The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 19, 1908, Page Five, Image 5

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    HOOD R1VEH OLACIKS TgHttflDAY, MAHOH 19, 1008.
Economizes the use of flour, but
ter and eggs; makes the biscuit,
cake and pastry more appetiz
ing, nutritious and wholesome.
This is the only baking
powder made from Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar.
It Has No Substitute
There are Alna aad Phoaphate of LI. litur.i Mld at
Www price, kat a. heaeakeeper regarding to. Malta
I bar family can afford to tham.
Roosevelt Appoints l'ostmasters.
President Roosevelt has appointed
the following Oregon postmasters:
Alfred P. Linegar, Uoqullle; John V.
Miller, Jackaony'Me; Alonzo M
Wcodford, Medford.
Improved Mail Kervlce.
Salem There Is a strong proba
bility that the new train schedule of
the Oregon Electric will result In Im
proved mall service for Salem. It
will carry mail each day.
New Engineer on Ifttinier Project.
Rainier The Water Commission
ers have hired Orrin Tackus, a civil
engineer of Portland, to complete the
work left unfinished by Engineer
Chase, who received a paralytj
stroke a few weeks ago.
Julius WaHnndo I?r:itnlly Murdered.
Silver Lake That Julius Wallan
de, who disappeared December 27,
was brutally murdered, is indicate.!
by the nature of wounds in his bodr.
. which was found Friday in the creek
rear Silver Lake. WaMsinde's skull
was fractured and his h?ad had been
Whirled Around lU-volvliig Shaft.
Coquille George Goodrich, who
works In a sawmill at this place met
with a bad accident last week. In
topping over an iron shaft his
clothes were caught, and he was
whirled around and bruised. Four
ribs were wroken on the left side and
bis head' was badly hurt.
Chamberlain to Run for the Senate.
Salem Governor Chamberlain has
announced his candidacy for the
Democratic nomination for United
States Senator in the primary elec
tion next month. The announcement
was issued at Corvallis, while the
Governor was en route to Yaquina,
where he will Investigate the oyster
beds maintained by the State at that
Fulton Amends Aldrlch Measure.
Senator Fulton has Introduced an.
amendment to the Aldrlch currency
bill to make it unlawful for any Na
tional Banking Association to loan
or advance money to its president or
its directors and officials, and pro
viding that the accepting of such loan
will subject the guilty party to a fine
of 5,000 or imprisonment for one
year or more.
Becomes Suddtiily r.ich.
Clatskanie Fred D. Murphy, a
young unmarried man who has fol
lowed the occupation of a logger
around this place for the past six
years, has received notice from his
old home at Cork, Ireland, that by
the death of a rich maiden aunt in
Dublin he has fallen heir to an estate
of $15,000 in money and a mansion
valued at $35,000 in that city.
No Dipping Needed In Spring of 1908
Pendleton With 60,000 Infected
heep In the county two years ago,
effective dipping ; has reduced that
number until today the Sheep Com
mission finds there is not a .cabby
sheep in the county. The entire
State is also practically free from
scab and the commission has issuel
a proclamation declaring dipping for
the spring, of 1908 unnecessary. -
Umatilla River Swollen.
Pendleton Warm rains followed
by a chlnook wind and then more
rain Is taking the snow off the moun
tains at a rapid rate. The Umatilla
river is higher than It has been any
time this year, and though the water
is rising rapidly, it is still far from
dangerous. The rains are being
hailed with delight by the farmers,
as the season has been exceptonially
Umatilla Drys to Try It Again.
Pendleton Local option will b
an issue In the June election In Uma
tilla county. Delegates of local op
tion workers from, every precinct In
the cointy m?t Friday snd formulat
ed a plan of campaign. The county
local option wan defeated four years
ago by 800 votes, but temperance
people believe then has been great
change In sentiment and that the
movement will now carry.
Sheepmen Chanfre Plea.
Pendleton Three of the Washing
ton sheepmen accused of bringing
their flocks into this state last spring
without giving due notice to the
state or county sheep Inspector, have
changed their pleas of not guilty to
guilty, and were given the minimum
line of $100 each and costs. One of
the remaining cases will be tried as
a test case.
Desire New Timber Cruise.
Hlllsboro The County Court wllj
have several pieces of timber land In
the north end of the county recrulsed
for timber estimates, as there Is a
great deal of dissatisfaction over the
cruise of Nease, hired last spring by
the county to do the work. Repu
table citizens make affidavit! that
there are tracts which have no tim
ber in which Nease' returned large
Charges of Rulck's Misconduct Are
Sustained by Federal Court.
