The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 19, 1908, Page Seven, Image 7

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I n
We have your every interest at heart and with the view of the heaviest Easter trade
we have experienced we are on our way to the Eastern markets to finish the Spring
buying. The best will be none too good for the Hood River folks and we'll show you
the correct styles in Suits, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Etc., that are on display in
New York City's foremost shops.
ror returns
bee the 5ee the See the
These are interesting both as regard to variety of patterns and honest values.
The Diet Studio for photos.
Choice onion sets at McDonald's.
Juit arrived Eastern white fish at
Jackson's. -
Pickled pork and corned beef Mo
Guireliroe. Miss Leslie weut to Menominee Fri
day to visit friend.
Call and see the beautiful new plan
oj at Soule'i house.
J. M. Carroll came down from
Moeior Saturday.
Maple Syrup and New York State
Ruck Wheat at Jackson'.
Jn9. Stranaban buiI Tamp Osborne
vent tn Portland Saturday.
For bargains in ieal estate see Ros
nell Shelley, Carson, Wash.
Vetch, timothy, clover and garden
Breda at Jackson's.
GotoW. S. Gribhle. Mt. Hood, for
the District No. 70 Shoe. tf
Special orders taken for Hazel wood
Ice Cream specialties. C. P. Ross.
Buy a nice plush robe at cost for
your couch from the Davenport Harness
A. P. Hatebmn, oi Moier, attended
t:e meet i Hi! of the llor'ioultural So-
iety Saturday.
Mr . Dr. Smith ami Miss SesbronV,
t PartU'id, visited II iod Kivet tun
1 st of the week.
Mtim. Abbott's millimry oieuiug
M ir.-li 18 i;) mill 20 1 1 .v'jicu time I
t i-.mII display the lutMi-t sifs in pat
( in half.
The K-nl T:il.rr oi Chicago and
'W Yi'.ik :tic the largest and best
i! uicliaiit Iniloring house in the world.
See their line of samples for spring at
The Toggery.
Mrs. K. P. Orr returned Friday
from Portland, where she visited
friends for a couple of weeks. She
was accompanied by Mrs. M. U.
Downing, who will visit at the Orr
home and other friends.
Now is the time to order your Spring
Suit. The very latest and best things
out will be found ai the Toggery. Conr
fidence in the Royal tailors means better
clothes for you.
If you want to buy or sell real estaie
go to Onthauk & Otten. Money to
loan on first mortgages. Abstracts and
legal papers carefully prepared. Nota
rial work of all kinds.
The Oakdale Greenhouse has just re
ceived a full line of shrubs, vines, etc.
Can furnish on short notice almost any
ornamental tree or shrub grown in the
Northwest. Over 1000 two-year roses
on hand. Fletcher & Fletcher. R.F.D.
No. 1. Both phones. tf
F. G. Coe has sold his carpenter
f hop to Messrs. Stephenson, Cotton &
Co., who will continue the business
of small jobbiug in the oarpenterlng
line at the old stand on Fourth street.
Mr. Coe found the shop work rather
conBning and intends to do outdoor
work for the present.
It you wish to save 850 to $75 when
rou buy your piano, buy direct from
the factory dealer and not fiom agents
or canvassers. Several beautiful In
struments just received from Chicago
at Soule's Piiiuo House Second band
pianos and organs taken iu exchange.
Balance cash or time payments.
Our work guaranteed. Delta Studio
Finishing for amateurs at DeiU Studio.
Wood For Sale
-Phone 3595. L. E.
Metal house nunibeia at Hunt's Wall
Paper store.
Fresh made sausage at McUuire Bros,
every day.
See W. S. Gribhle for Duck Eries,
Felts and overs. tf
Smoked halibut, herring, salmon at
J. T. HoIiiihu made a trip to The
Dalles Thursday.
If yon want wood pipe order at once
of Joe Wilson as he is aking up a
carload. ml 2
Mies Aubie Mills, matron of the Cot
tage Hospital, returned from Portland
Cracked wheat (1.25 per cwt. Lay in
your supply for little chicks. Hood
River Milling Co.
We are overstocked with lap robes
and will doie them out at eoet. lMv
enport Harness Co.
