HOOD KIVEB GLACIER' tHflAflDAY. ARiL 23. 1808. MOTHERS' CLUB HOLDS MEETING. Mr.'. 'utlnjrnd au exoelUut pHper, which waa m followi: A fisit to tha Llnoolo school in Ssuts Bart-sro. Calif., three yeare ego revested condition nearly wbst toey ought not to be as it is possible to hud io any publio acbool in this cnuutry rough, wwd-grown ground riilauidnted buildings, dirty ami dis ligurel furniture, (mub of It lefose, bauiened from the other buildings cf the city). very high word of tardi ness and a i-iy low average of attend imoe; dimirili-r, rowdyism, and vio iousnefs. and an almost entire luck of anything that might be culled a wholesome and proper school spirit. The reputation of the school bad; its tradition were wholly wrong; It was looked upon by the board with disfavor and treated aa a necessary evil Two things, however, the sehor.l did possess: plenty of children and a few good teachers. Unfortunate experiments lu trying to "tlx things up" at the Lincoln school made the getting of money from the board tor improvement piel ty nearly an impossibility. Ihey did, however, as a sort of a joke, give tbe superintendent an old tumble down building oocupylng a pirt of r eed patch that served tor play uruund.oo condition tbat be should get it moved away without expense to tha district. The discovery of some good buildiug mat ril u its walls resulted, after vigorous ellorts mi the superin tendent's pHit. in the si!e of the old wreck for $75, and upon the rxpcndi tmo of this sum depended tls phyul cmI transformation Hud rejuvenation of the sobool Previom ttfo-ts at flower growing aud tree plunting bad resulted eveiy time In the tbett or destruction of every plant put out. Ibis time, bow ever, a canvass of tbe eutiie ward wns made and the co-operation of tbs parents secured iu tbe effort to ool lect proper plants and tiees. 1 be en thusiasm of tbe rupils was worked un to the point of clearing tbe yard and getting It ready for lawos and shrub bery. A professional gardner living neaiby olunteered to supervise ths plauting, and a committee ct parents petitioned the superintendent to make it tbe "palm school" and set out only palm trees. Ho great was tbe interest aroused that uearly thirty varieties of palms were given and some forty others bought by subscrlp-tlon-and all this among laboring people. A tine, large lawu waa put io with climbing vines and loses, and all kinds ot (lowers. Then the school board took hold of the movement, tha rdav around was graded aud the buildinu MDBlred and repaiuted. To dav it Is one ot tbe most beautiful and well ketit olaoos iu tbe city. All this helped soma In decreasing tardiness and lessening absence, but It waa soon seen to be only tbe begin nlno of thinss needed. Uround was enured and a Sue garden planted. Vacant lots nearby were reuted, fixed up 8 ml planted with potatoes, squash and pumpkins, and the prooeeds real Ized from the sale ot tbe-.e crops were used to en uln a workshop In tbe base roent. The old-ityle, worn-out desks were banished irom two ot the Urge school rooms and replaced by chain and tables at less cost to the board thin new desks would have been. One ot these rooms was turned into a workroom for the girls, corresponding to the shop for the boys- and the other room was made workroom for both the smaller boys and girls. Muob of the old formal order of tbe school room disappeared ; the ohlld ren helned eaoh other, tbey work to gelber at hand work and tbey study and ieoite together. From tbe Urst trade to the eighth, this idea ot work lug together Is carried out and yet there is no weakeulug of control on the tencber's part nor lessening of real "good order" on tbe part ot tbe pucila. One group ot children will be found gathered about a "rug frame." trauHforming with busy An gers a piece of old burlap and some diwoardod olotblng Into a servloeame rug; another group is tying a quilt; another building a book cane; and Htlll another constructing a punt foi surf boating. And dining much of tbls time, while tbelr bauds are busy, they are talking over or reciting their lessons, most of which are based upon tbe things tbey are working with. At work with cotton goods tbey have a real, liviug interest In cotton and they g' t its geography and history aud nature study beoause they have a real reason tor wanting to know It. Arithmetic and language grow out ot tha work in tha same way, and with a like living Interest. Tbe courses of training Hint tbls school Is glvlug ate as varied as tba home needs of the locality and tba different mental tendencies and phy sical requirements of tbe children. For example, there Is a course io meudins mending anytbiug that belongs in or about the home, whether of paper, or