Boise United States ' District
Judge Whltson, of Spokane, who last
fall sat in place of District Judge
Deitrich in the proceedings in con
nectlon with the Indictments against
John I. Wells, Frank Martin, and
others, returned by the Federal
grand Jury here, has rendered a
decision sustaining the second of two
pleas in abatement filed and argued
before him by the defendants. This
Is the plea in which District Attorney
Rulck was charged with misconduct
before the grand Jury that returned
the indictments. ' -
The other pleas filed by specific
defendants, one claiming that the
statute of limitations barred prosecu
tion and the other that Immunity
was procured because of , testimony
given by defendants before the grand
Jury, are overruled. The effect of
the ruling la to throw all of the cases
lesultlng from the grand Jury inves
tigation of March, 1807, relative to
alleged timber frauds, out of court.
The defendants were John I.
Wells, Patrick Downs, John Kink
aid, Louis M. Pritchard, William
Sweet, Albert E. Palmer, Horace S.
Rand, Frank Martin, James T. Bar
ber and Summer G. Moon. Senator
Borah was Indicted with these, but
itood trial and was acquitted.
Portland, Ore., March IT.
Wheat Club, 83c; Valley. S3e;
bluestem, 86c; red Russian, 81e.
Oata Producers' prlcera: White,
$28; gray. $J627.
Hay Wholesale selling prices:
Valley timothy, $17 IS; Eastern
Oregon, $20 21; clover, $14 15;
alfalfa, $12 13.
Hops 1907 crop, 45Hc lb.
Woolvalley, 16 18c; Eastern
Oregon, 12 18c, as to shrinkage.
Butter Country creamery, 150 .
80c; city creamery, 80c; atore, 14 ft
15c; butter fat, 28 .
Eggs Ranch, candled, 5Hc
Honey Dark, 11 12c; amber, It
13c; fancy white, 14lSc.
Seattle Market.
" Seattle, Wash., March 17.
Wheat Very weak and Inactive.
Bluestem, 84c; club, 82c; red, 80c.
Oata Puget sound, $24 25 per
Barley, $25.60 per ton.
Oat Eastern Washington, $25
26 per ton.
Hay Eastern Washington timo
thy, $16 17 per ton; Puget sound
hay, $11 12 per ton; wheat hay,
$12013 per ton; alfalfa $10 11
ter ton.
Eggs Selected ranch, 17 per dot.
selected local. 18 19c per do
Butter Washington creamery,
32c- per lb; Eastern storage, 25
30c per lb; renovated, 24e per lb;
ranch, 20 22c per Tb;' fresh Cali
fornia, 80c per tb.
Th fallowing rouu.i trip mt. i.
in efJ.i I :
llx.i Civ r to rottland nn.t
tM,.xi i iii an t rntnrnlua Suii !
i!i di Hirer to Port laud anl rturn,
good rfotog Ruluidart or Sunday and
rmxi returning Sundays or Mondaja
Bery day, good for 30 days, 8.125.
J. tl. r'redricy, Agent.
ColeaUt Rat r'ram Rasters IMats to
Pad lie Toast.
On mle daily irom M in-li 1-t I i Ap-il
30th, 19H8, to all O. It. A N. main m.e
ami branch iut. Chit-air", $38(10;
Milwaukee, i'.loomiiiiiton ..Vi;
Peoria, $3805; Bl L-mjih, $:!6.60; Mt-in-plii,
$39.l5; Kauaa(Jiir, Lea vvn north,
Atchison, St. Joseph, $30.00; ('inn-ii
HlllfTaaml Oinalin. ft-tODf): Kiimi IM
$31.95; Si. 1'aulari.t Minneapolis t.l .(ill.
lvpoam can be matte at (he l. K. A
X. atalioll for anv ticket from anv nf
of the tMtint mentioned above. For
further tntorumtion call on or write
Wm M. McMcbhav, J. H. KkKDKICY,
Gen. Paw. A Kent, Agent,
Portland, Ore. Hood River.
C. II. STOUGHTON announces liihi-
ell a candidate fur nomination to his
present incninl:ucv,county comissioner,
suliject to the votes of the republican
parly at I lie April primarifs.
I hereby announce inycelf a caiidklntH
for Representative to the state legisla
ture, subject to the action tf the voters
of the republican parly in Wasco county
at the primary election April 17, laus.
If elected I will vote (r the republican
candidate for Unite! States Senator re
ceiving the largest number of popular
votes. J. L. (. AKlfc-K.
County TrruMirrr
K. S. (iunninii of The Dalles, Oregon,
animuiiees himself a candidate for the
Kenuhiii-an nominntiun lor County
Treasurer of Wasco County, subject to
the approval oi the voters at the primary
I hereby announce myself a candi
date lor 'County Treasurer of Wasco
County. Or- gon, mibjert to the decision
of Uw'vctfK i ti e ftepiiMl an party at
tl e -iiriwaruw to be held April 17, lws.
