" - ' ,,L fft1 1 ir VOL. XIX HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FEBRUARY 6, 1908 NO. 3j SOCIETIES. Hoi id KIVKR COMM KRCIALCLUB Meet rMiry KA'uiiil MonUy la null month at p. lu lb club ru-ui u. er Jiu-knun Mora. A. A. Jay, Pre. I 8. DAViiwis,Kecr iur.v. H'D R1VKR IODUE NO. KR, A. F. and A. W MeeU (Saturday evo.il 114 on or before rv h full moon. A. D. ( LAKkE, W. M 1 1. McHonald, Rwrediry. U(K)I) IllVERfiiAiTK.K NO.. K. A. M. 'U first mill tiii'il Friday nlnlusof each ll.ODtb. (J. R. t'AHTNka H. P. K O. Ui.ani hah, Wecreutry. HOOD RIVER t'HAPTKR NO. ft, O. E. 8. Mfetaiimond and fourth Tamils)' evsnlnc oi each moulu. VlMllon conlml-y welcomed. Cakkic Baii.ky, W. Is. MissIvel Woouwuhth, Herniary. 1M.EW1I.DK I) OK NO. 107, t. O. O. t -MceU In Kra'.rtiul hill, every ThunUj n Kill. M. J. SlAHlKIB, N. U. Uko. Thomhon, rcretary EPKN KNCAMFMENT, NO. 4K, I. O. O. K. Rrsnlar inecUuf -cnud and fourth Mondays of ench monlb. Ubo. Thomson, C. P. 11, C. baiTii, Seilbv. KKMP LODUK, No. 181,1.0. o. K.-Meet In Odi-ll Improvement Co.' hall every Hatnr day night. Visitors cordially welcomed. E. T. Folts, N. O. I, A K. Clark. Hit. Hit. L KI-XHKBKKAH HKHKKK 1 0IM4K NO. . .. O i. K.-.Meel ti.--' ud I tiirxt Friday 'i each nionlii. Mks. E. 8. May KB, N. Q. E i. Mat Havidbon, Secretary. W. o. W. meets Hie 2d and 4th Saturday piich inoiiih hi I. o. O. F. ball. Vlniiora cor dially inviied. A. C.Sl'ATKN.C. C. F. W. McKkvnold.4, Clerk. WAl'COMA M)I)HK NO. SO, K. OK P. Meets in K. of P. hall every Tnesdsy niKht C. P. Row, U.C. J. E. H'IIOI.S, R..OI R. Stl-1 !. HH)0 RIVER CA.MP, NO. 7,TIK,M. W. A. MeeU In 1. O. O. F. hall every Wednesday nlirbt, 11. ti. Davis, V. C. C. V. DAKIN.Cleik HOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 64, WOMEN OF Woiwlcrfi-.U'. tf at K. of P. hall on the firm and Third rri.tuyxof each mouth. UiU McKKYKOLIM, U. N, P. W. McRkynoi.us, Clerk. ItlVERSiriE I.OIK1E NO. A. O. tJ. W. MeeU llrrt and third buturUu) f eatti nmnlb. K. K. C'iiapm , M. W. UKO. tSLncuM, illlnMel Cii tartu sul'tk, Recorder. 01 KTA ASSEMBLY NO. KB, UNITED ART-i- .:.-Meels the Arm and third Wednea uuYK, work: -'"C.iKil mid fourth Wodneaday vrilsans' ball. W. H. McUt'IBK, M. A. E. 11. rlAMiwio, Herniary. COURT HOOil RIVER NO. 4S, FOKEHTERS of America, Miet8 every Saturday evening In K. of P. hull. .Ion v U. Zolu, C. R. K. '". Hbhhiith. Hccmary. CAN BY POST, NO. 16, 0. A. R. MEETS AT A. O. U. W. hull, second and lourtb Satur- of tai h iiiniith at 2 o'clock p. in. All U. A. R. tiienilcr Invited to meet with us. 1. R. Cahtkeii, Commander. 8. K. Blythk. .Vd.tujauL Ca.S'BY W. No. 16-MEET8 BrXXJNH ii. i lounii Mttunlayaof each Month In A. .'. I). V.lmllut2p. m. Mmh. J. II. Gill, PretldenU Lydia Sumnkb, Hecreury MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. Sl'iK, R. N. A. otsiU l.o. O. 1. Hull oa the aecond and li.urtlj Friday "I eaeh mimtb. Mks. II. Fbelkb, O. Mks. I . F. Buosil'S, Recorder. paynter lodge, no. mio, M. B. a. meet first and third Frldavtof each month at K.l P. hall. Uko. b. Millkb, Pre. AUG. Guiuhakd, Bet. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHV-ICUN AND SURGEON. , Tlephon -!',; O'Tl Jt, ai; rcbldenca, ill. SL'IIOEOS O. B. & N. Co. H. L. iiUMBLE, HlVjlCl.l.V AND SURGEON. Oi. ,- jiroinuil an-wei Jd lu town or country, Das .r Niht. '1 'fldmuua: It ..n'bcu, 611: Office, ii!3. o.'Iice I:: llu :'."mus HulldliiB. Jj5. 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon U:!h! uref First Nfttional 11 ink. Hood River, Oregon. Oil) v I'h'jiie .Main 871 Res: Main 873 M.F. SRAW, M. D. iii'n-i in Jackson Blia-k. !.::...., n. If l. R.sUleiii e. No. rm;i fi.i i, il. -tlMSil- I'K. EUNA B. BUAUV Osteopathic Physicians ar,.iUU:ie.- 1 '.lit? Aiucriciiii Sch l of i tBif ' vtt . , KnkivilU-, Mo. o:' . e. .i,oii iei i auk and Trust Co. IUIk ',) Hoou ItlVEK F. 1'. lUMSil'S, .J. 1). 