ZZZZ 1 1 VOL. XX HOOD RIVER, OREGON, AUGUST 20, 1908 NO. 14 li . f? -, . SOCIETIES. HOOD KIVKR COM MKKCIALCI.UB Meets Tary swoud Monday In wh momb at I p. m., to U slus routna over Jukim'i Mora. A. A. Jaymk, Pre. P. 8. Da vi mom, Secretary. OOD KIVKR LOIMJK NO. 106, A. F. ul A. M. MeeU Haiarday ernlD( on or before rmra iuii nuon. V. N. I LA kkK, W. M. 1). McDomalu, Secretary. HOOD R1VEU Cm A1TKR KO. . R. A. M. mu nrt na intra many nignu or esca month. U. R. Casihe H. P. K. O. Blavcuak, Hecrelaxy. C- Hood River CommiDderv No. 12. K.T. . Meets every ootid Monday .renins tfi of eaoh month. W. K. Laraway. K. C. a. v. Aloe, iteooraer. HOOD KIVKR CHAPTKR NO.K.O. E.8. Meets second and fourth Tuesday .renins of each mouth. Visitors cordially welcomed. L'AKKIB BAILBT, W. M. UuwIdkl Woodwoutu, Hecretary. IDLKW1LDK LO. GENO. 107. I. O. O. t. MeeU In Fra'eroal ball, every Thursday nlf hi. M. J. Mahikkb, N. O. Uao. Thomson, -cretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. , 1. O. O. K. Rttnlar meeting second and fourth Mondaya of each inoulb. Uao. Thomson, C. P. 11,0. HHiTH, Her 1 be. KEMP LOIHlK.No. 181, 1. 0. O. K.-MeeU in Odell Improvement Co.'s ball every Hatur day nig lit. Visitors cordially welcomed. J R Ckohby. N. Q. BU MAnhikbb, Rea. Hecy. LAUREL REBEK AH DEUREK IXlDUE NO. 1. 0. O. K.-Meete Orst and third Fridays luetu'b month. Mas. E. 8. Mayes, N. O. Ella Mat Da vimon. Hecretary. W.O. W. meets the 2d and 4lli Saturdays each mouth at I. O. O. V. ball. Visitors cor dially lovlted. A. C. BfATEN, C. C. F. W. McRkynoldh. Clerk. WAUCOMA L.OIXJE NO. 30, K. OK P. Meets In K. of P. ball every Tuesday night. C. P. Ross, C C. J. E. Nichols, K.ofR. and 8. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A. Meets In I. O. O. P. ball every Wednesday nlKbl. H. 8. Da.no, V. C. C. U. DAKIN, Clerk. BOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 824, WOMEN OK Woodcraft-Meets at l.o. o. r. nan on me Orst and Third Wuturdays or each mouth. 1OU McKkymolds, O. N, K. W. McUeynolds, Clerk. RIVERSIDE I.OIMIENO. 118 A. O. U. W. Meets first and third Saturdays r each mouth. K. E. CHAPMiN, M. W. UKO. Huicoar, Kinsncier CH KHTKH HUUTK. Recorder. OI.KTA ASSEMBLY NO. 10S. UNITED ART-lhMini.-Mt)l Hie flrsl and third Wednes days, wirk; -wcoHd and fourth Wediuwdays Artisans' hall. C. D. HKNUiCUH, M. A. E. H. II aktwu), Secretary. OOt'RT HOoIRIVER NO. 42, EORKsTERH ofl.Vmerlca.-MceU every Tbunday evening at 8 o'clock. War. Flkminq. C. R. V. C. 11hoIU8, Secretary. I AN BY ItlST. NO. 16.CI. A. R.-MEET8 AT A. O. U. W. hall, second and lourth Satur anysof each month al 2 o'clock p. ni. All U. A. K. members Invited to meet with iik. U. K. cahtmkk, Commander. 8. K. Bi.vtuk. Ailjuuut. AN BY W. R. C. No. lS-MEETO BEOONI) ml fourth Saturdays of each Monlh In A. j. V, W. ball at 3 p. m. KatukyN Gill, President. Lyuia Bumnkb, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOMKCAMP No. tW, R. N. A. Mevts at 1. 0. O. K. Hail on the second and fourth Fridays ol eaeh month. Maa. 11, Peelkb, O. Mk8. E. U. Brohius. Recorder. PAYNTEIl lAlOE, No. 2110, M. B. A. nit-els li rI and third Fridays or each month alK.ofr. ball. OKo. si. Miller, Pres. Al)u. Uuioh abd. Six . MX. HOOD LODUK No. 2115, 1. O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday evening In Orlbble's ball, Ml. Hood. C. H.SHAW. N.. . U. W. Dimmu K, Sec. jTtomTd. I'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Office, 2S1; residence, 811. i-UKUKON O. H. fc N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHY81C1AN AND SURGEON. Calif promptly answer 3d In town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 813. Otlive in the llroslus Building. E. 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Uilice over FirBt National Bank, Hood River, Oregon. Office Phone Main 871 Res. Main 873 M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office in Jackson Block, oitioe phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. m. Dll. M. H. SHAKP DR. EDNA B. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office, Hood River Bank and Trust Co. Bldg Home Phone 102 Res. 102-B F: 0. BR0S1US, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. omce Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; i to I and6to7 P M. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY SURUE0X Is prepared to do any work In the veterin ary line. He can be found by calling at or ph. ning to Clarke s drug store. DR. EDGINGTON Smith Building HOOD RIVKR OREGON DR. . T. CARNES DNTIS T Office over bartmess nuire Telephone 31 H. D. W. PINE0.D.D.S. DENTIST Office over TelephoHe Kirxt Natioiutl Bank 131 0. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST Telephones: Office 28; residence 28-It Office over Butler Bank, A.JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Fnrniahed. Money Lo -neil E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will Practlc- In All Courts Office In Smith Building, over First Nft 'l nalRiitik. DR C. W.EDMUNDS SPECIALIST EYE, EAR, N0HE AND THROAT White Salmon The small depositor receives as the larger ones. COME AND K.ft Blikciai t luaJi dbock. aim. lattuier, First National Bank OP HOOD RIVKR, OREUON. Capital $50,000 Surplus, $15,000. P. M. Hall-Lewis & Co ARCHITECTS and ENGINEERS Deputy County Hurveyor for Wasco County, Deputy County Surveyor for Klickitat Co, Wash. City Engineer, City of Hood River. Make surveys. Dlans and eatlmslea Inr saw. er. Hcht and bower aud rallwar nlania. and furnish subject to approval, plans, speclOra tlonsaud estimates tor all classes of buildings public, private aud mercantile. Hpecial alien tioa given to eoonoaule and slow burning nun- u-uuu, Awiii,'j ana ecoimniy guaranteed. Home and Pacific Tslephonea. lavldson Duuuiug, uooa niver, uregoa. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER. NO- iaii rum.n. ana heal, KMTATE AtiivNT. For M Years a raifl.mt.nm Mm nH u..h Ington Has bad many years eiperlenoein neai i-tate matters, as abstractor, searcher of hum muu aKeuk osiihumjiioq guaranteed r International Correspondence Jchool KCRANTON, PA. H. V. KEED, Representative W' Hlxth Hi., Portland. Orecoo. Hood River once a month. Full infor mation mailed upon request. Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard roultry, f ruits and Vegetables, rnee Delivery. Phone Main 35 A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Stranalian & Slaven Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 251-8 Estimates furnished on request. An honest job guaranteed. E. A. JEROME, Architect Uoul.... !.. .... , , ."lu orcii ywra experience in . . i utniuiiig, wuuiu ruspecuiliiy solicit s part of the palronave ol the peoplu ol Hood Kfver who anticipate building. Terms reasonable, a id satisfaction guaranteed. Of floe at reildeuce on Heights. H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. 1 SOI milltifllMl nnri liunamJ In An Alt LlJ. "li ; . .u iu w Mil KlUUI ornrstKslass land surveying. Accuracy guar anteed. Tlmse who wis'i tlrat-claiia work din address K. K. D. 2., Hood River Phone Mil. THE OREGON Fl BELIEF ASSOCIATION OF McMINNVILLE, ORE. Announces another reduction in the cost of insurance. T. L. DUNSMORK, THE DALLES or C. D. THOiVl PS0N, HOOD RIVER FHLDrjHCK ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS BrilgsaUa tarnished on all kinds of wrk Phonea: ZJtVJt Farm for Sale 10 Acres beautifully located, pood level land, half mile from town, one mile from St. Martins Springs, 5 acres cultl tivated ; 80 walnut trees ; young family orchard ; i;nod well, 6 room house, new barn and chicken house, 2 chickens, 3 tons of hay, household goods and tools. Price for quick sale $1700.00. Address J. L. OLSON Box 27 Carson, Wash. RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle A. C. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Room 12 Bros! ins Block McReynolds & Co. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain and Poultry Supplies YUCCA TREE PROTECTORS Petal u ma Incubators and Brooders STOCK FOOD Phone lOOl HOOD RIVER. OREGON Valley Bank the Kume ronrteous t ivutmen ' We have both. SEE US. PJIHtahlbt, K.L. Hurra, I rtta O. rrtlt, J. H. Osborne. R. W. Pratt, I " - - Vim Lj . k. Hood River Banking and Trust Co. Ws transact a general banking business and own our own banking property Interest paid on time and Havings deposits Safe deposit boxes. C.F.SUMNER HEADQUARTE t ' Plumbing Come in aud exam ine our line of Pumps, Bath Tubs, La vatories, Sinks, Etc. ZENITH SPBAY HOSE Agents For FAIBBAHES-MORSE Ferguson & Wright Hood River Marble Works Are prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, etc. McEwen & Koskey Gensrtl Commission MarcHaata Prompt Kales and Quick Returns. Wholesale ueaiers in all Kinds or Fruit and Produce Consignments Solicited. 