T k we VOL. XX HOOD RIVER, OREGON, MAY 28, 1908 NO. 2 in. . SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVKR COM MERCIALCI.UB Meets very second Uondxy lu ex li niooib t p. in.. In I he club rooms over Jsrkwon't store. A. A. Jaykk, Pre. P. 8. Uaviihhn, Kecn-tary. HOOD KIVKK 1X)UK NO. 105, A. K. (ad A. Il.-Mwu Hsturrisy eve-lug- on orbefttr wb full moon. N. CLAKKK, W. U. D. McDonald, B-creutry. HOOD RIVEK CHAFTEKNO.tT. R. A. M. Meuunrst and third Friday nights of eck month. O. R. Castneu H. P. E. O. lli.ANCH ah, Hecretary. Hood River lommsndery No. 12, K.T, Meets every cond Monday evening o( each montb. W. Laraway, K. C. A. 1). Woe. Recorder. HOOD RIVER VHAPTER NO.,O.E.B. Metts second and fourth Tuesdsy evening; of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed. Cakkis Bailey, W. M. MisalDiL Wooowobtu, Hecretary. IDLEW1LDE LO GE NO. 10T, I. O. O. f Mts In Kra'frrnal hell, every Thursday nlKlit. M. J. MAsikeb, N. U. Uao. Thomson, cretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. , I. O. O. . Reunlar meeting- second and fourth Monday! ..f encli month. Geo. Thomson, C. P. H.C.ttmTH, Scribe, KEMP LODGE, No. 181, 1. 0. O. K.-Meeta in Odell Improvement Co.'s hall every Batur day night. Vuiltorecordlally welcomed. J J KCkokhy.N.G. RO Mahhikkr, Rec. Kwy. L A ! KKI. RKBEK AH DEGREE 1,0 DOE NO. I. I. O. O. F. Meets Urstaud third Frldaya n each mouth. Mas. E.B. Mayes, N.Q. Ella May Davidson. Becrctary. W.O. W meet the 2d and 4th Saturdays each month at I. O. O. F. ha! I. Yli,2rV00'' dlally Invited. A. C.8TATEN, C. C. F. w . McRkynolds, Clerk. WAHUuMA LODGE NO. 30, K. OK P. Meet. In K. of P. hall every Tuesday nigbL C. P. Koss, C. C. J. K. Sichoi. K.ofR. and 8. hTmM) RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,703, M. W. A. Meeu In I. O. O. F. hall every Wednesday niiiht. H.H. Dano, V. U. O. U. DAK in, Clerk. HOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 51, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meet at K. of P. hall on the flitrtnud Third Fridays of each month. Lou McKeynolus, G. N, F. W. MoReynoldb, Clerk. RIVERSIDE 1AJDUENO. 08 A. O. U. W. Meets lint and third Saturdays ; f each innnlti. R. E. CHAPMAN, M. W. GEO. riLOCoM, Kltmncier 1'llk.MTKK muvte. Recorder. Ol-ETA AKSKMHLY NO. 103. UNITED ART-tMuw.-Mtwl. the firm and third Wedues d v, work: -econd and fourth Wednesdays rtlBiuiK' hull. C. D. HKSttiCHB, M. A. E. 11. tlAKTwio. secretary. ' BolTRT HOOD RlVERNO. , FOREST Bits ot;Amerlca,-Meets every Thursday evening ut 8 o'clock. Wi. Fleming, C. R. . tl. BKOHUWBeciftHry. CAN II Y POST. NO. in, O. A. R. MEETS AT V O I'. W. hull, second and luurtnSatur Suva of each month at 2 o'clock p. ra. All O A R. members Invited to meet with uk. O. K. Cahtnkh, Commander. 8. F. BLYTUE, Aljulltlll, CAN BY W. R. O., No, 16-MEETS SECOND ml fourth HHturday of each Month In A. .. I'. W. hall ut 2 p. m. KatiihvN Gill, President. Lv niA fUMN i:h. Secretary Mot 'NT A IN HOME CAMP No. SMt. R. N. A. Meets ut I. O. O. K Hall on the second aud ...!. Fridays ol eaeh mouth. Q Mk. r. E. Buosius. Recorder. PAYNTER LODGE, No. 2110, M. B. A. meets ltrsl und third Fridays of each nionlh I K. of I', hall. OKO. . MlLLKtt, Plea. AUU. Ol!ltSAHD, SB. , PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON. I ehuiMuiiea: iirtlne, M; roMuenca, iU. M K1MN t. H. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, I'inXClA.S vNL aUKGEON. I 'aim iiromptly husw.i )d In town or country. Day oi NlaUt. U;i i'hi!iieri: keaiueuce, till: Oltlce, BIS. llllK't- in tne Knwiui, UulldlliK. ii. 0. DUTR0, M. D. Physician and Surgeon UiRco ovtT First National Bank, Hood Uiver, Oregon. Utliof i'h.uif Main 871 Keg. Mitin 873 M. F. SHAW, M. D. Ullice iu Jackson Block, i Jin.w phone. No. 1471. Residence, No. 5tM. DU. M. H. SHAltP DK. EDNA B. 8MAE1 Osteopathic Physicians orailu'Hles ol the American School of Oslunjmtliy, Kirkuville, Mo. Ortlee, Hood t,iver I auk und Trust Co. Hid II ej'luuif 102 tteb. Hi2-B r cj. "imosiUS, M, D. I'll Visit' IAS AND 8URGEOS 'Phone Central, or 121, nice lli.uis: 10 to D A. etKiH lo7 V M. I to Mrs. Mary Powell Jordan, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON tilti.'e sud residence, home place ot John lAilH.ud lli ndei ou, state St., head of llilrd St. Plume 971. DR. EDQINGT0N Smith Building HOOD KIVKIt - OKEGON DR. JbJ. T. OARNES DENTIST J tlf over Kurt mess store Telephone 81 H.D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DESTI.-T (rluit'cr Telephone KiM .National Bank 131 C H. JENKINS, D.M.D. UENTIST Telephone!': 0Hice2!; residentv 28-U Otliif over Butler Bank, & A..IVYNE LAWYER Abstract Furnished. Money lned E H. HART WIG, I.AWYKU. Will Prwtlce In All Court Ortii In Hmith lliitldlug, over Klrst Nm I ual Hunk. A. C. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Room 12 Bros! ins Block DR. 0. W. EDMUNDS SPECIALIST EYE, EAR, N08E AND THROAT New Brosiua Building. Telephone Homi i WTUUa. Calmnn ww ari iiii ' The small depositor receivesl he 8ji rue tourt eons tiva I hihii' u a. as the larger ones. We have both. jr. W. LGiicirt COME AND SEE US. i. Underwood, Wash. FJiSTAKLkY. El. Harm, K.O. Bi.ANrHAi I l Vlce-Prea. Ca-I.ler. . C. Brock, Aasl. Cannier. First National Bank OF HOOD RIVKR, OREGON. Capilal $50,000 Surilu, $ 1 5,000. ; P. M. Hall-Lewis & Co. ARCHITECTS and ENCINEERS Deputy Oounty Hnrvej or for Wasoo Couuljr. Deputy County Surveyor for Klickitat Co., Wash. City Engineer, City of Hood River. Make surveys, plans and estimates for sew. er, lightand powerand railway plants, and furnish subject to approval, plana, specifica tions and estimate for all claries of buildings public, private sud mercantile. Npeclul slten tion given to eootiottMe Mid slow-burning nun trn"tlon. Accuracy snd economy guaranteed. Home and Pacific Telephones. Davidson Building, Mood River, Oregou. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, ABiSTRACTER. NO TARY PUHLICaud REAL ESTATE AUKNT. For 23 years a resident of O egon and Wash ington Has had many years experience In Real Estate msttera, as abstractor.searcherof titles and agent. Hstishictlon guaranteed r no charge International Correspondence chooj SCRANTON, PA. H. V. REED, Representative 64, HUth HI., Porlland.'.Oregou. Hood River once a month. Full infor mation mailed upon request. Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers in Fresh and Cured Ments, Lard Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables, rnee Delivery. Phone Main 35. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VEIERINARY M'RliEOX Is prepared to do any work In the veterln. ry line. He cun be found by calling at or phning to Clarke drug store. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Stranahan & Slaven Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 261-S Estimates furnished on request. An honest job guaranteed. E. A. JEROME, Architect Havlug had wverul yanrv' experience In drafting and bulldlnir, I would riertl'nlly solicit a pai-t of i lie patronage of tiie peiipU ol Hood River uo .ntlrlpste building. Terms reaon:ible, a id MitlKfiictlou guanttileed. Of tlce at restdenrsou Heights. H.SBYM0UR HALL, Surveyor. 1 siu qiuillfleil and ; oiircd lodo all kin ls of tlrst-clasK Isnci urvi.yn. Accurucy gunr anteed. Th.se who wis' flrstK-lass work done address K. K. I). 