Eight HOOP RIVER GLACIER THURSDAY DECEMBER 12.1907. I SSTABL1SHKD 1900 INOIkPOSATItP IO0A 1 Closing Out att Cost $18,000 Stock Of UD-to-date merchandise consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishings, Ladies and Chil- I dren's Coats. Large stock of Ladies' Coats in the latest styles and colors. Men's and Boys' DUllS, lrOUbeiS UIIU WVClCUctta new anu up-iU-uatc Our Shoe Department is large and includes some of the best brands made. You can get anything from a Slipper to a heavy Logger. Everything goes at COST. Other business makes it necessary that we retire from the mercantile business. L. H. MUGGINS & CO. COMPLIMENTS FOR HOOD RIVER I'rom several letter? received recent ly tioro ntruii(jra and othurs who know of Hood Kiver, we glean tho following : win. Mo.'Iurruy write! : Mr. K. L. Suiltb, Hood Kiver, Urn. Dour Kir: Kinoe tbe visit of Mi Ivy L. Lee, of tbe publicity firm of I'arker & Le, New York, at whloh time we saw Hood Rivei and Its at tractions under your splendid guid ance, Mr. Lee is now getting out ignite a lot of duta in regard to lloua l!iver and Oregon. When tbe new pbamplet appeared I tank tbe liberty of sending blm one and I am in reooipt of a letter from I) I in dated New York, November 27tb, from wbiob i quote: "My Dear Mr. MoMurray: I was very rauob pleased tbis nioru Inji to get the pamphlet in regard to Hood Klvei. I have been talking Hood Kiver to all my friends ever muoe I came baok from the west and I have been buying Hood Kiver apples lit a great rate and giving them away j nut to let people see what you pro duce out ther-. The more I think of my western trip tbe more Oiegon rla- n in my mtud as one of tbe greatest t tales that ever hiippened. I should twry much like to go out there and l.uy a farm.'' Dr. J. O. Dai lea writes W. F. Lata v.hv from iiolae, Idaho: "Accept my thinks for the very lietiutiful illustrated clroular of your town and oountry. It Is a very com uienduble production and highly com plimentary to your progressive oltl zmiMhip. Vou certainly have them alt "ikinned" in red apples and straw harries, and while yon raise fruit Hiete will always be a demand for it, " Mr. Liiraway also received tbe fol lowing from C. K. iiutllngton, from tbe same plaoe: "I received yoiK Hood River on ti.ipui. While it la flue as oould be made, it does not do tbe valley justice from my velwpoiut, but tbe day and tbe associations may have helped me to see its beauty." 0. D. MkUowuo sends Chas. Hay ward from Ashland, a circular setting forth tbe faot of his having opened up point shop and wall paper store, in which the following appears: "Cbas. 1). MaoUown, late of Hood River, whoie tbe bloom of color is placed on nature a tro.lt. W, L. Dykes, of Ottumwa, Iowa, wines Dr. i. (Jooper aa follows: "1 understand your best grade of npplas were sold this year to New York patties for 13.00 per box, I do not for tbe life ot me see how they rmn pay such prices and then pay freight clear across the continent and job tbe m out at a piotlt. Ibe poor imss who eats tbem must surely ap predate a good thing afetr buying them at the retail prices be would have to pay. Una ot our wholesale fruit dealers in Ottumwa contracted for ten calroads of apples from the Wenittohee district in Washington He baa received aix oars of tbem but succeeded in gritting bis order for the leuiaiulng four ears cancelled on ac count of getting caught in lather close quarters by the strlngeuoy In the money market. He has been jobbing these tipples out at f'-i.OU per box uuderstaud the retailer, by selling tbe lurger ones at live cents eaon aud the Hinnllor ones at three for ten cents muxes atiotit tmrty to nrty cunts por imx. liie fruit la very nice, the best 1 ever saw, but tbe price a trine still for railroad bauds like me. 1 did sort nf Hhut my eyes nnd kick over the t' HUM, ns it were, today aud Invested l.iilf a dollar for six Jonathans and six Hiiitzeiibergs to help out with the Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. I no title some ot this fruit dees uot appear t keep very well aud has to be gotten r 1 of as rapidly an possible, 1 think r nrybody has gone crazy this reason u er apples. One retail grocer nailed riB on the street tbe other duy aud " in tod to sell me a burrel of apples. 