The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 19, 1908, Page Four, Image 4

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In laat week's notes tbe addition of
oie letter made a sentence read Mr
Cook is at home when it should bare
read Mr. Cook, etc.
Wallace Toons went to Canon.
Wain., Tbuisday and will be in tbe
employ of tbe Mineral Spring! Boa
ml Transfer uo., ssnejjey a. bob pro
li. T. Young and J. R. Crosby bare
each purchased a team.
While opening a oan of tomtcs
Marie Liookman out bei nana so
Terely tbat she was anabla to do Itr
usual work for a day or two.
L. W. Wilson was in M osier all lust
week. Mr. Wilson was at work as pa
per banger.
Last Thursday Mr. tlawtborne met
' with an accident tbat might hsve
S roved rery serious affair. Mr.
lawthorne was working about a grub
bing maobine and the sweep stiotk
both him and a boras, knocking tbem
down. Mr. tlawtborne was struck
jast above tbe knee and Thursday
evening he was not able to walk with
out assistance, but at laat aocoonti
was only slightly lame.
Tbe Ladies Aid Soolety, of Udi 11.
met at the obaroh last Thursday aft
noon and elected tbe following cm
cars: Mrs. Alice Poole, president;
Mrs. Lillian 11 lb bard, vloe president;
Mia. Gertrude Clark, secretary; Mrs.
Lizzie Eggert, treasurer. Tbey also
talked over plans for mining funds to
meek their pledge.
Mis Emily Wilson goes to Hool
River, where she and Miss vans will
be found capable and willing to do
fashionable dressmaking. Miss Wil
son is well known in Odell and bei
woik here has beeu sncb as to com
mend ber to all who desiie anything
in ber line.
Last Thursday evening by invita
tion tbe patroua and friends of Odull
sohool met with tbe teachers of said
sohool and after listening to a pro
gram consisting of reoitations, songs,
tiiusio and reading of articles suited
to tbe oocasion on organization, tbe
name and purpose of wblcb will te
given later, waa effected with tbe fol
lowlna ottloers: Mrs. Uertrude Clark,
president; Mrs. L. W. Wilson, vloe
president; Miss Margaret Kaz, secre
tary; James Eggert, treasoier. Wed
nesday evening, March 25, was select
ed as tbe date for tbe next meeting.
An organization such as this, when
properly conducted, baa been found
beneficial in msny ways in other
filaoes and can te made so beie, but
ike all other good work it requires
united effort to achieve success. Let
us make this olub that shall be
classed as a suocess.
The following is tbe subsUure of
notices which bave been postea ut-re:
On the 17th day of April, 1908, ct the'
usual polling plaoe in tbe precinct of
Odell a primary nominating election
will be held at wbtob tbe Republican
and Democratic parties will choose
their candidates tor state, district,
county, preoinot and other ottloers,
iiumely: One United States senator,
one representative in onngiess, oue
supreme judge, one state railroad
commissioner, one district attorney,
seventh judicial district, one state
senator, two state representatives to
legislature, one couuty judge, one
county sheriff, one county clerk, oue
county treasurer, one county school
superintendent, one county assessor,
one county commissioner, one county
surveyor, one county coroner, oue
justice of tbe peace, one constable,
one committeeman for eaob paity,
which eald election will be held at 12
o'olook noon and will continue until
7 o'olook In the afternoon of said day.
Persons who are candidates for tbe
pieoinot offices, justice and countable
should file tbelr petition wicb tbe
county olerk not less than fifteen days
before above date. Those who wish to
consult election laws aud bave not a
oopy may refer to same at tbe home
of U A. E. Olark.
We bear that Wm. Blocher bas pur
chased a fine team.
Last Saturday evening as L. D.
Boved was returning bme from town
and when he was part way up Tucker
hill, tbe bolt tbat holds tbe double
trees in plaoe (oommouly known as
the wagon wrenoh) gave way and the
This Space
Belongs to
U)e Jeweler
We have now on hand a full line of
Our own Preparations
Manufactured Exclusively by Ourselves.
To Secure THE BEST PRODUCTS on the market we
have devoted long and careful study and experi
menting. You can see this line in our windows
some in process of preparation; also samples of all
our finished products. Each and every one is guar
anteed by us to give perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. Let us show our K- 0 line and he convinced
Cos Ull. laid d tbe bill
while the horses cu li ued on their
way. Mr. Boyod decided it would be
impotsille to coutrul licit b boise and
wagon, so directed bis effoits toward
preventing the wagon from going over
tbe gratia. Tnia be succeeded in do
ing. Tbe horses run but there waa no
serious result of tbe accident and all
in all wss a fortunate ending to what
mlrfht bave been a aerloui ilfaii.
