The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 06, 1908, Page Four, Image 4

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Mr. C. II. Williams, of Atkinson,
Neb., bai been here tor viU with
ber bi others. Douglas and W. A.
Loikmao, and with ber mother and
other relative. Mr a. Williams went
to I'ortland Saturday and will Tiait
tbeie and take a trip to tbe court and
visit eltter at N'atupa, Idaho, before
returning to bar home.
Mr. and Mia. U. A. Heinz, of Mo
MinnvUle, Mr. and Mm. A. C. Read,
of Soott'a MiJIa, Ore., and Mr. and
Mrs. V. 1. lllckoi and ton, M. Hick
ox, of Hood Kiver. were visitors at
tbe home of O. E. Uowerman last
W. A. Lockman baa gone to Endl
oott, Wash., where he will help tbe
wheat men harvest their crop.
Last Friday a flie Blurted accident
ally destroyed 4DU cords of wood own
ed by Ueo. Prattler and for a time
more damage waa threatened, but the
tire waa gotten under control and
furtbei danger averted. It ia not
known bow tbe lite originated, but
possibly a lighted mat oh or cigar
atump thrown by a passerby on tbe
river road may have oaused thla lost.
Last Friday tbe pipe boring ma
chine waa moved from tbe aite it baa
occupied tbe past four months and
waa taken to Willow Flat, where it
will be atored for tbe patent.
13. T. Young baa gone to Caiaon,
Wash., where he relieves bia sen,
Wallaoe, who ia in the employ of tibel
ley & Son, who conduct a tranifer
huaiuesa. Wallace haa gone to Lost
Lake for an outing.
Mr. and Mra. T. Lacey, Mr. and
Mrs. J. K. Crosby and Mra. W. A.
Lookman went to Oreen Point Satur
day for a few days buckle berrying.
W. L. Carnea met with an accident
Saturday and though be was badly out
and bruised, everyone is glad that tbe
results were not even more aerinus.
A snap about the bridle became un
done and placed tbe horses beyond
control. They ran over a tenoe into
a Meld, overturned tbe back and threw
Mr. Carnea out, rendering blm un
conscious and severely cutting and
bruising bis face, lie was takeu to a
phyisclan and bad bis wounds dress
ed, and was then taken to tbe home
of bis brother, where be remained un
til Monday morning, wben be was ia
ken borne. Ills pbysiolan states that
ho will got along nioely, but must re
main quiet for a number of days.
0. W. Lafferty is home from an ex
tended visit in Idaho, Colorado, Ok
lahoma and Missouri, ud is still well
ploased with liood Kiver valley.
Iu last week's account of a paity at
Lost Lake 0. If. Masiker waa men
tioned as one who was there, when in
reality he was at home.
Mrs. I.. D. lioyed and daugther,
Naomi, are in Portland this week.
Henry Lewis and family are at borne
in tbeir new residence south ot
"Netberby." Mis Alice Lewis is
here from Portland for a visit with
her parents and with other relatives.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Kmll -Vest,
Thursday, July 110, a son.
Master Dale Shelley and bia sister,
Vivian, were Udell visitors Saturday.
' Everett Lalforty was down from
Green Point Sunday tor a visit at
Vernioe Callison has resumed to
ber homa at Olex, Oregon. In more
than oue tense of the word Vernioe
leaves a vaoancy that Is hard to fill.
Her friends are legion
O. II. Ebrok and Clinton Wood ride
In brand new buggies of the latest
style. Girls, a word to the wise
should be sutlloleut.
Mrs. Jas. Cook Is In tbe open air
, sanitarium at Portland for treatment.
Eltner Smith's new piano Is now in
place at tbe borne of O. W. Smith.
