HOOD ftlVlSIl QLAOIEB THPKfiDAY, JANUARY 30. 1908. - -tm, ... - ...-. - Five s Coliseum Skating Rink j" a lyf&t most healthful fijf of fruits, comes the Jfw 4 Trsi c onty taking powder lis made from Royai i&J i: SlSLrA Buggy Frccl Fl'I'A - I VOIO Utile more wen aim miunsan iium ri IrVJllj Y ,-yjrfl Jyif pkp'1l i Im powden, but with I . ' ' lvll II Lh Ll U VVffii Roil you are sure ol pure, beeltMu) food, . M Catering to the Best Class of Patrons Only. New Hardwood Floor. Famous Richurd son Ball Bearing Skates. Special attention given to beginners. For private lessons apply to Prof. A. Waldstein, floor manager Wednesday Afternoon for Ladies only GENERAL ADMISSION: Afternoons free; Skates, 25c; Children, 15c. EVENING, Ladies free; Gents 10c; Skates 25c extra. Tlours: Afternoon 2 to 5; evening, 7:30 to 10 MUSIC IN ATTENDANCE. r Waldstein . Knudson, Mg'rs HOOD RIVER APPLES DOLLAR A DOZEN We clip tbe following from a copy of the Topeka (Kana. ) Capitol, sunt by Jere J. Brown : "I want about a dozen apples, "a prosperous looking farmer said to E. .1 WhiUker at tbe J. Weiss & Co. '' on Kansas venue yesterday. "How tuob?" be Inquired. When be beard tbe price be felt io bia pocket. "Excuss uie," be said at the end of the aearob. "I'll bare to go to tbe back and draw a littl mouty. Them Oregouiau apples . cort souie, don't they, hut say -they oertainly are good.- I'e returned a few miuutea later and pitched a dollar ou the counter for tbe dozen. Bad Stomach Trouble Cured. Having .been sick for the paat two vearse with - bad stomach trouble, a friend pave me a dose ol Chamberlain's Stoma li Mini Liver Tablets They did lia fo much good (hat 1 bought a bottle licthmand have used twelve bottle fa.Mt. Today I urn w ell of a bud ft"m in nlroulile. Mrs John Lowe, Cooper, mene These tablets ure for sale by Kw&Cass. Oppose Infected Fruit Law. The ri'nho State Horticultural so ciety, ai its aunual meeting at Pay ette, has tbe subject of tbe aale of wormy or infected fruit before It in an interesting manner, rhe state law piovldea that no euob fruit shall be sold except for Immediate manufact ure into by-products. This law, en acted a year ago, la bitterly opposed by a olaaa of fruit groweis, but is sus tained by most of the leaders in tbe busluesa. Tbe objectors claim they shnuH enjoy perfect libeity in dis posing of their product of whatever quality. Judge Fieemout Wood, president of tbe Assooiatioj and tbe foremost apple grower of tbe Mate, raised tbe issue io bia annual address, anticipating the objecton and invit ing these to tight tbe matter out. He took itroig grounds in support of tbe law. Light Power A Water Co., at a prloe oot to exceed 140,000 and for tbe rraa tloo of a fund of $10,000, to Jba used, or ao niuoh thereof aa may be neoea sary, In improving said water system oy toa city of Hood Kiver, and in re imbursing aaid city in tbe sum of 1500, for moneys expended by it in tbe purobaBe of tbe Tucker spring; said bonds to be of denominations of from $100 to 81000, as the purchaser may desire, payable twenty years af ter date, with iaterest thereon at tbe rate.oi five per-centum per annum, with interest coupons attached there to, and in all respects issued In ac cordance with section 102 of the.Clii" ter of Hood River. Said election a . be beld in tbe olty ball in tbe city ot Hood Kiver. The polls will be opened at 8 o'clock u. m. on the date ot tbe said election, and be kept open eon-1 tiuuoualy until seven o'olook p. m. of said day. J. K. Nlokelsen, City Heoorder. Judges of election A. N. Rabm. Geo. P. Crowell and O. B. Hartley. , Clerks of election-W.". U. Uilmota and W. E. Sheets. . A U he World Is a stage, and Ballard's Snow Liniment plays a prominent part. It has no su perior (or Rheumatism, stiff joints, cuts, apralns and all pains. Buy it, try it and yon will always use it. Anybody who has used Ballard's Snow Liniment is a living proof of what it does. Buy a trial bottle. 25c, 50c, and $1. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke, ., ' Modest Earmer Gets Million". J. W. H. Adkins, living Lear For est Gioe, this state, went eas. a few weeks ago as a modest Oregon f aimer on a visit to bis old home iu Ry oounty, Missouri. Today be is a millionaire. On reaching his old borne be found that bis relatives bad died, but that an estate vahud at 84, 000.000 l to bo divided between four beira, of wbii'b -be is on. Mr. Ad kiiis ha j-st teut word of bia cool f. triune tn bia daughter. Miss Lena AnkiiiN. h resident of Ihis tit j. CfllMNEYLESS NOISELESS ODORLESS SMOKELESS Burn open Like Gai. jf UiecToly lump horning keroxene oil wltnout a chimney. 