The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 02, 1908, Page Two, Image 2

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0ob Kttwr (Slarirr
Issued Every Thursday by
ARTHUR D. MOB, P-bllslwr.
lbs latent auto race
broks six records. Ova
la tbe et
legs and ooe
"How oloae baa Peary aver been to
tbe North Pole!" aake a correspond
ent, Don't know, bat be clalmi to
ba within t50,00a of it now.
It appear to be a caae of "Too
Late" Johnson instead ot "Too
Much" JohDioo, io far aa tbe gov
ernor of Minnesota ia ooooerned.
Although 300 Amerioan lobsleri
were ahipped to Europe laitt week,
there will be enough left on tbia aide
to make tbe aumnier girl'a life worth
Tbe census tureso. ia preparing to
And out tbe reasons for tbe 1,300,000
dlforoes that have been granted In
thia country. Well there are at leas
1,300,000 reasons.
Who will write tbe Denver plat
form?" asks tbe Bt. Louis Globe
iMmoorst. Not oertain, but It Is sus
pected tbat careful Inspection would
reveal some Ink stalna between the
first two fingers of Mr. Urjau's right
Tbe cherry featival at The Dalles is
probably tbe beat exhibition of cher
ries ever shown. Over seven hundred
boxes are on exhibition, and tbe pack
quality and general appearance of tbe
abow reflects credit upon tbe promo
ters. It will be great ad for Tbe
Dalles, and entitles them to tbe title
of "Cherry City."
Hood Klver County Is now an ac
complished fact, tbe date ot tbe oper
ation ot the new county dating from
tbe signing of tbe commissions of tbe
county oiSoers by tbe governoi, or
June 21. This is held to be tbe case
by Judge llradshaw. Xbe officers of
Wasoo county have ceased transacting
business for Hood Klver county, and
all papers sent Ibere for filing sinoe
June 24 have been returned to Clerk
William Howard lift.
William Howard Tatt will be tbe
next president ot tbe United States,
and be will dlreot tbe destinies of this
great nation aafely and successfully.
He Is a "mixer." He is human
He ia a big, over-grown college boy.
He loves bis fellow man. His sym
pathies are broad. They are healthy.
There are no frills or make-believes
about him. Ha U a typical American.
He believes In going at things direct
ly, openly and whole beartedly. He
la willing to respect tbe rights aud
feelings of other people. He is not
above taking advice. He Is a good
listener. , ,
Out he Is a statesman of ' tbe cons
tructionist kind. He believes In do
ing things. Aud he has a great brain
aa well as a great body, as bis decis
ions, some of tbem now taken as tbe
law of tbe land by tbe supreme court
ot the United States, well abow.
He believes In doing things aud In
doing them right. He has a great
oapacity for hard work. Ilia purposes
are straightforward and honest.
He is a simple man of the people,
la his tastes
Tbe nomination of Mr. Taft will
bring a business revival In this
country, bis election will continue it,
and his administration will foster and
perpetuate It. Salem Statesman.
May Ntsrt Fish Hatchery Here.
A number Interested In the preser
vation of the fish met Fish Warden
MoAllnter at the train yesUrday, and
will try and get his cooperation in the
atablishlOK of a ftah hatcheiy here. W.
M. Stewart said that he thought Are
acres of grouod could be secured of
Dr. Eliot for the purpose near the
power bouse, and it would be a good
thing for Hood River aa well as for
the propagation of the (lib.
Cloud Cap Inn Open. "
Cloud Capp Inn was opened this
week for tbe season, with A. W. Liar
eudilck in oharge, and Malcolm A.
Moody and party went up yesterday,
via Gilbert's automobile route.
8. H. Ilaldwln arrived yesterday aud
will drive the Urea', Plena Arrow this
tiummer to the Iun cu regular tiips.
J. Kohler.
J. Kohler died at the family resi
denoe lu Plue Urove district June 27,
aged M years, 7 months and 15 day.
The funeral was held at the Cut hollo
cliuroh June 28, Kev. Father Klein
officiating. The remains were Interred
in the Catholic cemetery, under the
dlreot lou of J. IS. Nlubols.
Rings of All
Finest Gold
Are here for all purposes.
Jeweler and
A meeting of tbe Commercial Club
waa beld lent week and committees
were appointed to canter witb tbe
Park Grange committees on Fourth
of July celebration. G. A. Clarke ia
chairman of tbe committee tor tbe
oity and is arranging for a parade to
start from tbe city at U:.'tO on the
morning of the Fouitb.
