The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 19, 1908, Page Two, Image 2

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    HOOP RIVER GLACIfiA, Till) ASP AY. MAi0 I 19, 1008.
iionb Shirr Giaricr
Inet Every Thursday by
Terms of Bntaaiptkw-tlJW a ff when
psia ID MVUM.
Advartiiinc Rataa: DisrUjr, Me per Inch plus
lOe, par wcrk: buainaw ll wid nadinr MUrm.
le per word Pr rati tods cards, 11.00 raw.
nayabU yearly, (raaolutiona Ire to drcrtiainc
ludireal. card at thanks, tbe: church aoeiabk. an
tonainmanta, sales, ate. at rarular rataa; church
announcanenta (raa; kwal adrartiain at Ictral
rataa: want ad. and aotteaa (aaapared typol. I -He
a word par waak, (auowinc m lauuiaiaa
M jn n.2.i m.t8 m.w
i, .SI22. tK . 4. 61. CM . a US. 10
.4013. t.40141, 4- M, S.W N, H H", lu
.60:24, LOOtM. 4.Mi'l. a.w m, am i".
.C0 2&. LI0i4&. 4.40 S. ISO &, S.M 106. 10tl
.70' J. IHN-M, 4-TOlM. S.70 SS, S.70 It. 10
JtO 27. S.80 47. 4-Wi 7. ISO 87, S SO, 107. 10
ariM ton! lit sunlfia. t mi: fid. ISO KM. 10
a IflA'M 1 HO K Ml Att T OO ML aOU IUS. II
10, 1.10 90, 110 60. H0 70, 7 10 HO. 110 110, 11
7. 1.70
77, 7.80
78. ISO
79, 8.00
HO, g.10
M, S.SM 11&. 11
. .70i 114, 11
7, .HI
M 10.00
:100.1a. 101
111. 11.20
11 iwisi ioiii imlTl Tan1 si.
10 1 mvm a.wiiuL k .in; 71 7 no fe no 112. 11
19 L40 U, S.40I6S. 1.40 7. 7.40: S. 9.40 113, 11 '
14. 1.60 :44. S.60 64. khOili. 7.501 M. S.W 114. ll.l
IS, 100S&. .0;64, a.07i, 7.60
18, 1.TO S8, S.1W W, . (U
17, L80 87. .! 57. S.H0
lit 1 fan ion! so. aflu
19. 100 89, 4.00 W. (.00
10, 1.10140, 4.10 eu. a.10
117. 11.
118. 11
11. 1?
120. It
1 fk 1A. LJ lh 1 It-1 1.1 lnh- Ml wrekli
Minimum prica for any ad, 10c par wash. TheU-1;
hand Arum in each eoluma rafar to inch (pan
sins-la eoluauu
N. J. Sinoott kaa announced bin
elf u a candidate for tba oool
tlon for tba iUU aeuata on tba I
cnblioan ticket at tba primary -!
tlon. Mr. Sinoott la ot tba law Him
of Bennett A Slnnott, of Tba Pallet,
and an abla and popular lawyer, wl.o
baa man frienda In Hood Rlrer.
L. E. Moraa baa announced bis oan
dldaoT for nomination on tba Dem
nnratifl tinkat for ranresentatlve. He
indorses Statement No. 1. Mr. Morie
bai long been Identified witb tbe in
tereita of Hood Rlrer and la one
tba popular oltlzena ol (lie city. tils
nomination la aaiared and be will
poll a strong vote.
D. J. Ooopfi baa withdrawn from
tba oonteat for tbe atate senate on
tbe Republican ticket and will enter
tbe race for repreaental iva laatead.
Tbla aotlon on tbe part ot Mr.
Ccoper waa taken after tbe announce
meat o( Ml. Sinnott for the enste,
and will probably reiult in tba nom
ination of both tbeae gentlemen for
tba reapeotlva poaitiont
Tba loaa ol tba bildge aoroaa Hood
Rlrer la an unfortunate dlaaater to
tba oity and tba country reaidenta on
theeaat aide of tba rlrer. It puta
the aaat aide reaidenta from one to
thirteen mllee from tbe city by
wagon road, aooordlng to tbelr loca
tion, and will be a temporary Iuoop-
venlenoe, aa well aa tbe money lota to
tbe oity for building a new bridge.
While tba aotlon of tba counoil in
taking over tba bridge and atreeta in
aide tbe city limlta plaoea tbe burden
upon tbe oity, yet tbera will be about
enough money coming from tbe
county to replace it, and It will be
replaced with a atrnoture wbioh will
be permanent and to tbe aatialaotion
of tbe oity. Iba lota of tbe bridge
will no dcobt atlmulata tbe building
of a WBSon road out tbiouub tbe
valley up Hood Rlrer and Neat oreek,
and It empbaalzea tbe neoetaity of
lucb a road. " Tbera abould Le more
than one outlet from tbe oity to tbe
eaat aide, aa any blockade of tbe east
aide grade or bridge leading to tbe
oity makea a long detour ntoeatary lo
get Into tba city. Iba new water
grade road, aa well aa tbe bridge,
abould be built tbla season.
