1 hoob Rivgtt QiiA6ifh& ygti KflpAy, april 2$,1bo&. Thret HAPPENIHGSJN 0RE60H 11 Mil HUgtng to Klamath Falls. Klamt Falls According to H. P. Hoe j, chief engineer of the Cali fornia Northeastern, as the branch of the Southern Pacific is called which is under construction from Weed. Cal., to this city, cars will actually be running to the new town of Dorrls by April 20, 10 or 12 days earlier than heretofore announced, and work will be rushed on the sec tion Intervening between Dorrls and navigable water on the Klamath river, with a view to elimination of the stage and freight wagon service early in the fall. People who are coming to Klamath Falls should take notice that when the cars reach Dor rls only 11 miles of staging remain on the entire route from Weed, the point of departuhe from the Sou'h ern Pacific In California. The 11 miles will be between Dorrls aiu Blldel, on the Klamath river, within two hours' run by steamboat to Klamath Falls. RECIPE FOR RHEUMATISM. Yet Directions to Prepare Simple, Remarkable Home Mixture. There Is so much rheumatism here in onr neighborhood now that the follow ing advice by an eminent authority, who wr.tea lor readers of a large east ern paper, will be highly appreciate by those who Buffer: Get from any good pharmacy cne-lmlf ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, oe ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Shake there well in a bottle and take in tea spoonful dnes alter each meal and at bedtime; alco drink plenty of good wa ter. It in claimed that there are few vic- ima nf thia riroari nnil tnrtnroiiH rlinpase who will fail to find ready relief in this simple noiiie-maue mixture, nnu in most cases a permanent cure is the re sult. This simple recipe is said to strength en and cleanse the eliminating tissues of the Kidneys, so that they can filte and strain from the blood and system tha nninuna m-iila and waste matter. which cause not only Rheumatism, but numerous oiner diseases. rvur.v muu or woman here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who Riiffum from anv urinary trouble whatever, should not hesitate to make nn this mixture, as it is certain to do ii.iwli imnd. nnil niHV save vou from much misery and suffering after while. Our home druggists say tiiat they will either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription ready to take If our read ers ask them. Mountain Lake DIasppaiy. Salem Hunters who have recent ly returned from the vicinity of Mount Jefferson report that Lake Pamella, one of the prettiest lakes in the Cascade Mountains, has gone dry. The lake waa formed by a huge slide from the mountain and it is presumed that the water finally found a channel through the base of the great dam formed by the slide of earth and rocks. The lake was nearly a half mile wide, two miles lone and very deep. A Woman Tells How to Relieve Rheu matic Pains. I have been a very great sufferer from the dreadful disease, rheumatism for a number of years. I have tried many remedies, but never got much re lief from any of them until two years 1 linntrht a linttle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm. I found relief;be, ff.ro I hnil used all of one bottle but Lent nn aimlvinp it and soon felt lik a different, woman. Throueh my advice manvnfmv (rianAa have tried it and can 'tell you how wonderfully it has worked. Mrs. Karah A. Cole, 140 8. Vou, St. Dover. Del. Ohumberlain's Pain Hnlm ifl a liniment. The relief ft ra i n u; 111 PI) it uffords is alone worth manv times its cost. It makes rest and sleep possible. For sale by Keir & Cass. New Discovery. It helped me iiom ,il tely, and after taking two and a hull hntLlt4 I u-aa avail tt.un uuuin I f..un.l out that New Discovery is the best rem- euj lorcnugni ami mug uiteaees in an the world." Sold under guarantee at Chas. N. Clarke's drug store. 