n 4 VOL. XX HOOD RIVER, OREGON, JUNE 25, 1908 NO. G 7 EH 1 SOCIETIES. HOOD UIVr.K COMMKKCIALCLCB-MmU W) mlld Monday ID Mtb UHMtO Ulf, oin iu 11m. eiub room over Jacaaun'. .tor. A. A. J At ft, Pre. P. 8. Da Vinson, Socrulary. UOD K1VKR UHHJK NO. 105, A. K. and A. M. Meet Malunlay evening on or baton earn lull iiiooii. t . N. 1'I.AUkK, W. M. 1). McDonald, Herniary. HOOD Kl VKB CU APTKK NO. . It. A. M. MeU tint aud Uitrd Friday ntglila of each mouth. U. R. Caiitnk H. F. K. O. Hi.ahchak. Becff lary. Hood River Commnnderr No. 12, K.T, Meet every oond Mouday evening o( each mmitu. W . F. Laraway, al C. A. v. Mue. Kecorder. HOOD KIVKK CHAITEK NO. 85, 0. E. 8 Mwlawtonnd and fourth Tueaday evening of each uionlb. Vlaltora cordially welcomed. C a ait i a Bailey, W. M. Uui lust, Woodwohtu, Hecrelary. IDLKWU.DK I-O GK NO. 107, I. O. O. P. Meet In Kra'trnal hall, every Tburaday Din in. M. J. MAJtiaaa, N. O. Oao. Thomsow. w lar) KUKN KNl'A.dr'MKNT, NO. . I. t. O. f . Kcynlar meelln "word ami fourth Monday 1 nu'h ininilh. Oku. TH'iimoN.r, V. 11,0. MBilH.HpribH. KKMP LOIHIK.No. 181, I. O. . K.-MmU In Odell luipruveiiipnt 'o.'a ball "t-rr Satur day ulitlil. Vldtor cordlully liniHd. J KChohuy. N.U. It G MAaniKKB, Her. Kecy I , rtr l. IlKBEKAU DEOREELODOK NO. .. !. O. O. K.-Meeta Aral and third Friday ii each month. Mkh. E. 8. Mayes, N. U. tii.LA Mat Davidson. Secretary. W.O. W. meet the 2d and 4tb Hetnrday each month at I. O. O. V. ball. Vbtllora our. dlally Invited. A. C. 8f ATfcN, U. 0. F. W . McKkynolds. Clerk. WAUCOMA LODGE NO. SO, K. OK P. ' lleeuln K.ofP. ball every Tueaday night C. P. Komi, C. C. J. E. Nichols, K. of R. and a. HOOD RIVER CAMP. NO. 1,702, M. W. A. Meeta In 1. 0. 0. P. hall every Wedneaday nlrht. H.H. DANO. V.O. 0. U. D AKIN, Clerk. OOD R1VEK CIRCLE NO. 524, WOMEN OK Woodcral-MwtHat. I.O.O. K. hall on tha Brat and Third Saturday of each mouth. Lou McHkynolds, U. N, P. W. McIUynoliw, Clerk. RIVERSIDE LODGKNO. 88 A. O. U. W. Meeu first and third Saturday ( each iiioulh. K. F;. Chaphaii, M. W. OKU. Hiooh, Plnanoier CU IL8TKK SHUTS, ReCOrdW. OLETA AHHEMBLY NO. J08. UNITED ART-Uana.-Meellbeflnit and third Wedne. daya, work: OHd and fourth Wednesday! ' Artiaana' hall. C. D. Hknkichji, M. A. E. H. H AKTwio, Hecrtlary. COURT HOofTfirVEIl NO. 4POKiiWTERS , oi;Amerlca,-MeeU every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. ... , Wm. Fleming. 0. R. F. C. Bhoml-s, Secretary. CAN BY POST, NO. 16, 0. A. R. MEETS AT A. O. U. W. hall, aucond aud lourth Satur ' daya of each uiouth at 2 o'clock p. m. All O. A. R. member Invited to meet with u. u. Ll. Cahtnkh, Comiuandor. 8. P. Blytub, Adjiiuitii l ANBY w! K C, No. Ift-MEKTM HKIJONH iidliuirthHaturdMxaof eai'h Moutli In A. t. f. W. hall lit i !. m. KathyN Gill, PreHi.lmt. . LYMA HL'MNl K. H.-,-ri"lrv UlllM AI.N lltl.viK CAMP No. Hut, R. N. A. Mei i at 1. O. O. P. Hall oh the aticoiid and foui i h Prldnya ol eaeb mouth. Mus. II. Pkklku, O. Mku. I . T. BbosiUH, Reorder. PAYNTER LODGE, No. 2110, M. B. A. meeu nrt and third Friday of each month at K. of P. hull. GKo. a. Millkk, Pre. - AV. UUioaAKD, He , n , . J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. IVI-.ihiiihb: Ollloe, -Ml; lexldencc, HI I. l'KKt'N O. It. N. Co- H. lDUMBLuE, PHYrtitlAiN AND SURGEON. Call promptly anwei 1 In town or)untry, Day or Nlht. Telephone: lUwiil. nce.eil: offliw,iilS. Office lUlli lii.mlllH HullillllK. : E. 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office over First Nationtil ll.ink. Hood River, Oregon. Office Phone Main 871 Res Main 873 M.F.SHAW,M.D. Office in Jackson Block. Olflrw pkooe, No. 1471. Realdence, No. 6M. Da. M. H. 8HABP Dr. EunaB. Bhakp Osteooathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office, Hood Kiver Hank and Truat Co. Bldg Home Phone 102 lies. 1U2-B FC. BR0SIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Puoue Central, or 121. office Hour: 10 to 11 A. M.; i to I and6to7PM. . Mrs. Mary Powell Jordan, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office and renldnce, noma place of John Leland Henderson, Slate St., bead of Third 81. PUone Kl. DR. EDGINGTON Smith IStiildiiig HOOD RIVER - - 0KEG0N DR. E. T. OARNES DNTIST Ortloe over Bartmasa more Telephone SI H. D. W. PINE0,D.D.S. DENTIST Office over Telephone Kim National Batik 131 0. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST Telephones: Office 28; residence 28-B Office over Butler Bank, J A.JAYNE LAWYER . Abstract Furnished. Money Loaned. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will Practice In All Court Office In Smith Building, over First Na tional Bank. A. C. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Room 12 Brrwling Block OK G. W. EDMUNDS SPECIALIST EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT ew Broalu Building. Telephone ILnm 4 White Salmon Valley Bank '.' Tive small depositor rewiveH t he name i-oirrteoiw tr'atinen ; as the larger onert. We have bntli. ; Q0ME AND SEE US, " f.8 HTAWLgT, lCUBlflTa.. LOltUICiAl Praa. Vlea-Prca. Caabter. . U. llROCK. Aaal. Cashier. First National Bank OP HOOD RIVER. OREdUN Capital $50,000 Karpla, $ 16,008. P. M. Hall-Lewis & Co. ARCHITtCTS and ENGINEERS Deputy County Surveyor for Waaea Uauntv Deputy County Surveyor for Klickitat Co, araan. Oly Knglneer, City of Hood River Make aurveya, plana and eatlmatea tor aaw. er, light and power and railway plauu, and furnish aubjocl to auDrovaJ. utaaa. mnf itirm. tlona and eallmalea tor all clawr. of building i rii.BMBug mercantile, npeciai ail in w muuuiuie aim ajw-uurniu w Home aud Parldo Talephouea. Davldaoai uMuuiuj, uwn niver. uregoti. JOHN LKLANU HENDERSON A'lTORN EY-AT-LA W, AI1ATKACTEK. No TAKk PUliLlCand KKAL a turn auknt. For a yrara a raa.dent of U eo and Waab l?1,' ,ma "" r exparieuaa lu rival piiuia malUin,aaabalraeior,aearcbaruf Ull. aud accui. HalmlacUMU guaranteed . r Jntertutional orrcpondence chool 8CRANTON, PA. H. V. KEED, KeprwteiiUtiva MK With 8L. PorUand. Oraraa. flood River once monlb. Fall ifor matiou mailed upon requaat. Eureka Meat Marktt McGUIRE BR08., Props. Dealers in Freb aud Cured Msats, Lard rouiiry, fruits ana Vegetable. If riee Delivery. Phone Main 85. M. E. WELCH. LICENSED TETERISART SURGEON I prepared to do any work In tb veterin ary line. He can be found by calling at or phanlng to Clarke drug (tore. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OSEGOM, Stranahan & Slaven Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 21-S Estimates furnished no request. An honest job guaranteed. E. A. JEROME, ArcKltoct Having had aevnrat ygart'- experianea In drafting aud bulldlug.I would rmpw-liullv aollclt part of the paliouwre of tlie paopta id Heod River who uutlcipaie building, larin. reaouuble, a id aaturactmu guaranteed. IH Oca at rtuldenc on Uvlgbta. H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. 1 am qualified and i,'tfred lo do all kind Of rtntl-flttVM lllllll Hlirvk-I.iw l..m.u.iu . . anteed. Tli who wiaii Hratlaa work done aiiuroxK it. r. u. x., niHM Kivri. fuone Wxl. n ASSOCIATION OF McMINNVILLK, ORE. Announces another reduction in the mat of inRllrarwA T. L. DUNSMOUK, THE DALLES or 0. D. THOMPSON, HOOD RIVER TRlUrHlCK A Ar-fVOLD. CONTRACIORS and BUILDERS tadsoat. fnrnt.r.ed eh alt klns( work 1 r."J-..(a W.i. mm FOR SALE. 1. 110 iicropliici1, Groom lioum. alioiit- six jHiiVK iir,ircliHrd, j).irt firiH bfai-iny trw8, th otliHi-s voiinr SpitzeribntViS Yi'llmv vtowiif'f nnrl Kt4 f;iiti'us B.iiiMiin Mpplcti. A Hp spring of w;itnr pitoi in ,tVir liKiisc. 