Tbe tine park Krounds at tbe Grange
ball are being fixed up for tbe occa
sion, and there will be ample room
for all the Inhabitants of the city and
valley to celebrate In tbe country,
away from tbe dust and limited space
of tbe oity. It will he tbe first cele
bration in tbe new county, and should
be a doubly eiitbusiastlo one on tbat
account. It is hoped there will be a
good turnout from town, as there will
be from tbe oountiy. All the grangers
In tbe valley will unite to attend, and
there will be something doing every
50 yard foot race $2.00.
100 yard foot ia e 12.00.
50 yard toot race boys, 12 years and
under $1.50.
50 yard foot race men CO years and
over $2.00.
50 yard loot rase glrh 14 aud under
50 yard toot raoe ladies; f pedal
50 yard foot raoe, fat men 200 and
over $2 00.
Kgg raoe 50 yards $2.00.
3 lug race 50 yards $2 00.
Sack race 50 yards $2.00.
Potato race 50 yards 10
boys lb and under $2 00.
Nail driving contest, la 'les
. Wheel barrow raoe 25 yards blind
folded $2.00.
Obstacle raoe 75 yards boys 16 aud
under, $2.00.
Hunnlug broad jump, $2.00.
Manning hnp skip aud jump, $2 00.
Standing broad jump, $2.00.
Grease pole contest, $2.00.
lleaiillful Home Wedding.
A wedding of much Inleiest to their
many friends in Hood Klver was sol
emnized Tuesday alternoon at 3
O'clock at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs.
1'red Deltz, when their daughter,
Helen M. was united In marriage
with Mr. William Thayer Fiasler, ol
Covins, California. The ceremony
was perloimed In the presence ot tbe
relatives and members ot the home
circle only. Tbe tipiMOopalian ring
oeremoy was used, tbe bridal couple
standing beneath an aroh ot syrluga
Tbe bouse was prettily decorated
lu green and white, witb an abuud
auce of roses in all tbe rooms.
Tbe bride baa been a most success
ful teaoher in the publio soboola here
for tbe last four years, lu payiug
tribute to her as a teacher we would
quote a remark made to us a tew days
ago by a neighboring superintendent,
who said: "In losing Mies Helen
Dletz from the ranks of tbe teaohiug
protesison you Hre losing one of the
best, if not tbe best teacher in tbe
Hood Klver schools."
Mr. Frazier was for several years a
resident ot Hood Klver valley and is
well and favorbly known bere. He
la now engaged in the orange cultuie
lu aoutbern California.
Mr. and Mrs. Frazier leave soon tor
their newly prepared home in Covina.
The Glacier joins their many frieuds
In wishing them life long happiness
aud prosperity. ,
Stale Teachers' Association.
Tbe eleventh roouhI meet Ilk of tbe
westein division o' tbe state teachers'
association met in Eugene Thursday
Friday and Saturday of last week, it
wna also tbe time of tbe annual insti
tute of Lane and Douglas counties
and about 400 1 sobers were lu attend
ance. Prof, and Mrs. Coad, Miss
Veia Stewart, Miss Derthi White and
Miss Ida Wright of the Hood Klver
sohools, attended the sessions.
Among the most interesting features
were tbe addresses of Elwood P. Cub
berly, of Stanford Uniersity, aud
Albert Uusbuell Hart, of Harvard. A
most interesting aldress on "A Visit
With Lutbur liurbank" whs given by
Edward Hyatt, superintendent publio
instruction ot tbe state of California.
One of the principal points of dis
cussion was the Huanolal conditio'!
ot the schools and how to better it.
A most valuable report on this ques
tion was glveu by 11. D. Sheldon, of
Eugene, as a result of a year's Invest
Igatiou by a committee of six ap
pointed last year or tbat purpose.
The hospitality of the people of
Eugene was the most geuuius sud
the rooeptlou given the teaohers of
the state in their visit to their beaut
iful town could surely not have been
out doue auywbere outtdde of Hood
The next meeting of tbe association
will be held in Albany.
Will Climb Mi. St. Helen.