Tba aelection of a alte for tbe new
aohool building will be left to a vote
next Tuesday afternoon. The tobool
board baa eliminated all but two loca
tiona-the preaent alte of tbe State
atreet aohool and tbe block of K L.
Smith on tbe bill. It la tbe general
opinion that tbe State atieet alte la
not a dealrabla one, aa too cloae to
tbe bualneaa aeotloo. There are
many who prefer tbe Coe propeity,
onth of tbe Crowell reaidenoe, and
tba MoDonald block hud tbe llatoh
elder property at tb end of State
atreet have been considered. Of tbe
new aitea tba board baa aelected tbe
Smith property, partly on aooount of
tbe coat, whloh la 12500, aa agalnal
13000 for tba MoDonald block and
18000 for tbe Batbelder pleoe. Just
before going to preaa we were in
formed that options hive been to-
cured on nine lota north of the pia
copal oburob at a prloe of about
93000 for tba new achool home alte.
Tbla la tbe moat favorable location
that baa yet preaented lttelf, and
abould be oonaldered in tbe vote next
Tueaday. The land la almost level,
tbe drainage la perfect, water avail
able for use and location aa nearly
oential for the district aa could be
found. Thia location should be con
aidered and tba aohool patrona and
votera In the district abould be al
lowed to vote on It.
Capt. Coe Painfully Injured.
Uapt. 11. (J. uoe met with a very
Ealntul accident Friday that might
ave resulted more aeriously. He waa
driving in from tbeoountry just after
dinnei and in coming down State
atreet tbe bit ot tbe bridle broke in
tbe horse's -mouth, reaultlng In the
bridle being pulled back over tbe bead
of tbe horse. Mr. Coe aaw at once
that be could not avoid trouble, as
tbe horse started to ran, and be tried
to get out of tbe carriage. The top
was up and be got down on bla tmuda
and kneea to reaob tbe aide of the ve
hide before Jumping, when tbe oar
riage atiuok a crosswalk and tbrew
him back on the seat. Again crawling
out, when oppoalta tbe M. E. chmcb
be attempted to jump, when a lurch
of tbe rapidly moving vehlol tbrew
him between tbe wbeela head fore
most. That la tbe last thing he re
members, nntll be found bimtelt in
the hospital.
A few wtnestea of tbe affair aay that
he fell agalnet tbe wbeela, .tbec atruok
tbe ground on bla bead and tbe car
riage paaaed over him. He waa help
ed to the alddwalk and a pbyaloian
summoned, and waa abortly lemoved
to tbe Cottage Hospital, where it was
toand that be bad aeveial bad outa on
tbe eoalp and tbe left ear waa nearly
torn from bla head. Aside from tbe
painful bra lees and a lame back be le
rapidly recovering from tbe tall and
reoelved no permanent injur lea, o..
Oacar Vanderbilt baa received the
foUowing letter from II. W. Child,
preaidant ot tbe Yellowstone isn
Aaroclation. which operatea hotels
and tranafer linea in tbe national
park. The other parties troken of In
tbe letter are p.omioent orHotale of
the Northern PaclUo road. The wrap
per t-poken ot waa tie label ot tbe
Apple Urowera' Union of flood Rlrer.
I be high praise given tbe apple by
thaaa Hiatinirniahad nartiea it but an
other erldence of tbe auperiority of
flood Hirer applet and tbenotloe tak
en of them will retnlt In widely ex
tending the adrertiatng oltbia valley:
Oar Vanderbilt.Uood River, Ore.
My deal Oacar: .
I bare just returned from a tbiee
uiniitbt' trip abroad witb my family
ami in Naplea, Italy, and on tbe Cun
t -I line tteamera plying between New
Vu:k hi d Liverpool, and Naplea and
.W Vurk, wblcb ateamera 1 patron
iiwit, were all very mnob atruok
I h tb quality and lockt of tbe ap
plet furnished tbe pasaengera. Said
applea were diabed out to ot freely
five timet a day, tbrea timet at meali
tod ou tba decka moinlogt and after
oona Vou were alao at liberty to
are tour room ateward fornisb ycu
ttb a i plea at all timea. Tbera wat
soob a delight taken In our applet
that I got tbe dining room steward to
go down In tbe atorage room and get
me a wrapper off one of tbe applet,
which be did, and 1 enoiose It to yon.
Mr. ilannaford and wife and Mr.
