THE HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER '28. 1907. Three Woman'sWorld MRS. KATE L JONES. T Nw President of tha Woman' National Rtliof Corps. Mb. Kate E. Jones, the new na tional president of the Woman's Re lief corpa, who waa elected to lta highest office by the great woman'a auxiliary of the O. A, B. at the annual encampment lu Saratoga last summer, to one of the ablest of patriotic work ers. In choosing her the Woman' corps has honored one of Its beat known veterans. Mrs. Jones Is a pioneer In the work of the W. R. C. She has been In the movement ever since It began, and she helped It to begin. It was Mrs. Jones who organized and was made presi dent of the first Woman's Relief corps In New York state. That was in Sep tember, 1883. Six months later, through her efforts, the department of New York state was formed. The first national convention of the Woman's Relief corps at Minneapolis in 1884 found her seated as a delegate. She was elected national chnplain In 1888; has served two years as depart- Refused 1700 km Acre. W. H. Norcross refused so offer of $35,000 for his orchard last Saturday nd ioforn 1 the would be purchaser that his pi I ' now is KO.OOO. or llUOOl per sore, Ibe orchard bas 11 acres In full bearlug, with some 20 Mim of I young trees coming cn. and thenropl this year will pay 10 per cent interest on ejO.LDO Liess that a year ago Mr. Norcrofi aa asked to pot a prioe on the pinpeny and wnsn be plaM It at I rio.O'JO some of bis neighbors declared that ho x rrszy (or asking so union. Now be is or the opluloo tbet pernaps be wp q li"le oir for asking ao little. Ha is not nnlbiis for ai.ytudy to take I biiu ud at STid.OOU. f'.i. bo asks. "Where could I Invent that amount of I money in an ab-olutely safe proposi tion that woull bring mi in 10 pei cent per aiinnoi? And when the en tire place Is ouoe In biuriug tnat ratal of interest wilt be doubled and trebled I several times Myrtle Point Herald. lias a Daughter. The Frotliitmer bas a daughter and U stepping high this week, ouly touching the high plaoesl Ibe mother and child are doing well, and the editor hopes that be I will bo able to be abont in due time! and itet down to work (or the best In terest! of Motrow county, (and the I 'new kill ) It baatu Mil bt a Hue oouutry we I have here! Mr. Ward and th writer I have only been here a c uple of I months, aud yet see what Motrow has done (or as I If the Froolalmet ia a little shy on ... i new matter this ween, we nope you i will overlook the deficiency, for it mutt be remembered that the paper I never bad an heir before and e are I in the mood for celebrating. lone I, coughs KING OF CURES golds THE WONDER WORKER THROAT DR. KING'S LUNGS FOR COUGHS AND COLDS PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all seund and well MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Price 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY oHAS. N.CLARKE ACT QUICKLY UBS. KATE E. JONES. went president and four years as de partment counselor. For the past four years Mrs. Jones has been devoting her efforts to the new work of patriot ic Instruction, Inaugurated by the Wo man's Relief corps, in which she baa done efficient work, traveling all over the country and Introducing new fea turesthe department presentation of flags, the badge pin contests and the flag mission to the white schools of the south. Mrs. Jones gets ber patriotic impulse directly, being a lineal descendant of the Herklroer-Schuylers of Revolution ary fame. -A strong effort was put forth for ber election last year. She won out this year In a lively contest for the leadership. Delay Has Been Dangeron in llond Hirer. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in times of danger. hiackache Is kidney danger. Doan's Kidnev Pills act quickly. Core all distressing, dangerous kid ney ills. Plenty of evidence to prove this. Mrs. C. Ilootnr. 1000 Bluff St.., The Dalles, Or., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have been used in our family many times, and the results have alwayf been satisfactory. A few months ago our little girl began to complain of a pain in her back. J lie acneing Kept gutting more annoying until I got a box of D an's Kidnev rills. Less man one dox en- tin ly rid her of the trouble, and she lias nnl ASim n I i n aH n( it unlU ' ' I For sale by all dealer?. Trice uO c s. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole airents for the United States. He number the name Doan's and tak no other. WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood. I have a new gasoline wood saw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do general team work. FRED HOWE. HEILIG THEATRE PORTLAND, OREGON Thursday npr C Mr. Why We Do These Things. Many customs are so common theft we hove lost sight of their origin, 'Times and habits have changed. Rel ics of olden days have been handed on and carried down from generation to generation to our present day. Shaking hands is an example and "began In this way: When adversaries were making a truce with one another each found It wiser to grasp the oth er's weapon band to Insure hlmsidf against treachery. The truce conclud ed, they became friends, and so the custom grew as a salutation between friends. Even nowadays enemies do not shuke hands till peace a truce is made. Perhaps the modern woman discov ered the origin of the courtesy, and that is why It has dropped out cf use. At one time It was the custom for women to iro on the knee to men of rank to beg for mercy, and later It became an acknowledgment of superiority. That is why it is still retained where royal ty Is concerned, but the example of the old country woman who still "bobs" to the squire's lady is not fol lowed by the younger generation, and the pretty courtesy that was the fash- Ion when our grandmothers held swny is now forsaken and almost obsolete. A man when greeting a lady raises his hat. Why does his salutation take this form? In the days when armor was more fashionable than silk hats or panamas the helmet was only raised when no . danger was near, so to lift the hat was . a sign that the wearer dared to stand : in the presence of the person so greet- ed unarmed. What of the oldest of old customs, -.the kiss? To kiss is to adore, and the word adore signifies, simply to carry the : hand to the mouth. Kissing the hand to the statue of a god was a Roman iform of adoration and as a mode of Habitation exDressed reverence and worship. To kiss the book when tak-Una- an oath is a public acknowledg ment that you adore the deity whose book you kiss. To kiss the Hps is to adore the living breath of the person paluted. In Scripture allusion Is made tn kissinc the hem of garments, which signifies an adoration of anything be- innirine to or touching the wearer, while kissing the feet or ground to humble oneself In adoration. Women Who Wear WelL It Is astonishing how great a change a few years of married life often make In , t!m appearance and disposition of many women. Tho freshness, the charm, the brilliance vanish like the bloom from a peach which Is rudely handled. The matron Is only a dim shadow, a faint echo of tho charming maiden. There are two reasons for this change, ignorance and neglect Few young women appreciate the shock to the system through the change which comes with marriage and motherhood. Many neglect to deal with the unpleasant pelvic drains and weak nesses which too often come with mar- riago and motherhood, not understanding that this secret drain Is robbing the cheek of Its (rashness and the form of Its I fairness. As surety as tho ireneral health suffers wnen there is acNcement or the health of the delicate womultijorgans, so surely wheTthcse organs areSsstablished In bealVi tlicrace anV4tfVatDHfe witness to the Tact in rfcweWd coraemMs Nearly a million women have found health and hanpineas In tlio use of Dr. Pierce a Fa vorite I'rescr; :)tionv It makes weak wom en strong and sick women well. Ingredi ents on label contains no alcohol or harmful - habit - forming drugs. Made wholly of those native, American, medic inal roots most highly recommended by leading medical authorities of all the sev eral schools of practice for the cure of woman a necullar ailments. For nurs i nir mothcrs.or for those broken- down in health by too frequent bearing of children, also tor tho expectant mothers. to propare tne system ior ine coming oi baby and making its advent easy and almost painless, there is no medicine quite to irood as "Favorite Prescription." It can do no harm In anv condition of tic system. It Is a most potent invigorating tonic and strengthening nervine nicely adapted to woman's delicate system by a physician ot large experience in tne treat ment of woman's peculiar ailments. - Dr. Pierce may be consulted by letter free of elm ree. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids' liotei ana surgical institute uuuaio, jn. x. John Cort presents the World'i Greatest Soprano, MADAM EMMA CALVE MLLE. Rf.NEE CHEMET (Violinist) CAMILLE DECREUS (Piano) In Song Recital Tngethf r with SECOND ACT CARMEN , ( OSTUMES AND Scenerv JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Free Delivery. Phone 931 HOOD RIVER, OR. WHOLESALE THE DALLES NURSERIES It. II. WEBER, Prop. THE DALLES. IOREGON. RETAIL G BOWER AND DEALER IN FRUIT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL Evergreen GRAPE VINES SMALL FRUITS Rose and Shrubbery. TREES Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation. ..MILLER'S DRUG STORE.. ON THE HEIGHTS is now open and solicits a share of your patronage. A full line of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Combs, Brushes, Syringes, Soaps, Toilet Preparations, Stationery, Mini all those articleiusually carried in a first class drug store PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY RECEIPTS given careful compounding I y a Registered Pharmacia the Heights, Hood River, Ore. MAILORDERS will le received bo ginning Monday, Novemler 25. SCALE OK PRICES I50XES, per seat $8.00 ORCHEtSl'KA-l irt rews .r00 Remain ini; 11 rows 4.00 BALCONY I'irrt 4 rows .$4 00 Next 6 r.w .'UK Lact ft rows $2.00 liALLEKY Kiret fi rows (reserved) $2.00 Remaining 6 rows unreserved seats sold only on evening of engagement. Box otliee sale opens Monday. Dec. 2, at the I heatre. HOW TO ORDER BEATS Address letters and make postollice money orders pHyable to V. T. Pangle, Manager Heilig 1 heatre. Inclose sell- addressed stamped envelope to inture -nle return. State clearly the price and numlter of seats wanted, alto location. ou will bo given as nearly as ponpihle he location desired, but remember that there will be orders ahead of yours. Or ders are placed on file as they are re ceived ahd will be tilled and returned accordingly before the regular sale is openid. Regular tale opens Monday, December 2, at Heilig iheatre box of fice. L22 Comfort for Horses 5 A. Blankets bring comfort and health to the horse and save money for the owner. They protect horses from the wintry blasts ; they keep horses well, save their lives. Strength, varmth and length of wear are characteristics of the 5A Blankets. Ask for 5A. Look for the 5A trade mark. Buy i S Blm Girth for the Buble. Buy a &A Square for th Stmt We Sell Them S. J. FRANK Harness and Saddles p. ROSS Billiards and Bowling Alley and Confectionery PARLORS T1:E BEST LINE OF Tobaccos and Cigars IS THE CITY The Oreponian, Telegram and Journal ON HALE SUNDAY. C. P. R. Kext Door to McGuire Brother. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired AH work done with Electric J ron and guaranteed UT. CK COB '5 CARPENTERING SCREENS Shop opposite O. B. Hartleys residence Our Closing Out Sale Has progressed beyond our expectations, all on ac count of having the goods and giving the prices that attract. The Iron lied stock is still quite complete: forty different styles yet remaining. We are selling $3.50 Beds for $2.80 $4.15 " $3.50 " $10.50 " $8.10 " $12.00 " $9.55 " $22.50 " $18.25 Compare prices below with those you have been paying: Fall Leaf Table $2.20 Kitchen " $1.60 II. II. Treasure 13.45 D. Linoleum, 12 ft C5o All Wool Carpet 05 Sanitary Cots $5.25 " Davenports $0.25 Wool Top Mattresses $2.85 Eicelsior " '...$2.15 YnmYura Spring! $2.40 We invite your inspection S. E. BARTMESS Pink Meatel Apples. Ibere have boeo several items in the papers 'erentl? ul cut an apple tbat ia raised 1 1 Lsna county which is pink in color nil the way through. Mrp. C. H. Yours, who resides on pil street ner the Norwegian Lu tberan oburcb, bas sent the Guard office a number of apples that were raised ou the Siuslaw and which were brought to town by herbneband, wt o 1b fnrflst rancer iu that section, s.vs the Kasene Guard. The apples aie . small in size and do not make good ' utinii ran. hat are excellent canned a iur nf thn canned article was also '.left at this office. Tbey retain their . ninlr nnlm when canned and on tnat r. Innk verv ternDtine. Thaw annles were snwn on the A p Knowles place, on Knowles creek, ' 'u.