The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 23, 1908, Page Five, Image 5

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Oo of tha wont blizzards arer ax
perleneed on tbe alopee et Mount
'"T wr-nea J. wetler A,ndd ud bin
fiartV Of flln filntn.... l a
&b Clab Saturday night tod nit day
"L'"uvi iu wcaiion oi iDeir trip to
the mountain being the Bftb aonail
ming party of tb club, Mr. Ladd
tuunoai or ids olub and baa enter
tained Hi membera eary year with
a.ioh trlpa erer alooa tbeforgaolzatlon.
Hat tbey bad an exhilarating time
! trip !?d i1" n'' n,0D wtarn.
e-l to Portland thia morning, daolaraa
Ilia bowling gale nearly ripped the
buttona fiom their ooats when the
wind was at Us height
"We never saw the summit of the
mountain at all," said Mr. Ladd, the
host, this afternoon. "We bad the
flaest kind of weather for the snow
shoe Jaunt of seven miles np the slope
toward Clood Cap Inn Saturday after
noon, and were able to make good
time beoinse of the One smooth ernst
over the snow, bat snob a raging
storm of snow and snob a piping gale
oarer experienced. Home of oa
name near being blown off oar feet
and the flurry so blinded as that we
bad difficulty picking oar way even
with tbe guides We reaebed the Inn
in safety, and despite ton stinging
cold we enjoyed tbe sport immensely.
It iva a sboat six degrees below zero
out of doors nod I venture It wasn't
nmob more than ten degrees above in
ite all day Sunday "
"Tbe trip was- in all reipeots the
most snooeaafuJ outing or club has
had. There wasn't a traoe of an aoot
dent or threat of danger and tbe
whole party made tbe moH of tbe
frolic We oame down the alope
a snooting on skis yesterday morning,
with the weather still in a fury when
We left In tha Innra. il.itnhn t
foothills we enoounterod better weath
er, bat if any of the oldest settlers
ever encountered a worse blizzard
than that one up the side of tbe
m iuntain they will have to show
me " '
The following members of tbe Snow
shoe Club were guests of Mr. Ladd
on tbe trip: John D Canon, M. F.
Dolpb, J. K. Kollook. M. H. Insley,
R L. Uilsan, E, P. EHlnger. Horace
Alioklen and Jordan Zan. Telegram.
lmbur,ing said city In the sum of
500, feu moneys expended by it in
tbepnrnbaae of tbe lacker spring;
aia uoaas to oe or denominations of
from I10U to 11000, as the purchaser
may desire, payable twenty years af
ter date, with interest thereon at tbe
imtw ui un per centum per annum.
With intlirMt ftnnnnn, an hari th-
to, and In all respects issued la ao-
DuruMuoti wun aeciinn iua oi ineuoai
ter of liood River. Said eleotiou will
be held In tha nltv hall In tk. .if.
Hood Kiver. Tbe polla will be opened
at 8 o'clock a. m. on tbe date of tbe
aid election, and be kept open con
tinuously until seven o'clock p. m. of
aid day.
J. K. XViokelsen, l ity Keoorder.
Judaea of alMttnn A N (tnhm
Geo. P. Crowell and O. a Hartley.
Clerka of nlnntinn W fT Cllmm.
and W. E. Sheets.
Two Advertlsina; Troths.
A soap millionaire and an aotor
m magei were talking business.
5"1," said tbe actor-manager, "have
iacuntinaed tbe use of posters. My
anuouuoeuients appear in the newspa
pers exclusively. 1 have learned that
those who don't read tbe papers don't
go to tbe theater."
"Von are wise," said tbe soap mil
lionaire, "and 1 do like you. Long
since 1 discarded every form of adver
tising save that of tbe press, finding
that tbey who didn't read a daily pa
I er had no use for soap." Pittsburg
Why Suffer from Rheumatism t
Do you know that rheumatic paius
can be relieved! II you doubt this just
try one application of Chambei Iain's
l'li in Balm. It will make rest and sleep
possible, and that certainly means a
great ileal to anyone afflicted with rheu
matism. For Bale by Keir & Cass.
TheU. ofO. Bulletin,
'"be December number1 of tbe Uni
versity of Oregon Bulletin, a oopy of
wbioh has just been received, gives a
full dttsrlption of tbe correspondence
course .uat are now being offered by
tbe university. Tbe courses are ar
ranged especially tcr teaohers, stu
dents preparing for college or univer
sity, women's clubs, teachers' groups,
granges, home makers. The university
intends to add addition! courses in
economic , political soienoe, history.