1111 - K.1A.V AND SURGEON l'houe Central, or 121. l'f,e Hours: 10 to 11 A. M ; 2 to H nmi6 to 7 P M. DR. . T. OARNES DENTIST Oin.-c over Bart ineu Store HQOD RIVER. OREGON. Teh phone 31, H.-D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Cruws r.KiixiE WouK a Specialty. (ifliue over TeleiihoKe I irtt Xati"!i:tl I'-ank Main Sll 0 H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DKNTIST. T. li iilmiief : Oirui; -S3 ; reuideiic" 1(M6 Ot!'nf over liutler Bank, Hoon River, Obb A. V. JAVNK LAWYER A '-l ( - Km nisiiod. Monej Lo.-'iied HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. 11. HARTWIG. LAWYi:i!. Will Pructiw tn All CourU ntrli-e In Hnilth li;u;diii(r, over i'Uv " mil Baiit Mill'! KIVKR OR' N. J. W. MORTON" Attorney and Counselor at Uw NOTMiY Pl'BLIC tiitli'" wlih .1. H. Il-ilh on:iei ''o li ilU ctl'iii", Vh.-s'ini t-i, t : I. inrnt o' Esh HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY 7 Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON, i . . . Uhifa Qalmnn Ul.uv uuniin is the larger ones COME AND SEE U8. rAWTABUY, K. L.BKITB, B. O. Blamobab I Vlce-Praa. Caabtw. - v vaw n.t AODk, VHU1CT. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER. OKKHO ( apIUl $50,000 Surrilaa, $U,000. P. M. HALL-LEWIS & CO. Civil and Arcbfteccnral Engineers and Sorreyon Mak inrreyi, plan and mi baatw tnr ew er, IlKUt and power and rallmay plant, and rurnUh, subject to approval, plana, peclfloa tion and estimate for all elaaae of bulldlao public, private and ineraantll, MpwUI V teutlun K'vn to economle tad tow-burulnf eouatructton. Aocaracy and ooooiBy sua, anteed. DAVIDSON BL'ILDINQ HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER. 0 TARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AGENT. l''toii Ua had many year experience In i-.iv miiwra, mm auairacior, aearcrieroi title and agent. BaUafactluu guaranteed r no chare International Qontspondence jjchool BCRANTON, PA. H. V. REED, RepresenUtive H Sixth St., Portland, Oreton. Hood River once month. Full infor mation mailed npou request. Mrs. Mary Powell Jordan, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office and residence, home place of John Inland Henderson, Btate St., head of Third Bt. Phou 971. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. DR. C. W. EDMUNDS Specialist EYE, EAR, N08E AND THROAT. New Brosius Building. Telephone MalniU HOOD RIVER, OREGON. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VE1 ERIS ART Sl'RGEOV I prepared to do any work In th Teterln- rv Hne. He caa be fnnnJ hvMllln iinr ph nlng to Clarke druK store. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOE WRIGHT I 'AIM 'ENTER AND BUILDER Phone 709 Estimate) furnished on request. An honeat job guaranteed. E. A. JEROME, Architect Havlnir Lh I several man' exnerienea In draltli.c nd bullcllnir. I would reieclfuliy aolli'tt rH.ifihi. I'liimiiHife of the eoiil of tiooi ttiver . incipnie nuiiding. Tarin rea.muuhli s id sailnfaction guarauleed. Of fice at rld"iir on Hk'ifl'ti. H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I am quallftVil und -n'epxmd tn do all kind of flrnt c!hi- Uii I nurvrylus. Accuracy (uar- miieeo. in'.eviin n tii -clan work uone aiMrmia K V li. i.. Hood River. Plume HU I. ASSOCIATION OF McMINN V1LLE, ORE. nniiiiin'! nnother reduction in the co-t of insurance. T. L. Df'NS.MOItE, THE DALLES or 0. I) THO.MI'SON, HOOD JHVER HcEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prompt sales and quick returns Wholesale dealer in all kind of Firel mul I'ri.dtn'e Consieniuenta solicited 12H Fro t 'ttree, Portland, Ore. Do It Now Sow Sweet Peas. Sow Tomatoen. Sow (Vlcry. Ami buy your Seed at ' STEWART'S C. EVERETT, Till' Practical Shoemaker, At