Tbe outing this year ot the Maza
mas, or mountain climbers, will be to
climb Mt. St. Helen, and will be an
easy rlp compared to Home whiuh
tbe society have taken. It is also
very easy to reaoh, being but a short
journey from Portlund, aud it In ox
peoted a much laiger crowd than ever
before will atteud.
The trip ii uptu to any oue who
wishes to atteud, upon puymeutnf the
regular fees of the club l'he outing
will hist two weeks, during uhloh
time side trips will be taken, ami
those not belonging to the club will
Signet, Engagement, Wedding and Memorial Rings
Optician Next
Of every lwription. All tin; latest
(shapes. Genuine Panamas for
$5.00, $5.50 ;and $6.00
All this season's styles and of Standard
Make. Tlieso are drummers' samples and
are all first class Hats. Any style and
nearly any size. Colors: (Jray, Black,
Brown Tan and Nutro.
$.100 Hats for $2.00
$2.00 Hats for $1.50
$!.")() Hats for $1.00
$1.00 Hats for 80c
have to qualify, by showing their en
durance lu tbe side trips, before be
ing allowed to male the ascent to tbe
summit ot the mountain. The pel
maneut camp will he at Spirit Lake.
Tbe main party will leave Fortlnad
Friday, July 111, at 2 p. tu., and arrive
at Castle Hock, WhhIi., at 4:15 p. m.
All members of the party will stay
over night at Castle liock. Leave
Castle Hock Saturday ot 0 a. in.,
Aug. 1., arrive at Tjtitle Hiver bridge
at 6 p. m. Arrive at permanent cin.p
at Spirit Lake erening of Auyuet 2
1'ull Information of the trip ouu be
bad by wiiting the chairman of the
outing committee, IS. P. Sheldon,
Portland, Ore.
Elect onicers for Fruit Pair.
A meeting of the fruit growers and
citizens was held at tbe Oommeroiul
Club rooms Saturday afternoou to
discuss plans f r tbe holding of tbe
biennial fruit fair, aud the following
officers were eleoted : U. H. Catsuer,
president; Jos. A. Wilson, vioe presi
dent; C. D. Thompson, secretary;
Leslie Butler, treasurer.
The question of a site was disousBeil
aud finally le t to the board to select
suoh sl'.e. K. I . Smith a lu favor
ot the old armory building, but it
waa considered loo far out ni' town it
a place nearer (inn be seonred. The
Duvidsou grounds cau probably be se
cured, as in the past, aud that would
he the best plane for it, even if llio
building will have to be erected.
Yiento Wants It.
Now that tbe new ofiioeis for Hood
Hiver county have been appointed,
sites fur the (.eriuaneiit eonuty sent
are being oousidmnd although it will
be over two years boforo the mutter
0114 be decided by vote of the people.
The throat of t ho farmers to loeute
tbo couuty seat at Odell has brought
out a new place for the court house,
and tbe following will give 81, 000 eiioh
to erout the building: Ja, Chitty, P.
Ko; ke and John L'rarlloijininu.
Hazel II inkier.
Died, June 20, 11108, Hazel Ihu U ir,
aged D years, !) months ami - (lnyw.
The defeated siitfeieil frum append!
citis, which proved fatal 1 he fun
eral services were beld at the t'lirlb1 Inn
ohuich, Juno :i0, Her. W Word
ottlolatiug, and the remains laid to
rest in Idleuild. J. I'. Nichols had
charge of the luneiul an migi n outs.
Oicuon Apple Valuable.
"Oregou spiles n i II in time ha ns
tu in on u as Callttnnhi uianae. "
" 1 he commercial ral ie of good
apples Is gieatcr than that of niangts
and Oregon ahull profit thereby."
That is the summitry of W. II. Si 1
leck's opinion, aud "he says t lure me
mauy lu New Voik who agree Mth
him. Mr Snlleok Is i'ui,i:ectiil n it I
the Securities corporation il 40 Wall
street, ami travels n.ot. if his Hue
between N w York and Loudon in d
London nud Phi in.
Merits on to my that e I iimelf
alien In New Yolk buys I hum tit ll.o
fruit stands slid phj-s p to 2 cei.ts
apiece ful them, and not con
sid.r it muucj III Meut. Oitain
kiniN of allies uie told theie under
the general name of Oregon applra,
aud this is other! isi ireist emugh.