40c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Weeding Out the Asylum. Salem Government officials went to Salem last week and took Into custody Mlku Luokkala, a native of Finland, who was recently committed to the asylum from Clatsop county. Luokkala was a sailor, a foreigner, and insane, when he entered this country, and under the immigration laws could not legally be permitted to enter and remain. He was, how ever, put ashore from the ship on which he was serving and the local authorities sent him to the asylum. The government officials will deport him. Care will be taken in future to see that foreigners who are in sane at the time of their arrival be not permitted to remain In this country. (ieutln and Effective. A well-known Manitoba editor writes: "As an inside worker I find Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets inval uable for the touches of biliousness nat ural to sedentary life, their action being gentle and effective, clearing the diges tive tract and the head. Price, 25 cents Samples free. Keir & Cass. saaDJOAip Xjjbiu 0 l)8tlm eqi Suippiqjoj uo)n0S34 H )dopv oj rssnjaj qt Xq pas ejqep Supse ja)U us Joijb jJupainug jo pssod -Sp bsm uonsanb aojOAjp eqj puv eoaepuadapui B aouajajuoa renunv 8)i panunuoa BUBg tea-Will )o )Sjq3 ensaf jo qojnqo pazuB3Joai eqx zx HJdy ' ok 'aID bssubx woiqojj aoJoAja ssiusm sqouuojv Sfolger'sI Golden I m-rjfr Gate IFI Coffee : Cured of Rheumatism. Mr. Wm. Henry of Chattanooga, Tenn., had ilieuinatism in hix left arm. "The strength seemed to have gone out of the muscles so that it was uselesu for work," he says. "I applied Chamber lain's Pain Balm and wrapped the arm in flannel at night, an to iny relief I found that the pain gradually left me and the strength returned. In three weeks the rheumatism bad disappeared anil lion nr,t. oi i ratiirnfiil ' Tf , l.t.i1 with rheumatism try a few applications of Pain Halm. You are certain to be pleased with the relief it affords. For sale by Keir S Cass. LOGGERS IX A DILEMMA. ci.KOO for Breach of Promise. Salem For alleged alenation of her affections and disappointing her in her martial expectations, the Jury in the breach of promise case of Mrs. M. A. Wells, of Lawton. Okla., against R. R. Stewart, a well-to-do farmer of this county, found a ver dict for Mrs. Wells last week for $1,500. The suit was brought for $',000 damages, and the verdict was compromise. Removal of Duty on British Colum bia Logs Is the Last Straw. Seattle. Wash., April 13. Timber land owners and loggers are viewing the situation with alarm. The re sent removal of the $2 export duty on British Columbia logs mas iair to drive prices even lower than at present, and by well-known loggers the statement Is made that rather than submit to a further reduction thu mnWItv nf thn ram 1)8 Will D8 closed. That the lumber and logging in terests are getting a crosvflr irom three sides Is the view they take of th situation. The rate litigation was Inari enmiph and the closing dowa of so many mills has had a bad ef feet on the logging situation. Then loggers and timber land owners have had their assessments Increased many fold In many in atonnoo PnllTltV AsSOSBOrB have levied on thousands of feet of stand ing timher not hefora assessed and "e they promise to go even further Then comes the prospective further droD in prices resulting from tne removal of t ho export duty on British Columbia In:, i. DOS'T PUT OFF for tomorrow what yon can do today, Tf nnt nff lkllvfllc a hnttla Of Kftl' larrt'aSnnw Liniment, when that pain 1 u-. comes you won i nave any rmy a vuv tia toiiuL a nnMtr.ive cure lor i&neumu' tim Hums. Cuts. Homins. Contracted Mitapiua pti T. K. Hrnharp. Frame Grove. Ark., writes? "I wish to thank you for t he good results 1 received irom Uiwot l.inimnnt. It nnitivelv cured me of Rheumatiem after others had jailed." Sold by Chas. N. Clarke. will never vary if you grind it at home. The grocer grinds all kinds of Coffee in his mill you grind but one in yours. See lie Point? Aroma-tight tinsNever in bulk. J. A. Folger & Co. San Francisco UKCEI VINO DAILY FRESH Flour and Feed CELEBRATED WHITE RIVER AND GOLDEN CROWN BRANDS neglect permits the disease to inflame the Mucus Memhrane and may aneel the nose, throat, lungs, stomach, bowels or bladder. Cold aggravates Catarrh and if allowed to become chronio it leads to Bronchitis and also to Consumption. Fullv fortv Der cent of the deaths in America are from dieasu8 of the air pafcsages. Use the Nine C'a and be cured It is alo a si. re cure for Croup, Bronchitis, Colds and LaGrippe. A' census of Eugene will be taken on Monday, April 20, under the di rection of the Commercial Club. Mr. S. L. Bown, of Wayne, W. V., u-ritua. I ami a HIlfTiTHf from RlQIlfV disease mo that at times I could not get out ol beu, ana wnen i uiu i couiu noi stund straiglit. 