Itiggs' Old Stand. Fine Work a Specialty. Crown and Bridge Work, leelh rVithiut Plates. i -,t.,. ..r .HwawMi t.tu and gnma. v, . Vnllmr Rnnl '"I'VJ tcaisrw We have both. Cha. O. Pratt, J. H CHborM, R. W. Pratt, Prealdenl. Vk Prm. Caaktar. Hood River Banking and Trust Co. Wa traact a foarai bonklnc kuslaaa aad owa our owa banking prop j lotarwt paid on Urn and Id dtposlta Baf deposit box. C.F.SUMNER HEADQUARTERS FOR PLUMBING Come in and eiara ine our line of Pumps, Bath Tubs, La vatories, Sinks, Etc. Spray and Garden Hose still selling at Reduced Rates All Kinds of Repairing Work Guaranteed JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all ordern for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds f stone masonry, con crete, etc. McReynolds & Co. DEALERS IN Floui.Feed, Hay, Grain and Poultry Supplies YUCCA TREE PROTECTORS, Petaluma Incubators and Brooders STOCK FOOD Phona 1091 HOOD RIVER, OREGON Eureka Meat Market Mi-OURE BROS., Prop. Dealer In Kn.h nnd Cured Meats, Lard foul try. Fruits and Vegetables, rrii-e Dili very. Phone Mul n 36. COFFEE TEA SPICES BAKIN0 POWDER EXTRACTS .hist mom EOHE3ES'' Millinery. Hair Goods Richardson's Silks and Embroidery Supplies. Opposite the Paris Fair. BON TON ...Barber Parlors... . The place to get an easy sha ve and first-class hair cut. Our shop U metropolitan in '! . every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection O. H. CRAY, Prop. DAVENPORT HABHESS CO. wnips, RODes,BianKets and Wagon Covers, Heavy Harness Also Double and Single Driving Harness All mane in their simp. and get our price before buying. .BICYCLE SHOP. J. MARION REID Bicycles, Guns, Sewing Machines, rurnmire, umBreiias. Moves and Locks Repaired KEYS MADE TO ORDER Uteielea, Guns, etc, sent by expren for ' ! , ftA i . . . i io fj.w on pnea ui new .nfei. nrrp, I lrakrii, and all kind of r pairn li at i'ortlami pritt. FriiMa furnishni oti replication. R.-(.-iviict; Bradstrei ' Hood River Land BARGAINS This is the time to pick them up. fast your optics over the following: 41610 acre 6 miles from town, first class land, nmler new ditcb, easily cleared, good roads, Onl $50 an Cr. Euj terms. . $300 cash, bal ance on or before 5 years at per cent SOS 160 acre t miles (mm Dee rail road station, 1,000,000 (Vet good timber, 80 acres, or more, jod apple land. Onlr 92.400 for th whole tract. Cair Itrmt. 309100 acres miles from Dee, all first class apple land, 25 shares water stock, eaoogh timber to pay a good share of the eoet of clearing. P. ice 4.500 Cash. 34-20 acres 7 miles from town on the East Bide, all set to trees, 10 acres three and four years old, balance one and two year old. Bis inches irrigating water, new barn, small bouse, well, etc. The test buy in the t alley, considering location, land, varieties of trees, ete. Price 99.QOO. 421160 acres five miles from Mosier, 30 acres in orchard, 8 acres bearing, all good varieties, 145 acres of this is first class apple land, borne orchard of peache, pears, cherries and plums, small house aid barn, water available for irrigating. The orchard alone is worth the price aaKed, 910,000. This is a snap but this price only holds good until March 1st, 1908, after which it will be $12,000. Terms to suit the purchaser. We have many other at tractive buys. Call and look over our complete list. This is the time to save from 25 to 50 over what land will cost in the spring. Remember we handle noth ing but first class property, when you buy from us you get the best. J. il. &Co. Hood River and Portland The Reliable Dealers Underwood and Little White Salmon CHOICE FRUIT LANDS This is where fruit large and Btnalt grows to perfection and commands the highest market price. A favorable Location. In Skamania County, the Southern part, of Washington, on the eastern slope of the Cascade range, thus lying be tween the two extremes the excessive rainfall of the CMst and drouth of the eastern part.of the state; and directly opposite Hood River. !, There b no Boon. Our land in selling on its merits and at reasonable prices. ' A Specialty of Small Tracts. We have now completed the survey of a large tract and can furnish from tei. 