The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 27, 1908, Page Two, Image 2

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Iiutued Every Tbureday by
Commenting 00 so editorial that
appeared in tbe Glacier recently in
regard to apple production here in
the future Tbe Dulles Optimist says:
"Tbe Hood Hirer people estimate
that witbin tbree or four years tbey
will ship fiom tbat town fully 3000
carloads of applet, and of course a
luridly increased uumber of cars aud
orates of other products of tbe soil.
"Their estimates are based oa a
solid foundation, tbe nu-nber of trees
to come lo bearing, and with no de
vastatiou, no uuforsesn misfortune,
we believe tbe figures given are not
exaggerated, but rather witbin tbe
"Just bow many cherry trees we
Lave adjacent to The Dalles we do dot
knaw. Nor do we know bow many
treee'we bave that will come into
fruition jluriDg tbe coining tbiee or
four years, but tbe number is surely
very large and our cberry crop will
be certaiolymultlplied by tour by the
fourth year from now, or in 1913.
And at tbe aame time our peaob and
otber trees, aside lrom cherry, will
be greatly in excess of tbe present
number. Bo it can safely te said
that if we do not make as great a
showing as Hood River we will be a
good second, But we think our ad
vance will be fully as great as (bat of
our neigbbois.
"liut of one thing there Is no doubt
and tbat is that this section, from
Hood lilver to Tbe Dalles, is destined
to be within a very few years far and
away the most prosperous portion of
"Our products will be greater per
capita, our expenses less, and conse
quently we will bave a greater net re
turn tban any other section of tbe
northwest can boast of. We are not
writing this in a spirit of derogation
to any otber community. All Oregon
will prosper with us. Every commun
ity in tbe state believe, exper
ience a spirit of wonderful prosperity
during the same time, and we cer
tninly hope for eveiy county In the
commonwealth a great advance in
wealth, liut we verily believe thpt
liere in Wasco andIlood Kiver ooun
ties we bave the natural resources,
climate, soil, water aud market faclll
ties, which coupled with tbe intelli
gence of our land owners gives us and
ndvantage over every otber section."
With a largely! noreHsing volume of
imslnees each year paved streuts in
tbe business portion of the city are
liooomlng a necessity. Paved streets
mean an increase In property values,
a cleaner city and an object lesson to
visitors of progrussivenoss aud enter
prise. Tbe article in another column by E.
10. Ooad, superintendent of tbe city
and county sobools, is well worth the
perusal of parents who are contem
plating sending tbeli children to
school during the oomlngtetm. Mr.
Coad'a suggestion of a better under
standing between parents and teachers
will undoubtedly do away with inucb
friction, increase tbe eUioleuoy of
the sobools and produce better
Tho Hood Kiver Apple Growers'
Union aunouuees that it will conduct
a school tor the luHtruotlou of those
who want to learn bow to paok apples.
As in times past, the oKJcers of tbe
union are demonstrating tbat tbey
are equal to the occasion. Many
more packers will be needed this
year to handle tho crop aud tbe only
way to get tbem is to teach tbem.
Preparation for tbe future menus
progress aud success whether it comes
through properly packed apples or
other ohuunels.
Preparations are being made for
Hood Klver's Eighth Uiennlal Fruit
Pair and Indications nro that it will
be the largest and best ever held.
Tbe fair managers, however, are hav
ing the same dlllloulty In providing
quarters for the exhibit that ooours as
often as tbe fuir Is given. Tbe erec
tion of a building that will protide a
permanent home both for the fruit
fair aud the Commercial Club would
bridge this diUloulty, add prestige to
the town aud prove a paying Invest
ment. lbe beautiful Interior piauo player
whloh has attracted so much attention
at boulo'a Piano House lately was
purchased ty Ifert Stranahau
I Am In My New Quarters
With the most complete and up-to-date stock of
Diamonds. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
etc., east of Portland, and we challenge them to
surpass our stock.
