The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 02, 1908, Page Four, Image 4

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A. C. Mabaner baa been ap to Mt.
Hood way doing carpenter work for
C. Ll Kogera. Mr. Kogera baa been
bnild'ng a hoaee.
Roawell Sbelley, of Caraoo, waa
busy about bla Odell property tbe
creator part of laat week. Although
Mr. Bbelley doea not now reside bere
bo ia atill a firm belieTer id Hood
Ktrer talley. Mt. and Mi. Sbelley
expect to eome up for the Fourth aud
will take the grand children. Mauler
Dale and Miae Vivian Sbelley, back
witb tbem for month' visit.
'J. R. Crosby la home from a boal
n ess visit to Seattle and Taooma,
' Carl Lateen and his family are now
at borne in tbe '. IlluricU'a bouse
until recently oooupled by U. L.
Huger and family.
Mr. aud Mrs. P. T. Sbelley aold
tbeir jerional property at auction aud
will io to take charge ot tbe office
aod boose in wblcb the business con
nected witb those employed as rangera
receive, attention. It is a good posi
tion and their friends congratulate
Fred Egbert of tbe Kggert-Youog
Shoe Co., of Foitland, and Charles
Kggert also a successful shoe merchant
of Seattle, Washington, oalled at tbe
borne of tbelr nephew, J. 11. t'-ggeri
one day last week.
Berths Latterly who ia a atudent of
Whitman College, Wall Walla, Wash.,
is borne for a visit witb relatives.
bora to Mr. and Mia. II. S. Ualll
gan, Sunday, June 21, a daughter.
Last Saturday afternoon (Jeorge
Maalker met witb very serious ac
cident He was in a tree about
twelve feet above tbe ground cutting
the top of tbe tide ott ao that be
inigbt use tbe tree aa it stood for a
gate post. Wben tbe tree top fell the
limb on whicb Ueotge stood broke
and be fell on bin ax which bad I alien
and atruok tbe ground in auob a man
ner as to leave it standing witb one
edge upward. Tbe wound wblcb la
in tbe back Is on wblcb will ot nec
essity be painful and will require coo
sldeiable time for healing. Drs.
Durable and Shew dressed tbe wound,
several stlcbea being ueoesHary. All
unit In sympathy aud wishes for a
rapid recovery.
Vina Krazier la home from school
in Portland aud la witb ber alster,
Mrs. 11. S. Ualligan.
John Haudaaker, a brother ot I bos.
Ilandsaker, wbo la well-known bere,
uave an Interesting talk Sunday eveu-
iug in whicb were many practical aa
well aa beautiful thoughts.
Rev. Troy Sbelley will speak to tbe
poople of Udell next Sunday.
Eveiett Laflerty was down from
(Jreen Point dunday for a visit witb
home folks.
The Japanese consul ot Portland
culled Ht the home of Rev. Troy
Bbelley Sunday. Ilia wife Is receiv
ing training from Maiguerite Sbelley
of tbe Uillesple Sohool of Expression.
C. L. Roger and family are at
home at Mt. Hood.
Mi. Hawthorn who has been visit
ing her sen M. Hawthorne baa gone
to Astoria.
Mra. WIIhoii has been visiting her
daughter, Mis. P. T. Shelley.
Mra. Troy Sbelley Is heme troiu
Portland. Dor daughter, Hope, wbo
graduated from tbe Portland High
School with bonora came witb bur for
h visit.
Clinton Wood ha had quite a ser
ious lime with measlos.
Lurllue and Irene Kishor buve mea
Mra. L D. lioyed returned fiom
Portland tbe first of the week.
a. m. to 7 p. m, to vote a apaola) las
to carry on tbe work of the Hood
Hirer Irrigation district: let all tbe
voter attend.
K V Rhnamakar hu Mid hla oroo-
eity to a man from Portland by tb
nam of lloover, wbo will take pos
aeastoD tbia week.
Ureal preparations bare been mad
at tb Grange Paik on Methodist
Lane for celebration on tb glorious
Fourth. Great credit la dne to tb
grangera for tbeir untiring efforts put
forth ao tbat all wbo attaod may en
joy tb day in tb Grange Park in tbe
new county
li. C. Adamaon ia making improve
ments on bis land on Methodist Lane.