'acres up. Come and make your (elections as a delay means that you will pay more money as prices are advancing. I have also Klickitat County erain and (razing lands, highly improved larmiai reasonaDie prices. Write or call on F. W. DeHart Underwood, Wash. RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes. Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle A. C. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND IKSUR- , ANCE AGENT Room 12 Broaitns Block ; JOE WILSON ' - SELLS Wire Wound' Wooden Water Pipe DR. EDGINGTON I SMITH BUILDING hood ivicr; - . r Oregon j The.Trio Orchestra 'Composed of"' A." Kohter, flute and cither; Chae. ti. Newman, violin; Miss lrace, piano. Music furnli-hed for all occasions.. Concert numbers, entertain inents, weddings, receptions, dancer, etc. For information (ipplv to CIlAS. O. XEWMAX, Hood itiver. Ore. Wtone Main 867. j ANNUAL BANQUET COMMERCIAL CLUB WAS A VERY BRILLIANT AFFAIR Odd Fellows Hall Kceue of the Larg' est (lathering in the History of Hood KlYcr. Ibe third annual banquet slven bv the Commercial Club Frlilay evening was soocesstul In every sense of the word. The number of guests were about 250, or over double tbe number which assembled at tbe Mt. Hood hotel 1 ist year. 1 Ijh Odd fellows bull was chosen this yen n-i a-oount of being tbe larue.t m..m in tbo city suitable for so i. i rocaBion, and even it mm l . it .mr enough to accommodut" i:.o itoaj. It was but an indioation of the large iuorease of new residents who have ootneto Hood itiver during tbe past year. The committees in obarse of tb banquet have labored for a couple ot weeds mnking tbe arrangements for the annual event, which is now so popular tbat it will probably become a permanent feature of this city. It was eu at the atari tbHt a large hall must be secured to aouotnuiodate those who would he glad to atteud and oould a larger place bave beeu secured tbe iuvitaliuu lUt would bave been extendod. Tbe airaDgemeuts for tbe bauauet itself, including tbe decorations of tbe ball and tbe serving of tbe lunoli, was uudei the manuKeumnt of Mis. Gilbert aud son, Clareuoe, wbo by lueir years ot experieuoa in catering to tbe public were eminently fitted for tbe work. I bey were ably ashlstud lu tbe denotations of the ball by the Klectiio Light Co., aud tbey were also fortunate in being able to make use oi the decorations juut previously used uy Mr. aud Mrs. II. P. David son at tbeir ball. Tbe ball was deoorated with tores of evergreen, while palms and potted plants were uied freely, and the bow ers ot green made a vety pleaslog effect, l'be tcstoons of gieett from tbe ceiling were interwoven with col ored electrlo lights and when lighted made a very brilliant edect. A new feature, taking tbe place ot tbe usual bauquet oaudles, with small abides, was a small tuoandesoeut lamp, fitted on top of an improvised CHUillestii k ornamented with tbe usual fancy shade, being a perfect Imitation oi tbe candlestick, with the burning oaudle, but with tbe more brilliant light of tbe incandescent globe, while they were free from tbe nunoyiog smoke ot the candle, which appears after a abort lime. Tbe tables weie all wired underneath und tbe ligbts controlled by switch in an outer room, and were all turned on at once, as the quests were seated. Tbe opera bouse was made use of ai an assembly ball and shortly alter eight o'clock th" crowd began.to gath er, while two kegs of swoet