Child and myself atteuded tbe wed
ding ot Mrs. Huntley to General
Young In Cbioago tbe ctber day and
on our return to St. Paul tiom Chi
oago I took tbla wrapper out and
bowed it to Mr. Uaanaford. He taid
at once: "Wby, that la Osoar Vandui-
bllt'a apple," and told me that yen
were ralsina them In tbe Hood Rivei
country in your own orobards and
tbft yon were also at tbe bead ol tba
applx growers' onion in that aection.
I therefore made a pencil memoran
dum ou tbe back of tbe wrapper, in
tending to aend it to you and let you
kuow what aucotss you are meeting
witb, both In tbiaotnotry and abroad.
1 b ve also taken occasion to tell
Mr. Lindsay of tbe firm of Lindsay A
Co , Helena, wholesale produce and
fruit men, hoping that thereby ha
may eat your applet and that tbe
Helena people may have tbe benebt
of them. I waa told by tbe ateward
that they were called tbe Newtown
Winning you every tuccess In join
venture and hoping to shake banda
witb you sometime in the near future,
I am, Yourt very truly,
ii. w. uniia.
Death of Owen Melton.
Owen Melton, tbe ten-year-old
grandson ot Mrs. Uyrd.on the Heights,
died Sunday, after miferlng for '21
day witb a aerloua form of la grippe
and a complication of brain truublo.
lie wat born In Indian lerrltory
Marob 17, 1898, but since tbe death of
bla mother, aeven yeare ago, be and
bla only aiater. Maud Melton, I ave
made their home witb tbelr grand
mother, Mia. liyrd. He bin been a
regular attendant at tbe school ou
tbe Uelgbta and will be remembered
ty bit former teaohert as a bright,
bappy child. He wan promotod at the
mld-yeai promotions to A division of
tbe third gride and was in Mii-r
Frier's room. -
Thi funeral aervicea r.eie hcl'i In
tbe Uaptlst church, Hev. Nutlet
tpoke words ol obeor and oon f. i t to
tboae assembled. The p"iilL lrom
the upper grades from tbe bnildiug ou
the bill attended trio services In i
body, witb tbelr teachers and sopor
tntandent, Pi or. Crume.
Owen's olavamattt and friends, Ed
win Matthews, Charley Smith, Charles
(Jarson, Kicbard Hunt, Ualvln tuvin
ger and Cyril Nutley, weri ti e pall
bearers, lie waa lu id to rest beside
bla mother lu tbe Odd Fellow's cetne
Durlug bis illness the kindness of
Rev. Nutley, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Cooper
aud other neighbors, both In nursing
and in sympathizing witb the family,
waa much appreciated by tbeui mid
helped to make tbe aorrow of tbla
death, tbe aecond In I ha borne uluue
Christmas, easier to Lour.
Pleasant Birthday Party.
Last Friday afternoon Mrs J 11
Gill eutertained a company ot Indite
in honor of her mother a seventy
eighth birthday anniversaiy. A boun
tiful lunoheon was served, tbe diuing
room being done In yellow aud white,
The oenterpieoe was yellow dnBodils
and the luncheon waa served upon
gold-rimmed china, a net ot china
much valued by Mrs. GUI and her
mother on account of Its age and as-aooiitiona.
Mrs. Oill'a mother, Mrs. Nancy
Ta:t, came to Hood River last fall
from Toma, Wis., and has endeared
herself to all who have met her. May
she have many bappy returns of tbe
These present were: Mesdames E.
G.Hayes, II. II. Bailey, Harry Bailey,
(Juunlug, 'Mary ft. Mummer, U. r
Summer. K. C. Mnoney, A. L. Car
mlobaol, Roy l'alt, J. 1). Wall, Miss
Dora uean and Mrs. Woodwaid, ot
Masquerade on Skates.
The largest crowd wbioh hxa attend
ed th skating rink tbla season wat
preaent at tbe masquerade Friday
evening. Tbe ball waa packed to
aultocatlon and the spectators as well
aa tbe skater enjoyed themselves.
Many fine and unique costumes were
on tbe nuoi and moat ot the oburao
ters were well sustained. Prizes were
awarded aa follows:
Best sustained chaiaoter, lady,
Mia. W. B. MoGuire, queen of night.
Prize, sold mounted jewelry box.
Second prize for same. Mica Grace
boule, cow boy, gold bracelet.
tieet sustained character, gentle
man, Wilson Yowell. jockey. Prize.
set of silver mounted olothea brushes.
Second pilze tor same, A. E. Franz,
clown Price, silver mounted clothes
After deliberating 18 hours the
jury la the criminal action against
Edward Perdu, charged with larceny
at Albany failed to agree and were
Safe crackers blew open a safe In
Crane Brothers' mercantile store at
Piolet Rock and escaped with $100,
tome checks and a few articles from
the stock In the atore.