All the leading teachers of cookery
use Cleveland's Baking Powder. Solil
by Cluipnian Co.
Mis. Willis Van Horn and daughter
went to I'ortlaud Friday to visit
friend? for a lew days.
It iii ver fails to make light wholesome
food CliVi'lands Unking Powder sold
by ('bus. F. Wetht'ii'll, Bingen, Wn.
Mb Euiiiv Wils oi and Lena Evans
nre p' ci'inul to do dressmaking at 274
Ninth Street. Phone Main 1441. a 16
Those who have used it the longest
praise it the most Cleveland Baking
Powder. Recommended by Henry F.
Loge, the East Side Store.
Call at Soule's Piano House for
Edison phonographs and records.
'Vith the exoeptiou of one house in
Portland this is the largest stock in
W. J. Lawrence and wife, of Sweet
Home, Ore., are spending a week or
two Hb A. C. Buck and wife. Tbey
were old neighbors when the Buck
family lived at Sweet Home.
It cannot help but be good. Why?
Because Cleveland's Baking Powder
has been used for the past forty years.
This certainly is an excellent recom
mendation. Ask H. Conuoway.-
College hats at Mme. Abbott's pur
cl ased especiall for the high school
trade. Assorted band colors My price
is exceptionally low on these hats this
Paul Detbman, Meeners and Jacob
Rode, of Mspleton, lowa, nave come
west to crow ud with the country
and will work In Hood River this
summer. Mr. Detbman la relative
of L. Plog.
Cleveland's Baking Powder, in 3-lb.
Minn onlv cost tl. and 5-lb can $1.65.
Both these cans have the metal handle
under the regular cover. They are use
ful when empty. Sold by Hanna &
Frank A. Cram left tbe first of the
week for New York and olner eastern
ha will buy goods foi
bis up-to-date store. Mr. Cram will
make a tboiougb Inspection of the
newest styles aud of the finest stocks
In the east, ani piice oiaera roi
stocks of tl e best in the mirkets.
Wheat and Timotbv bav at White
Peioy A. Smitn returned Monday
flora a brief business visit iu Port
Harry Allan, of Underwood, Wash.,
was a visitor iu Hood River the first
of tbe week.
Mrs. J D. MoCullr returned Satur
day from Portland, where the spent u
weeic visiting mends.
C. U Stoltz baa moved bis family
from Hood River back to the bon.o-
stead in tbe Mosier valley.
Tbe Ladies' Aid Society of tbe Con
gregational ctiuich will meet, on It i
day afternoon with Mis. 1. J. Kin-naird.
Mme. Abbott's milliuery opening
Marob 18, 19 and 20. at wbiob tm:. I
shall display the latest designs in put
tern bats.
A. P. Manning, of South Dakota, is
visiting his brother, E. K. MauniM,
and la loosing over tbe vellev v. ish a
tiew of locating.
Dinner aud supper will be serrid I v
the 1 idies of tbe Lntbetan church ui
Mouth's store ou Marob 28 Diunr
from 12 to 2 Supper trom 5:.'!0 to
The twelve year obi hod i f Mr. Mor
iiflon, r.t juosier, full o.J a miVe
about ftfttfti liet high ou tbe I'r.
M irruiu pines aud was quite severely
injured. A pbysioiau was summoned
from Hood Kiver aud found a amidl
fracture of the skull, but does not
oonairier tbe wound dangeious.
W. J. Baker & Co. have otirchased a
new Oldsmobile and tbe cur wns ship
ped up on tbe boa: 'Friday. It is a
35 to 40 borse powrr macbiue aud a
beauty. Tbe seating capacity is live
people and with tbe powerful engine
will be able to climb tbe steepest
grades in the valley without diffi
Clarenoe Gilbert brought up from
Portland Friday his big Great Pierce
Arrow automobile and is getting ready
for his auto route the Hist of the
month. He has made arrnng itients
with tbe O. R. & N. to sell tiukets
from Portland to Hood River and re
turn, to inolude a ride around the
alley and ex ects to keep two oars
busy this summer with visitors who
wish to see tbe valley.
