The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 26, 1908, Page Two, Image 2

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ionli 2tm?r (Slamr
Issued. Etctjt Thursday by
ARTHUR D. MOB. PahBsber.
Twrai nf 8ubecrlpttoo-I.M r when
A Hepublicaa ticket composed of
Cannon od Fcrt would bo doubt b
hef'rd from.
We are in receipt of copy of the
Congressional Directory of tbe Six
tieth Congress, fliit teuton, from
lion. W. R. Ellis.
Tbe other day New York women
dropped eleven etoriee in en eleveto
end Injured wrist, lied ebe eta ta
bled over ber husband thoee ebe
would probebly here broken ber neck.
The Lynn, Meet., ben tbet recently
hid en egg containing e qoerter un
doubtedly did it to confound tbe
folki who here been Insisting tbet
there le no money in eblokens.
Got. Bugbee le reported to bete
Welsh, Irlib, Sootcb, English end
Dutch tlood In hie veins. But, beit
of ell, be bee good American breln In
bla heed.
Timothy Brownblll bee aold tbe
Ureibem Herald to II. A. Deroell-
Mr. Brownblll bee made tbe paper
one of the beat In tbe etete end bee
left a good will for bia eoooeaaor tbet
It valuable ooneideretion.
Tbe Portland Commercial Club bat
decided to move Into ite new borne
MeyL Thie building le en eight
ttory tteel, ooverlng a quarter block
and when completed will ooet to ex
ceed $500,000jml be tbe mott com
plete equipment owned by e popular
commercial body in the United
"A newly-shaven tkln It an open
door for germs," eeyt an English
pbytiolan, wblob leada tbe Richmond
News-Leader to wonder "whet In
thunder It a man to do," in view of
tbe fact that wblakere breed germt.
He ehould go bla way unmindful of
many thlngt tbe germ expert! tey,
end let the bnga fight it out among
Statement No. 1 le loalng Ita popu
larity among Kepublloans, and but
few oandldatee for tbe legialeture on
the Republican tioket are tubeorlbiog
to it. it It a little too muob to eak a
Republican to go to Salem to vote for a
Democrat, although tbe latter may re
ceive enough votee to entitle him to
' be oontldered. Very few, however,
are objecting to tbe modified tiate
ment, but are willing to vote for the
Republiosn candidate reoeivlng tbe
highest number of votet.
We tuppote tbe county of Iiood
River it et good at made. We are
glad of it. Thote obapt down the
ureek alwaya get what tbey go out af
ter, and they would have given us no
rest until tbey not "abet" of Tbe
Dalles. And we mott aay we edmire
their peraeverenoe and tenacity of
purpoee, and hope their new oounty
may run at smooth at grease. We
alao believe the apllt will leave no
tore tpott, and tbat we will all con
tinue to be filendt. That la tbe way
Tbe Optimist feels, and we believe we
voioe the sentiment of this entire
community. Optimist,
April 1 it tbe date on wblob tbe
new ruling of the postofSoe depait
ment goet Into effect, and after that
date newspapere will not be allowed
to go through tbe malls at teoond
olasa rates tbe subscriptions of wbiob
ere more than a year in arrears. We
hope our tubscrlbere will undeittand
tblt ruling, and also tbat we have no
option In tbe matter, but must die
continue all paper wbiob are not
paid up. Tbe ruling oontemplatet
tbat all tubscriptiont must be paid
for In advanoe, except that a reason
able time will be allowed after explr
ation to renew, or tbe peper must be
discontinued. We have tent state
ments to all subscribers who have al
lowed their subscriptions to lapso,
and while most of them have respond
ed there are a few who we hope will
pay our oolleotor when be oalls or
aend in remittance if not called on.
Fashion Motes.
"Fashions are changing, " tayt
Oiaoe Margaret Gould, tbe fashion
editor, in tbe April Womao'a Home
Companion. "Ihe new idea empba
sizes the simple, elasalo forms of
ureas, raris ie looking to anoient
Ureeoe tor ber lnspiintion. Smely
that is ateoolnir bank a hit. Nar.
tbetees, the new gowua are extremely
artistic, even mougn l( wiu be oaid
to make them appeal to the practical,
eoonomloal American woman. Tbey
are characterized ty graoeful, cling
ing lines, and generally are one-pieoe
"Tbe prlnoeaa dreta it a good Illus
tration of tbe modified Ureek effect.
it U made of one of tbe rough alike,
wbloh are aa fashionable this tuann
and In a ahada whlnh aiiuoantii hi nnva
as tbe coloring. Tbe gown would also
100a wen developed in olive silk voile.
