.1 A66B mm auoijEa btomba?. jim 2 isos. Threl ' DREAM SENSATIONS. CautM ef Soma of th Filings W E pariane In 8lp. Bom of oar common dreams Mem to b directly traceable. Slipping down of the blankets is followed bj dreams of arctic relief expeditions ot falling Into snowdrifts. A gas distend ed stomach, pushing up the diaphragm and compressing the lungs, produces dreams of "something sitting on youi chest" or dramatic struggles against other forms of suffocation. The common single dream, that ot falling, falling, falling, from a great height, to wake with a gasp of relief Just as you are about to strike and be dashed to pieces, Is probably due to the general muscular relaxation and falling of the head, arma and limbs which accompanies settling down to sleep. Careful studies have shown that it almost Invariably occurs during the first forty-five seconds of sleep. A slip, a change of position of a sixteenth of an Inch, is enough to suggest the Ides , of falling to the brain. It "does the rest" and provides out of Its swarming storehouse of Images the precipices, flights of stairs, giddy mastheads and other scenic effects. If the impression Is not vivid enough to wake you, you "strike bottom" with a delicious sen sation of restful warmth and repose just such as your tired body la getting from Its "downy couch." The next common dream, which we have all had scores ot times and which, as Dickens quaintly said, he was sura even Queen Victoria, with all her royal wardrobes full ot clothes, must have also had, that of auddenly finding your self In public half dressed, seems al most equally traceable. The dream, and we can all recall itt mortifying vividness, is usually asso ciated with Insufficient or displaced bedclothes. This gives our drowsy brain cortex the Idea that we havenl sufficient clothes on. Our arms and shoulders being completely covered by the close fitting upper half of the nightgown, the Impression of unpro tectedness comes most vividly from our unlncssed lower limbs. Our well trained modesty takes furious fright, and hlnc illae lachrymae (hence these tears). Dr. Woods Hutchinson In American Magaslne. Practical. The great Marchesi, like other fa mous singers, was the recipient of val uable gifts from an admiring public. Many of these were of a perishable nature, and some were rich and rare. One only bore the character of abso lute practicality. During a concert tour in Switzerland there was one con cert In which the prima donna was especially brilliant. She sang a varied programme a song from Handel, an Italian air, some German songs and not only through the greatness but the diversity of her gifts roused the audi ence to a tremendous pitch of enthu siasm. Many persons crowded up to her when the concert was over, over whelming her with the profusion of the flowers they brought After the crowd had dispersed a bashful looking girl came up, holding a parcel In her hand, "You delighted me so very much at your last concert," said she, "that to day I should like to express my admi ration for you In person. Flowers, however, fade. I therefore beg to offer yon a lasting and practical souvenir which will keep me in your memory." With these words she unwrapped a silver soup ladle, presented It and dis appeared. Japs Never Take Cold. There are many public baths hi Ja pan, but nearly every private house has one either in the house Itself or ad jacent to it. . The ordinary bath consists of a large wooden tub, oval in shape and fitted with a cover. Before be enters the tub the bather thoroughly lathers him self from head to foot and washes the suds off by means of a wooden ladle or dipper. He then sits In the tub im mersed up to his chin for several min utes, enduring a degree of beat by which a European would be well nigh parboiled. , When Japan first began to study the methods of western