flOOD HHVEIl OLACXEK TflUKBJPAY MAY 28 190M, i WHAT ABOUT SALMON PROTECTION? That the loxl flub ' our tut need better prptwtirn torn ii now ltd Of lu J t gred. Vcu bate slre.dy or dotibUet. will receive ooneiderable literature ou (be tubject, but do matter bow attractive tbe argument, atop and consider bow much It may be colored by tlf lutei it. Ihe United Statea Bureau of ('lib erie are tbe Rrflateat expert mtunrt. tiot on tbe aubjeot aud have do ax to grind. - Kead wbat they eay : J)epartDieot of Commerce aud Labor, Office of tbe Secretary, Washing toD, D. C. Hon. Cbaa. W. Kultoa, Uuited State SeDate, Washington, O. C. Hit : Ihe department realize! tbe Importance of tbe rarlooi questions aliectlng tbe aalmon flkbery lu tbe Columbia rlrei brought up In your letter of tbe 18tb ultimo, and bat ta ken tbia opportunity to nikk h tbor ougb inetiatiou ot tbe matter. Ibere can be no qneitloo that the status of tbe fishery is uutatiilactory, and tbat ouder existing oonditlons tbe trend may be expected to be steadily downward, with tbe result that in a comparatively flew years tbe run of aalmon in tbat stream will be reduoed to suob a degree tbat thous ands of flsbermen may be thrown out of employment and much capital ren dered Idle. Ibe federal government in w'tbout any Jmisdiction whatever iu tbe creatines, and tbe duty of cou serving tbe salmon supply in the Co lumbia devolves cn the states ot Ore gon, Washington and Idaho; but this department has been cbargfd by con gress with Important fish cultural op erations lo tbe Columbia basin, and has felt Impelled from time to time to direct attention to tbe necessity for glflog adequate proteotlon to tbe vnrloaa ipeoiea of salmon frequenting tbat stream. Tbe department Is con vinced tbat the ran of salmon In tbe Columbia can be amply maintained for an Indefinite period If artificial DroDoeatioo Is supplemented by rational protection: but artificial proportion alone oannot cope with tbe situation, and, as a matter of fact, tbe reoent experience o: tbe depart ment baa shown tbat its benetloent ' labois are rendered almost futile by tbe failure of tbe states to appreciate tbla faot. ' The department sees no reason for dvooating the elimination of flab wheels from the river, as there la no evidence to abow that this form of apparatus Is paitloolarly destructive to salmon. A condltlou tbat la spec I ally favorable tor tbe passage of sal monnamely, very high water ren ders tbe wheels unserviceable and, on tbe other baud, periods of very low water, when tbe fish are much re stricted in their movements, are also ontavorable for tbe wheels. During the at two or tbree seasons tbe oatch of salmon by wheels has been comparatively atuall; but even If it were very large It would be a faot of uo special significance in the present connection. The Columbia river Is. however. made to yield a quantity ot salmon tar greatet than regard for tbe future supply permits, and tbe diain la year ly becoming more serious. No one familiar with tbe situation can fail to appreciate the menace to the per petuity ot the Industry that is fur- pished ty tbe concentration of a tre meudous amount of fixed and floating ' apparatus of aaptute In aud near tbe mouth of the river. This apparatus comprises about 4UO pound nets 01 traps, over HO long-sweep seines and more than 2, 200 gill nets, tbe last bating an aggregate approximate length ot over 570 miles; and these appliances captuia ' more than DO per cent of tbe flab taken iu the Oregon and Washington wat rs of tbe liver, tbe figures for 1904 being nearly 31, 000,000 pounds, or 98.7 per oeut ot tbe total yield. Under suoh conditions it is self-evident tbat but compara tively tew flab are premitted to reaub tbe upper waters where tbe spawning grounds are located. lbs details of tbe measures ueces snry to place the salmon Industry of tbe Columbia river on a permanent basis can not fce elaborated by tbe department ut this time, but in gen eral it may be said tbat there should be (1) a restriction on tbe amount ot apparatus employed In a given seo tion; (2) u adequate weekly clone iMason covering possibly tw i days at first, but reduced later