189 FKONT 8T. l'OKTLAND. ORUUON BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection O. H. CRAY, Prop. Mill & TAFT D RAYING, GENERAL TEAMING Wood For Sale. Prompt Delivery OFFICE PHONE 60-M RES. PHONE PHONE 232-M Hood River, Oregon Underwood And UtdeWhiteSalm'n Choice Fruit Lands Improved and un proved land at reasonable prices Specialty of Small racts WRITE OR CALL ON F. W DcHART Underwood, Wn. For Sale Twenty acres of land three acres grass; two acres more can be cleared for f 100.00; balance brush and timber; joins the D. E. Miller place on east; is m fine tipple and strawberry land as there is in the valley. Price f 2000. Will sell smaller tracts if desired. 0. M. BAILEY, Mt. Hood, Oregon J. It Heilbronner & Co. The Reliable Dealers Hood River Real Estate We have the best bargains in Orch chards, Unim proved Land, city Property and Businesss Invest ments. Call and look over our list. J. li. Heilbronner &Co. "The Reliable Dealers" PORTLAND HOOD RIVER 408 Corbett Davidson Bldg Electric Wiring & Supply Co. Electrical Supplies and Fixtures Scientific Wiring of Building a Specialty Phone 3. Hood River Banking & Trua Co. Building. Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon Offers collegiate cournes in Agricul ture, including Agronomy, Horticulture Animal Husbandry, etc.; Forestry; Do mestic Science and Art; Civil, Electri cal, Mechanical and Mining Engineer ing; (Commerce; rharniacy. Offers elementary courses in Agricul ture, Foiestry, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce, Mechanic Arts, includ ing forge work, cabinet making, steam fitting, plumbing, machine work, etc. Strong faculty, modern equipment; free tuition; opens .Sept. 25. Illustrated catalogue with full infor mation on application to the Registrar, ree. Ten Good Reasons Why You Should Stop at "The Cornelius "The Best in Portland" Situated in the center of the shop ping district. One block from the street cars. Not so expensive as some other hotels Sixty rooms with private bath. Long distance and local telephone in every room. Writing desk in every room. Carpeted throughout in the best velvet carpets. The rooms are furnished in solid mahoganv. Every room contains a heavy solid Simmons bras bed on which is a 40 or 50 pmnd hair mattress. The furnishings and general appear ance of the public rooms must be seen to be appreciated. The Cornelius, Park and Alder Streets, Portland's newest and most modern eciuipptd hotel, sol icits your patronagn and assures you good service and courteous treatment. An exceptional hotel for Eastern Oregon families who come to Portland shopping aud sightseeing. When next in Poitland give us a chance to make you look pleased. THE CORNELIUS Free Bus meets all trains. Europlan. Dr. C. W. Cornelius, Prop. H. K. Clsrke, Mxr. Land For Sale I have about 1 .000 acres of No. 1 Apple Larul, most of it under ditch at prices ranging from $00 per acre up. J. R. Steele HOOD RIVER, OREGON OREGON FARMER'S DEATH A MYSTERY R.M.W00D SHOT THROUGH HEART Same Place Scene Three Year Ago of SulolUs of Young Man Who Had Threatened Mood's Life. Hlllsboro, Or., Aug. 18. With a hole in his heart, evidently made by some blunt Instrument, Robert M. Wood was found dead early yester day morning near the barn of: II. D. Jennings, at Gaston, 12 miles south of here. Beside the body was a sharpened stick, bloody at the point. Doep myBtery envelopes tho case. A coroner's jury, after examining the premises and taking the testimony of 11. D. Jennings and wife, at whose house Wood had been making his borne for three years, returned a ver dict of accidental death. Wood lived with the Jennings fam ily. Three years ago an attempt upon his life was made by Allen George McDonald, who believed Mrs. Jen nings, of whom be was enamored, was In love with Wood. McDonald killed himself v hen he found his at tempt at murder was a failure and he himself facing arrest. Notwithstanding the former trage dy and its unfavorable Implication as regards Mrs. Jennings, her husband declares his relations with Wood were friendly and that there was no Jealousy between them. In this statement Jennings is joined by his wifo. Wood was a tatlve of England and about 30 years old. Will Enlarge Bremerton Yard. Washington, D. C, Aug. 18. Navy Department officials have de cided that Puget Sound Navy Yard shall be made the principal naval sta tion on the Pacific Coast and are for mulating plans for Us enlargement. It already has been decided to recom mend at tho next session of Congress that another drydock be authorized, making three In all, and that when this Is under way a fourth will be