2")(f cliii-kcns, hotyo ami bii;y jiikI a fin i;oiv goHK wild pla'alsoull kinds of small fruits. AiIiIick .H; Graham Home Valley, Washington Jnt 12 tnilos below I1h1 River on now N .rth Bink Road. Price, $3,300 on terms. Write me and I will tmet j ou with a rg. ML ABBOTT Millinery, Hair Goods : ; Richardpon's Silks and Embroidery Supplies. Opposite tins Pari Fair. Ckaa. U. Pratt. J. H. Oeborar, R. W. Pratt, Praaldant. VlcaPn. Cashier. Hood River Banking and Trust Co. W transact a general banking bualneaa and owa our owa banking property lataraat paid on lima and Raving depoalu Safe dapoalt boxes. C.F.SUMNER UEADQUARTE 1 Plumbing Come in and exam ine our line of Pumps, Bath Tubs, La vatories, Sinks, Etc. HTI SPRAY Agents For F11A1E Ferguson & Wright Hood River Marble Works Are prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, etc. McReynolds & Co. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain and Poultry Supplies YUCCA TREE PROTECTORS Petaluma Incubators and Brooders STOCK FOOD Phone 1091 HOOD RIVER. OREGON McEwen. & Koskey - ,Gavaral Conmlnlon V-Merchants Prompt Hale and Quick Return. Wnolaaale - iwaierain an ainaaor Frwil aa! Producw CoualgumenU Solicited. IS FRONT ST. PORTLAND, ORrSOON BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection O. H. GRAY, Prop. FLEMING k TAFT D RAYING, GENT KAL TEAMING Wood For Sale. Prompt Delivery OFFICE PHONE (IC-M RES. PHONE PHONE 232-M Hood Kiver, Oregon Underwood and Little White Salmon CHOICE FRUIT LANDS Till is where .fruit large and small crow lo perfection and commands the highest market price. 70 si-re. S'-i acres set to orchard last spiiiit!, mostly apples and peaches and an ifoou varieties, ciean aim neaitny; other small fruit. About 25 wrr gool (ruit land, wveral acre k'aliel and burned, remainder of tract kI pasture land. If' storv honi-e 4 ronnia diiwn stairs, root hou-e, baru, W'xi hotice chicken house and park. If mid at once csn be had cheap. Js only three quarters of a mile out. 52 acres, located at Hood station, 25 acres in cultivation, 15 of which is in gra-s growing 3 crops per season and goo l pasture; zi isew'ownt and epitx trees one year oil ; small fruit for family use' Mi's is riist-class for early fruit and will grow vegetables unsurpassed Hoiie. barn, chicken house and park and other nece'ssrv outbuildings. Any one wanting a good home will do well to write or see me at once tor lull par tictilar. A Specialty of Small Tracts. We have now completed tba survey of a large tract and can furnish from tei. acre np. Come and nnike your select ions as a delay mean that you will pay mora money as prices arc advancing. I have also Klickitat County Kr.iin and tracing lands, hinhly improve,! lamia at resaonaoie price. Write or call on F. W. DeHart . Underwood, Wash. Lands Homes Orchards The best bargains arc listed with us. We tell vou iust what the land will product We do not exaggerate any thing. Wo guarantee a per fect title. Wo do not try to list proj)erty unless the prices are right and tlie land repre sents full value. Every prop erty that we have sold is worth from 25 to 100 per cent more now than it was sold for. This is the kind of place you want. See ns and avoid mistakes. J. H. Hciibronner &Co. "The Reliable Dealers" PORTLAND HOOD RIVER 408 Corbett , Davidson Bl d DR. JONES Dentist Cro w n an d Brldife Work. TVeth wilhoul Platw. Treats menl of din. eased tee l b and kuiuh. Ilomu I'lione W Office In Broeln Building. Land For Sale I have about 1 ,000 acres of No. 1 Apple Lai d, most of it under ditch at prices ranging from f 00 per acre up. J. R. Steele II00I) KIVER, 0KEG0N RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle Working In The Garden is a real pleasure if you have the righi tools. We havf a complete line of Ihe best girden iiiiileiiienis in ti e word. They are. made fur renl service and to innke work ettsy. Con e and (." I an ui fit. It will help yi'it make a better gttrden with lees labor than you ever did before. Wm. fiaynes Hardware Store Hood River - - Oregon Special .Viitice. Ilaviuif Hecurnrl the agency tor I lie famous Edison phouogruiilis mid re cords, I wish tj uuuuulcu that I luce just received the complete Iue of machines and toe entire