Bert is making a brand new driveway
from tb road to tb bouse. Soppos
little later on B. C. will b putting
up a neat new bouse.
W. K. Andrews baa bnilt a most sub
stantia! bouse and barn near tbe C.
Chandler place Tbla kind of building
oouuta lo tbe district wblcb goes to
show tbat we have men of push and
enterprise around tb Rock ford dis
A Wel-h, on Kockford Avenue, has
treated his bouse and barn to a ooat
oi paint.
Will Nichola waa out bright aod
early on Sunday morning last with a
smile all over his lace, as be said be
was goiug to meet a friend, coming
troni Ibe Dalles. W feel sure tbst
friend will be riant royally enter
tainded for our Mra. W. N. knows
how to entertain ber friends.
It is a well-known faot tbat H. F.
Eadlemau Is an indefatigable worker
on our roada ao Ben la Just a
good on the ranch. It proves it wben
you see U. F. going to town very
day witb berries. It looks as though
be might have taken in some where
between Tut) and 800 orates.
It might be well for tbe Odollitea to
look out a good location where a oourt
bcuse aud other buildings might ba
erected, get enough subscribed to
build the whole buildings, then pre
sent It to our new county, so aa lo
have tb county seat located tbere.
This would relieve tbe county of a
big debt.
Tbe Rockford man bas a very wise
fox tenler dog He got up on tbe
desk on Sunday morning aud got
down tbe telephone. Suppose be waa
trying to call up MoGuire liroa. to
get a tew scraps, but do not think be
euooeeded. iei, sir, me lox terrier
dogs are wise little fellows.
Mra J. G. Gibbous returned from
Portland, where she bas been spend
lug a tew weeks, also attended tbe
weddiug.of het neioe.
T. Shear, with hia Jap man, culti
vating aod cleaning up the new or
chard ot Mra. Kuney llelme, on
Rockford avu.
There will be an election at the
Rarrett school house, July 11, 1908,
A fiolden Wedding
moans that niai and wife have lived
to a good old age ami consequently have
kept healthy. The best way to keep
healtbv Is to see that your liver does
it's duty aill days out of 3(5. The only
way to do this is to keep hallard'i
Herbine in the house and take it when
ever your liver inactive. 5o cents per
bottle. Hold by Clias. Pi. Clarke.
There were no cburcb services at
the ohurob Sunday, as Rev. llian-
stetter is very sick, we understand.
Rev. Ewald Soland held catbolio
servioes at tbeir place of worship
Mr. Len Giles, a prosperous farm
owner ot Washington county, waa vla
lting old fiiends at Mt. Hood last
week. Mr. Giles is at preseut Inter
ested lu mining.
Rev. J. V. Milllgan is to preach at
Mt. Hood next Sunday, both morning
and evening.
Next Fiiday evening la tbe regular
time for tbe next grange meeting,
being tbe first Friday In the month.
Strawberry picking continues to be
the prinoipai occupation lu the upper
tBlley, tbia weok promising to be the
ranuer week lu tbe yield ot berries.
Tbe dance held Frlduy night waa
one ot tbe very nicest ones of tb
season. It was quite well uttended,
aud the musio was good and every
body ieemnd to have a good time.
Light refreshments were served by the
coinittee in charge. The party broke
up about midnight.
'I he citizens of the upper alley are
pleased that one of tbe oommissioneia
ot the new county la R. J Molsaaa as
he is a wide, awuke, energetlo oltizen
keeuly ailv to tbe needa cf oui sec
I lou and we are sure btat he will look
after our Interests wben cccutdon calls
tor It. I
Tb school meeting last Saturday
waa well attended. It waa decHej
nnaolmoosly to erect a acbucl bouse
oo tb west aid of - tb .river, and an
adjourned meeting waa appointed for
Jolr 7tb to decide opon a ait for tb
earn, at wblcb meet log tb ecnool
board I to report opon tb most
central aod feasible situation It waa
decided to borrow tb money and
Issue warrants to cover tb ooat of
Jut Exactly Right.
"I have used Dr. King New Life
Pilla for several years, and find them
just exactly right," says Mr. A. A. Kel
ton. of Harriaville, N. Y. New Life
Pilla relieve without the least discom
fort. Best remedy for constipation, bil-
iouonen and malaria. 25c atCha. N.
Clark's drug store.
Mrs. Soott and aon, James, of Ilepp
ner, Or., are visiting at tb Key
stone ranch.