nations the excessive heat of the baths was strong ly condemned, and a law was made that the water In the public batha should be only moderately heated. This caused great discontent, so a com mittee composed of European and Japanese medical men was appointed to decide the question. The verdict was in favor of the national custom, which was pronounced to be not only harmless, but beneficial. The high temperature of the water was said to open the pores of the skin thoroughly, even without the use of boap, and a healthy action of the skin and cleanliness were secured which It was impossible to get with any amount of washing In cold or so called hot baths. - " New Daocrnlon. The pretty and ingeniously contrived floral "dlabola" will appeal to number less devotees of the new game as an Item for table decoration. The body of the spool a large pasteboard one will do Is covered with tiny "yejlow chrysanthemums, which, you know, do dot easily, wilt, and the tire are of mauve. The spinning cord and wands sire - decked with any kind of -bright jlowfcrs and foliage.; It can be suspend' -od tfom the chandelier over the table nud furtner'decorated with gauze but terflies, . : x; The Right View. ' The San Franoisoo Chroniole makes teference to the outlook for fruit in CaThfornla, and to some extent what it save is applicable to, this part of the FaoiSo northwest. I'he oomment of the Chronicle is as follows: "All sgree that tb fruit crop of this ftst. exoept prunes, will be very large and of good quality. The short see of prunes, is really fortunate. It will enable packers who bold stocks pnrchated at hlvh prlc hut summer to onload vithont the los-ies at one time;feard, and pet ioto a position to buy this yeBr's crop. All other fruits tromita well Tbe prices to grocers now spoken of, although nat urally f mailer (ban those reoeived un der the stimulus of the prosperity ot Inst year, are far shove the average of the 1 at- ten years, and are satisfao t :tt ThKV will be nroflahle to grow- trv, i nd afford a profit to those who b v tbttn. And unlets me ouyers oo mi ke a profit the growers will soou be heating the V The n A eMctrtcHT. sere everrwuere of bran fenelr nickel slated ii living-room. earew agency. without customers Ibe consuming ability of the oouutry has by no means been impaired, as st one time it wi leared that it would be. that is conciusivtly proved by the satisfac tory prioes reoeived for the later cit rus fruits and the early deciduous fruits wbtob are now going to market. "We have noted in some of the in terior papers that there was fear that there would be no money availble to handle tbia fruit crop. Leading bank era in this oity tell us that suob talk is nonsense, thai funds will be avail able, and that all responsible Inter cut 4 will be cared for. Tbey say that, as beretotoie, the crop can be Uoanoed from this city, and even i' they could not, all who read kuow that there is at present a pletboia of money in eastern center t, and that no trouble is expected in handling the crops this year. The ability of the treasury to help out is leu than it baa been, but as a piboeuutlon agaiost any possible shortage cf tuuda to-called clear lug house asaociatlous lire already torm ina; at the east under the new law, so ss to be ready in case ot uutxpeoted necessity. "Tbe fruit crops of Ibis ttate are very Important. Ibey are good this j ear. There is money to handle them. It should be and will be a prosperous year in this state, and ev erybody should plan tot it. It would be well it the croakers wo ld clear out of tbe state. As a man tbioketb, so la he." The Same Old Story. . A few yeaia from now some ot ut will be sayinK, "Only a short lime ago this piece ot grcund end that piece of ground, wbere tbr.se 1" re build intis lire, and I bi t Hue farm is. were mverfd wit ti t-aKehru-b, and 