catalou ol leoords, being all the records mad" iy this oompany up to January 1, I!1' 8. Also a large stock ot diso reeo..i lu all over three thousand to s l-d from. One of tha largntit stock' in the state. Call and tee and hesr tin m Soute's PlH.no Hnec . Silas II Soule, I ri.i , Farm For St'e. 10 acre heantifnlly located, go 1 level laud, half mile from town, one mile from St. Martins Spring, 5 acres culti vated, 80 walnut trees, young family orchard, good well, goed house anil barn, household goods, row, 25 chit k ens; pri e reasonable. Addrem J. L. Olson, Carson, Wash., box 27 J25 HAPPENINGS IN ! OREGON COUNTRY i PORTLAND MAN INHERITS TITLE Is Heir t Kni'lNh Eststes Another Mnrderer Convicted Normal School Dispute will End. Portland Lniiie pack-ipes of do unien;s came thrjiiKh th:; Cuntoms House last vetsk address! to Alex ander Hewitt Kerr. Esquire, Lord of tho Manors Klngshall, Kousehall, Brentha end VV'ujlcollea, Suffolk county, Ensland, Portland, Or. 1 no princinal documents wer deeds for the lands which Mr. Kerr has acquired, and other documents contained rent rol'.s and records of leaseholds of the manors described in the address. Mr. Kerr, who Is a member of the firm of Wadhnms & Kerr Bros., wholesale merchants of this city, la to leave for England In the course of n few weeks to look after his Inter ests in that country, though as lord of the mnnors, he has already as sumed one of the duties imposed by acquirement of the lands by hold ing what is known in English law as a nitron Court, without which a manor ceases to exist. The titles to these manors traces hack hundreds of years aud the leases differ in ma terial respects to other rentals of realty In tho old country. While heso lenses are perpetual, they re vert to the lord of the manor if the tenant dies Intestate, and only the surface Is Included in the right; that Is to say, all mineral, hunting priv ileges and the like belong to the lord of the manor. McOasline (,'ullty In Second Degree. Heppner Convicted of murder in the second degree and sentenced to the penitentiary for life Is the fate of Webb McCasli.il, who killed E. F. Zaspell in Morrow county last Sep tember. This case has- been one of unusual interest here and has been the theme of much comment during the trial. Owing to the well-known circum stances surrounding the case, public sentiment was strongly against the defendant. McCaslin was Indicted for murder in the first degree and the verdict came as a surprise and la con sidered as a victory for tha defense. Three days were occupied In se curing the jury and 37 men were ex amined before the 12 were secured. McCaslin, who confessed to killing Zaspell, practically had no case to work upon. Tha chain of circum stantial evidence was without a break iu showliiR that McCaslin drove out of town with Zaspell, that he shot him in the buck of the head, took his money and made a fast get-away. The case of Dan Doherty, convicted of tho killing of Oscar Allen, will be continued uutll July 7, when the mo tion for a new trial will be argued. Careless Motornian Causes Wreck. Portland Six persons seriously In jured, a dozen others bruised and two badly demolished cars are the rosults of n head-on collision between two heavily-loaded trains on the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company at Archer Place on the Mt. Scott line. There were no fatalities, and none of the injuries, it is said, will result fatally, though the lives of between 160 and 200 passengers were Jeopar dized. According to eye-witnesses and to company oftlcials the collision was due to the carelessness of the motor man of the east hound train, who was looking back and waving at a girl who had just alighted from his car, and failed to heed the signals of the semaphore. Normal Dispute to Knd Soon. Salem The Board of Regents of Oregon State Normal Schools will hold its annual meeting in this