1 fiOofi Riv-fl mam f atmmy.qpKiL as. id..,. Five HAPPENINGS IN OREGON Want Coyote llauuii I - Salem Enactment 0f a coyote calp bounty law U atrongly urged la -uuuui report of the Board of commissioners, which wai flled on Friday. The Board assert, that last year 250.000 sheep, valued t from 11.000.000 to $1,400,000. were slain by coyotes. The Board y that effort, have be made, by -.u. vi m published pamphlet, to Instruct sheepmen how to make war upon this enemy of the Industry, but the opinion Is expressed that losses not only of sheep, but of piBs. calves and colts, will be enormous until the entire state com- Kin a- it mrougn the agency of a scalp bounty law. The Board report, that the wool clip of Oregon for 1907 wa. 15- 5Aft AAA . -vv,v ag yRiue(j at $3,121,- 30- rage weight of the Oregoi. was sU'itA,,. w . im f"wuud, liltj highest uvcuge In any state in the Pnl. Ti number of sheep ex ported was 250.000. the value of is not given. Reserve I jot Enough. Pendleton President J. N. lin. ' gess, of the State Woolerower.' A. soclatlon. has called a meeting of the executive committee for ADril in in Pendleton, at which time a petition will be framed and forwarded to the Forestry Bureau. This will request mat ror this year only an Increased numoer of Bheep above the allot ments be allowed on the National re serves In Oregon. It will be asked that the number be left the same as last year at least. It la said that If the sheepmen are compelled to sell off now to the number they are al lowed to take on to the reserves, it would mean a great sacrifice, since the present market Is much off owing to the recent financial disturbance. Sheepmen claim there is an actual shortage of mutton sheep in the United States, and that the present low prices are caused by the finan cial disturbance and not because of an over supply. Killed by a Freight Train. Eugene A young worklngman, whose name is supposed to be Fred W. Johnson, was Instantly killed in the railroad yards at this place on Friday afternoon. He attempted to board a moving southbound freight train and missing his hold was thrown to the ground near the rails. He raised his head,' which was struck by the olt-box at the end of the Jour nal. His skull wa. crushed. His feet were then thrown under the wheels and cut off. Death wa. Instantaneous. Harney county taxes have Been paid with noticeable promptness this year. The total tax on the new roll was $62,000, of which about $50,000 ha. been paid In and the greater part of the remaining $12,000 rep resents half payments, which run until October without interest. County Clerk Chastain has com pleted a summary for the county registration of Klamath for the com ing primary election. The aggregate I. 1,550, 300 more than the registra tion of two years ago. Seven hun dred and thirty-two of the registered t.t J Jfi-Klamath. Falls. Will May in Hood River Tlie lemedy that makes you eat, sleep and grow strong, called 1'almo laDiats will be sold regularly by Williams Pharmacy, Hood River. These great nerve and constitution builders cost only 60c per box, six boxes, $2.60. tf Isolated Land'. The following is a recent ruling te latlng to isolated lands made by the interior dep rtment : lne limitation contained iu paiagrapb 2 of Instruc tions of December 27, 1907, to effect that not more than lbU acres of laud will be ordered into market upon tlie HDDlicatiun ot an -individual oi cnr poration under the provisions of the act ot Juue 27. 1906, may be wai red in cnes where it is fliowu to vonr land office npou evidence t-ist innluted tracts uot exceeding 120 herns xach in artta are eutiifly m; rounded liv I mil owued by the upplicint for uttering and have beau Isolated for five or mote years. In such case In addi tion to showing above facts and com plying with the other requirement, of the circular of Deoember 27, 1907, ap plicant abould be required to show that the lands are not valuable for grazlug or f-jr special use in connec tion with the adjoinlug lands. The old Pennsylvania Liu teh Dunkard recommends "Hickory Bark Cough Remedy." Guaranteed