1 1-4 pint oil bums 10 boor. VI cuodle power. r : j E. S. Blair & Co (ien. Western At. HPoKaNK - WASH. Every Lamp Guaranteed Thos. J. Davidson General Agent for Oregon HOOD RIVER - - OREGON EDISON Phonographs We sell Ihem, the most perhct nnd producing nmuhine Mr. Edison's. favo rite invention, which contains all of bis new improvements. We are now show ing the new model with the big born, the greateHt triumph in phonograph making. Don't forget that Mr. Edison is the inventor of the entire phono graphic idea, and that the Edison pho nograph is the original talking machine. Over fifteen hundred Edison record in stock. Call and see for yourself. W. D. Rogers Hood River Studio J yiii 1 ! ' kafl.e occhs "" illy I rr "hi ilrlir" i 1 1 " Htld poiitelilii' I ilo yn ti-i-l hH t'nil nut, without hiiiIii- I t i. n tin. I wilir iit energy? If so, jhurl kidm-v. re fti "f orU'r. Take De-1 Wit Ki,dney and R'adder Pills. They iTxuipilv relieve herkache, weak back, j iiiriHiiinVallon of the bladder and weuk I kidney. Sold by Keir and Caes. j Special Election jNotlce. Not.ee is herehv g-'tt tht ppo j n vk ttmi will hd ifhl iu Him t iiy a' Jlmxl 1 lor on the lull oy of ret I,., if, iOOH, at which tbe qunliBed rolM ot hh id city will vote upon '.be que iiou of whether said city bolI is sue bunds upon tbe credit of tbe city ii the sum of 140,000 for the purchato r.f tbe compile system -of - water cued by tbe Hood Rivsr Electrio 60 YEAR8' EXPERIENCE D Tnaot Marks nutua " rltf i Copyriohts 4c Anrone iiendln a iketeli and (Jwertptlon mr onlclilr aaoertaln onr opinion free whether en Invention ! prohebly ptenihle,Commnnlf. tionsstrlctlroonadenttal. HANDBOOK onPMenta cent free. (Ildeflt apency for eecurlng Detente. Patente taken throuKb Munn & Cik reoelv tfxrial notUt, without charee. In the : j Scientific Htnericatu : A handsomely lllnetrated weekly. Inreet cir culation of eny erlentinn journal. ' Trnn. S3 , : lour montne, eu Bum uyaii neweueaiere. n&Cq 3-iBrH-, New York Branca Oflloe. 6K T BU Weahlngton. D. U, To Some One and it May be You: February 1 we will open a Buggy Contest and we want every family in and around Hood River to enter. Every cash purchase will be punched on your card, which when filled represents $30 cash trade and entitles you to one draw. From the numbers represented, one will be drawn and deposited in Butler's Bank, nobody, not even ourselves, to know what it is until the numbers are all taken and the final drawing takes place. Contest positively closes when first 100 cards are li lit 1 . We have a stock of as good, clean and wholesome Goods as can be found nny where and at the right prices. We want your trade and assure you always courteous treatment, making right everything that is not right. Phone us your orders if not convenient to call and we will take particular care of them. For further particulars regarding Contest call at the store. Phone Main 3251. FREE DELIVERY. STAR HANNA & PERIGO J GOING SPARKING ? i1' "" K"' V-W?.li'y If o you will have better Buccess if you get your "sparkler" of Clarke. I have a large assortment, they are lull of fire and extremely p etty.' I have them louse, or mounted in rings, lockets; bracelets, brooches, chains, etc., tit reasonable prices Arthur Clarke 2 The Jeweler & Optician Light and Water Co.' Special Christmas Offer Until January 1st, 1908, will sell 4 to 6 pound ELECTRIC SAD IRONS at $4.50 each. T. KEN L'F-One black aud utille Jeraeyi utter, ewitl'ow frtrk In right ear, "lit In Mtl 'nr U. ti. Katt-rly, on Jt-rtfuo Lnn. I Try " our ELECTRIC TOASTER and eat breakfast with your wife. Costs but 1 l-2c for 12 large slices toasted on both sides. Announcement Vogt Bros, are now settled in their new quarters and invite the 'inspection of their new store by the public .... They are better prepared than ever to cater to the demands of their many patrons, and offer the most complete line of Gents' Furnishing and Clothing to be found in the city WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slat' wood, also other kinds of wood. I haw a new gasoline wood aaw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do