city on Tuesday, June 29, and it is prob able that at that time the normal school question will be practically settled. While the Board has no absolute power in the matter and the ques tion of how many and which nor mals shall be maintained Is one for the Legislature to determine, yet it was understood when the board was created that future Legislatures would be governed largely by tha recommendations of the Board. That there will be an effort at the Board meeting to recommend the abandon men: of one and perhaps two of the normals is certain. Mother and Ilube In Jail. Pnrtlnnrl Plondinor cuiltv in the United States DlBtrlct Court Tues-! day morninK to an Indictment charg ing her with feloniously opening mull and sentencod to serve 30 days in the Multnomah county Jail, in ad dition to a fine of $400, Mrs. Nellie E. Ragau, former assistant postmis tress at Royston, Or., has refused to be separated from her year-old daughter, with the result that the pretty tot will spend the ensuing month with her mother behind tha walls of the county bastile. Duller City Banker Arrested. Baker City Local parties who own tlmb'T claims have been keenly alert sine?. United States Deputy Marshal Nicholson came up from Portland and placed J. H. Parker, v'cs-presklont of the First National Bank, unr! r arrest. Two warrants were Issuer! for Parker, alleging that lh committed psrjury In securing title t.) a timber claim. He was arraigned before United States Commissioner C. A. Moore, who placed his bond at S1000 on one charge and $2000 on the other, for his appearance before the federal court. Trolley Line Assured. 1 Pendleton All doubt concerning the Walla Walla Electric Company's : Intention to extend 'Its interurban line from .Milton to Athena was set at rest wli"n 10 right-of-way deeds j were placed on file in the office of the county rec:rd r this week. Tha deeds are all across land lying be tween Milton and Ailnnn, a.id extend to the very heart of the wheat ue'.i IxiRger Is Drowned. Roseburg Arthur Folk, a logger, was drowned in the North Cmpqua River, last Saturday, while attempt ing to break a Jam of logs, tie cam here from Idaho a weW ago. Work on the extension of the rail road has commenced between Elgin and Joseph. Ground has been broken at Baker City for a new Catholic hospital. The building Is to be of cut stone. O. O. Whitlow, of Albany, has been appointed bookkeeper in the treasury department at Washington, D. C. The official returns from the recent election give Chamberlain a plurality ot 1522 over Cake for United States Senator. Delegate to the 24th annual meet ing of the Oregon State Medical As sociation will assemble at Portland Wednesday, July 1. The body of Dr. J. II. Logan, vet erinary surgeon of Weston, found In Laurel Canyon, California, was buried last week at Los Angeles at the expense of the county. A masked robber held up the crew of a streetcar in Portland, Sun day night, taking the watches of the conductor and motorman and $35 In cash. The Presidential Postmasters' As sociation of Oregon will hold Its an nual convention in Portland, Friday and Saturday, August 7 and 8. In cluded In the membership of the or ganization are the postmasters of the first, second and third grade offices. John E. Loggan has received notice from the department of his appoint ment as postmaster of Burns by President Roosevelt to succeed F. U. Welcome. Mr. Loggan will resign as County Assessor, as he will assume the postotlice duties about July 1. Clifford Vlckers, a 17-year-old boy, died suddenly In Eugene Inst week, immediately after receiving a treat ment for asthma. The treatment was a hypodermic Injection of anti-toxine. Soon after the Injection, the boy be gan to weaken and died within a few minutes. The fourth annual Northwest con ference for Young Women's Christian Associations was held at Seaside last week. Delegations from city and college associations