1 took Foley's Kiuuey Cure. One dollar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely." Foley's Kidney Cure works wonders where others are total failures. Clarke Drug Co. While clearing land on his farm near Tachats on Saturday James Smith was killed by a tree falling on his;. WHY have a torpid liver when Herbine, the only liver regulator, will help you? There is no reason why you should suf er from Dyspepsia, Constipation, Chills, 1 1.'...... a! nt a una rpver ur anv iivei tuniinniuvD) when Hprliinn will cure VOU. F. C. Waite. Vistvill. Fla.. writes: "I was dlnlr fn. mnnlh villi hilla and favftr. and after taking two bottles of ilernine am well and tieaitny." ia Dy nas .v;iarKe. The dedication of the St. Francis de Sales cathedral art Baker City took plate last week. Bishop C. J. O'Reilly wfemiiiiRfr v rrmiw. The New l'u A SUCCESSFUR BAKING always follows theuse of White River snd Golden Crown flour. Whether you bake bread, cakes, pies, or any kind of pastry, you wilt find this flour a safe and reliable standby. Try it once and you will never use any oiner. Hotel Waucoma Moderate Rates Excellent Service a first-class HOUSE Farmer's Dinner 25c P. FJ FOUTS, Prop. Hood River. Or MADE FROM SELECTED HARD WHEAT STBANAHAN & CLARK HOOD R1VEK, OKhUUM. a T. RAWBOS. I r. B. VTAJITOS HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We l'iit to let our friends and patrons know ? that f..r l:e fill planting we will hare and can sup- Cherry, PCc i-.Apricot, Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPFi , OURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade, and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varlevies of apple trees. Can supply tbe trade with plenty of Newtown, Spltxen berg and Jonathan apple ; rees. RAWSON & STANTON. Hood River. Or. S.E WHOT.RRAI.E RETAIL THE DALLES NURSERIES R. H. WEBER, Prop. THE DALLES, OREGON. GROWER AMD DKALKB IN FRUIT. SHADE Tnrrr GRAPE VINES avt I lnsT AND ORNAMENTAL SMALL FRUITS Ewe&ena, Roses and Shrubbey. Remember, Our Trees are Crown Strictly Without Irrigation. Food uml l)rii(f Lau 'We me pli rt-il to itiinounce Unit Fo ley'? Honey m (1 Tnr for couglip, colilw mul luns! trbuMt'S ia nol effected by the Stimal Pure Kood a.td Drug law as it contains no oiat'n or olhel harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy lor children and amills. Ularke Ding Co, , '.,., Special Train to Crrf Voters. Pendleto'.i For the' accommoda tion of the voters in Hermiston, two special trains wll be run from Hermiston to Echo on election day. The bank holidays of last fall pre yented the County Court from tak ing action on a petition creating two precincts out of the Echo precinct. As it now Btands, Hermiston is In the boundaries of the Echo precinct and the voters must Journey 12 miles to the city of Echo to oast their . - -- . v Whooping; Cough. , I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. injur family in. cases of whoop ino conuh. and want to tell von that it ia the best medicine I have ever used. W. F. Oatton, Posco, Ga. This remedy is safe and-sure. For sale by Keir A Cass. .. . l!oard of Eauca C . tract for the erec- t.'i . t-. ',00 1) school house to, ';. Ir'chs & Tobey ef 0:- ' . ..MILLER'S DRUG STORE.. Has just received a shipment of American and Im ported Perfumes, Lundberg's, Itieger's, Roger & Gal lett's in bulk and presentation boxes. The Finest Imported Soaps for the Toilet Toilet Sets, .Fancy Papetrie, and many other ar tides suitable for Presents. On the Heights. Hood River, Ore. Why Go Down the Hill? C. P. R. Next Door to McGuire Brothers. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired A11 work done with Electric Iron and guaranteed FLAMES DEVOUR CHELSEA.. Suburb Is How to Avoid Appendicitis. Moit victims of appendicitis are thote tin nra hnliitiiflllv constituted. Oriuo laxative Fruit Syrup cure chronic con stipation by stimulating the liver and bowels, and restores the natural action of the bowel?. Orino Laxative Fruit Kyrup does not nauseate or gnpJ, and is mild and pleasant, to take. Refuse substitutes. Clarke Drug Co. Cltizonnlilp RishU Granted. Pendleton Since September 27. 1906. when the new naturalization law went into effect, 21 men of for eign birth have become citizens of the United States In the district court here. Most of theso men are natives of Germany. On June 2 the court will pass on Beven appli cations of natives of Sweden lad Denmark. J 1ST BECAUSE your cough is only in your throat and doe not trouble you now, don't think that it needs no attention. When it has not had much of a start ia the time to check it. The aliuhtest couuli easily in Pnui-.tnnniH. Bronchitis and rnns-nnintioii. A bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup will cure that cough. The price putsit within the reach of all. Sold by Chas. N. ( laike 20C0 People Drowned in China. Shanghai, April 14. Disastrous floods are reported to have occurred at Hankow.' It is stated that 2,000 persons have been drowned and 700 funks sunk. The water caught the people unexpected at midnight. Death Was on His Heels. J..a.e P. Morris, of Skipper-, Vm bad cl.f nll in the spring of 19M. He a: "An attack of pneumonia left me Vl.k ai with such a fearful cough tl.nt mv tiit-nds declared consumption had me and death was on my heels. Then I was persuaded to try Dr. King Sauare Mile of Boston Dcfrtroyed. Boston, April 13. An apparently Insignificant Are which started amone the rags on a dump in the City of Chelsea Sunday was fanned by a northwest gale into a confla gration which obliterated nearly one- traird of the city. Five hundred dwelling houses and public nuiia ings were destroyed, 1,500 families were driven from their homes ana 10,000 people made homeless. Two lives are known to have Deen lost and two other persons are ro ported to have perished in the flames, one woman having shot her self in a frenzy over her inability to save her property: From 50 to 100 persons were injured. The loss is estimated at $10,000, 000, covered by half that much insurance. "E. C DeWitJ A Co., Chicago, III. ri,.n tinmen -Iii 1897 I had a disease of the stomach and bowels. In thu spring of 1902 1 bought a txittle of Kodol and the benefit I received all tne gold in Georgia could not buy. May yon liv, lona and prosper. Yours very truly C. N. Cornell, Kodinii, Ga., Aug. 2i, 190." Sold by Koir.A Cass. Attorney George G.' Bingham, on behalf of Senator Fulton, has filed a demurrer to the complaint In ths case Instituted asninst him by J. 3. Smith for allege! slander. There is nothinu letter Sour Kodol for dvsm-nyia. inditrestion. than stomach. belching of gas and nervous headache. It digests what you eat. Sold by Keir & t;as. EUREKA! Ten, I Have Found It nt I,ant Found what? VVhv that Chamber- luin'a Kulv-p pnra fu'ZHrna and nil man ner of itching of thu rkin. I have lieen ntttiftcd for manv vears with skin dls oasA. I had to tri't lit'i three or fi ur times everv nitrht and whbIi with cold ut,tr allttv thp tf rrihln itchini?. hot since iisinu this salve in December. 1905. the itching lias stopped and ha not troubled me. Elder John T. Ouuley, Rootville, Pa. For sale by Keir & ass nnhtw.M TCsraoe on Handcar. lVMUV - Th. vanlt of the Canby uauu; " . t..v a. Trust Comoany was entered mniatfl last week, but the OJ J6' - . . large manganese saie useu w bank baffled the robbers, who left after tearing open boxes of docu ments and papers. No money or raluables were obtained and the only thing missing from the banwas a rifle kept In the vault for hold-ups The postofflce was also visited and wveral dollars worth of stamp, taken but no money had been left In the office. After doing the work the burglars left on a handcar taken from the Southern Pacific toolhouse. which they ran to Canemah, there leaving; it , ' Cs'nnh Cnrr, Couper' JTIne There v tho-anudu of people who suffer with Catarrh, bntdo little or no thing to remove the dread disease. This Club Chop House : AND . RESTAURANT Merchants and Famers' DINNER 11 A. M. t-. 