The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 19, 1908, Page Eight, Image 8

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noon i:ivnu olacxea, toasday. mai o 19, 1008.
We Can Save You Money
Every article in the store at reduced prices. New Goods
to fill in our broken Stock have been received and are on
sale at Closing Out Prices. If you want 'SHOES
and the best we can suit you and at prices you can't dupli
cate. Try the Florschiem for men and "Steel Shod" for
children; nothing better. A good line of Mens & Boys Suits
Paper Bead Before Mothers Club.
(Continued from Vf On.)
let terer. Her teaobers bave devoted
boon of speclel time to ber ease, all
to tbe dissatisfaction of tbe mother.
Tbe knocks that poor eouise of stud;
reoelTei makes me smile
Oat Id tbe valley schools tbe teach
ers are expected to handle three
grades and promote tbelr pupils just
the same as if they bud ooe grade as
bere. And some of tbelr eighth grade
paplls really pass tbe same examloa
tioasl I'd like to know what tbe parents
here who aie complaining about the
bear work would do It they 1 1 red in
San Franolsoo, Los Aogfles, Indiana
polls, Cleveland or even Portland. In
Portland tbe nine months of tbe state
coarse are stretobed over ten mon'.bs,
bat tbey add few other things to
make It Interesting. 1 know right
well what they would have to do If
tbey lived In Fort Wayne. There tbe
children who are bright are separated
from tbe dull ones and plaoed under
separate teachers entirely. And tbe
teaobers of tbe doll ones do not stay
tills o'olock ooaohlng slow pupils who
do not carry tbelr grade work.
When 1 bear tbe oomplaiuta of tho
heavy, heavy work and late boars and
tbe poor ohildren studying till elereu
o'clock, it makes me wonder If the.e
"poor children" are studying till
eleven o'olook, If tbey know buw, if
tbelr borne life permitted tumn unin
terrupted study. Tbey niiiy tblnk
tbey are, but conditions fail. I don't
believe it Is necessary lor any child
below tbe high school to study late at
night If be must there le something
radically wrong with tbe child or the
home that sends him to school. At
borne the parents must economize.
They light tbe bouse with electricity
on tbe meter and beat it, tbe habited
part, with wood on the wood pile,
with tbe result that tbe whole family
congregate together. Ibe school chil
dren study with continual distracting
elements. Tbe telephone and door
bells, tbe affairs of eldeis and wran
gles of yoangers all combine to make
domesticity anything but studious.
Many a child must play nurse girl and
get her lessons at the same time. The
mothers themselves could not master
a new subject under such conditions.
Last fall I heard one woman ask the
mother of four school children if hei
children bad to brlog work home.
Khe said, "Indeed, they do not.
There are still some things fot par
ents to decide. It is not all in the
bands of tbe teachers. I expect my
children to do tbelr studying at
school and rest in .the evenings."
Yesterday I went to tbe teachers of
these four children to ask what kind
of work tbey did. In every case tbe
report was of tbe very best and, those
children are not pbeuomeoal.
Tuesday night i met a high school
girl with a couple of volumns 1 said :
"Is it arithmetic? "
"No, ma'am; history and English."
"Will your mother have to help you
till eleven o'clock at night?"
"I never studied later tbau eight
"Do you (all every .term and bave
to be put back?"
"I haven't got below 00 per cent
this year."
And that girl is doing a lot of
things between 3:30 p. m. aud 0 a. ni.
to keep ber from being a "poor old
Borne of these youngsters bave
thought it an advantage to come to
me (or help, In spite of my statement
that "primary teacbeis are not ex
pected to count beyond eight."
When I begin to help them they act
exactly as if they bad been helped be
fore and had sat back and watched
tbe helper "push tbe pencil." I'm
not so popular as an aide since I've
done tbe watching. And such com
plaints for sixth and seventh grades)
Ihe problems were drills In division,
32 divided by 8; 32 divided by II
One day 1 called on .a lady who has
a nine year old in (be tbird grade.
She said: "Miss Earl, it is just terri
ble the work you teachers sre crowd
ing onto tbe ohildreu this year. My
little girl bad to study till eleven
o'clock last night to get ber gengra
phy lesson. It Is Just awtul that a
poor delicate child like my Nellie
should study so late!" 1 was shocked
and inquired the nature of the work.
In their nature study tbe cIsbs bad
been glveu a list ot twenty domestic
animals. They were to locate their
homes and tell in a general way tbe
commercial products tbey get trom
each animal. .