covering Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana were present. With a view of decreasing the number of Intoxicated Individuals who persist In rambling the streets in this condition, the Marshfield council has just passed an ordinance which provides for the pasting of the photographs of all dru-sikardB. A company to build a l,lne of rail road from Shanlko to Prlneville and Bend has been formed by Eastern Or egon men under the name ot the Central Oregon Railroad Company, with a capital stock of $50,000. On July 1 the ClackwnaB River, In cluding the Cazadevtv hatchery sta tion, will be turned over by the state authorities to the United States Com missioner of Fisheries and these properties will be In charge of Henry O'Mally, government superintendent of fisheries for Oregon. A cherry carnival will be held at The Dalles, under the auspices of the Business Men's Association and the Horticultural Society, June 30 to July 2, Inclusive. There will be prizes offered for the best packs of cherries. Frank Page, aged 28 years, was killed In a logging camp at Cathlam et while assisting in moving a don key engine. The engine struck a sap ling and as it passed sprung back, striking and killing him inBtantly. Rev. Robert McLean, wno nas nau charge of the missionary work of Porto Rico for the past eight years, has been called to the pastorate of Bethany Presbyterian Church, at Grants Pass. It Is possible that a neighborhood feud may result of the Grant county election on prohibition. In Canyon Citv there is talk or a boycott nemg organized by liquor men and their friends on merchants wno took an active part in the recent temperance contest. Yamhill county, through County Judge R. P. Bird, has entered with the railroad commission an informal complaint against the Sheridan ft Willamina railroad. The main track of the railroad crosses the county road in Yamhill county three times, and at each crossing the condition of the road is bo bad, according to Judge Bird, that it is dangerous and almost Impossible for loaded wagons to cross the tracks. A committee of business men or Salem and Stayton closed a contract last week with A. Welch, of Portland, by which the latter agrees to build a trolley line from saiem to stayton within one year. The railroad will cost approximately $300,000, and the business men of Salem and Stayton are to subscribe $100,000 of this amount. Work will begin on the road In about two weeks if the $100, 000 has been subscribed. Counsel for John H. Hall, ex United States Attorney, who was cov victed of conspiracy last February, have filed a motion for a new trial and have served the government's representatives with a brief In the case. The motion will be argued and disposed of as soon as it will be pos sible for Federal Judge Hunt, of Montana, to come to Portland and hear the motion argued. Sentence will not be pronounced on Mr. Hall until this motion has been decided. Judge II. K. Hanna last week sus tained the former order enjoining the County Courty of Jackson County from declaring the City of Medford dry under the state law as a result of the county having cast a majority In favor of prohibition at the recent election. In his decisien the court practically decided that the late elec tion was nullified, as far as this coun ty is concerned, and that the County Court will be sustained in authoriz ing the licensing of saloons In all pre cincts which voted In favor of saloons two years ago, regardless of the last election. ' An accident to the machinery at Ihe Cazadero power plant of the Po-tland Railway, Light & Power Co npany Sunday morning caused the o'li'ili'ted wrecking of the station, retailing a loss of $110,000. Flying p'.efeo of hot metal and burning ln iihron set lire to the building, de 3li:lng inflammable parts o! the structure. Two operators wno were . on duty at tne time naa a mimtuium escape from instant