Hood River's Leading Jeweler
At a meeting of tbe board of direc
tors of the Hood Kiver Commercial
Ciub wblob was held last Thursday
evening among other matters brought
before them was a request tbat tbe
city council be asked by tbe oiub to
take op tbe matter of paring tbe
s'.rrets in the business portion of tbe
city, li was stated tbat paving tbe
business streets with some Kind of
pavement that will render tbem pass
able and free of mud during the wet
weather is becoming a necessity tbat
can no longer te ignored and oue tbat
will prove oue of tbe best investments
lo tho way of public improvement
that can be secured for tbe city. A
number of property owners who own
or are building business blocks are
said to be in favor of tbe proposition
and that many others who are Inter
ested in tbe city's advancement are
also Tavoiable to it. The plau as out
lined would be to put in a solid foun
dation of concrete or ciusbed rock
tbat could bo covered with wooden
Tbe foundation would be permanent
and arter the blocks became worn
could be used to relay tbem or for
any otber kiud of pavement that
might be deoided on later. A com
mittee was appointed to secure estim
ates which tbey will placo before tbe
council with tbe request tbat it take
tbe matter op.
lbe subject of putting some plao
on foot whereby tbe water power ad
jacent to Hood lilver could te devel
oped aud used tor manulaoturiug pur
poses was brought up for discussion
and on motion was referred to tbe
president of (be club, who will ap
point committee who are to work in
conjunction with a sim'lsi committee
from tbe business Men's Association.
Kick on the Herd Law.
Editor Glacier : What is going to
come to us? Three things all at onoe:
New county, dry town aud the herd
law. The new county is nil right, so
Is the herd law 111 Its place, tut as 1
understand it it goes too far. We
havo no berd law at Mt. Hood. Tbe
township line should be tbe limit
Our cows hardly go past the township
line and we bave no cows that tio over
decent fences. Ho please let tbem
alone, for if you feuce them all you
do Is to take so much bread aud milk
out of my children's mouths. There
are thousands of acres of land not
fenoed south of the township line,
You are too far with your herd law,
(Jive us a chance to live. We bave no
apples to sell, neither bave we water
to irrigate. J. P. Hillstrom.
Did Not (Jet Properly.
On account of legal complications
the deeds which were given to C. 11.
ytranahan, Jan. Meaisund Chas. Danu
last week for property owned by the
Hood Kiver Development Co., on
wblob tbe sewer aHsessment had not
been paid are said to be invalid. Ow
ing to tbe fact that equity rights are
Involved in tbe transfer of property It
is claimed that full possession ot it
cannot be given to anyone without the
oonsent of the heirs. Until a final de
cision of tbe court can be reached the
property will tacitly remain in the
I and of its former owners.
Mrs. J. T. Cooper.
Mrs. J. T. Cooper, well known at
Hood Kiver, died at her borne in The
Dalles last Thursday aged 111 years.
Mrs. Cooper's maiden name was
Clarissa Oribble aud sbs whs born In
ClaokariiRs county, Ore., In 1877 and
was a sixtei of W. S. and Walter
Uribble of Mt. Hood. The deceased
was a member of The Dalles baptist
churoh and thfuueral was held from
mere last rriday with Interment in
I bat city. Mrs. Cooper is survived
by her husband and four children
aud by ber mothor, five brothers, aud
one sister.
Hoboed It.
Doroey H, Smith, of Portland, hou-
eral manager of the Open iiiver
Transportation Company, says tho
Telegram, had an experience Satur
day evening wblob is calculated to
soften bis heart towards the man who
seeks passage by train without bavins
the wherewithal to pay his fare, whu
ne was forced to ride from ilie Dalles
to Hood iiiver on tbe blind baggage
of passenger No. 1.
Mr. Smith bad been in The Dalles
on business, and when It neared train
time, put In bis appearance at the
waiting room of the Umatilla House,
preparatory to boaiding the train
when It should stop there. He did
not know that No. 1 does not ston at
tho Umatilla House, but makes only
the oue stop at tbe depot, aud when
be saw tbe engine with its string of
ooaohes gradually iuoreasiug iu speed
as it neared the hostelry he grew
auxlous to know if it were going to
alow down, so casually asked n by
stander, who Informed him that No 1
was oue of tbe two passengor trains
that did not stop. Smith had to get
to Portland, so grabbiug his grip be
made a wild dash for the blind bag
gage, as he feared if he should wait
until the coaches came by they would
have attained to great velocity. With
accuracy and precision that smacked
ot experience he gilpped tho Hying
step rail aud swung to position 011 the
top step, whence be waved farewell to
the laughing bystanders and associ
ates who saw him make the leap.