cloth, or wood, or leath er, or Iron, or tin, or crookery. Eveiythlug about tbe sohool is thus repuiied, and many things are brought from home. Aud this is the way of it: A brok en thing is placed before two or mare children aud they are asked to work out a good plan fot mending it. Wbeu they have doue this, they re port to the teaober aud after some discussion a plnu is adoptbd and car ried through to snocess, wbetbei on the Hist triul or on tbe third. And 1 am auite persuaded tbat the aduca tiooal value of a problem like that Is euual to any that may be found in books. The ingenuity tbat some ot them display iu this meuding is quite remarkable, and tbe training tbat tbey set makes not only for power but for oul.ure as well, aud for utility. These children nave mended and reoon etructed more tbun a hundred chairs and dosks aud other article of aobool furniture, tbev have rebound mora limn two hundred school books and thev have constructed many cup boards and bookcases and shelves aud other things of use for tbs varinui rooms. Before anyone can start upon tbe construction ot any new thing be must draw a working diagram of tbe thing, and figure out just bow much stnfl it will take and what It will cost. There Hie courses in sewlug and quilt iug and rug making and basketry aud housekeeping, simple housekeeping; and a course lu selecting and buying the simple things needed for tbe home, i'hey have "shoe judging oou tests' and cloth judging contest Had fruit judging and vegetable judg Ina a- their gardou and "patched coiue to maturity. One of tbe most acceptable feature ot this work ia it eoonomy. Of course almost anything can be done in an educational way where plenty of moiey is forthcoming. Hut in this school all of tbe various kinds ot work are based upon tbe principle tbat there must be little or no expen diture. For the ibop work, refuse lumber from 'he mill and dlsoardep dry goods boxes have served for al most tbe entire supply. For tba girls' Use A NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove Because it's clean. Because it's econom ical. Because it saves time. Because it gives best cooking results. Because its flame can be regulated instantly. Because it will not overheat your kitchen. Because it is better than the coal or wood stove. Because it is the perfected oil stove. For other reasons see stove at your dealer's, or write our nearest agency. Made in three sizes and fully warranted. u ( with latest Improved iJP3 and beautifully nick Jit Ml v t. .i ill Aii. I cannot be equaled WM 1 O Hip for iu bright and steady light, simple construction and absolute safety. Equipped I burner. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. An ornament to any room, whether library, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. ETery lamp warranted. Write to our nearest agency if not at your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY IMOMlISiTI!ll) 'SSSSSSHA'SJIEU depnrmcut, burlap liaH ami saoku and o.d clotliltg ar:d teiixinris ircir mm r have leeti used. Oue cxmni lo villi I luftrute the method followed: Katliu was needed for the work iu banket it, etc , but rullla costs a good uum i money lot so m any children, so tr.ej aero told by tbe superintendent tnai tbey must discover some platl that would fuioisli tbem with toe raw ma terial for all this work. For weeks tbey searched the hills and the swamp and th fields, making expert merit alter experiment, until length tbey lound a flexible stem that would do for tbe framework arid a Hbre that has proven almost equal to the purchased ratlia. 'lhee material! they gather, aud cure, aud color for themselves, and weave Into wante pa per baskets, hand bags and all sorts at decorative articles. On investigation by 8 veral of the teachers, it was found tbat nearly half ot all the girl in tbat eibool ot about three hundred were tbe only house keeper their home bad, many ot them, too, under ten years ot age. This Investigation also revealed home conditions that were pitiful la many oases and unsatisfactory in most in stances. To remedy this, one of the rooms of the school building is pat tltioued oft by Bcreens into a kitchen a ItvUig room and a bedroom and there these girls, big and little, ure tauuht bow to keep bouBO, to cook and to buy tbe simplest aud cheapest foods; bow to "tidy up" a room and make bud; and bow to sweep und clean; and bow to decorate iu o plain and tasteful way. At tbe close of tbe term, the child ren ot this Lincoln School ot Home ludustry had a "day at homo" which lasted for three days, aud "a tuir, at which the products ot tboir hunds were offeied for sale. Hundreds of nnoola from ail classes visited the children at their work aud the tiet re ceipts