The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 12, 1907, Page Seven, Image 7

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You Should be Preparing'
Don't Delay Making' Your
Purchase Another Day
for Xmas Now
ft C5 i inning fi an ii
UptoDate Store is Reliable
1 1 1
j TIb.o",2.cL Articles "We Have IfcTo Boom, to HennLtioia. Co32Q.e azxd. See
huif.k local mati krs.
The Dietz Studio for photos.
Finishing for umateura at Deitz Stu
dio. Olives in bulk, bottles and cans at
Fresh made sausage at McGuire Bros,
every day.
Metal house numheis at Hunt's Wall
Paper store.
' '. li. Bone returned Friday evening
fruui Portland.
New Orleans MolasseB in bulk and
cans at Jackson's.
II. J. Kornstein returned yesterday
from a trip to Portland.
Salt mackerel, eastern white fish and
pickled salmon at Jaek-on's.
Call and hub the beautiful new piuu
ob at Soule'4 house.
Jim Striimthiii) rolus tied from Port
land Monday morning.
Chicken1-, for Sunday dinner at Mc
Guire Bros. Order early.
0 II. Runadea made a business trip
to The Dalles Thursday.
Maple Syrup and N"w York State
Buck Wheat at Jackson's.
Frank McFarland, of Portland spent
a few days in the valley last week.
WantedMan to dig fr e or six acres
of potatoes immediately. H.L.Dumble.
Fall and winter miilineir at "The
BaMnr." Hood Kiver Heights. o'24tf
Judge A. R. Byrkett, of Bingen,
was a passenger from Portland Fri
day. Closing out winter millinery at low
prices. The Bazaar, Hood River
- Heights.
Mrs. A. A. Jayue returned yester
dav from Po' Hand.
For Father l'air liloves
IlaiKlkerchief, Mulller, Mustache
Cmii and Saucer. A Go' i boot
we've them all at Little bn.vs.
For Mother Cake I'lHte,
Siihul Howl, Comb and I!rnh,
Fascina'or or Shawl, Pair Sch"is.
Chal'ieg Dish, Nickle Pliited lea
Keith', Get them here.
ForBiB-ster --.Mamt jrt
Set, Handkerchief. Toll, t I
Jewel Box, Bottle Perfuin. 1 t
Card AH.ii:... IVI (. . 1
Pen Holder, CLrisnnHS I!. I
For Big Sister -Manic
r F.ittle Sister I) I, Writing D-k I
I! d It.H-k..,-. It-.l Table, a.. I nn.i
tie, Coll..r,, Cuffs, m I el
nn.i v n II
Set. Shoe
Box. Military
Set, Travelinj;
Case, etc.
Little Price-..
For Little Brother
Boeking Hors", Air (ion, Tfniji.of
Cars, Building Blocks. Express
Wagon, Drum, Horn, etc.
For The Baby Pair
I'rpiiv .stockings. Bear-kin Saii-e.
Stork' B'.'. Boot-.-, Ri'.tli.-, L'n
br. akahle DoH, l"tr. Swell
Bodv Cutter SI. ij;h. Linl f'.ot.
II Santa Claus Headquarters 1
Silly pactce cfqw Lmwua
SonrmirVG tbev can vsz.-
lliS "5 1
(SgEsaa&f.u ts'j'g--;!?!'.'.';? girygp
Our work guaranteed. Deitz Studio
See W. S. Cribble for Duck Erics,
Felts and overs. tf
E. McCarty made a business
trip to Portland Friday.
J. S. Booth made a business trip tn
Portland yesterday.
OotoW. S. Cribble. Mt. Hood, for
the District No. 7( Shoe. tf
Mr. Hiid Mrs. L. E. Clark visited
friends in Portland last week.
C. (i. Newman nitido a trip to Mo
Bier yesterday.
Berkshire pips for sale ; four and t.n
month old. U. W. Simons, Capper
Ladies If you are interested in
coat for yourself 01 child, attend the
sale at L. 11. Hoggins & Co.
Miss ldel Wood worth has resumed
her . old position iu the dry goods de
partment of Frank A. Cram's store.
