The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 23, 1908, Image 8

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    " flOobaiVEff GlJLmB THOfiBDAYAPRtL 23.1908.
ave You Seen the
' ion
Great Will be your disappointment if you
put off looking over the line until late in the
season. We have the new weaves and
patterns and are prepared to give you a
better deal than ever. Note the brand and
call for it and you'll get what is considered
the greatest tailoring in all America.
The Daintiest Lasts we Have Ever Shown
gm fib
Note These
Every day we are getting in new
things of special interest.
The Dieti Studio for photos.
Choice onion sets fit McDonald's.
Clover and Timothy seed at White
bead's. Chicken for Sunday dinner at Mc
Guires. Jurt arrived Eastern white fish at
Pickled pork and corned heef Mo
Guire Bros.
Oscar Vanderbilt was in the Rose
City last Sunday.
Maple Syrup and New York State
Buck Wheat at Jackeou'e.
Vetch, timothy, clover and garden
seeds at Jackson's.
Fresh halibut, salmon and razor
clams at McUuire's Friday's.
Land planter loth kinds, Utah and
Ore., at Whitehead's feed store.
GotoW, S. dribble. Mt. Hood, for
the District No. 7(i Shoo. tf
Special orders taken for Hazehvood
Ice Oreani specialties. C. P. Ross.
Track meet Columbia park Satur
day, April 25, at 2 o'ciook sharp.
Buy a nice plush robe at cost for
your couch from the Davenport Harness
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Maber and
Miss Rosuoiary loft last Saturday to
peud few days in Portland:
C. E Nstion, who has been here
from New Yoik City, visiting his sis
ter, Mrs. S. 1". Wythe, returned home
The Royal Tailors of Chicago and
New York are the largest and best
merchant tailoring house in the world.
See their lino of samples for spring at
Thrt Toggery.
Now is the time to order your Spring
Suit. The very latest and best tilings
out will be found ui the Toggery. Con
fidence in Ihe Royal tailors means better
clothes for you.
Clay Brock came up from Mosier
'Ihursday with Clarence Gilbert in
his auto and veat back Friday on the
If you want to buy or sell real estaie
uo to Onthank & Otten. Money to
loan on first mortijages. Abstracts and
legal papers carefully prepared. Nota
rial work of all kinds.
Cleveland's Raking Powder, in 3-lb.
cans only cost $1, and 5-lb can 1.05.
Both these cans have the metal handle
under the regular cover. They are use
ful when empty. Sold by Ilanna A
There will be an athletic meet at
Columbia park Saturday, April 25.
Klickitat Academy aDd Hood River
high school. Dou't miss it for it
promises to be one of the beet events
of the season.
Hi. N. Blythe, of Portland, who has
been very ill with mumps, ia spending
a few days in his old home town to
recuperate. His frionds are glad to
see him back, even though be bud to
come in search of health.
It yon wish to save S50 to $75 when
you buy your piano, buy direct from
the factory dealer and not from agents
or canvassers. Several beautiful in
struments just reoeivod from Chicago
si Soule's Piano House Second band
pianos and organs takeu in exchange.
Balance cash or time payments
Onion Sets at McDonalds.
Fresh ranch eggs at McGuires.
Pickled pigs' feet at McG litre's.
See that Clover Seeder at McDonalds.
Our work guaranteed. Delti Studio
Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu
dio. Best line of Spray Nozzles at McDon
alds. Wood For Sale-Phone 3595. L. K.
Wheat and Timothy hay at White
head's. For Flower and Alfalfa Seeds go to
Glen Fabriok returned from Port
land Monday.
Metal house numbers at Hunt's Wall
Paper store.
Fresh made sausage at McGuire Bros,
every day.
See W. S. Gribble for Duck Kries,
Fead overs. tf
Yucca Tree Protectors, kept in stock
at McReynolds.
Pet ilium a Incubators for sale at
McReynolds & Co. '
Rex spray in any quantity at White
head's feed store.
Clover, Timothy and Alfalfa hay at
McReynolds & Co..
Mrs J. W. Wheeler was here from
Menominee Friday.
Smoked halibut, iierring, salmon at
Mrs. Louok went to Portland Thurs
day afternoon.
Stock foods of different kinds at
McReynolds & Co.
3 Mrs Savage spent Easter with ber
sister in Portland.
We are overstocked with lap robes
and will close them out at eost. Dp.v
enport Harness Co.
