VOl j. XX HOOD RIVER, OREGON, AUGUST 27, 1908 ' (J- NO. 15 SOCIETIES. Howli It 1 Kit CoMMr.ROlALCLl'B aleela fver wi-oud Mnndiiy In each mouth l 8 p. lu., in Hit; ciub ruoiua vvr JuckwHi'a tlore. A. A. Javke, rTw. P. 8. Da viiwim, Pecreltiry. BtHin Kl VfcR UHiOE NO. 105, A. F. and A. M. Meu tsuturday evening on or before twn run niMiu. n. i i.akkk. w. m I). McDonald, Nwrpury. IHHI HIVKK CH A1TKR NO. K. A. M Muct tlnrt aud third Friday ninhtaof each nrnmh il U t a utm k w II P K. O. Hlakcuab, Secretary. HfKHi lllver Commandory No. 12. K.T. ivi t!'in every a ttinu jioiiuay evening nt eacn muniti. w. r.ijtraway, A. D. Woe, Recorder. HOOD KIVLI! CHAPTER NO. 85, O. K. 8.- MeeUiwMir.d and fourth Tuesday evening ,if parti month viattora eordiHi'y aeicomea. CAKHIK Baii.kv, W. M. MiHaliiKL Woodwokth, Seer wry. IPI.EWllJiK LO UK NO. 107, I. O. O. F. Meeta Id Kra'ernal hall, every Thursday night. M. J. MA81KER, U. (i bo. Thomsoh, cretary fc-DKIM t'M't .tPMK.NT. NO. 48. I. O. O. K.- Rea-nlar iiiwtliig awoud and fourth Monduya ol eiu'li moiiiu. uko. jhujiso.-", v. r. H, U. hmith, Hcrlbe. KEMP 1.0 DO K, No. HI, 1. O. O. F.-Mtwla In Odull Improvement Co.' ball every Satur day night. Visitor cordially welcomed. J K CrokBY. N. O. KG Mabnikkr, Rec. Heoy. I- ! ' RKL UKKEKAH liEUKKK LOIMJK NO. i. I. O. O. K.-Meeta first and third Friday 'ii each month. MRU. E. 8. Ma vim, N. O. Hixa MAV Davidson, Kccretary. W. O. W meets the 2d and 4lh Saturday chcIi month at 1. O. O. F. ball. Visitors nor dlally invild. A. 0. 81'ATKN, C. C. F. V . McUkynolim, Clerk. WAUCOMA I.OIKJE NO. 30, K. OF P. Meets In K. ul 1'. hall every Tuesday night. C. P. Rosa, C. C. J. E. Nichols, K. of R. and 8. HOOll KIVERCAMP.NO. 7,70!, M. V . A. Meets In I. O. O. F. hall every Wednesday ulirlit, ,. H. ft DANO, V. C. U. U.DAKISt, Clerk. HOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 521, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meets ul l.O. O. F. hall on the first and Third Saturdays of each month. lxiU McltKYNoi.tw, (t. N, F. W. McRKVNOl.rm. Clerk. RIVERSIDE lAlDUBNO. id A. O. U. W. Meets tirnt and third Saturday f rscli month. H K. (Juai'Man, M. W. UEO. hmiciw, Finsncier t'HKBTKK SH t'TB. Recorder. OI.E'lA ASSEMBLY NO. 103, UNITED ART Isati. Mcels the first and third Wednes days, worli: xocoBdund fourth Wednesday artisans' hsll C, I). IlKStttcus, M. A. E. 11. tlAarwm, Secretary. C'lfRT HOOD RIVER NO. 4i, FORESTERS of; Vmerlca.-Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. . Wm. Flkminu, 0. R. F. C Bkomus, Secietxry. i AV'BY POST, NO. 18, G. A. R. MEETS AT A O. U. W. hull, second and lourtli Sstur !:iys of each month t i o'clock p. in. All O. A. R. lueintiei Invited lo meet with ua. ti. K. CASTMCK, Commander. 8. F. Ui.ythk, Adjutant. LANIIY W, R. No. 16-MEE'l'S SECOND mi louitli Saturday sol' each Mmilh In A. O. V. V. hall ul i p. in. KathkvN Oii.i., President. Lvi.t A 81'NNVK, secretary HflUNTAlN HOME CAMP No. 34i.i, R. N. A. Vi. ets .it I. O. O. F. Hull on the second and fiiun.li Fridays ol each mouth. Mrs. II. Pf.ki.kr, o. Mua. F. E. lluosiua. Recorder. PAYNTER UiDOE, No. 2110, M. U A. ineeis II rat and tlili .l Fridays of eueh mouth ul K. oi l', hall. uko. S. Mn.I.liR, Pres. AL'IJ. UlUUHAKU, SC . MT. IHIOI) I.ODUE No. 20.1, 1. O. O. F. Meets everv Wtduesday eveiiin.' In (Irihlile'a hall, Ml. iloo.l. C. 11. S11AW. N.O. U. W, Dim mii K, Sec. - xfT Watt7m . d. I'll VS1C1AN AM SL'KGKON. lelephones: olllee, JSI; resulenec, sil. .-1 UUEON O. R. it N. i.o. II. L. D0MBLE, I'll VS1CI AM- .'.Nl SURGEON. Call: promptly answei -d In town or country, imy or mum. Telcphoww: Residence, till: Olllee, U13. Oiliee In Mil' r.niKUls Building. E. 