(If that class had . lived in Chicago
it would have been given a pig in a
pen and told to tfrlnd it through the
stock yards and slaughter hoaae and
its correlated branobes ot commerce,
till tbey placed It in the consumer's
bands, not letting even tbe squeal es
cape, iielng in Oregon , they got off
easy. ) f f
Nellie had to study till sloven
o'oiook and could not -get : the last
tbiee, which some one else supplied.
After awhile I sent home some care
fully directed questions and got this:
Nellie left school at 3:30, plaed on
the street till supper time, did ber
few evening chores; there was com
pany to supper and It was 9:30 when
tbe difficult lesson was attacked. She
bad aotually worked an bout and a
half at an hour when physical fatigue
was all against mental concentration.
Nellie's is not 3 be only case of its
kind in this town. There are children
and children, and some ot them will
never be able to nndei stand school
work nor be able to cany it. Ibey
are fitted (or something else, or no
thing. You can't harness op tbe
high bred trotter and a heavy draft
hoise and drive J them in double har
ness. Tbe man who would do auob. a
tblng would tejhe laughing stock of
tbe road, yet te'aobers are expected by
time mothers to take children as tbey
cone (ra n all classes of intelligence
and ktep them and tbeir grade work
I could keep you here till nigh
time for your next meeting with phy
sical reasona (or tbe backwardness of
many of tbe pnpils in my own depart
ment You'll Hod them in tbe way,
those children aie nourished, bfor
and after tbey were born, in tbe whj
tbey are not kept clean and the mu
ner in wbicb tbey are clothed. It
won't be very safe for me to disoues
fully tbe cbanoe tbey bad for Inherit
ing brain strength to begin with. I
bave a delicate senemio little six
yt-ar old, ooe of ten children, with
scarce fourteen months betweeu them.
Tbe father is a day laborer and ths
mother w label me to "keep her obild
up" with a strong, healthy elgbt year
old who is an only obild. Another
child suiters from stomaoh ache,
whose breakfast was ooltee and biead
Cottee bas its place In tbe diet ol
dill's, but any physician can tell you
where It belongs In tbe diet of grow
ing children. There are some who
must bring tbelr lunches to school be
cause tbey live too far away to go
borne or tbeir mothers don't want
them there. This lunch time Is the
most degrading hour of tbe wbolo
day. It is bere that all that Is low
and vile In children comes to the
Iront and ia divided among play fel
lows. The vulgar of the low on the
minds of tbe inuocent. School lunch
is a neoesslty in many places for both
teacbeis and pupils. Tbe pupils bring
It in little tight lard pails heavy
fried cakes, cookies, pie, not many
apples, or other fruit, In this apple
land and alt in congenial groups un
der tbe treee or on tbe basement steps
to eat it. Ibey never wash first, tow
els enough are not furnished, and en
other objection could be raised il
they were. They eat and talk with
tbeir moutba full to overflowing. A
little distance away it sounds like
pigs In Illinois corn. Tbeir whole
thought is to finish and get out to
play. Ihe food is bolted lu lumps
food that Is already herder to digest
fiom being cold. Tbey "piece" from
tbe lunch palls at intermissions and
it there la any left on tbe way home
Tbelr stomachs never know when
meal time really Id. One day last
week a littlo girl oame into our ball
about ten minutes after the child tu
bad been dismissed for noon Intermis
sion. She bad s newspaper paicel
under ber arm. Ihe teacher ou ball
duty said: "What have you nudei
your arm?" Ihe child laughed baok,
"My lunch I put it up myself this
morning and forgot to bring it. 1're
just been borne to gut It." Ihe moth
er ot that obild is not ignorant. She
prides herself on a birth and educa
tion that surpasses any teaober of ber
ohildreu. She desiios ber children
to grow up In self respecting, well
bred maturity and sends them, un
necessarily, to lunob at school, or
rather lets tbe n come where children
sit and "trade bills" of any special
dainties tbey may have half a dozen
sometimes eating fiom one piece of
cake or pie.
' There are two lluio country cmni
reu whose mothers wisely send them
with milk and breed for tbeir lunob.
So well has an upper grade teaohei
taught the older ones what should
constitute a sobool lunob that there
is never a teasing remark when these
ohildreu bring a bottle of milk aoross
the play ground. Last fall 1 bad oc
casion to call on a mother whose way
ward obild was giving us butb grave
conoern. She spoke pitifully of tbe
trouble ber neighbors' ohildreu gave
her in the discipline of her own son.
Her boy would not be so bad it it
were not for the ueifiubor child. She
sends hei chil l to sobool with bU
luuoh and be plays for bis two hour
noon almost exclusively with tbe ob
jectionable neighbor child. "O, con
sistency, thou srt a jewel."
