flOODRlVEfi PLACIES THURSDAY. AUGUST 6. 008. Threa OlMWlWRIlllltlUUlllltllKititigMI VENTS IN OREGON I Build Modue IUmmI. Portland With the Sling of ar tides In San Franclaco of incornnra. Hon of the Modoc Northern R.n... Company, the extensive plans for the aeTeiopment of Northeasters Cali fornia and Couthern Oregon were made public last week. For three years the Southern Pacific Company, through subsidiary corporations, has been building railways in that region and this last corporation is only part of the system cf leased lines which will tap vast areas of the richest lanu on the Pacific Coast. tne Modoc Northern Railway Company has a caultal stock of 1.1 . 000,000. divided into shares of the par value or $100 each. According to .the articles of Incorporation tbs juuuuc xvortnern line will be built from Alturas, Modoc county, Cal., in a northwestern direction to a con necting point with the California iMortnwestern railway, now being constructed rrora Weed, on the Southern Pacific road In KUkivnn county, to Klamath Falls, Or. Those two lines , will meet near Klamath Falls, so the entire length of the Modoc Northern will be about 100 miles. Construction of the line will begin at once and continued until the road is finished. The Hn win open a virgin country in Southern uregon connecting Alturas and its vicinity directly with the Southern racinc ana with Oregon. Chronic Diarrhoea Relieved. Mr. Edward E. Henry, with the Uniteil Slates Kipress Co.. Chicago, writes: "Our geneial superintendent, Mr. Quick, handed, me a bottle of Uiambcrlaurs Colic, Cholera and Diarrliuea Remedy rome time ago t) check an attack of the old chronic diarrhiea. 1 have used it since that lime an cured many on our train who have been sick. I am an old sol dier who served with Rutherford B Hayes and William McKinley four yeuisago in the 23d Ohio regiment and have no ailment except chronic diarrhoea, which this remedy storm at r....... ' v... .... L':- s. i- Will Search for Lost Mine. Albany Though they are both over SO years of age, G. C. King, of San Jose, Cal., and Robert L. Smith, of Corvallls, Or., two pioneer miners, left this week for the Cascade moun tains to look for a long-lost mine. In the early '70s, W. A. Paul, a well- known Linn county' pioneer, was hunting near Mount Jefferson when he discovered a quartz ledge of won derful richness. A sample of the ore ho brought to Albany assayed $5000 to the ton. He kept the discovery a secret, but was later unable to locate his And. King was one of the few friends he told of the location of the discovery, as nearly as he could remember It. In talking over old times, Paul's lost mine was mentioned and King said he believed he could find It. The two octogenarians decided in spite of the fact that King is 82 years old and Smith 80, to try to relocate the rich lost ledge. W. S. Paul, son of the original discoverer of the ledge, will accompany them. Excellent Health Advice. Mrs. M. K. Davison, of No. 379 Gil ford avenge, San Jose, Cal., says: "The worth of Klectric Bitters as a general . family remedy, for headache, bilious ness and torpor of the liver and bowels is so pronounced that I am prompted to say a word in its favor, for the benefit of those seeking relief from such afflic tions. There is more health for the di gestive organs in a bottle of Electric Hitters thun in any other remedy I know of." Sold under gnarantee at Chas. N. Clarke's drug store 50c. Two Weeks' Wedding Bliss. Salem Two weeks of married life was sufficient for William H. Jami son, a resident of this county, who last week filed a suit for divorce against his better half, Idenia Jami son. The pair were married in Portland July 6, of this year, and managed to live together until July 21, when things became so exciting and stren uous for Jamison that he was com pelled to abandon his unhappy "hap py" home. Jamison's venture into matrimony is said to be of the shortest dura tion in this part of the state, and Is believed to set a record for all of Oregon . In his complaint, which was filed in tho circuit court, Jami son alleges inhuman and cruel treat ment, declaring that his wife Bwore at him and threw hot coffee in his face as an early morningjjreetlng. Disagreeable at Home.; Lots of men and women who are agreeable with others get "cranky" at home. It's not disposition, it's the liver. It you find in yourself that you feel cross around the house, little things worry you, just hny a bottle of Ballard's lierbiiie and put your liver in Bhape. Yu and evervbody aroHwJ you will feel better for it. Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold by Phas N, Clarke. Drags at Htirrnp, peppner Dragged over the range at the stirrup of a maddened horse, Ray Fairchlld, a well-known cattle shipper, and meat dealer of this city, sustained such frightful injuries that he probably will die. Mr. Falrchild bad gone out on horseback to round up a small bunch of cattle for shipment, when his horse made a sudden swerve and the saddle turned. The animal took fright immediately and bolted, drag ging Mr. Fail-child by one foot which had caught In a stirrup. When the horse was finally caught and the victim released he was found to have sustained a compound frao ture of the skull and frightful mu tilations of the head and face. Every effort is being made by the physi cians to save his life, but they bold puj !ttle hope.. Granulated Sorn Eyes Cored. "For 20 years I suffered from a bad case of granulated tore eyes," says Mar tin Boyd, of Hekrletia, Ky. ,"Iu Fell rusrv, 1903, a gentleman asked me to try t'litmberlain's Salve. I lionght "ne box and used about two-thirds of it and my eyes have not (liven me any trouble j since." This salve is for sale by Keir & Casa. Roosevelt Will Hunt in Oregon, Klamath Falls President Roose velt expects to hunt bear in the wilds of Klamath county after the eiplra tlon of his present term and before his departure for Africa, according to advices received in Klamath Falls. John D. Goff, the guide who dl rected the way to haunts of big game In Colorado on the occasion of the first Western hunt of the then Vice President, will visit Klamath county In September for the purpose of making a personal investigation of the big game district of the Klamath region. It Is stated on high authority that Mr. Goff will make this trip especial ly for the purpose of advising the President as to the best time to hunt bear and mountain lions . in this state. While the intended hunt U said to be practically decided upon, publicity was not desired and only by chance was the information ob tained. The Laziest Man in tlie'World would not be contented to be keot in the house and doing nothing bv rheu matism. Neither are you, who are al ways Dusy ana active. Then don't nee- tect the first twinge of an ache or pain that you might think is iuttt a "crick." Hub well with Ballard's Snow Liniment and no matter what the trouble Is it will disappear at once. Sold by Chas. . uiarae. Umatilla to the Front. Pendleton With a mother at 16. a grandmother at 31 and a great grandmother at 61, Umatilla county again challenge! the world lor a reo- ord. Oriuo Laxative Fruit Syrup is sold nnder a positive guarantee to cure con stipation, tick headache, stomach trouble, or any form oi Indigestion. If it fails, the manufacturers refund your money. What more can any one dor Chas. N. Clarke. . True Business Caution. Marshall Field, 3rd, acoonliug to story now going the rounds, bids fair to become a very cautious business man when be grown np. Approaching an old lady in a Lakewond hotel, be said : "Can you oraob nuts?" "No, dear," the old lady replied: I lost my teeth ages ago." "Then," requested Master Field, extending two full hands full of pe cans, "please bold these while 1 go and get some more Hay Fever and Summer Colds. Vintims nf hiiv fwvpr will pxnprielirw irrenfc ItenefiL Itv tnkincr FiiIpv'h Hnttev r" J o J J and Tar, as it stops dilBcult breathing immediately and heals the inflamed air pussages, and even if it should fail to cure you it will give instant relief. l lie genuine is in a yellow package. V. N. Clarke. "Can you live on your inoome In New Yoik?" "I don't know," replied the New Yorker. "Never tried it yet.'" Yes. there s a new baby at Man- ley's house, and it takes after the mother " "Well, that's comfort, anyway." "Why, have you eter teen Mis. Muglevr" "No, but I've seen Magley." Baby Morphine Fiends are made by all soothiut" syrups and baby medicines that contain opium and narcotics. McUee's Baby Elixir con tains no injurious or narcotic drugs of any kind. A sure and safe cure for dis ordered stomachs, bowels and fretful- iiess splendid for teething infants. For sale by Chas. N. Clarke. She Followed Directions. After a month's work in intensely warm weather a gardener in the sub urbs became ill, and the anxious little wife seut for a dootor, wbo wrote a piesoription alter examining the pa tient. The doctoi, upon departing. said: "Just let your husband take that and you II find be will beallugbt in a sboit time." Next day the dootor culled again. and the wife opened the door, her faoe beaming with suites. "Sure, that was a woudertul wee bit of paper you left yesterday," she exclaimed. 