1 told him 1 could not use that many ii'. once as I had uo suitable plaoe to ep tbem. He said they were such no ones he knew 1 would want them id insisted upon my going in aud iking at tbem. 1'bey were Michigan lit of good uniform size but 1 am rtaiu that at least four out of every e were wormy. He wanted $1.73 per rrel for them. 1 honestly believe it mid have been cheaper to have paid f ' 'i0 to 93 par box for Washington or O tuon fruit. Apples have beeu ex- ou'iingly tiigu bore during tbe past ynar, sa high, as to plaoe them among i no luxuries ot Hie aud almost beyond tii pocket books of tbe most of us. I . epite of tbe high prices tbe fruit h n lieou ot a very inferior quality, j. 'iierully speaking." pie i, some of tbe enterprising apple raisers of Hood Kiver, with L. 11. Sbepard and Joseph Wilson aa lead ers, made a display at tbe same time ot Hood River apples. Un tbe start some of the Willamette Valloy grow ers felt that the Hood River folks would have promoted good feeling by refraining from making their exhibit, but the more they thought tbe matter over the more they realized that tbe double show in Portland at tbe same time tended to enobance tbe reputa tion of Oregon appiea and that In fact tbe Hood Kiver growers, la making their display ot fruit, bad done tbe very best thing which could occur. The Hood tiivei folks sheeifully ad mitted that Hood River bad never made a handsomer display of appiea and the Willamette growers bad no occasion to feel ashamed of their dis play In oomparlson, nor to fear that tbe apples of this valley were going to suffer in reputation because the op portunity for comparison with tbe Hood River product waa offered. It would have beeu unfortunate tor the Willamette Valley growera if tbe op portunity had not existed for compar ison of their owu apples with the fin est product of Hood River. It pre vented spectators from saying, "Ibis looks very nice, but bov would it look alongside of a li.t of Hood River apples?" Moreover, it showed some of tbe Willamette Valley growers bow- neoeasary It is to lose uo opportunity tor advertising. The display made by the Hood Riv er folks was carefully studied out and waa arranged to tell its story in the most effective way. A peculiarly striking device was a box made of plate glass, wbl ;h contained four-tier Spitzenberg apples. The paoking of this box was a triumph of tbe pack er's art. There ia no elasticity about plate glass, aud yet the box waa Oiled exactly and snugly in every particu lar with unwrapped apples. Every ap ple had to be ot the same size, and iu addition to this all were of the same snade of color. Oregon Agriculturist. I i r. I I r 1 The Hood River Display. Aware of tbe fact that tbe Willnm ette Valley apple show would attract much attention aud turn the attention Ol tbe publio for the time being to ap Money Flowing West. One of tbe certain lesults of the preseut (lnauclal stringency will be a superabundance of mouey on the Pa ciflo coast, it was, in fact, a auiplus of money that hrought tbe western banks Into a condition which made them victims of f-e Wall street panic. Everybody on tbe coast bad money and theie were too few borrowers in tbla part of the country. Tbe baoki loaned tbeii mouey and depositors' money in the east, aud when the de positors took a uotlou that they want ed it, not all of it could be had on short notice. Hut the banks are get ting it back again and eventually U will all be on tbe coai-t again, in creased by the returns from tbis year's orops. Then confidence will bo completely restored and there will bo more money that people will know what to do with. More than this, most of what the coast has to sell U in tbe foini of necessaries while much ot what it buys in the east Is in tbe form of luxuries. This financial strin gency has made the people more cau tious aud they will be careful about spending money. The purchase ot necessaries will go on just the same sa usual, b it there will be a decrease in the purohaBe of luxuries. This will be to tbe advantage ot tbe ooast aud ken more money at borne. There