"In making tbe ooatume, tbe abort
. waisted bodlca ia mmmtari nn flttl
guimpe, which may be of Met net or
Hii-over iace, a yea to maton the color
of tho fabiio. The bodloe It made
with two plaita on the shoulders,
back aud front, and it ia out round
at tne nook and bat a large armhole,
tbongb not In tbe extreme Japanese
effect. Rounded revere, wbiob ex
tend over tbe guimpe, give a touoh
of novelty. Tbey may be in tbe same
ebade at the gown or a tint lighter.
"The graoeful Empire skirt ia gored
and extendi above tbe waist line,
where it is also mounted on the
guimpe. Tbe skirt ie attached to tbe
lower edge of tbe bodloe. Where the
joining occurs a band of tbe materiel
ia applied, or a piping of aatln, or an
embroidered band may be used. Tbe
ekirt baa a demi-train and at I he
baok falls In a triple box plait.
"A gown of tbla tort made of toft
blaok aatin would be extremely beau
tiful aaing oream net for tbe guimpe
and darning it In doll art tbadee of
Tbe oonteet for queen of tbe Hood
River float at tbe Rote Carnival at
Portland In June le on. There are
aix contestant iu tbe lace end have
been started oS tbie week with a good
showing. Now It tbe time for tbe
boye to get busy and booet tbelr fa
vorite. It will be en bonor to be
proud of to be queen In tbe greatest
oarnival ever cieeted in tbe Paeiflo
coast, if not in the country, end it
well worm tne effort.
Tbe following it tbe vote op to yet
terdsy noon :
Zola Fowler - - 125
Lele lieraboer - - 75
Nettle Allen ... 70
Irma MoReynolda 39
He Smith 32
Emma Gibbons - - 10
The Dallei Wins.
Tbe bowling match waa a very en
Joyeble affair at tbe club alley laat
Saturday nlgbt when two teama came
from Hood River to match forces with
the "Marriedt" and "Singlet" of tbe
UommeioUl Club, the teama did not
arrive from Hood River nntil late tbat
evening, but when tbey arrived tbe
oooteat began In a lively way tbat was
enjoyed by bowlert ajd spectators.
Those bowling from tbe neighbor
log city to tbe west and tbelr aoores
Corran, 114; Wright, 122; Hicks,
118; Nichols. 148; Castoer, 143; Al
dred, 108; Esson, 98; Derby, 123;
Vogt, 163; Markbam, 90; Richardson,
121 ; Rom, 127. Total, 148a
From The Dalles: Joles. 147; Frank.
148; Houghton, 160; Stadelman, 120;
r id ley, lia; Kurtz, 177; (Joe tea, 124;
Burget, i37; Fllloon, 145; Sinnott,
134; Taylor, 139;Uroebler, 112. Total,
Tbe totals abow tbat the boats won
ovei their goeste by 209 pins. After
tne game wet ende 1 a banquet waa
served at the uregon oakery. Ur.
Eaton, of Hood River, acted aa toact-
meater end kept everyone in e joyoua
mood all the way through. Ibe even
ing waa enjoyed and tbe guests made
to feel tbat tbey were at borne. A re
turn game will be played at Hood
Kiver soon. Chronicle.
Newport Forme Commercial Club.
Newport The cltlxent of New
port, realising the importance of
more extensive advertising of the
beauties and advantages of their city
and vicinity, hare organized the
Newport Commercial Club, with 8.
0. Irvln president; H. F. Jenkina,
Arbor Day Conies April 13.
Balem Arbor Day occurs In Ore-
gon this year on April 13 and It will
probably be observed this year more
generally than ever before, not
withstanding the pupils and teach
ers of many achools have anticipated
the occasion to a large extent by
planting roses In the winter.
Boy Run Over by Loaded Wagon.
North Powder Herschal, the 6-
year-old son of Ed Ledbetter, while
trying to climb into a moving wagon,
fell and was crushed under tho
wheels of the loaded vehicle. He
waa taken to the hospital at Hot
Lake, where hla mother has been
hovering between life and death the
past month. '
Burglar at Work at Drain.
Drain Burglars cracked the safe
In the poBtofAce here Saturday night
and got away with about $150. Of
this amount, $93.77 wat postal and
money order funds, the balance be
longed to Postmaster Hasard, a por
tion of which was lodge money.