Along with tbat problem of nour
ishing a child comes another of keep
ing him clean. Wbeu cleanliness is
next to Uodllness tbe soap dish is a
means of giaoe aud tbe bath tub a
anctuaiy. lu some oases In our
sobools cleanliness (?; is so far re
moved from Uodllness as to be to tbe
real tblng what the automobile Is to
Its gasoline smell, a suggestion ot tbe
beyond. Cleanliness, or unoleauli
nsa, Is a habit and a "habit la a
cable We weave a thread ot it every
day and at last we con not break it."
Cleanliness in reference to tbe sobool
is as elsewhere, both physical and
moral. In either ease it belongs to
tbe department ot borne and only
through tbe negleot of the borne Is it
foroed upon the teacher. Any child
that bas an atom ot life and vitality
beoomea dirty. Any marble-play lug
urcbln comes in with good mother
earth plastered all over htm. It is
just good, bouest, bealtby dirt and
good for what ails him if it don't
stay plastered too long. Hut real
physloal nnclesnliness Is of tbeir own
bodily wants, tbe kind you could
smell a yaid away. Children from
civilized (?) homes who smell as badly
as the Indian in the strawbeny
patches. Tbelr heads are unwashed,
their toeth never knew a brunb, tbeir
linger nails bave gone into mourning
for osie tbey never had poor ohildren
who do not know the luxury of tbe
regular weekly batb to say nothing of
a daily one, ol fresh air, internally,
externally and eternally. Maybe you
think me fastidious over particulars,
but it la particulars that couut and
it is cot too much to ask tbat child
ren's Hnger nails be reasonably cared
for, when tbe danger to infection of
ooutagloua disease from others is con
sidered. In a personal medical' 'dis
infection tbe nails get first care.
Who ever aaw a physician or a surgi
cal nurse with long, uuoleaoed nails?
I lived once tor three years with the
mother of our young sobool children.
She bad, aihotjuebold ot ten and kept
it in good systematic order, herself
in touob witb ber oburob and sr i-l
world, and sent those four children
bealtby, wholesome, loveable condi
tion to church and .chooL
It is the desire to do a thing tbat
sometimes makes a thing done. A
teacher in our force tied a distressing
ly bad oase of paieutul neglect in a
tevou veal old. She protested to tbe
mother and got Ibis reply: "It you
want my child washed wash blm your
self." Tbe teaoher replied: "If this
child is not batbed by tomorrow
morning I will." Can you wbo are
interested in art and our new sobool
piotuies get into your mlod another
a life size impieesion with a state
ly school building and that will ful
sobool teaober posing as tbe Diana of
the To or
Poor, little, uncomfortable urcblns,
wbo sit and twist and squirm, not
knowing what ails them, but uevei
knowing Ibe luxury of a bealtby, vig
orous circulation tbat la the inherit
ance of tbe well batbed and well
aired. Their discomfort puts them
into many bad babits that accompa
nied by possible Inherited tendencies
and aggravated by evil suggestions,
In some cases, at home and abroad.
for evil associates witb filth, make of
tbat child's life a record tbat Is tiu
ful. fc'vll thoughts are like disease
germs aud lodge In filth; as ibe
thought is, tbe tongue utters, end as
tbe thought and speecn will the deed
become. Agaiu, "A habit Is a cable. "
Ou our patron list is a widow wbo
supports her family by washing. She
takes lu five or six family washes a
week and works Ir .in dark till darl-.
She sends to sohool two children who
make your heart ghd, they look so
wholesome end clean aud comfortab
ly diehHeil. ihey siwHys mske me
tbiuk of the fuuioui lleau Brummel's
favorite perfume, "1'lonty of clean
linen, aud couotiy washing, " Fash
ion says that never tiuoe styles betcan
for ohildieu bave style, simplicity,
comfoit and minimum cost gone so
hand In baud. A Lilliputian liazaar
in New York City dml exclusively in
children's clothing It is a reooguized
authority all over the Amei lean world
for tbe ultra-fashionable. Its ready
made clothing Is only within the
reach ot tbe extremely wealthy, bnt
Its styles are copied by every fashion
shoot in the country. Tbey should
bo popular now for tbey give every
requisite of comfort and beauty. It
costs but a few cents for a patteiu
and made at home the finished gar
ment is within the reach of every one.
They iive to Ibe girl tbe freedom of
action and comfort of body found u
boys' clothing They combine a waist
and knlokorbi okers foi ohildren ot
thiee month to eight or ten year.
They ore ttylhh aud tboy do away
witb exposure and a prospectus ot
pettiaaats that looks like a dilapidat
ed shingle roof witb tbe nncleanness
ot a kitoben mop.