John Kroeger Is preparing to" set
two hundred pear trees, l'he trees
will te or two varieties, ueurrea-Anion
and Cornice.
Pruning is almost done and spray
ing with lime and sulphur solution
for San Jose scale, anlhiaooose, scab
and other pests and diteaeee that In
leet fi ait trees is now the order of the
After more than a week spent in
trying In various ways to remove tbe
broken dilll from tbe well at Wm.
KhrckV, a way was found tbat proved
iiicrfdsful aud Monday mcrnlug tbe
ne .trill was down to a depth of 119
Ui. If nothing happens to prevent
Me fit will be shot Tuesday and by
the end ot this week tbe drillers will
tie ready to move.
Tbe Mends of Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Masses wilt be sorry to learn tbat
their little ohild had to be taken to
i be Dslles, where an operation was
: ttrforu ed. At last Recounts tbe lit
li one a doing well.
J. H. Ciosby bas purchased an Oli
ver typewriter.
E. L. Kleiner's team ran away Sun
day. Tbey brought up against a tree
with great force, but appeared none
tbe worse for it.
It is quite oertaln tbe deal is made
whereby Mr. Brock her transfers bis
owuersbip of land in Odell to an east
ern Him; Negotiations were uiaie
through Mrs. Marion Mao Hue.
Broozer, Master Miles Lcckmnn's
bis dog, was found dead near Lome
Saturday morning. Tbe oliildren es
pecially mourn bim, as lie was a great
playfellow and though a powerful ani
mal would not hurt the smallest child.
Ihn nn.itlnn in whinh he w&Kfnniid
and other circumstances point Toward
poisob as tbe cause of bis death.
Two good seimons Sunday, Kev.
Asbluy Cash preaching both morniog
and evening.
Kod (Jbtlstian Eudeavor meeting
Sunday evening. Halplb B. Lewis,
Odell UrauRe No. 308 met In regular
session Tuesday evening, March in,
and tbe following progiam was ren
dered :
Beading . "Ihe Outlaw"
Ralph Lewis
Instiumental Sulo Naomi Boyed
"Ihe Bull Dog on the Bank"
Male Quaitette "'
Reading "Uncle Job and tbe
Insurance Agent" - - 1). C. Henry
"Sleep, Kentucky Babe"
Ladies Quartetto
Atfer tbe business of the evening
waa disposed of. the following were
chosen as delegates to tbe county con
vention at The Dalles Saturday,
Match ls;Ueitiudo Crouby, K. C.
MaBeker and Percy X. Shellny. Jamus
Wilson, Naomi Boyed aud lilanohe It.
Shelley were chosen as alternates
Tbe county oonveutiou was called to
order at 11:30 a. hi., Saturday In the
1. O. O. 1'. ball In Tue Dalles A.
A. Bonoey was eleoted chairniau and
Miss Nan Cooper seoietary. The fol
lowing giauges wre represented:
Pine Urova Orange, Carl Johnson,
Miss Alice Mark and Ed. Hawks,
proxy; Odell Oiange, 0. It Masiker,
Uertrude Crosby aud Blanche li.
Shelley; Mt. Hood Grange, Miss Nun
Cooper. Proxies, E. L. Ruod and
Mrs. S. M. Baldwin; Wamlo, J. 11.
Eubauks, J. W. Zumwalt aud wife;
Mt View, Wm. Millnr, Mis Hun.,
Mr. MoOurdy; Mosier, Mrs. Boot,
Mr. Carrol, 0. 1''. Sluuffer; Ramsey
Park. W. H. U. Duffer, E. Gill, A. V.
Underwood; Park Grange, L. E.
Morse, M. R. Nobel, J. O. EuBtinnu;
iywassor (Tyghe Va'ley), A. A. B ui
ney, P. E. Pagan, B W. MoCorklo.
All of the granges ot the couuty were
well represented and on the 11 rat bal
lot oast tbe three delegates to tbe state
grange were eleoted as follows: J. II.
Eubaoks, Wamic; J. P. Carroll, Mo
sier; L. E. Morse, llond : River. The
alternates were: A. D. Gibbs, Lee
Evans and A. C. Stateo.'
Reporter ot Odell Giange No 308.