Ihe cottage on the 11. K. Arnold
place, in the Barrett district, occu
pied by Julian Epping, was buiued to
the ground Stturday afternoon with
all tbe contents. Mr. Epping was in
Portland at the time and Mrs. Epping
was in town, so that tbe cause of tbe
blaze is a mystery. Sbe knew nothing
of tbe fire nntil she returned in tbe
evening. There was $700 insurance
on tbe bouse and coutents, imd the
loss is I mated nt about $1200.
E. C. Writfht recently retimed
from Camas Frail i", where he' wu.s
oanvaHHing for Mie marble p ot kg Dim
of MoBain & Wright. Ho tcpirted
that the country was full of m i.Mch;
in tact, tbe family who did not havi
it was tLe exception. It appears Unit
some attended a party jut-t coming
down with the disease, giving it to
piaotically the whole neighborhood.
I here being no reaid 'nt physician no
strict quarantine regul tions bare
been observed, consequently tbe whole
district is infeoted.
Special Sale ofiLaces
We regret that wp do not have the room to properly handle and display
this line so we are cleaning it out at prices which von could not buy at
wholesale. One thousand yards of Edgings, Insertions, Embroideries and
Ulovers, etc. Beautiful Patterns at simply irresistable prices. Look over
your Spring and Summer Sewing and see what you are going to need, and
make your purchases during this sale, as it will mean a big saving to you.
Jnst come and see our mammoth display.
- First Christian Ladies' Benefit Sale
Next Saturday. Dinner and Supper Served by the Ladies.
Clover and Timothy seed at White-;
Land piaster I'otli kinds, Utah auj
Ore , at Whitehead's feed store.
N. C Evans went to Wyeth Tuesday
evening cn buttress.
E. H. Shepard made a business trip
to Portland Tuesday.
The s 'bi;o! pioturos are all in and
are being trained at Slooum's.
Mrd. Adelia Moe went to Portland
yeteiday to visit frieuds for a few
Mrs. Siilii;g left for Forest Grove
Tuesday evening, where Mr. Sailing
is now employed.
F. L. Duusmnrecame up from Port
land and ooutinued bis journey to
Tho Dalles yesterday.
A. C. Buok on Monday nold tbo
Foley residence, which he purchased
la it ppring, to O. L. Smith
Mini Nettie Buck returned to Sfasco
Tuesday, after a visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Buck.
I'.ev. 0 0. Nelsou, of Everott,
Wash., joiii- d bis wilo lieie Monday
aud ivill v sit relatives and friends.
Mrs. I)i- Mumble loft for Poitland
Monday 'o . isit her eihter for a tew
days and attend tbe musical event
this week.
Mrs. John Songer left for British
Columbia Monday to join her bus, who is employed in a aw mill
in that country.
J. M. Wright, Chas. Hall and U. J,
Hibbard went to The Dalles Tuesday
to interview the county court iu re
gaid to tbe bridge matter.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Adams, ot Cna
oade Locks, arrived Tuesday on a vis
it to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Buck, re
turning home yesterday morning.
A. A. Lausman, bookkeeper for the
Stunliy-Binith Lumber Co., returned
Tuesday from Chicago, where be spent
the winter. He will work at Greeu
Point this summer.
Dr. Douue r.nd F. R. Angle, of The
Dalles, were in tbe city Saturday
locking after political tenoesand were
unable to get home until Sunday on
account cf tbe land slide.
The Dulles people who were here
Saturday and unable to get home in
the evening were taken back Sunday
by Andy Pearson n tbe palatial
launch ot the terry company.
J 1. Early aud G. K. Bone and
wives waited until midnight for No. 6
Saturday night, intending to go to
Ogden, but on aocount ot the wash
outs have postponed their trip.
Alex Reid returned Monday from
Wisoousln, where be sreut tbe winter
with bis fa i.ily. Mr. Reid will have
charge of tbe logging operations at
Green Point this summer. His family
will follow later.
Verne Rand w.a up from Portland
tin llr-t nf Mm week visiting relatives
aud old friends. Mr. Rand has not
been h r before In several years and
vtn-i nnpi isiul at ths development ot
t! e c'.ty and valley.