A party left Odell early Monday
morning bound tor I.ont Lake for an
, outing. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kemp,
MiHses liertba Latterly and Margaret
Hcward, and Messrs. Wallace Young
and Don Crosby were of the number
July HI was Mrs.
birthday and M. P.
daughters planned
M. P. I sen berg's
and his sons and
i surprise tor bet,
and to say it waa a surprise puts It
very mildly. A very tine kitchen cab
inet bad been ordered, tbe flour bio,
sugar box, fpioe boxes, tea and coffee
cuddies all tilled uod it waa brought
our from town and placed in ber
kitchen aa a token of tbeir love and
affection. In tbe evening ber child
ren from Uond Hirer drove out,
bringing ioe cream and cake, having
added to tbeir number I.ou Iseoberg
and wife and Will Somerville and
wife. A very happy evening waa
spent. Miua Lena lsenberg gave ber
mother a cut glass pitcber, Mr. and
Mra. Somerville a vase. We all wish
for ber maoy, many returns ot ber
Miss Mattel lleaton Is aewing for
Mrs. Robert Jones.
Mis. Barker and daughters. Misses
Zillab, Hazel and Norma, were callers
at tbe lsenberg home Thursday.
Mr. Williams, who lately bought 12
seres from (J. D. Wood worth, has
tented the MaoFurland cottage and Is
moving bis household goods.
Marsh lsenberg bed the bay balera
Cbaille Miller bad tbe buy balers
this week.
J. II. and Will Davis are baling bay
on their plaoes.
Fied and Harry Barker aie building
a flume to put water on tbe Tult
Mr. Weutz.being an insurance man,
baa hired a horse and buggy, and will
canvas tbe county for business duiing
bis vaoation and also see tbe country.
Miss O'Neil Is slaying for a tew
days at tbe C. K. Miller ranob.
Mrs. Tolman and children are pick
ing blaokbeirles for Kd Barker on Ar
cadia farm.
Mrs. Holmes and daughter, Lois,
are visiting In Oiegon City.
Miss Zillab Barker lett for Portland
Sunday atternoon.
Mr. Isobell will take possession of
tbe Tyler place August 10. His family
will be here by that time.
Mrs. Dr. MaoFarland end daughter
are visiting at Frank MaoFailand's.
A very enjoyable afternoon was
spent by tbe Ladies' Aid at Mrs. Ram
sey's beautiful borne The new com
ers In Belmont were invited aa guests
of tbe aid. Mrs. M. II. Niokeisen and
Mra. Clark were with us once moie.
Refreshments of cake and lemonade
were served by tbe ladies of the aid.
Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
Mr. Sklner, of Wasbougal, has been
viMltlng for several days among bis
Belmont friends.
Mrs. Henry Jautzen, of Oak Orove
dlstrlot, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. U.
Church Friday.
There are many imitations of De
Witt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve,
but just one original. Sold by Keir &
Dr. and Mis. Pineo and Miss Pineo
are camping near tbe Walter Cribble
Miss Lizzie Cooper is visiting
friends at Butlei, Wash.
Miss Florence Toon came up Mon
day to visit through August with Miss
Nan Cooper.
llariy Llebe, au old settler of tbe
Mt. Hood valley, was up visiting old
friends here last Saturday. Mr. Llebe
wa surprised at the progress of de
velopment In the commuuity, and
says he wishes be had not left tbe
Mrs. C. C. Babbldge came Monday
of laat week and went Into camp with
Mr. Babbldge on tbe Larwood place.
The Misses Constauoe and Eleanor
Ewing aooompauled her and expect to
spend tbe summer Jiere.
Mr. Fiedeuburg has been laid up
with a sprained ankle for quite
awhile, but Is able to be about his
work again.
Mrs. S. J. DufHeld, mother of Geo.
Duttleld, came last Friday from ber
borne in Uoldendale to make a sum
mer's visit with her son. Mr. Duf
llold's son, Sherman, came with her.
Mastet Otis Wilson had th misfor
tune to out his foot about six weeks
ago and has been laid up with it ever
since. He has stood bis misfortune
veiy bravely and we are glad tc see
that he la Improving.
Mra. Ed. W. Taggert and Mrs Di.
Brown, both of Portland, aie spend
ing a few days at tbe Larwood home
Mrs. Taggert expects to visit tbe Inn
before returning to Poitland.