Wood Wanted
Sealed bids will be received by a-lio';
District No. 3 up until noon of Friday,
April 17thf 1908, for IK) cords of four
foot fir wood for 1st of September
V. u. auguan, viem.
A Full Line of
For Ladies and Misses
GhQ Paris Fair
Gfco Store that Saves You Money
One of the Largest Lines of
To be Found in the City
Just step upstairs and see the
fines display of New Spring
Millinery. One of the larg
est and best assortments of
Trimmed Hats in the rity.
All new and strictly up to the
minute in style. We can
save you money on these
SPECIAL: Men's 50c
. Shirts for 25c
Here is one of the best bar
gains we havi; offered for a
longtime and they are going
fast. We bought these at a
big bargain and are offering
them at the same big saving
to you. They are regular oO
and GOc values and are full
cut, reinforced across the
shoulders, 2 pockets, made of
heavy twilled Shirting in
colors and stripes. While
they last, each 25c
We have on display on the
Second Floor pne of the larg
est, assortments in tailor
made Suits ever displayed in
the city. "All sizes, latest
Styles and best of all prices
away below what you will
pay elsewhere.
For Men and Boys
You i nn look where you will
but for ivnl big values in
Men's and Boys' Suits you
cannot beat what we are
showing in this line this
Spring. Latest cuts, perfect
fitters and most reasonable
Bowling Contest.
Tbe third aerlea ol gamea between
Hood Klrer and Tbe Dallea waa played
at Rota' bowling alley (Satotday af
trenoon and evening. The afternoon
game waa very cloae, tbere being but
Ove points to apare, wnion were in
our favor. After tbe gamea tbe Hood
River boyt entertained tbe vleltoit at
an oyater topper at Young'a and a
very pleasant time wat bad. Tbe fol
lowing weie tbe aoorea:
liood River Root, Wrlgbt, Adams,
Onstner. I eWitt, Fullei.
Tbe Dalles Jolet, llulion, riuoon,
Frank Slnnott, Houghton.
Score- Hood Hirer, (Wo.
Tbe Dalles, 813.
Hood Rlver-Aldred. Vogt. II I ok s,
Stafford. Niool, Only.
X'be Dalles Ureblnr, Coats, Kurtz,
Senfert, Taylor, Flu ley.
Score Hood Ktver, 807.
Tbe Dalles, 778.
Tbe next aerlea ill be played at
The Dallea Friday or Satui day even
Bearing Ore hard For Sale
272 acres six miles from Med ford,
Ore. There arc flftwn acres nf prunes
in full Iieanni;, twelve acres of Newton
Pippins, grxfted three yeare, willltear
tills year; fiiteen aores of Spitzeiiln-rgs
five years old, and three acres in penrs.
moftlv Conii.i', Buildings consist of
two honeee, one new, large old barn,
smoke liouee, new prime dryer and
equipment, etc. (la den is irrlgded
lrom creek winch runs through the
place. About fifteen acres now in grain
and alfalfa. About eighty acr-s addi
tional can be cleared and will make
trood fruit land. Timber on balance.
Timber consists of oak, laurel, tir and
tune. Teleuli ne and rural m ill
delivery. Good road winter nf summer.
Price, f:'0,000. JlaircHHii. Addreas
W.T. York & Co ,
Medf-ird, (I.e.
S f). IWhiina (ant onkets this
week to receive the remMiit of Mrs.
Pratt, ht II ikikii, and iiu Infant child
of F Wrlxht, of Piano.
I hurley ollei tuy uame as candi
date on the Republican ticket tei
Stiite Sen.tnr trnm Wasi'n county,
Oregon, to I n votud fcr at the pri-
niarlea to lie ht Id in Wasco county,
Oregon, on the I7ib day ot April,
If nominated and elected I roo ise
to support tbe Republican primary
nominee for United Sta'.ea Senate.
N. J. Sinnott.
Homer Q. Van Allun and Miss Olive
rry were married at the Uon-retra
tioual panooaue lbutsd.iv evening by
Rev. W. U. (iilrnnre, In the p eFence
of relatives and a few friends of lie
oontrantina parti'. Mr. aud Mrs.
Van Allen will go .to housekeeping nt
once in tbe winana addition.
Mr. Van Allen bas been lu tbe em
ploy of Young'a meat market tor
some time and la a popular rounir
mau. Tbe bride is sIbo a resideut of
tbe plane and a very estimable yonug
lady. We wib tbem joy lo their jour
ney through life.
DeWitt's Little Karty Risers, small
safe, sure little liver pillf. Sold by Keil
ik Case.
Itching, Burning Skin Disease Rooted
Without I'se o Injurious Drugs
Great inventors often have been
praiaed for surrendering the secrets of
their discoveries. Practically the same
thing happened in the medical world in
the case of Dr. Decatur I). Dennis, the
eminent skin specialist of Chicago.