All the leading teachers of cookery
use Cleveland's Baking Powder. Sold
by Chapman Co.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Slokoe, of Menom
inee, were up Friday to do some shop
ping. It never fails to make light wholesome
food Clevelands Baking Powder sold
by Chas. F. Wetherell, Bingen. Wn.
Miss Emily Wilson and Lena Kvans
are prepared to do dressmaking at 274
Ninth Street. Phone Main 1441. alft
Those who have used it the longest
praise it the most Cleveland Baking
Powder. Recommended by Henry F.
Loe, the F.ast Side Store.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rosenberg aud
family arrived here Friday from Flor
ida. They iutend to locate some
wbere In this vicinity.
Call at Soule's Piano House for
Edison phonographs and records.
'Vith the exception or one house in
Portland tbis is the largest stook iu
The Apple Growers' Union has the
agency for Black I-eaf Dip, a tobacco
preparation, Mire tiling f..r all kinds of
aphis Can be used with lead spray, or
separately. Order now.
It cannot help hut be good. Why?
Because Cleveland's Baking Powder
has been used for the past forty years.
This certainly is an excellent recom
mendation. Ask H. Connoway.
W. II. Walton was in Portland Thurs
Mrs. Walter MoGuire was In Port
laud Thursday.
Bert Graham and wife were in Port
land Sunday.
H. F. Davidson is in the sound
oountry for week.
Maler Dano spent the Easter vaoa
tion with home folks.
George Young, of Mosier, was . here:
few days last week.
Wm. Baker came up to Hood River
lor toe Easter holidays.
Dr. Weloh went to Mosier on a pro-
fesaional errand Xbursday.
Y. W. West, of West A Owen, of
Portland, was In town lbureday.
Earl Bartmess came in from his
ranob and spent Easter with the home
Miss Mattie Hudson and Master
Shelley, ot Mosier, were in town lust
Mr. and Mrs. McAllister and Miss
Ida Brace spent Sunday last with
their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Cbandlernd Willie
spent Easter here. Mrs. Chandler
aud son returned Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Griggs, of Portland, who has
Been visiting her cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. John Booth, returned borne Sat
urday. . . ' . ,.
Miss Golf, who U attending tb uni
versity at. Eugene, spent Easter vaca
tion with her parents, Mr. end Mrs
E. O. OofT. , :
Mine Blanche Harbison and Flor
ence Avery, both Forest Grove col
ege girls, spent their Easter vaeaton
wilb the home folks. . -. .
The dinner whioh was. to . be given
the 251 b of April by the Catholio la
dies baa been postponed. .Ladies of
Catbolio Church.
Rev. Parker and family went to.
Pbilaniutb Monday to their old home
there. Mrs. Parker and the children
expect to stay for several weeks, but
Dr. Parker will return the latter part
of tbis week.
Mrs. M. Oatergard and daughter,
from Vleuto, spent last Saturday in
town. Mrs. Oatergard was pleasantly
surprised by meeting ber brother-in-law
here from Utah, who just arrived
that day in Hood River. He thinks
tbis city is A. No. 1. -
II. Hubbard Taylor vory " kindly
loaned to the Star grocery a proud
old mother ben with a family of about,
eighteen youug children, all of the'
Brown Leghorn variety.' Tbe chick
ens and mother enjoyed the outing in
the window wbere tbey spent their
Easter vacation and went back to
their home with the same old song In
their hearts, "Ibere's no place like
The orohards on both tbo east and
west sides promise a beavy wip this
year. The land never looked better
and everything seems to be tbiiving,
F( H. Waugb, who ieoently moved
ou the east side, has a hue orchard
and things are looking well. Sears &
Porter's orchard looks like it always
does One. Mason's orchard has a
promise ot a good crop and Van
Horn's is looking better than ever.