Mr. J. K English Is suffering witb
a violent attack of i beomatism. Sbe
weut to tbe Collin bot aprlngs in
Washington r.u Wednesday of last
week 'or tnstmei,t.
Mrs Biegge and son, Louis, return
ed home rerrctly. af cr spending two
months riiiii;g sltb friends in Call
Those Greek who had tbe contract
ior aud burning tbe brush on
the Arorsou ranch finished tbe work
ou Monday of this week and tbere are
now two white men and nine Japs
cutting wood on tbe place.
Tbe woik on Oak Hall is progress
ing as rapidly as tbe weather will per
mit. Gus Fosberg returned borne recent
ly, alter spending seversl weeks in
Natbsn llackett returned from Port
land a tew (.ays ago. He had been
visiting with relatives at tbat plaoe
ever aiuoe Ibe holidays.
Mrs W. C. Martin, after an Illness
of serersl weeks. Is able to sit up
Sgaiu part r.f racb day.
Miss Helen Martin la still confined
to ber bed with rheumatism.
Mi. Green reoently sold ten acres of
land near tbe sohool buuse to a Port
land party for (1,200. Tbe property
was partly Improved.
Ctw. Walton Skipworth. presidium
elder of tbe M. K. cburob, will bol l
tu quarterly meeting of tbe Belmout
oiiouit on next Sunday. There will
be sacramental services at 10:30 a. m.,
end preaching Immediately after.
The business meeting will be at tbe
resideuce of Carl Jantyen on Satur
day afternoon.
School began last Tuesday in tbe
upper Mt. Hood district, witb Miss
Pearl Blaylook as teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Craft returned
to "Sky Ranch" last Saturday, after
a viiit witb relatives In Seattle.
Last Sunday being little Celia Wil
son's b rtbdsy sbe celebrated by in
viting some of bar friends to her
borne Satuiday. They had a delight
ful time, spending most of tbe atter
noon pUying in the turn. Mrs dib
ble served tbem a most delicious
lunch, to which the young appetites
did ample justice
Miss Nan Co iper weul to The Dulles
last Saturday, at a delegate to the
grangi county convention.
As a result ot the rcuut rain slnrin
tbe stratms are all swollen aud bridges
are us ed out in several places Ibe
wiud plxyed havoc with the telephone
liuoa, alio, but the d image wili soou
he repaired auu things tie In order
K. C. Milter aud family moved back
to Mt. Hood last 1'uesJay. We are
very glad, indeed, to weluouie them
back aui bopo tbey will conolude to
remain trmauontly.
i'ho regular iiiHetiug nf tbe grange
is to Lh next 1'iiJsy evening.
Ibe new urg.tu fui I tie church came
last Friday. It is a Que one aud wo
are much pleased with it.
The meetiuus hel l by Rev. 3. V..
Milligau at tbe church have been uu
usually interesting. Tbe sermons lie
has given us will ba fcod for thought
and an incentive to butter living for a
loug time. Mr. Milligan first came
here just two yeais ago and be should
feel gratitled to sue a cburob with a
good active membership aud a very
neat little c'juroh as tbe lecult of his
two yean' labors.
Rev. Braustetter will not preach
here tbe fourth Sunday of this month
as usual, but will come tbe fifth Sun
day instead.
A large audieuco was present at the
dudioatiou services ot tbe new church
Sunday. It was a juyful oocanon to
tbe lesideuta ul cur little valley. So
many bare special luterest in the
church aud have labored so lovingly
and uugrtidglugly to see it completed
that It wag surely a blessed dedica
tion, and we look with pride to the
faot tbat it was dedicate! fiee of debt
uot any money being asked for on
that day. The beautiful flower used
in deoorating were especially appreci
ated in this altitude where spring has
baldly made ber appe yet. Tbe
anthem, "O, Be Joyful," sung by the
choir, waa very fine and well rendeied
Tbo dudioatory sermon waa preached
) Cm
Does Your
Heart Beat
Yes. 100,000 times each day.
Docs it send out good blood
or bad blood? You knov, for
good blood is good health;
bad blood, bad health. And
you knov precisely what to
take for bad blood Ayer't
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for 60 years.
on f mineM chiim of W SloaS H IcirgMk
"r.T. Uu. lirtMltM-a CnlMllfNlUofl. foUouoM
.irt.iam-0. Mi tiivii iMoritd inio in
Kp Um teowaJa opus wuli Afvr'i flu.
Wue br 1. o. rr os., Iwn. 1
A!Q nylhwtatfTS !
mt CIKE.