There Is no clew as to who com
mitted the crime, but suspicion
points to a couple of hoboes.
Notify Saloons to Obey Law.
Rainier The aaloonraen of Rai
nier were visited last week by Mayor
Thomaa E. Hughes and Councilman
J. L. Bell and W. C. Fry and given
to understand that the newly-elected
council would expect them to follow
the law to the letter. They were
especially charged as to keeping
women out of their places of busi
ness. Oorvallis Preparing for Stock Show.
Corvallla -Great preparations are
being made at Corvallls for the sec
ond annual livestock show to be held
here May 15 and 16- The grounds
known aa Mary's River flat have
been secured. A temporary grand
stand la to be built for the public,
and tents will be put up for stablea
for all stock on the ground. Stock
men are preparing for a big exhibit.
Logger Drowns In Long Tom River.
Eugene Thomas Evans, a mar
ried man, aged about 40 years, waa
drowned in the Long Tom river, near
Elmlra, 15 miles west of Eugene, He
was on a log drive going down the
river for the Elmlra Lumber Com
pany's mill at Elmlra, when he
slipped off a log Into deep water, and
before bis fellow workmen could
reach him sank. He leaves a wife
and several children, and stood well
Ln his community.
Days Machinery for Paper Mill.
Milwaukee, Wis., March 2$. W.
P. Hawley, representative of the cap
italists who are to build a paper mill
on the east side of Willamette Falls,
at Oregon City, Ore., hat just pur
chased machinery for the plant,
which la to occupy the present alt
of the Portland Flouring Mills Com
pany at Oregon City. Mr. Hawley up
to a year ago was general manager of
the Crown-Columbia Pulp A Paper
Company at Oregon City.
R. Smith came no from Portland
Tuesday for tbe day.
Mrs. Wallao Husbands, of Moaier.
was in the city Monday.
W. L. Upson and wife left for Port.
land yesterday afternoon.
Geo. Chamberlain waa over from
Moaiar tbe latter Dart of tbe week.
This Department iu very busy these
Days. Call early and select your Hat
while the stock is complete.
Ladies Fancy Hose
In Lace, Lace Boot, Embroid
ered, striped or plain I C
colors. Special the pair
U. W. Wilcox was op from lone,
Ore., tbe Bret ot tbe week on bust
Alex Stewart came dowu from Mo
aier Saturday altemoon, returning in
tbe evening.
Rev. O. W. Kennedy arrived jester
day from Dufor to spend a couple of
days in the city.
A new drinking fooutaln bas been
put lo at tbe depot, wbicb will be a
great convenience to patrons.
Mlat Moore, ot Bellvllle, Mont., bat
been visiting friends In. Ibe city for a
few days and lett for Portland yester
day afternoon.
John Cook went to Portland jester
day to visit bia wife, who la recover
ing, having left the hospital and Is
now at tbe home or ber daughter
Jai. MoBaln la putting In the foun
dation for tbe new drinkiBg fountain
tbla week at tbe Jaokson corner ou
Oak street and it will be installed
W. E. Sherman and Dr. Sbaw wont
to Poitland yesterday to bring back
two new Cadillac autos, wblob will he
added to tbe noiseless roadsters now
In tbe valley.
L. C. Stanley, of Chippewa Falls,
Wis., is visitioff bis ton. K. C. Stan
ley, of Portland, and spent a couple
of dayt In Hood River tbe first of the
week, tbe Kuest of K. O. Blanohar.
The Woman's Club will meet on
Wednesday afternoon, April 1, fit the
Unitarian churob. Answer to roll
call will be quotations from Eugene
Anions tbe Portland Deoolo in Hood
Kiver over Sunday were: Madame P.
II. Carroll and Phillip Carroll: Mr.
aud Mrs Herbett E. Judge, Louis
ifrtioe, rrnnk Chandler, Arthur P,
1'irTt, Prof. Roht. Krohn, Mr. and
Mrs. Watt and Mrt. Marlon MaoRae.
Ibe revival meet I una at tbe Chris
tian cburob continue with good inter-
est and attendance, due both to the
pleasant and luoid presentation ot
tbe subjects by Evangelist Jaokson
and to tbe special songs whioh this
week are illustrated by Rev. F. L.
Ford by tbe use of the wterenotienn.
Tbe meetings will continue indefinite.
lv and all who attend are always wel
comed In a most cordial maimer.