to cure your eolith, and iniaranteed to be pure Made (rom the bark of tlie shell bark or white hickory tree, ror sale by (Jhas. N. Clarke and all dealers everywhere. ' Patent Frost Killer. Deputy Horticultural Inspector J. M. Brown appears to be much pleased wltu the trot killer invented by a Kennelflk man aud which Is designed to protect the orobarda (rom the at tacks of old Mr. Jobn Frost of uti plaasant memory, say. the Wallula Uateway. Mi. Brown baa written letter, to the inventor suggesting that every orobardist in Keunawiok dis trict will have to provide himself with the method of preservation suggested. Charle. C mway, of Knnnewick, has one of th outbts installed in bis or chard. The devioe li oombinatlou of an alarm olook and a thermometer. From two to six hours before the ap proach of Jack Frost the thermometei register, and sets off the alarm, which i. placed in the bouse. Tanks of erode oil aie kept in the orchard, 40 to 60 small cans biog required to the acre Wben the alarm is giren the 4rohardist goes to bis oil cans aud start, them burning and the tempeia ture oi the atmospbete surrounding the trees 1. raised from two to six de grees, making the threatened danger .nothing to be feared. Mr. Co lway has nrder-d a tauk of .oil and ha. several machines in bis or:baid. Special Notice. ll .ving secured the agency for the famous Edison phonograph, and re- cords, 1 wish to announce tbat 1 bare just received the complete line of maobiue. and the entire catalog of lenoros, Dei ng all ibe record, made tf at. i . . mis company up to January 1, 1908. ajso a large stock ot disc records. Iu all over three tbourand to select from. One of the largest stock. In the state. Call and aee and heartbeat, Souls Plana Hn nut- Silas H. Boole, Prop. The National Guard. Portland, Ore.. April 20. With the passage by the senate a abort time ago or toe army bill, the way I. paved foi ine estannsnment in Oregon of number or new military companies. In order to bring the fourth Oregon regiment op to a regular army basis. a. required by the war department, it will be necessary to reourit five addi tional companies. Application, from almost ever thriving city in the state are being received at Portland by Adjutant General Finzer. The task of picking out toe new station. I. yet to be taken np by the Oregon military board. The desirability and advantage of being the station of a military com pany of the national Board service should appeal to every enterpilsing oommunity. Remarkable change, b.ve coonrred in the past few years in the naticnal guard service so that It I. no longer a strike breaking ex pedient but a part of the first line de reuse ot the nation. Companies are already located at such point, a. En gene, Koseburg, Ashland, Cottage urove, McMlnnvllle, wood burn, Ore gon City. The Dalles. Baker City aud fendleton, wbhe strong application. for one of the new companies have been tendered by such point, a. As toria, Seaside, Can by, Silverton, Med ford, Grant. Pass, Forest Grove, New berg and Klamath Falls. Other appli cations are being received weekly, The purpose ot the military boaid is to distribute those companies to the best possible advantage among tbe better types of citizen, of tbe state. The problem that I. just now occu pying the altention of the national guardsmen, of whom there aie some 1400, i. that of suitable armories. Tbe national government supplies arm. and equipment, ammunition, shooting galleries and range., and tbe war depaitment bas suggested that tbe various states should at least provide suitable aimorie. for bousing the troops aud storing equipment.. Port land, of course, has an adequate ar- moiy, provided and paid for by Mult nomah county. Tbe last legislature appropriated $100,000 to be paid out at the rate ot $25,000 a year tor the construction of armories in tbe small er communities of tbe state, Ibis appropriation is to be voted upon un der tbe initiative aud tefeieudum at tbe coming June election. From a military standpoint tbe armories are Indispensable, from an economic standpoint they are a good invest ment. . The state at present i. paying $5000 per year rental, for Inadequate rookeries. 