'William is better today r" "Im'nladto hear that." said the much pleated medioal man. "Not but what 1 bad n't a big job to get him to swallow It,' she coutin- ued, "but, sure, 1 just wrapped up the wee bit of paper quite small and put it in a spoonful i t ism, and Will iam swallowed It unbeknownst. By night he was entirely better." She Likes (jood Things. Mrs. Chas. K. Hmith. of West Frank lin, Maine, says: "I like good things and have adopted Dr. King's New Life Pills as our family laxative medicine, because they are good and do their work without making a fuss about it." These painless purifiers sold at Chas, N. Clarke's drug store. 25c. Giant Cherries. In order to show, what the Willam ette Valley can do iu the way ot grow- ng cherries, Julius KRlllok, wbo lives near Portland, sent a box ot Lamberts to bis friend, Uene Bush, In this city this week. The fruit was put on dis play at tbeMt. Hood hotel and is said to be the largest ever seep bre, Mr, Kslliok states in a letter that he calls them the Uiaut Variety sod says be has five trees, the fruit ob ajl ot which it as large as that sent to Hood River. Six of (best enorcqoqs cherries raeas- oie sevs.i inches, ACTIVE AT 87. This would be no unusual news i' mei and women would keep-themselves fret from rheumatism and all aches and pains as well as keepimr their inus- les and joints limb-r with Ballard's Sn iw Liniment, Hold bv Chas. N. Clarke. 0. IU & N. Pushes Wallow Branch. Work on the Wallowa extension of the Elgiu braucb ot the Oregon Kail- bad and Navieatiou company's Dues. says the Spokesman Keview, is being rapidly pushed to completion. Al- early the road bs been e tended some 6ix miles into Wallowa onunty aud is beiug advanced at the rte ol more than bale a n:i.e s dsy. Kngl oe i Baiudeu, who bug the wirk in charge, fays that the tm will isaib tbe csLyou bouse in a k audit ill be completed luto Wnllcx m this fall. A ttt!'. tnwu hi s tro u up i t the noi'th it thtWkiloB rivir, wlart- I he supply depot for the construction woik is kculed iuie than 50 tents aud an iq ial number of bux curs are used for booties Several . miles of iJetrack me in r iteration Mid ma- bine vhops and a 'tee I brcin g Ma chine bats tetu iLttulltd Several Imudieil iue i are rmi lojed. A bridge crew it (tilting iu the ctumut atutt- meuts lor the pet iuaneut bridge across thA flrfltiriA RnfirlA vlAP It la hnnrl md thttt Whllnara sill ntiiti t ItA ann. fdv linint fnr thm PMnininHnr nf thA work ae soon as the eteel gang leacbca cms city. It III May in Heed Kiver The remedy that makes jou est, sleep anil grow strong, called I almo lablcts will be sold regnlarly by Williams Pharmacy, Hood kiver. These great nerve and constitution builders coat only 60c per box, six boxen. 2.oO. tf Drank Fly Poison. On Monday afternoon Unus, one of the Uccbrsn twins, was caught dilok ing poison water oft fly paper. The doctor net being here complicated the matter and had It not been lor a lew cool heads aud a mother's courage in administering draatio remedies the lit tie one would have slipped out of tbit lire. However sne is doing nicely and another lesson baa been leainen, lone Proclaimed Take Kodol whenever yon feel that you need it. That is the only time you need to take Kodul. Just a lien you need it; then you will not be troubled with sour stomach, belching, gas on the stomach, etc. Sold by Keir A lass. DRCK!f STATE NEWS IK BRIEF The First National Bank of Milton has been authorised to begin bus! a ess with 150,000 capital. Isiah M. Martin, a McMlnnville farmer, while ouMlne; her Into a barn loft was struck in the stomach by the breaking of a singletree, last weea, ana aiea two days after. Having spent every night for the past ii years at his post of duty in the Brockton Point llehthouse. near