Among other new residences we no
tice that Jake Lena is building a sub
stantial dwelling on bis plaoe.
Chas. Monroe, who baa been work
ing for Mr. Uribble, left last week for
bis home in Eugene.
Elmer Meyers had tbe misfortune
to out bia foot last week. We bope it
will not prove serious.
I be central telephone office baa been
removed from Mr. (Jtibble'a store at
Mt. Hood and Mrs. Lafferty, otOdeU,
now answers to tbe call for central,
tbe office having been moved to that
Some of tbe oitlzena toward tbe
nortb end of tbe valley have been
somewhat alarmed by the forest fire
wbiob bus been raging tbe past week.
Most of tbe able bodied men bavo put
In their time the pant w days fight
ing it and we bope it will not become
more dangerous. Tbe failing logs
have obstructed tbe couuty road sev
eral times, but have been removed.
It baa been most troublesome 10 far
on tbe Uribble, Stanton, Patereau
and Dumas places.
Mr. S. M. Baldwin died last Sun
day, after an Illness ot about four
days. Tbe funeral services were held
Monday, a abort aervioe at tbe bouse
at 8:30 conducted by P.ev. C. C. Bab
bldge. Iwo appropriate selectiona
were sung and aftei a scripture read
ing, prayer and a very short talk by
the minister, tbe remains were carried
to tbe waiting hearse and taken to
tbe Idlewilde cemetery, near Hood
Kiver, for interment. Tbe pall bear
ers were: C. A. Puddy, K. J. Moiton,
Will S. Uiibble, D. R. Cooper, Jamea
Laogille and II. C. Rush. In tbe
death of Mr. Itnldwin the community
baa lost one of ita oldest and most re
spected citizens. No words wetespok
en of him, but words of praise pnd be
waa oertainly and sincerely a gentleman.
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
will promptly relieve all Kidney and
Bladder disorders. Sold and recom
mended by Keir & (.'ass.
J. A. English, O. A. McCurdy and
Will Nichols and their families started
on a camping tiip to some point neat
Mt. Hood ou Wednesday ot this week.
Miss Martha and Master Harold
Willie, of Portland, after speudii.g a
mouth visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
English, returned homo on Thursday
of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Huyett, former
Crapperites,' but now ot Portland,
oame to Hood River on Saturday ot
last week and are now tbe guests of
P. H. Martin and family.
Rev. 0. D. Sawtelle, of Portlund,
district superintendent of tbe Chris
tian Missionary Alliance, atrived at
tbe Oak Urove camp meeting on
Thursday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Voyle Llndsey went
to Home Valley one day last week.
J. C. Stouer and family left for
Caldwell, Idaho, on Tuesday of this
week. They expeot to make tbeir fu
ture home at that place.
Mrs. Parent and the Misses Cross
and Rivers, of The Dalles, after spend
ing two weeks at the CBtnpmeeting,
returned borne on Saturday of lust
H. C. Deltz and family, of Hood
River, attended the oBmpaieetlng on
last Sunday and also on tbe preceding
The old Pennsylvania Dutch Dunknrd
recommends "Hickory Bark Cough
Remedy." Guaranteed to cure your
cough, and guaranteed to be pure.
Made from the bark of the shell bark or
white hickory tree. For sale by Chaa.
N. Clarke and all dealers everywhere.
.Fruit Lands.
in large or small tracts. Some very good
land at low prices at present. Good
growing commuuity. Six miles east of
Hood Kiver. Also homesteads and re
linuuishmeuts. Parties wishing to buy
will do well to writu or see
Hosier. Oregon
The Oldest in the City. Forty-seven Years in the Business.
Our Stock is the largest in the county. We do
our own watch work. Our experience was
gained with the large factories of the East at our
door. We apply factory methods in our work.
We are competent to make our guarantee good.
Our optical parlors are up-to-date. We put up
our own Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Our buyer
visits the Eastern markets each year and pur
chases for two stores. -:- -:- -:- -:-
No on can offer batter goods nor better price.