A obild should be olntbed to giv
him warmth, piotection from tbe ele
ments, oleauliups-i, oomtort tbat
means froodom ot muvenieut, aud foi
beauty. Ibese oombluod will giva
him health, grace of limbs a d joy or
life. Ihe underoluihlog should give
tbe child all tbe netexsu y wsruitti hkI
protection from the cliuiut r chunges,
and tbe outside oluthiug sbuuid be so
obosen as to aid tho underclothes for
freedom ot movement aud cleanliness.
Tbe teal olotblug of a child should
be in bis underwear and leave it to
tbe outside olotbes to add tbe conven
ventional and tbe beautiful. In tbe
outside clothing oomes the opportun
ity to gratify the inborn light of'every
child to be beautifully dressed and
beauty does not mean lavish expend!
tuie of money. A obild in my room
this year, brought here to escape
asthmatic troubles, was the (most dis
tinguished, stylish-looking obild lu
tbe room. She was not pretty. Her
bair was lu oolonlal out, tied witb a
clean ribbon. Sbe wore a warm Ann
uel union suit, dark blue serge bloom
ers fast to a gnimpe,uo petticoats and
over these n sailor blouse and skirt.
There were woolen hose and high,
heavy-soled shoes. Aoroas tbe aisle
sat the delicate obild with cotton un
derwent, (onoe) white pauties, three
shingle lengths of dirty petticoats,
a faded mult). colored plaid wool dress
and a ground-In, dark-streaked white
apron, whose embioldeied bertha
r u tile cost half the price of tbe serge
suit and added neither cleanliness,
comfort, warmth nor b auty. Cotton
hose aud thin shoes completed her
attire. That child is chronically un
oomlortaldu She Is only bait clad.
Layers of clothing where it Is not
needed and not enough where it is.
Half these children pome to school
through rains and suow with nothing
on tbeir beads aud more than half
have serious throat troubles One
child uttered from aoute ear ache and
st.imaoh ache. She was always bare
beaded, till I suMgested tbe head env
ering as a remedy. Throe members
of tbat child's family have died ot
tuberculosis that (lieat White Plague
tbat takes off 100,000 people In Amer
ica every year one lu ten of us all.
Ibis child has been seen in your cold
est weather washing ber shoes at the
There Is au orthodox ohuiob that
for years proacbel tbat tbe man who
was born to be banged will not ha
drowned. Ibey got away from that
belief. Ihe medical cult preached for
otbe" years that tuberculosis was a
heieditary disease. They too got
away from wheia tbey st tried. There
was a class of sobool teachers, wise in
tbelr1 way, wbo preached tbat tbe duh
lard in tbe sobool room would be a
failure In life. Tbey, too, aie learn
ing wisdom. There is lu my borne
town a man who as a dull boy neret
got even to tbe eighth grade in
He has since won wide distinction
as tbe greatest Hereford oattU man lu
tbe world. He laisefl and sold one
animal tbat brought IIO.OUO.
Tbe phjld wbo is given but half a
(,. re will "make good." All tbe
le icliH' la Christendom can not force
I i ii flu success for wbicb be hei
I un utitude, Tbe teacher can encour
age, direct ana attempt ro arive. not
after all it is tbe sell tbat must deter
mine one's suooesr in life. And tbat
self will "mske good" all th sooner
wnen the grett triiil ot physical dis
oomfoit ii rt.i in swhv with.
1 do nol .luuett i.fbln Iwith tubs
for tbe wnikl"ir n nr. ui-r B-ai (''
olotblug and Cammi reading rooms
tor his ohildren, bnt there is room
for rust Improvement brfoie tbi is
NotI"e to Ntwkho'eVrs ef Farmers'
Irrigating Co.
All those who bare stock to be
transferred and who wsnt to buy sliwk
please do so at m oo Any stockLold-
MacRae & Angus
; Portland and Hood River
We are prepared to handle
on a largi' ncale and if you want to make prompt sal s
give um your contract. Phone Mr. Angus at his farm,
Home phone No. 187L, Hood River. Write to the
Portland office, 432 Chamber of Commerce.
Coliseum Skating Rink
Catering to llie Iwst class i.f imti-ons i-nly. New Hardwood
l'"!nor. Famous Rifliariln ii l!all Bi hi'mik Skutos Spucial
etU'iitimi given to beginni-i. For private Ijimmw apply to
Pn.f. A. Wiild'tfin, floor inanHtt-r Wedntsiiny aftrrnnon
fur luilioi only. General Admission! Alii-mooti five;,
SkiiU'S, 25oj iliililit'ii, 15V. ICwii'iiu : Ladies frer; cents
lOr; skate 25V exira. Uo'ir: Aitem hi 2 toft; evening,
7:30 to 10. Mu-li- by Pr. I. lioatty's Orchestra.