As No 1. Is a through train, it does
not stop at the amallei stations, aud
Mr. Smith was carried nu the blind
baggage to Hood Kiver where it is re
ported be was induced to enter a
In tla.e BrosincLs ZBloclr
School Tablets, Pencils, Pens,
Spelling Blanks, Composition
Books, etc. A big assortment
at the smallest prices.
Copyright 1908 by
Hart Scraffner Sc Mux
Not to be outdone by an Kuglisb
woman, Miss Jane Stearus, an Amer
loan girl, whose home Is in Wiscon
sin, made tbe trip to Mt. Hood and
returned on foot aud aim climbed to
tbe top of the mountain.
Miss Stearns left Hood Kiver last
Thursday walking as far as Mt. Hood
postolllce the tlrat day, where sho
tt.ayed over night at Lar wood's. The
uext day she continued ber journey
skyward arriving at the Inn late iu
the ufteruuou. When she le(t here
she said she would stay at tbe Inn
until the haze lilted so a view of tbe
surrounding snow cupped peaks could
be obtained. Tbe atmosphere cleared
up Monday and Miss Stearns, in
company witn seven otirer cumbers,
was taken up tho mouutnin by Uukle
Weygaut. Having climbed other
mountains without donning the garb
considered necessary for women mak
ing the ascent of Mt. Hood, Miss
Stearns objected strenuously to attir
ing herielf in overalls, but on tbe re
fusal of the guide to allow her to ao-
ouurpauy the party unless she did so,
she dually complied. She refused
point blauk, however, to allow bor
luoa to be blacked and as a result re
turned to Hood Iiiver witb a pain
fully severe oase of sunburn.
Although a mountain climber of
considerable experience she is said to
have been much lagged by tbe iast
part of the climb aud badly fright
ened during the descent which is
made quickly by sliding over tbe
snow and ice for a quuiter of a mile.
On reaching the Inn Monday after
the desoont. Miss Stearns continued
her trip back to Hood River, reach
ing Mt. Hood settlement Monday
uight where sho stayed, nnd arriving
here in time to take the boat to Fort-
land Tuesday afternoon.
To rations of Hood Kiver Mliools.
Tbe school board has made tbe fol
lowing arrangements for the accom
modation of the pupils until the bigb
school building is completed: lwo
rooms bave been secured from the U.
II. church to take tbe place of the
Slate street building. With this ex
ception the pupils will assemble next
Monday morning in the same rooms
thny wore in at tho close of school
last year. Promotions will be made
Monday morning, iuon pupil wno
received a promotion caid at the close
of school last year must present such
card in order to be promotod Monday
morning. Ibis is necossary, for tbe
new lea '.hers will not kuow wbethei a
pupil was promoted or not.
rarents Having children startlug to
school for tbe llrst time should, if
tbey live below tho brow of tbe bill,
tiika them to tho U. U. church, the
ymnasiuiu building. Those living
above tbe bill should tuku their chil
dren to tbe Pleasant View building
lbe hluh school, fur the present
will have the same rooms as last year.
It may be au item of interest to know
that our high sohool, according to tbe
recent classlllcatiou of bigb schools
by State Siiperintendeut Acker mau, is
eutitled to the rank ot llrst class. It
Is the aim of the board and school
mauagemeut to make everything iu
connection with out scnools first
Is full of the very best Clothing
for Men and Boys. We have just
opened up our first shipment of
For Fall. All latest styles fresh
from the factory of the newest
materials. Our buyer has taken
special pains to select the line
best suited for this country
we have marked them
usual small profit, giving you all
the value possible in each one.
Do not fail to look them over.
If you can do better we won't
"feel hurt. We know, however,
that if you compare quality and
firice we can save you money,
toys Suits for, up from
$1.50 $2 $2.50 $3
class. We want oar schools to attain
a degree of exoellenoe tbat will hold
in Hood River tbe best class of borne
seekers coming to tbe west. We want
those of our graduates who go away
to college, university or teebnioal
school to be able to prove themselves
tbe equals educationally of tbe grad
uates of any high school in the state.