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon UUice over First National Bunk, Hood River, Oregon. OttU-e Phone Main 871 Rea.Maiu873 M.E. SflA W, M. D. Office in Jackson Block. I illl-e phone. No. 1471. Residence, No. 1 .it. M. H. sti Aiip : k)R. Edna li. Sharp Osteopathic Physicians graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksvillc, Mo. Oitl.e, llucKl liver BiiK and Trust Co. lildg llnilie I'hon. 102 1U. lllli-B F O. BROSIUS, ' Jl. I). I'HYrilUJAN AND SURGEON 'I'hiusc Cciitiiil, or 121. Hours: 10 vo II A. M ; r.n-.i to 7 P M. I lo M. E. WELCH, LIUENSLl) VLILRIN.VRV SlK(;E0S Is prepared tdo any ork-lu the velerln ury line. Jii- i uu be foiin -i liy cjillliis at or pi,', ntng to Claiae s ditlg store. DR7TLD 0:1 GrTON , Suiilh linildinv' HOOD RIVKR - OKEGON DR: E. T. CARNES DNTIST Ulll.teoverJiiV'tiuess Siore Telephone.'!! iorwrKNEoDTs. DENTHT tKliiv over Telephone hirrl Aatiiiiiiil Batik C. H; JENKINS, D.M.D. UENTtST Teli piiones: UiliirL'S; residenc-2S M OlHce over Butler Bank, jj A . .1 A Y N E LAWYER Aiistracfs Furnished. Money Iai tied E7H7fiARTWIGT I.AWYKIl.- Win p,-,, ni'e In Smith 1 n. il H alt. i . m li i 'i IhilUll-.g. ii Vel KUsI Nil- DR 0. W. ;DMl. Fa SPK.CIAI.ISr FAR, NUSE AND TlllitiAT K.VK White Salmon I iir' .oiu.'i.i it -1 VI'- 1 :Nlt(t as Un: larger ones. COME AND M.lttUT, K I.. SMITH, ICO.Bl.ANtSAB i rm. V. C. Bk.hk, Aitot. Cashier. lee-mat. I'luliiMr First National BankjHood River Banking OF iiOOD RIVKR. RRK1UIN OF UOOD RIVER, OKKUON. Capital $50,000 Surplus, $15,000. P. M. Hall-Lewis & Co ARCHITECTS and ENGINEERS Deputy County Surveyor for Wasco County, Deputy County Surveyor for Klickitat Co., Wash. City Engineer, City of Hood River. Make aurveva. uluns and mitlmataa r.. u er, llghtand power and railway plants, and iiirnisn atiojnrl to approval, plans, specltlca- eiifiMies lor an classes ol nulla log p, iuu iiiereauiiie. neciai Alteu- s'veu to economic ana slow burning nou atru-tlon. Accuracy andeconotny guaranteed ".e1 "" Pacilic Ttlvphones. Davidson nunuiug, iioou niver, Oregon. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER, NO- 'am runuuana hcal ESTATE AGENT. For 23 veam a reaidAnt nfn aunn ,. vi..ui. Il) If! 1)11 Has hull niflnv VAu'm -. . . . Heal Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of mica aim axeuu Batisiucuou guaranteed or International Correspondence Jchool 8CRANT0N, PA. 11. V. REED, KepreaentalivH 01 Sixth St., Portland, Oregon. iimiii ivnrr once h nioniii, pull infur ll... ..l i: . iiiitiou niailetl upon request. Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Pro. Dealers in Freli and Cured Meats, Lard r-oultry, FruiU and Vegetables, fnee Delivery. Phone Maiu 35. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Straiialian & Slaven Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 251-S ftstiMiates furnished on request. An honest job guaranteed. E. A. JEROME, Architect Having had several years' ex;rionce In drafting and buildliiB, I would lesiiectl'iilly solicit a part of the patronage of the peoulo ol Hood itivcr who anticipate building. Term rearton:une, a id satlKtaction guaranteed. Of- uee av reniueucc on mights. WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood. FRED HOWE. THE OREGON IE RELIEF ASSOCIATION OF McMINNVlLLE, ORE. Announces another reduction in the cost of insurance. T. L. DUNSMORE, THE DALLES or C. I). THOMPSON, HOOD RIVER FREDFrMCK A ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Citlui(iteifurnl.hd on all kind of work Phones: Farm for Sale 10 Acres beautifully located, trood level land, half mile from town, one mile from St. Martins Spring?, 5 acres culti tivated ; SO walnut trees ; youn family orchard; good well, 6 room house, new barn and chicken home, 25 chickens, 3 tons of hay, Inm-chold goodd and tools. Price for quick sale $1700.00. Address J. L. OLSON Box 27 Carson, Wash. RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in . the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle A. C. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Room 12 Rroshns Block McReynolds & Co. DEALERS IN Floui, Feed, Hay, Urain and Poultry Supplies YUCCA TREE PROTECTORS Petaluma incubators and Brooders STOCK FOOD Phone 1091 HOOD RIVER. OREGON Valley Bank lit' 8 1 llli roil It cutis ? r Hhwil ' V- have hoi SEE US. Ctiaa. U. Pratt, J. ri-ealdeuL 11. Osborne, V Ice fnm. K. W. Hratt, Cashier. and Trust Co. We transact a general banking business and own our own bauklng property Interest paid on time ind Havings depotlU Bare deposit boxes. C.F.SUMNER HEADQUARTE 1 1 ' Plumbing Come in and exam ine our line of Pumps, Bath Tubs, La vatories, Sinks, Etc. ZENITH SPEAY HOSE Agents For IHEIuM Eerguson & Wright Hood River Marble Works Are prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, etc. McEwen & Koskey General Commission Merchant Prompt Sales and yulck Return. Wholesale Dealers in all Kind or Fruit and Produce Consignment Solicited, 139 FRONT ST. PORTLAND, ORKOON BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection O. H. GRAY, Prop. FLEMING & TAFT D RAYING, GENERAL TEAMING Wood For Sale. Prompt Delivery OFFICE PHONE (10-M RES. PHONE PHONE 232-M Hood River, Oregon Underwood And Little WhiteSalm'n Choice Fruit Lands mproved and un proved land at reasonable prices Specialty of Small racts WRITE Oil CALL ON F. W. DeHART Underwood, Wn. For Sale wenty acres of land three cres grass; two nores more can lie cleared for $100.00; balance brush and timber; joins the D. E. Millar place on east; is as fine apple um strawberry land as tin re is in the valley. Price $200. Will Sell MMilllep 1 rifts if ,,.Rir,., O. M. JtAlLKY. Mt. Ilootl, Oregoa Ctiaa U. Pratt, J. IJ. Osborne, K. W. Prtt, I I U LI 'Il J j. n. neiioronner & Co. The Reliable Dealers In Hood River Real Estate We have the best bargains in Oreh- chards, Unim proved Land, city Property and Businesss Invest ments. Call and look over our list. H. Heilbronner &Co. J. "The Reliable Dealers" PORTLAND HOOD RIVER Uos Corbett Davidson Bldg Electric Wiring & Supply Co. Electrical Supplies and Fixtures Scientific . Wirirg of Building a Specialty Phone 3. Hood River Banking & True Co. Building. Agricultural College Corvallis, .Oregon Offers collegiate courses in Agricul ture, including Agronomy, Horticulture Animal Husbandry, etc. ; Forestry; Do' mestic Science and Art; Civil. Electrl cal, Mechanical and Mining Engineer ing; Commerce; Pharmacy. Offers elementary courses in Agricul ture, Foieatry, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce, Mechanic Arts, includ ing lorge work, cabinet niak'ng, steam fitting, plumbing, machine work, etc. fctrong lacully, modern equipment; free tuition; opens Sept. 25. Illustrated catalogue with full infor mation on application to the Registrar, ree. Ten Good Reasons Why You Should Stop at "The Cornelius" "The Best in Portland" Situated in the center of the tittup ping district. One block from the street cars. Not so ex pensive as some other hotels Sixty rooms with private liatlt. Long distance and local telephones in every room. Writing desk in every room. Carpeted throughout in the beat velvet carpets. Tho rooms are furnished in solid mahoganv. F-very room contains a heavy solid Simmons brasn bed on wlrch is a 40 or 50 p u rid hair matinss. The furnishings and general appear ance of the public rooms must be seen to be appreciated. The Cornelius, I'ark and Alder Stree's, Portland's newest ami most modern equipped hotel, sol icits your patronagu and itpstires you good service and courteous treatment. An exceptional hotel for Eastern Oregon families w!io come to Portland shopping and sightseeing.' When next in' Poitland give us a chance tu make you look pleased. THE CORNELIUS Free l!us meets all trains. Etiroplati Dr. C. W. Cornellm, Prop. II. K. Clarke, Mgr. Land For Sale 1 have about 1 000 acres of No. 1 Apple Lai il, most of it under ilitch nt prices ranging from $00 per acre up. J. R. Steele HOOD KIVEH, OKEGON a 1 ACCUSED OF A BIG THEFT SUB-TREASURY MYSTERY CLEARS Lobs of fil 7S,900 in Bills of Urge De nomination Laid to Former Assorting: Teller. Chicago, Aug 25. The mysterv of the theft of $175,000 from the United States Sub-Treasury a year and a half age, one of the largest losses the Government has ever suf fered in this manner, is believed to have been solved by the arrest of George W. Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald was an assorting teller under Assistant Treasurer William Boldenweck. Suspicion at the time of the theft, February 20, 1907. rest ed on him, but so plausible wns his story and so Intense his apparent in terest in discovering the real culprit that Interest cuused to center on him. Fitzgerald was discharged from the Government employ for culpable negligence In allowing such a theft to be consummated under his very oyes. The money stolen had been used and was tied in packages, some of which had been marked for de struction at Washington. Any of them would readily have passed any where except for their large denomi nations. None of the bills was under $500, and some were of $5000 and $10,000 denominations, the $10,000 ones predominating. When Fltsgerald was discharged no declared he was worth but $1600 but recently he has been investing In valuable real estate and speculating uuuviiy iq eggg. Three Steamers Will Ply 0 Snake. Lewlston, Idaho, Aug. 28. Ar rangements have been made for the resumption of the steamboat service oti the Snake river between Rlparla ana lewiston. It is announced that the Lewlston and Spokane will again oe placed on the run and another steamer, probably the Mountain Gem will De added to the fleet. The origi nal purpose of the O. R. & N. Com pany was not to place the boats In nomtc uBiuie uciouer, ana it was also the view that the two boats of the company could handle the bust ness. The change of plans Is due to the fact that the results of the har vest have shown that the service of three boats will be necessary to han die the grain crop that is piling into the warehouses. Another Influence on the decision to begin the service at an early date is the fact that much of the grain already in the ware houses has been sold, while in past years the selling season came later and there was no demand for early snipping facilities. The prevailing high prices havs brought the present condition about. About 85 per cent of the crp Is marketed on the south side of the Snake river and above Lewlston, so can only be reached by the boats, since the new railroad follows tbs north bank. Robber Robbed by Farmer. New York, Aug. 25. Raymond D Tuttle, a farmer of Lincoln Park, N. J., was "held up" by two high waymen, and in consequence one of them la poorer by a gold watch and $25, whloh Tuttle will hold as the spoils. He was returning from Pat erson when the two men leaped Into his wagon and commanded him to disgorge the contents of his pockets. Instead, the farmer struck one of the men, knocking him over the dash board, and the horses trampled on mm. As the animals continued to speed along, Tuttle continued to fight the other one. Within 100 yards of his home he tore most of the high wayman s clothes off and hurled htm Into the road. Later Tuttle searched the clothes and In a waistcoat pocket found the money and watch. The later Ib worth $50. OREGON STATE NEWS IN BRIEF F'or the first time In many Presi dential contests, Washington county has no Democratic paper. The Harney County F'air Associa tion has decided to hold the Harney County Fair September 29 to Octo ber 3, and have put up $3200 for premiums and purses. $1500 will be given away for agricultural prod ucts. Raiding the commission house of Kennedy & Co., at