older, made fiom toe Uuest of Hood Kiver apples by tbe Hood Kiver Cider Vine gar Co., took the place ot the punob usually served at receptions, aud was appreoiated even more. X'be members of tbe club last year were in charge of tbe banquet and aoted as a reception committee; with a few additions, aud met tbe first train from Portland, wbeie a special sleeper bad been tilled with guests from tbe olty, lnoluding Governor Chamberlain, from Salem. The com mittee met tbe train and escorted tbe following to tbe ball: Governor Chamberlain, A. J. Cop- ron, A. C. Jackson, H. M. Cake, W. J. UofTmann, Frank Chandler, Will- lam (Jhaudler, Newton Clark, John B. Coffey. l S. Stanley, W. li. Crispin, A. P. litft, Tom Kichardson, W. W Uotton. Dr. K. li. Wiigut. Col onel David M. Dunne, Don Stf tfa, K. 0. Uerlow, U. F. Flak, F. E. Per kins, U il. Liamberson, li N. ttlytbe. Other out-of town guests attending were: Judge A tl Like. J. M. Pat terson, F. H. Angle, l W. v.ihoo, Ibe Dalles: Koawbil Sbel'ev. Carson: Kev. J. U. late, Kev. J. Morgan Lew is. White Salmon; A. r. Datebaui. J. N. Mo-ier, Mosier. Owing to delays, it was nearly ten o'clock when the guests were lined up at tbe ball and proceeded to tbe ban quet ball. Tbe soft strains of tbe orchestra greeted them from behind a bower of green, and tbe brilliant effect ot tbe decorations and long ta bles made a fvavorablo Impression tbat will long be remembered. Ibe speakers of tbe evening were seated at a long table at tbe head of tbe iootn, with u. F. Davidson a toastmaater. The new president of tbe club. A. A. Jayne, called the meeting to order w'tb a tew remarks and turned tbe progiain over to Mr. Davidson. Gove, nor Cbamberlaiu was the drat speaker and responded to tbe toast, "Ibe Local Commercial Ulub as a Factor in the Development of tbe State." He said in part: "I always enjoy coming to Hood Itiver. 1 bave been here niauy times aud bave twice been through tbe valley. I navr, therefore, bad some opportunity to note tbe imcroveuieuts in population, culture and wealth Ibo reputation ot Hood Itiver Is national yes, inter national. 1 believe your apples aie excelled only by your rosy ensued lidies. As an iostiace of the tutet national reputation of your apples a friend of mine saw a lot of tine apples in Berlin. They were from Hood Hiver. He purchased some of them and to prove it brought back a unm htr to (Jifagou. Ho found they had tbe refutation ot buiuji tbe best in tbe world, tbey bave indeed set a pace for tbe apple growing district Some in .iv euual it, but tbey will nev (r be exo-lleii. FnriLeily there were no suub tbiugs as commercial clubs. Tbey are ao evolution'. Tbey now ex 1st in eveiy community. iVa these clubs bare grown tbey have brought unity, tbey bare developed many aeotions and bave materially assisted in tbe development of tbe state. We find tbat representatives of commer cial clubs wore onoerivaU In business, bardly tpeakiog to one another, but now get together aod work for tbe common good. Tbe club now makes rivalry fur good. Tbey are object los- S'lDS." Kov. A. 11, Luthrop as tbe next speuker and ipfpoudmi to tbe toast, "An Eastejer's linpitxiont of I loud River " He prefaced his ren arks by relating story. n raid that be had always beard that Oregon was beauti ful, and had now found out. He waa reminded of what Sam Jones said af ter a visit to a family. The wife waa busy preparing anpper and waa very homely. The man apologized for her roughness and remarked that aftei all beauty was only ikin deep. Jones said: "For God'a sake akin beri" "In my abort residence here," said Dr. Latbrop, "1 bae got tbiousb the skin. God'a water has toughened it. it makes men. aa well as eountrv. On my way out, as I approaobed your Deauttrui valley, l saw evidences or beauty, as Nature makea beauty. I lo ked for tbe valley and found that I bad to olimb the heights to get into tbe valley 1 climbed, went out, saw and tb ugbt of tbe words of the queen aa abe went to see Solomon in all hi glory: Tbe hal bas never been told.' I bave aiuoe been dreaming. Five years bave elapsed. I approach from the bamlot of Portland ; land in tbe mouth of Hood River on tbe steamer; reach tbe dock; take a oar and pass up well paved streets. 