I'd Aldricb, wife and daughter, of
Graud Forks, N. D., visited Fred
Deitz and other old Dikota friends
heio over Sunday, deputing for home
Tuesday. They were ou tie way
home after spending tbn winter in
California and the Willamette valley.
Tbe Young Men's Alert Club will
give an entertainment' and basket so
cial in tbe Abbott building, opposite
Gill's store on the bill. Ladies witti
baskets admitted free. General ad
mission, 15 cents; children, 10 cents.
Tbe price of admission will be credit
ed on cost of baskets, wbioh will be 00
cents. Children's baskets, 25 cents.
A jolly oiowd of young folks of our
city gathered at tbe borne of U. Tay
lor last Fiidav evening and spent a
pleasant evening playing games and
making and pulling tatty. Mr. Day
did tbe making of the candy, which
was very fine indeed. He bad learned
the trade of making candies some
time ago, but likes outside work bet
ter, so he does not follow his iweet
The excavation for tbe new side
walk grade In front ot A. D. Moe's
tironertv on Oak street will be com
nleted today and S. F. Blytbe will
begin work on bis grade this week.
Some of the property owners are wait
ing until the council fixes the grade
bv ordinance, wbioh will be at tbe ad
journed meeting next Monday night,
and all of them nave expressed toe in
tention of going ahead at once.
The counoil held a meeting last
night and concluded to take steps at
once to iebuild tbe wagon bridge
across Hood River. A temporary
structure will be put it will take
some time to erect a steel bridge aud
the temporary structure will be used
for tbe false work of toe steel bridgn
and the too can also be used for tbe
new but little additional ex
pense will be necessary on account of
tbe tempoiaiy structure. There is
about enough money due me city
fiom back taxes collected by tbn couu
ty on tbe road fund to rebuild the
bridae. so that tbe cost of tbe new
bridge will not be felt byjthe city,
Percy .Shelley weut to Portland on
business Monday.
Clover, Timotliv and Alfalfa lmv at
Mi Rt'vnolds & Co.
Mrs W. 10. Sheets returned from
'ortland Monday.
Ilex spniv in any ouantitv at Whlte-
icad's feed store.
Thos. Ilusbauds returned Monday
from Troutdale.
Mrs. K. O. lilaiiohar visited friends
in Poitluud liiiit week.
LeRoy Corner concert at tbe opera
bonne Friday evening.
tiilatiiii Iiti'iihntors for sale at
McIIevnoliU it Co.
Mrs. S. F. Illytho vi.-d'.ed friends at
TLe D.illi'ri tni) tl ret f tbe week.
Lee an 1 Win. Reavis nere
pasneiigem for 11, e Dulles Saturduy.
Stork foods oi different kinds at
MclU'ji.ohls o. Co.
11. R. Tuckei wtnt to Poitland Mon
day, after waiting for a day for west
bound train.
Dr. R. A. Jay ne, of Springfield,
Ore., visited his brother, A. A.
ayne, aud fumily lust week.
There wus no meeting held at the
UuotiBt church lust Sunday evening
owing to tho lock of electric light.
. H. Bartlett, of Cameron, Wis.,
arrived Tuesday and will go to work
at Green Feint tor the Stanley-Smith
Lumber Co.
Presiding Elder Walton Skipworth
will preach nt Crapper next Sunday
morning at W.w and adniiuiMter ooin
muuion service.
II. C. Rutehaiu has purchased 70
acres of laud near Grants Pass hud
will clear the laud uud set It to apples,
peats and grapes.
Chus. Hull has commenced the
hiiildinc of a line leaidenoe on tbe
lots purchased from J. F. Batohelder
on Colubmia street.
Mrs. F. 11. Isouberg went to Cas
cade Looks Friday on aocount ut the
illness ot her husband, wools a teaon-
er in tho ecoooIb at that plaoe.
The Ladies Mis-den Circle of the
Baptist ohurch will have a 10 cent tea
at tbe home ot Mrs. Evlnger, on tbe
heights, ibursduy, Marob l'J, atd:.w
Rov. and Mrs. S. W. Jackson began
a series ot meetings at the Christian
church beginning last evening. The
meetings will continue tnrougnout
the week.
