The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 16, 1908, Page Seven, Image 7

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of CosH to tuis
The Dietz Studio for photos.
See that Clover Seeder at MeDonaldi.
J. R. Niokeleo epeut Tuesday in
Just arrived Eastern white fish at
Pickled pork and corned beef Mc
Guire Bros.
Lime and cement in any quantity at
w inteiieau e.
W. D. Rogeri had business in Port
land Tuesday.
Vetch, timothy, clover and garden
seeds at Jackson's.
Truman Butler boarded No. 5 (or
Portland Tuesday.
Fresh halibut, salmon and razor
eluiiis ut McGuire's Friday'.
A. M. Kelley, of Mt. IJood, lelt lor
Portland Tuesday morning.
Land plaster loth kinds, Utah am1
Ore., at Whitehead's feed ctore.
Timothy, rtd and white clover, vi tih
and alfalfa seed at WhitehendV.
OotoW. S. dribble. Mt. Hoo.l, fur
the Dintrict No. 7tl Shoe. tf
lllaik Leaf Tobacco Extract, sure
death to aphis, at Whitehead's.
B. T. Young and wife went to Port
land Thursday tc viBit fiiends
Wheat, alfalfa, clover, mixed clover
and timothy hay at Whitehead's.
"A Week of Itoses," at George Slo
coin's Thirty-two pages. Only 15c. j!6
Now is the time to order your Spring
Suit. The very latest mid best things
out will be found Hi the Tognery. Con
fidence in the Royal tailor- means Ix-tter
clothes for yon.
Mrs. Eterhnrd was taken to a l'ert
laud hospital last week for inedioul
treatment, being ttnentem"! with a i
attack of typhoid ,fever. Mr. Ever
hard accompanied her.
If you want to buy or sell real estiiie
tro to Onthauk & Otten Money to
loan on first mortgages. Abstracts and
legal papers carefully prepiired. Nota
rial work of all kinds.
Mr. Coval, of Portland, has just ac
cepted a position with Frank A.
Cram. Mr. Coval is a thorough dress
goods and silk man and will be a tub
stantial addition to the force.
I( you wish to save 50 to $75 when
you buy your piano, buy direct from
the factory dealer and not fioui agents
or canvassers. Several beautiful in
struments just reoeived from Chicago
at Soule's Piano House. Second hand
pianos and organs taken in exchange.
Balance oaeb or time payments.
The regular monthly Kensington
under tbe auspices or the U. B.
olmrch will be given at tbe home of
Mrs. J. B. Nickelsen next Friday
afternoon. Ladies are invited to
come and enjoy a sooial afternoon.
Mies Rose Ling, daughter of .;Moy
Ling, ot Portland, will render a piano
Rev. II. H. Wikoff, of Berkley, Cel.,
will preach at Riverside Congrega
tional church next Sunday. Subject,
"Religions Beginnings on tbe Pacific
Coast." Au illustrated lecture will
be given in tbe evening. Slides
Catholic Missions, Pioneer Chapels,
Present Day Cathedrals.
Fresh rancli eggs ut MeGuires.
Our work guaranteed. Deltz Studio
Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu
dio. Best line of Spray Nowles at McDon
alds. Chicken for Sunday dinner at Me
Guires. Wood For Sale Phone 3595. L. E.
Wheat and Timothy bay at White
head's. J. H. Cradlebaugb spent Sunday in
For Flower and Alfalfa Seeds go to
Dr. Watt and wife went to Portland
Metal house numbeig at Hunt's Wall
Paper store.
Fresh made sausage at MrGuire Bros,
every day.
See W. S. Gribble for Duck Erie,
Feud overs. tf
J. S. Simonson was a Portland vis
itor Tuesday.
Yucca Tree Protectors, kept in stork
at McReynolds.
Petaluma Incuhat' rs for sale at
McReynolds & Co.
Rex spray in any quantity at White
head's feed store.
Clover, Timothy and Alfalf i hay at
McReynold.i & Co.
J. hi. Nichols made a trip to Port-
laud Tuesday.
Smoked halibut, hcrrinir. salmon at
R. W. Ordway had business at Tbe
Dalles Friday.
Stock foods of different kinds at
McReynolds & O.