1 pass solid business structures aod One build iugs. 1 enquire what is tbat building with tbe Corinthian pillars and state ly dome and am informed tbat it la the court bouse, where justice is toss ed out and lawyers tell tbe truth. (Loud applause.) Another magoiS- ceut building is pointed out as one of our high schools. Several more large got hie slructures are pointed ont as churches. A car whirls by to tbe val ley. I alight and take passage in Gil bert's automobile. I pass along royal road towards beautiful old Mt. Hood, guarding tbe valley to tbe couth, past maguitti'ent homes, oooi) lied by intelligent men and women uot mate farmers oi agtlouiturlsls. but professional men as well, engaged lu horticultural pursuits. With tbe tiectrio lights and street oars, tbe valley is oue great olty. This para diae is known as Hood River Valley." torn Ktobardson responded to tba toast: "Community Advertising bt l-iooal Commercial Clubs." He said: Every time I oome to Hood River. every time 1 tblnk of Hood River, it remind me of a man describing borne. There is but one point where all advantages reaob tbeir climax it spells 'Hood itiver. ' No other com munity ot 'iMO people, with 1500 more iu tbu valley, in tbia state or any where else, bas accomplished what you bave. We bave to tbe south the marvelous state of California, but nc una place iu that state has brought i.ut its owu individuality like yours, where it stauas alone by itself, iou nave accomplished more tban any :ther community on eaith. The beat f all, you bave done It by honesty Your applea bave an honest paok. i be bottom of tbe box is as good as the top, tbe top as good as tbe bot tom aud are just as good all tbe way through. You oan't say tbat of any other place. 1 was talking reoently to the proprietor of tbe Wald'irf-As-tor.o, New York. He said tbat tbe Hood Rivet apples oould be depended upon. He could send a boy to tbe stoie room and get a box of Hoed River apples, for a special oooailon, and be knew tbey would be all right, l'be box would not have tn be opened aud examined. It could be depended upon. It was because you allowed no man to paok bis own apple. You are doing good community advertising. toil all stand together. Everyman speaks well of bis neighbor. The farmer talks with pride ot what his teigbbcr is doing, and there is no back bitiug. I have beeu roasted bv the papers and some ol my friends Lere tor calling Hood River applet 'Oregon apples,' but if you knew of the delegations that have watted upon me and tbe complaints that come to me from other communities fci talking o muob Hood River you would bave some sympathy for me. Hut wbo takes all (be prizes at tbe apple shows? Hood River. When we go to other places tbey tell ns tbey do uot bave any pests. At Hood Rivei tbey admit that tbey bave them all, but tight tbem. You have tbe best conditions for sucoees. Yon bave good newspapers and tbe best horti cultural paper published in tbe Eng lish language. We are trying to get other places to do something and wa tell them to go tc Hood River. Study their waya. It tbre is anything that liood River wants, it there is any btrength in me or the Portland Com mercial Clnb or the organized foroes iu Portland, you' shall have it." E. L. Smith responded to tbe toast, "Tbe Commercial Club aa a Factor In Promoting Unity," and