PeWitt's Carbnlized Witch Hazel
Salve dont forget the name, and accept
no substitute, Get DeW'itt's. Sold by
Keir & Cass.
Jack Davenport passed through
flood Kiver Saturday on his way from
Portland to spend Sunday with the
home folks at Mosier.
Try 24 candle power lamps instead
of 3'J. The price of the lamp is the
same as a 10 oandle power. It will
save you -money on your meter bill.
Wanted Voting man residintr in
Hood Kiver to represent us as salesman
at that point on commission basis.
Page & Son, Wholesale Fruit, Portland,
Oregon. n'.'l
R. Eesnn has returned from the bos
pital at The Dulles, where he whs op.
erated on for p.ppondioitis a couple of
weeks ago. His recovery has been
rapid and ho returns entirely out of
1 ft
' '
U j ,
5 t
jp-J Y1 f
VPSiw. .
&t M i X , SJl5
V j feu3r!lll. '44. J&i
For Your Eastern
....... :. Dishes, Ho. d Kiver
SMivi '.ir f!.' k, Souvenir Calen
.h.rN Po.-t Catd- Gah-re.
ForYcurOwn SaKe
0.. ..ur shopping here at this
t'..iiif..rtahe and Convenient
' and save Time, Monev and
The Store with the Big'g'es
j We are glad to serve you anytime, but we would im
! press upon your mind the necessity of making your
I purchases before the grand rush is on, which always
takes place the last few days. Come while the goods
are fresh while we still have the assortment and
time to take you through the several departments.
Furs at Special Prices. Overcoats and Sr.r. . at 20
per cent discount. Women's Capes a a Saving
of from 15 to 23 per cent.
tsssxazpss gsggggr-ss grra q ipsa i
Frank Davenport came up on No. 4
from Portland Friday evening.
Mrs. Harry DeWitt, of lugles. Ore.,
is visiting her paients, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Baker.
Mrs. Frank Van Horn went to Port
land the latter part of the week to
visit friends.
Clara Conzler an employe iu the tel
ephone office, returned to her home
at Iroutdale Fildjy.
N. M. and C. W. Simonson. of The
Dalles, visited J. A., of the Maine
restaurant last week.
The boys are practicing for game
of football aud backet ball on skxtes,
nd will give novel exhibitions of this
kind in the near future.
If you want to buy or sell real estaie
go to Onthank & Otten. .Money to
loan on first mortgages. Abstracts and
leal papers carefully prepared. Nota
rial work of all kinds.
S. (1. Campbell returned Saturday
from Dayton, Wash., where he has
been purchasing applea uod oversee
ing the packing and shipment of the
same for a New York ilim.
Wm. G. Pnmarleo, manager of the
Cresent emit Co , Lit tor Now York
state Tn-. ai'v evn;in over the north
ern route. Mr. Purmaleo expects to
spend a couple ot uioutli-i visiting
friends und relatives in bis native
W. Ha in s lias a larjje anJ complete
stock of iii'xiint! sioves, all iz from a
sinali uiniL'hl oedrouin heater to the
largc-t size sinve for balls or storerooms.
See I hem and jet (.rices.
J. Adrian Lipping has nino custom
ers for Hoi .1 Kiver property who wish
to tiade 1 rtluud improved or unim
proved piiipi.rty in part payment. If
yoii wish to fell notify him at oneo.
Addrem .i Adrian Eppiug,. box 008,
Hood Kuer, Ore. d!2tf
For Grandma Bible or
Testament, Handkerchief, Em
broidery Material-., Knitting Yarn
Spectacle Case. Little Prices.
For Your Husband A
Victor Phonograph, Suit Cafe,
Comb and Brush, Some Fine
Underwear, Necktie and Box, A
Good Book. Little Prices.
For Your Wife A New
Home Sewing Machine, Set of
Dishes, Parlor Lamp, Game or
Fish Set, Water Set Silver Table
Wnn Little Prices.
For Your Uncle-A Good
Pipe, Water Tight, Match Itnx,
Klectrie Kladi Liaht, A Good
Book, Pocket Book, Clothe.! Brush
We've got them.