Don't fail to get one of Marion Cook's
pii-t-fi'stiviil souvenirs. j 10
Mrs Maroullus returned to Portland
Friday alter a visit with friends for a
few days.
II. Vi. Albee came up trnm Portland
Krlrlsv to look after his nrnnertv in
terests in tbe valley.
ClHnri nnrl whnlnanma will hu thfi
entertainment by W. Eugene Knox at
tbe opera house Weduesday, July 22,
at 81 :5 p. m.
Call at Soule's Piano House for
Edison phonographs and records.
'Vith thA nvpontinn nr ntm hnnuo in
Portlaud this is the largust fclock in
The Roynl Tailors of Chicago and
New York nre the largest and liest
meri'liaiit tailoring house in the world.
See their line of samples for spring at
The Toggery.
Itn nnrl henr W Knirnnn Knnv
- n -
impersonator and reader, at the Opera
bouse Wednesday, July 22 at 8:15 p.
store 50 cents. General admission, 25
Duriiiu the Minvcer SuihIht h nurd
oiirI: fiF wiilil IiImub hum r.f t ha frnnl
doors of tbe Mt. Hood hotel shut
surJaenly and smasher the glass in
both of them, the noise of the fall
tni? crlnfl fkii-'pd Uih tiiHtiv unnsta in
the house to believe that something
more serious had happened until tbey
A. A. Jayne made a business trip to
Tbe Dalles Thursday.
Frank A. Cram went to Portland
Tuesday on business.
II. S. Ualilgau returned from a trip
to Portland Thursday.
S. S. Baldwiu made a business trip
to Poitlaud Thursday.
Sheriff Morse and wife left Thurs
day on h trip to Seattle.
Rev. J. U. Tate was a passenger on
No. 5 for Portland Tuesday.
C. S.True and family returned from
a trip to Portland Monday.
J. M. Cauoll and George Chamber
lain were Mosier visitors Friday.
W. O. Ash and wife left for Port
end Tuesday morning, taking Polly
with them.
Pine street assessment will be delin
quent in July 18tb, 1008 Property
owners should take uotioe.
Mrs. S. W. Arnold letf Thursday on
a trip to Portland and Forest Grove
to visit relatives and frieuds.
Mrs. J. A. C. Braur, of Portland,
visited ber sister, Mrs Bort Graham,
hist week, returning home Friday.
Mrs. Cronin and daughter, who
have lean visiting at the Epping
home, retnrned to Portland Friday.
Rev. G. K. Berry, of Portland, will
reach at the Chrisitian cburcb next
Suuday both luorniug and evening
R IX Gould arrived Thursday
morning tiora Wallace, lduho, to look
after business matters for a few days.
W. F. Laraway and C. K. Marshall
attended a meeting of Oregon Com
niBndery at Portland Thursday even
ing. Mrs. Alice M. Wright, who has been
the guest of Mrs. Win. Ilaynes tor a
week, re limed to her home in Port
land Friday.
Miss Minnie Halversou, of Valley
City, N. )., has recured a position as
ateuogiapber in the office of the Apple
Growers Union.
Dr and Mis. Caroes and son left
Thursday morning on a trip to San
Francisco by bout, and will be gone
two or tbreegweeks.
Carl P. Ross, who was called to
Wallula, Wash., last Tuesday, on ac
count of the death of bis father, re
turned to Hood River Sunday.
J. C. Machines, tbe well known
real estate man of White Salmon, has
been elected to serve out tbe unex
pired term of two years as council
man in plsoe of J G. Wyers who re
cently resigned.
Mrs. May A. Gilbert of Hood Kiver,
with hoi daughter, Mn. Fred Shoe
maker of SpokHue, were in the city
yesterday, ncrompaning Clarence Gil
heit, who hiomht his auto up from
Hood River. -Chronicle.
Mrs. H. J Frederick returned tbe
first of tbe week from Portland where
she bus been curing for her parents,
Mi. and Mrs W F. Jacnhs, who are
both quite ill. The will be removed
to Hood River as eoonastbey are able
so that 4be can look after them.
A glauoe into the moving picture
shows these primmer evening) disoloses
the fact that Hood River residents are
Incoming addicted to tbe moving
picture habit. Many of them have
become regular attendants and can be
seen at tbe performances as often as
the program changes.