And I am sure that this is tbe aim
and determination ot tbe studeuts
themselves. Our bigb school grad
uates are now admitted to any weet
eru college or university without ex
According to the compulsory eduoa
tiou law. every child between the ages
or nine and fourteen years and - be
tween 14 and lti years unless regularly
employed, must attend sohool every
sohool day. The only excuse is the
illness of the child, or when tbe illness
or a member of the pupil's family
muxes ll necessary (as lu esse ot a
contagious disease) for tbe pupil to
remain at homo. It is needless to say
that the law wl 1 be strictly enforced.
In Hood Kiver there are few ooaasious
for tbe enforcement of tbe law and it
is tbe desire of tbe school author ities
to make the school work so necessary
and attractive that the occasions tor
compelling attendance will be reduced
to tbe minimum.
It is 'earnestly hoped tbat all pa
trons and teachers will work in unison.
To this end all the patrons are urged
to visit the different rooms and be
come acquainted with tbe leaohois,
especially the teacher who has obarge
ot tbe patron's child. It is only by
tbe patron and teacher working to
gether all tho time tbat tho best re
sults for tbe child may be secured.
It at any time a patron baB a sug
gestion to offer I cau assure blnj a
courteous hearing. 1 hope that every
patron will reel tree to call upon me
at any time, tor my time Is yours. Jt
there is anything in connection witb
the school work tbat you do not un
derstand, call me up on the 'phone,
or, better still, call at the office. For
a tew weeks I will be in tbe office the
greater part of tbe time. Hut as soon
as 1 can walk witb any degree of com
fort I will bave regular hours during
whloh I can be found at tbe office 1
ask the co-operation and help ot every
patron and citizen ot Hood Kiver to
develop and stimulate among tbe boys
and girls a citizenship tbe main ele
ments of whloh shall be morality,
honesty, truthfulness and efficient in
d us try; to encourage the growth ol a
generation ot men aud women tbat
will add luster to the name and fame
of Hood Kiver.
Respectfully yours,
Edward 10. Coad.
If yon want the light that makes the
night like day,
You van get it, and there isn't mach to
It's a "Tungnten" free of trouble
worth itncoHt exact! double;
'Tis the brightest light on earth we
The Light & Water Co.
Church Items of Interest.
The fourth quarterly conference of
tbe Asbury Methodist Episcopal
church convened In that church last
Thursday evening. Tbe Kev. Waltou
Skipwurth, superintendent of Ihe
Dalles district, presided. Tbe recent
ruling ot tbe general Methodist con
ference at Baltimore this year did
away witb the office of presiding elder
and in his plaoe, witb much tbe same
duties, created tbe new office of dls-
. triot superintendent.
I i be reports ot tbe year were read
, and approved. Though the cburob of
this place has this year assumed a
budget ot $2000 it has all been met
i more readily tban ever before. This
i bus beeu as a result of an inoreased
membership and because ot tbe lib
erality of tbe friends aud strangers
interested iu church doings In Hood
Kiver, all ot which is much appreci
ated by lbe officers of tbe oburcb.
During tbe pastorate of D . Lathrop
93 accessions to tbe church bave been
made. Duriug tbe past year the La
dies' Aid Sooiety ot tbo church has
been more active and united than tor
years and over $200 has been raised
and applied on expeuss incident to
tbe oburcb and parsonage ptoperty.
It is mueh to be regretted tbat the
condition of Or. Litbrop's health has
made it necessary for bim to change
his place of residence. Duriug bis
stay in Hood Kiver b has gRined the
respeot and admiration of nil who
bave known bim or bis family iu any
In his place is to come to Hood
Kiver the Rev. Dr. Nathan EvaDs,
who Is known iu Hood Iiiver and who
will Hll tbe pulpit with ability.
It is a matter o( no small worth to
Hood Kiver tbat tbe prosperity of all
hei churches is showing a steady
growth during tbe past year.