f ir tbe tail exceeded a hundred dollar. From all parts ot tbe city are ooming requests that something like tbe same plan be followed in tbe other schools ot Bauta llarbara. And the results have certainly been little ahoit ot wonderful, ih whole spirit of tba sobool bag beeu trans formed aud tbe entire neigbboibood uplitted. And lb, too, it must De remembered, under a hard condi tions, neibape. as any city In this country is required to meet. None of tbe teacners nan any spec ial training tor tbls kind ot work. The plan had to be wrought Dy exper iment. Tbe attendance average naa leaped from Ho" per cent to almost 97 per cent, tardiness ia at a miuiruum, the spirit cf tba school is right aud the geueral deportment as good as lu any school I have ever visited. For- marlv more thau 70 per cent of all the pupils dropped out bfore getting through the seventh grade. Now 85 per cent stay in until tbe eighth grade is readied. 1 was particularly iniei- ested iu going over tbe results of the eaular December examinations given bv ibe county board oi eauoauon to the sixth, seventh and eighth grades of all tbe schools of tne county, una to mv iuteusa surptise 1 found the papers written by tbe pupils of that school as blub as any lu tbe county, in spite ot ail the time given to tbe Industrial work, and belter by far than this school had ever before pio duced. Ibis Is a cjuvluoing avldunoe ot elllolency. Mrs. i'reiberread the following line paper, wbiob was selected from Amer ican Motherhood: Do you know her, that other moth er of your little sons and daughters: Those little beings wbu until six years, or possibly kindergarten age have known but little other thau your thoughtful oare aud intlueuue, now go somewhere at 9 o'clock every morning snd sualu at one in the afternoon to sDeud five or six hours ot each school dav lu Immediate ooutuot with some personality other than your own. Have you taken tbe trouble to be come really acquainted with that per sonality, and its probable influence upou your child? You know the children go to learn numbers, to write and observe, to cultivate ineotai, aud to some extent physical powers, but they learn more than this. Vou take fir grunted that they are well taken oare nt, trusting to thj good judgment of superintendent and school board to place over these little ueonle. people who are capable and worthv ot trust. Vet schuul boards and uperinteg)denta are not Infallible, and sometimes are iu pUces if such responsibility through other agenciis than natural fitness fur tbe position. Let us hone that Frances Wlllaid's beautiful words ot praise in tbe main applicable. She lias said: "lb Obrlstiau laud has no higher heritage than its graud srmy of publio sobool teaohers. As a rule tbolr moial cul ture equals, if it does uot excel, their iotelleotual attainments Vary rarely does tbe press bring to light irregu larities of deportment auioug tboi-e who are set to enforce tbe ptinoiples ot good behavior among their pupils There ia slso a deep Interest auioug taacheis io tbe subject ot moral edu Stanley-Smith Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath. Shingles, Etc Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers EXPERT HORSESflOERS We have the best up-to-date machinery iiml wc pert work men and are prepared to do all classes of NEW WORK & GENERAL REPAIRS growing seiititueut agaitirt cordial puniaune l rmi'lers it eistjotial that, as an u ln .'. m iicioqiii eiii;uaiis oh gireri etli'uml instruction, iiml-r the utborlty or government, uiirer aa oeonle may in matters ot geology, uo one will quriel with tbe teacher whore lessons help to make a child more truthful in woid, more gentle in deed, more rure In tbe habus or life." Tbis expresses the general impression we bav held regarding teacners, and with it e have bieu content, ceasing to interest ours ilve:i further, or to in quire it we do uot owe to those same teachers the le-pnu.iiliiiiiy oi oo-oper-atiou. M'lcli W blog said today of the co-operation otparonts and teach ers, it has Deeu tne consummation devoutly to be wished aud toiled for by many edunutcrs tor ye-.ir. tcduy, through the ngeucy nl rn ;thi'rs' or ganizutlons ami imnheiV ti.ee! legs, which are iiuppnv growing rn num bers r.s the world steadily progresses to better tilings, this opportunity for helping our children U rwogulzed und dwelt upon. I'M rr operation has existed u exjuplion.il canes lu the past, but nnwjou-n with our awak ening uloug thute linen .f thought, how tunny mothers can be found who visit a schoolroom unless it bo upnu some special occbhIou? Some ono bus said: "Ibe mother must aconiuj any her obi 1 1 uot only to but through the schoolroom door Hho tnutit understand thit