Mrs. Tolman and ahlldran. NallU
Lizzie and Willi, are camped at Mr.
Paul Hayes and Will Hooper have
returned tr im Walla Walla, Waab.
Mr. and Mra. J. W. Davla cam
down from their mountain tanob,
bringlug a load of p itatoea for Gren
Robert Jones bad the bay balers at
bla place Friday.
Karl Eby, Roy Eataman and Don
Ellis are helping the baytalere.
Mr. Eastman. Noble, aod son Earl
are busy at Park Grange building
partition and stands for the celebra
tion on tbe glorious fourth. Ibe
dead limbs have bu cut utt some of
tbe trees, thereby adding lo tbe looks
of the grounds. No dauger of the
merry widow bats catching In tbe
limbs now. Let everyone get tbeir
best bibs aud tuckers ready for tbe
celebration at tbe park
Mlaa Coate 'iom Franbton Is sewing
st Mrs. Barker's tbis week. Kev
Sklpworth held quarterly busiuetis
meetiug at tbe M E. parsonage
Wednesday alter noon, preached In tb
tveniog and administered Holy Com
rnuui'iu, those who did uot atteud
missed very On sermon.
Mr. Lindsay, of Oak Grove, attend
ed qnariiely meetiug at Belmont
Dr. I lifts returned to Berkuly, Cal.,
His children will finish tbelr eduon
tion at Beikely Uuiverslty.
Tbe Indians camped on Methodist
Lane seem to hove a pow-wovr in the
evenings, drum beating t ud singiug.
It is not a very musical performance.
M. P. Iseuoerg la pioklug bis early
Mr. J. W. Auderaoo bas been re
elected director of Franktou school
board. . M. P. Isenberg waa eleoted
Dr. Swinburne, uf Heppner, li vis
iting Mr. and Mra. Xuuamakrr.
Miss Hazel, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Will Smith, is coming from
Portland July 3 and will visit tbe
home folks for about a week. Tboir
son, Wesley, has returned to Cal if or
Tha rianna al fSraun Park on tba
evening of July 4th is not Invitation
stated on posters. Every oo wel
come. Com out and bT a good
Dane Committee.
jjjrtev. and Mis. Stark, of Mosier, I
visiting at tbe bom or Mr. aud Mra.
J. W. Davla Tbey expect to stay
until alter the glorious fourth.
We are sorry to bear ot tbe accident
tbat befell George Masiker, ot Odell,
graudson ot Mr. Price. We trust
tbat be will soou recover
M. P. Iseubeig Is picking cherries.
Unless l e has Lelp be will be ui til
Christmas tit tbe rate he is pickir g
lie vays two tons f cherrits nicuu
some climbing He is finding nut
be is not quit as r ry as lie ued lo
.Fruit Lands.
in larye or small tracts. Some very g'd
lunil at lou- prices at present. Good
lirowing cmnniui.ity. Six miles east of
Mood Kiver. Also homesteads and re
linquishment. Parties wishing to buy
win do wen lo writ) or see
Mi.i-ier. OrMf"!
The Oldest in the City. Forty-seven Years in the Business.
Our Stock is the largest in the county. We do
our own watch work. Our experience was
gained with the large factories of the East at our
door. We apply factory methods in our work.
We are competent to make our guarantee good.
Our optical parlors are up-to-date. We put up
our own Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Our buyer
visits the Eastern markets each year and pur
chases tor two stores. -:- -:- -:-
No ona can offer bwttwv good nor bottor prtco
Inspect our Storm boforo purchasing
R. E. LARAWAY, Manag
er I
In great variety are here to help the invalid to recovery. There are hot
water bags, fountain syringes, atomizers, sprayers and innumerable other
things. As with our drugs and medicines our sick room appliances are
selected for their high quality. They have the approval of all physicians.
Advertised Letter List,
Adams, Mis Alice; Brown, Mr.
Kettle: Cant. Mrs. C. H. : Doolsao.
Mrs. Llliso: Joyce, Mr. W. P ;
Krieg, Miss Msy; Sbsw, Mrs. Frsuk;
liaoou. J an ; Band, A. ; Bailey,
Anthony; Bander, J. M. ; Wood,
Kay; Bravo, Hugo (2); Brook, U. M. ;
Brooks. Eadgsr; Carter, K. L ; Uhsy-
tar, II. ; Clcxton, Rev. ; Compton, N.