if tbe circum stances warrant it; (3) an annual close season, preferably at the begin ulng of the salmon run, aud (4) joiut arrangements between tbe states, so tbat protoctive measures may be har monious Respectfully yours, (Signed) Oscar S. Straus, Secretary. , Bill No. 318 embodies government recommendations and should pass. It is a square deal for all. wm 6 to vviiai uiuvc for Summer? Nothing adds to kitchen convenience in summer weather like a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove. Anything that any stove can do the "New Perfection" will do. and do it better. Bakes, roasts, boils, toasts; heats the wash water and the tad irons, and does it without dissipating its heat through the room to your discomfort The HW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove actually keeps the kitchen cool actually makes it comfortable for you while doing the family cooking, because, unlike the coal range, its heat is directed to one point only right under the kettle. Made in three sizes, fully warranted. If not with your dealer, write our nearest agency. n The RenTo lamp S light that is very affords a mellow grateful to tired eyes a perfect student or family lamp. Brass, nickel plated, hence more dur able than other lamps. If not with your dealer, write our near est agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Iacorooraled) u Woman Snfl'rag-e Once More. The woiuan suffrage nmeudiueut Is to come before tbe people of Oregon for tbe fourth time on election dev. Why should it bo neoessary to vote opon this queHtlon every two years? Ihe sufiragUts kuuw, as do all wo men, that when a majority of womou want a thing done, tbat thing will be done. Then wby have they for years been besieging legislators, presenting petitions, working, arguing and, late ly, fighting for their "rigbl8."as tbey call them? Because a majority of wo men are not behind tbe movement. This is not a man's questlou ; it is a woman's question. lLet tbe women of the state decide tbat tbey want a vote before you force it upon tbem. Consult tbe women you know and vote as tbey wish on this matter, but VOTE, or tbe measure may slip through by tbe Inuttention of voters or the Qaielofisuess wbioh will follow tbe large number of proposition submitted. Vote No. 318-X-Ves , BUI No. 333 was framed to foster the sel flali Interest ofasiugle locality, it Is against the govern rue n recom mendations, and will mean a heavy tax on tbe state to carry oui ltd pro visions. It favors monopoly and is unfair. It should uot pass. Vote No. 333 X-No ECZEMA JiOW CUKAIILE. All Itching Skin Illnesses Which Are Mot Hereditary Relieved by Oil of Wlntcrgreen. . Can Eczema be cured? Some physicians say "Yes." Some say "No." The real" question is, "What is meant by Eczema?" If you mean those scaly eruptions, those diseases which make tlietr first appearance, not at birth, but years afiorwurd, and perhaps not until middle age then there can no longer be any (mention that these forma of he itema are curable. Wimple vegetable oil of wlntergreen. mixed with other vegetable lugredi hits, will kill the germs that infest the skin. Apply this prescription to the skin, and instantly the awful itch is gone. The very moment the liquid is appliu t that agonizing, tantalizing itch disappears, and continued applications of this external remedy ajon core the disease. - We carry In stock this oil of winter greon properly compounded Into 1. D. I), prejeription. While we are not sure that it will cure all thete cases of akin trouble which are Inherited, we posi tivnlv know that this D. l. D. Pres cription, whenever rightly used, wil- cure every last case of genuine Eczema or other skin trouble, which did not ex ist at urtii. We know this. Anyway you, your self, will know that D. 1). I). Prescrip tion instantly takes away the itch the moment it is applied to the skin. Keir & Cups, flood River, Oregon. Stop that itch todav instantly. Just rail at our store and try this refreshing and sooth ing liquid ; also ask about D. D. D Boa p. NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. We are pleased to announce that Fo ley's Honey mid Tur for coughs, colds And lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Kond and Drug law, us it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it bb a safe remedy for children and adults. Clarke Drug Co. ' Kan Double Race. Ibe Hood Klver Glacier this week contains the announcement of the marrlsge of Andrew . Jackson Derby aud Miss Elinor Adele Young near Lents, Ore. Mi. Derby Is one of our good Hood liivor friends, is ho enter prising young attorney unit cue or tue most popular young mvu of flood Klver. He camo within lire votes of being nominated ou the domocratlo ticket for the legislature i.t the receut primaries. We are glad to note that be woo out iu tl e other nice uud join Nartly with bis Hood River trienda in best wishes f ot the fuiiiro ot the happy young couple. Silver Luke Herald. The World's Rest Cllniiite. is not entire'' free from disease, on the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria is en countered to a greater or less extent, according to altitude. To overcome climate affcclioiiH, lassitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague, and general debility, the most effective remedy is Electric ititters, the great al terative and blood purifier; the anti dote for every form of bodily w eakness, nervousness, and insomnia. Sold under guarantee at ('lias. N. Clarke a drug stoie. Price, f0c. Who Said Machine 1 Tbe Oregon Daily Journal is reek log to make a martyr of Governor Chamberlaiu by Haying that the Re publican "machine is against him, baa vowed to get bis scalp, .Mis set out to accomplish bis utter defeat. it there is a "Republican mncbiue ' since tbe primaries nobody has been able to discover it. Tbe people cf the Republican party are In oou'rol. The rank and tile of ihn party has asserted its perogative and will select its can didates. Wb'le ou tbe other band. Governor Chamberlain is head and boss of one of the most perfect politioul mnoliines ever organized lu Oregon. It is so perfect that no one dare to aspire to the senatoiship iu the Democratio ranks, but Governor Chamberlain. It is so perfect that the Democrats ray no heed to the primary law, tHke uo part In the primary election. The "machine" simply uames ran dldates and they run, and nobody else dares to run as a Democrat, This little attempt to make a martyr of the chief machiue manipulator lu Oregou is laoghiime. llie governor himaelt will doubtlesa laugh when in the safety of bis private otlleo, alone with blmaelf. KaBt Uregouiau. Whooping Cough. "In February our daughter had the whooping cough. Mr, Lane, of Hart land, recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and said it gave his cub tomere the best of satisfaction. We found it as he said and can recommend it to anyone having children troubled w:th whoouing cough," save Mrs. A. doss, of Purand, Mich. For sale by Keir & Crtfx. book ot ers that is lntving good rale locdly. Telegram. When vour food seems to nauseate take Kodol. Take Kodol now and un til you know yon are right again There im't any doubt about what it will do and you u ill find the truth of this statement verified after you have used Kodol for a few weeks. It is sold here by Keir & Cass. An Outsider. Suitor Vour daughter, elf well, ei that Is she t"ld roe to oome to yon she says you Pater Quite so 1 understand. Let's see. are you Mr. Bronson or Mr. Wibbles? Suitor Wby, I'm Mr. Untchkiss. Tbe Most Common Cause of Suffering Rheumatism causes more pain and suffering than any other disease, for the reacoit that It is the must common of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to Huffurers to know that Cliamlierlain's Vain Balm will afford relief, and make rest nnd fleep possible. In ninny cases the relief from pain, which in at first temporary, has become permanent, while in old people subject lo clironio rheunmtimn. often brought on by damp nous or changes In the weather, n per manent cure cannot be expected; the relief from pain which this liniment af fords is alone wortli many times its coct. 25 and 60 Bizes for sale by Keir & Cass. In the County Court of tho Statu of Oregon, tor the county oi w awo. Id the mailer of the Oiittrd an. aliln or Holm .1. Tnekei . Flor ence H. TuHtrr. r.eha K. Tuckerf Order to and ItoMim Tnek.T. minor ehll.) tliow cuiune dren of Koba .1. Tucker, derew-i ed, by Com He lie Klaus, gunr-dlun In the tiitme (it Ihe Stale of Oreiton: It apppHrliie to this court from dm net I Hon tills day tiled by Cora Bel In KIuuh, truarillan of l lie imiih ami extnle of Itobit J. Tucker. Ploremw K. Tucker, lll K. Tucker nd Ko blna Tucker, all minora, duly appointed by order of this court, vrnylnir for lh( sale of the Inturexts 01 her until wards In tbu real e.hle described In Hnlil nelltlon.to.wlt: Klrst tract Tim wiutln iist quarter of the annlhenat quarter of section twenty seven ('.7, township (ij) north. ranneten(lO) east Willam ette Meridian, containing forty (40) acres, ex- re tine I hereout the following described por tion thereof, heretofore sold and conveyed by order of the court lo L. 1. Hoy tt, vl: 11 Klnnlnir ut the corner lo seel lon twenty. six (Jti) and twenty-seven (37), Ihlrly-fuur Clt) and tlnriy-llve (;i'il, township two (S) north, raiiK (ID) east, or tne winnineiie meridian; thence runnlnic north along the section line between sections twenty-six (2111 and twenly- even (27), len (1(1) chains to an Iron bar sel tor tne nonneiiai corner oi wie iuiiu nerein des rllied; tnence ruu south 8J decrees f7 minutes west parallel to Ihe south bonndary of section twenty-eeveu (27), ten (10) chains lo an Iron bar sel for the northwest corner of tbe land herein described: thence run south par. Hi lei to the east boundary of said section twenty-seven (271 ten (10) chains lo an Iron bur on the south boundary of section twenty- seven (27), set for the southwest corner of the land herein described: thence run north K degrees!)? minutes, enst ten (lO)ciiains to the southeast coiner of said section tuenly-seven 'tl), township two (i) north, raiiu'e ten (10) east, of the Willamette Meridian, alter a sur vey made by Joh . Inland Henderson, sur. veyor. In accordance with a loriner order of Ihe County Court of Wasco County, Oregon. Second trad commencing at trie south east corner of the nortl eat quarter of the southeast quarter of seel Inn twenty-seven 127) in township (2) tinrin or range ten (lu) ea-t ot Ihe WlllamelUt Meridian running thence north thirty (30) rods, thence west eighty (Ml) rods, thence smith thirty (NO) rods, thence east eighty 5(HI) rods lo the place ol hegln- ninir, comsoong mieen (in) scitm more or less. And u apjiearing to tne conn, mat tne in. come from the estate of said mi nors Is IniuhVtetit 'o maintain the said wards, and lhal It Is lor the heat Interests ol said wards and necessary Ihsi seld real es tate should tie sold, it Is hereby -dered that Ihe next of kin of the said wards, slid all ner. sons Interested In said e-lale, apie-ir before this court on the Silth day of .lime, at 10 o'clock a.' in., al Ihe court room of the county court of Wasco County, ' iregon, et the eliy ol The Dallua. In Hie said County of Wasco, Slate of Oregon; then and there to show cause, II any there be, why an order should uot lie granted for the sale of said real estate. It Is further ordered that a copy of anid or der shall be published for four aucccaslve weeks In the HihmI ltlver Olacler, a newspa per of general circulation, published weekly in the City of Hood Klvoi, County of Wasco, Suite nfOregon, and circulated In said coun ty, the first issue or which publication ahall be the JSIh day of May, W0H. according to the statute lu such csaca made and provided. Ordered this lath day of May. 190. A. K. LAKE. County Judge "A Week of ltenea." A neat little souvenir book-program for the Kose festival has been issued by Miss Marion Cook, called "A week ot Hogei." It is designed not ouly to take tbe place of a program, but after tbe schedule of each day's etenU la a place for a memoranda, wbeio the visitor may jot dowu hia impres sions of Portland and the Kose Festi val. Appropriate: to the neek are verses descriptive of the dill or ant kinds of roses tbat are grown lu Portland. Most of these are from well-known poets. Tbe little books will be on sale at many places, and a window dispUy has beeu put in (Jill's book store. Mhs Cook la the