2 M 25c FisMfftaTi iiiiitrf A SPECIALTY 1. W. DeBUSSEY HOOD RIVER Laundry Co. Does Washing at Reasonable Rates Call Up Main ; . HOMK PHONE 128 3141 j 1 x ; OREGON Snonj Line aho UNItm FAvlrlU 3 Trains to the East Dally! Thrnnirh fiilllnan HIJindnrda and totirlflt IwpInK onro rtpillv to Oirmhn. Chlcajro, Bpo kMiic: tnnrlst aWplne can dully to Kansas Hlvr il-mnrh Piillmn lonrlut sloenlnB oar fneraoiisnllv condnitodl wckly in Chicago. Rwllnlng chair pn fit n-e)to ine K.a dally. Union Hepnt- Leave. Arrive ("hlcaeo-Horl Innd Rpwlol for ihi FhkI via Hnrtlnemn. dully 8:80 am 8:S0 pm lokanp Flyer for r'urtrn wuRiiineion. waiiR whiih, lwistoB,i'wnrd 'Alrnann (inmt Krlhrn nolntn. dully 8:11 pm M)t m A llentlc ExprwiR fortht-F.al via Hnntlmrtnn. rtallv 6:00 pm 9:45 am Portland-IVnrtlcton liM-Hlfnr all oolntntietween Pendleton and l'ortland, dally..,...., 7:15 m .5:15 pm THOS. CALKINS WALTER ISENBERQ Riverside Dairy We can supply you with any quantity of Fresh Milk PRICES ON APPLICATION Free Delivery. Phone 414 GOULD & SNYDER PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating: All jobbing promptly attended to. BARTMESS UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Dealer in Furniture and Building Material Comfort for Horses 5 A. Blankets bring comfort and health to the horse and save money for the owner. They protect, horses from the wintry blasts j they keep horses well, save their lives. Strength, warmth and length of wear are characteristics of the 5A Blankets. Ask for 5A- Look for the 5A trade mark. Bay 5A Bin Girth for the Stable. Buy a 5A Square for the Street We Sell Them "1 BUY CUPID FLOU R ii ii " If You Want the best Money can Buy. We Have a Car of Fine OATS iust in- Hood River Milling Co. S. J. FRANK Harness and Saddles RIVER 8CHEDULE i:O0 P. M Dally exei)t Hnnday, HnlnrdHV. P. M 10:00 "OR" ASTORIA and rnv point. ronnollTip tvli'h temr for II n ml Nnrt h Bench tim- pt Haasalo, Ah atrwt iwk (wnti-r pr.v KOIJ rartfn. Orntfn f.n1 Vamhlll Rlv r imtnla. lv ttPW . k (w.ittr jmr.l FOR I H W J TO S', :40 A. M l -nlin, anil wav i.lnl,l Dally .in liii'urls. Wexh. except J Katuroay 15:60 P. M Dally except Huoday. 7fl A. M Dally except Wnnrtay. .BICYCLE SHOP. J. MARION REID Bicycles. Guns, Sewing Ma chines, Furniturs, Umbrellas, Stoves and Locks Repaired. KEYS MADE TO ORDER n;.. .... a Uima itn . unnt. bv ninrnaa (nr repair will be Dotly and promptly ra i . . i n ai paired anu roiurnKU. vou ow juu f to 13.00 on price of new wheel". Tires, biakpc, a-nl all kinrls of repairi W)ld at Portland prices. Prices "furninlied on application. Reference: Bradstrcr FAULTLESS Grubbing Machines Wire Eope and Extras Wire Fencing' of all Kinds Spray Pumps, Hose and Extras. Buckeye Well Pumps. SHAKPLES CREAM SEPARATORS VEHICLES and FARM MACHINERY J. R. NICRELSEN 7:90 P. M. Dally except 40P. M Daily exppi Friday OPricc HoPBa . , ' I'mIuI., Unna I. m.tn12mwin? 1 to ft D in. Nofrclaht rwelved or delivered after 6 n in. ' : Cawenrer Dfp''-"onr" for delivery of ex hre uml rKKUire will tia.m. till ( p. m. -WM McMURRAY. Uenernl Pawenger AgentPortland.lrr. C. P. ROSS Billiards and Bowling Alley and Confectionery PARLORS THE BEST LINE OF Tobaccos and Cigars IN TH V. CITY Hit O-etfi'nitin. Teleitrain and Journal ON HALE 6UNDAY. wv 1IAVK JTTRT RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF n Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash U AND ALL KINDS OF . T-. rr,-v TTi rvTTTrvp PAD W00D-FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER 0f j j lTBi ,iliif A m i in AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS CTDANAHAN & CLARK ft Hood River, Oregon J) u V V t 0