Albany last week. police officers caught six men in the act of drinking liquor and found two barrels of whiskey, 12 cases of beer and one case of port wlno, scores of empty bottles and a supply of saloon glasses. Thomas H. Brennan, a pioneer set tler, is building the finest ranch home in Central Oregon, on his place six miles east of Paulina. The build ing is of native Btone, with a ground area of 36x38 feet and three stories high. The family has heretofore lived In a rather primitive log house, constructed in the early days. Senator Fulton has received a let ter from W. L. Moore, acting secre tary of the Department of Agricul ture, stating that Oregon will re solve $3 2,313 from the receipts of the National forest, under the Ful- ! ton act, approved May 23, 1908, ; which Increased the proportion to be paid the state from 10 to 25 per cent, i The fruit inspector for Yamhill t county, M. O. Lownsdale, is evidently causing considerable distress to the owners of diseased orchards in this i county. A petition has been circu lated asking for his removal because ; he Is enforcing the law and Is cut tine down rflsiaqaari (paaa whAait era refuse to treat or renovate them. . Within the last fortnight four hu man skulls and two human skeletons nave been unearthed near Paulina 60 miles east of Prlnevllle, in two places, distant from each other about two miles. The skulls are believed to be those of Indians of the long ago; the skeletons may be those of two strangers who were either mur dcred or drowned in the early days. Deputy State Veterinary Surneon T. F. Noti has created considerable consternation among owners of horses in the locality of Sumpter by ordering the destruction of some very valuable animals afflicted with glanders. Burnt River people have also been compelled to witness the Killing of several equines they prized very Mgnly for the same cause. PLANNING FOR THE FRUIT FAIR The officers of the Hood River fruit tair Association are busy mak ing preparations for its eighth bien nial tair, which will be held this year uctober la, 10 and 17. The fail this year is expected to be fully uc to the Btuuuara or lormer years and a larger exhibit is looked for than ever before. as yet It has been impossible to get a buildiug to hold the exhibition in. It was thought that the Eliot building woiua tie useu. nut as tlie owner nf the buildiug is anxious to get it com pleted as soou as possible it will be impossible to secure It for this pur poee. 11 the fait managers And that luey cannot seoute a suitable build ing they are planning to rent a larue Will. The ottioers and committees for the irtitt lair are as follows: Vice-presideiits Mosler, A. P.JRHfe ham aud John Cairoll; Underwood, W. F. Cash; White (Salmon, A. 11. Jewett; Casoade Looks, J. P. Luoss. Committee ou priuting and public ity O. D. Thompson, A. D. Moe, Chris Niokelson. Transportation-C. T. Early, W.IJ. Raker, T. J. Kinnard. . Entertainment J. A. Epping, Mur ray Kay, Mrs. C. II. Sletton. Premiums-J. L. Carter, U. I. Sar gent, E. II. Sbepard. Decoration J. S. fiooth. Invitation O. D. Thompson, Iru nmn Butler, A. O. Bianohnr. Fancy woik-MIss Clara Blythe. Preserved fruits and flowers Mrs. 0. D. Thompson and Mrs. N. W. Bone. Superintendent C. F. Waldo. Exhibit-R. J. Molsaao, U. T. Rob- eits, U. 1). Wood worth, W. 8. Crib ble, u. U. Rutl, J. R. Nunnemaker, R. II. Wallaoe. L. Struck. O. A. Mo- Curdy, F. O. Church, B. R Tucker, C. E. Markham, E. E. Lyons, !E. Locke, J. I. Miller, Chas. Chandler, Wm. Davidson, Thos. Calkins, J. H. Shoemaker, kC. K. Marshall, J. O. rorter, i'. A. Decker, W. H. Kenne dy, A. Paasoh, M. M. Hill, W. Fike, uauipoeu tiros., (Jfirls Detbman, O. Vanderbilt, Henry Avery, Wm. Ebrok, i. r. i'rifiav. F. il. Stanton. L. Ifi. Clarke, F. M. Jackson, N. W. Bone, a. i. mason, a. a. a, lines, li. F. Cooper. M. F. Shaw. P. II. Martin. J. B. Castner, W. 