aims or tbe teaober, the principles ot mental end moral unfolan.eijt. Hho nioit know tbe reasons for pursuing certain meth od -i, for certain permissions, for cer tain prohibition!?. Aud he must know tbat tlii. vital knowledge onn not be gleaned 1 y occriKioual verbal messages seut or reooird thiough the child, or by occasional iucursious into the intellectual Held, or sporadic vis its to the sohoolroom. is he must have real knowledge ot tbo educative value of cuirloula, of tbo taxiug pow er of mental effort, of diet demanded in sedentary life, of tbe intention of surroundings In tbe growth ot charac ter, tbe place and tower or social ooutaot In the development of the life, and an intimate knowledge ot tbe foioes at work, the temptations presented and the manner in which tbey are to be overcome. Such know ledge com oh, not by instinct, but by intelligent aud educated insight. Iruly tbe responsibility of mother hood is great indeed, aud iuoteuses as tbe complexities of modern life multicly. And those iu wboru exists the conscientious desire to attain iu soma degree the ideal iu motherhood, dare not carelessly disregard those opportunities. Those upou whom the responsibility of motherhood has rest ed but lighHy, seem to diop its slight hold wbeu the child starts to school, turning it entirely over to the teach er even in tl-nt which peitalns to moral us well as mental wcll-belug. When uot In school, the streets and sidewalks contribute their shaie to the traiuing of such children. In sohool the teacher becomes, uot tbe second mother, but the real mother indeed, and upon her fulls the burden ot arousing and developing tbe belter traits Many children, far more than we like to think, are allowed to reach the age of six without having learned that ueoassaiy lesson ot lire, tbe les sou of okedieuoe; obedience tbst rests upon perfect trust, and at a time when it Is so easily acquired. A prominent educator iu dhcussing the tendency of pteaeut-diiy parents to full in exacting obedience, says this is manifestiug itself in our couutry iu a lack of reverence lor law Motbeis who would be indignant to know that any one thought them unkind, cruelly allow seedi ot selfishness, discontent and disobedience to grow ; and tbey do grow like bad weeds, aud must eveutually bring sorrow and suffering iu after years iiow nobly have tbe thousands of conscientious teachers taken up tbe task ot weeding rut these undesirable traits and instillii g iu the child nobler and battel idtals! When we think ot all the teacher has done iu the part, aud her willingness to do eveu more in the future, does it uot seem as it parents should bum their lull share? those v. ho bare a vision of better things hould seek to arouse feeliugs of respcusibility lu the heedless, the thoughtless nud the self satisfied; the lnlter being pcrhnps the most riifllcult to deal with, foi eelt-satisfaction though a solace to the possessor, has ever retarced progress, g An excellent feature ot one large mothers' ogauizutlon is tbe eflort to establish intelligent and helpful co operation of parents end teaohers by menus of i outhly meetings held iu each grade, where mothers can tu Ik freely with the teaohei. I he mother is in a position to kuow much tbat the teacbei does not know about aud the te,icler lias nn opt or tunity to tpeak iu a geueral way ul mutters, which, it tpoken of individ ually, would perhaps ci.use offense. Occasional evening meetings, which tbe fathers us well as mothers, teach er and school boflrd can attend, bare beeu founed inspiriug aud helpful. Inviting the child's teacher to share KipwLllr Mod "N.ttrVi Bsawtr" N TakMshnMdIttoUktihaRhra. aDMlim nt of Ih.lr joints; need H to kep th.lr Stomach, Liv.r. Kidneys and Boirali In oo4 ord.ri Md II tor th. .inngth u4 vigor It It... Let " NATURE'S REMEDY" Be Tour Doctor. Tk. tabl.t bow and ihoni It will keep your tjittm la neh rood ondttloa that dli.u.i nnnnt take hold. Ev.ry box m guar an toed to (It MtUfactlon, or to. parchaaa piioo nfuded. Better Than Pills For Liver Ilk CETA25& BOX.' r i Cl-ias. N. Clarke, Hood River, Oregon Hunts Paint & Wall Paper Company Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH ES ana imusiifcs. TTRATH & MILLlGAN MIXED PAINTS. Our stock of paper include latest designs iu Blanks, Gilts and hifrh urades, rroni iuc up. a ' iwui molding, Picture rail. Plate rail nnd a'ismall line of novelties in Framed Pictures. CALCIMO, the latest thing in room t inting, mixed to order. Painting, Pnpr hanginii. Sign work etc. Phone 671. First and Oak Streets. lug of au occasional meal, pel m Its tbe opportunity for tbe teacher to observe the Influences surrounding the ohlld in tbe home and so enable her to In dividualize iu