The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 28, 1907, Page Two, Image 2

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tfonb Sturr (Slaricr
laMird Fviry Thursday by
Akltlllt O. MUE. PubtHher.
Terms of t-ub-ciipUoii l .) a year when
pan ir. i.avnv.
lbs liiiaui'ia' aitimti hi hail been
primary cause i f slump in the apple
market all over tiie country, yet tbe
effect I.Hi not been felt la tint grade
Hood Hivei applet. While reports
come fiom Net Vork that "Oregon
untiles are telliiiii from 70 ceuta to
a box." they are not Hood Kir
er smiles, but those fiom the other
sections which are "aa good an llood
K'ver. " Second grade fiom thin two
tion, however, aie not bringing at
good a price a- wis expected before
the New Vork banka held up the mon
ey of tbe country and'put the went on
a holiday basis. Portland Front atreet
is full of apples, mostly from the Wll
lituelte valley, and tbe ooniQiiaslon
in en say that tbe trade la looking for
apples for tbe looal markets which
they can buy foi 75 centa to a dollar a
box, mostly at tbe former price. It
ia also the dealing time for the bulk
of tbe poor keeptis and fnll apples,
Hod givs tbe market a surplus at thii
Tbe bulk of tbe Hood Kiver crop
has been marketed, although there are
a good many in the Davidson ware
boiiHe yet to be shipped to New Vork.
Reports from Hurt Van Horn to tbe
Davidson Fruit Co. say tbat uotwltb
st iiu (1 ng the dull market for the ordi
nary good, bad and indifferent stocks
of apples from other sections, the
market for Hood Rivera has not de
clined. He fays that Hood Kiver Is
shipping praotioally tbe only good ap
ples coming into New York, and Is
tbe only section fiom which applos
are being lecelvel without being over
hauled, strictly examined and culled
There baa been some criticism here
ns to the rigid Inspection at the Dav
idson warehouse to see that the apples
are strictly first-clans, well packed and
true to oolor. There never was a more
sharp line drawn In New Vork thiin
has been tbe case this year between
ohcioe and only fair. This rigid in
spection here has been tbe dittereuoe
between profit and loss for the David
sou company, and has maintained tbe
reputation of Hood Kiver fcr an hon
est puck tbat must be maintained at
nil oott if we would continue to bold
i he record for tbe highest priced ap
plos in the world. As long aa we con
tinue to send out apples which wilt
pass the most tigid inspection and al
ways found up to tbe high standard
maintained iu the past, we need huve
n i fear as to the future It'gives the
Hood Kiver label a copyright vlue
which will never be infringed upon by
any other "Oregon apples." The
tlllleienoe this year baa been as high
as two dollar e box. It means an ad
ditional value to Hood Kiver orchard
laud of several hundred dollars nn
.. u ore. It means that there will never
be au overproduction of applea In tbe
country aa far aa Hood Kiver la con
cerned. While there Is a constant increase
iu the acreage of apples in Oregon
mid Wu-iblngton, as well as other sec
tions west nf tbe Kooky mountains,
yet the east and middle west is prac
tically going out of. the upplo business
aud to such au extent tbat it is
doub';ful If tho west will ever be able
to glut the markets of tbe world.
Don't Let Fear Kuin Kindness.
Of what earthly use is a soldier who
diops his musket and takes to his
huola at the first onslaught of the en
emy? Where would a nation end with
an army of such soldiers? Where a
At present this country stands face
to face with a most absuib enemy,
who oarae like a bolt from a clear sky
mi I wholly without
That enemy la Fear.
Are you a good flhgter or are you a
coward? Are you going to lay down
arms before thia Imaginary fictitious
npparation, or are you going to
"march breast forward" and help
Lreuk down this foar iu the minds of
your customers?
There ia no reason why merchants
or any one else should be alarmed.
The back bone and foundation of this
iiHtion is its iutegrlcy aud natural re
sources, which are In most superb
condition. In fact, tbe land "flows
with milk and honey." The only
trouble is the peuple (some of thea)
are scared atifl.