For Your Aunt Glass
Fruit Set, Meat, (Jbopper, Tnhle
Cloth and Napkins, Clothes Bas
ket, Set of Irons, Nicklc Plated
Coffee Pot. Little Prices.
For Your Sweetheart
Toilet Set, Perfun e Set, Mani
cure Pet, Jewel Casket, Bottle of
Fine Perfume, Souvenir "ipoon,
Holly-Books. Get them here.
Little Prices.
For Your Beaux-Cigur
Case, Toi.aceo Jar, Comb und
Brush Case, Shaving Set, Black
ing Set, Coliar and Cuff Box, and
many other t hings
Go to Mnie. Abbott's for dolls aud
Xmas toys.
Oscar Vanderbilt was a passenger
on the local Monday tor Portland.
Kev. J. L. Ilershner was a passen
ger from Portland Friday evening.
Capt. Harry Oleen, of Underwood,
was a passenger (or Portland Friday.
Mrs. F. 11. Blagg and daughter
went to Portland friday to visit
J. A. Waldateiu, manager of the
skating rink, went to The Dulles Mon
day on business.
A breakdown on the engine delayod
the local and No. 2 Tuesday for over
an hour.
Mr. Pearson, of Pearsou, Page &
Co., Portland, was in town last Fri
M rue. Abbott la headquarters for the
Biohardson silk and einbroiderey do
signs. M. II. Johnson, who has beeu em
ployed on the street foice for some
ime, lett for bis borne at Boise
Miss Blanche Harbison returned to
Pacitlo university at Forest Grove af
ter spending Thanksgiving at home
with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hill, of
Hood Kiver, spent Thanksgiving with
their son, Ed Hill, ot this place.
lygu Valley Bee.
There will be a ministers meeting
at the M. E. church Monday morning
at ten o'clock. Ui. Latbrop will give
a quiet talk on "Power."
The picture Claienoe Gilbert hud
taken of himself and Indian George in
the automobile, was reproduced in
last Sunday's Oregon lan.
Postmaster iates has been confined
to his bed several days with rheuma
tism. Mayor Blowers is assisting in
the postottice during bis illness.
W. G. Morgan left for Trontdulel
Thuisdny, where he met his brother,
U G., and tbey went kover into the
Washington oouatry to look at a btook
Mr. and Mil. K. II. Coshow left for
Salem Saturday, where they will visit
a daughter, aud Mrs. Coshow will vis
it her mother at Hrownville boiore re
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Douiau, cf
Portlaud, visited their daughter, Mrs.
w. U. U Urn ore, and family, last week.
Mr. Doujou left on Thursday, his
wife remaining for a more extended
W. G. Pillow started for Keed villa.
Ore.. Thursday, where be will speud
the wiuter with bis daughter, intend-
ug to return to his homestead ueai
Green Point iu the spring.
L'. F. Gray, of Walla Walla, who
ownB the old Ulohmond ranob in the
Mt. Hood district, was in Hood Kiver
Thursday. Mr. Gray is enthusiastic
over the valley, aud expects to go on
bis ranch to live next yea;.
Miss Ella Wiedrick suffered a se
vere attack of ptomaine poisoning last
we k, in which at one time her life
was in danger. She was able to return
to her position with A. O. Hershey
on Thursday, although still feeling
the effect of her illness.
J. A. Wnldstein has been appointed
manager of the skating rink. He has
bad an experience of nearly a quarter
of a century in the business, and
knows just bow to make the place a
popular one. tie recently managed a
rink at The Dalles, which was a popu
lar one, and hopes to build up rep
utation foi the Hood Kiver rink
which will make it one of the most
popular high .class places of amuse
ment in the city.