County Judge.
i i.i.n-JuHjh A. K. Lake n noil ues
IiIuuhIi a landitlate for re-elet-tioi. to
his pitHHt t Inciiinbetiry subject to the
approval of the voters of the republican
party at the primaries April 17.
i vpi i.v nf Th Dulles. Oresoii.
announces himself a candidate for the
office of county judge suliject to the will
of the republican voters of Waico
county. If elected he will devote inn
time to the liiterenw i wie prir. "
County Judge, as he has to the intercuts
of the city ot The D.tlle -while Major
for the past three terms.
County Clerk
J. B. GUT of The Dalle- a a
date for the otlire of Count 'eik r
Wasco Couiitv. Kubiect t H iifi
of the Republican voters in Hie ma:
State Senator
T harohe a iwmiu-H t.i llie VoliTN ol
Wxuhi n,i tli I mil a rfliididale fur the
Hennhlinnn n.iliiilitl:ill t .1 Stute Senator.
subject to their approval at the primary
election to bo held April 17, 1908.
The nndersiened announces his can
didacy for representative subject to the
votes of the Republican party at the
primaries in April. Having been a resi
dent of the stale for over thirty years he
knows the needs of his county and if
elected ill serve the people justly and
honestly. If elected he win vote lor tno
Republican candidate for United States
Senator having the largest number of
pupular votes. DANIEL J. COOPER.
District Attorney.
W P MYERS I al-ll.w Oretrnn. in a
candidate for Di-trict Attorney for the
seventh judicial district, bubject to
the action of the reDUblican voters iu
the primary election.
FRED W. WILSON. Subject to the
approval of the voters of Wasco and
Crook countie, my candidacy, for the
republican nomination tor uisinci at
torney of the ceventli judicial district is
announced. If nominated and elected
I shall endeavor to faithfully discharge
the duties of the office as provided by
law. Fred W. Wllran.
County Clerk.
F R AN'fiLF nf The Dalle, in a
candidate tT the office f County Clerk
for Wasco comity. Huhject to the
tion of the rt publican voters in the pri
mary election.
Subject to ths decision of the voters of
the krptihlican party, nf Warco County,
I announce my candidacy for the repub
lican nomination for County Clerk. If
nominated and elected, I shall endeavor
to faithfully discharge the duties of the
office as required hv law.
t .jr-.v'xrjBawptjeKfisx5r
Have Arrived
And are loudly applauding themselves in our
West window.
Are especially attractive; bright colorings,
handsome patterns.
That Spring Suitit's
Time to Order
Never were the patterns so beautiful arid varied for
Men's Suits as for the coming Spring. Give your
order now and get first choice with exclusive right
to the pattern. The imported Scotch Tweeds are
handsome. It will do you good to see these pat
terns whether you buy or not. They cannot be
duplicated. Call in and see them. If you want
one of these beautiful Suits, grab it now as they
have the ginger and snap that moves them.
ASA G. M'OGSDILL. I hereby an
nounce myself a candidate forCuunty
Clerk of WaM! Con nt v. Oreeon. mined
lo the derim n of tl.'1 voters of the re
publican p'irtt at the primaries to be
neiu April w, rji' .ua u. Biogsuui.
County Assessor
C. L. SCHMIDT. Republican candl
date for the office of County Assessor of
Wusco County at the primaries, needs
no introduction to the voters. 1 He has
served the county in this capacity before
ana nis aoiiuy to aiscnarge tne duties
of the office is well known throughout
Wasco County.
M. K. McLEOD, of Kinsley, Ore.,
on the republican ticket, subject to the
ant inn tf ftKia cAtara tt YV a unr nnn nin n f
the primary election to be held April 17.
J. W. KOONTZ announces himself as
a canaiuate lor tne repuDiican nomina
tion for Assessor of Wasco county sub
ject to the approval of Ihe voters at the
primary election to be held April 17.
LEVI CHRISM AN. I hereby an
nounce my candidacy for the republican
nomination for sheriff, subject to the
approval of the republican voters of
Wasco County. If nominated and elect
ed I shall endeavor to faithfully dis
chtrne the dut'es of the office as pro
vided by law. Levi Chbisman.
. County Superintendent
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the Republican nomination
for County School Superintendent of
Wasco County, Oregon, subject to the
approval of the voters at the primary
electiou. . ; JUSTUS T. NEFK.
Candidate for Congress
OKQKGE 8. SHEPHERD of Portland
solicit. 8iii'Ht t for Republican nomina
tion for H preventative in Congress.
Advocat V River Improvement and
"Deep Wt. r to the Sea."