1'hey are Sidtaeubaig. Newtown Pir
ptus and the liiuaua apple. The Ha-
Artistic Make
. i
Door to Postoffice
nana np(le, which has never been
glow n elsewhere, Mr. Selleck pays 30
oi nts toi at the fiuit stands. Mr.
Selleck la eager that the commercial
bodies 'here take up the matter ot
systema ioally advertising Orogou
apples so as to give tbem the prestige
tbnt the California urougo enjoys, aud
he says it will le au ens. matter aud
a remunerative one, toi the norumer
oinl value of the apple is greater tbau
tbat ot the orange Kant Oregoniau.
Itaptist Association
Tns sixtieth annual meeting of tbe
Willamette Baptist Association con
vened lu the l'irst liaptitst ohurcb of
Hood Hiver at 2 :.!U p. m., Tuesday
The local committees io obarge bad
all in leadineHs for one ot tbe best
meetings this association has ever
held. About one hundred aud tbiity
delegates arrived on tbe Haily Uatzert
Tuesday afternoon and. weie takeu
immediately to tbe church, on tbe
heights, where ample arrangements
had beeu made for their welcome and
Tbe people of tbe town have gener
ously opened their homes and nolbing
baa been left uudoue in providing
accommodations for our Oiptist vis
itors. The Baptist oburob, which has the
largest seating capacity ot any church
in the city, has beeu well arranged to
accommodate the business of tbe asso
ciation. Among the delegates are some of
the moit earnest nud prominent Bap
tist workers of tbe state and tbe meet
Inn are being well atteuded and an
earnest spirit of Christian fellowship
shown by all.
The Baptist people have stood for
tbe beat interests of the titate aud
local communities ever since their
organization aud we heartily welcome
suuh a delega'iou to our midst aud
hope they may take a way the best of
impresniooyof our towu and valley.
At the melting ou Wednesday
morning ourdial greetings of welcome
were extended by tbe local paatoia of
other churches to the membeia aud
woikersotthe association. The pro
gram is being nan led out as plauued.
The program tor today is as follows:
0:00 a. m , praise service II. H. B.
9:15 a. tu., business session.
10:00 a. Ui., pnhlinatiou session.
Hopnrt and discussion led by W. T.
10 00 a. ui., eduoutioual sessiou.
Hnpoit, .). VV. lirougher. A dress,
"The Ideal Kduoation", L. W. Kiley.
11:15 a. in., foreign missiou sessiou.
Heport. Oilman Parker. Address,
A. W. Kiilor.
12:00 M. KecesB.
1 ::)0 p. in., praise service, C. L.
2:00 p. in., busluess session.
2 !IO p, in., bihlo sohool seslson.
Heport, A. B. Waltz. Dissouseion.
;i:l!0 p. in., adjournment.
I'oii't I nil Io get one of Million ConkV
post-festival souvenirs. jl6
H. II. Weber wou tbo Better Fruit
cup at The Dalles cherry thow for the
best twenty boxes.
"A Week of Hoees," at (Jeorgo Slo
coin's. Thirty-two pages. Only 15c. jlti
The Churches,
.Methodist Church Subjects foi
Sunday morniog,"'Ibe Church Uraven
ou Cod's llauils;" afternoon, "The
Bible a Producer of Men " u tbe
last Sunday in July at the muruing
service Dr. Lathrop will administer
baptism to suoh cbildien aud infauta
as may be presented foi tbe rite.
Parents and guar.liana are Invited to
bring tholr children at that time bud
dedicate tbem to tbe Loid.
The Or. Lutheran Kunnai uel Church
conducts services every second and
fourth Sunday in the month I'niilish
on second and (u'rinuu on fouit!i Sun
tluv, 10 il. m.
U. H. Chun 'h Srtl.l-iiili wlmol, IO s.
in.; preaching, 11 a. in.; Y. P. C. K.
11:30 ii in ; Kviiog' ii-ti.' services, 7 :"
p. in. Midwu k prayer iiicrtini.',
i j W'fdnculn.i , 7 : t0 p. in. Kverjlmdy iu
j'xitid. J. K. Puikt-r, pastor.
! Christian church V. A. Wood, ni'n
J j Ute-r. Preaching sci vices, 11 a. m. nt d
iO p. in, Haver inevtiiig, l nureiiitv,
! I 7:li0 ii. m. Most cordial welcome t" all
kivnsiilA C ncreimtioiiHl Church.