English literature, mechanical draw
lug, civil engineering, eduoatlon and
other, as its resources permit. Tbe
correspondence work bai met witb a
hearty reception in all parts of the
atate. More tbau two hundred stu
dents enrolled for the various courses
during the past ro'intb.
' AlThe World
Is a Rtage, and Ballard's Snow Liniment
pluys ii prominent part. It lias no su
perior for Kheumatism, stiff joint", cuts,
(priiins and all pains. Buy it, try it and
ji.h will always use it. Anybody who
bus used Uallard'e Snow Liniment Is a
livinu proof of what it done. Buy a trial
txittle. 25i 50c, and (1. Sold by Chaa.
N. Clark.
p cial NoticTto All Frnit U -ewers.
A. S.Martin, general field manager
for tbe Bex Fruit Spray Co., will give
a talk on the philosophy of spraying,
historv of Kex lime and sulphur sola
ti ui the true culoium sulphide, hav
ing a true afflmity for plant life in
tbe control of orchard pests and fung
icidal diseases, and root treatment in
connection with spraying for tbe con
trol o. pear blight, whlob also attacks
tbe apple, at Artisan ball. Hood Hir
er, Jan. 2otb, at one o'clock p. m.
J lay mi have backache occasionally,
or "tftitches" i the side and sometimes
lo vim feel all tired out, without Hindi
turn and without energy? If mi, your
kiclii-v nre out of order. Take De-
iti's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They
promptly relieve backache, weak ,
inflammation f the bladder and w.ak
kidneys. Sold by Keir and Caes.
Special Election Netlee.
Notice is hereby given tbut a spec
lal ele tion ill b oid In tbe rify of
Hood Kivr;.' 17th dHy of lh
imtry, 19U8, h! uinh tbe quMhf!cd
Tutus ut .aid'eitv will vote upon .l.e
iue-ti,m u whotDer said city shall U-
U noon tbe credit of the citv
I r wun ofM"""" fnr ,D" imrihHH
of the o nnpl: yrt)iii of uter
msiifi tiv the Hood Khr hlectric
Lliiit p.iwer 4 Wa'er Co., at a price
not to exr-ee 1 810.000 and lor tberrea
tiou of a fund of 110,000, to lie need,
or so muob thereof as may be neces
hhit, In Improving said wtr ntem
by tbe city of Hood Kirtr, and la te
Can vou afford tn trifln with an BAri.
ous a matter as to neglect a bad cold or
cough, when for a trifling amount you
can secure a bottlanf Hieknrv Rarlr
Cough Remedy," that ia guaranteed to
cure or money refunded. Price 25c, 60c
ana fi.uu per Dome, tor sale by Unas.
N. Clarke and dealers everywhere..
Advertised Letter List.
For week ending Jan. 20, 1908:
Falter, Miss Francis: Garrison,
Mrs. Leliie; Hawthorn. Mrs. Mary;
MoClain, MissMollie; Oswald Mrs.;
Phillips Mrs. Hattie; Rer-d .uiis Ed
na; Wathem Mrs. Nellie; Wright Miss
U.j Abetson Martin; Allen Homer;
uanzier uiara; uoyie a. A. ; Coulter,
Jaoies; Carter W. H. ; Garrison E. E;
Uockwald Arthur; Hanson Kay; Han
son E. H. ; Hays G. G. ; Uodgen A.
8. ; Hoover G. A. ; Johnson J M. ;
Johnson J. G. ; Jones J. W. ; Mo
Ewen, Ralph; McKamey, 11. C. ;
Malobom, J. K. Martin, Jack Mas
teis, Roy Metcalf. Robert Miller, M.
D. Nakitine, M. Neff, J. N. Perry
II. E. Perry, Hal H. Raiuvllle, How
ard Riokbard, Uank'Robertson, ). D.
I bomas, W. O. Tompkins, M. D.
Wm. M. Yates, P. M.
When you want the best, net De'A'itt's
Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It Is
good for little or big cuts, boils or bruis
ex. and is especially recommended for
piles. Sold by Keir and Caes.
Coliseum Skating Rink
New Hardwood Floor. Famous Richard
son Ball Bearing Skates. Special attention
given to beginners. For private lessons
apply to Prof. A. Waldstein, floor manager
Wednesday Afternoon for Ladies only
Yakima Will Buy Chinese Pheasants.