said: "Mu nicipalities bave parasites like orch ard', A house divided against itself canuot stand. Factional atrife, jej nuslns and dissentloni bave paralyzed the growth of oities and oburohea. Sua Francisco was destroyed and the revenues plundered by dishonest offi cials. United she rose and oast aside tbe grafters. Unity holds good in Hinall communities. Hood River comes forth to all exhibitions and has reoeived tbe blgtnst awards tor ber Iruit. Hood River grower and blow era can be found at all exhibits. We sent 100 people to tbe first meeting of tbe Oregon Development League at Poitlaud. Thirteen hundred people went to the Portland talr on Hood lilver day and one man remarked: 'Do all tbe people of Portland live at Hood River?' I wish to say tbat over 101) people of Portland live here or have intetesta here and have an in vent men t of a million dcllari in the valley. We most not test on tbe lau rels we bave won and greater achieve ments can only be obtained by united rlfurts. 'Behold bow good and bow (iiea-iaut it is for brethren to dwell to gether in unity.' " A i-oug by J. Adrian Eppiog follow ed entitled, "Uipsy John," and waa so well tecelved that Mr. Epping re sponded to the encore. "Hood River, the Valley of Op portunities," waa tbe subject of an address by Rev. J. G. Tate, wbo piov- ed himself a forceful speaker and held the attentlou of tbe audience to tbe close. He made a plea for tbe moral growth of the community. "I have beard a good deal about tbe beauty of tbe valley. I bave traveled all over tbe Hates, but regard Hood River as a spot of particular beauty. God seems to bave exhausted himself when He gave to the w rid Hood River. It is rasponeilld for the beauty of count enance and character which It gives back to tbe obildreu. J. bey breathe the atmoapbere of beauty aod sun shine, aud wbo will cease to wonder at toe character of the men wbo are befor us tonight? We underestimate tbe va ue of advertising tbe mo'al ad vantages of tbe place. Yet we put tho bast things forward. If we sboold (Contlnujd on pugs Five) THE CHINA NEW YEARS CELEBRATED BY JOHN LOON Invited Uueati or Chinese Gardner Enjoy a Novel Eatrrlainment. On of the most brilliant dinner parties of tbe seaiou took plsoe Inst Saturday at the borne rf John Loon. Chinaman, at bis pkca on Paradise farm, wnere forty people enjoyed a very sumptuous banquet in honor ot China New Years. After tbe guests bad arrived and were aeated around thi warm and oozy Are. tbey were lotted to. par take ot too gnudles 1 1. a table, and such goodie I Sbeln.i walnuts, shell ed pecans, salted aluionda and salted peanuts, candied pineapple wafers, i atsios, chocolate marabmellowa, cho colate creams and China nuts. Tbey all ate until they oould eat no more. wben John Looo earn In with a huge platter, whlob he told at was much better tban "Mellcan" candy, and passed it around. There were several kind i and no one but a Cblnamau oould tell what wa in it. There were some long white stripe tbat were aa sweet aa honey and seemed to be flav ored with tome aweet rose and Oiled with ooooanut and there were melon seeds tbat were candied, and so many other different varietiea that it would be impoaaible to mention tbem. One of the most important featurea of the wonderful platter were some little oblong shaped paokages done op in orange colored sbluy paper, whlob wben unwrapped, were found tn con tain money, ranging from 10 to 25 cents, and wben Loou'a guests enquir ed wnat tney meant were told tbat he wbo found money on New Years would bave it all year, besides being prosperous and bavins good health. so that those who were fortunate enough to get them, and there were twelve packages found, felt very happy over their good luck. After the guests bad finished con gratulating