W. CCilmore, paotor. Services Sun
day at 11 n. nr., Christian Gnduaior
at 7 p. in., evening worship at 8 p. n .
Catholic Church Hegular se'vicef
everv Sunday.
lV'lmont Si. K. Church, S. 8. 10 a. m
Preaching 11 a. m., Kpworth league
tl.IlO p. in , Preaching 7.30 p. m. At
Crapper 1st and 3rd Sundays ; 3 p. ui.
At Monoin nee 2nd aud 4th Sundays;
3 p. in.
Haptist (.'Lurch C. A. Kutlry, Pas
tor. Sunday services at 11 a, in. and
Uie Paris '' Fair
Ladies' Suits
'': A"d
Shirt Waists
In the newest styles and latest mateiial.
There is no use staying; at. home on July
4th on account of not getting your new
dress finished. We ran fit you out with a
Suit, Skirt or Shirt Waist for what the
matei ial would cost you. Ladies' Suits for
$1.40, $2.50, $3, $3.50,
$5 and $7
And up. New Voil Skirts in Brownj Blue
aud Illack for .
$3.50, $4.00 and $5.00
Shirtwaists to suit anyone with ptioes to
fit your purse. ,
The School that Placet
WAKL r"OUK OWU STOi F00l3 l-Y U3IN j
Crush and mix in feed or sal t. Proper dose in tablets
Your Stock Look Like the Ten Pric
For Hortts, Cattle. Sheep, Swint mil Fowls. They are made from the active rrir,.-iiie or the
condensed essence of the drug;. They don't conlsin Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are just
u food when 10 jre.r. old I at when 10 days old. They comply with all pure dm laws. Ask (or
and try ones SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIOOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera,
Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fevi-, Hoi Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tabletsor Louse Powder,
Spavin tCure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO..
Incorporated! Capital Stock $300,000.00i Watertown, South Dakota. U. S. A,
For Sale by Hanna & Perigo.
7;45 p. m. Sunday school, at 9:50 a. m.
F. G. Coe, Sunt. Young Pe.iples meet
ing, 7 p. m. Mondiiy, 7 p. m., Young
men b ;ieri v illi). XUCBilay, 7 p. m.,
Y. P. Christian Culture Class. Wednes
day 7:30 p. m., Prayer meeting. Thurs
day p. m., Ladies' Aid or Mission Cir
cle. Unitarian Sunday School at 10 a. ui.
Public Worship at 11 a. m. Thursday
evenin ' Ktudy Class at 8 p. in.
J. Van Neice Handy, .Minister.
Lutherun Knglieh services first Sun
day and C-ermain third Sunday in each
monte, Services at 10 a. m. Bible
class after service. Uev. Kd. Starick,
Having confessed to misappropri
ating over f30()0 of Government
funds, A. IL Orant, ex-postmaster ft
Bend, was last week sentenced by
United States Judge Wolverton to
serve three years and six months In
the Federal prison at McNeil's Island
and to pay a fine of $314.22. Orant
Is about 55 years of age and has a
wife and one young child.
Judge Crawford has handed down
his decision in the Hodgln divorce
case, at Enterprise, famous all over
the country for its length, the stub
bornness with which each 'move has
been fought by the opposite Bide and
for its sensational features. Judge
Crawford refused the plaintiff, Visa
Hodgln, a decree, and restored the
custody of a 3-year-old boy to the
Albany was selected as next meet
ing place of the Western Oregon
Teachers' Association. Officers were
elected by acclamation, as follows:
Presldunt, W. W. Wiley, Tillamook;
first vice-president, E. T. Moores,
Salem; second vice-president, Dr. H.
D. Sheldon, University of Oregon;
secretary, L. A. Wiley, Portland;
treasurer, Margaret J. Cosper, Salem.
The State Bankers' Association
met In session at Salem last week.
The election of officers resulted as
follows: President, Montie Owlnn,
Pendleton; vice-president, R. ,W.
Schnieer. of Portland; secretary, J.
L. Hartman, of Portland; treasurer,
W. S. Crowell, of Medford. A plan
Is on foot to have the Washington,
Idaho and Oregon associations hold
a joint meeting in Seattle In 1909.