2.. Hood River. Plume 56x1. ASSOCIATION OF McMINNVILLK, ORE. Announces another reduction in the ront of insurunce. T. L. DUXSMOKK, THE DALLES or C. D. THOMPSON, HOOD RIVER FKLDFHICK A ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS litlDats(urnls)il on all kinds of work FnOIltifl- """. Main ss. X UU11. u.l-s-i FOR SALE. 110 acre place, Groom house, about six acivs in orchard, part tine lion-ring trees, the others young Spitzenburgs, Yellow Vewtowns and the famous Innnna apples. A fine spi iiio-if w ater piped in the honst'. 2.")0 ehiekens, horse and buggy and a fine cow goes with plare; nlsoall kinds of small fruits. Address H. Graham Horns. Vakllev. Wat Hi no ton ' J lint 12 miles below Hood River on new N.irth Bnk Road. Price, $3,300 on terms. Write me and I will meet you with a rig. ML ABBOTT Millinery, Hair Goods Richardson's Silks and 'P-rw'h-Ttirlc.vxr Qtirtrtliaa imoroiaery supplies. Opposite tbe Paris Fair. Vallov Rani --s-r- -V " w sr . . w Chan. U.Pratt, J. H. Osborne, R. W. Pratt, President Vice Pres. Cashier. Hood River Banking and Trust Co. We Iranssct a general banking business and own our own banking property Interest paid on time and Ravings deposits Safe deposit boxes. C.F.SUMNER HEADQUARTERS FOR Plumbing Come in and exam ine our line of Pumps, Bath Tubs, La vatories, Sinks, Etc. ZENITH SPBAY HOSE Agents For FAIRBANKS-MOESE GASO L Jferguson & Wright Hood River Marble Works Are prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, etc. McRcynolds & Co. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain and Poultry Supplies YUCCA TREE PROTECTORS Petaluma Incubators and Brooders STOCK FOOD Phone 1091 HOOD RIVER, OREGON McEwen & Koskey General Commission Merchants Prompt Holes and Quick Returnr. Wholesale Dealers in all Kinds of Fruit and Produce Consignments Solicited. 129 KKONT ST. PORTLAND, ORKOON BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection O. H. CRAY, Prop. Carry u lull line of Whips, Robes, Blankets and Wagon Covers, Heavy Harness Also Double and Sir gle Driving Harness All tnuile in llii-ir shop. dill awl got our prior before buying. Underwood and Little White Salmon CHOICE FRUIT LANDS Thiii ii where fruit large and small urovt'8 to perfection and commands the hi ighegt market price, 70 acres, '6 acres set to orchard last spun?, mostly apples and peaches and all itood varieties, clean and healthy ; ! other small fruit. About 25 acres good flint land, He vera I acres Mashed and ' burned, remainder of tract ood pasture i i . i i . j ana. 11 fiorv IMJUH3 l rooms uowu stairs, root hoti.-e, ham, wood house chicken house and park. If sold at once cflii be had cheap. Js only three quarters of a mile out. 52 acres, located at Hood station, 25 neres in cultivation, 15 of which is in grass growing 3 crops per season and good pasture; 21 Newtowne and Spitz trees one year okl ; small truil lor latnliy tiflr. This is first-class for early fruit nnd will prow vegetables unsurpassed. H'ne. barn, chicken house and park and oilier necessary outbuildings. Any one wanting a go'xl home will do well to write or see me at once (or full par ticulars. A Specialty of Small Tracts. We have now completed th survey 1 of a lnrge tract and can furnish from ' . . SI I 1 tei. acres up. Vorae ana ruase your 'elections as a delay means that you wiU my more Ul0ley M priceg n advancing. I have also Klickitat Vunty grain and ttrszing lauds, highly improved farms at reMinaole prices. Wrilnrall nil Wanted Quick!! Five, Ten and Twenty Acre Tracts Well improved, from two to seven miles to town. We have several buyers who are looking for good places. Land must be first-class and the right varieties of trees. What Have You to Offer? J.H.Heilbronner &Co. THE RELIABLE DEALERS Portland 0,fice,40S Corbett Bldg. Hood River Office, Davids on Bldg. SEE US FOR FARM LANDS WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and el ill wood, also other kinds of wood. I have a new gasoline wood saw and am prepared to do sawing. Aluo do general team work. ' FEED HOWE. DR. JONES Dentist Crown nrlrt Hrl.iRe Wurk. Teetli witlimit I'lates. Treat mnit of dlH- ned teeth and gums. lioine Phone 9( ttlt' In Hroslus Building, FLEMING 4 TAFT DRAYING If you want your winter wood clienj), have us put it in now. We dl no have three or four good teams for sale. phonk 232-m Hood River Get Your Screens In i-arly. It proniiws to lie a great fly ynr. Suppoce yon come here mid order theiii now. We have them for any h'upiI door or window. Or if you prefer to make t'lem jour If e have the miutll the wire cloth, ihe tacka, the liam mer and the hinges'. All at a reasonable price. Wm. Haynes Hardware Store Hood River - - - Oregon Land For Sale I have about 1 000 acres of No. 1 Applti Lai 1, most of it under ditch at prices ranging from .fGO j)er ficre uj. J. R. Steele HOOD RIVER, ORKfiON RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle fgL SCHOOL EXERCISES ARE tNDED SERIES OF EVENTS LAST WEEK CimimrncetiiFDt Exercei Itirir High Krbuol High Order. or of Hood Ibe concert glten by the pupils oi tbe Hood Hirer bitlb School at the opera bouse last Wednesday ibowed tbe large audience that tbe City of Apples waa also a city of singers and musicians. Krery time tbe pupils cf the bigb aobool gave a conceit Hi suc cess beforehand can be assured, for the tuleat iu Hood Klver Is just a lit tle bit ahead of any other place Tbe first number on tbe program, "Kstudiautiua," sun by lllteeu ot the prettiest aud i wee tent gingers la Hood Hirer, waa well enjoyed and the girl weie eucored and responded very gracefully by aiugiug a cbainiiug little lore song. Victor Nutley ia certaiuly taking tbe right steps la advancing ia manic. His compoMitiou cf big owo writing was one which required ieut skill to compose, beHhies the skill It took to execute it properly. Victor'! tech uique is peifeot and his time excel lent. 'Ibe next number, a reel tat Ion by Mins Helen Orr, wus well rendered. Helen is a girl of great utility and one ot ber many talents is that of elocution. Next came a mimia game of foot ball, the team coming out on tbe etage and going through the various erolutlouH cf the game as though iu actual play, and was very amusing. The gHtUB ot bauttball, however, was mucb more realistic aud very tuuuy. 'I ho mimic game seemed so real that you "ould utmost fee tbe imaginary ball as it putted around the diamond, while the contortions of tbe pitcber weie quite iu form. At tbe end of tbe guinea the class yells were given with vigor, and it wa no deaf and dumb ulluir, either. The Hfth mini bet, a violin solo play ed very beautifully by Leila liadford, simply chaimed tbe musio lovers In tbe audience by her exquisite render ing of that old dear piece, "Home, Sweet Home." In tbe next number Miss Albetta Jackson showed Hood Hirer again that her voice bad not lost any of Its sweelueas by tbti work of tbe examin. aUous. Miss Alberta's taaie as a singer is aliendy msde for ber and euch time iier u .i mo is on tbe ptcgiom tbe audience ccugiatulates Itself. lihteo HroeitiH bus tho huppy facuily of Hinging iu such a pleusiug manner Unit few boys can. His interpretation of bis song Bbowed great study and could only hare been made by a good voloe. Florence lluuua sang very prettily "The lllrds go North Again" tor tbe tenth number of tbe program. Miss Ada Mark's recitation of "llHgar" was well appreciated by tbe tragio loving people in tho audience. Miss Mark has a pleasing voice and bus it in well tiaining. ihe debate eutitled, "Resolved, That all liaohelors Should be