Vanderbitt's plaoe la coming right up
aud the improvements made are good
Box Stationery Spec Hair Roll Special The Strainer Paili Special
ial Boxes containing 24 sheets new Sanitary Wire Rolls, cloth Heavy tin, full sue dairy pails
J" r ami 124 envelopes of good covered, regular 36c, - 2Qc regular price M cents, special
quality. Per box lOc . G,ove Special 1
ckninDVnpcial Calfskin medium weight, worth Wat or Glass Special
Shopping Bag P 75c any day Plain full size, well finished
JiX..ffiM.X'p.J - y4QcKrpa.r, reg-Oar 40 cent, per set
eels, regular 25c, - lOc each Curry Comb Special J
H.njkrrkirf'necial Uood strong combs, heavy ban- Scrub Brush Special
iXMXuuvy die, worth 25 ts any-here 8olid Block white T.mpico
Handkercl.iels; values up to 15 B" 8 1 Ut8
20c; each ' c Shovel Special iwencn
IbZZX Snccial Strictlv Short handled square and round ; Fish Rod Special
high grade tWr and vegetable point Shovels You couldn't Japanese Bamboo Jointed Rod
"e,. H H mv i.ds .. L-olar i.nv ili-m h the hundred at with line, hook, sinker and boh.
oc apa.W.f r One Cent this pri 0..1y this lot at Jivt the thing f-rthe boy.
a PacRafi'e 40c Complete 25c
nit mi '(mi Le v i.r oh! "i p k"n r til r rec -rds of any make for
New I'.iimiibi i R.tii'i!-. II. -it-'- the p!ku $1 00 and one o-d cylinder
iicidd wi ! hitv live new Culiimin Hfionls
G. L. Rogers was in Portland Satur
day- , t ,
W. MoReynolds- teturned Friday
from Portland.
C. F. Stanffer, of Mosier, was in
town last Thursday.
'' Fiank Mason - visited friends at
Walla Walla last week.
Mrs. Ross Sh-rwood, who tins beeu
quite sIck, is convalescent.
Burnette Duncan left Monday morn
ing to work ou bis ranch at Mosier.
H. L Fording and wife, of Buffalo,
N. V., visited Hood Klver last week
. Miss Mary Woldard. of White Sal
mon, is the guest of Miss Clara
Blythe, at Frnnkton.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simons, of Port
land, spent Easter on their farm iu
tbe trapper district.
Chris Niokelseu spent Thursday in
the Rose City and came back reficsb
d and ready tor JjIs etcquent report
ing. -
Mr. aud Mrs, L. U, Bukor, who
have been in Hood River tor seveial
days past, loft Monday- .afternoon for
Portland. ' 1
Mr. and Mrs, Phillip Francis aud
daughter, Florence, who have beeu
visiting their son, iu. E. .lobnsou,
returned to iiend Mqpday.
A Due herw sidewallf wis built Mon
day aciosi Second street irom But
ler's bank' to M r. ' Bakefs otlico.
This has been needed for a long time.
i From the iookai, of things the
people in Hood River will not gn hun
gry for strawberries thiryear, fbi the
pants will yield an unusual gocd
crop.1' " : -
, i W. McReynolds, J. A. Siuionsou
and tbe rustling reporter, Ohiis Nick
elsen, were in' Portland riast week to
attend tbe banquet and, initiation of
the W. O. W.
S. E. Bartmess sent a casket to Cai-
sou April 13 to reoeive tbe remains of
Lewis Tryon, Jr.. infant sou ot Mr,
and Mrs. A. L. Tryou. The funeiul
was held April 15.
V. 0. Brook spent hia holiday on
eleoticn .day setting trees aud digging
post boles. His trees are going to
beur very heavy tbis year ami be ex
pects to realize quite a crop. ,
Teachers for the Fruuktou school
have been 2ugRgod for bext year as
follows!" J. E. Stubbs, principal; Miss
Vaniiett, :blgbfr grades; Miss Lucile
Rlsth, intermediate; Miss Viva Clapp,
primal y.
Ihe Woman's Club will hold its next
meeting at the Unitarian cburcb on
April 21). Roll call will be answered
by ourreut events. Tbe discussion ot
tbe topics for next year's woik will
be.takn tip.
Our old friend. J. M. Hoilowell, of
Portland, was in town last week and
was delimited with the. rapid progress'
(bat is being made here, Mr. Hollo-
well baa many friends in Hood Kiver
and they all miss him and his family
very niucb.
J, 1. Thomson has just .completed
the setting: out of 43 sores cf orchard
ou the Moody ration now owned by
Sextou & Tbom8en. Tbey are ot the
standard varieties aud the ranch will
iu a few years be one of tbe big orch
ards of the valley. :
' Mrs. L. M. I'owler, the' mother of
Miss Zula Fowler, 11a ' Smith aud
Mrs. Bert Strauahau visitod several
days with tbsm before returning to
br home a Itufm, Oregon,. She has
been the. guest of Mrs. Chas. Hanum,
of Sadalla, Mo., all winter.