W. S. U'Ken addressed tbe people
of Hood River at the opera house
I'ueiday evening and spoke on State
ment No. 1. Owina to tbe short no
tice given to Mr. U'Keu's appearance
heie and tbe stormy nlxbt there was
but it tm 11 audlenoe, but be was lis
tented to wltb attention by Republi
cans and Democrats alike, who were
there mostly for information on the
subject, tie endorsed 11. M Cake for
the U. S. senate and bis oampoign Is
partly In tbe interest of Mr. Cake.
The LeRoy Oesner oonoerl at the
opera bouse Friday evening was well
attended, and like tbe former occa
sion ot Mr. Cleaner's appeal a nee bere,
wat tborongbly enjoyed. Since his
Brat visit Mr. (Jesus' bas completed
bis studies with tbe great maaters of
Europe and there was a not! cable
Improvement In hla mastery of the
violin even to tbe ordinary music
lover. Misa Uyrd'x extioution on tbe
piano was perfect and, while tho se
lections were of the difficult clasaioal
kind, yet tbey were appreciated by
the audlenoe, and especially those
who more thoroughly understood
them. Mrs. Sletten was a favorite,
not only beoauae she lives In Hood
River, but she received tbe leoognl
tlon of tbe true artist. It waa a mu-
aioal treat all through.
Will Sauxser. of Frankton. tbe son
ot Lou Sauaser, developed In 'unity on
Saturday, and gradually grew wtree
until yesterday nioruliifr, when be
became so vloleut that it was neces
sary to bind him to keep him from
aoing violence, ue was brought to
the oity, placed on board the morning
train and taken before Judge Lake,
who committed him to the aayluro.
It required eeveiai men to bold bim.
The young man la about twenty years
old and never manifested any aigns
of insanity before, and was a favorite
in tbe community. His particular
hallucination Is takiutt a relleious
turn, be Imagining himself invested
itb sopeinatuial powers. Of a re
ligious disposition, be was a oouctaut
attendant at tbe revival meetings at
ueiinout and it la t! ought this bai
tened tbe trouble.
Pb. U. Young Is Installina- Ihe uow
refrigerator plant in bis meat market,
woion will make that market one of
the finest outside ot Portland. A louu
oold storage room has been fitted up
at one siae or tne snop and a track
will be run out to tbe sidewalk, where
a side of beef can be run from the
wagon direot into the ooolm A
switoh inside the shop will enable
them to transfer from tbe cooler to
the refrigerator without lifting oil
tbe book. Pipes bate been installed
in tbe ion department ot the larce re
frigerator, so tbat the tox oau be
kept at any temperature desired. A
glass oouuter will be put in, with the
cooling pipea loalde, aud the meat
ill be in lull view, altbouuh inside
tbe chilled teceptooK keenlnu the
meat free from duet or dirt, tiles aud
the heated atmosphere of summer
weather. Tbe plant is new and ot tbe
latest pattern, being air coiled in
atead ot water cooled, as In tbe Urge
or old systems. Ihe improvement
will be appreciated by tbe many i a
trons. .
Sol Ice.
My office in tbe Smith block will
open only on Saturdays until June
1. Money to loan on farm security.
George T. Pratuer.
We carry one of the largest lines in this
department of any store in tho city.
Barber towels, bath towels, honey
comb towels.hemraed towels,8calloped
edge towels, linen towels, imported
huck towels, knotted fringed and plain
fringed Damask towels, all linen Da
mask towels; in fact anything you
want in this line by the yard or ready
made. Towels from 5c each up.
We have just opened nu
another shipment of Ladiee
Collars. All the latest in the
line of Neckwearcan he found
here. Collar from 5c up. -
The Hen's Institute.
Tbe Meo's Institute met at the
home ot Dr. Latbiop on Wednesday.
March 18, for tbe purpoee of adopting
by lawa and constitution to govern
the organization. Tbe object of tbia
institute ia to elevate mankind mor
ally, spiritually, intellectually, social
ly and physically Its offloera provid
ed a piogram to entortain some 40 to
DO men and tbey bad a stirring time,
Tbe president. Dr. Edmundt.tbougbt
be would not be able to oontinne tbe
woik, but bat now been able to let
looie on som ot tbe oth' r work. He
appreciates tbe great importance of
this organization to Hood Kiver men
and now with a membership growing
aa it is great things should be accom
plished and be will oontinne to be
He invites all men to join the inati
tute. Next regulai meeting wilt be
April o, when a big program will be
placed terore its members.