1 could have bought it at 10 if r acre." It will be the sun e i Id story, it is part of tbe Malory of every country. Lakeview Herald Kennedy' Laxative Cough rnrui nets (.eutlv upon the txjweU ami tn r by drive 'the coM out nf the ayMn. fold by Keir ami CVe. Keep Flielitlnir. There is one serious irjnlle about tbe introduction of parui-itea to tight insect petUs. Tbfct if ibut bm ueb parasites are Introduced a irai.t many people give up at ooee ntlur method of fighting thie petit They an- hi'V ing some trouble nlonii thU line in Califi rnia at tbe present time. Tbe parasite t I he rnriliuir ui- III baa n t ii.i.n iiilri..1npi d iniiL1 etinnuu tu be come mint ion but alirndv not a few oichardiatM harn tjUit nprn UK tour tree Paiasitet are useful lmt.ee have ni'l .ia n tic h enthuif hhiii about tbeT. - w hud fifteen yeais hko. AgricuHurM. Bert HitiU'r, .f Kltmi, Wi . Hay: "1 have "iilv taken four ili.-s i-f leWi't' Kidney ni.il Madder I'll! and they have liniie ( r me more than any "'her meilii'ii.i- Iih ver dnne." 8 .lt by Keir ai.d Cni9. River Route Between The Dalles Ami .nosier. J. B. Oolt baa leen down to Row ena, Mosier and other point on the O. '!. & N. looaiiw over tbe oll aliaal doued road bed between Th I) 'lie and .M osier to fee it it would do tor a wa.rn road between Mo iir ami Tbe Dalln. Mr. Hoit returned laat niuht and sr.y tbe inad will t line, with some wr.i k ex ended Hie ri.arl bed ii hard and would make au ideal driveway connecting the two cities mentioned It ha leen paid that a rohd cnnld not be made over the tun nel. Mr. doit says a road could be easily be made there and that It would not be aoy steeper than tbe street through the cut on 'Union street. Cbroo lole. Kodol will without doubt help am one who has atomacli disorder r ptoiiiae h trouble. Takp Kodtd today and con tinue it lor the hort t:me 't is neces sary to gie V'jii comi lete reliel. KekloJ is sold bv Keif ni d Had Her ( h dee. "I fcratbat your little slater took the en aller apple," tald an exper ieneel moth. "DM wu let bet have l.i r choice, a 1 ti M yon?" "Ver, n:oth(r,", I'er rrt replied brichtly. "I t Id l.r if l e didn't ciPoe tbe smaller oue ahe wouldn't get aoy at alL She chose tbe smaller, mother. Jnt Imagined II. "I've a terrible tnotLaobe. What's good lot It?" "Nonsense I You've aot m tooth ache. It's simply imagination" -- "Well, confonnl It. what' food for Imagination?" . . K. 0. lHVit & Cliicano III Gentlemen In 1897 I hail a1 dieae nf the stomach-atid bowel. In the riir'ng of 1902 I nought a hot k of K1ol ani) the benefit 1 received all tl e K"ld iri Georgia could not buy. May yt.u live long and proeer Your Very Trnlv C. N. Corneii, Rnding, (la.. Aug. 27, 1906." Hold by Keir & Case. Have You a Sinhmer Stove? The stifling air of" a close kitchen is changed to comfortable coolness by installing a Hw Per fection Wick Blue Fiama Oil Cook -Stove to do the family cooking. No kitchen furnishing b so convenient as this stove. Give a working heat at once, and main tains it until turned out that too, without over If you examine the mom. nrTHTTTTTAnT IHckBtae Flame Oil Cook-Stove yew win se why this b so. The heat from the chimney ef tae ''New Perfection" ii mmmmW wader the kettle and eot dlatipated through the worn by radlatioa. Thus It does the work of the coal nngewiikout lu discomfort. Aak year dealer about this Move if not with hjm, write our nearest agency. houwfarnlthW and fires it a cwar. powerful ngnt store agreeable than 5are everywhere and alwara. Made juat the thing for the If not with your dealer, writs our Stanter Oil Company (IninturmiO Very Appropriate. "My hair la falUing out," admitted the timid man in a drug store. "Can you recommend something to keep it In?" "Certainly," replied tbe obliging oleik. "Get a box." June Ltpplnoott'a. DeWitt's Witch Hazel naive is espec ially