Tbe county commissioners at Ysakl
uia have authorized tbe county game
warden to secure 10 pairs of Chinese
pheasants - for distribution in the
county. Tbe birds will arrive about
March 10. Peasants have been brought
in before and thrive so well in thia
oounty that it was deoided to increase
the number of birds of thut variety. 1
There is some talk of securing h t
pairs of Hungarian pheasants to .-.
periment with them.
The old Pennsylvania butch Dunknrd
recommends "Hickory Bark Cough
Remedy." Guaranteed to care your
cough, and guaranteed to be pure.
Made from the bark of the ehell bark or
white hickory tree. For sale by Chas.
N. Clarke and all dealers everywhere.
nurii'open Like Gas.
1 he only lamp burning
keroxene oil without a
chimney. 1 1.4 pint oil
burnt 10 bourn, SOuandle
E.S. Blair & Co
Oen. Western Agti.
Every Lamp Guaranteed
Thos. J. Davidson
General Agent for Oregon
We sell them, the most ierf. ct -ound-producing
machine Mr. Kdi"in's favo
rite invention, which contains all of lii.n
new improvements. We are now show
ing the new model with the big born,
the greatest triumph in phonograph
making. Don't forget that Mr. Edison
is the inventor of the entire phono
graphic idea, and that the Edison pho
noprnpli is the original talkinu machine.
Ovi-r fifteen hundred Edieon records in
itock. Cull aud eee for yourself.
W. D. Rogers
Hood River Studio
kkf4. 60 YEARS'
Trade Marks
Copvriohts Ac
AnTon iimdlnff a sketch and description mftf
) wne
ah . C
tlons strictly oonfldenttsJ. HANDBOOK onPatcnu
Qalcklf uoertattn onr opinion Itm
inTntion is prooaoiy pmencjinn
iLhr an '
aent free. Oldest agency for secunnr
fatenta lameo inrouvn aiunn m
tpecial noCtCi without cbanje, in tha
Scientific American
A huidsomelr lllmitntM wmkly. JarvMt dr.
culatinn of any tclenuilr journal. Trm. 13 a
year ; (our montha. L bold by ail Bawlcealera.
MUNN&Co.8"8" New York
Braooa Offlo. SB F M. Washington, D. 0,
GENERAL ADMISSION: Afternoons ftw;
Skates, 25c; Children, 15c. EVENING,
Ladies free; Gents 10c; Skates 25c extra.
Hours: Afternoon 2 to 5; evening, 7:30 to 10
Waldstein . Knudson, Mg'rs
i A Buggy Free
To Some One and it May be You:
February 1 we will open a Buggy Contest ami we want
every family in and around Hood River to enter. Every
cash purchase will be punched on your card, which
when filled represents $30 cash trafle and entitles
you to one draw. From the numbers represented,
one will be drawn and deposited in Butler's Bank,
nobody, not even ourselves, to know what it is until
the numbers are all taken and the final drawing
takes place.
We have a stock of as good, clean and wholesome
Goods as can be found anywhere and at the right
prices. We want your trade and assure you always
courteous treatment, making right everything that
is not right. Phone us your orders if not convenient
to call and we will take particular care of them.
For further particulars regarding: Contest call at
g the store. Phone Main 3251. FREE DELIVERY.
If no you will have better success if you get your "sparkler" of M
Clarke. I have a large assortment, they are tall of fire and
extremely p etty. I have them loose, or mounted in rings,
lockets, bracelets, brooches, chains, etc., tit reasonable prices
Arthur Clarke Nr The Jeweler & Optician
Light and Water Co.'
Special Christmas Offer
Until January 1st, 1908, will sell
'4 to 6 pound ELECTRIC SAD
IRONS at $4.50 each.
Vogt Bros, are now settled in their new
quarters and invite the , inspection of
their new store by the public ....
They are better prepared than ever to
cater to the demands of their many
patrons, and offer the most complete
line of Gents' Furnishing and Clothing
to be found in the city
I am prepared to furniNh mill and slat'
wood, also other kinils of wood.
I have a new gasoline wood Haw and am
prepared to do sawiiiu. Also do genera1
team work.
Fresh Complexion
is preserved and produced by
Robertine, a mild, delightful
.ll.. .!.. r .
Makes the skin exauisitelv softi
banishes crackled aPDcannce caused
by over-drvnessi reduces the size of
enlanred pores, cleanses them, re-
, duces inflammation and spreads an even,
rauant glow due to wholesome nourish
ment of skin glands and stimulation of
the capillaries which also feed (he
skin and supply its healthful color.
