLlso, all the standard varieiien of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spittett berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON a STANTON, Hood River, Or. WHOLESALE THE DALLES NURSERIES K. II. WEBER, Trop. TIIE DALLES, OREGON. GROWER AND DKALKR IN FRUIT, SHADE AND TREES ORNAMENTAL a Evegem, Rosea and Shrubbey. Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation. ..MILLER'S DRUGSTORE.. lias just received a shipment of American and Im ported Perfumes, LuiKlberg's, llieger's, Roger & Oal lett's in bulk and presentation boxes. The Finest Imported Soaps for the Toilet Toilet Sets, Fancy Papetrie, and many other ar tides suitable for Presents. On the Heights, Hood River, Ore. Why Go Down the Hill? When Doing Your Rememlipr we wali OA UPKTS LACE CURTAINS, etc. at reasonable prices. HOOD RIVER Laundry Co. HOME HIONE 123 Now!!! Is the Time to Order Pacific (Peaceful) Electric Irons Who cuts the Wood on ironing day? Who is it Minter Man? Who carries in the wood? I say Here a a better plan. An iron to heat without the use Of either wood or coal ; Attach it to jour Mectric juice And you hnvc reached the soa'- The Iron stajg hot with hardest wear It never more gets cold ; And never needs the least repair, While Mrs. never scolds. Your house is cool, your temper too, The wood left on the pile, The new Iron beats the old for you, It's got it skinned a mile. We will place one oi these labor Ha vers in youi' home on 30 (lays free trial. If you like the Iron after giv ing it a thorough trial, we will sell it to you nt cost to us. Price $450 Home Telephone No. 55 Pacific " " 1071 Hood River Electric Light Power and Water Co', UKCKIVIXO DAILY FRESH CI linn in ui s rrsi IVUI uuu vv CELEBRATED WHITE RIVER AND GOLDEN CROWN BRANDS MADE FItOM SELECTED HARD WHEAT r. H. BTAJfTOX RETAIL GRAPE VINES AND SMALL FRUITS .BICYCLE SHOP. J. MARION REID Bicycles, Guns, Sowing Ma chines, Furniturs, Umbrellas, Stoves and Locks Repaired. KEYS MADE TO ORDER Ricycles, Guns, etc., sent by express for repairs will be neatly and promptly re paired and returned. Can save you $1 to f'1.00 on price of new wheels. Tires, brakes, and all kind ol repairs sold at Portland prices. Prices furnished on application. Reference: Uradstrec '.. OREGON and UNION PACIFIC 3 Trains to the East Dally Through Pullman slandnrds and tourist sleeping cars dally to Oinsha. Chicago, Hpo. knnc; tourist sleeping cttrs dully to Kansas I'ity; through 1'Villmnn tourist sleeping car fpersonnally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Reclining chair cars fseats free) to the Kat dally. Union Depot Leave. Arrive nilcniro-1'nrt land Kpeclal for the Ksst via Huntington, daily 8:110 am 8:S0 pra Hpoksne Klyer lor i'.astern Waslilnglin, Walla Walla, Lewlslon, 'ocur d' A lene anil Mreat Northern points, dally S:15 pm 8:00 am A I latUlc Kxpress for the Kast via lliintint'ton, dally 11:00 pm 9:1ft nm I'ortland-Penillelnn local for all uolntshetween I'endleton and i'ortlanci. dally 7:15m 5:15 pm RIVER PCIIKDULE " FOIt AHTdUIA and 8:00 V. M. way ))olnts. connecting Dally with strainer for II v aco es"ept and North Heach steam- Hunday, er llassalu. Ash streetiSatnnlav, dock (water per.) 10:00 P. M. FOR Davtiin. Orecon'7:nf A. M. 6:00 P. M Dally except Bumlay. City ami Vatnlilll Kiv- Dslly er points. Ash street except dock (water per.) Sunday. Foil l.KWIST(N,'S:40 A. M. from Klparla, Wash. ' Dslly except (Saturday OKFICK HOt KH Krelght IIousi 8 a. m. to 12 noon: 1 to 5 p m. No freight received or delivered after 6 p. in. Passenger Depot Hours for delivery of ex press and uagKuge will ue a. in. uu B p. m WM. McMURRAY. (ieneral Passenger Agent.l'ortland,Or. C. P. ROSS Billiards and Bowling Alley and Confectionery PAULORS THE BEST LINE OF Tobaccos and Cigars IN TIIE CITY The Oregoniun, Telegram and Journa ON BALE SUNDAY. Wo Mo Po 7:30 P. M. Dslly except Sunday. 4.-90P. M. Dally exept Krlday Qo to the HOTEL WAUCOMA For Your SUNDAY DINNER P. F. F0UTS, Prop. Hood Elver, Or GOULD & SNYDER PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. UNDERTAKER &EMBALMER Dealer in Furniture and Building Material BUY- CM If You Want the best Money can Buy. We Have a Car of Fine OAT5 iust in- Hood River Milling Co. turn v If WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF W If! a . C CJ miraie ui mi, mum ui ruiaMi AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS COME TO US DIRECT FOR W00D-FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM TIIE CARS STRANAHAN & CLARK r TllOS. CALKINS Riverside Dairy We can supply you with any quantity of Fresh Milk PRICES ON APPLICATION Free Delivery. t v. The Kimball is the only weeder that has made good and this season's demand will far exceed the supply, so place your orders early, if you need a weeder. I have a large assortment of sizes in stock at present. Beware of imita tions. Unless the knives have the right set and temper they are worthless. See that the name Kimball is on each weeder. J. R. NIGKEUSN Exclusive Agent For Hood River BARTMESS FLOUR 3D It !!. f nl,-L. o Hood River, Oregon J) ocx WALTER ISENI5ERQ All KIMBALL Cultivator