For the first time In the history of
the state, complete statistics are
available showing the condition of all
banks In Oregon, both slate and na
tional. State Bank Examiner Steel
has completed the compilation ot re
ports of the condition of all banks on
May 14. The statistics show total re
sources of $169,393,091, of which
amount $47,892,000 Is In the form of
loans and discounts; $15,000,000 se
curities, bonds, etc.; $17,500,000 due
from other banks and $14,700,000
cash. Of the liabilities $11,107,000
ia capital stock; $8000 surplus and
undivided profits; $9,300,000 due to
other banks and $76,010,000 depos
it, '
on a
you buy
tell you
of it, ant
it here. We
the straight
if a Suit is
only worth $G.."0 we
sell it for $(J..r)0 even
through it might look
to be a $12.00 Suit.
We ean show you just
such Suits, and ask
you to look over our
line of
$6.50, $7, $8 and $10 SUITS
If you just want a low priced Suit. P.ut if
you want something of the best try a
Hart, Schaffner &, Marx
$18 and $20 Suit
There is nothing better.
You in a Good Position
Special Ice Cream
C. P. Ross, Agent
Seaeon of 1908. Special Prices made on
Plain Ice Cream
Vanila; Ptrawnerry, Chocolate, Lemon,
Orange, Uauana, Pineapple, Pistachio,
Rose, and Piacli, Apricot and Raspberry
in season.
' '' Special Ice Cream
JULY 6 Special brick, red, white and
blue. Special bulk, lemon smooth.
JULY 12 Special brick, vanilla and
chocoiute with walnut center. Special
bulk, walnut ice cream.
JliH,.1!'SPeci81 brick. Manhattan
I adding center between layers of
vanila ice cream.
Want Anything In Wire?
Come to this bard ware store and get
it. We have screen wire, chicken wire,
fence wire, -tove wire, picture wire ami
ail sons of wire utensils for ivory i:e.
You 1J tiiid tin-in all of the Mire
high Character a- , nr 0,lt.r hardware
and as moderately priced. We thall I
girt'l to pell you m lot or a little ,i? ynlir
n.-eds may he.
Wm. Haynes
Hardware Store
Hood River ... Oregon
For Sale-a1
'i lu.:h bi.V-r
pleie. J L. ( urii r.
sp ints, e, m
wagon, u'lh
i orssie-iwo doxni
lrhorn liens. Hest ln i ,1Er sinlns
. .1. i. Vlirl,r
r ,r M.iie i-ih erlng mini i,
"J" l,f)c p.-r loid. A
ou I., nst i
or Hale
Jl llnrse, hmke single or doiih'e
U Plo.
,r'r ale-Anvone wanting rarber-l
rhon.W', irlr v. K. W. ordway ' j'jV,
K..I-Sale-Thoroughbred Dane d.r. lDinln.
m olaeieroffleeorsee K. O. Caldwell. IV,d
Ki e'. - ..,.
Wanted Married man to work on fruit
will be furnished comf,,r,hi. w "S1!
for tirst-cuu. man. Add, ess R. iTnJTSi
Ladies' and Children's
A nice assortment and at a good
saving to you in price.
Oakdale Greenhouse
Cut flowers and plants at Keir & Cass.
Choice Roses Shrubs, Vines & Gladiolus .
White Wyandotte Ei'gs lor Setting
from Mated Pens. $1.50 & (2.00.
Fletcher & Fletcher.
Furnished Rooms Kor Rent; down town;
moderate rent. Inquire at Oak HI. tl
Kor Bale
J. 18
-A No. 1 Jeineyjcow. Bruuo F'rans.
Uist lilack Cocker spaniel pup. Small
white sM)l on t.real and right hlud lea hua
rin( worm. Ileturo to Tbe Club (or reward.
J 18.
KOR SALE One-horee wimon, springs, teat,
tomriieund xliattH. A Iho heavy single hurneK,
Jolm Iladlltl, llelmout. Jit
For Sale Good family horae. gentle and not
afraid of automobiles, also bug-try and harnena.
K- H. I'oehow, The Toggery. jut 16
For Balez-Wiahing to retire from business. 1
will sell the Waucoma Hotel at a bargain. P. F.
Fouts. jul 16
For Sale Kimbal organ,
U J. Kills, Belmont.
good as new, cost $60.
jul 16
For Sale A fine tent house cheap, and some
furniture. Across the street from Chaa. Castner'a
rexidence. Call at 5:30 or Sunday. Geo. S Martin.
jul 16
Foil SALE Two mare colts, one vear old
$:r. for the two, or !& and Sift separate. Van.
thiera, Ml. Hood. II
Kor Pale -Good Jersey cow; senile; bargain.