Inspect our Store before purcKe.lnsj
R. E. LARAWAY. Manager
S. J. UerBbey and family, . of near
Hood River, tented on tbe gioand
daring tbe eampmeetiug.
A considerable number ot Crapper
ites attended tbe Hawkeye teonion at
tbe Giance Park.
Mr. Cunning, tbe Oak Urove mer
chant, is doing a very satisfactory
Tbe campmeetlDK closed on ' last
Sunday evening. The sermons that
were preaobed daring tbe meeting
made a good impression on tbe minds
of tbose who were in attendance.
Teachers Examination.
Teacbera examinations for count?
and state papers will be held at tbe
ram Street school building begin
ning August 12th. All those desiring
to take tbe examinattoue must be
preieut promptly at ! o'clock.
U u. uoad, Supt.
' Hvdrtlsed Utters
Andersoo, Anton : Anderson. Mal
colm ; Anderson. A. K. ; Blaokeler.
U. P.; Bozartb, Albert; Berenner,
Geo. ; Carsley, John ; Carson, John;
Uarr, b. U. ; Corder. P. E ; Craudall,
J. D. ; Engler, Frank; Fording, H.
L. ; Heavener, Bert; Hines, R. J.;
Hllcon, Thos.; Hordgron, A. (2);
tiopuns, Bert; Kellng, A. M. ; Laa
nam, Bradford ; Lee. William : Mo-
Corn, A. C. ; MoCrory, Dell; O'Con
nor, Ulram; O'Connor. H. S. : Pat-
ton, John L. ; Perm, Conser; Pifei,
w. &ari ; frees, Ueo. ; Robertson, W.
R. ; Robinson. Wayne; Simpsou.
Levi; Stevenson, Louis; Waiteis,
Chas. ; Wbitcomb, Arthur; Wills, J.
S. ; Wtsbon, J. R. ; Alexander, Jenny
r. ; uauey, rruaence; tseaim, Ida;
Beatnin, Gladys: Bozurzewicz. Marv:
Davies, Elizabeth; Dean, Lottie;
Ferguson. J. E. Mrs. : Foes. Mrs.
Geo O. ; Franzen, Mis. Edwin ;Gree
ser, Mrs. Tenitir; Hadley, Mary M. ;
Hart, Mrs. v. A. li a men, Uertmde
Hoskins, Uraoe Joiepbine.Mra. Jones,
Lois; J ones, Mrs. A. O. ; Johnson,
Edith; Kelley, Mors. C. J.; Larson,
Anna; Lyle, K'lhy; MoWbinuey, Mag
gie; Parker, Mis. II. S. ; Ruding,
Verna; Santord. Lena: Smitb. Marv:
Steaoley, Florenoe; Stewart, Isabell;
war men, Lottie; Wilson Anna.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids for new toilet equip
ment for Pleasantriew school will be
received up to noon ot tbe Oth day of
August, 1UUS,
Pis us and specifications can be seen
at tbe office ot the dUti let cleik.
Dated July 27, 1908.
A. W. Onthauk.
Clerk ot District No. 3, Hood River
couuty, Uiegon.
Orange, Bauana, Pineapple, Pistachio,
Rose, and Ptach, Apricot and Raspberry
in season.
Special Ice Cream
AUGUST ft Special Brick Layers of
Peanut Ice Cream with Grape Sherbet
Center. Special Bnlk Peanut Ice
Cream. Special Shipping Brick
Peanut Ice Cream.