asked. It Is tho Intention of the Depart ment to equip this yard bo It can handle all repair work on tho larger vessels on the Pacific and Oriental stations. Detailed plans are now be ing worked out. Sick From Spider's Bite. Walla Walla, Wash.. Aug. 18. Suffering from the bite of a spider, inflicted early Monday morning, Moses Maskelyne lies In a dangerous condition at his home in this city While sleeping In a tent Sunday morning, Mr. Maskelyne was awak en by the bite of a spider. Soon his face began to swell and a leech was applied to draw out the poison. When the bloodsucker was taken away the flow of blood was not staunched and the assistance of a physician was nec essary before this could be accom plished. Prizo List for Livestock Show. Portland, Ore., Aug. 18. With a premium list of 120,000, the first annual Pacific National livestock show will make its bid for popular favor in Portland, the week of Sep tember 21-26. There are to be six livestock shows in the Pacific North west this fall, the grandest array of talent that has ever been assembled west of Chicago. The circuit in cludes the Western Washington Fair, at Seattle, September 7-12; the Ore gon State Fair, at Salem, September 14-19; Pacific .National Show, Port land, September 21-26; Washington State Fair, North Yakima, Septem ber 28-October 3; Spokane Interstate Fair, at Spokane, October 5-10, and the Walla Walla County Fair, at Walla Walla, October 12-17. At these six expositions more than $100,000 in cash premiums will be distributed among the livestock men and breeders of the Coast. TroopM Itaid Pasco Restaurant. Pasco, Wash., Aug. 18. Because the charges In the Northern Pacific and Eagle restaurants were much too high, three companies of North Da kota National Guardsmen, Monday, raided both places, carried away ev erything edible and were only pre vented from confiscating all of the cigars by a young employe with a loaded revolver. The proprietors of the two raided restaurants have telegraphed to the North Yakima authorities of the oc currence. The proprietors want to recover for damages, but they are in a quandary whom to sue. Their question is this: "Are those men private citizens In the service of the State of North Dakota, or a part of the United States Army under the Dick law?" Nehalem Handier Wanders in Hills. Tillamook, Or., Aug. 18. Wand ering Homewheie 1n the mountains of the Coast Hinge is Andrew Cas per, a Nehalem rancher, who disap peared from this city August 4, af ter placing his team and wagon In a local livery stable and drawing his money out of 'he bank. His team and wagon have been attached for money he Is owing. Friends fear that he was seized by a temporary fit of Insanity and that he mad hlg way Into the mountains, where he became lost. OIIEGON STATE NEWS IX BRIB The annual reunion of the Ploneor Society of Southern Oregon will b held at Jacksonville, August 27. The Third District Oregon Agri cultural Fair will be held at Pendle ton September 28 to October 2. On November 15 carrier free mail delivery will be Inaugurated In Cor vallis, w'th two carriers and one sub stitute. Late Saturday night the County Court Issued the order to close all saloons In Grant County, after the niauer naa Deen hung up in court iut six weeks. Micnael F. Sheehan, cx-deputy sheriff, of Portland, anil at the Salem prison, has been deco- raiea Dy nis wartime comrades at Boston, Mass.. with the mlnuta man1. medal. After an absence of 27 years ue maae a irip back East last week About 40 hopsrowers of Salem and vicinity met there last week and adopted a resolution fiilr, mo a hundred pounds as the price to be paid lor nop-plrking this season. This is tv cents a Hundred less than last sear. HALL BLOCK WILL BE FINE STRUCTURE Construction on the new Hall block was eommenoed last week and plans tor it snow mat ic win be a nandxouie and modem struotuie nrhen complet ed. The building will bo 1110x05 feet, fronting on Oak street, and will be two stories high with a full basement. Altogether the iovettneut in the new structure will total about 45,0OO when ii is nnisnea. The exterior of the building will be constructed or iMewburg pressed briok with a handsome and heavy comice running along the top, the oentet of wbicb will be raised and surmounted oy a naggtarr. underneath the name of the building, "Hall Block," will appear. The grouud floor will be di vided into three business apaitments. lhe ose on the corner will be '2:1x05 feet