TO L. t a Montst W. pabllsh
t; formulas of all our B.dKri&M.
by Dr. Blaksley. president of Pendle
tun .Aoiieiny. Dr. Blakeley, though
quiet in manner, is a very toroeful
speaker and cariied bis audience with
him to tbe end. lie gave us two other
sermons. Saturday and Hunday even
inga, wblcb were very good. We will
be very glad to welcome Dr. Blakeley
back to Mt. Hood. There were foui
additions la the obuich Shuday, three
by o, nreaslon and one by Mtei.
(rang County ('invention.
I cure was a' county contention of
granges at Tha Dalles last Saturday
tor the purpose of electing delegates
to tbe state grange, which meets at
Eugene in May. Ihe following were
eleoted: J. 11. E lianas, Wamiu. si
ternate, A D (ilbl;J. P. Carrol!,
Mosier, alternate, Lee blvans; O. L.
Morse, Hood Uiver. alteruate, A. C.
Staten. . Nan Cooper, Beo
The Lid lea Aid Society, of tbe Val
ley Cbriatian church, met at the I ome
ot Mrs. J. J. Gibbous on Ihnisday
evening ol last week at a o clonk p,
m., when about 64 were most royally
entertained. Sandwiches and several
kinds ot riub o ke snd a most delio
ioua cup of coif ee. and for desert
Oranges served up in quite a unique
style. Ihe Ifolinwing you g ladies
served out the nf esbiLeuts: Mes
dames (lilibons, Sberrleh, Ilasbrook,
Ufa via, Moses Shoemaker. Tate and
llodgas Mrs C. Crpple and daugh
ter gave selections ou tbe piano, ac
oompauied by aonga. f-'rof. Epping
gave two most - excellent songs, which
called for a general enoore. A most
delightful eteuing nas spent and all
seemed well pleased. Much credit is
due Mrs. tiibbous and tbe Ladies Aid
for tbe way ''tbe. obcle program was
oariieil out aud the Ladles Aid So
cioty was tichtr ly 110 WV need
more of the sr.cial K'atbeiings, as we
only pars this lite a Journey once
Let us eujcy all we can.
The Bockford merchant lost a water
proof wagou cover last week. Any oue
nuiling it li'Hue leave at tbe (Jlaoinr
nluae or the Uockford store. .
Mis. C. Plnnu has a rat bar snvnra
attack of tbe la gt'Ppo. Dr Mills -am
culled to attend l er aud pronounced
it an attack of plfurisy, but witb
good care and nursing the will souu
Mrs. R ilelme received a telegram
from her daughter, ; Mrs. Uroll, in
Chicago, stating that she was a'ok and
so delayed ber leturu I.oilc.
Joseph UroQ lost a valuable boin
Inst week. Veterinary Welch atteud
ed the siok aoiiual, but gave uo hope,
so tney naa to nave tne tiorse.ehot.
Mrs. & Bray ford shipped 100 egs
'or setting from tbe bigb tooriug tlx
mouth Kouks. J. J. Neunijser, ol
Cemania, Ure , was tbe purchaser.
it is the iutntiou of tbe moich:'uts
and ritizHiis of H,.i) Kivei to bave t
float ut the Knre IVst val at Porllaud
in June hiH ou tb-1 Boat tbey piopose
to eotliroi e a q .I'en, that quevu to be
eleoted by - voIks. Tickets oao te ob
tained at the 'loukford and deposited
in a ballot box. Now, wby not boom
Barre t district uod elect a queen, and
for once put Hood Biver in tbe shade?
Rally to tbe polls and vote your test
girl. Boys, remember tbe pells are
open all hours of tbe day at tbe
Mrs. M. A. Mosier and dansbter.
Alioe, were Hood Biver passengers
Monday. Mrs. Mosier was tbe dele
Kate from tbe Boyal Neighbor Camp
nere to meet witb tbe state camp held
ac iiood tilver Wednesday.
Miss Irma Phillips, ' of Portland,
came up on the local Tuesday to visit
old friends for about ten days, lima
seemed glad tc g t baok again after
being away tor tlx months.
Mrs. F. S. Uunnlns and aunt. Mrs.
C. lienz, came down from Tbe Dalles
luesday to see Mrs. Cunning a moth
er, Mrs. Davenport, Mrs. Gunning
returned borne on tbe nigbt train.
Miss Feua GoJberBon came down
from Tbe Dalles Tuesday to visit
Dome roius.