AUGUST lft Special Brick Layers of
Pineapple, Strawberry and Biscuit
AUGUST 23 Special Brick Uyers of
Caramel, alalia aud Kraw
Strawberry Ice
Special Bulk Caramel Ice
AUGUST 30 Special Brick Prune
Special Ice Gream
C. P. Ross, Agent
Season of 1908. Special Prices made on
Plain Ice Cream
Vanila; Strawoerry, Chocolate, Lemon,
To Wm. Onager, Marshal or tbe City or Hood
Hlr: Id compliance with tlx reqnlrament or
Section 6K of the rhartur or the City of Hood
River I transmit the following lint of the
aaaeasmenU which remain unpaid for tba
grading ol Pine Htreet In the City of Hood
River. This amewment wan levied by Ordi
nance No. 151 entitled, An Ordinance to estab
llHb the grade ol floe Street from the cenb-r
line of A Htreet of the town of Parkliurnt, now
an addition to the city of Hood Htver now
Third Htreet, In the city or Hood River to the
center line ofHtranahiu Avenue, now Twelfth
Htreet In the City of Hood River and to repeal
Ordinance No. 122 entitled. An Ordinance to
establish tbe Krade of Pine Htreet from tbe
center line of A Street of the town ot Park
hurnt, now an addition to the City or Hood
Kiver, to tbe center line or Htrinaban Avenue
otherwise known an County Road, now
Twelfth Htreet In the Cily of Hood River, and
levying assessments upon the property bene
fllted for tuecoKt of grudlug said Pine Htreet
for the purpow of raining the sum or Three
Hundred Dollars, the aame being the actual
coHt of grading vald Pine Htreet, assessing tbe
property benefitted liy the grading or Pine
Htreet and directing an entry or each aaaem
ment In the docket ot City Liens and said
awtesNment was entered In the Docket or City
Liens on the 1Mb day or Ma , 1D0B, and more
than twenty duys hav elapned since said
date or entry, the following asuessnients are
delinquent and their interest rrom and after
the date or their delluijuency, namely, tbe
lKth day or July, 100H. The following list is In
tabular form, Is made up from the docket of
city liens, describes each aasesameof which Is
delinquent, gives the name or the person to
whom ass saed, and tbe particular descrip
tion or the property assessed, and the amount
of the assessment thereon now due, and Is aa
Ilarrclt.Slpma Addition.
Henry F. I nireet nx. lots and 4, blk C. SI2.80
Walter D. Hull, lot 3, blk C 40
Kiit. John Donahue, lots t and 3, blk B. . . 3.6b
KM Thompson, lot 6, blk 13 30
K. K.Vert A i mind son, lots 1 and 4, blk A. 5.7
Airred Hagars, NJi lot 9, blk A 13
David I. Htone, N,' lot 10, blk A 07
Pleasant View Addition.
Est. Ella Mlddleton, lot C 66.27
Clariwa J. Tbompton, lot 4, true. 3, blk a 10.07
Isnbell Elliott, lot 8 (oU.100), blk 8 21
J.Teuscher Jr., Iot4, blk I SO
O. McDonald, lots S and 4, block 6 43.30
Hull's Sub-DlvUlon.
Kst. John Donahue, lot 15, blk 9 4.99
First Baytlst Church, lots 17 and 18, blk 9 6.22
O. L. Htranaban, lot 19. blk 9 2.52
Henry A. Taylor, 8. 25 ft. lot 20, blk 9 14
Henderson's Hub.Dlvlslon.
Jmes McBaln, lots A and 6, block 6 08
Parkburst Addition.
Susan Frisbee, lot 4. blk t 5.02
A. A. Hchenck, lot 3, blk 8 26..V
J. C. Hlmonton, K. 75 ft. lot 1, blk 9 11.00
J. R. N1CKKUSEN, City Recorder.
Under and in pursuance of the above warrant
for the purpose of satisfying the assessments
mentioned in said warrant, I will on the 5th day
of Sept, 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the
front door of city hall, in the city of Hood River,
in Hood River, county, state of Oregon, proceed
to sell at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash In hand the several tracts and parcels of land
above mentioned or so much thereof as can be sold
separately to atlvantag-e sufficient to pay such de
linquent assessments together with interest, costs
and disbursments.
Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this 31st day of
July, 1908.