Taxed," was prefaoed by a few rcmnrks by Prof. Coad, who appointed as judges Dr. A. II. Latbrop, E. U. Hartwig aud A D. Moe Ijeland Korerlrjge had tbe Bdirmative und Uurleigb Cash tbe iitgittite. A surprise was lu store, however. Leland lieveridge led off witb a spirited argument apparently, but need only the letters of tbe alpha bet to maintain it. Hit opponent used liumeiala us bis figure of speech. Ihe tone of voice, gestures, etc, ot tho debaters wer. quite iu form and alforded much amusement to the au dience, 'lbu judges retired to make tbeir decision, but were unable to agree and voted to call it a tie. the lust number ot the program was dainty little song by tbe (J Iris' like Club entitled, "Tbe Ounce of tbe I'uirie.'i," tiung rery charmingly, and sent tbe people home bappy. Class Sight. Tbo graduation exercises Thursday night fulfilled tbe expectations of tbe aiiiiieucti in every respect. Every thing went off tine end the large audi ence Imd gruit leaton to be proud of the Ktshool and it tuleLted piiuiis. I lie nrat oil tne pri gram was a piano solo by Mie Jenuie Edgiugton mil whh well executed. Mis Lena Ivonbeig ehronicled the "Clan llittoty." Khe gave the indl vidiml history ot esob student up to the time ot graduation, aud it was well done. The elites p'opheoy, written by Kntb Wood, vva just as amusing as they ul ways are, sini this wss especially in teresting. In the class will Clyde Pattee willed hII the old thine snob as nursing bot tles, etc., to the coming cl;i.-ot, as the graduates bad no further use for thorn. Ellen Trelber gave a splendid ora tion on "In Uoil we Trust, or Hold," making special emphasis on tbe fuel that we Mere driftiug Bway Imm the old motto and were now putting our trust Id gold Instead ot Uod and end ed witb a plea for the nation to r turn to tbe old niotio. Mitt Lei lii llerthuer gave in her usunl i h;ruiii ay a petty Bong for tne next mimner "Tbe Mhi Iftioin of tbe Nation' wai llurleigh Ch;1i'h subject for tbe excellent oration which ho deliver oi He compared V.'hI. gtret with the muelstrom and n euliotud Ibe fever of gMinbliug that had swept over the United States. He traced the Influ ence ot tbe gambling spitit upon tbe nation and unlet this gteat evil in our national life was checked or re modeled our economio wealth would be sucked down luto tbe vortex ot this maelstiom Into the colters ot prince of privilege tbe Wall stieet stock gamblers. ihi class poem, wiitten and lead by Franoes Bragg, abowed great thought and careful preparation, for it was excellent. Tbe next number was a One oration by Leland lieveridge. entitled "West ward, Krei Westwaid. " Ue apoke of tbe personal courage shown and the sacridca endured by our forefathers to make this country what it ia today, and emphasized the fact tbat we were reaping tbe benetlti trow theli labors and not ours. 11a also quoted Lin coln's famous statement tbat our gov ernment was a goreromeut ot tbe people and fur the people, but that we were taking tbe wrong interpreta tion and weie reading It, "a govern ment for the people's iuterests, as a means to an end." Tbe class song sung by the graduat ing olass, tbe words of which were witteo by Leland lieveridge and set to music by Jennie Edgiogton, closed tbe excellent program. I'lass of 1II0S. l'rauoes Klizabetb llragg, Albert Donally Oarrabrant, Jennie Kuth Kdg iugton, Sidney Elliot Henderson, Al viu Uurleigb Cash, Kuth Uantortb Wood, Lena Leila 1 sen berg, Isaac Clyde 1'attee, Hose Ellen Trelber, Leila Zoe Uersboer, Leland Stanford lieveridge. Uln-s motto: "Don't drift." Class flower: Rose. The event Friday evening was tbe address by 1'ldgat K Piper, managing edit'ii of tbe Oregoniun. the tirst of the piogram