Dr. Dennis, in his own office practice.
discovered that pure vegetable oil f
wintergreen, properly mixed with other
simple remedies wax practically a sure
specific for Eczema, psoriasis, barber's
itch, salt rheum, and other itching skin
diseases. But the oil of wintergreen
alone was found ineffective. It required
other mild ingredients such as glycerine
and thymol compounded with the
wintergreen to produce the real eczema
This compounded D. P. D. Prescrlp
tlon positively takes away t tie itch at
once the Umlant it i applied to the
skin. This vegetable liquid does away
with deleterious drugs so long used in
an attempt to doctor the blood, whereas
modern science has determined that
ezcema in first and all the time a skin
If you want to know more about the
merits of D. D. D. Prescription, nail at
our store. We vouch for this remedy,
Keir A. Cass, Druggists,
(let DeWitt's Carbolixed Witch Hazel
Salve it is good for piles. Fold by Keir
& Cass.
State Representative
I hereby announce mvHelf a candidate
on the dem erutic ticket, as a candidate
for the stale legislature. If elected I
will vote for the people's choice for
li n ilea Males senator.
L E. Morse
Patrons' Club Meets.
Tbe secoud meeting of tbe Patrona'
Club held la tbe high school building
last Friday at well attended and a
better spirit of fellowship prevailed
tban at tbe former meeting. This or
ganization waa etfeoted lor tbe edifi
cation ot both teaober and parent.
and aa such we heartily recommend
it. Similar oiganlvatiopa n other
daces bave flatly tailed where thi
purpose waa not recognized and a
many others bave succeeded tp (be
profit of all concerned where it bat
been reooanlzed. An instrument
aelection by Miss Jennie Edpington
and a vocal solo by Miaa Alberta
Jackson were touch enjoyed by all
present. Mra Uoddard gave a read
ing from "Lea. Muerables," wbioh
sailed forth merited applause.
li e toplce for dUciioiion at tbia
meeting wero "School Room Decora
tion" and "What the Parent Should
Do for .beCbild." .An excellent paper
bad been repared lu tbe first aubject
by Mit. E. ii Smith and waa lead
by Mrt. S. E. Barln ea. Tbla paper
contained I'ktiy valuable suggest ious
for tbe tuaolier lu relerenoe to the
study of pictures aud tbe beautifying
of tbe scbqol room. .
Mist Earl, ou of the first primary
teachers, read a paper n tbe sub
jeot, "What tbe PareutSh old Do for
the Child." Ibis papei was ao well
appreciated by all present that we
take tbe liberty of publishing tbe en
tire paper on anotbei page for tbe
benefit ot tboae who weie not ptlvil
eged to bear it ; also at tbe request of
many who heard it and wished a copy
tor themselves
Mr. John Kilui, Vining, la., says: ''I
bave been felling DeWitt's Kidney and
Bladder Pills fur about a year atd t bej
el ve better catitifuction than any pill I
ever sold. I have ied them mytelf
with fine results." Sold by Keir &
L. E. Morse a Candidate.
Hood Rlrer, Marob 17, 1008.
Editor Ulacler:
At tbe meeting of Democratic pre
cinct ommit'epraen at The Dalles
last week L ti. Mora was prevailed
npon to mIIow his name to be used as
a candid ite for representative in the
legislature. He will undoubtedly be
ohosen as one of tbe nominees by bis
party at tbe primary. 1'bls ia wi 11 f ir
Hood River nd Wisoi county lu ge i
eral. N ) n re Hi n 1.11I11 .tlon could
be ma le hy m.y party r till- 'mpn. .
taut olilce
IJnrlna tiM Ul .vr' ' reaidenoe In
libod River Mi'. VI i ba-i won tbe es
teem ot bis fellow citizens by the Ac
tive pait he bn always taken in fvn '
movement luteuded tJ advance Hi"
intmeiits nt hi. home community. H
Is 40 rear r ol age, in the prime nf
life, a burn leader nf u nil, well qui Ii
tied in e t-rv way to serve tl,e !-: '.
as legist tnr Kil l his rimny friends
throughout tbe o. unity, without rn rd
to party, will t ike nleiiHure in nni:k
ing a ballot In his favor at tbe general
election In J huh. h, b. Lily the.
Hill May In Hoed River
The lemedy tlinl'makes jou eat,hi-
and trow stronir, called Piilmo IVil . s
wi II he sold rexularty by Williams
I'liiiiniaey, lluud Hivcr I'lioo great
nerve and nei il iinon buildcra t on
0c5 per box, six boxes, 2M. if
"If I Were King."
One of thi mn4 enjoyable evenings
of tbe entire season of entertainments
was given Thursday evening by Pint.