.Mrs, A. S. Blowers- was taken to
Portland Snnday by ber husband, and
submitted to unotber operation. When
operated upon the first time the sur
geone were unable to complete the
work, owing to ber weak oondition,
but she has since gained sufUcieut
strength, and there is every indica
tion of br full recovery. Her daugii
itr,. Mrs. Wni. Haynes, went dowu
Monday afternoon to remain at her
Answering n statement! made by
Judge Hendersou that bis brother was
the tirst to Introduce a corn iu the
Hood Kiver valley that would mature
successfully, K E. Uarbison some
weeks ago stated that he bad raised
corn to maturity in the valley for
many years, and that all the old pio
n.ers bad done the same. A a fur
ther proof of this statement, Mr. Har
bison has in st killed a bog which was
fattened entirely on Hood Kiver corn
that dressed 406 pounds.
"The people of Hood Kiver have
done the best tbey can in providing
bitching pests for the farmers. There
is complaint that there are not enough
places to hitoh on a busy day, but if
some of farmers would not act so
boggisb in taking op unnecessary
room, there would be places for a
good many more team tbau at pies
eut," said Lee Morse. "I actually
saw to teams take np twen'.y u.-t of
a bitching , rack, by both driving
alongside it the full length."
YiTlsK fc AltTMQt HprP inancial Conditions, probably, lias upset
AIIIU3 15 11I1IU31 IICIC your plans as to prestmts. Lot us offer a Few
Suggestions that will holp settle things, and yet not over-burden your
pocketbook. What is the matter with a good Boo? Always acceptably and
a last ing remembrance. A nice Picture? Helps beautify your own or your
friend's home. -V lasting tribute of your friendship. A Box of Stationery?
Something we all appreciate, yet cannot always buy for ourselves. A good Foun
tain Pon, P ocetbook, Paper Knife, Ink Stand, Dictionery, Coo
Book a nice Bible for every member of the family Call and inspect the many
All of the late ones as fast a? pub
lished, the Weavers, Settler, Shuttle,
Doctor. To Him that Hath, etc. New
Chronicles of Rebecca, Brass Bowl,
Barbara Sheep, Collision, Running
Water, Upon Shutters, 1'iivateors,
Hilnia, White Fuiifr, Princess over
:00 titles. Who doesn't enjoy a good
Large ones with large type.
Illustrated Bibles.
Sunilav School editions.
Pocket Bibles.
1 tod Letter Bibles.
Testament and Psalms.
Bed letter Testaments.
Every kind of u bible or a testa
ment imaginable.
Dolls aud Toys at Mine. Abbott's.
Ono. Carroll, ot Mosior, was here
Sliiiuiioii Btmlipa, of Cortland, wau
iu tov.u VveiluesdHy.
l' 11. Qniu n made a flying tiip to
The Dalles Thursday.
Thomas C. Uodberseu, of Mosier,
was iu town Tuesday.
Holiday und Xmas yoods at closing
out prices at Mme. Abbott's.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Henrich, or
Pranktou, were in town Tuesday.
J. 11 Whislet nid W. S. dribble, of
Mt. Il'jod, were in town Tuesday.
Jus. Lacey went to Portland Mon
day to visit .rieuds in the big city.
Mr. aud Mrs. McAllister, of Port
land, were here on business Tuesday.
The latest novelties iu belts and
collars, mude to order, at Mme. Ab
bott's. L. II. Hun ini went to The Dalles
yesterday to look after his interests
at that place.
J. N. Mosier, of the east cud of
Hood River county, had business in
the city yettterday.
Dr. Latlirop Kve a 'Jno sernioulo
leotnre last Sunday evening on "Don
key Biding. " In spite of the inclem
ent weather the house was full.
A. P. Batoham was ovor from Mo
sior Tuesday on business. Mr. Bate
ham repieseuted Fast Hood River ut
the Vancouver meeting lant week.
Albert Latbrop is one of the new
clerks in Cram's up to-dato store. He
is very aecommoriutiug und fast be
coming popular with the many pa
trons. Jack Bagley cumo up from Portland
Tuesday morning to join bis wife.
who has been visiting at the home of
her paieuts, Mr. aud Mrs. C. H.
A full line of art cnods, just re
ceived at tome Abbott's, embracing all
the latent designs and novelties in
stamped i.lilrt waist, pi.ttorns, collais,
belts and center pieces.