Waldstein . Knutson, Mg'rs
J. W. WILSON, Proprietor
Dealer in
Tho heavy enow last winter d tun aged my trees to the ex
tent that I was obliged to cut them back. Therefore I am
enabled to place on the market Trees with a yearling top
on a THREE YEAR OLD ROOT. All standard varieties.
Guaranteed true to name and free from disease.
Buttler Banking Company
Capital Fully Paid, $50,000
Earned Surplus. - $15,000
Sufficient capital is necessary, a good surplus is desir
able, a competent bank examiner under either state or
national'supervision is advisable, but the strength of any
bank lies in the inn-pity and ability of its managing
i dficers.
J. N. Tkal,
Vice President.
I.KSI.1K lil'TLBR,
E II French
Prompt Service Day or Night
0ffice Phone 3513, Residence Phone 3SII HOOD RIVER. ORE
r wbo bus n t paid hU maintenance
foe for ibe season of lUUi will not get
tbeir water ontil such fees are paid.
Ite recretarj will be every Saturday at
room 12, Brooiua building, to do bul-
a aim. liy older cl directors.
M. 11 Mckeleao, Sec,
Fay Tear Taxes at Home
0 1 bave placed with tbe banks ot
uood Kiver a toll list or ine names
and amount oc taxes of all tbe r. rop
er tr owners of the hond Kiver Valley
and tbey can go tn tbe banks aud pay
their taxes and save toe expenae or.
coming to Tbe Dalles.
UM Chrisman, Bberin.
Don't be behind the times
But get up-to-date work
done at
Hood River Studio
Tuonan Bctlkr,
R. T. Cox
i ii minium "tKl3r;
It..vtd Blue for ii.-n at $3.25, $3.50, $4.00
Rojui Blue for Indies at $2.00, $2.50, $2.75
At CarmichaeFs
Have t. offer a ifd stock of Apple, I'ear,
coming season. Have zu.uuu iwo-year-oia i . ix. irippiu, f(jnw-iiiji, "":
Black, Ortley, Hydea King, Winter Banimna. 30,000 one-year-old i. N. ' ippm
and SpiUeuburtr. My etok is all Brat class this year in every resiect, and true
to name. Planters are invited to call and inspect this stock before placing your
orders. . .
Mock Grown on Full Roots.
Wi- !.!! to it our friends and patrons know
thut ;..( ' !! ; Itiiitintr wh will have and can iup-
ply :n ' " r:uU'f
Cherry, ; , pricot, Peacha Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
jLlso, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the ii-mlf with plenty of . Newtown, 8plUea
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or.
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Puhli.! V ice President
J. M. SCHMELTZER, Sec-Trees.
Hood River Land
Real Estate, Loans,
Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying
Our aMract books are up to date
i'j II I liiver Volley propeity is one of our cpei'isltit'S. Conveyancing and
v. i, ir given special attention. We represent four ot the best Fire In-
-tr .i: Cmnpttnies having Agentx in the City, and will give you sntii-f:i'tin
ij in ili' ttwuranca line.
1 11.. I' ji .il.ittl nt lint Aim.anti la nilii it i fvi nniif un.l iu npAnoru1 f i i fettr. Hi
:m v- ill . tin mii n ttj its vi'j
l . i'-ii n tl civil riiifine'i ni! work -I'
Ali.'TU.U TS A M'Ei'IAl.TY
iin! M;iiui);t 1 u!'t-i '!' til kinds of
.. Highest Prices Paid
Stoves, Heaters and Ranges
All kinds, New and Second-hand.
Big Stock of New and Second-hand
Furniture, Carpets. Art Squares. Rugs
Chairs, Rockers, Etc.
Phone Main 1053.
0. P. DABNEY & CO.
"il V u - i.'.'.u-li'i ,
Hauling, Draying,Eaggage Transferred, First
; Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
' , . rimtiMl.11.
alwsvs IiiIiiiks llu-nse of While River
and Gulden Crown flour. Whether you
bake bread, cukes, pies, or any kind of .
pastry, you ill find this flour a safe and.
reliable stsndby. Try it once and you
will never use any other.
Cherry, reach and Prune trees for the
N. B. HARVEY, Proprietor
mtrn-TMS tit i totlmb
insurance Abstracts
in every particular and abstracts of
vnintci , sains it- "tjj'muj uu -h-
all khuK OniuionR iriwn on titles
for High Grade Fruit.
Roar and Feed