Marshall of the city of Hood River.
lb, 1
The School tJiat riaceg You in a Good Position
Crush and mix In feed or salt. Proper dose in tablets
Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls. They are made from the active principle or the
coodenied essence of the druf. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are just
gs good when 10 years old a when 10 days old. They comply with all pure drtij laws, A&li foi
and try one SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken ChJlcra,
Blister, Cathartic, Hears. Feti Hot Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tabletsorl.onse Fowder,
6pvinCurs or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MliDlCINU CO.,
Incorporate Capital Stock S3Q0,oop.00i Watertown, South Dakota U. S. A.
For Sale by Hauna & Perigo,
1 fv;?f sr
Sj Try our invigorating and refreshing Soda, with pure crushed fruits for
H flavoring. And our Phosphates are most refreshing. Everything is the
purest and best. Our new one Red Banana College Ice is a winner.
It's easy to reach North Beach
Take Steamer POTTEH. from Portland
Paadeiiner are now transferred to tlia railroad at JJflGLER fqurteen
miles up the Columbia Iiiver from Ilwavo, This eliminates
the necessity of steamers waiting for the tide, aud
insures prompt and regular summer service
The Steamer T. J. Potter leaves Portland every
morning except Saturday and Suiulay at 8:30 o'clock
Saturday only at 2 o'clock P. M. Remember the
Summer rate on the O. R. (EL N. is $6.55 from
Hood River, Ore., to all North Beach points and
return; good until September.
North Beach iu a famous, beautiful place the moBt perfect beach on the
whole North Coast. There are accommodations galore at pricts to suit
all tastes; cam pint? facilities without equal perfect bathing conditions;
all sorts of amusements and diversions. Come, have a good rest and a
jolly time. Let us send you our new summer book and tell you all about
North Beach.
J. H. FREDICY, Local Agent, Hood River, Oregon
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
A Residence, Barn, Garage, Cold Storage Room or Retaining Wall?
Then be Up-to-Date and build ot
This is coining more and more to lie recognised as the best building material for
all classes of construction, and the Miracle Double Air 8pace Block, or Cement
Brick cannot be surpassed. It is warm in winter, cool in summer and knocks
insurance rates silly, Investigate if you contemplate builJing. We manufacture
both concrete blocks and cement brick and will guarautee them.
Come to the works, one block north aud west of Gill's store, and see the
manufactured products, or call us up on phones No. 2TS-M or 95 and we will give
you further information and prices.
Bradley Brother?
It's To Your Own Interest
If Yon Want Bargains We are Giving Them in
Our Final Closing Out. In our
We have left about 500 yards Panamas, QfJC
regular 65c, now wwU
300 Yards Cravenets, regular price 90c, R7
now w I m
200 Yards Broadcloth, regular $2.00 M OO
now 1
Linens, regular 35c and 40c, now 22c
Many odds and ends at your own price
At 50c on the Dollar
We have about 60 Suits left; all good (MO QC
numbers and colors. $20Suits ,t'g'
$12.00 Suits now $7.95
. The same reduction all down the line.
All kinds at your price. Every thing will go
regardless of cost.
Famous Ice Cream
Special Prices on Orders
Hood River Agents
Creating a Reserve
Is not difficult once you start to save your
rnoney systematically. Hut if you ever expect to
be independent financially through your own
efforts you must make the start Money saved
and put away safely will protect you from
misfortune and prepare you to take advantage
of opportunities that will surely come to you.
Funding the capital of your working years
Insures Your Future
liut choose the right place to put your capital
or the hard-earned savings of a lifetime may be
swept away In a day. We offer our patrons the
counsel and experience of our directors, together
with every banking facility consistent with sound
business methods in all their relations with us,
and pay 4 per cent interest on all deposits made
in our Savings Department. Give us the op
portunity and we will aid you to make your
money earn more money.
The First National Bank
...Hood River's Leading Druggist...
Filling Prescriptions O
Willi l'ure Drugs with satisfaction to
ot n patient ami physician is assured if
yon !cae your prescription with us.
We have (jaitmd a reputation for relia
bUily by supplying
Pure Fresh Prugs
In all our prescriptions. When you
bring your prescriptions lure you a-e
sure (f ideal service!?!?
GLACIER PHARMACY, chasn. claeke