author of "Wbeie Flows Hood Klver," NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior Land Office hi The lialles, Oregon, May 'Jtth, IW Notice Is heieby given that WAl.TKR E. DAH.NKY, of Hood Hlver, Oregon, hn, on IWcmlwr IS, lima, made Homestead Kntry, No. lftlll, lor Northeast ljuarler, Hectlon 21. Township 1 North, Kange II K.ast, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to iiiskfl final comminution proof, to cslaollsii claim to Ihe hind alaive ncHcrioen, beiore the tteglsler and Receiver at The lialles, Oregon, on the 3d day of .Inly, liw. Claimant luimes aa witness s: (.corpe It. CuliaTtson. of tloitd Kiver. Oregon; John West, oi Hood Klver, I reron; Oscar h. WII son, of Moslcr. Oregon; William 1 Kinney, of Moslcr, Oregon. O. W. MOOHK, Register. Stanley-Smith Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath. Shingles, Etc Lumber Delivered tu Any Part of the Valley SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers EXPERT HORSESHOERS Wo Lave the lcKt up-to-date machinery and expert work men und are prepared to do all classes of NEWW0RK& GENERAL REPAIRS ii ff .7 Better Than Pills 1 vt O i ! t --l V r. fr For Liver Ills, NATURI't REMEDY ti better than pllli, because It acta In the right way. It strengthens the Stomach, aids ingestion, cores Ilyipcoia, cleanses the IJver and llowels, enrhig Constipatlou. Uinillr one N Tablot Is ail tliat 1 neeossary to correct tho averim tron ttle. It starts In the Stomach nod scan he through tho Liver. Khmcy i,ud Intestine, dlisolTlng ana soothing as it r'ic- UH Tableu are always Ju rli-ht ana ne.tnor tlcion, giiDO nor tnvo acy hmfol after elect. ET 18o SOX. IS Chaa. N. Clarke, Hood River, Oregon GUAHI'IAN'8 BALK OK KEAL ESTATE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, the tlnly n)io!nteri, qiiHlltied nn'l eel I tig guardian of Clftra Mity Wlniler, Oeorge Hlu ney Wlimler, Mtiud KleHnoi Vln.ler and Lura Culli Wlnr.ler, minors, will by virtue of a 'itieiisc mid order of ssle duly made and entered by tho County Court of Wasco County Oregon, sell ut private sale, for cash In hand, on and after the lrd day of June, 1008. the following real estate belonging to wild minors, Uvwlt: Lot Thirteen (W). being the South west quar ter or the Southwest quarter of Hection 27, Township I North of hange 10 East of the Wlllunielle Meridian In Waaoo County, Ore gon, containing 41 acres according lo the government gurvey thertof. Proposal for ttio purchase of said real estate should be made to the undersigned at hia otllce In The luilles, Oregon, on and after too date hereinbefore mentioned and aald sale will tie made miblect to ronllrniatlou by the Coutily Court ol Wasco County, Oregon, luting h a court In the trimsiu'liou ot' probate I'llkllie-HS. PlSAMK M K.NKFKK, Hated May 15, 1H08. niOI 17 Uuurdl.'tn. NOTICE OK ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL ACCOUNT Xotlce Is hereby given that H. C. Hengst htu Hied in the County Court of the Hlalo ot uivgon. fur Wnsi'O (Joitnty, hlR final account aa udintnlstiator or ttie estate of I'rlsclllH lletigsl, deceased, and said County Court liss made an order fixing and Hpnolntlntr .Satur day, tne Mill day id Juae, l'.io. at I he hour of 'tne VliHk p. in., as the time for Ihe hearing it objections to said final account and the set tlement thereof. All heirs, credllor or other IH-rsous Interested In the estate of said de .eased sre hereby notified and required to ap pear on or before the day appointed for such lie. ring and aettleinenl, and to tile their ot Jectlons, If any toey have, to ssld account r any particular lte.it thereof, specifying tin pitrtliuiliirsoi such oiijectlons. Dated thU9th day of May, 118. II. l 1IENOST. mU-Jll Adininlatrator. NOTICK FOK PUl'.UCATION Depaitment f the Interior, l-und Office at The I 'si ics. oivgon, May 9th, mis. Notice la hercbv given Unit ANNA SEAflS of Mosler, Oregon, who. on April lHth, inm, msde lloniestcnil Kntrv, No. I.VSftJ. for HK'.N V4 and 8WNKl4. Section a. Township a North, Range II East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice ol Intention to make Final commutation Proof, to es ab Ish claim to the land above