8. Nlohols. Circus Man MayInrcst Here. Circus men are supposed to bedrest rounders and some people Imagine ibat they never slep at all. Clrous men. and circus women, too, are much the same as other persons, savs the Oregon Journal. Over at the Oregon hotel last even ing in room 603 there was a man in bed soon alter 8 o'clock. And he wni a circus man. He was Jay Rial, press agent ror uarnum & uaiiey. Jay Rial is the man who is coming 10 roniana wnn tno circus season closes and buy a farm where he in tends to live a life of ease and forget all about the rumble of the circus wa gon wheels and all of the obtet fascin- Ing things of the cirous bnsines. Mr. Kiul leaves this moruins earlv for Centralis, Wash., to spend the day witn ine circus, among bla friends. iti oed ay be Twill return to Portland with the big show. Mr. Kial Is undecided as vet wheth er he will buy a farm in the Hood niver countiy or go south and locate lu the vioinity of Medford. But be is oomlng to Oregon, he says. sure. and in years to come will be in Port land once every year when there la a circus in town aud for that one day be will forget the farm and bis cows and hogs and chickens and minute with the show folks and talk shot) to his heart's content. (Joes to Japan for Ilrlde. Frank Wakabayeashl. a Japanese who is well known at Hood River, al though it is doubtful it many will dcutify him by the above, left Mon- dHy for Jspau, where be will be mar led. in the spilng he expects to re turn to Hood River, bringing his bride with him, and will make bis home here in future. Frank is the rotund aud smiling Jap who has been employed for sometime by Jack Mor rison and formerly was in the employ of the Club saloon. He was accompa nied on his trip by two other Japan ese and before be left Hood River se cured the signatures of several busi ness men to the fact that he had lived here for six years and wished to re turn. Arrested Safe Crackers. Ed. Wood, special officer for the O. A. k N., assisted by two Dalles offi cers, arrested "Blaokey" Davis, eoiK Dunbar aud Bert Allen at Wasco's county seat last week. The men were wanted on a charge of be ing suspected of blowing open and robbing the safe of Harlow Bros., at Troutdale on the night of June 11. Eight hundred and seventy-five dol lars was secured from the safe, in ad dition to several hundred dollais' worth of jewelry. Shortly after the robbery they were being followed by offioers on a train between Portland aud Tacoma, but jumped from it while it was going up a steep grade and escaped. Arrested Wife Deserter. Sheriff Morse went aboard the local Wednesday and arrested Martin Cole, who was wanted in faoltlo county, Wash., for deserting bis wifa. Cole was arrested last week near The Dalles by Sheriff Cbrlsman aud was beiug ta ken baok to Psoitio county by Sheriff Stephens, who missed the train. Martin was held bere until No. 1 ar- ived and turned over to Stephens, who took him on to bis destination. HIGHER RATES ON FRlintHPMENTS SHIPPERS NOTIFIED OF ADVANCE Will (Jo lots Operation Sept. 13 Means Raise in Rates for Frnlt Ronled Over X. P. from Mere. Fruit growing dlstriota in Washing ton have received word from the Northern PaclHo that higher rates for shipments will go into effeot next month aud the announcement has caused a big stir at fruit shipping points those. hether similar raise is contemplated on other railroada in the norhwest is not jet known, but fruit routed from this aection over the Northern Paoitlo will undoubtedly be subjected te its piocortion of the higher rate. A dispatch from North Vaklma telling of the contemplated raise in rates is as follows: Clyde R. McKee, secretary of the Frelt Shippers' Association here, haa received a letter from R. P Ober, of tho Northern Pacific railroad refriger ator car