The old IVnnwlvania I Mitch Dunkard
recommends "Hickory I'.ark Cough
Remedy." Guaranteed to cure your
coukIi, am! ifuaranteeil to le pure.
Made from the bark of the s! ell bark or
white Kor wile, by Chas.
N. Clarke and all dealers everywhere.
I! Kl Nl; at 1 t-
i 7
To build up a steady Out-of-Town
patronage we are making
by WEEK or MONTH .
American or European. Famous
Dining Service far noted as Finest
on the Pacific Coast Six car lines.
Writt fir Rates
erasd aad Bawthsn Ave.
We sell them, the most perfect sound
prodncinx machine Mr. Edison's fao-
rite invention, -which contains all of his
new improvements. We are now show
ing the new model with the big horn,
the greatest triumph in phonograph
making. Don't forget that Mr. Edison
is the inventor of the entire phono
graphic idea, and that the Edison pho
nograph is tho original talking machine
Over fifteen hundred Edison records in
stock. Call and see for yourself.
W. D. Rogers
Hood River Studio
Our Groceries
Win build yon up! Their absolute
purity insures their wLotesomenew.
We cater to a class of customers who
want things right and appreciate our
efforts to satisfy in all particulars.
Canned Goods
In great variety and all of a superior
quality. Our prices will interest you
Phone 491 Free DaHvflrv
Wood & Smith Bros.
Watch t
this Space
Next Week
Bargains in
Real hhte z
6c Co.
m iuu l r
13 TWA
i r
rait arm
I ii ii fefs mn nzi m : 1 1 r . wr v
Department of the Interior, Lund Office at
Tb l)alp, Oregon, February 2U, 1U8.
Notice In berebv iiWen tliut
of Port Ian', County of Multnomah, Htate of
OiTKn, has applied to purnbawi, under tbe
act of (Vnre of Jnne i. 1H78. an extended by
act of Aug 4. mi, the NK',,NW',!, Hectlon M,
T. 1 N., R. 9 KWM, and will oir-r prtx.r to hof
that .lie land ouKtil I more vHlunble for It
timber or Htnn tbun fora((rlculiurHl purpoKeH,
and viestHbllxh hia claim to mild land before
the KeitWcr and Heetlver. at The La le. Ore
gon, on the 14i h tiny of Mhj . IWM.
He named an wltiiPiiiH'g: Juilnon Forftueon,
of Uood Uiver. Oretron; Ky Murk ley. of Dee,
Oregoi.; llcmlifiv Markley, of Ih, Oregon;
William F. Rand, of Hood Klver. Oregon.
Any and all pernona claiming adveraly the
above-deKcribed liindu lire requented to file
their clalnu In tnli office on or before Bald
18th day of May, 1UU8
ni 1 irnlt C. W. MOOKK, HeslaUr
Department of tbe Interior. I .and ofttoe at The
Dalle, Oregon, February 211 ll, 1WI8.
Notice U hereby given that
of Hortland.Connt.y of Multnomah, Htate of
Oregon ha applied lo pilrrhaxe, under Hie
act of lngreavof June s. 18:8. extended by
act of Angina 4. IKtii, the H'-i NK'4 and H'A
HK.MeetinnW, T. 1 N., K.ltiiWM, and will
ofler ihinM to atiow thai the Und might la
more valuable fur Ita timber nr alone than for
agricultural nuroaea, and to eatabllah her
claim to aalil land before Ihe Reglaler and
Receiver, at The Da'let, orrg on the lth
day of May, Km
Hhenameaa. wllncaaea: ludaon Knrgnion,
of Hood lllver, Oregon; liny Maialey, ol pee,
Oregon; Her..-y Mark ley, or Dee, Oregon;
William V. Km I. of Uo.mI Itiver, Oregon.
Any and all rwn Hiilmlng adveraely the
above-dt-aerllh-d la.iila are tvqiieted lo die
their Claim In Hili oUiiie ou or before said
Utb day orMay.noa
nuJ-MM c. W. MOOKE, later.
Buy Your Fruit Boxes
Hood River Box Factory
nnd Patronize Home Industry.
Best Quality Lowest Price
Home Made
Phone Main 71
F. 8. 8TANLEY, Tree.
E. L. SMITH, Vice-Pres."
E. O. BLANCHAR, Cashier
V. C. BROCK, Asst. Cashier
The first National Bank
Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $15,000
The safety of your Deposit
Is an important consideration in opening your bank
account.- ' , '
F. F. Kam, deputy controller of the currency, is
authority for the recent statement that there has
only been 4G8 receiverships for NATION L BANKS
during the entire history of the system v (about 43
yeurs), and of that number 20 were permitted to
resume business and 370 liquidated with m average
loss to creditors of less than twenty per cent.
, We offer you every advantage that per
tains to a National Bank, and solicit your