C. ; Cocbian, Geo. t. ; Cochran, W.
W. : Uooiey. f rank; Uroft. S. A.;
Ciatter. C. A ; Dane, J. L. (2); El-
lint , Mr: hleming. lien T. ; Gibson,
H. A.; Hartong, J. M ; Hayden,
Louis: llnyner. Cleveland; Hilton,
J. L.;Huut, S N li ; Johnson, Guy ;
Lee. . liber t; Leslie. K. (i. ; ieslie,
Earl M ; Logan, C L. ; McFein, It.
T ; McKinney. Earl (2); Miller. Paul;
Miller, Vlrli.u; Morearty Walter;
Nickabara, T. ; Nicholas, M L ; Wise,
Louis; U.ion, Juliss; Phelps, Koyal;
Poroell, Gao. ; Price, O. C. ; Prioe,
W. K (2); Kail. Warren; Held. Win.;
Smith, A. J. ; Taylor, Wilber; Vognt,
Stive: Weit, W. N. ; W-isenor, Pen ;
York, Geo.
Wm. M. Yates, P. M.
lleb'i With a Roll.
Marshall Ganger picked np a bobo
Saturday witb nearly 11,000 on his
persou, and locked bim up nntil he
could Und out sometblug about bim,
Mr. Ganger waa searching a number
of tbe Weary Willies wbicb be found
id tbe jnngies and along tbe traok, as
is his custom, aud near tbe mill
hailed a ragged, dirty husky walking
along the truck. Ibe rum refused to
stop or answer bis questions, ao be
compelled bim to halt. Tbe first dive
he made into tbe pooketa ot tbe man
revealed a number of bills ot large
deuoojinutions. lie then called over
a couple of tbe mill men wbo were
watching the proceedings, aud tbey
all concluded the ciroiimslauoe war
ranted Investigation. Tbe man then
put up a struggle against beiug locked
up, and It nus nece saury to handcuff
him. Several times be attempted to
escape, aud tried brd to piok the
lock on tbe haudcutta. Upon tbe
airivHl it tbe jail it took ttiue wen
to seurob bim, and there was funud
upon h'm $)2.r in bill and 16 In silver.
Two shotgun caitiidgea fitted to
gether held a number ot bills of targe
denominations, and two other wallets
oontolnei bills.
The man gave bis name as John
Smith and re! need to tell anytliln (
else as to where be oauie from or bow
be got tba money. Communication
witb tbe chiefs at Fortlnnd, The
Dalles aud other cities fulled to dis
close any robberies or auy one an
swering tbe nmn's description wbo
was wanted for auy oiime.
Tbe money was deposited in tbe
btnk and tbe diho turned loose Mon
day moruiug. To outsiders bo said
he waa a sheep berdar from Boise.,
and is an apparently eccentric char-
Is Your
Hair Sick?
That's too bad ! We had no
ticed it was looking pretty thin
and rough of late, but naturally
did not like to speak of it. By
the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor Is
a regular hair grower, a per
fect hair tonic. The hair stops
coming out, grows faster,
keeps soft and smooth. Ayer's
Hair Vigor cures sick hair,
makes it strong and healthy.
8Th. beat kind of a testimonial
- .. m M M
byJ.C. Att C:, lvU.
Aim aaaufesHttnn .
aoter ho Ions uot realize tbe danger
he la In traveling arouo I with hobo,
wtb a big roll In his pooket.
Notice of Election. '
Notice is hereby given that a special
election will be held Satarday, tbe
Uth day of July, at tbe Barrett
school house, In tbe Hood River Irri
gation District to determine whether
or no the Hood Kiver Irrigation Dis
trict shall levy a special 25 mill tax.
It ii estimated end determined by tbe
board of direotors tbat this tax ia neo
essary for tbe purpose of completing
that part of the system In course of
coustruotlou. The polls of aucb elec
tion will be open at tbe hour of 8
o'clock n m. aud will be closed at tbe
bunr of 7 o'clock p. m. Said election
will be beld and tbe result thereof de
termined lu conformity witb tbe re
quirements ol the law concerning elec
tions lp said district. Notice is fur
ther gived tbat W. L. Nichols, E. K.