F. Wesley Orr, who la bead of tbe de
partment of Knaliab and publio speak
ing of PaoiiJo University at Forest
Grove. Prof, Orr Is a young man ot
exoeptioual ability. He baa a mngolU
oent voioe and bis poweis of imper
sonatlon are marvelous, and ia rapid
ly mcving to tbe front. No one of the
entire large audieuce needed to bave
missed a single word, for tbey were
ao plain and distlnot, and without tbe
least semblance ot affectation. ,
Tbe Ladles Aid ot tbe U. a oburcb
should be commended for being able
to seoure bla services. Uls handling
of tbe varied characters of "If I Were
King" showed him a master of tbe
art. Prof. Orr ia au eastern man and
PaoiUo University la fortunate Indeed
In aeouriug bis assistance in its edu
cational work. Ha bas taken np tbe
study ot "Tbe Mwrobtot of Venice"
and when be comes to os again be. oan
feel assured of an appreciative audi
ence. Suoh an entertainment ia edu
cational, and Inspires one witb higher
Inspirations and makea him hungry
for tie things of true merit.
So Use to Die.
"I have found flint there is no use to
die of limir trouble as long as you can
get Dr. King's New Discovery," says
.Mrs. J, v. White, of Knsliboro. 1'a. "1
would not be alive today only for that
wonderful medicine. It loosens up a
cough quicker than anyltiing else, and
cures lung disease even after the case is
pronounced hopeless. llnsmoht reii
able remedy for coughs .and colds, la
grippe, astliina, brnm-hii i and houree
ness, is s ild undir guarantee at Clin
N. Clarke's Drug Store. 0c and (I 0;).
Trial bottle free. .
To Mr. aud Mrs. Waldo Camercn,
March 6, a girl.
To Mr. and M rs. (eo. Haacke, of
Moiler, March 7, a girt
To Mr. and Mr. R. R Fewel, March
3, a girl. ,r.
To Mr. and Mrs. 1. Solsburg, of
Duke's Valley, Murob 14. a boy.
To Mr. and Mra. Carroll Smith,
Maroh 17, a boy.
To Mr. and Mr J. A. J. Davidson, of
Coeur d' Alene, Match H, a boy.
Best Healer la the World.'
Rev. F. Starbird. of East Raymond,
Maine, says: "I have used Kucklen's
Arnica Salve for several years on my old
army wound, and other obstinate sores,
and find it the best healer in the world.
I use it too witb great euco-ss in my
veterinary business." - Price 25c at Cbas
ij. Clarke's prng gtore.
Display of Jewelry
I have a large variety of Jewelry suited to the young and old and would be glad to bave you lor k through it at your leiuae.
a ... w a . v r m a
XVQry rilCie iiutrsnieca ur riuiicy ivoiuiiucu.
Jeweler and Optician
Next Door to Postoffice
n i ,i ij i .iiijuu , hi. y ..,ATJT..i. ; .
' ' ' v ' ' ' Jif 1
ii .
, L:-i& '
FOR SLE-C (ton wood lti four foot lenuUis
John VasB, Hood River, Ore. (6 11
FOR SALE Itogue River Orchard, entire or
nubd vldcrl. Clenn aud protlubeurinir. 0'iod
bull'llnxs. lUK-ji river btittoin. Alto
irrli'nwil berry land, lien A. Lowell, Wuod
vlllf. Orr. ni'Jtl
Kor 8hI' Ucxvl set ond bund wlicelK, $10 lo
$16. J. M, Reld.Tliiid at. mill
For Bale lletT Orpinulon eggs for W'tiliiii.
E. II. Long, lliiud River, Ore. Horur I'hiii,
lUiii-L. una
I Fur ShIi 110,(0' choice btrnwbcriy 'ti i;
MMiklcy H'C.. l'ce, oie. inl'J
KiirMnlc..llo'c, buauv .nd harno-n ri'rsile
clntip. Imiiilio ul A. N. R.tliii). mill
Fin Kali Cnii-kiMi wire Icnoe. II fi-nt high,
I! In iiu sli itiMt ti ui hlgli 1 In mwh. Used I
-nr. -. w 'vltlllu. cue biuck mhiiIi of
Clil ll'tl : rlllirrll. llllH
LeROY GE5NER, Friday Night. Concert by Famous
Violinist and Assistants at the Opera House.
Pay Taxes at Home. "
A copy of tbe tx roll Is now in tbe
hands of tbe Butler Banking Com
pany and anyone wishing to do ao
may pay their taxes througb the bank
without additional expense. -;
Botler Banking Co,
- The Churches..
Methodist Episcopal Church A. H.
Latbrop, pastor. , Publio service at 11
a. m. and 7:3U p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. 1 Epworth League at 6 :30 p.
m. Prayer meeting on Thursday even
ing. All cordially invited.