Sunday afternoon meetings for men
only are being considered. A library
ana reading room la also under oon
Debate Statement No. 1.
Hood Rivei, Oie., Marob 23.
Editor Glacier:
At tbe last regular meet:ug of Pine
urove Orange No. ouo we, aa their
oommlttee. were Instructed to tender
tbe free use of oar large and oomnio
dious ball to any public speaker who
desires to defend or oppose statement
No. 1. We might add that we bave
tho finest hall in the valley, well
lighted wltb electrio Hants and guar
antee a packed house on either aide
ot this question. We prefer to bave
a joint disousslon. It thia Is not sat
isfaotory we will ulve separate olahte
It any of our publio speakeis, offloe
seekbrg or their representatives who
are sincere advocates of either side
of this question desire to avail them
sevlea ot thia opportunity and will
write us we will be pleased to arrange
satistaotory dates.
Itching, Burning Skin Disease Rooted
nithout Use o injurious Drugs
Great inventors often have been
praised for surrendering the secrets of
their discoveries, t'ractically the same
thing happened In the medical world in
the case of Dr. Decatur I). Dennis, the
eminent akin specialist of Chicago.
Dr. Dennis, in his own otlice practice.
discovered that pure vegetable oil . f
winiergreen, properly mixed with other
simple remedies was practically a sure
specific for Eczema, psoriasis, barter's
itch, salt rheum, and other itching pit in
diseases. But the oil of wintergreen
alone was found ineffective. It required
other mild ingredients such as glycerine
and thymol compounded with the
wintergreen to produce the real eczema
This compounded D. D. D. PrescrlD
Hon positively takes away the itch at
once the iimtant it is applied to the
skin. 1 his vegetable liquid does away
with deleterious drugs bo long used in
an attempt to doctor the blood, whereas
modern science has determined that
ezcema is first and all the time a skin
If you want to know more about the
merits of D. D. D. Preoption, call at
our store. We vouch for this remedy.
Kuir & Caws, Druggists.
The Churches.
Metbodiat Episcopal Church A. H.
Lathrup, pastor. Public service at 11
a. m. and 7:.'!U p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. hi north Leaitne at 6:30 n.
m. Prayer meeting on Thursday even
ing. All oordialiy luvlted.
Subjects to be treated by Dr. Lath
rop on Sunday : A. m., "The Causes
and Cure of Unbelief." P. m., "The
Logic of Proof."
The O. Lutheran Emmanuel Church
conducts services every second and
fourth Sunday In the month Knulish
on second and German on fourth Sun
day, 10 a. m.
U. JB. Church Sabbath school, 10 a.
m. : preaching. 11 a. in.: Y. P. C. E.
6:30 p.m.; Evangelistic services, 7:30
. m. Midweek prayer meeting,
iVcdnesday. 7:30 d. m. Kvervbodv in
vited. J. K. Parker, pastor.
Christian church W, A. Wood, min
ister. Preaching services. II a. m. and
7:'M) p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday,
7:30 p. in. Most cordial welcome to all
hiversido Congregational Church.
W. CGilinore. pastor. Servioes Sun
day at 11 a. m., Christian Endeavor
at 7 p. m.. evening worship at 8 p. m.
Catholic Church Regular services
every Sunday-.
Belmont M. E. Cburrh, S. S. 10 a. in.
Preaching 11 a. m.. Epworih League
tS.SO p m., Preaching 7.30 p. m. At
trapper 1st and 3rd Sundays; 3 p. iu.
At Menoiu nee 2nd and ilh Sundays;
3 p. m.
Bapiist Church 07 A. Nutley, Pas
tor. Sunday services at 11 . m. and
7;45 p. m. Sunday school, at 9:60 a ni.
F. G. Coe, Knpt. Young Pe .pies meet
ing, 7 p. m. Monday, 7 p. in., Younv
Men's Alert Club. Tuesday, 7 p. in.,
Y. P. Christian Culture Class. Wednes
day 7:30 p. m , Prayer meeting. Thurs
day p. m., Ladies' Aid or Mission Cir
Teacher of Voice and Plaao
Miss Ida J. Hryant of New York,
student of Madame Stem of New York,
alsooi Ithaca Conservatory of Music,
will take a limited numhei of pupils in
voire and piano. Studio in the Grace
Wilcox house. Phone 234 M.
To Mr. aud Mrs. Price Hunter, ot
Moaier, March 24, a boy.