T 1 " T . i
Horse Hats are eenslble Souvenir Station. ry f Bicycle Supplies Han-
and humane thei-e warm days. Writing paper and mviloprn liar., Scat Post, Spoke-1, Steel
Put one on your horse and earn enntaining 24 different O.rvi n Bill, Vat, Pedals, VuHvs,
his grutitude. Special 10c each Scenes. Fine fur your Ei-t'-i n Lamps, Heils, Pumps, ' a' bide,
Summer Reading All ' '"!""''- Per t..v, 50c Content, etc. Little Prices.
the newet-t and best novels that On Your Vacation You For Summer Divers
selKor $1.23 und $1.50 every- will wail a telescope or Suit ion iiotldrg is hs idee as oil or
where, at our hook counter 75c. Case. We have thet- in h :i'her. vmt.r color paiot'tig A small
Watches The best ones '''-i All s ,-. t u ,,,,., w,8Nlry
can get to sill at the price. ' '' I We have all the materials.
They'll give good service. 81.50 New Sheet Music ALL Little Prices. i
81.75 and S3.00. THE LATEST VOCAL AM) Jardenierres Japanese
Fl V DADFD INSTRUMENTAL HITS. Per nm) American Pottery in beaut-
rLI rArLK copy, 85c. if,,) (.h,,,, Hn, ,iw.ori,tion. All
FLY TRAPS I Woodenware Co nr s, I aiz-s. Little Prices. I
WIRE SCREENS ' Biitfr ; Mould-, Stoneware Jars, Jugs,
MOSQUITO NET ToieiVSoiat uUsk c,"ir'' " ,v".
... n. Poonders. Salt Boxe-, Sj i.-e Extra Covers, Flower P..I-, et-.
LSllIC FfiCeS Cabi ts, We. Linle Pr eer.. All S'zes. - Little Pri.-es.
IKFH cU'IfI MifHIVF- riave several Hlgli Arm Mui-lilnnof the lient innk. that hHV hwn tradwl In iu
UJLU Jumnu niflVllliiLJ purvhaseDnip HeuU Melilni; heMconilllioD; will dogno . oW for jearn. I.lltle priirit
County Judge Derby went to Tbe
Dalles Tuesday on legal business.
G. C. Ruff, of Mt. Hood, went to
Portland for a few days' visit lues
day. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Beveredge, who
have been visiting in Portland for
several days, returned borne Tuesday.
G. W. McCoy, wbo owns 1C0 acres
in tbe vicinity of the Cash Jones
place, was a visitor at Hood River
for a few days this week.
Robt. Smith, of tho Stanley Smith
Lumber Company, came tip from
Portlaud, Tuesday in conueoiion with
bis business Interests here.
Mrs. F. W. Reid, of tbe Paoilio
States Telephone Company, made a
flying trip to Portland Monday, re
turning Tuesday on No. 2.
Mrs. Carroll, mother ot Philip 11.
Carroll, wbo owns a plaoo in the
Crapper district returned to Portlaud
Tuesday after a ten days' visit with
her son.
Mrs. Adah Rose, of Baker City, ar
lived in tbe city Tuesday aud is the
guest of Dr. and Mrs. Sharp. Mrs.
Rose is an elooutionist and will or
ganize classes in physical culture and
elocution here.
A. S. Blowers has traded his fine
residence on the bill for the .1. L.
Blount place, four and half miles out
on tbe west side. The latter consists of
13g acres, 8 ot which are in bearing
orchard and tbe balance cleared.
J. W. Koberg shipped a ton of gieen
beans to Portland from bis place eaat
of tbe city one day this week. Mr.
Koberg reports that beans are bring
ing a good mice thisyiar, but that
tbe tomato crop in this section is
almost a failure.
At a meeting of the county com
inisaouers held last Thursday to con
tract tor printing blank books and
other records tor the use of tbe
county officials the woik was given to
Bushung & Co., Irwin & liodson,
Glass & Prudhomme, of Portland, and
J. 1J. Delllnger, of Astoria.
Mr. R. J Mclsaaos, county com
missooer, spent a day or two in town
recently in connection with the erec
tion of a new school bouse in tbe Mt.
Hood district. Tbe new school build
ing is to be built on the west side of
tbe river and has been found to be
neoessary cn account ot tbe increas
ing population in that district.