Vancouver, B. C, William D. Jones, ugntkeeper and loyal subject of the crown is visiting In Portland. Grant Froman. couatv recorder of Linn county, has a bicycle which he nas ridden continuously for more than 13 years and which Is vet In good condition. He has covered more tnan zz.oeo miles on the wheel. Sheriff Richardson, of Harnev county, last week arrested Miss Ada fierce, of Canyon City, on a charsre of being implicated In the larceny of horses. A man wanted on the same charge has not yet been captured. That the fire which almost com pletely destroyed the Ablngton build ing, wreaked immense havoc in the Van Schuyver building and caused a loss of approximately 1375.000. was incendiary is now the firm belief of the Portland authorities. C. W. Parker, residina: near Jack. sonvllle, ran away with the wile of O. A. Olson, taking with her her four children and Olson's mnthertn- law last week. Their destination was Seattle and they shipped their gooas under the name of Trumble Jerome Renne. a well-known res). dent of Creswell, was accidentally Kiuea last week by his nephew, Ralph Mosberg. who shot at a deer. but the bullet took effect In his uncles body, resulting in his death soon afterward. Elsie Kenison. aired 18. wan mur dered by her sweetheart, B. E. Stof fel, at her home in Echo last week. The murderer started on foot over the hills north of town, evaded the posse after him. and doubled hnrlr and hanged himself In a barn on the same place where he murdered Miss Kenison. The . work on the Wallowa exten sion of the Elgin branch of the Ore gon Railroad & Navigation Com pany's lines is belna ranidlv unshed to completion. The engineer who has charge of the work says that the road will be completed to Wallowa in six weeks and that regular trains will be running into Wallowa this fall. The Governor's trophy match, the most coveted prize In the State Mili tia Rifle Shoot, was captured last week at Salem by the team comnosed of eight picked men of the Fourth regiment infantry by a total of 53 points over all ranees. The segre gate of the Fourth team was 856 and mat or the Third regiment team was 803. Knocked down by a Portland trol ley car Saturday afternoon, Miss Mary Osborne Douthlt, one of Ore gon's Dloneer women, an authoress. teacher, prominent suffragist and a resident of Portland for the past 15 years, sustained a fractured skull and died four hours later at the Good Samaritan Hospital, after sur geons had operated in the vain hone of Bavlng her life. rioWitt'o T.ittlA Vorlu Rlopra aafa easy, pleasant, sure, little liver pills. Bold by Keir & Cass. Oregon Shoip LINE Ann Union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Dally Through Pullman sUndnMi nfl tourist Imping cart dally to Omsha. Clilcan, Hpo kanej tourist sleeping cars dally to Kansas Pity: through Pull nun tourist sleeping er (personsally oonrtucted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair cam (Meats free) to the Kant dallv. Union Denot Leave. rriv Chlrngo-Portland 8peclal fhr the Kast via Hnatlngtnn, dally 8:30 am 8:50 pm Hpokune Flyer (or Kastern wasningion. walla Walla, Lewtston.Coenrd'Alenennd Orest Northern polnu, dally 8:11 pm 8KXP am Atlantic Eipreos lor the East via Huntington. dally 6.-00 pm : am Portland-Pendletnn local for all uolnts between Pendleton and Portland, daily 7:15 am 6:15 nm RIVER SCHEDULE FOR ASTORIA and 8:00. M.&00 P. M way points, connecting! Dally Dally with rteamer for Il.-aco except except and Nort h Beaeh steam-1 Randsy, Sunday. r Hawslo, Ash atreetiHatnrday, dock (water per.) IftOO P. M. FOR Davum, Oregon 7:09 A. M. 7'J0 P. M. City and Yamhill Rlv Dully Dally er points. Ash street except except dock (water per.) Hunday. Sunday. FOR LKWIHTON.H0 A. M. WOP. M . Idaho, and way points. Dally Dally (nun Riparla, Wash. except exept Saturday Friday OrFICKHOPKS Freight House 8a. m. to 12 noon; 1 to p in. No freight received or delivered after 6 p. m. Paxaengei Depot Hours for delivery of ex press and hnggmt will be 1 a, m. till 8 p. m. WM. McMURRAY. Uenentl Passenger AgsntPortlaod.Or. H ASUCCESSFUR BAKIMi Wivs follows theuse of White River and Golden Crown flour. Whether v.m bake bread, caken, pies, or any kind of pastry, you will find this flour a safe and reliable standby.' Try it once and von will never use any other. STRANAHAN & CLARK HOOD R1VKK, ORKUON. a