this gient work which is hers. 1'hia closer toucb with tbe school life. on tbe part of mothers will oiiuse them to see the great necessity tor developing well trained profea slen. To nave that we must have a well paid one. and one not to be en tered Into thoughtlessly. Gladstone s.iys: "Kduoation is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life. " It Is not mere braiu culture. Realizing this, should we not de mand that those who train oar obild- en during tbe hours tbey ate not with na, shall fully realize tbe mag nificent possibilities of those In their charge; who see in these little beings tbe euibryonlo power to command all forces, aud to make goodness and truth and purity, bouor and integrity the touchstones of living, tbst "all lite ia education, and all educatl n a growth." All mothers are not im pressed witb these vital taots, and we need not ouly to train the teaohers, but far more the mothers. Tbis mother training should begin long yeara before tbs little Ibeings who call us mother aie here. Wbeu bigb sobool aud oolluge coursis sball embrace In struo'lou upon the care and under standing ot pbysioal powers aud well being, tba preparation for parent hood, in tbat day of enlightenment may we cxpeot Ideal mothers, wb" subII oo-operate witb Ideal teaobera for the perfect development ot the child. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Land OlUce at The Dallea, Oregon, January 31st, UK). Notice la hereby given that JAME38. 81M0NT0N, of Hood River, County of Wasco, State of Oregon, bus a piled (o purcbaiw, under the set of Congress of J ime S, 187), aa extended by ct of August , 1S92. NJiSW.SKWHWM, 8eo lion 20 aud NKNWVi of Hectlon 20, Town, ship 1 N., Kange 11 E. W. M. and will Oder Droof to show that tbe land sought Is more luable for tla timber or atone than for agri cultural purposes, and to eatabliab his claim u aaia land ueiore ine iirgiaier ana Keeeiver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on tbe Mlh day or April, M, fe mimea witnesses William H. Davis, 8. H. Thompson. Kind Weal, Albert Norder, all of HihmI Klver, Oregon. Any and all perannx claiming ad tersely the above dexcrlbeil laml are requested to file their claim In this ottlce on or before said lilth day of April, 11)08. rjuasj v. w. siouiik, Kegmter. A wnma . show good judgment when alio buys White's CreSui Vermifuge lor Iter baby. Tha best worm medicine ever offered to mother. Many indeed ure the sensible mothers who write ex pressing their gratitude lor the good health of their children, which they owe to the ui-e of White's Cream Vermifuge. Sold by Llias. IN. Clarke. oatioo ia tbe publio sobools. Ihe tbe hospitality of the home by partak- C. EVERETT, The Practical Shoemaker, At Riggs' Old Stand. Fine Work a Specialty. WHEN HER BACK ACHES A Woman Finds All Her Energy and Ambition Slipping Away. Hood River women know how the aches and pains that come when the kidneys fail make life a burden. Back ache, hip pains, headaches, dizzy spells, distressing urinary troubles, all loll of sick kidneys and warn you oi the steal thy approach of diabetes, dropsy and Bright s disease. 1 loan's Kidnej Pills Liernisiuntlv ctno all these disorders. Ilero's proof ol it in a Hood River wo- mini s words: Mrs. Martha W. Rigby, 322 Oak street. Hood River, Oregon, say: "I UM'd IWn's Kidney Pills and found tliemtolie a most beneficial remedy. I have lieen suffering from backache and oilier distressing symptoms of ki rev trouble for a long time and si though 1 need numerous remedies I was ml successful in finding relief. I An ally li'srued of Dean's Ktdnev Pills and iirocured a box at Clark's drug store. In a short time I began to feel great deal better. I was so encouraged tnat I continued taking them and received a complete cure. At times I have felt slight indications of a backache, but an appeal to Doan's Kidney Pills has al ways served to quickly banish the trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 ct. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Re member the name Doan'i and take no other. Timber Land, Act June S, 1878 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department ot tbe Interior, United Hlatea land Otnce, Tbe Dallea, Oregon, February 21at, 1908. Notice la hereby given that ALICE M. MACY of Moaler, County of Wasco, Hlu'.e of Oregon, baa applied lo purchase, under act of Con gress of June S, 1878, aa extended ry act of Amcnai , im, me iwsr, ration m. nn, K It K, W. M., and will oiler proof to show that Ibe land sought la more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to entHblls her claim to said land before tbe Register and Receiver, nt The Dalles, Oregon, on tha 30ih day of April, 190S. Mbe names aa