-.h la i.hnnt a mile from Manlcton. ti.. trr-pa wore dented from seed .i i Mftaon rears Baa bv A. M Jrc no of frloreooe, who resided , there at tbe tlnofl. As he bad never 1 tefors seen suob an apple he named It "Tha Sumrlse" and it still noes by .that DHice. East Oregonian. A Reliable Remedy fur I'ronp. Afrf. S. Rosinthal, of Turner, Michi .Viim: 'w ,,ave "ed Chamber- lain's tVugh Medicine for ourselves and .children for several years and liket ! wry much. I think it is the only re-jiedy PINEULES 30 DAYS' TREATMENT FOR $1.00 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER of pounds on bis Invention. TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM AMD LUMBAGO A dose at bed time ustr ally relieves the moit severe case before morning. BACK-ACHE PINEULE MEDICINE CO. CHICAGO. U. S. A. KEIR & CASS, Druggists Brltlah Military InTentora. The war office has long been prover- blal for Its discouragement of lnvenfr ors In general, but they seem to reserve n special brand of 111 treatment for aa inventor who is unlucky enough t wear a soldier's coat. General Shrap- nell, the inventor of the formidable projectile which bears his name to this day, died a poor man after spending thousands London Uegiment. LIXUERIXU COLD Withstood Other Treatment lint Quickly ( tired by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I.axt winter I auKht a very severe i iid which lingered for weeks,' eavs J. inuliari. of Zeolivr. Ontario. "My coni; 1 1 wh very dry and harsh. 1 he I cal dealer recoin mended ChamberUinV Cough remtdy and guaranteed it, -o I ivr it a trial. Une small Dome oi it i-eil me. I believe Chamberlain's OuiiL'li Keniedy to be the best I have ever ued." This remedy is for sale by Keir a t'a.-s. VI i un IiikuII. Bess Yes. the e.i -iKemont's off. lie lol l her F.he ought to give up novels and read something more substantial something that would improve her. Iten Well? Bess-Gracious! Don't vou see? The idea of a man intimat ing to his fiancee that she could be im proved In any way! Exchange. Club Chop House AND RESTAURANT (rowing Aches and l'ain. Mr-. Jupie Pumner, Bremond, Tel. write. April 15, 1W2. "I Dave osea Itallard's hnow Liniment in my family fr.r three years. I would not be without it in tbe linuee. I have used it on my I ttle irtrl for crowing pains and arhet in her knees. It cured her riubt sway. I have nko use I it for frost bitten feet, w i'h good success It is the best lini ment I eer used." 25c, HOC, and $1.00. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke. Good stcck of winter robes and horse Merchants and Famcrs DINNER 11 A. M. to 2 P. M . 25c SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers EXPERT HORSESHOERS We have the best up-to-date machinery and expert work men and are prepared to do all classes ot NEW WORK & GENERAL REPAIRS Hunts Paint & Wall Paper Company Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH ES and BRUSHES. HEATH & MILL1GAN MIXED PAINTS. Our stock of paper includes latest designs in Blanks, Gilts and high Grades, From 10c up. A full stock of room molding, Picture rail, Plate rail and a small line of novelties in Framed Pictures. CALCIMO, the latest thing in room tinting, mixed to order. Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc. Phone 671. First and Oak Streets. CUPID FLOUR The only flour on Hood River market made from old wheat. We intend to continue making it the best flour obtainable any where on the Coast. With our new appli ances it is whiter than ever. Patronize Home Industry and discourage Knockers. Fresh Feed always on hand. Hood River Milling Co. j&.m O. HEESHET HOOD RIVE. , OREGON Wholesale Fruit and Produce Fruits and Produce of All Kinds Wanted , Will pay the highest market price in cash Hotel Waucoma Moderate Rates Excellent Service A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE P. F. F0UTS, Prop. Farmer's Dinner 25c Hood River, Or Hsli, Oysters anfl i'onltry A SPECIALTY T. W. DeBUSSEY Hood River Apple Vinegar Co. M A NU FACTU KICKS OK HIGH GRADE Cider Vinegar Phone Main 191 Now is the Time to Buy BOLSTER SPRINGS CIDER MILLS AND OLIVER PLOWS I have all sizes in stock and the prices are right Vehicles and Farm Implements Exclusively J. R. Nickelsen If WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF U 11-, n Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS DUUMHi TU LIB miirit-x iwv W00D-FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER XjXdJMJJX JL Oil JkT JJL AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS STPANAHAN & CLARK Q Hood River, Oregon fl 0 0 Milwaukee Nurseries Hav.! t. offer good lock of Apple, Pear, Cherry, lVach and Prune trees for tha coming ea.on. Have 20,000 two-year-old Y. N. Pippin, Sp.tzenburg, Arkansas Ulack, Ortley, Hydea King, Winter Bannana. 30,000 one-year-old Y. Pippm and SpiUenburir. My stock is all first class this year in every respect, and ti ue to name. Planters are invited to call and inspect this stock before placing your rdere N. B. HARVEY, Proprietor MILWAUKEE, OREGON. for cmnpund can niuiy blankets at 8. J. Frank's for sale iy ir