Manning aud Chas. Franz are regulur
ly appointed judges of said electiou,
and L. Dinsmore, C. 0. Jantzeu and
I. K. 11 ugbes clerks thereof.
By ordnr of tbe Boaid of Directors,
Percy A. Smith, Secretary.
Dated ut Hood Kiver, Oro.,tbia 15th
day ot Juue.
St II 10,348 Crates Berries.
Ten thousand tbree hundred and
(orty-elght orates of strawbei ries Is
tbe record ot sblpmeuts made duiing
the sensoii by Kei.uewick growers.
The old lViiusylvania Dutch Ihnikiml
recommend "llrckorv Hark t otigl
Remedy." Guaranteed to cure your
couuh. auu L'tiaranteeu to bo pure
M1e from the bark of the shell hark or
while hickory tree. For sale by Chas
N. Clarke and all dealers every w here.
J Tea,
1 AfS
"its ilf
The choice of flavor
is a matter of taste
to be Good,
should be free from artificial
coloring it should be pure.
Folger's Golden Gate Teas
are pure healthful re
freshing. Six flavors
Japan English BreaKfast
Gunpowder Ceylon
Oolong BlacK OX Green
Packed flavor-tight in dust
proof cartons.
J. A. Folger (EL Co. San Francisco
Importers of Pure Teas
It's easy to reach North Beach
Tuke Steamer POTTER from Toi-tlmid
I'ascengera are now transferred to th railroad at.MEGLGR fourteen
miles up the Columbia Kiver from Ilwaco. This eliminates
the necessity of steamers Waiting for the tide, and
insures prompt and regular summer service
The Steamer T. J. Potter leaves Portland every
moruiug except Saturday and Sunday at8:30o'clock
Saturday only at 2 o'clock P. M. Remember the
Summer rate on the O. R. (SI N. it $6.55 from
Hood Kiver, Ore., to all North Beach points and
return; good until September.
North Beach lu a famous, beautiful place the most perfect beach on the
whole North Coast. There are accommodations galore at priors to s ni
all tastes; canipiuir abilities without equal perfect bathing condition.";
all sorts of amu.cmenln and diversion-i. Oome, have a pood rest and a
jolly time. Let us send you our new summer look and tell yon all about
North Beach.
J. H. FREDICY, Local Agent, Hood River, Oregon
(teiiera! Passenger Agent, Portland, On gon.
A Residence, Barn, Garage, Cold Storage Room or Retaining Wall?
Then be Up-to-Dute and build uf
This it coming more and more to he recognized a the best building material fin
al! classes of construction, and the Miracle Double Air i?pace Block, or Ceivent
Brick cannot be surpassed. It is warm In winter, cool lit summer and knocks
Insurance rates silly, Investigate if you contemplate building. We manufnetur
both concrete blocks and cement brick and will guarantee them.
Come to the works, one block north and e-t of Gill's store, an fee ti t
manufactured products, or call us op on phones No. 270-M or 95 and we will giv
you further information and prices.
Bradley Brothers
With Cash Purchases Amounting to
In Dry Goods Clothing
Furnishing Goods
and Shoes
Prices are being reduced on almost everything in
above lines. . Call and have a machine reserved
and when your cash slips amount to $35.00
you get the machine.
Hood River, Oregon
Creating a Reserve
Is not difficult ouce you start to save your
money systematically. But if you ever expect to
be independent financially through your own
efforts you must make the start. Money saved
and put away safely will protect you from
misfortune and prepare you to take advantage
of opportunities that will surely come to you.
Funding the capital of your working years
Insures Your Future
But choose the right place to put your capital
or the hard-earned savings of a lifetime may be
swept away in a day. We offer our patrons the
counsel and experience of our directors, together
with every banking facility consistent with sound
business methods in all their relations with us,
aud pay 4 per cent interest on all deposits made
in our Savings Department. Give us the op
portunity and we will aid you to make your
money earn more money.
The First National Bank
...Hood River's Leading Druggist...
Filling Prescriptions I
f With Pure Drugs with satisfaction to
both patient and physician in x.,,! if
.vou leave your prescription with us.
We have sained a reDutation tnr nu
bility by aupplying
Pure Fresh Drugs
In alt our prescriptions. When you
bring yonr prescriptions here you are
sure of ideal service.
THE GLACIER PHARMACY, chas. n. clarke
r 9