are a great many people In Oregon who have been predicting n shrinkage In values, particularly real estate values, as a result ot tbe mon ey stringency, but they ate doomed to disappoiutmeut. We shall see n repetition of the experience of 11)05. It whs then said, "Wait until after the Lewis and Clark fair and there will be a rlump In values and you can pick up property for a song," Rut tbe slump did not come, for the lea eon that everybody wauted to buy leal estate. People who have been gradually drawing their money out of tbe bauks or who wish to do so will be bunting for an investment in tbe next fw months. The bauks will luve more money thau thev can loan Hud they will hesitate about semilog it east again. In tbe absence ot a bet ter subject ot Investment there will lie a strong demand tor real property. It the coast were a debtor part of toe country and labored uuder the neoea sity ot seudiug mouey east, the situa tion would be much ;ditterent, but it is clear to every one tbat we shall have more money three months from now, and six months from now, thau ever before. Wall street panica may rome aud go aud iu the passing may cause some temporary inconvenience in tbe productive and developing west, but thev will not materially affect legitimate real estate invest j ments on the PaoiUo coaBt. Oregon- tan. A SCRAP OF PAPER. It Was the Meant of Bringing a Mur dsrer to Justle. Scraps of paper have on several oc casions been tbe means of throwing a light on some of the greatest criminal mysteries of modern tlmea. Had It not been for the minutest scrap of tissue paper It la quite possible that the notorious Franz Muller would have remained a free man to the end of hie days. After foully murdering a Mr. Briggs in a railway carriage on the North Londou line Muller made off with his victim's bat WThen caught several months later a top but declared to be Mr. Briggs' was found Iu his posses sion. Its shape, however, had been tonslderably altered, and Muller In sisted that the hat had been bought by himself. Waa It Mr. briggs" hat? "If It la Mr. Briggs' hat," said the hatter who supplied him, "you may find a piece of tissue paper In the lin ing. Mr. Briggs' hat was too large for him, ao I put the paper In to make it fit" When the lining was turned down a scrap of paper -which had adhered to the leather was discovered. Muller had a bigger head than Mr. Briggs and had therefore resolved to take the pa per out. He left that little bit, how ever, sufficient to establish the identity of the hat beyond all question as that Mr. Briggs was wearing when he was murdered. Thla Is only one instance among many where bits of paper hare solved great mysteries. London Answers. Effect of Whlttla on Rattlesnakes. "Should you ever encounter a rattle snake and be show fight just begin to whistle softly and tbe reptile will un coil and lay with his eyes closed and .' body quivering," said a Teunesseean. I "On more than one occasion I have run across rattlesnakes und have al-. ways taken the fight out of them by ' whistling. The snake seems to become absolutely helpless when be hears a soft whistle find will make no attempt i to spring iipou you. This whistle np- i ! pears to soothe his anger and robs htm of fighting power. I saved my life ou : one occuslon In this manner. Try It and you'll find that 1 tell the truth."- Nashville Tenuesseean. Value of a Constitution. It happened In the spring of 1860, when Garibaldi was pursuing his expe dition In Sicily and when the words "Constitution and Liberty" .were on ev ery Neapolitan's lips. "Why are you so anxious for a constitution?" asked foreign tourist of his guide and donkey driver while they were traveling through the mountains of Sorrento. "Well, you see, your excellency," was the answer, "because I think we shall be all the better for It It Is now close upon twenty years that I am letting out my asses to visitors from all coun triesEnglish, French, Americans. AH of these have a constitution, and they are all rich." What, IndoedT A duchess requiring a lady's maid had an Interview with one, to whom, after having examined her appearance, she said, "Of course you will be able to dress my hair for me?" "Oh, yes," replied the girl; "It never takes me more than half an hour to dress a lady's hair." "Half an hour, my child I" exclaimed the duchess In accents of terror. "And what on earth, then, should I be able to do with myself all the remainder of the morning?' puudee Advertiser. James Donahue, New liritaiti, Conn., writes; "I tried eeveial kidney remedy, and was treated bv our best nlivsirimiH I for diabetes, but did not iiun. vu i.iitil I took Foley's Kidney C'ur.i. After the second bottle I showtd iiuprovment, and five buttles cured lue compl l !