&)e Paris Fair
Children's Hose
Children's Hose in black, tun
and white, full seamless, double
heel and toe; very pretty lace
patterns. Good 10c values
anywhere, for one week com
mencing Wednesday, August
20, Special the pair Jq
Misses' Hose in plain blacks,
tans and while, fine ribbed or
lace effect Hose that would us
ually cost you 25c a pair. For
one week commencing August
2G, special, the pair "J Q
Ladies' Jackets
Here is a bargain
pay you to investigate.
Floor. Values up
f4. special price
Trelber and Stranahan Win.
young ladies class of the tSap-
tist cburob has been studying tbe life
ot Christ, tracing His journey on
maps provided for that purpose.
Tbis study was given in tbe form ot a
contest, first and second prizes being
offered. Tbe contest recently olosed
nud according to tbe decision of tbe
judges tbe first prize was awarded to
Miss Ellen Treiber, the second prize
tne Miss liessie Stranabau. lbe olass
of young ladles was blxhly oompli
mented for their thorough and etfJ.
cient workj
Opens Fine Jcwel-y Store.
Arthur Clarke, who has had the
store formerly occupied by tho Pacific
States Telephone company remodelled
for his jewelry business, has moved in
and is now ready for business. Tbe
interior ot the store is Utted up witb
handsome oak wall show oases on
either side for tbe diply of silver
ware and cut glass. Uluss counter
cases for tbe display ot diamonds,
watches and jewelry have also been
provided aud handsome mirrors and
ornaments, with the wall and ceiling
deooratlons, combine to give an effect
that is artistic as well as ornamental.
Two large plate glass show windows
bave been placed lu tbo front ot tbe
store and tbe view from both outside
and In is of a metropolitan jewelry es
tablishment transplanted to Hood
Kiver. As an additional attraction
Mr. Clarke has secured the services ot
Miss Edith Oopple as clerk to tit in
with tbe new surroundings.
Do Not Injure Fruit.
Owing to tbe fact tbat there is a
general impression that pine boxes
are undesirable to pack apples lq be
cause tbe odor ot the box is imparted
to tbe frnit, tbe Pine Oiovh Hox and
Lumber Co., which has bien investi
gating tbe matter and bas written to
several apple buyers on the subject,
bas reoeived tbe following letter
from Kae & UatBeld :
New York, June 20, 1908.
Mr. V, P. Friday, Hood Kiver, Ore.
Dear Sir: Replying to yours of the
lltb will state tbat there is nothing
in tbe statement made of apples tak
ing on tbe flavor of pitch by reason of
tbe fact tbat the material used in
making the boxe might be full of
pitch. It we knew tbat to bo a fact
we would make it a point to use ma
terial saturated with pitch, and pack
all our Ken Davis apples into them,
for they are flavorless, as you know,
and if the flavor of pitch could be im
parted into tbem we might be doing a
land office business in them, by rea
son of the medicinal qualities tbat
they would contain.
Yours very truly,
Kae & Hatfield.
Skipping Apples to Alaska.
Tbe Davidson Fruit company made
the first oarload shipment of apple?
from Hood Kiver this season when
they sent three cars to Alaska this
week. 'I he apples were of the King
variety aud were shipped greeu in
order to reach Alaska betore river
navigation there olosed. The David
son compnny has also shipped several
cars of llartlett pears.
At the sign of the big Red Apple
buy fauoy caudles, cold soft drinks,
the famous Mt. Hood ice cream, fresh
fruits and the finest and best tobaccos
and cigars.
Wire wound stave pipe in tbree,
four and six inob sizes. Joe Wilson,
Hood Kiver, Ore.
Kev. W. E. Pitohor will preach nt
tbe Christian church next Sunday at
11 a. m. and also in the evening.
E. O Smith, of Odell, bought a
flue Schiller piano at Soule's Piauo
House last week.
Prof. Ilenrv Howe, of the laud
office at Walla Walla recently, pur
chased a One piano for bis borne beie
from Soule's Piano House.
lo order to make room for my fall
stock ot new pianns 1 wish to dispose
of all organs now in stock, b"tu new
and second band.
A speoial discount will be made t
any one buying this week.
Miss Ella Evans returned last Fri
day from Salem, where she bas been
spendiug ber vacation witb Irieuds.