death. A piece of the machinery, weighing two tons. tore the coat off one of the men, af- j terward boring its way through tha , brick wall of the build's. 1 REDUCED RATES FORILUMBERMEN THEY WIN HARD-FOUGHT BATTLE Interstate Conimrrre Commission De rides that Coast Shippers Shall Have Lower Rates. Washington, D. C, June it. Opinions rendered today by the In terstate Commerce Commission la five Northwestern lumber rate casea are decidedly favorable to the lum bermen. While In no case did they get all they asked for, most of their requests were complied with, and in no Instance did the Commission sus tain the advances which the railroads rurt Into effect on November, 190T. The advance of 10 cents on lum ber shipped from the Pacific Coast to points east is completely knocked out in territory west of the Missouri River, and in eastern territory the advance la reduced 60 per cent or more. The advance ot $1.90 on ship menu from Willamette Valley points to Sun Francisco Is practically wiped out, only sufficient Increase being al towel to offset the recent advance In water rates from Portland to San Frarclsco. The Inland Empire Is re lieved from what the Commission terms "excessive and unreasonable rates on lumber" fixed by the rail roads last tall, and is given a scale of differentials more favorable than the roads were willing to concede. Along with these five casea, the Commission temporarily opens the Portland gateway to Western Wash ington lumber consigned to Utah ter ritory, but declines to make a rout ing via Portland on Washington lum ber to any other points east of the Cascade Mountains. In all cases, the Commission stipu late that the existing advanced rates shall be discontinued "on or before August 16, 1908," and decrees that the ih w rates aud orders which go Into euect on that date shall continue for two yeara thereafter. Except In the Portland gateway case, however, thtsi; new rulings are not Intended to be temporary, but under the law the Commission cannot tlx rates for a lonKsr period than two years. On August 16, 1910, the railroads will be at bberty again to raise their lum ber rates and, if such advance la made, the lumbermen will And It necessary again to appeal to tho Comm. union for relief. BR VAN Sl'KE OF NOMINATION. Can Dispense With Votes of Big; Eastern Stutes aud Still Win. Chicago, June 22 William Jen nings Bryan can read his title clear to the nomination for President by the Democratic National Convention which will meet in Denver July 7. This is based upon a thorough can vass of the situation in the various states and territories, and are extra conservative. They show that Bryan without New York and New Jer sey, with only a fraction of Pennsyl vania, with all other due allowances to the opposition and with six un reported Florida votes not counted for anybody has or will have In structed for him or otherwise com mitted to his support 788 delegates, or 116 more than (he 672 who will constitute two-thirds of a convention consisting of 1008 delegates, Includ ing six from the Philippines. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track prices: Club 87c; red Russian, 84c; bluestem, 88c; Valley, 87c. Barley Feed, $25; rolled, $27.50 28.60; brewing, $26. Oats No. 1 white, $27.60; gray, $27. Hay Timothy, Wilamette Valley, fancy, $15; do, ordinary, $12; East ern Oregon, $17.60; mixed, $16; clover, $14; alfalfa, $12. Butter Extra, 25c; fancy, 23e; choice, 20c; store, 16c. Hops 1907 crop, 66e. Eggs Candled, 17 V4 18c; nn candled, 17. Wool Valley, 1212VaC lb; Eastern Oregon, 815c, as to shrinkage. Mohair Choice, 18 18 4c SEATTLE MARKETS. Wheat Bluestem, 89c. Oats Puget Sound, $2728 per ton; Eastern Washington, $2728 cr ton. Barley $25 26 per ton. Hay. Eastern Washington timo thy, $17 18 per ton; Puget Sound hay, $10312 per ton; wheat hay, $12.60 por ton; alfalfa, $9.5010 per ton. , L WILLIAM n. TAFT. ESS ..SCj:..