genera' team work. FRED HOWE. A Fresh Complexion is preserved and produced by Robertine, a mild, delightful Mattes tne stun exquisitely torn banishes crackled annearanre caused by over-drynesai reduces the size of enlarged pores, cleanses them, re- , duces inflammation and spreads an even, raaant glow due to wholesome nourish ment of skin glands and stimulation of tne capillaries which also feed the skin and supply its healthful color. Aikyour Drugpst lira frit lamplt of 10BERTI1 Our Groceries Will build you upl Their absolute purity Insures their wLolesomenets. Wa cater to a clastof customers who want thingt right and appreciate our effort! to aatisfy In all particular!. Canned Goods In great variety and all ot a superior quality. Our price! will interest you. Phone 491 Free Delivery Wood & Smith Bros. F W. J. BAKER 4 CO. Real Estate rents, Of Hood River. Oreson. offer the fol lowing bargains: No. 1. 5 acres, 1 mile from town, all improved, all set to trees, Newtons, 8pitzenberga and peaches, poultry yard and good buildings. $3250. No. 2 24 acres half mile from town, 400 trees, 5 years old, 10 acres 1 to 8 years old, 8 acres berries, f 2,000 house, all in high state of cultivation. $15, 000. No. 3. Five acres close in, 5 inches of water, no buildings, no fruit planted, but ground thoroughly fertilized and very rich. Price $2,500. No. 4. Ffteen acres, all under cultiva tion, 6 acres 2 year old trees, 10 acres 1 year old trees. 4 acres strawberries, set among young trees. Price 17,500. No. 5. Thirty acres one and one-half miles lrom town, all under cultiva tion, 4 acres orchard in full bearing, 10 acrea young orchard, some meadow land and S acres berries, large house, very conveniently arranged. Good barn, also good cottage on place and all kinds nmall fruit. Electric light, phone, etc. A very desirable home. Price $15,000. No. 9. Six and one-half acres three miles out, 4i acres set to trees two years old, peach trees set between rows, 6-room house, good well and barn. Price $2,600. No. 10. Eight acres, same distance from town, 250 4-year-old trees, also 150 young trees one year out. Three acres of this place is suitable (or early berries. Neat 5-room house and out building. Price f 4,400. This lift is simply a sample of what we hp.ve to offer buyers. Call and see our intire lift. It will interest you. Buy Your Fruit Boxes AT THE Hood River Box Factory and Patronize Home Industry. Best Quality Lowest Price Home Made Phone Main 71 ; "8 St F. 8. STANLEY, Prei. E. L SMITH, Vice-Prei." E. 0. BLANCHAR, Cashier V. C. BROCK, Asst. Cashier The First; National Bank HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $15,000 Oakdale Greenhouse Cut flowers and plants at Keir & Cans. Choice Rows Shrubs, Vines etc. White Wvamlotte Cockrels from $1 to tHOO. " Fletcher & Fletcher, Special lfates. Tbn following round trip lates are In effect : Hood lliv r to Poitland and r, turn, pood going aud returning Sundays, ti. 11 1 l I t UAnflnrl r. A t..n 1IUUU llivni liu 1 Ulliauu nuu mtuiu. good going Satuidayi or Sundays and good returning Sundays or Mondays, 11 Every day, good for 30 daya, 93.25, J. If. Fredricy, Agent. The Government of the United States is, in a sense, a silent oartner in the conduct of every nation al bank. r It inquires into thecharacter and financial stand ing of all the applicants before granting a charter for a new bank. It sends a special examiner at least twice a year ' to go over the books and see that legal and proper methods are being employed; and to advise with the officers and make helpful suggestions. We offer you every advantage that per- ! tains lo a National Bank, and solicit your patronage. ; E. O. BLANCHAR, . " Cashier. SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY, FEB. 1 'A. ,L. .CARMIC HALL SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY, FEB. 1 Great Bargain arid Clearance Sale of al! Men's and Women's RUBBER FOOTWEAR. : Farthest Come Here. One Week Only. If you are looking where dollars go 'Men's Gum Boots $3.50 now... ..$3.00 Men'i Lace Duck Boots $4.50 now 3.75 Men's rolled edge rubbers 95c now 85c Boys and Men's Felt Boots at Cost. Ladies' R E Rubbers, 75c now .65c 60c now... .....50c Ladies 4-Buckle Emp. $2.60 now $2.10 Ladies' Arctics $1.00 now... ...85c Ladloa and M Lvrfrfine at Coat DON'T FORGET DATE AND PLACE ON THE HILb