To Mr. and Mra. P. U. Arthur, at
Dee, Marob 21, boy.
&e Paris Fair
Uha Store that Saves You Money
There is not a store in the county
that can show you the variety and
equal our price on this class of foot
wear. We have a dandy little Shoe
for children, sizes 1 to 6, that we
sell at 50c a pair. This shoe has
the proper shape, is made right
and gives the very best of wear.
We can supply you with anything
you wish in this line for
50c, 75c, 90c, $14 $1.25
These Shoes will equal what you
you pay $1 and $1.50 for elsewhere.
Display of Jewelry
I have a large variety of Jewelry suited to the young and old and would be glad to bave you lot k through it at your leisure.
Every Article Guaranteed or Money Refunded.
Jeweler and Optician
Royal Exchange, Glens Falls, Union Assurance,
Western Assurance, National Livestock
aud Oregon Life Insurance
We have the only complete set of Abstract Books in Hood River and are
in position to execute any work in our line with promptness and accuracy
Temporary Quarters in J. L Henderson's Ofllce.
Home Phone 231, HOOD RIVER, ORE.
Exchange for Hood River Land
800 Acres A-l Wheat Land near lone. AM under plow and fenced. One
of the finest tracts in KaMern Oregon. Priced low at $25 per acre. Owner
wants to exchange liis $10,000 equity for improved or unimproved fruit
land in this valley. A great opportunity for a praitical farmer.
431 Chamber of Commerce, Portland.
Bargains in
Real Estate
1. Five acres, one miie from town: 8
room house, new; small barn : half acre
3 year old trees, Newtowns and Hpitz-
enoergs; norse, cow, nack, chickens
pies, chickens, nius, tooU. 4 inches wa
ter; few cherries and pear trees I vear
out- fJDUU.
2. Five acres. 2 miles from town : no
uti'iuiiigBj i acres in i year oiu trees ;
Derries set in between trees. S3100.
3. 10 acres. miles from town; 8
acres vet to trees, standara varieties, 1
to 4 years old ; 4 acres set to strawber
ries: new 4 room house; water piped to
I . n . ff. AVvrt
iiuurcj o nicuea water rigni. o,OUU.
4 10 acres. 1 mile from town: few
bearing trees; 5 ucree of strawberriea:
all et to trees, standard varieties, 1 to
S years old; common bouse, water
rignt. t,uuu.
5. 8 acres; 21 miles from town: 5
acres appie trees, standard varieties, I
tofiy. arsold; 810 trees 2 years old; 1
acres of new Htrawlcrriv8, 3 inches wa
t' r right; place all cleared; room
hmi-e, Hnap. 3,00.
7. 40 acr.s, 41 miles from town: 1.000
tree, about 200 ht-Hring, balance from
1 to 5 years old; 2 ordinary lion pen:
place about half cleared. $11000.
8. SO acres. 1 mile (roui town: 2 trood
housta and barns: IB litres set to stand
ard varieties apple trees, of which 3
acres are in full beaiinif; about 2 acres
young peaches; 75 full bearing Bartlett
and Winter Nellis prars; 20 full liearing
cnerry ireee; u snres 4 1 water riirht,
wagons, lioreta, cows and farming itn
plemeuts go with tin. plntv. A fin,
lieiiutifu' place and the greatest bargain
in Hood Kiver valley. $18,000. -Terms.
9. 40 ncrfs, 9 miles out; 88 acres
cleared ; balance small tiinlwr; 21 acres
in fruii ; BOO Newtown and !Spit-nberg
apple trees 4 jcars old: 800 same variety
3 years old ; 75 cherry trees 3 years oM;
71 peach trees 3 ears old: 7 aeiva of
Yellow New towus 1 year out; 4 acres in
meadow; room plastered house with
basement; good outbuildings. $12,000.
One-half ca-h, and a bargain.
10 20 acres. 4 1-2 miles out; 350
three-year-old Newtowns; 350 tfpitsen.
borgsj ll0 Jonathans 3 years old; 75
cherry trees 3 years old; 3 seres
for the plow; 2 acres in timber;
and barn, new ; teams, barnesa, wagon
and cow go with tho place. $8,860.
11. 20 acres, 2 miles from (own; 8
acrea in strawberries; 1,000 standard
variety appe trees one year old; g-sxl
house and barn ; on good road.