1'bua it will be seen tbat in a comparatively few years the ar mories would pay for themselves in the saving to tbe state on reutals. The success , of tbe 'measure already seems assured, tbe only obstacle being a possible lack of understanding and appreciation of tbe measure by the voters of smaller communities who are the ones, by the ay, most direct ly Intel etted. DeWilt's Kidney and bladder Pills are prompt and thorough and will in a short time strengthen weakened kid neys and allay troubles inning from in flammation of he bladder. Sold by Keir A Cast. Rates lielngr Reduced. The railroad commission baa been looking into the matter ot (reight rates cbaiged by tbe O. K. N., and has ordered reductions made iu some cases, ibey bave ordered tbat tbe ratei east to Tbe Dalles be induced, which will amount to about 6 ceuts per hundred ou all freight to Arling ton. Tbe late on all tbe branch lines ot tbe above road has also been or dered reduced. O. 'S. Wdoiever.of URaysville, X V. Bucklen'. Arnica Palve heals tbe worst sores, boils, burns, wounds and cuts in the shortest time. 2ii at Chax. N Clarke's drug ktore! ii ' . ,. Don't forget to attend tbe track meet at Columbia park Saturday,' April 25, at i o'clock. Klickitat Academy ft. Hood River high school. Wasco Has Few Drlinriaents. On'.y about 120,000 still remain, un paid on tbe tax roll of Wasco county Ibis i. the smallest delinquent tax roll recorded for many years, and peak, well for tbe pros pert ity of tbe people at large. Wasco, being essen tially an agricultural Motion, toe abundant crop ot last, year produce toe money for ibis remarkable condi tion of tbe tax roll as it now appears. -The Dalle. Chionlcle. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup act9 promptly yet gently on the bowels, through which the cold is forced out of the system, and at the same time it al- 1 - --n . c ii i ir 0 i lays iiiiiHiiiiiiauoii. ooiu uy rveir I hhh. The . R. C. and the Flag. 'You honor yourself hy saluting tbe flag: It means much more than a painted rag." The custom ot floating the flag from tbe school houses and having it prop erly saluted baa met - with such suc cess tbat it is regarded as tbe right thing to do and we receive letters from teachers in remote districts ask ing tor tbe ceremony ot Hug raising aud tbe form ot salute. Each year he department of Oregon W. R. C. presents a fine Aug to a school of the city in which the convention is held. Whin the contention wan held here four years ago ti e Paik etitet nhool received the Hag, ami though I hi' school was not iu rexsiou an ifpioi ii ate program whs leudered by tbe pupils. Ibe flag ou tbe new school bouse ou the heights was presented by Cauby Corps W. R. O . and ring ing and recitations by the school aud interesting talks by tbe teacher. Prof. Crouse, were given. A. lo tbe ceremony of nag raising we reoommend that in use by tbe army and navy cf tbe United States, as it is the most beautiful and Insplr- ng ceremony. Ibis would require i color guard consisting of sergeant, corpoial and four guards, who march to Ibeir positions at tbe flag pole, or ine aias ot me uouse wnere tue Hal yards aie seonred. Tbe ocrporal carries the flag compactly folded, with tbe brnoes iu suob position that tbey oan be attached to the proper planus n the halyards and secured by a loop n the slack line that will bold it firm ly folded until tbe flag is raised to tbe top ot tbe stall, nben a tightening of the lower line releases the loop aud tbe flag hursts Into view in all its glory. At this time the salute is iven by raising tbe right Hand, palm to Ibe fiont, to a b rizoutal position, then raising it to the right ttmple, then back to the horizontal, then drop to tbe side, repeating the words, 'We pledge cur beads and our band. to God and our conntiy; cue coun try, one language and one flag." On memorial occasions tbe nag I. raised in the same manner and after it U unfurled is tben lowered to bout half distance ou tbe staff when the halyards are t cured. Lowering tbe flag at close of school is done in similar order, tbe school standing in line with uuoovered beads and giving tbe same s-lute. Corres pondence from teachers or otlieis in legard to patriotic work in schools oordlally solicited. A. M. Cunning, P. J. IcrCanby Corps, Hood River, Oregon. A Twenty War Senleac.