waa a vio liu solo by Miss Lelab Hadford, ac companied on tbe piano by her sistei. Ibis waa followed by a vocal solo by Miss Gladys Hartley, accompanied by Miss Peail tradley. Tbe address ty Mi. Piper waa the principal event of tbe evening, aud was listened to witb marked atten tion. It waa a masterly effort, full of good advice to tbe student, aud desliug witb tbe practical affairs of life. Tbe presontatlon of diplomas fol lowed, and as tbe uatnes were read by UleiK vaugnan, tne diplomas were preseuted by Mrs. K. U. button, of the school board. Prof. Coad read a letter from Whitman College at Walla Walla, which stated that Mist Elleu Treiber bad won the scholarship giv en by that oollege for the student having tbe most points of excellence for the entire school year. He also stated tbat the bonois might have gone to Leland lieveredge, bad tbe lutter attended school here tbe entire year. The exercises were closed by a song from the U ills' Ulee Club, by request. Fires at Crane and Kills Only Son. St. Helens, Or., May 25 George W. Barger, creeping through bushes last night to get a close shot at a crano, saw something move about where he thought the crane should be. Hia shot was perfect. It struck the object squarely, piercing It dlean ly through. The target was Barger's only son. He lay there dead when his father reached the spot, a small hole In the forehead, acarcly even bloody, show ing where the bullet had come out, one In the back of the head Indicat ing where It entered. Car Runs AwayOne Dead, 20 Hurt. San Francisco, May 25. Two trol ley cars collided at the foot of a steep hill Bhortly after noon yester day, killing Henry Baer, a traveling salesman, and injuring 20 other pas sengers, one fatally and several seri ously. The Injured were taken to St. Francis' Hospital, near the scene of the accident, where It Is believed all excepting a child will recover. Cleveland Strikers Go to Work. Cleveland, O., May 24. By a vote of 640 to 61, the striking streetcar men decided to return to work as "new men." The result of the vote which was taken was not announced until midnight. The vote Is In ac cord with the demands of the Muni cipal Traction Company upon this point. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track prices: Club red Husaian, 87c; bluestem, 89c; 92c; Valley, 89c. Barley Feed, 25.50; rolled, 27 28.50; brewing, $26. Oats No. 1 white, 127.50; gray, $27. Hay Timothy, Wllamette Valley, fancy, $17; do, ordinary, $15; East ern Oregon, $18.50; mixed, $16; clover, $14; alfalfa, $12. Butter Extra, 25c; fancy, 23c; choice, 20c; store, 16c. Eggs Loss and commission 19c. Hops 1907 crop, 45c. Wool Valley, llffilltto Eastern - Oregon, 8 13c, as shrinkage. Mohair Choice, 17 18c lb. off, ft; to SEATTLE MARKETS. Wheat bluestem, 91c. Oats Puget Sound, $28 29 per ton; Eastern Washington, $28 29 per ton. Barley $24 25 per ton. Hay Eastern Washington timo thy, $16 17 per ton; Puget Sound hay, $10 11 per ton; wheat hay, $12.60 per ion; alfalfa, $10 It per ton. Butter Washington creamery, 24c per tb; ranch, 19 20c per lb, Ore gon, 24c per lb. Eggs SelftJted local, 22c per Tei: Kastorn and Oregon, 20o per Aot. PROBc UMATILLA LANDFRAUDS INDIAN LAND ACQUIRED ILLEGALLY Ab HembreeConrlcU'd Circumstantial Erlde-M Points to Harder of Wife and Dan jhter. rortland A Federal n.t jury of 21 members was selected la tho United States Court Monday and Im mediately began the consideration of evidence connected with land frauds alleged to have been perpetrated la Umatilla County. Subpenai have been Issued for 118 witnesses, con sisting principally ot residents of Umatilla County, and U la eipeoted that fully 10 days will be required to present all of tho evidence