12. 15 acres, 7 miles from town ; all
Angus Farm, Hood River. Phone m-L
set to standard variety apple trees from
1 to 5 years old; good house and barn;
few bearing trees; a good place and at a
very reasonable price. $fl,200. Terms.
13. 20 acres, about 7 miles from town
6 acres cleared ready for setting trees
fine soil, beautiful location ; no build'
tags; price for a short time $2500.
14. 12J acres, 7 miles out, on Mt.
Hood railroad, station in f mnt nf nli
easily cleared; beautiful location, fine
sou water rigm. An nnubuai buy at
an unusual price oi iiuu an acre.
II. 19 acres, about 1 mile out ; 210
bearing trees, of which one-third are
opuzenucrgi, oaiance .newtowns, Bald
wins end GraveiiBteins; 200 Newtowns
I. z ana a vear oin a aha nf n.t..
house, etc. Beautiful views, a fine sum
mer nuuie anu a piace with an income.
$460 per acre.
16. 19 acres, 4 miles out; between
jo anu it lureH ciearm : 112 truka s
years old : 80 trees 5 vear nlH k!.
towns; 62 trees 4 years old, one-half
iieniowiiB, oaiance opitzenDergs; 300
newtowns, iou Bpiizenoerga and 50 Ar
kansas Macks 1 year old ; 3 acres ber
ries. ery goou nouse ana Darn. $9000,
one-half cash.
17. 49 acrps. 8 milpu nut ,,.,;mn...
ed; under irrigation ditch; fine apple
S1AA m '
auu. eiuu utr acre, lertns.
18. 20 acres. Mt Ilnml .ll.i.u. n
cleared; 150 trees 8 years old; place ie
n re,uy m aev 10 trees; o roomed
house: miles from Mt. llwl ..t.
office. $1000.
19. 80 acres. 1 mils lmn. XI i u l
. ... ' - - t'll. uwu
noMOtlice! 7 ncrfs In law ...i i.
12 acres cleared altogether; about 20
acres asu- lanu. ajOUU. or l UKsl sftor
this year's crop is taken off. Terms.
20. We hava BAvoral l.i.n.t-.j
. . . huuuictj acres
ot land on our lit hlrn;.,n .i .
Oregon Lumber Company, located at
Lee, the terminus of the Mt. Hood rail-
roaa, aoont 12 miles from Hood River.
Fine armle land. twniifi i.:
, . 1 ..u...ui immiuil.
This is stump land and can be sold for
$40 per acre. 20 acres is the maximum
amuuiit aoia 10 one person. Terms.
We also have on nnr li.i .ii .
to suit the purchaser and other land in
our valley at reasonable prices; also
land in the Mnaiar anil Wk:
districts. " "'mon
m Wjlt be pleased to furnish any other
& Co.
FOR RA1.R Ptrfu Skv... . .
part of to. valr amSITm .'elf
or "bone wall. aare" w- C,W".
We Carry a Complete Line of
And Art Needle Work Designs
LOW CUT SHOES for Men & Boys
In all the neweet lasts in Vici, KIJ. Patent Leather,
Gnn MeUl, Golden Brown, Russian Calf and Kid.
f" ff
Next Door to Postoffice
Oakdale Greenhouse
Cut flowers and plants at Keir & Cass
Choice Roees Shrubs, Vines & Gladiolas.
White Wyandotte E gs for Setting
from Mated Pens. 1.50 & f'2.00.
Fletcher & Fletcher.
For Sale Plymouth Hock eggs from the
very bentatralni in America. Bradley BroH.
need no advertising. Our three pen are
mated up with three rooatera of the very tin
cut bird tbnt can be sot, bo tliat no expense
has been spared ao that we ean produce the
took that will give aatiafactlon or your mon
ey refunded. You are Invited to fnapect the
yards. Mra. E. Kraytord, Kockrord Poultry
Yards, Hood River, O e. nilu
NAOHARA NINOMIYA KTORK-Jpan-eaegrocriectcarg
and tobacco. Employers
pleam anti tor Japanese farm bands, f. O.