-. ' I have just completed atwentv year health Kviiteiiet, imHied by BmiklenV Arnica salve, wliu'h cured me of bleed ing pile- just twenty years ago," writes DeWitt's Carlwliied Witrliazel Salve. It is especially good for piles. Sold by Keir A Cats. Plan to Stop Theft of Stamp. ,. Chloago, April 20. The operation ot a youthful postage atamp tbiet In Cbioago, .mall a. tbey were, brought about a change in tbe federal regula tion, governing tbe aee of stamps. Incidentally-tbe boy wl)o was .in strumental Indirectly in bringing about this change in tbe law baa re formed. Who be I. wU probably never be made public, a. a machine manufacturer in wbese employ be was i. guaidiog hi. identity carefully. It was some months ago that the'uo named boy wa. discovered selling stamp, to down town confectioner. investigation disclosed tbat the man waa carrying on a brokerage business In stamps which were stolen by offloe boy. and messengers. Sec let service men discovered there wa. no way ot .topping the business or prosecuting "the broker." Tbe confectioner declared be purobased the stamp, at a discount and 'tie' had no reason to believe be waa receiving stolen goods. ' The attention of Post master General Meyer wa. called to tbe case witb tbe result tbat a plan tor tbe Identification of stamps used by business bouse, wa. decided on. Tbe plan consist, ot perforating the nltial. of the . purchaser '-in the stamps. By tbi. mean., it is believ ed, tbe theft and sale of stamps by employe, will be stopped. De Witt's Little Early Riser., the fam ous, little, liver pill.. Sold by Keir A Cats. Student Loan Fnnd. In tbe March number of the Univer sity of Oregon Bulletin, a oopy ot which has just been received. Presi dent Campbell discusses "Student Loan Funds. " He says that tbe ex perience of tbe past few years with the present university fund indioatea very oleaily that a much larger sum could be used to advantage, lie cites many Instances wbere a small loan ha. enabled a student to complete hi. oourse and says it would be a gieat thing if tbe university were able to say to any duservinj; man or womau that a loan of $100 a year could be depended on for each of tbe four years spent in the university. Such a loan could be made safe against lona by tbe guaranty of a number of men. Ibe money for a laige fund will bave to be secured through gifts from in dividuals interested in helping de serving students through tbe univer sity. These gifts will probably range in amount from 25 to $100. and a luud of $10,000 ought to be reached in a very few years. Presideut Camp bell believes tbat loan, are better than gift, for (wo reasons, tbe first. tbat the self-reliance and self-iespect cf tbe student is preset ved by tbe obligation to repay tbe loan, and tbe second, tint tbe loan repaid goes to help another student through college. The old remedies are the best. Hick ory Bark Cough Remedy lift? -been in use for over one hundred years bv the old Dutch Dunkards of Pennsylvania and is still in use by all the old falnilie, of Western Pennsylvania. I abeolutels pure: made from the bark of the whity or shell bark hickory rce. The bark ie shipped from the cast, and manuiacs tured in Salem,;Oregon. For, sab ,by Chan. N. Clarke apd all dealers:. x ; v r-k as. v4' .: 1 f li A a -A Young Men's Clothes Ederhcimer, Stein & Co. - Makers nPHERE'S a genteel atmosphere X about an Ederlieimer-Stein suit that makes it the choice of most young fellows. The mrkers know how to combine style, smart pat terns and expert tailoring in a way to get effects entirely new, original and exclusive. . You'll say so your self when you try one on. 4 Yttt'll Hit tht invisiblt stripe efftctt, mist trays and browns. Sizes up t 33. Frank