good for piles. Recommended ana sold by Keir end Cass. Only the Troth. Two tramps approached a railroad telegraph otHoe not far from New York the other day and looked hun grily through the window, but tbeiu was not even a dinner pail in sight to induce tbein to aak for food. Une of them finally tapped on tbe window, and tbe operator left his key long enough to inquire: "Well, what can 1 do for you?" "Just report two emoties going eaa ," replied tbe tr-tmp, with a grin, and started down the track toward New York. June Lipplnoott s. Chmberlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Would Have Saved Him $100. "In 1902 I iiad a very severe attack of diarrhoea," says R. N. Farrar of Cat Iland, l.a "Kr several weeks I was unable to do anything. On March 18, l!t07, 1 had a similar attack, and took Ciiamlierlains colic, cholera and diarr hoea Remedy which gave me prompt relief. I consider it one of the beet medicines of it kind in the world, and had i;uced It in 1902 I eleive it would have saved me a hundred dollar doc tor's bill." Sold bv Kier & Cass. 2 Tie Star is erecting a plant at PORTLAND, OREGON for the manufacture of their world famous PORTABLE WELL DRILLING MACHINES for water, oil, gas, etc., etc. A moderate amount of money will start you in a profitable business. STAR PORTABLE DRILLING MACHINES have been proved by Competitive Tests to be The Best In The World. For full particulars regard ing well drilling machines, tools, supplies, etc., write to THE STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO. PORTLAND, OmraON. or AKRON, OHIO, Oregon Siiorj line t, union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Dally Throiwh Pnllm.n utanrtiirdi n1 toiirtst Iwpln, cur dully to Omithft. Chlcivn, Hpo. kBiw: tnnrtt lrplnr Pur dally to Kmimu Ity: tiinmeli Pnllman tonrtxt alnpln car frvrwmmllv oondncl1) wwkly to rhlcagn. R-i'llnlnr rhlr rra (aeata tre)to tbe Kaat tliilon ltt Urnrr. Arrfv t'tilPHtot-nrilanit flpivlal for lh Kjt.t via H llnet..n. .Lilly S:!Wam 8:80 im aP"kaiii' Fivrr lor PatciD Waliiniiloi. WhMb Walla, l4'ltnn.f MtirH' Atnnl 'in-nt vorMirm pninta, dallv 8:11 pro fcOo am . i inn i ii- r.A pm. itirinr r.nai via Hnnllnrtnn. dallv....... (.110 pm l:m PiirtlKnil'ppndlPton loniTror all intuhriwrni IVridlatnn nd P-irilan't. rtallr 7:15am tilt pm itpe RIVER SCHEDULE FtiK ASTORIA and M P. M. 6M P. M way polnti. eonntcllnr Dally Dally with Um.r tor II Mann axoapt except ltd North Beacb atam- Monday, Baaday r Haaaalo, Aab atrMt Hatqrday. doek (water pr.) IfcOO P. M. FOR Dayton, Oreimn 7M A. M. 730 P. M City and Yamhill Rlv Dally Dally ar rnlnta. Aab atraat axeept rinrpt -tick (watrr per.) Bnnday. Bunday. FOR LKWIHTO.N.IKI A. M. 4ltP. M . Idabn.aad way pninta. Dally . Dally from Rlparla. Waab. axoant . axept Balurday Friday omcR Hut'iu : Frvhrht Hon a a. m. to 11 noun: I in I it. in. Nil frelf bl rerolvad or dallvarad after p tn. PaarnKvt Detad Huura lor dtiHvary of rx l.raaa and tiancair will be I a. ni till fl p. in. - WM McMORRAY. Uanaral Paaacntw Atrat Portland. r ASUCCKSSFCR BAKING ir s follows theuse of White lliver and Golden Crown flour. Whether yon bake bread, cakes, pie, or any kind of paxtry, you will find thin floor a wile and reliable standby. Tryitonee and you will never use any other. STRANAHAN & CLARK HOOli R IV Kit, OKKGOX. ft T. RAWsoa i F. H. BTAJTTOV HOOD RIVER NURSERY. e tock Grown on Full Roots. We,1 -in-in In uur frit'iidM and patrons know thu! i ' ' !; jl--tntiuj; will have and can avp- Cherry, " ,Apricot,Pcach& Plum Trees, ORAi'i-CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS. Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all tbe Btandard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitcea berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or. WHOLESALE THE DALLES NURSERIES R. II. VVKBKR, Prop. THE DALLES, OREGON. GROWER AND DEALKK IN FRUIT, SHADE AND TREES ORNAMENTAL Eve(eens, Rosea and Shrubbey. Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation. ..MILLER'S DRUG STORE.. Has juat received a shipment of American and Im ported Perfumes, Lundberg's, Rieger's, Roger & (ial lett's in bulk and presentation boxes. . .The Finest Imported Soaps for the Toilet Toilet Sets, Fancy Pnpetrie, and many other ar tides suitable for Presents. On the Heights, Hood River, Ore. Why Go Down the Hill? When Doing Your Remember we wah CARPETS LACE CURTAINS, etc. at reasonable prices. HOOD RIVER Laundry Co. HOME Pit OX K til . Now!!! Is the Time to Order Pacific (Peaceful) Electric Irons Who cuts the wood on ironing 1y? Who is it Minter Man? Who carries in tin' worn! 7 I py Here is a better plun. An iron to heat without the une Of either wood or coal ; Attach it to your 'lertrie juice And you haxc reached the tun'. The iron Htas hot with hurdei-t wear It never more gets cold j And neier needs the Ii-hkI repair, ,,, While Mrs. never arnlds. Your lionne ia cool, your temper too, Thu w-i'Od led n the p!le, The new Iron heHt tl.enld for yon, IlV g't il i-kii.ne'l :i mile. We Will place one of lhe.se labor savers in your home on 30 days free trial. If you like the Iron after giv , in? it a thorough trial, we will sell it to you tit cost to us. Price $450 , Home Telephone No. 55 , Pacific " M 1071 Hood River Electric Light Power and Water Co. KKCinVIXG DAILY FRESH flour and Feed CELEBRATED WHITE RIYER AND GOLDEN CROWN BRA LS MADK FKOM SELECTED HARD WHEAT ISBerXS&SSE&HQS I RETAIL GRAPE VINES AND SMALL FRUITS Lap Duster Made in Two Hundred Hand some Embroidered Patterns. Beautiful Designs. Highly Colored. Look "ox ob Label. FOR HALK BY S. J. FRANK Harness and Saddles Tents & Wagon Covers WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnmh mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood. I have a new K;i'lliie wood saw and am prepared to do eawintf, A1bo do general teaui work. FRED HOWE. .BICYCLE SHOP. J. MARION REID Bicycles. Guns, Sewing Ma chines, Furniturs, Umbrellas, Stoves and Locks Repaired. KKYS MADK TO ORDER Bicycles, Giiuc, etc., sent by express for repairs will he neatly and promptly re paired tt n.l ret ii rued. Can eave you $1 t'i fli.OO on prire ot new wheel. Tirce, h Hi' -, it ' i i till kmiln of repair t- 11 at ! rt lit ml prills. I'riceH .(urnislied on uppiiiHlioii. K-'rrence: liradstrec . C. P. ROSS Billiards and Bowling Alley and Confectionery , ' PARLOUS . THE BEST LINE OF Tobaccos and Cigars IN THK CITY The Oregon iun, Telegram an-.l Journal ON HALE SUNDAY. mtj 7 I Qo to the HOTEL WAUCOMA For Your SUNDAY DINNER P. F. F0UTS, Prop. Hood River, Or GOULD & SNYDER PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. S. E. BARTMESS UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Dealer in Furniture and Building Material BUY 0JPD IfYou Want the best Money can Buy. We Have a Car of Fine OATtS j"st uuuu mm immm tu. i 3G fi WK 1IAVK JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF muraie or 3oaa, AND ALL KINDS DUOMU TO US W00D.FIBERED AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS STRANAHAN & CLARK 0 Hood River, Oregon J) vr oc ocy THOS. CALKING Riverside Dairy J We can supply you with any quantity of Fresh Milk I PRICES ON APPLICATION The Kimball is the only weeder that has made good and this season's demand will far exceed thu supply, so place your orders early, if you nid a weeder. I have a large assort n ent of sizes in ntock at present. Reware of-imitations. Unless the knives have the right set and temper they re worthless. See that the name Kimball is on .each weeder. J. R. NIGKEL5EN Exclusive Agent For Hood River FLOUR I a 3C iviunaie 01 roiasn OF FERTILIZERS UlKEtT FOlt HOUSE PLASTER 0 WALTER ISENBERQ At A MMMI wawmmmmmmmmaw KIMBALL Cultivator ' fi 1 1.