described, before Ihe Iteglster und Heceiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on tbe 25lh dav of June. 1!WN Claimant names aa witneaaea: 8. Odell, of Moslcr, Oregon; Charlea frather, of Mosier, lircgoti; I.. Huskey, of Mosler, Oregon; N, 8t urges, of Mosler, Oregon. inilijn C. W. MOOKK, llcglater NOTICK FOR PUHLICATIOX 1'epiirlnienl of the Interior, U. 8 Land Ottlce, iu rue iiuiiea. Oregon, may vin, iisn. Notice la hcreliv given that IIAKUY U KIN(iHUHY r1 Hood Hlver, Oregon, ho, on August 2lh, 111. made llomealead Entry, No. W1V, lor 'K4, HWNKit and NWSE'j, Sccilon vt, Towndilp i! Not lb, Kcnge lu Kast, Willamette Meridian, nasniea not ice oi niiention lomaae Finn I rlve-venr Proof, to establish claim to the land aliove deaciihed, lietore tbe Register and .teceiver, at 1 lie Danes, Oregon, on tne Aira lay of June, ItHW. t laiinant names aa witnesses: ,i nines Kngllsh, of Hood River, Oregou. Oeo. SV. Kiillas, of Hood Kiver.Oregon Clinton Wood , Hind River. Oregon. John Kroeger, of Hisid Hlver, Oregon. inaiJlS C. W. MOORE, Keglst-r. NOTICE OF SALK OF BONDS. Notice Is hereby given that the hoard of di rectors of the Hood B'ver Irrigation District In Wasco county, Oiegnn, will sell the bonds of said district in lots of!00 or nuiltiplna of aaid Vum, to irtU.iHXi, at 10 o'cloi k a. m., hatnrdav, the 8 0th day of May, IvXIb, at the olliee of sa!d Hoard of Di rectors at the residence of Percy A. Hnilth In said District, und that scaled proposal) for said bonds In the lots or amounts abova spe cified will be iceelved by said Board at said place for the purchuae of said homla until the dy and hour above nientlnnml, at. w hlch time the board will open the proKsala and award the purchase of tho ioids to llie high est reaponsible bidder, Hie ilii:t.'-l res'-rvinz the right lo releet tiny and nil hlils: bids to he accompanied by a certltted check for 10 per cent of the amount of flu bonds for which the hnl la submitted. Kaid bonds shall be payable in money of the United Slates in ten seiics as follows, to wlt: At the expiration of 11 years Mvu per cent of the whole number of wild bonds; al thcexplrati.m of 12 yea-a. six permit; at the expiration oithelti'li yi n , 7 per cnii; utthe expiration of tint I IT ti year, n (t i cent: ul the expiration of the l.itlt veur, per ceir; at II. e expiration of the Kir ti year, 10 per rent; id the expiration of the 171 It yiar, 11 per cent; al the cxplrutlon of the 18th yi nr, hi per ccni; tit the expiration of t lie Will year, in pet ceni; nl the expiration ot the aoth year, U. per cent; and ahall bear Interest at the rate of six percent per annum payable a inl-nnmtalU' ou tl-e lliat di.y of January and July of each year. The principal and interest siiui I he payable at the ho-e designated In thehondsiaid bidder. aie vi i-ii inc opllon of liaving said bonds pnya'ile al Portland. In the state of Oregon; or at New York City, In tho state of New York, and said bonds will be Issued In ac. corriiuice wllh the election of the successful ledders. i-ald bond" .-hull be chMi of tne denomina tion of not hss I tin n (me Hundred Dol. lara or more ilian ElVe Hundred Dollars, and shrill lie in negotiable form, and coupons jor the interest snail be attached to each and signed by Ihe Picsidel.t and Secretary. Dated at lloo-l Hlver, Oregon, this Will day of April, l'Ji)8. I'EKCY A. SMITH, Secretary. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Department nfthe Interior, l.nud Office at The Dalles, uregon, jiay i:tn, ijos. Notice la herehv given that FRAMI I'liNC. BROSIL'8 ol Hood Klver, t iregon, who, ou April 18th, 190H, made Timber Application, wo. lull, mr HW'W sW of Section .'