witnesses: Carl J. Fredrick son, George R. Wood. John Evans, George Ireland, all of Moaler, Oregon. Any sod all person, claiming adveraly the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 80th day of April, 190S. C. W. MOORE, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tbe Interlor.Land Office at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, February. a)tb, IMS, Notice la hereby given tbat MARY H. JASPKR. of Portland, County of Multuomab, Bute of uregon naa appnea io purcnase, unaer me act of Congress or June $, 1878, as extended by act of August 4, 18M, the HU NKV. and N'- HK'4,aectlon20, T. IN., R.VEWM, and will offer proof to abow that Ibe land sought la more valuable for Ha timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish ber Claim to said ina oerore tne Kegister and Receiver, at The Dallea, Oregon, ou the IStb day of May, liUK. Mhe names aa witnesses: Judson Kurguson, of Hood River, Oregon; Ray Markley, of Dee, Oregon; Hershey Markley, of Dee, Oregon; William K. Hand, of Hood River. Oreeon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file tneir claims in mis omce on or oerore saia 18th day of May, 1U08. mpS-MM C. W. MOORK, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Land Office at Tha Dalles, Oregon, February X), 1U08. Notice Is hereby given that HENRY JASPER of Portland, County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, naa appnea to purchase, under the act of Congress of June 1. 1878, as extended by act of Aug 4, 18, the NKNH (i, Hectlon 80, T. 1 N., R. It EWM.and will otter proorto show that he land sought la more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Ore. gon, on the 18th day of May, im. He names as witness: Judson Furguson of Hood River, Oregon; Kay Markley, of Dee' Oregot.; Hershav Markley, of Dee, Oregon; William F. Ha nil, or Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adveraly th above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this onto en er before said 18th day of May, itMjS mUniH C. W. MOORE. Register Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Ortloe al Tne Dallea, Oregon, March 17, MOB. Notice la hereby given that David M Jackson, of Hood River, Oregon, has tiled notice f bla Intention to make final tlve.year proof In support of bla claim, vn: Homestead Entry No. 13184 made March i, I'm, for the SE'iNKiiofSectlon.ie, WiiNW'4 and NWU SWl, of Section a, Township 2 North, Range 11 E., W. M., and that said proof will be made before tbe Register and Receiver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on May tilli, lvus. He names the following witnesses to ppve his continuous realdence upon and cultiva tion ef. the land, vis: Henry F. Lae, XV'illlnin Lokb, Elmer Wells, Fred Mack, all ot flood River, Oregon. C. W. Moohr, '- - Register Wood Wanted Sealed bids will be received by School District No. 3 up until noon of Friday, April 17th, 1908, for 90 cords of four loot fir wood for 1st of September delivery. C. H. Vaughan, Clerk. DAVIDSON FRUIT CO FRUIT DEALERS und Manufacturers of all kinds of Fruit Boxes Highest Prices Paid for High Grade Fruit. I iaiiv lll iKTl HENDERSON. Tree. MARION I. HENDERSON, Attnrnpv-at-Lw and Notitrv rtiblu: v ice rresiueni J. M. SCHMELTZER, Sec-Tress. Hood River Land Emporium Real Estate. Loans, insurance. Abstracts Collections, Conveyancing and I Surveying Our abstract books are up to date in every particular and abstracts of Hood Eiver Valley property is one of our specialties. Conveyancing and Surveying given Bpecial attention. We represent four of the best Fire In surance Companies having Agents in the City, and will give you satisfaction in the insurance line. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED The President of the company is city engineer, and is prepared to do sur veying and civil engineering work of all kind. Opinions given on titles. ABSTRACTS A SPECIALTY PHONE MAIN 141 Oregon Lumber Company WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ORDERS FOR ! Lumber, Lath, Shingles Piling, Cedar Posts and Poles SOLICITED Can also furnish Slab Wood f 2.50 per cord, f, o. b. ITood River OlTV OfirlrH Phnnn Main R1 IVTit , ri ,..,, . T)l, r T : DEALER IN sf J. Staple and Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS FOR Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS, . . OREGON. FjB3LXO!T STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. TRANAHAN & RATHBUN Hood River, Ore. flores Iwnglit, sold or exchangod. Pleasure parties can -ecure Bret-class rigs. Spwial attcii'iiin given to moving furniture an pianos'. Ve do everything hordes can do. Ph. C. YOUNG Dealer In Fresh and Cured Meats Lard, Poultry and Fish HOOD RIVER, ORE. Phone Main 471 Free Delivery