A. Cram Up-to-Date Clothier NICHOL PHARMACY DR. W. S. Nichol, Prop. . " I have just opened a new Drug Store in Hood River and have a large and carefully selected stock of Pure Drugs, Fancy Toilet Articles We will conduct a first-class, up-to-date Drug Store, i Viclgive all prescriptions prompt, careful attention Hood Rivr, Oregon .. DR. W. S. NICHOL : SEL2 SHOES , "THE SOLE OF HONOR." Royal Blue for men at $3.25, $3.50, $4.00 Royal Rlue for ladies at.. ,$2.00, $2.50, $2.75 At CarmichaeFs ON THE HILL. "Homephoneit" Don't get on the waiting list for the new Home Telephone. A per fect nerve tonic. Everybody de lighted with the modern, up-to-date service. Work to cut in the long list of rural lines will begin at once. No charge for service till March 1. Ask your neighbor to let you call up "0" and place your order. Home Telephone Co. TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. AGENTS FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phone 131. Stoves, Heaters and Ranges All kinds, New and Second-hand. Big Stock of New and Second-hand Furniture, Carpets. Art Squares, Rugs Chairs, Rockers, Etc. Agent For CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges G. P. DABNEY & CO. JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise Fancy Groceries Flour and Feed and Lumbermen's Supplies, Free Delivery. Home Phone HOOD RIVER, OR. The Square Deal Store Is the place to'get your Farm Imp! ements I have in Stock Osborne Spring Tooth and Peg Toot h Hjarrow, Extension Disc Harrows ;for Hickory and Mitchell Buggies Myers Spray Pumps, Spray 't-PwHoisc -Nozzles, Bamboo cov ered and Aluminum Extension Rods. House Painis and Building Paper and Rubberoid JRoof ius Carbolenium Full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed Home Phone 174 Third St and Cascade Ave., Hood River, Oregon Buttler Banking Company HOOD RIVER, OREGON Capital Fully Paid, $50,000 Earned Surulus, - $15,000 Sufficient capital is necessary, a good surplus is desir able, a competent bank examiner , under either state, or national supervision is advisable,' but the strength of any bank lies in the integrity and ability of its managing officers. Lb8m Buti.br, President E. H French DIRECTORS J. N. Tkl, Viiv President. R. T. Cox Truman 1utlir, Cashier Coliseum Skating Rink Catering to the beet clans of patrons only Famous Richardson Ball Bearing Skates. attention given to beginners. Prof. A. Waldstein. floor manager. Wednesday afternoon New Hardwood Special For private ldesons apply to Floor, n give Wal for ladies only. Ginkhal Admission: Afternoons free; Mtates, zsc; children, 15c. Evening: hauies free; gents 10c; skates 25c. extra. Hours : Afternoon 2 to 5 ; evening, 7:30 to 10. Music by Prof. Beatty's Orchestra. Waldstein , Knutson, Mg'rs HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT CO. J. M. 8CHMELTZKR, 8KCRKTARY ABSTRACTS, CONVEYANCING and INSURANCE Royal Exchange, Glens Falls, Union Assurance, Western Assurance, National Livestock and Oregon Life Insurance We have the only complete set of Abstract Books in Hood River and are iu position to execute any work in our line with promptness and accuracy Temporary Quarters in J. L. Henderson's OHIee. Home Thone 231 . HOOD RIVER, ORE. MAKE YoUI? OWN STOCK FOOD3 L' jINC SKIDOO HORSE AND . CATTLE TABLETS Mak Cruthand mix in feed or tall Proper dose in tablets t cs lour otock Look Like the lop rnce For HorMi, Cattle, Shtcp, Swin and Fowls. They are made (rom the active principle or the condensed esaence of the drug. Tbtv don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop-Feed or bran. Are just as food when 10 years old us when 10 days old. Tbey comply with all pure drug laws. Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tsblets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Blister, Cathartic Heave. Fcv , Hot Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tablctsor Louse Powder, Spavin .Core or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO.. Incorporated: Capital Stock $300,000.00-. Watertown, South Dakota U. S. A. For Sale by Hanna & Ferigo.