T. RAWSON. r. H. BTAJITO HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We dtsir to let our friends and patrons know thul for llie fall planting we will hare and can sup- plj in dm number Cherry, Pcar,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPtS. CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieoloa of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spltsen berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood Rivor. Or. WHOLESALE THE DALLES NURSERIES R. II. WF.BEK, Prop. THE DALLES, OREGON. (iROWtB AND FRUIT, SHADE TF AND I Wrri AND ORNAMENTAL ,4-i-' SMALL FRUITS Evegeens, Rose and Shrubbey. Remember, Our Trees are Crown Strictly Without Irrigation. ..MILLER'S DRUG STORE.. Has just received h shipment of American and Im ported Perfumes, Lnndberg's, Kieger's, Roger fc (Jal lett's in bulk' nnd presentation boxes. The Finest Imported Soaps for the Toilet Toilet Sets, Fanoy l'apetrie, and many other ar ticles suitable for Presents. On the Heights, Hood River, Ore. Why Go Down the Hill? When Doing Your Remember we wash CARPETS LACE CURTAINS, etc. at reasonable prices. . HOOD RIVER Laundry Co. HIIMK riHuNE lit Now!!! Is the Time to Order Pacific (Peaceful) Electric Irons Who cuta Ihe wood on ironing; day? Who i8 it MiHler Man? Who carries in the wood? I pay Here is a better pluli. An iron to heat without the line - Of either wood or coal ; Attach it to your Mectric juice . And you have rfuched the !oul. The Iron stays hot with hardest wear . It never more gels cold ; And never needs the least repair, While Mrs. never eeolds. ' Your house is cool, your temper too, The wood left on the pile, The new Iron beats the old for you, It's got ft skinned a mile. We will place one of these labor savers in voui home on 30 days free trial. If you like the Iron after giv ing it a thorough trial, we will sell it to yon at cost to us. Price $450 Home Telephone No. 55 Pacific J " 1071 Hood River Electric Light Power and Water Co. snSaU)CBBBear!l m:i i:i vixc; daily fresh Flour and Feed CELEBRATED WHITE RIVER AND GOLDEN CROWN BRANES MADE FROM SELECTED HARD WHEAT RETAIL DEAI.BK IN - CCC GRAPE VINES Lap Dustep Made In Two Tlundred Hand some Embroidered Patterns. Ueautiful Designs. Highly Colored. Look "ox on Label. FOR SALE BY S. J. FRANK Harness and Saddles Tents & Wagon Covers WOOD FOR SALE. I am oreparedto furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood. 1 have a new Kimoline wood naw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do general team work. FRED HOWE. .BICYCLE SHOP. J. MARION REID Bicycles. Guns, Sewing Ma chines, Furniturs, Umbrellas, Stoves and Locks Repaired. KEYS MADE TO ORDER ' Bicycles, Ouns, etc., sent by express for repairs will be neatly and promptly re paired and returned. Can save you $1 to $3.00 on price of new wheels. Tires, Ik kke, and all kinds of repairs sold at Portland prices. Prices 'furnished on application. Reference: liradstrcc'. C. P. ROSS Billiards and Bowling Alley and Confectionery PARLORS THE BEST LINE OF Tooaccos and Cigars in- Tin; city The Oregonian, Te'eratn and Journa ON BALE SUNDAY. TT S Q to the HOTEL WAUCOMA For Your SUNDAY DINNER P. F. F0UTS, Prop. Hood River, Or GOULD & SNYDER PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. 0. E. UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Dealer in Furniture and Building Material r BUY If You Want the best Money can Buy. We Have a Car of Fine OATS jwt in. I I Hood River Milling Co. II WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF Bm u nit' ui juua, munait' ui ruiciMi AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS COME TO US DIRECT FOR W00D-FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS STRANAHAN & CLARK (I Hood River, Oregon I) TIIOH. CALKIN? Riverside Dairy We can supply you with any quantity of Fresh Milk PRICES ON APPLICATION Free Delivery. Phone 414 mm V The Kimball is the only weeder that has made good and this season's demand will far exceed the supply, so place your orders early, if you need a weeder. I have a large assortment of sizes in stock at present. Ueware of imita tions. Unless the knives have the right set and temper they ;jre worthless. See that the name Kimball is on each weeder. J. R. NIGKELSEN Exclusive Agent For Hood River BARTMESS FLOR 0 WALTER I8ENBERQ KIMBALL Cultivator