Mrs. W. D. Rogers, wife of Hood
River's plcueer photographer and a
good friend of tbe Byerlee tribe vis
ited St. Johns latt week aud was the
honored guest ot tbe tribe at tbelr
wickiup on North tilmoro. Mrs.
Rogers was very favoraby Impressed
with the appearance of our little city,
but thinks Hood River cannot be
beat. St. Johns Review.
Members of the Iowa State Associa
tion who will bold their annual pio
n io on Thursday, July HOtb, claim
I bat they have brought thunder aud
lightning to Oregon and that they
will have a cyclone at Uiange Park on
tbe day of their annual uutiug. In
auother column will be found tbe at
tractive program and features that
have been arranged to give those wbo
attend on that day a pleasant time.
D. E. Miller, ot the Mt. Hood dist
rict, who has been afflicted with
rheumatism tor eomo time aud has
been unable to leave his bouse until
recently, come to Hood River Fiiday
evening aud is staying fur the present
the Mt. Hood hotel. Mr. Miller al
though so badly crippled that be
couldn't get about, tiausacted much
of tbe business in connection witb bis
large strawberry crop thu year per
sonally. His ranch hits ben placed in
charge of a mau k cured tor that pur
pura and he will now endeavor to re
cuperate with treatment nhicb be has
hetoie louud enccessiul tor the dis
ease with which be H MiUeiiug.
It theie is any one ut liood River
who does not know that the Apple
Glowers Union is building a cold
storage plant It Is nut because they
ate uot making noise eui.ngh about
ii For a week or tea days clocks
have uot been necewuiy to announce
ui'Oiiduy aud eiening meal, for pre
ci ely at 12 and C o'clock u tear comes
from the excavation Dint is bei g
made fui the new plant that makes
everybody sit up and take notice that
work there Is s ill picgicttiug. As
most persons are lolly awake at this
time of day, a blast or two ruifcbt U
mere appreciated say about 7 o'clock
iu tbe morning.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bait moss i.rj
entertaining two very interesting Chi
uese girls ibis week. They are ti.t
drfogbters nt Moy Ling, of Porthiuo.
hu u In charge of a United Bretbrt t.
.vlirsiou iu tbat city, aud are both it
iii in hi as a brand new dollar. Uoiil
re.i;euty tbey were uoaqiiHinted witb
trie lotiicauies of the Chinese lang
u-ige, their parents preferring that
they learn I be Euglish first. lh y
are now, however, being taught the
lougue of their moll er country. The
older ct the giil is named ojii Liu,
Uim frJugli.h ut vluob is Rose, aud the
juuuger, Qui Yiug, which in our
language is said to nguity Bertba.
Leslie Butler was one of the passen
gers who went to Portland on the
local Weduesday.
M. W, Uieeock. who ha been
speuding a few days at Cumou
Springs, returned home Monday.
Myrtle Tboru, Bessie Johnson aud
Inez Lester, of Hood River, are visit
ing with Miss Tboru'a aunt, at Lentz,
Fied. Shoemaker, of Pendleton, ar
rivod iu Hood River lust week and is
spending a few dHys visltinii relatives
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Ciurke, who
have been camping on tbe Little
White Salmon for a week, returned
borne Monday.
The big river boats were forced to
stop lauding at the toot ot First street
Tuesday and are again stopping at tbe
lauding above the old mill site.
Chas. Caslner, who spent several
days on a fishing trip iu the upper
valley last week, returned to Hood
River Monday. Mr. Castuer reports
a catch of 150 trout during bis stay.
S. (J. Bubsou, who purchased 80
acres in the Mt. Hood distiict last
spring which he ia rapidly improving,
left for a several days trip to Portland
find other coast cities Wednesday.
Dr. M. A. Joues accompanied by
his wife went to Portland Weduesday
where tbe latter, who is la poor health
will go to one of tbe hospitals and
take treatment aud rest for several
A. Decker, representing "The World
To-Day," a magazine publishd in
Chicago was at Hood River Saturday
for the purpose of securing material
for a write-up ot this district foi tbat
Mrs James McBauo, who is suffer
nig with inflammatory rheumatism,
started toSbipherd spring Wedbesday,
accompanied by ber husband where
she will receive treatment for ber
Kx-(lnvflrnnr fpar whn ia nn
editor of the Pendleton Tribune, was
a pnsenger mr foitlaud on tbe looal
Wednesday. Mr. Geor got off tbe
train durins its ston liern and irrtH
several friends.