Miss Kate Davenpoit was a Hood
River passenger on tbe local. Sunday.
Mrs. Ben Woods, who has been up
caring tor ber husband who bas beeu
siok, returned to her home in Port
land Tuesday.
J. N. Mosiei and Ora Hodge went
to Hood Kivei Tuesday to atteud the
reception given Tuesday evening tor
the -Voodmen and Royal Neighbors of
America. Tbey report as having had
a soleudid time and brilnn rovallv en
tsrtained. .
Thursday the smull sou of Mr. and
Mrs. Morrison fell while crossing tbe
liriiltfA AnrnAB Hrv nraalt ulnl hHlv rnt
bis head. We are glad to bear Ibe
ohild is getting along as nioely as pos
sible. Bruoe Wolrertoo came . up from
Portland '1 hursday and spent a few
days here.
Sam Stark, of Ihe Dalles, made
short visit with bis father Thursday.
Miss Evelyn Hayes spent Ssturday
and Suuday witb ber mother in Tbe
Ernest Evans made a short visit to
Hood River Saturday.
Tbe delegates to the state grange
held in Ibe Dalles from here were
Mrs. Amos Root, Messrs. J. M. Car
roll and O. Staffer.
One of tbe best and most auccsssfol
entertainments ever given in Mosier
was tbe one given Saturday evening at
Lamb's hall by Camr No. 10.177. Mod
ern Woodmen of America. Tbe pro
gram although short was wU len-
dered. It was u follons: v..
Musio . . , ' . Trio
Recitation . ' Emily Husbands
Ladies Long
.Kid Gloves
.....Suit Cases .
From $1.25 Up.
Dialogue, "Court Scene" - Five Boys
Song, ."Tessio" , . - ; Elsie Denny
Musio - . . . . -, Irio
Dialogue, "Texas Courtship"
' Boy and Cirl
Song, "Medley" Male Quartette
Musio - Trio
Alter the program the baskets which
bad been to prettily made and well
tilled witb goodie by the ladies were
sold by Frank lionter. AltbongH Mr.
Uuuter couldn't ice tbe betiuty ot tbe
haekets be ounld tell by tbe weight
tbey wme wi ll filled ' There ..'were
about 25 baskets sold Mid the total
funds lecelred wi.s rl)3 25. H is Is
the largest cum errr rnin il it, Vn aitr
by one entertBintiicnt hi.'I ili- 'V. end
men frrl veiy giuteful for tie l.i'l'p
uiveu I hem. 1 he funds are to Ipi.hci
in buying uuitninis l-ir the dii stnt
iu a short tiuiH the Imltti-. wtiih is
one of the hunt aud most piotptrnos
lodges of Moi-itr, will be able to re
ceive new meuibxissud visiting neigh
bors in prr per style.
Rev. Wood, of Hood River, deliver
ed two veiy luteiesting sermons be e
Tbeie was no school In Mosier town
Monday, both teaobers being in Hood
River and on account; of tbe slide and
bridg washing out weie unable to
teacb here till tbe boat Hbout noon
Frank Middleswart lelt'Monduy for
Uremerton, Wu., to take up bis. work
there after a two months' visit 'with
his parents here.
l elix Wilfert left Morday h aded
Icr Alaska, wbHin be bas interests,
Mr. Wilfert has spent the winter heie
U. in wlntei and we hope this won't be
tbe lat-t oue be spends here.
Among Hood Riwi pnseengi rs Mon
day were Mrs. Johu Erans, Mrs.
Flank Macey aud Mis Cora Parrisb.
Mr. Norman left for his home In
Washington Monday, after a month's
stay here.
Recipe' Is Easily Pi t-pared "at Suiall
test, ana many swear oy 11.
Mix the following by Bhaking well in
a bottle, and take in teaspoonful doses
after meals and at bed time : ""' '
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound -Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
ounces. . A local druggist is the author
ity that these simple, harmless ingredi
ents can be obtained at nominal cost
from our home druggists.
Tbe mixture ia raid to cleanse .and
strengthen the clogged and Inactive
Kidnevs. overcoming. Backache.' Blad
der weakness and Urinary Trouble of
all kinds, if taken before the stage ot
BriBht's riiseaee. .
Those who bave tried this say it poeiv
tively overcomes pain in the back,.
clears the urine of sediment and, regu
lates urination, especially at night, cur
ing even the worst forms of bladder
Every man or woman here who feel
that tbe kidnevs are not strong or act
ing in a healthy manner should mix
this prescription at home and give it a
trial, as it is sal a to do wonders ior
many persons.