. J. (ioodnoiiKh, route 1. Home Phone. Jll
KoK HALE.Tcam and wagon harness, team
coming four and tlve, welgt, about a (A It.
lAive. mine i. jz
For Hale nr Exchange-Kaneh of M acres In
Dukes Valley, about il in lies out. Ten acres
cleared. Price, CftUO. J. W. Wledrick, David
sou llulldiiiK. ii
ese grocries, cigars und lobacco. Kmplnyeia
pleaae notlly lor Japaneke farm hands. 1. o.
box 6M. Hood Klver, Oregon. auii20
KOK SAI.E-Kox Terrier Pn s.the finest tl.a
money can buy. From registered sKH'k. Sue
and dmii look two tlrsi end two second prizes
at Porllaud Kennell Bhow. Kocklord Store,
inilJW Hood Klver, lire.
KOK HALK Single Harness and Tod Knew
in good condition. .1. K. Malory, Phone 190 k
When In need of a Suit ol Clothes It will ohv
you to see H. P. Allen. i miles from town.
on Belmont Road, representing Si Co.,
Cbicago. Ten years experience In measuring.
Lost Lady's cold Din. In form of
bow knot. Ret urn to Kerttiraham for reward.
FOR HALK-Uood woik team for sale rea
sonable. El ppa Orchard Co. Tel. Mt. Hood
oxl. T. F. N. ja
FOR AI.E-.2 2nd hand buggles.sei of butty
hjiruesB, cheap. Transfer Live yjUo. Ji
Lost Eye glasses In case, on Tucker hill.
about three weeks ugo. Keturn to lilucier
ottice for reward. u
Frill "KENT Two Lnrirp R,wtinH snltnlilA li.r
Light Housekeeping, close In, nloe groun i-.
Apply Mine Abbott .Millinery Hlore. .11
KOK KALK-Nearly n.'wSnrlniW utmn u 1 1 . ,
a tuugy top attached. Very suitii'ilu lor IimiiI.
nit i eiriesor np;.H. Will be sol, I clo-up. ...i
time If desired. Apply Hi Rockford .
Hoi'il ltiver. Ore. 1 1
FIIK SAI.P-O:,,- P,.iiv llui.w... m.,.i T ...
KlIL'gV. I'onv tenlte f ir li,il tiKlrli' I...
Pil.e.SllO, J.'E. Msloy. Pli.tne M K. I,
FOR SALE ( um.nil.', lli.- ..... I
three years and cost. fl'.'S new u-m ..... i..r
W0. A. Huknrl. phiMie lSKI M. Il
WANTKIt I. idv with turn Ittlla .lt-U ulul.. -
Klver valley), for Hie 81HIIHHT. IWni- tiiul
be rp-iwuirttit.' Ath.r.itf n.. i
St., Portland, ' ,i i
Vnnt4r1 n n to MMiwiinl .nli Ua..a.(si
to sett mtoi k f-r h lunre ItmlH'r himI lniiih. r
1. 1 Ml' I'll I lnilllikyl..nj .Itl II II...I..M
HWk., INm 1I;iih1. or-imn. .is
12, bluatUB itU,
wiswuui it evsU MM..1.
For Sale-.Uiirk hv
old, well broke double r in.i a.,.
autos or cure. Phone 2um. c. T. H.,bri J2
...uira-WW, IXI.m WHllle.l, Wruil ..l.e r
n.orejears. C-E. Liuiuuvuni. n,i.i it Ii...
U' ... . - . . .
sills 11. k
Wanted A girl to do general housewwk.
Truman Butler, f
Lsit-Sn,ull blaiK hand U cuiitaining Ikdits'
' oilice and receive reward.
m iii.ks, uik,i key ad money. Keiuru mi;.u.. ,.
Return to
I uL"tu3",ubb"' P'a'h-'ined laprobe.
K. U. Walloce or phone itH-M.
. omau black raffle har.Jlaur RunH. .k.
!"" the Christian l:hup. h n.,.'...
Glacier Office.
tut lb
hZl ? "t-Fumished house or furnish, d
A:tG8s!cierpx,rM',y f"m"y f tw jjr
red couple. Address Z. Glacier office , jis
J is
Km"..?-,I?.old fas""'ned plech rrlts
I V.