-Miss Maude Wills returns today
trom her home in Newbuig, ready lor
her school duties Monday.
Miss Linda Earl is ependiug tbis
week at Long Beach and will return
the last ot the week ready tor school.
Card of Thanks.
We hereby wish to express onr sin
cere thanks to our friends and neigh
bors for their kiud assistance during
tbe lingering illness and death of my
beloved wile and our beloved mother.
Hani Lage and Family. I
a fine line of heavy Shoes,
high tops, etc., for boys.
S bool Shoes for up from
lOc. 20c
that it
To Ureal Customers of tho Hood
Kiver Itakery.
Until we have constructed a new
oven, which we expect to build soon,
we will not deliver any more bread.
We will, however, bave constantly on
band at our store opposite tbe build
ing of tbe Davidson Fruit Co., fresh
wheat and rye bread daily, also all
kinds of cakes, cookies, dougbnuts,
ciouamou rolls, and everything in tbe
bakery line. Wedding and party
cakes made to order. Phone 141.
Hood Kiver Bakery.
To Land owners in Hood
River Valley
That the undeisivncd has leased the
Crowell Brick Bock now occupied by
the Butler Banking Company and others,
for throe years, occupancy to begin as
soon as the Hall Block is completed,
which will be completed about January
1st, next. I shall occupy the ground
floor, including the lank vault, for my
office and wish to notify property own
ers in Hood River Valley and City that
I have hundreds of deeds, mortgages
and other valuable papers in tho differ
ent chains of titles of Hood Iiiver land
that tbey can come find get on applica
tion by receipting for same.
I also wish to state that the upper
door of said building will be for rent as
soon as it is vacated by the present
Fruit Growers
Send us your orders for fruit
boxes at the low price of
$10.00 per 100 for apple boxes
$ 5.00 per 100 for peach boxes
We can also furnish slab
wood for 50c per cord at mill
or .f 1.25 per cord delivered
on cars at Lentz Station.
Can make delivery at once.
Pine Grove, Ore.
Houses For
14()0 buys 9 room house,
newly pmnred and papered
throughout; on hill near
Gill's Store.
$1000 buys 314 Cascade
Avenue, 7
rooms, beautiful
J. W. Wiedrick
Room 8 Davidson Building
Opening Notice
Japanese and American Pro
ducts. Silk (joods, Itice,
and Tea a Specially
J a pun en' Kitilivment ami Kcal Estate
Agency. All Kinds of Help Furnished
for Work on Timber Lamia and Farina
P. O. Box 282
Look over our line of Books. We
have a fine assortment. Books
that usually cost you 75c and
$1.50 we sell for 50c
W'U-n it comes to Shoes that give the beet satisfac
tion in wear, lit and style, it is hard to get away
from tbe lUiiiilion-Hrown and the Brown make.
lil'STKK BKOWX SCHOOL SH0K8 for boyg and
girts are the liest. They are solid leather through
out. We have them iu all leathers and styles; also
reamers ami siyies; aiso
$1, $1.50 $2
of every description
boys and for up from .
and 25c
to the Store and See
Ideas in Fashions
..-ft f$
Farm or Business
for tale. Not particular about location.
Wish to bear lrom awtai ooly who
will sell direct to buyer. Give price,
description and state when poaaeiiloo
caa be had. Addreaa,
L DARBYSHIRE. Ut MM bAtatar. I. T.
We Kant and Have For Sale.
Farms, ranches, fruit and timber lands, town
and city property, In fact everytnlng tbat. cau
be boiiicht sold, leaned or exchanged. Willi
each property we nd description, location,
owner's name, address and price; and there la
absolutely no commission oer advance ou
thin price. For information and bard (acta
SOfl ETY, Box 414, Tbe Dallea, Oregon. aZ7
Oakdale Greenhouse
Cut flowers and plants at Keir & Cass.
Choice Rows Shrubs, Vines & Gladiolus.
White Wyandotte Ei'gs for Setting
lrom Mated Pens. $1.50 & $2.00.
Fletcher & Fletcher.