M. E. Cburoh-A. m., Rev. D R.
Knodell, of the Oregon AnM-Salnno
League, will speak. P. m., Dr Latb
rop will preach. Subject, "Tbe Loglo
of Size.'' . ,
The Or. Lutheran Emmanuel Church
conducts services every second and
fonrth Sunday in the inonth English
on second and German on fourth Sun
day, 10 a. m.
U. a. Church Sabbath school, 10 a.
m. ; preaching, 11 a. in.; Y. P. C. E.
6:30 p.m.; Kvangnlisti.- services, 7:30
p. m. Midweek prayer .meeting, I
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Everybody, in-'
vited. J. K.' Parker, pastor. ' 1
Cliritinn chnrcU V. A. Wood, niin-j
iMer. Preai-hing fei vices, II a m. ai d
7::i p. in. Prayer meeting, Thursday, '
7:H0 p. rr. Most cordial welcome t all j
Riverside Congregational Churob,
W. C Oil more, pastor. Servioea Sun
day at 11 a. m., Christian Endeavor
at 7 p. m., evening worship at 8 p. m.
Catholic Cburch Keuular service -
every 8unday.
Belmont M, t. Church. S. 8. 10 a. m.
Preaching 11 a. m., Epworth Leaeue '
6.30 p. m., Preaching 7.30 p. m. . At
Urapper 1st and sra Hnudays; 3 p. n.
At Aienom nee zna and 4th Bumiayx:
S p. m. .
Baptist ChnrchC. A. utley, Fas
tor. Sundav services at 11 a. m. and
7;45 p. m. Sunday school, at 9:60 a m.
r.U. Coe, supt. oung l'e. pla nn-es-
S Baptist Church-Pastor Nutley n ill
apeak on "The Conversion of Child
ren" next Sunday morning at tbe
Baptist church. In tba evenintt the
topio will be, "The Cost of Neglect."
ing, 7 p. m. Monday, 7 p. m., Young
Men'a Alert Club. Tuesdar. 7 n. m..
Y. P, Christian Culture Class. .Wednes
day 7:90 p. m., Prayer meeting. Thnrs:
day p. m., Ladies' Aid or Mission Cir-cle-
' ,i . . .
Niagara Spray
' Aa the factory will soon close for this
season, orders for Niagara Lime and
Sulphur Solution should be sent In at
once to Insure their being filled.
Stranahan & Clark.
For Sale or Exchange.
I have an eight-room bungalow and
100x100 on Portland Heights.
A six-room house and 50x115 lot, cor
ner E 10 and Shaver.
100x100 in Park add to Allilna.
Anvornllto trade for Hood River
Valley property. Will take a good
driving or work te'am in part pay.
Address, J. Adrian Epping,
1 1 R F D- No- L
GoodT-'Tnit Land For Sale.
From ten to i ighty acres of Willow
Flat land. If you cannot buy eighty
acres, you can buy ten acres. Get a
start in Hood River and your fortune is
assured. Buildings and improvements
on part of the land, A county road
Jlirotigh the cen-er, on a direct route to
HimmI River or Mt. Hood, also a ditch
ai-ro-s one corner, price per acre $75
and up. Don't wait. H who hesitates
i lost "There's a lide i'i the affairs of
men which taken at I he flood leads on
to fortune: . omitted, all the voyage of
their life is bound In shallows and in
miseries; we numt take the current
when it serves or lose our ventures.
Don't miss this chance.
Percy T Shelley,
Hood River, Ore.
Oakdale Greenhouse
Cut flowers and plants at Keir & Cass.
Choice Roses Shrubs, Vines & Gladiolas.
While Wrandotte E gs for Setting
from Mated Pens $1.50 & $2.00.
Fletcher A Fletcher.
Fur ftalp.-Piymonlh Hock tgn from the
very best si ralln In America. Bradley Bros,
need no advertising. Our three pens are
mated np with three rooster of the very fin
est bird I hul run he not, ao that bo expense
lias been, spared so that we can produce the
suvr that will irlve Satisfaction or your Dion,
ey renin ded You are Invited to inspect the
yards. Mrs. K, llraylord, Rock ford Ponltry
Yards, Hord River, O a. ml
ese frrorrtea, rtysrs and tobacco. Employers
please notify lor Japan farm banda. P. O.