Mrs 11. J. Fiedericka oame up from
Portland TiiArlno nvanlnif fn a
couple of days to make arrangements
to i,i lug ner parents home. As soon
as her mother can bo safely moved she
will be brought to Hood River.
S. A. Clarke, bookkeeper tor the
Davidson Fruit Company has sold bis
lllC In tliA nnnntrr anA hniiuhl fhn
residence of C. F. Wa do opposite the
U. r. church. Mr. Clarke expects to
move to his new home this week.
A linen shower was given to May
belle Lnthrop, daughter of Rev. A.
II. Latbrop, of the Methodist cburcb,
ClIAt.'dfl V utlarnnti Mtua T.othtr,r. la
soon to be married and tbe ladies of
tho churob took this method of show-
lug tneir regard to her.
Rev. C. W. Cornian, the new pastor
of the U. U. cburcb, wbo recently
nrrirprl Ilnnrl liroi fvnm Uimliaim
- - - - . . ....... ii j' vn ii iiu
will preach bis opening termnu at tbe
church next Sunday morning. The
new pastor will also conduct services
in the evening.
Rev. Mr. Emerson, of Moore. Mont.,
wbo was recently iuvited by tbe oon-
arnjiiMnn i-.t f ho li'i,ut Pk.juMun
church here to preach before tbem
v; hu a view io eeouriug nun as pas
tor, respouded by delivering a ser
mon lait Sunday As ret It has uot
been decided whether Mr. Emerson
will te culled here permanently.
W. Eugene Knox, the well known
impersonator and reuder will give an
entertainment iu the hull ot Pine
Grove Grunge, Thursday evenirg July
2:)id. Mr Knox has appeared at
Hood River before and bis perform
anru was most satisfactory. In bis
impersonations and dialect be is
amazingly funny und keeps bis audi
ence in a continual roar ot laughter.
Mrs. V. C. Brock, who has been ap
po n tod us delegate to represent the
Pythian Histers at the Knights of
Pythias Convention to be held in
Boston during the early part of Aug
ust, Willi leave for that city July 24tb.
Tbe Din tv which will include Mr.
and Mrs. R M. Davis, of Union;
Judge aud Mrs. Bradsbaw, of The
Dulles and W. M. Cake, ct Portland
will n eft and start from tbe Rose
City ou tbat date.
Cipt. Ilnury Crandall returned
troiii a llrdiing tr'p to Lost Lake Sun
dir. in roturauv with G. H. Steln-
i.i tf. mid s fviderie that he can
isieh li-h, i-ri.t to i he. editor part 'fa
m i inn cl'i hVi that must have weighed
t 1 1 r in mil- hen pulled ut of the
; i t- soilless had some
deuhU e to I ha tuin's tkill us 6
Ufhume.ii fi. t th r ii nlils hid for
ever dlspltci'i A i airy who could
be uo frieu I oi t!.r C,; ini'i's tiitd to
tell us tbat the Li ti n pi lled cut ol
the dilch on bis nnche, but we do
not believe such u bus slimier. V. ,
will wug"r t .-nt Capl. ( i ml .1 c n
catch as iuulj tith h die. ail . i juy
other expert.
These warm Days. A Large Assortment of
Regular $1.50 Editions now 65c
Now is the chance to read those books which
you could not afford at $1.50.
Slocom's Book Store
MacRae & Angus
Portland and Hood River
We aro prepared to handle
on a large scale and if you want to make prompt sales
give us your contract. Phone Mr. Angus at his farm,
Home phone No. 187L, Hood River. Write to the
Portland office, 432 Chamber of Commerce.
Swetland s
Famous Ice Cream
vSpecial Pricec on Orders
Hood River Agents
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal
C.We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $20,000 equipment,
employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls
fur office help than we can meet Our school admittedly leads all
others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution.
CSald a Business Man: "Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough
work. It will win out in the end." Said an Educator! "The quality of instruc
tion given in your school makes it the standard of its kind in the Northwest"
C.0pen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free.
References: Any bank, any newspaper, any business man in Portland.
; i