-. I bave since passed a riiri ; exaiiinuion for lite insurance." Foley 'r Knb ' Cure cures back-ache and all forms ii Kidney 1 and bladder trouble Claike li mi Co. Oiiti'i Laxative Kruit Syrup, 'lie new Laxative, stimulates but ds n t im itate. It is the best Laxative. (Inaran ' teedoryour money back. Clarke DrugCo. Arms and the Tax. There are sufficient people In Eng land and Scotland paying the annual tax Imposed by the inland revenue up on the use of armorial bearings to pro duce a sum of $350,000 each year. The great bulk of this sum Is paid by peo ple who care not an atom either about their family of their arms, but.pay the tax regularly Bimply because they have carriages or plate hcraldlcally decorat ed. The really old families of the realm, however, use armorial emblems for decorative purposes to an extent almost Incredible in the eyes of those familiar with them only on note paper, table silver and carriage panels. A Curiosity. Polite Shopman (Knowing goods) Here Is something I would like to call your attention to. mudnm. It Is the very Infest th!r. out. Mr. Rounder (absently)- If there's hi ,-t'i'::.i: m t bit er thau my linsl,:i:n I'M !.:l:c !'. if onh for a curiosity.--str:.: ; '!.;.' e 9 STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank 7272 OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON At the close of business, December 3, 1907 RESOURCES Loans and discounts (229,284.49 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 14,932.94 U. 8. bondn to necure circu lation 12,500.00 Premiums on U. S. bond 437 fiO Bonds, Hee.in ities, etc 8,044.15 ltank.ng house furnhureund fixtures 3,660.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 3,265.55 Due from State BankB anil bankers 1,587.74 Due from approved reserve agents 30.439.46 Checks and ether cash items 2,548.86 xsotenol otber .National Hanks Fractional paper currency, nickels and cunts Specie 19,661.60 Letiul tender notes 2,630.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer, (5 pur cent escalation) 1,685.00 102 30 21,091.60 62 V On LIABILITIES Capital tittn-K paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits less ex- penses and taxes paid National Bank notes out standing Due to State Banks and bankers Individual deposits oubject to check Demand certificates of de posit Time certificates of deposit and savings department... Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding Reserved for taxes $50,000 (X) 12,600.00 4,688.33 12,500.00 92.09 160,979.78 9,546.59 71,741.50 3,250.00 10,511.70 400.00 Total $336,210.59 Oregon Stioipmu! aud Union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Dally Thmilorh Pnlltvtan I ,. . . . . . Iwplnn earn daily to OniKhn, Chlciurn, Hpo KIII1K! tilllrlHt lfuinl(. t..ll.. f lly: tlironeh Fnllmnn toiirtxt slwplne -nr perwinnally conducted) wekly to Cblrngri. Kfrltnlns chair cum (seats fr0 to the l- m-l ilally Union Depot- Leave. Arrive hlORgn-l'orilanrt Special for the Kast via HnntliiKtnn, dally 8:30 am 8:90 pm Hpoksne Flyer for Knstern Washington. Walla Walla. Iwlston, I 'oenr it' Alene anil (Ireat Northern points, rinllv 7:00 pin 8:0usm AtlanlloEpress forth Kajit via Hiintlnirton, clallv. .. 