Master. Allen- Long celebrated bis
eighth birthday at the home of bis
parents, Mr. and Mrs E. B. Long,
at Pine Giuve, last week by entertain
ing eight schoolmate friends Refresh-,
ments, including Easter candies and
other good things, were served.
Tbe Oleta Assembly of United Ar
tisans gave a musioale and dance lat
evening. Prof. MaKnight and K. O.
Beverldge were tbe soloists, Mini Una
Cunning, elocution st, and Mrs Whl
Ler Met J ii I re, pianist. Miss Wiedriek
Aimpanled the S'llnMU. The musi
cals was hif-'hly enjoyed and after the
refreshments tbey indulged iu dancing
for a few hours. -
The concert and dance given by O.
U. Gray's orchestra Tuesday niKht
was a great surcrns. Tbe . program
consisted of six tine orchestra selec
tions and two violin solos by R. H
Knorr. Mr. Knorr is certainly an ar
tist in bis line and his Rusln was
greatly appreciated. After tbe con
cert the danoe was eujoyed by a great
many people.
J. P. Tborasen and J Cameron leH
for Portland yesterday to buy ma
chinery for a sawmill and box factory,
which will be elected on the old
Moody ranch, owned by Sexton &
Thomas. -The firm will be known as
he Pine Grove Box & Lumber Co,
and will make apple boxes for fall de
livery, as well as cu; l imber for other
purposes.' Tbey have contracts signed
up for ten million feet of lumber,
which will last th-in several years.
The saw mill will be iu operation tbe
first of Juae.
Carl Ross was in Portland ou busi
uess last week.
Mrs. Burnette Duncan is the guest
of friends iu Portland
Mrt-. Odoll, of Mt. Hood, was In The
Dulles a few days this week.
Kd. Scarce was a passenger on tbe
local to ihe Dalies Wednesday.
W. A. Wood will preach at Mosier
next Sunday, both morning and even
ing Mies Maude Merrill has been en
gaged to teach the Columbia school at
J. M. Sehmeltzer went to The Dalles
yesterday to got new data for bis ab
stract books.
G. K. Coleman, a piominent busi
ness man of Bingen, was in the city
yastetday transacting business.
Beatrice Crowe is on hei way from
England tc visit ber sister, Mrs. Geo,
Sbarpe, Hud will make au extended
stay in Hood Hirer,
Mrs. K. Uolf entertained her daugh
ter, Adols, mid her friend, Miss Hazel
MoNuir,tor their Easter vacation from
the university ut Eugene.
Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Oliver, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles iostevin aud baby,
Dorothy, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. iostevin last Sunday.
Mrs. J. A. Slmnuson's grandmother,
Mr j. (lotion, of. The Oalles, returned
Tuesday. She bus beeu the guest cf
her grand daughter for several days.
Chas. E. Nation, of New l'ork City,
who is now malum; his home with his
sister, Mrs. S. I1'. Blythe, had a se
vere attack of erysipelas the firt of
the week an I whs removed to tbe Cot
tage Hospital Tuesday.
Clarence Gilbert, of Hood River,
was in Uufnr Wednesday iu his auto
mobile. Among those who accompa
nied him were F. S. Gunning and G,
C. ISlakely, ot The Dalles. Dufur
Mr. and Mrs Carmiohael, ot the
heights, have each beeu suffering
with a severe ear trouble. Mr. Car
miohael has had a delicate operation
performed by Dr. C. W, Edmunds
Hud is now improving.
Nearly nil the merchants have agreed
to close their places ot business Fri
day afternoon betweeu 2:30 and 6
o'clock on account of the ball game
between Goldcndale and Hood River
high school. This will give many
mure au opportunity to attend and
there should be a big ciowd.
11. W. Wait had the misfortune to
lose his brooder house aud 120 ohicks
one night last week. In some man
ner the brooder took fire from the
lamp uud it burned, together with tbe
house. The family did not disonvei
the loss until morning. The chicks
were about the size of quails aud tbe
accident is very unfortunate.
Scbjeots of Dr. Lathrop for Sunday:
A. m . "Voices of the Spring;" p.
in., "The Logic of Theory." After
the morning sermon Mrs. Cbnrles
Hull i' ill render n violin solo entitled,
"Broken Melodies," by Bieuo. After
the evening eutmon Mr. Murray Kay
will sing, "Como Unto Me." The
choir, directed by Pi of. Crcuuo, will
render anthems morning aud evening.