and will be ocoupied by the But ler Bauking company. The plans tor the new bauki'.g apartment include an entranoi with double doors, with tile vestibule and the lobby will also be floored with tiles, la addition to the general room for banking business a aireotora' room will be provided, A room in the center taieed from the door aud enclosed iu wire will be con structed for the cashier. At the rear a large money and safe deposit vault will he built. Euttance to the lattei will be through the lobby, a door of which will lead into a room alongside the safe deposit boxes fur. uisbed with conveniences for patrons wno want aocess to them. The fit tings for the bank's new quarters are elaborate and the deoorations will be handsome. Ube middle apartment will be ocou pied by K. U. Bragg & Co., and will be 17x05 feet. It will be provided witb an entrance in the oenter and double display windows on either side. The apaitment on the west end of the building will be '21x05 feet witb an entranoe at the side and a large display window. Between the center store and the one ou the west end will be looated the main entranoe to the office on the second floor. There will bIbo be another entrance for this floor at the rear of the building on Second street. The seoond floor will be divided into modern office suites a number of whlnb have already been rented. Drs. Watt and Jenkins have leased the offices ou the corner. The building will be piovlded with mod ern plumbing and heating apparatus, and many other late conveniences to be found iu ottloe buildings in the large cities New Confectionery, J. T. and M. A. Ford have opened a confectionery and oigar store in the building formerly ocoupied by the Club Buloon, on Second street, and state that tbey will conduct a first class plate of this kind. The Messn. I'ord have named their store the Bed Apple oonfeotionery and will have a large red apple hung in front of tbeir place ol business to dOBlguate It. In addition to a full line of candies, ci gars and tobaccos the new store will serve all kinds of soft drinks and ice cream, and have on band a stock of tanoy oauned goods. Ibey will handle a new brand of oreani known as the Mt. Hood. Mr. Ford and his son formerly lived in Dallas, Polkoounty, and are very much pleased witb Hood Kiver and Its progresslveness. Will Manufacture Steam Sprayers, E. T. Zable, of the Pine Urove dis trict, went to Portland this week to purchase material to manufacture steam spraying outfits. It is Mr. Zable's intention to secure the neces sary parts aud then to assemble and conneot them up at Hood river. As he is a mechanical engineer as well as a fruitgiower be believes tbst be can pei feet a steam sprayer that will be superior to anything of this kind that baa yet beeu used iu the valley. Two of the features will be a bionze spray pump and brass piping, it is found that where bins atone Is used In spray mixtures oi alone that it rapidly cor rodes and soou destioys steel or iron fittings aud by the use of bronze and brass this will largely be done awav witb. Arrested for Peddling Buggy. T. K. Disbrow, who was selling wagons without a lloense Ibbc week, was arrested by Hherltt L. E. Morse. ibe complaint against Uisbrow was made by J. K. Nickelsen and the bearing took place Monday before justice of the Peace A. C. Buck. C. H. McNabb, of The Dalles, was Dis- brow's attorney and the state's side of the case was looked after by Dia triot Attorney Fred Wilson. It was ahowu that the accused had sold a buggy to James Wlshart In the Mt. Hood country and the defendant was hold In ?'KH) bonds to 'appear before the district court in answer to the charge against him. Entertainment at Pine (irovo Hall. Mrs Adab Rose, who recently de lighted all who beard her at the Hawk eye picnic, will give an entertainment at Pine drove ball Saturday even ing, August '22. Mrs. Hose will be as sisted by Miss May Bird, of Boston, Mass., a singer of note. As an elocu tionist Mrs. Hose has rare talent and provides an entertainment of superior attainments. I'nnnti CAarV (1. TV f!nl tiert son went to The Dalles Tuesday on busi ness connected witb bis ofilolal duties. MISDURI HERE TO BE SHOWN if SENDS 5 JLE MEN TO LEARN OF US Utpreseatatlres Say Organiiatloa and Co-operation will Follow Inspec tion of Orchards and Sjstens liecent events In thepple world In dioate that eastern glowers are awak ening to the (act that tbey must put forth a greater effoit to maintain