For Kale One large fire-proof Hall's Iron
sale. For terms and price tea John Lelaud
Henderson. as
For Sale Team of good work boraea; welgbt
about S.'SOfg entle; one of them works double
or single. Address A. Hntta. sS
Horses For Sale Cheap and at your own
terms. Telephone 2U6.K.
Wood For Sale Pine and oak, 16 Inch, on
the l. (). Hill place near Barrett Hchool.
l'hone SB-k J. H. Shoemaker. sS
For Bale A good gent le pony, 8 yeara old,
good for riding or pack, 110. Apply lo
Fruulsohy Hros., residence one mile up from
Death Point Creek Fall. Postoffice, Dee, Or. as
I)st Keystone watch charm; gold aud
engraved on back with name and address.
Finder please return to Chas. N. Clarke for
reward. h3
ForSttle-House and one or two lots, thiee
blocks from poNtofflce. Will tske good nil lea
cow And one horse as part payment. Enquire
ol Matt Russell, Hood Kiver, Ore. YM!
FoK BALE Two mare colts, one vear old
$75 for the two, or (35 and $46 separate. Van.
thlers, Mt, Hood. if
For Sale-House and lot, Uz 100, In Hood
River 1'ark addition, 43&. T. (J. Husbands. OT
For sale Rick wood, pine, flr and oak, 14.00, and S6.00 per cord delivered. Bruno
Franz, Route No. i. tit
For sale Or trade for light one-horae rig, a
good work horse, weight 1,100 pounds. Ad.
dress A. J, Rogers, Hood River. a27
Lost A flat purse containing about fit; two
IS gold pieces, ttblll and some silver. Also
coupons on Paris Fair. Reward If returned
to this office. a.7
Lost A small pocket ledi
leave a! this office. A. O. f
er. Finder please
ersbey. a27
Wanted Good second-hand cook stove or
range. O. Y. Edwards, phone lWi-L. a27
Wanted To know if there are any old
school primitive Baptists In Hood River val
ley. Address I. T. B., Glacier office. a2T
Wanted Housekeeper. Elderly lady need
lmr home prelerred. Address J.C., Glacier
office. 27
Wanted Position on fruit ranch by man of
rxiieneuce; married out no cnuaren. Aaaress
care Glacier.
For Rent Desirable suite of furnished
rooms. Large trout room and smaller room
la buck. Enquire at Mrs. Canneld'i. - slO
Lost in Hood River Saturday, August U,
black and white check shawl. Belongs to
M is. C. W. Heed. Finder will oleosa return
to this office. no
For Bale Babies go cart In good condition
and a wood beater. Enquire of Mrs. N. L.
Young. aio
Lost A gold bracelet with tbe initials "E.
A. Y." inside. Jf finder will retujn to this
office a reward will be paid. alO
Iost a fox terrier, black bead, with whlta
stripe In race and tall cropped. Has collar on
with name of owner, W. R. Hoover. Phone
m Pacific States. 817
For Sale Oak and pine wood, cheap. Phone
187x. J23ai3
For Sale One spring wagon, almost new; 1
farm wagon, set of farming Implement and
a fine flock of pivmouth
O. Bax 38. Phone 298.
Rock cblckena. e.
For Sale-one oak roll top desk, 1 flat top
desk, swivel office chairs, four other office
cliHlrs, settees, rugs, stands and a Denamore
typewriter, cheap for cash or will trade for
city lots. Enquire at 239 Sberman Avenue.
fround-A lady's handbag, tan colored, be
tween Hood River and Tucker s mill. Owner'
can bave same by applying to Glacier Office.
. st7
Notice la hereby glved that the undersigned
has baen nominated and appointed Executor
or the estate of Eileu E. Siltlman.deeeaaed, by
the County Court of Hood River County,
Stat of Oregon, and all persons having
claims agalust said estate are requested and
and notified to present them, duly vended,
to the undersigned at tbe office ol the Butler
Banking Ctmpany, Hood River, Ore., witbin
six ty month from the dale ol Oral inblica.
tlon hereof.
First publication August 27th, 190H
u TRUMAN BUTLER, Kxeent'ir.
ft. n, uartwlg, Attorney for Estate. a2T s2t
Mrs. L.
To Mr.
23, a boy.
Struck, Aug.