7:40 pin 8-:)am IVirtlHiid-IVndleton local for nil nolntH between Pendleton mid Portland, dully MSim S:15 nin RIVER SCHEDULE Total 1336,210 59 State of Oregon, County o' Waeco, ss: I, E. O. Blanchar, cashier of tlieaiiove named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. O. BLANCHAR, Cashier Subecrilied iind sworn to belore me this 7th day of Dec. 1907, A. J. Dkrhv, Notary Tublic. Cokhect Attest: A. S. Blowkks, John W. Hinriciis, F. S. Stanley, Directors. TIIOS. CALKINA WALTER ISENBERO KOK ASTORIA' nnd way poln In. connection wllh stennifrfor Il aoo nnd North Hesch steam er Hassnlo, Ash sircet dock (water per.) FOK Pavton, Oreeon Cltv and Yamhill Klv er points. Ash street dock (water per.) FOR LKW ISTON, 1:40 A. M. fcUO P.'M i Pally except I Hnnday, iSatnrday, j 1010 P. M I 70 A. M Pally except Huuday. Dally except Bumlav. . I. !7:30 P. m. Dally exepl Huuday. Idaho, and way points,! from Klparla, Wash. I Jack and Jill were both quite ill, Now each is well and wiser, For blues and headaches have to go, When they take an Early Riser. DeWitt's Little Early Riser Pills are sold by Koir A Cass. Good stock of winter robes and horse blankets at S. J Frank's Dally except 8aturuay 4:00 P. M Ilally exepi Friday Riverside Dairy We can supply you with any quantity of Fresh Milk PRICES ON APPLICATION Free Delivery. Butler Banking Company HOOD RIVER, OREGON Capital Fully Paid, $50,000 Earned Snmlus, - $15,000 DIRECTORS Lcsuc Btrruta, ' J. N. Tial, Tbdmam Bdtlsb, President Vic President. Cashier J. W. Fbinch R. T. Coi Buy Your Fruit Boxes AT THE Hood River Box Factory and Patronize Home Industry. Best Quality Lowest Price Home Made Phone Main 71 INVESTIGATE fftj K M .J 1 m i UN" I II IISSSM -tW .Tin. sr tr-rrwy" Ml THE FERTILE Irrigated Tracts At Paterson, Benton county. AVask.. on the Colum bia River, now made accessible by tbe North. Bank Railroad, (just completed) . $500 TO $1500 PER ACRE PER YEAR Net profit can be made raising fruits and vegetables. Ten acres guarantees a handsome income for lifenothing surer. PRICES LOW NOW Will advance rapidly. No other opportunity like this. Full particulars and booklet free. HoBide. MUTUAL REALTY COMPANY Seattle. wash. .Mount Hood Store... W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor. Dry Goods Ammunition Boots and Shoes Hardware Graniteware Hay Grain Flour Feed Full line of GroorieH THE NEWEST MODERN COMMERCIAL HOTEL IN PORTLAND Hotel St. Philip Fourth, Fifth and Buriwide Streets. Main Entrance on Burnside Street. H. M. PIERCE, Proprietor Only concrete (ire-proof hotel in the citv. Stem heat, electric lights, ht sird old water in every room. Five blinks from Union Depot. Buruside St. and cifth St. earn paan the door. Take street cars at Union Depot. Rates $1.00 per day and up. Special Rotes by the week and month. Free Baths on everv floor. Our Groceries Will build you np! Their absolute purity insures their wl.olesonienes. We cater to a class of enstomem who want things right and appreciate our efforts to satisfy In all particulars. Canned Goods In great variety and all of a superior quality. Our prices will interest you. Phone 491 Yree Delivery Wood & Smith Bros. GOULD & SNYDER PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing: promptly attended to. r n t I l ! a. is i.'ui; Tl XTX. L T. KAWhtfN. F. M. vrajrTov orrica hours Freight Houw 8 a. m, to 12 noon: 1 to S p. in. No freight received or delivered after 6 p. m. PiuutenifM Depot Honrs for dell verv of en- Fran. ami uiimue win uu, m. till p. m WM. McMURRAY. 0nenil raxHeuKer Agent, Portlaurt, Or U. W. BOY LK, Agent, Hood Hlver. HOOD RIVER NURSERY. 3 1 cell Grown on Full Boots. W .'. (( to let our fritudi and patrons know tho i r t ;) f:.U pUatiny we trill hart aad can rap ply .. -r innibor Cherry, r 2r,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees, aiJPia. CURRANTS, BERET PLAHTB, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard rarletta of applt tm. Caa eupply tb trade wit plenty of Newtown, 8pitie b?rg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or. ...Hood River's Leading Druggist... rr-Ti if Take Your Medicine" like a man, but be sure it is the right medicine rightly compounded. There is danger In Drugs, unie Brains attend to tbe mixing of them. Prescriptions brought here are prepaired by duly qualified and experienced clerks who know iheir business thoroughly and ksvib make MISTAKES. We also carry a full line of drUKtiists' sundries Per f uuie., Fancy Soap, and Toilet Articles. Hut with the best of sen-Ice our prices rule low. THE GLACIER PHARMACY, cha&n. clarke. tlOOD KIVER, OREGON ! i