box 54. Hiod River, Uregon. au20
For Hale One new side hill ten Inch plow,
price $10. David U pton.lpuoue 143.M. . alii
For Bale Jersey heifer with S-weeka old calf
by side. Heifer nearly thoroughbred, father
Is a registered and mother a Jersey. If you
desire a good young Jersey cow It will pay
you well to see thia one. A. Ostrander, route
2. Mo. 201. al6
For Hale Two fresh cows, one Jersey and
one l'uibsm and Jersey, llruno Kraus. alti
FOR BALE Hogue River Orchard, entire or
subd vlded. Clesu and protlubearlng. Oood
buildlnica. Deep alluvial river bottom. Also
Irrigated berry land. Ben A. Lowell, Wood,
vllle. Ore. ni26
For Hale-3 good milch cows, also one spnn
of horses. Inquire at the Main Restaurant,
Hood River, Ore. m26
For Sale--At Cedar Creek Farm, 1 heavy
wagon, 1 light buggy, (yearling heifers, 2 cook
stoves, 1 heating stove, 1 single driving har
ness, 1 single cultivator, 1 cream separator,
and lots of small tools. I'houe Far. 2256. ni2J
.a uiua tu seii yiiur aens aua get
winter layers. 1 have standard Bun Leghorn
KJ. I. .1... .1 . . . .
ucu. .in. njiiwmiiy mr inyers, won a nrst
class rooster. Eggs1.60 for IS. 11. 8. Reed,
box 236. route No. 1. mS6
- j ..wuvov.u .una mit.iir. nuu
1200 lb. timothy. Ralph Ulnrlcha. m2tl
HftV Viir Wli to . Kll t UT.nn n 1 ... If.. A
. . ; ' , J nun rnuuu, an id
thrifty peach trees. Price, 7!W0. Terms, 19000.
cash. Must betaken at once. J. V. LeOlalr,
For Sale Milch cow, H0. L. K. Morse. A-J
...J.. 1 uio ureu due Auuninsian put.
leu and bens, f 1 to S3 each. Also a few cock.
vrtn uil l' ti. 1 1 in . . . . .
renien eacu. Kggg ior hatching, one
SSU!DM ',a5; 'wo settings, $2.25: three settings
1.4- Ul. 1 Mill a I Uil I yui tr man U Iff 1-k IkJ,.
I.'" . t, 7. ""vnimnu, JP. HUt s
FriF Hill tT.r.ra tVv- a T
wluuiny While Leghorn and Bared Ply-
mnilth Hrwtlr nadAll.....wi
Mra. jh. J. jNlckolsen, Hood River.
ForRRltW RnfT rnlnnn A. .41
Inquire of Mrs. J. W. Anderson. Home Dbone
For RfllA.nna Vrt 1 1AHA a.-
. UHU u ci nrj ww; Will W
fresh April 28. Phone Farmers S. m2
For M. Ip. nn. vm,n i i i. .
about 1030 to 1100 pounds each. I light double
harness, 1 heavier double harness, 1 two.
seated canopy top surrey, I light wagon with
boi and seat, I spring tooth harrow, 1 cultl.
valor, 1 Farrsnd auu Votey organ, 1 Planet,
Jr. wheel, hoe and gnrdeo plow, 1 young cow,
"i 1 muwing macnine sua take.
HAvlnir mtA ... u ....... i. .,. ..
...J luntiu hiiu w mow nai, at
present bave no use for above described prop.
ertv anil will Mil ... v. 1 - j
. . .1 lumc uiiu kivd iniui
one to five years time if deslied. E. T. Kolts.
For Ketll Vtir a I. no ... . . ......
- iiuw J il.ll II. IU suns
snn.ib.e for offices, on second floor ot the
DavMnon Block on Cascade Avenue. Apply
at fruit or Light and Water Office. t
For Rent Flirnl.hai
Home W L.
WftntjWl-Pnalltnn saa - .
fh. -.i . -MiMioii icicrt-iicpi. a a arena
MatllMal- i.'.-lr .'. ... a..." ' . ... 1 : t
- xwt . on Mi m Ww uinn ana w i it).
InqalreatthUomoe. al
Klrteen or twenty J.niu..
5nTiwmMnJ(J?8Jrrm hHDd- Apdresa 8. M.,
1 aw ft I j JTrfUa
WlintPfl.Mnra nn1A. ,
Smith. CK.eH. " "'""" wor'
ITtOlJl !a is n rl naad A . s
WlnM-WniU 111 . . .. .
...h i., ... ." ' Da' sman noose
?ui. in p Du,,y lnsu,,ueDU or !""
-. v.. uu ,ut. txvjn
WANTKDA .ini ...
uoodwaies to right party. Mrs. F. A. Cram.
Lost and Found
Vn..ilIFI. . . .
loTiTiiT nVf Ttrr' wKn sheet, white.
Sr 50uor lhe "ockford 8 wilt SS
m. onfium. alo