box tM. Hood River, iihki a. . ang3
FOrt 8ALE Cedar Poau delivered to anv
part of th valley. Address K. W. Csldw. P,
or phone lo. 1(6- mblv
f' dt s iLfV-A rii w coiiutiT slio ens ' w. ll
i online clears or other K'lod.-,' ttirts
'oinrii ' i tin in.-; money draw, r and alui io Ull
.mi i i'i. iiii-l unit up Iodine, bin n 1 nv
.or u,'i iiu It will sth nt half 1 lie eol nl.-i',
in II I le ii nt ome. ltoi-klord H'ori. HihiiI
i(lv. i. o. inn. lulu
Inij iiie ut the .Mum Kvaiaurant,
tit tin
Hood liiv i, i re
Kor fSnie--Al (edur Creek Farm, 1 heavy
wnKO'i. 1 llghr bugy, Byearling heir rs,2cioic
stoves, 1 hmi I UK stove, 1 Mingle driving har
ness, 1 single cultivator, 1 cream separator,
aud lots ol small tools. 1'tione Far. 22!St. m2d
Now Is I he time to get your bens and gel
wlnler layers. 1 have standard Buff Leghorn
hens bred especially for layers, with a tlrst
class rooster. Eggs 31 SO for I). H. 8. Keed,
box 3m. route No. 1. - niCO
Hay For Hale About seven tons alfalfa and
1200 lb. timothy . Ralph Hlnrlchs. m2
For hale-Wlx year old fruit ranch, all In
thrifty peach trees. Price, 7500. Terms, HOOO.
cash. Must be taken at ouce. J. V. LeClalr,
Lewistou, Idaho, A-2
For Bale Mllcb cow, 0. Lu E. Morse. A-2
FOB "ALE-Pure bred Blue Andaluslan pul
lets and hens, tl to $1 eacb. Ali-o a few cock,
erels left, S2.rj0 each. Eggs for hatcblng, one
setting Jl.ii; two settings, $2 25: three settings
HOO.-bouglR l.ockman, It. V. D. No. 1,
Hood lllvtr, Oregon. tf
Vor Sale EjgY for hatching lrom prlae
winnlng Whit Leghorns and Baren Ply
mouth Rock, one dollar per sitting of nfteen.
Mrs. E. J. Nlckolsen, Hood Klver.
For Hale Bntr . rulnuton eggs for setting.
Inquire of Mrs. J. W. Anderson, Home phone
ltitL. jaS
For Hale-One No. 1 Jersey cow; will be
fresh Api II 'AX Phone Fanners 3D. m26
For Pa1 One young team horses, weight
about I0:;0 to 1100 pounds each. 1 light double
hnrness, 1 heavier double harness, 1 two.
waled canopy top surrey, 1 light wagon with
box and seat, I spring toolh harrow, 1 culii.
valor, 1 Farrand anu Votey organ, 1 Planet,
Jr. wheel, hoe and garden plow, 1 young cow,
freh soon, 1 mowing machine and lake.
Having sold my ranch and willow flat, at
piesent have no use lor above described proiu
erty and will sell reasonable and give lrom
one t five years lime if ut slied. E-T. Foils.
For Rent-Furnished n oiu. Telephone
Home;! I.,
Fifteen or twenlv Juuanea laborers want
employment as farm bauds. Apdresa 8. M.,
iw, niiuu rvivt r, uregon ai
Wanted Mare linger flflit jears old,
weight about lmiO. .Must be broken lo aulo
mollile nnil Used to orr Inn 1 work. 4. f.
Hmilb.Oc.eil. niUll
Wanted Would like t . bnv small hnmta '
aud lot on muni lily instalments or lease sa.r.e
ciose in. r. o. itox m. n,2B
BIDH WANTEII Kor furnUhlni an m.rrta f
4 n, ikhi i;r or largt pine, face not to exceed
iv inciies. mus will bo opened at 8 p. in.
March ao, o-i lo be deliveied in
Kranklon St-lKKilliouse wood shed In ilina l.,r
next term ol schook a. F. Blythe, IMsirit-t
Clerk. . ,ib
W A NTfir A irlrl InriA.DRLMl V ...
tiood waes to rlahl parly. Mrs. K. A. Cram!
.v . o, iin'i, WHKIMI,
wide rack, fur lighter wagon. J. VatithVia,
... .."v.m . m a
Wanted To buv ? secnnd.hnn.l mat nflntii.
tor a basket wood rack. In gisd condition.
State price wanted. X. W JmkMili, KFP 1.
Hood River. ,,i
Wauled Man to vo on a ram-b nn.r Tl...
Address Box 7. Onlni o. Ore. ml)
Lost and Found
KoUrid Ttirte liir nutlat sttiflCM. Innnlrsa
UlHCter nlHoi. x.a
lxufl Hood Klver or btnween town and
I ha RrkT'k t, inl M.nro A nvnna. .. . i -
' " -wu. x iijuiio inui uiuk naiiity
to dlHCler office or the Kucklord Store will be
rewiirded. tL Bra; ford. aiti -
I .-Mit UlnifA . - .. fl ia J - . l
.r-. ..a,. ann; rrunmry 10, OBJ
borat-; nw ttboee oh front feet: star on fore
head: letter B on .eft shoulder: wart on nek.
Return to J. J. Uibbona for reward. mltf
j-' if - :