The Portland Realty Board will
visit Hood River May 9, coming up
on the Speucor and returning on tbe
same boat in tbe afternoon, giving
tbeui three or four hours here. The
C'cnininrciai Club has appointed the
following committee to entertain the
vis. tors: J. L Henderson, A. W. On
Ihi'iik, J. M. Culbertaon, J. II. Ileil
bronner, F. W, Angus and W. J. Bak
er. The County Sunday School Conven
tion will be held May 12 aud 13 at the
Baptist church, Hood River. Rev. C.
A. Pbipps, ot Portland, state Sunday
Hohool worker, will be among the
prominent visitors present. All Sun
day schools iu the county are entitled
to a representative for every 50 schol
ars enrolled, aud it is expeoted that
there will be a good attendance of
delegates as well as visitors.
The people of the heights were
nlaraied by tin cries of "Hre" Sun
dy night, and it was feared a second
destructive fire was to be In their
midst. It proved to be only a slight
Hie iu the woodshed ot A. C. Stevens
unci by the heroic efforts of Mr. Stev
eus aud neighbors it was all put out
beloro the lire department had fairly
started. The wind was strong and a
tew moments more the Ore would have
beeu bey mil control and probebly
done much damage.
Mordecai Jones, cn his way to Alas
ka, wiites from Seattle that he lost
bis whole camping outfit in a lire that
broke out iu a combination mail and car on the Northern Pacltlo
railway train which left Tncorna Fri
day tor Sealiht. The (lames were dis
covered n few moments after tbe train
left tbe depot, and at Presoott the oar
was sidetracked and rushed back to
the rouudboiise, at the head of tbe
bay, where tbe fire was nut out. A
iuiinher of mail sacks and about 30
U unks wre destioyed. Mr. Jones'
Iocs is about $000. Goldeudale Agriculturist.
Hood River Views
Columbia River Views
Oregon Views
High School Cards
Birthday Cards
Columbia River Scenes-new
Where Flows Hood River
Better Fruit Special Hood
River Edition.
Remember we have many Hood River Post Cards
that cannot be obtained elsewhere. GIFFORD'S
MT. HOOD and LOST LAKE, framed unf rained
was never so complete and the number of Frames
we are turning out daily is the best guarantee of our
work. For Good Workmanship, Good Taste and
Prompt Service Go to
Slocom's Book Store
The Place that Does the Framing
Odell Nursery
J. W. WILSON, Proprietor
Dealer in
The heavy Rnow lant winter damaged my trees to the ex
tent that I was obliged to cut them back. Therefore I am
enabled to place on the market Trees with a yearling top
on a THREE YEAR OLD ROOT. All standard varieties.
Guaranteed true to name and free from disease.
MacRae & Angus
Portland and Hood River
We are prepared to handle
on a large scale and if you want to make prompt sales
give us your contract. Phone Mr. Angus at his farm,
Home phone No. 187L, Hood River. Write to the
Portland office, 432 Chamber of Commerce.
Fruit Lands For tSale
5 ncrei. 1 miles out; 3 acres, one and four year old Newtowne, 2 acres in clover.
Choice land and a fine location (or a home. Price f.3,500.
6aci-pa. 2 niileB out; 3J acri'g 3 year old Spitzentargs. Variety of full bearing
fruit near house. One acre pasture ; new modern cottage; must be sold
quickly. Only 13,000.
10 acre. ( miles out. Full bearing. Price $10,000.
80 acres. 8 miles out, 24 acres in orchard. Price $10,000. Would exchange for
city property.
40 acres. 6 mites from city. 0 acres ull bearing; 30 acres in cultivation; good
buildings. Price 18,XK).
$800 buys 3 room cottage, 50 fi ot lot, Garfield ftreet.
$850 buys 5 room cottage, two lots, Garfield Street.
$700 is the price, cottage ( rooms, two lots Montello Ave. . .
$900 will purchase cottaiie, (i rooms, four lot?, Montello Ave.
$3,000 takes modem, nearly new dwelling on Oak Street, centrally located.
$3500 will Imv choice Oak Street businups property with old building. Centra
location. Immediate possesion.
$ii000. Fine down town ctore pr pertv on Oak Street. Immediate possession.