-i, T. S North, Hange 10 East, Ixit4 ol Hectton Lot I and HKNE' Hectlon il, T. 1 Noilh, Hanee Id East. Willauu etta Merldlau, has II led nolkeof intention to make Final Proof, to eatantisn claim to tne land above described, before the Heglsterand Receiver, at the Dalles, Oregon, ou Ihe 'iini dny of July, 1908. The claimant name ai wnness.es: w . K'H NVInans.of Hood Hlver, Oregon: ThomasCol. Una. of Hood River, Oregon: Charles R. Houe, f Hood River, Oregon; Oeo. K. Wlllains, of iiood Klver, uretfon. ovjn-m C. W. MOOKK, Register. Notice for Publication. Dei nrttnent of the Interlo , Land (nice at The I 'all' s, i'icipn, Ma 1 2, In Y Notice l-i heieby given tbat luih. . i W, Caldwell, of llrod Htvei, i gon, v o, on April HUlli. WH, made Homestead Enti v. f.o. l.'CHM. for NK4HK of Section '.H, NiHW't m d SK4sWi4, txetlon So. Township 2 North limine East, Willamette Meridian, hae tiled noilco of Intent lua to make final five-year prooi, to vitshlish claim to tbe land above described, heron tl e Register and Receiver, at The I -allca, fr. gon, on the 22nd day of J due, IliOS. . t laiieant names aa wltneesea: E. E. Lyons, H Iph Jarvis, Charles W. Reid aud Karl K. Hartinesa, all of Hood Klver. Oregon. ni21J '. W. MOOKK, Register PORTLAND I ROSE 1 FES T VAL To be held in PORTLAND, OREGON June 1 to 6, 1908 Will be tbe moet brilliant FLORAL FIESTA and CIVIC JUBILEE . uver held in tlie Pacific Nortliwo.t Portlan.l, "The RosoCitv," will be a mM-.o of cplentlor and the center of w orld-wide interest for one week. Several important conventions to be held in Portland on lliat occasion. Hunts Paint & Wall Paper Company Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH ES aud BRUSHES. HEATH & MILLiGAN MIXED PAINTS. Our stock of paper includes latest designs in Blanks, Gilts and high Grades, From 10c up. A full stock of room molding, Picture rail. Plate rail and a small line of novelties in Framed Pictures. CALCIMO, the latest thing in room tinting, mixed to order. Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc. Phone 671. First and Oak Streets. NO HUE FOR rUBLIOATIN Deoarlil.enl of the Interior, II. 8. Land Office et t he Halli-s, ibegon. May IStb, I'JOS. Notice Is hrrei.v given Ihst OAV1H U HAUSHURY of Hood Kiver. Oiegon, who, on Hecember 2:rd, ll02, made lb mestead Kntry, .No. lltvtl, for WNKVt, Hectlon . Township 1 North, Range in tort, Willamette Meridian, has filed ml ! or Intention to make Final live year Proof, lo establish claim to the land bIkjm1 described, before the Replstcr and Heceiver. at The lialles, Oregou, on the 22nd day of June lltK. Claimant names n wltnesse: Thomas Ilrodrlck.of Horat Rivtr. n-on; John Dod son. of Hood Hlver, Oregon: Charles A. Hlutts, of Hood River, Oregon; James O. Csmeinn, of Hial River, Oregon. .... . m2gi8 C. W. MOORE. Register. TKE0.R.&N.CO. Will Sell Special Tickets On This Occasion From POOD KIVER lo Portland and Heltirn at FOR PARTICULARS CALL ON J. H. FREDRICK, Local Aent. WM. McMURRAY, General Ciissenter Agent I'OHTLAND, OKKilON. C. EVEPtETT, The l'niclicjil Shoemaker, At Hills' Old St iml. Kine Work a Specialty. For Snle. Rho;le Island red roosters; also egg, 1 per M.-t tMijr. Mrs. E. 1. Ih n ewocd, 13th stm-l, below ('oltiinbiti. Pacific phone S.114. ml 4 DAVIDSON FRUIT CO FRUIT DEALERS and Manufacturers of all kinds of Fruit Boxes Highest Prices Paid for High Grade Fruit. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, Fre. MARION I. HENDERSON, Attorney-at-Law and Notary l'ubli.t Vice President S. E. HENDERSON, Sec.-Treas. Hood River Land Emporium Real Estate, Loans, Conveyancing and Surveying Conveyancing and Surveying a Specialty, i CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED The President of the Company is prepared to do Surveying and Civil Engineering Work of all kinds. Home and Pacific Telephones. iregon Lumber Company WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ORDERS FOR Lumber, Lath, Shingles Piling, Cedar Posts and Poles SOLICITED I 'i Can also furnish Slab Wood $2.50 per cord, f. o. b $ Hood River 1 ? City Office: Phone Main 51 Mill Office: Phone Dee Line f -DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS Ft HI Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS, - - OREGON. T'j&r&SZXOJX' STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Dray ing.. TR AN AH AN & RATHBUN Hood River, Ore. . (lorpcg bought, soli! or exchanged. Pltwnure purlieu can secure first-class rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture and pianos. vVe il" everything horws can do. Ph. C. YOUNG Dealer In Fresh and Cured Meats Lard, Poultry and Fish HOOD RIVER, ORE. Phone Main 471 Free Delivery St i I!