Mrs. (Ja'trude Slettin lelt for Port
land luseiiny liftoinoou. where she as
sisted Mips Winuilred Byid in a song
recital yesterday. Miss Newton, one
of her pupils, accompanied her.
W. U. Cntnoron came up ftom Port
land Saturday and went back to Mo
nominee to spend Hwndny. Mr. Cam
eron is expecting l is wife aud broth
er back Irom the east this week.
John Tweed, of M blank, S. D., ar
rived Monday cr-iting ou the boat
fiom P. it land, and Tuesday went out
in the lalloy to visit bis old triead,
Louis Soil erg. Mr. Tweod has been
visiting a bi oilier ut Beattle, and is
looking ovei the coast oouiitry with
the idea of locating here somewhere.
Mr. httd Mrs. W. E Whitehead ar
rived hst wevk from Pentium). Mr.
Whiten, .id e.xpeoiH to go to work in
(iray'j burler thou und Mis. White
head will manage the bakery now op
erated by Petei Schmidt. Tbe laltor
will continue to do the baking.
All tbe stores are putting on boli
dav lirtn. Hod anticipate a trade that
will itnoid breaker. While the
iicieclRl Htcalion m.y hare some
elf-et. on Chrittuias chopping, yet
bnni.mi-s appiirs to be moving along
ubuut aa usual.
Beautiful Bathrobes, Fancy Pillow
Tops, Fancy Hosiery, Table Linen,
'Kerchiefs, Bric-a-brac and Bohemian
Top Coats, Mufflers,
kerchiefs, Fancy Suspenders, Barber
Robes, Smoking
This department is complete.
Framed pictures and unframed
The SUBJECTS are reproductions
of great artists, not cheap prints that
can bo picked up every place. No
two subjects alike. Come early and
have your selection laid away. They
are going fast.
Picture Framing
In addition to a Btock of ready
made OVAL Frames, we carry a
large assortment of Mouldings, and
can frame pictures to auit the most
particular. We have the machinery
and workman to do the work,
Bring your pictures early, for wo
are always crowded at this time of
the year.
C. L. Morse was a passenger for The
Dulles Tuesday.
.Frank Davenport had business at
the county seat Tuesday.
Frank Stantou left for Portland and.
Salem Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. N. J. Cowley has been feeling i
miserable for the past week. j
Closing out sale of box stationery
and toliet sets at Mme. Abbott's. I
Mrs. W. O. Snow and Mrs. W. L. ,
Upson and daughter went to Portland
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wiedrick and
Misses Ruth aud Florenoe were in
town Tuesday.
Mr. Wiley came down Monday
morning from Tbe Dulles where be
spent Sunday.
Mrs Ilcwell arrived yesteiday frcm
Wasco on a visit to her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. 11. Pough.
Read the holiday ads and notice the.
bargains and Hue assortments that are
offered by home merchants.
Miss Wiedrick went to Tbe Dalles
Monday on business connected with,
the Hershey Commission house.
The statement of the First National,
bunk is printed ou another page, and.
shows that institution in excellent
Rev. L. O. Dix left for Falls City,
Ore., Monday afternoon to conduct a
series of meetings in tbe Interest of
tbe Christian Advent church.
Miss Amanda Siverkropp has grad
uated as a trained nurse from a hos
pital at The Dallos. llei mother and
brother were present at tbe exerolses.
last week.
D. McDonald is putting a galvan
ized Iron awning over bis platform..
It is being suspended upon brackets,
presenting a neat appearanoe. It is
something he has long needed.
Irwin Parkins has developed Into an:
artistic sign painter and is putting:
out some winnow signs at Uiam s
stoie that would do credit to any of
the swell establishments at i'oitlaud
Tbe St. John's Lutheran church iai
to be completed this week, and will,
he dedicated tbe 22nd of December.
There will be two services. German:
forenoon, (Rev. A. Spleib, Sher
wood) English afternoon, (Rev. J..
Kimbaub, Portland).
Miss Marion Cook, author of
"Where Flows Hood Kiver," left for
ber home In Portlaud Tuesday after
noon. Sue la very much euoourageu
over the many compliments she has:
received upon ber new book, and an
ticipates a good sale.