foothold Id the big markets, and that they also realize they must market fruit of a greater competitive value than they have heretofore. Ibere is moie agitation this year In the apple giowing sections of the middle west, southwest aud eastern itatea for better gradiug, better paokiug and better all aronud quality than aver before. Eastern apple men are studying north west methods of growing and market ing fruit closely. This Is particularly so In Missouri, one of the greatest ap ple raising stales. There is no ques tion that fruit growing ia carried cn there in a tar less scientific manner than it Is on the coast, but it ia also very evident that many horticultur ists and growers there are making a united effoit to raise the standard of market value. In this connection the following will prove interesting to orchardmen : Official representatives of the horti cultural interests of Missouri are be ing "shown" this week the lesults of systematic and organized oo-operation among the truitgrowera of Ore gon, says the Oregoniao. The visitors are William P. Stark, of Louisiana, Mo., president of the- Missouri State Boatd of Horticulture, and James M. Irvine, of St. Joseph, Mo., editor of the Frult-Grower.a publication devot ed to horticultural interests. They have visited La Grande, Hood River and The Dalles, and have planned a trip through the Willamette valley fruitgrowing districts the latter part of the week. Returning borne they will spend a few days in Washington and Idaho. "The people of Missouri have learn ed to look to Oregon for intelligent information pertaining to horticult ure," said Mr. Stark at tbe Portland recently. "The Miasouii State Board cf Hor ticulture consists of six members and a teoretary. Of the seven, four shall have visited the fruitgrowing sections of your slate before the truit season closes tbla year. Our secretary, W. L. He ward, already baa visited tbe state and studied horticultural condi tions. Mr. Irvine, who accompanies me, wblie not a member of the board, ia closely identified with the froit In terests of our state. During tbe pick ing season T. U. Todd, treasurer of the board, aud J. H. Christian, vice president, will spend some time ia Oregon. Mr. Todd is an extensive applegrower and oomea to study tbe methods employed by growers in Ore gon witb auob successful results. Mr. Christian Is one of tbe largest fruit shippers In Mlssoutl and will devote bis time to studying the methods fol lowed by the various associations of tbe fruitgrower here. 'Undeniably Oregon is one of the greatest fruit sections In tbe country. Our state is interested particularly in tbe growing of apples and from tbe investigation we have made, coupled with our prior knowledge of the qual ity of this fruit produced in Oregon, we are convinced that your state is entitled to tbe fame it enjoys as a fruitgrowing d I at i lot. "llortioulturally, Oregon has a great many advantages over Missouri. In tbe first place both climate and soil are adapted to fruit oulture and you do not have to contend witb tbe unfavorable weather conditiona and numerous pests with which our state ia infested. You have practically no apple scab, while our crep this year is seriously aBeoted witb this blight. Again, you have a compulsory spiay ing law. In our state it is optional with tbe grower whether he takes this precaution to Insure good fruit. "Your glowers are organized and derive tbe benefits from systematic methods adopted in growing the fruit, packing, shipping and marketing the product. Tbe Oregon orobardist also devotes bis time aud attention exclu sively to fruitgrowing, while in Mis souri fruit culture is followed only as a side issue. Lack of orgaulzation and oo operation among the growers completes tbe explanation for tbe po sition our state occupies boitloultur ally. "Missouri is long in trees but ahoit in fruit. There are in tbe state 20, 000,000 apple trees, probably more than in any other state, yet for the reasons given, tbe crop will be light. Tbe members of our boaid are making a thorough study of horticultural con ditions, the methods followed in grow lug, packing, shipping and marketing In tbe states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. This information will be arranged in proper form and submit trd for tbe education of Missouri or obsrdists in tbe hope that the stand ard of our fruit may be raised." A. W. King left Tuesday for a visit to bia home at Arleta, I1 i!