service, saying that an ad vance in fruit rates is to be made and that it will cost as much to ship from nere to Minneapolis aa to New York. lbe rate to Cbloago is 92 1-2 cents. but it will be tl. The rate to Minne apolis is 75 cents and will be f 1. The rate to Fargo is 00 cents and the new rate will be 75 cunts. The rata in Billings is CO cents aud the new rate will be 70 oeuts. The rate to Butte is GO cents aud the new rate will be G5 oents. To add to the situation the an nouncement of the new rate, which is to go into effeot September 13, in cludes a statement that hereafter when apples are included In mixed oarload lota the load must weigh at least 21,000 pounds instead of 20,000 pounds. The Northwest Fruit Distributors' Association, which haa its offices In Fargo, N. D., has asked the Yakima growers in a telegram to Mr. McKee to send a representative to a meeting of protest to be held In St. Paul Au gust 25. Shippers will undoubtedly protest vigorously against the new schedule. Within the last few days criticism of tbe refrigerator oar service has been made and Yakima shippers have been asking for a five-day sohedule to St. Paul. Cars used in tbe valley aa far up as Toppenish and Wapato ate iced in Pasco and a good part of the ice is lost. There ia now oar shortage at Sunnyslde. The newa of the in crease in rates added to these things will make the situation strained. Wenatcliee Shippers Aronsed. The first newa that tbe railroads contemplated laislng the freight rate on fruit reached Wenatohee last Fri day through letters reoelved from shippers In tbe middle west and the commercial club immediately called a meeting which was attended by prom inent fruitgrowers and business men in the valley to diousa tbe matter and determine if possible what the result would be. It waa also ascertained that tbe fruitshippera in the middle west have made arrangements with tbe railroad officials to hold a meeting In St. Paul on September 25,. when the matter will be thoroughly discussed and both aides presented with a view of inducing the company to withdraw their action. It is understood that other fruit seotions in this'state and in the west are taking the matter op through their commercial cluba and other or ganizations with a view to sending a representative to tbe meeting at St. Paul and it was conoluded that it would be to tbe best interest of Wen atohee valley to have a representative at tbe meeting also. It is said that tbe new rate means an increase in tbe freight rate of 25 per cent to ajl points aa far east as Urand Forks, 15 per cent to St. Paul and 10 per cent to Chicago tbe rates to go into effect ou September 1. These rates will do much to lessen the profits of tbe Wenatohee valley fruit growers aud the commercial club feels that it is tbe hundreds of fruitgrow ers who have just started orobards in the lata two or three years that will suffer tbe most, as it takes about four or five years for orobards to bring in any reasonable profit. Yakima Shippers Protest. At a special meeting at the Wash ington hotel last Saturday tbe mem bers of the Yakima Volley Fruit Ship pers' Association decided to make a vigorous protest against tbe advanced rates on fruit shipments recently an nounced by the Northern Pad tic rail road, to take efteot September IX Tbe shippers appointed a committee to draw up a protest and this will be wired to the msnuger of tbe North western Fruit Distributors at Faigo, N'. D , tomorrow. Tbis protest will be presented by tbe manager at a meeting of fruit shippers August 25 in St. Paul. Tbe Yakima shippers found themselves unable to send a personal representative to this oonfer euce, as all the nieu familiar with the situation are busy. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, safe, easy, pleasant, sure, little liver pills. Hold by Keir & Casd.