beforo the members ot the Jury. The alleged frauds consist of tho unlawful acquisition of about 25,000 acres of unallotted lands that origin ally comprised a part of the UmaUUa Indian reservation. Tho lands In volved are located la townships II to 36, Inclusive, south, of ranges 1 and 2 east. It Is reported th evi dence that will be presented to tho jury will Implicate several prominent citizens of Umatilla County, Includ ing J. H. Raley, W. J. Furnish, Will iam Slusher, T. T. Thompson, E. P. Marshall and Frank Curl. Portland Chauffeur Drowned. Salem In attempting to cross a log boom from a boathouse to tho shore, after a launching trip oa the Willamette River, Jesse Sohafer,. of Portland, and Miss Olive Drummo'uA ot this city, fell In. The former became exhausted la his effi?U to save the latter from drowning and sank from view just as arsscue parly In a rowboat arrived and dragged Miss Drummond from tho brink of a watery grave. The Incident happened at 11:1$ In the morning and Schater'a body was dragged from 10 feet of water at 3 o'clock In the afternoon. Tho strangest part ot the affair Is tyat Schafer was rescued from drowning In the same spot, and under tho same conditions, earlier In the morn tng by Jake Smith, foreman ot tho logging crew ot the Spauldlng Lum ber Co., and la eatd to have com plained later that he was "able to take care ot himself." He was II years of age. Hembree Pound Guilty. Dallas Ab Hembree, ' charged with the murder of his daughter, was found guilty ot murder In the first degree last week. Five ballots were taken by the jury, which re tired at t p. m., and announced s verdict after four hours delibera tion. Hembree was convicted onoo bo fore In Tillamook County on tbo charge of wife murder. The verdict was second degree, and after serv ing part of his sentence in the Peni tentiary, he was paroled by Govern or Chamberlain. His second arrest and trial followed, beoause the peo ple ot Tillamook County, where tho crime was committed, believed tbo man to be guilty of killing his wife and daughter. Portland Gets Baptist Convention. -Portland The Northern Baptist convention, wbleh Is to meet la fort land In May, 1909, will be a great event, for It will probably hrlai to this city at least 1010 delegate. fforA Baptlst churches throughout tho United States. The Baptist bodies of the United States are divided Into two sections. Those south of the Mason and Dixon line meet as the Southern Baptist convention. The Northern Baptist convention was organised this year. Every third year the Baptist gath er for the general conference. The organization of the church Is abso lutely democratic, there being no au thority In the churoh higher this the pastor of each separate body. Wool Sold at . lfl Cents. Pendleton; About 800,000 pounds of wool out of something . over 1, 000,000 pounds that was offered Monday In first sales for this 'city, was sold. Tbe prices bid ranged from 6 to 1SK cents per pound. Most of it changed hands at or near 12 cents, and there were only two bids as low as 6 cents. Tbe largest single clip sold waa the 200,000 pounds of the Cunning ham Sheep ft Land Company at 12 H cents. William Slusher withdrew bis 120,000 pounds, and the J. B. Smith Livestock Company has under consideration a bid of II Vi cents on a 60,000-pound lot, and one ot 10)4 cents on a 160,000-pound lot. Election Clerk Fined. Enterprise H. B. Davidhlser, a well-known Wallowa county farmer, living near Joseph, was Indicted by the grand Jury for electioneering at the polls at the last primary election. To the charge Mr. Davidhlser plead ed guilty, and Judge Crawford fined him $50 for each offense. There were two indictments returned for the same chart. .