Tbe Aitisans gave a fudge party un
der the direction of Mr. Osten and
Miss Wiedrick last Wednesday even
ing. An informal program was ren
dered. The new o Ulcers who were.
elocted at the last meeting were in
their respective plaoes and a please
eveuing was spent.
The first delivery will 1 made nt S
o'clock in the morning. Do not fail to-
bave vour orders in for your boils and
roasts in time for this trip. The last
trip will be made nt 10: 45 and the last-
trip in the evening at 4 :30. Please ob
serve these hours of delivery to as to-
receive your meats on time and assist-
us in the delivery. McioiKK Bttos
Neckties, Hand
Jackets, Etc.
Boys and Girls
Books of every kind.
ilenty and Alger books, :!5e.
Merriwell, Motor Boys, Itover
Boys. Harkaway, etc
For girls wo have everything in
For little folks the lino is too ex
tensive to try to enumerate.
Wo invite you to call mid
inspect our stock always pleased to
show and explain.
The Place to do your
Xmas Shopping
' Mr. aud Mrs. J. Otton leave this
week for California where they expect
'o spend t bo winter..
i Mrs. P. S. Davidson, sr., loft yea-
! terday for Coeur d'Alono, Ida., where
she will spend the Christmas holidays
with relatives.
Tbe Foresters of America held a big
meeting Thursday evening aud initi
ated a clasB of twelve. A banquet fol
lowed and a royal good time was had.
J. Adrain Epping liaa sold the Ceo.
Ping place of l'J euros, above Tucker's
bridge, to Wm. M. Uregory, of Port
land. Mr. Epping is putting in a
gang of men to clear up aud improve
tbe place for the new owner, who in
tends to make his home on ths place
next season.
Among those from Hood River who
attended the Calve concert at Port
land Thursday evening wore Truman
Butlor and wife, C. T. Early and wife,
11. F. Davidson and wiie and A. D.
Moe and wife. It was a grand per
formance aud thoroughly enjoyed by
a crowded house.
W. J. Baker reports that some ouo
masquerading as a oman has been
looking lulo windows in time neign
borbood two different nights this
week and frightening the women and
children. A sharp lookout is being
kept, and it tbe perfoiuiauce Is re
peated, the offeudor will have an op
portunity to spend a uij'ht in jail, be
sides explaining tbe actions to the
judge tbe next morning.
Mrs. Wm. Kerr, of the East Side,
entertains her immediate neighbors
today at ber home, in honor of Mrs.
Henry S. Keed, who has recently
come into our community trom rorn-
land. Mrs. Reed is a very fine artist,
and the ladies expect to have a very
charming neighbor. The decorations
of the are to be Christmas dec
W. J. Browiioll says that the new
switchboard has left Portland aud
should be here todny for the new
Home Telophone system, and it will
be installed at once. Within six week
long distance connection over the new
system can be had by ttio North Bank
route, to Portland, which will help
out the delay in the long distance lino
on this side ot tno rivor. mo uuaer
ground conduits from the comer o.
the Brostus building to connect a .
the manhole in front of tbe oflloea,
have been oompleted.
Sam Koplin Insane.
Word was teceived heio Monday
that Sara Kopliu wb i needing somo
assistance in Portlm.d, and A. C.
Buok, representing the G. A. P.., and
Lou Morse, t, D. Woodwortb mid J.
W. Morton, representing the Odd Fel
lows (Mr. Koplin beinn ti member of
tbese orders), went down ou the locul
to look into the niattei. The gentle
men returned Tuesday evening and
report that tbey found Mr. Koplin in
tbe county jail, he having beeu pro
nounoed insane by Dr. Williamson.
While rational on most subjects, there
is evidence of a dhturbance of mind
on family troubles. Arrangements
were made to i.eep him in Dr. Wil
liamsou'a private sauitar'um tor a
week, which will bo paid for by hU
daughters, and if necessary to k.ei
him there looker, it will lie paid tor
by tbe Odd Fellows and O. A. R. If
be recovers, be wil be sent to tbe to'.
diets home in California.