Ask your Druggist for a fret tampli of
Our Groceries
Will build you np! Their absolute
purity Insures their wbolesomeneks.
Wa cater to a class of customers who
want thing right and appreciate our
efforts to satisfy In all particulars.
Canned Goods
In great variety and allot a superior
quality. Our pricea will Interest you.
Phone 491 Free Delivery
Wood & Smith Bros.
Buy Your Fruit Boxes
TV KEN UP-One black and white Jeraey j
m-r, awnl'.ow fork In right ear, slit tn left
ear . l, Kaaterly, on J. rlco i Lane. JO ;
bid eat breakfast with your wife.
Costs but.l l-2c for 12 large slices
toasted on both sides.
Heal Estate gents,
Of Hood River, Oregon, offer the fol
lowing bargains :
No. 1. 5 acres, 1 mile from town, all
improved, all set to trees, Kewtons,
fcpitzenbergs and peaches, poultry
yard and good buildings. $3250.
No. 2 24 acres half mile from town,
400 trees, 5 years old, 10 acres 1 to 8
years old, 8 ucres berries, 12,000 house,
all in high state of cultivation. 15,
No. 3. Five acres close in, 6 inches of
water, no buildingB, no fruit planted,
but ground thoroughly fertilized and
very rich. Price 2,5O0.
No. 4. Ffteen acres, all under cultiva
tion, 5 acres 2 year old trees, 10 acres
1 year old trees. 4 acres strawberries,
sot among young trees . Trice 7,50O.
No. 5. Thirty acres one and one-half
miles from town, all under cultiva
tion, 4 acres orchard in full bearing,
10 acres young orchard, some meadow
hind and 3 acres berries, large house,
very conveniently arranged. Gooa
barn, also good cottage on place and
all kinds small fruit. Electric light,
phone, elo. A very desirablo homo.
Price 15,000.
No. 9. Six and one-half acres three
miles out, 4 acres set to trees two
years old, peach trees set between
rows, 6-room houce, good well and
barn. Price $2,000.
No. 10. Eight acres, same distance
from town, 250 4-year-old trees, also
150 young trees one year out. Three
acres of this place is suitable for early
berries. Neat 6-room house and out
buildings. Price $ 4,400.
This Met is simply a sample of what
we to offer buyers. Call and see
our entire list. It will interest you.
Hood River Box Factory
and Patronize Home Industry.
Best Quality Lowest Price
Home Made
Phone Main 71
Oakdale Greenhouse
Cut flowers and plants at Keir & Cass,
Choice Ron's Shrubs, Vines ptc.
White Wvandotte Cockrels from $1 to
13.00. " Fletcher & Fletcher,
Special Kates.
The following round trip rates are
in effeol:
Uood Kivr to Pot tlncid and return,
good goiug and returning Suadays,
Hood Kiver to Portland and return;
good going Satniday or Sundays and
good returning Sundays or Mondays,
Every day, good for 30 days, 13.25.
J, 11. Fredrioy, Ageut.
F. S. 8TANLEY, Pre..
E. L. SMITH, Vice-Prea.
E. 0. BLANCHAR, Cashier
V. C, BROCK, Asst. Cashier
The First National Bank
Capital StocR, $50,000. Surplus, $15,000
The Government of the United States is, in a
sense, a silent oartner in the conduct of every nation
al bank.
It inquires into thecharacter and financial stand
ing of all the applicants before granting a charter for
a new bank.
It sends a special examiner at least twice a year
to go over the books and see that legal and .proper
methods are being employed; and to advise with the
officers and make helpful suggestions.
- We offer you every advantage that per
tains lo a National Bank, and solicit your
patronage, , '
'Till HI IiITTH I II im iiiiihiiiiih
Great Bargain and Clearance Sale of all Men's and Women's RUBBER FOOTWEAR.
Farthest Come Here.
If you are looking where dollars go
Men's Gum Boots $3.60 now $3.00
Men'fLaceDuckBoots$4.60now 3.75
Men's rolled edge rubbers 95c now 85c
Boys and Men's Felt Boots at Cost.
Ladies' E E Rubbers, 76c now ...05c
" " " 60c now 60c
Ladies 4-Buckle Emp. $2.60 now $2.10
Ladies' Arctics $1.00 now. 85c
and MImw1 Larftflna at Coat