The 8cranton,.Pa., Times was . the
first to print this remarkable prescript
tion. in October, of 190(1, since when all
the leading newspapers of New York',
Boeton, Philadelphia-, Fittsbury and
other cities have made announcements
of it to their readers. ' : .'
Catarrh Core, Cooper Mne O. ' ...
There are thosnnuds of people -who
uff!r witb Catarrh, but do little or io
liiii g t- remove the dread disease. This
innli-rt permits the disease to inflame
the Mucus Membrane aid may a flirt
Uiv n 'He, throat, lunga, stomach, bowels
ir bladder.' Cold aggravates Catarrh
ulnl if allowed to become chronic it leads
to Bronchitis and also to Consumption-.
Fully forty p1 cent of the deaths in
America are from diwaees of the air
passages. Use the Miie C a and be
cured ' It is alao a sure cure for Croup,
Bronchitis, Colds and LaGripe. If
Mme. Abbott's millinery 01 eulos
Marub 18, 19 and 20, at wblcb time I
sbsll display tba latest designs Id patt
ern us is.
. Special Notice. (
lluylog secured tbe agency for tbe
famous Edison phonographs, and re
cords, I wish- to announce tbat 1 burs
ju it received the complete line of
machines and the eotiie catalog of
lecords, being all the. reoords made by
this company op to January 1, 1908.
Also a large stock of dito records.
In all over three tboasaud to velect
trom. One of tbe iargest ' stocks, in
the state. Call and see and bear tbem.
. . Soule'iJMsno Haase,
. Silas 1L Soale, Prop.
' ': : : . f
Black Cat Hosiery is Guaranteed to
give satisfaction in wear and to hold
their color and not get faded and
dingy. The factory has a new pro
1 "cess that makes Black Cat Hosiery
better than ever , and authorize us
to replace every pair that does not
give entire satisfaction.
I . , . ....
New Mens
Tics Shirts
.Fruit Lands.
in lare or email trm Some very good
land at low priics mi present, tiood
i rowing diiiiinur.ity. Six miles east of
IIikjiI l:ivt r. Also homesteads and re
liniuishnri tn. Parties wishing to buy
will do well to writi or see
Mi.'ier Oregon
Don't get on the waiting list for
the new Home Telephone. A per
fect nerve tonic. Everybody de
lighted with the modern, up-to-date
service. Work to cut in the long list
of rural lines will begin at once. No
charge for service till March 1. Ask
your neighbor to let you call up
"0" and place your order.
Home Telephone Co.
MASc YOUiT own stock foodo dy using
': j ' Crush and mix In feed or salt Proper dose in tablets
Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price
For Horses, CtU, Sheep, Swine and Fowls. They are made from the active principle or the
condensed eiaence of the druf . They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are just
as food when 10 year, old as when 10 days old. They comply with aU pare druf laws. Ask lor
and try oncsSKIDOCVCondit.on Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera.
Blister, Cathartic, Heaye. Fevi Hot Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tabletsor Louse Powder.
Spavin .Curt or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO..
Incorporated! Capital Stock $300,000.00i Watertown, South Dakota U. S. A.
For Sale by Hanna & Perigo.
.Mount Hood Store...
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Dry Goods Ammunition Boots and Shoes
Hardware Grunitewaru
Hay Grain Flour Feed Full lint' of Groceries
Our orders are all carefully , and pioiniitly uiade to
mea'sure by U6e Royal Tailors of Cliicngo and
New York, and we guarantee ' not only good style,
but a perfect fit' and the very finest tailoring. We
'are now showing the
Complete Line of Spring Suitings and
Beautiful and exclusive patterns sometlii ng to
please everybody. If
Good Style, Snappy Clothes, High
, Qualities and Moderate Prices
Interest you, then Royal tailoring is what you are
looking for. Come and see the hundreds of new and
beautiful domestic ah(J imported fabrics.
Llite Petticoats
Nothing to Equal
HATS-New Styles
Mens and Boys
Subscribers to the new Dumas (Neat
Creek) road fund, lists tor which were
circulated by J. L. Langille, A. M.
Kelly sod J. M. I.enz, are hereby re
quested to pay tbe amounts of tbelr
subscriptions to tbe Butler Banking
Co., in whose bands receipts for tame
have bef n pluoed.
Mt. Hood Development League,
by U. B. Langille, Sec. and I reap.
Kor bargains in real estate see Rne
well Shelley, Caison. Wash.