tbe fortunate ones, John ny Informed tbem tbat "yon must so and eat now," and tbey certainly did justioe to tbe good things that were oooked for tbem by Mr. Simonson, wno, witn nis awe oorp oi waiters, did the thing up brown. Ibe menu inoloded ooid siloed ton gue, pork and ham, hot mashed pota toes and gravy, hot rolls, delicious Cnina tea and Mocha coiiee, bananas sliced with oream and sugar on tbem, orangea and bananas, and then tbe plates were removed and tbe desser consisted of a huge Spltzenberg apple moulded into toe oream and chocolate OBke. Tbe air being crisp tbat night, everyone waa good and hungry and everyone did eat until tbey oould eat no more. After dinner, Johnny gave a very On exhibition ot Chinese firework : out on theIawn and they were cer tainly grand. They then listened to 1 1 . 1-1 a mmmaamS An .Iia anno ..n am a after wbiob Johnny paaaed around cigars and they were not two tor a nlokel ones, but two for four bits. On aocount of tbe boat of friends who were invited tbey oould not all oome at onoa. owing to business rea- ions. and the last guests did not leave lutil nearly midnight, voting of one aooord tbat John Loon was without any exception tbe finest host in Hood Kiver. ue has been beta lor tome ima and ia now superintending gar- Jena for A. O. Hersbey and baa a host of friends. Among tbose who were fortunate enough to be present were : Leslie Butler, C. II. Stranaban aud wife, F. Fleming and wife, J. M. Uolloweli, John Leland Henderson, J. R; Kinaey and wife, R. B. Bragg, Misses Fanny and Katie Bragg, Mrs. Bert Stranaban, Mrs. Smltb, R. E. Uarkison and wife, A. J. Graham and wife. C. C. Peck and wife. Mrs. M. Sue Adams, C. D. Henrlohs, Miss WIedriok, V lot or Johnson, Lou Ste vens and wife, Mr. Bulow and wife, Victor Johnson. Geo. Bragg, John Coftman, Misa Cunning, Mlsa Weber, Sidney Henderson, Mr. MoMurray. The Woman's Club of Hood River. Tbe Woman's Club bas completed Its organization, elected officers and deolded on special lines ot work to be done aa ways and meana permit. Tbe aI.IMI. A Ik. AI..I. AMA Al.lA III-.... and aooiai advancement. Meetings are tc be held fortnightly from Sep tember 1 to Junel, at wbiob programs of a literary nature and dlsoussloni ot social and borne topics are to be presented. Committees will be ap pointed to confer with the proper au thor ities and plans will be made tor mprovlng and beautifying our town. It Is hoped tbat a free reading room can' be opened and maintained in tbe near future. All ladies wbo aie interested and are willing to work along these lines are coruially invited to join tbe club. Mrs. IS. ti. uott, irea. Mn. Riobmond, Sec Vanderbllt Interviewed. Oaoar Vanderbllt, former railroad man and one-time soboolmate in San Francisco of James D. Pbelan. John Hammerrmith and other well-known residents ot this city, arrived at tbe St. Franoii Friday on his way to Shanghai and Hongkong to oomplete tbe sale ot between 10,000 and 20,000 boxes of Hood River apples, tbe Brat to go to tbe Orient. He ia one ot a large colony of protessicnal aod busi ness men wbo, with no previous ex perience on a farm, bave gone into tbe Hood River Valley, In Oregon, within the past few years aud made big money raising - applea and straw berries. San Francisco Examiner. Will tay in Hood Itiver The remedy that makt a you eat, steep and grow strong, called Paltuo Tablvu. will be sold regularly by: Williams' Pharmacy, Hood River. These great nerve and constitution builders coat only 60c per box, six boxes, f2.S0. tf Card of Thanks. W wish to elve our heartiest thanks to all out tiiiuds and neighbors ho tood by ua with tbeir kind belp la our sorrow over the lose of our be loved daughter, Bertha. Bruno Frani and Wife. Far bargains la real estate see K't well Shelley, Carson, Wash.