The basket (octal given by the Pine
Grove Grange Tuesday evening netted
$193. In the voting contest Ralph
Jurvis was voted the most popular
vouue uiau and Lotta Howard tbe
most popular young lady.
The school hoard has called an elec
tion for next Tuesday afternoon at
3 p. m., to vote ou a site for tbe new
school house. It will be a question of
tbo present State street site oi L. L.
Smith's block on tbe hill.
Get vour seats at Clarke's for the
musical event at the opera house Fri
day night. LeRoy Gesner, violinist;
Mrs. winuirreii uyiu, pianisr.; wis.
Gertiude Sletteu, t-i prano; Mr. Al
berta Campbell, aooou.punlbt.
Mrs. Kva Dano hi d Mrs. Ella Uei-
ion were elected di l gates to the na
tional convention oi Uoyal Neighbors,
which i! eets ut Cbiengo in June. Mrs.
Mary A. Mosder tud Mis. Nettie Rob-hint-ou.
of Peudlettu. were elected
dblcgates to the state convention at
Suli-m uext yeur.
Martin llowser, of Deer Lodge,
Moat , nu old employe of G. D.
Wood .vorth.liBs sent the hitter a haud-
mttde tiding bridle, made of braided
hoisehair, iu colors, and tbe same It
on exhibition In Lurawoy's window,
It required about two months1 time
to n uke it i d Is a beauty, it will be
dii-.o (1 tf 'li r the benefit of Mr.
Bowiif i
M. F. U.ill lcit for Goldoudale Fri
day to make arrengenienti to move
his i ine ruiiltini machinery to Hood
R rer. The blunt will ba sit up along
the line cf the upper nest side ditch
and pip mmlo for that waterway.
Mr. Hill u viiii e-)i;iiped witn load
nmkii'g Machinery hs well and pio-
ponsto brag it to Hood hlvet and
be prepaicd to contraota for
Imiliii; :g nuii. Ho has a very heavy
stemii rcllur, the i ugine of which be
will use fir hla pipu n akiug machine,
but bicti ten tie lilted up lor rcao
work iu i-u hciir'a tiuir. He baa al-io
a compreisi d Rir dril'. which can be
ueed in drilling foi blat-ting and me
equipment is complete. It will be an
adthntrsee lo tt.e city aud valley to
tiae en outfit like ihii here, as it
uu.y como In vtry huudy In making
new lonely tucii as ti e Neal creek and
Hood River ::ter trade roads, where
niorer mnchinery would lessen the
t-xpunse of thosi enterprises.
T.'i-eer of Voicii and Piano
T,l f nf Vbw York.
student of Madamo Sieiu of New York,
alwiol Ith.ica Conservatory of Music,
will take a limited numliei of pupils in
voice and phmo. Studio in the Grace
Wilcox hoiu . I'hoi.u .31 M,
Just a Word
about our Picture Framing Department.
We have the largest stock of mouldings in the
city. We carry the highest quality of mould
ings. We use nothing but clear, selected,
art glass. We establish the very lowest
price for good workmanship and high
quality of mouldings, two years ago when
we went into the Framing Business, and have
maintained them. We are always busy
"The best recommendation." Our stock
is always new. No old stock to work off at (
cut prices.
We have the most up-to-date machinery
for framing.
Did it ever strike you that Picture Framing
is an Art not a Trade. It is and require con
stant study. We make this department a
study. Did it ever strike you, that there is as
much difference between a soft wood, varnished
or veneered and a good hardwood as between
cotton and wool. There is. We will continue
to do good Framing at a moderate price.
Slocom's Book vStore
X5ha Place That Does the Framing
Eastern Pattern Hats
Ladies Cordially Invited
CAlt LOAD IN STOCK. 32 Buum 1.2853 Specific Gravity.
...Hood River's Leading Druggist...
a 9 J
Filling Prescriptions
With Pure Drugs witb satisfaction to
both patient and physician is assured if
you lce your prescription with us.
We have gained a reputation for relia
bility bv supplying
Pure Fresh Drugs
In all our prescriptions. When you
bring your prescriptions bare you are
sure of Ideal service.