And about what? Absolutely noth
ing. It's ju it like a cry of Ore in an
opera house where no Ore exists.
1 is no person, place nor tiling.
It bus no actual cause no real power.
I ii tho presence of confidence it be
come absolute nothingness and van
ishes as darkness before tho light.
W'bon a snug is blown out of a river
liy dynamite tbe noise creates excite
ment, but tbe snug being removed
luuvos the river clear. Several snags
lire being removed from the "Unau
dill river," but the explosions should
ti huso uo alarm. With the snags re
moved this country's prosperity will
flow on greater aud more powerful
thau ever.
Which side are you fighting on fear
or ooulldeuce? livery word you speak,
every thought you think, has power
for good or evil. Think it over and
be an optimist. Ernest Keitb lleil
way in Chicago Tribune.)
Final Proofs Suspended Thirty Days.
Owing to tbe money stringency,
Commissioner Bellinger of tbe gener
al land office baa issued instructions
to looal land offices, directing that
proofs be suspended thirty days iu
order to permit applicants to make
rash payment require). L'ndei these
iualiuuliuur. liml proofs will be Ink
eu on tbe day advcrti'ed, but tbe ap
plicaut will bare thirty days iu which
to iimlte cash i uyn cut required with
bis proof.
Ibe order made l y the commission
er will Lring relief to a largo number
of tiuilr ari'icnut, to whom under
existing condition Ui- iiuention cf
raisiug the uitual edi-ii uecesarr for
making proof nus a seriousoue, with
the banks thiuugbout t tie t-tate doted
and no money obtainable on checks.
As financial cnudil ions are expected
to be normal again within a short
period, and tbe bankn will soon be
open for business, the thirty days
grace profi led by the cominissiioner
offers a solution of tbe difficulty,
Tbe instructions apply also to proofs
set befoie United States comissioners,
wbo will proceed to take proefs on
the day advertised , uotifyiug the ap
plicant of tbe extension of thirty days
time on the paymeutsjto be made.
A (.01)1) TM'kKT.
Tbe following ticket was Died late
yesterday with the city recorder to be
voted on at the city election next
AHernian, for two years J
Wright, Cutis. Hall, S. Arnold.
Aldermen, one year A. C. liuok.
Kecord'r J. K Nickelseu.
Treasmer H. O. Klanchur.
We believe tho ticket is a stcng
one all through, uti should be elect
e-'. All of the candidates are business
men, of known integrity, with prop
erty interests heie sufficiently to
make them vitally inteiesled in the
welfare of the city, and if elected tbe
affairs of tbe city call will be left in
their bands.
(neat disasteis sometimes start
from most insignificant happenings,
although the fundamental causes back
of these hippeniugs may be far reach
ing. For Instance, the Chicago Hie
was started by a cow kicking over a
lighted lamp. It may not be out of
tbe way to say that the couliagration
in Wall street recently was started by
a bovine operator Irving to get up a
possiblo corner in u copper stock.
Senator J ton mo is conceded to be
i pietty shrewd politician, but in or
dering shipments of (Jregoti truits for
bis Washington friends he will do well
to remember that there are several lo
calities in the statu that produce big
red apples. Hint Mo. 1. Newborn
I ho souutor is shrowd enough to
know whero he can got tbe best ap
ples, and gets them at Hood Kivei.
If be wanted tho bei-t cream pressed
brick he would go to Newbeig. He
would not como to Hood Kiver for
them, neither would l.o go to New-
berg for tlm bust uppity. He could
get g3od brick nt llood Kiver and
good apples at Newbury, but wheu he
wants the "best" Oregou pioduots to
show bis Washington friends, be goes
to the locality where tho "best" ii
The president ulmout made' himself
solid with the colored contingent in
bis praise of possum, but spoiled it
ell by declaring that hears' liver was
the only thing better.
Out of a total of Coo votes in a Con
necticut town one candidate reoeived
75!) aud the oilier 770. After thii let
us bear less about counting out tbe
negro vote Iu tho south.
Mr. Hryau has declared that he
finds greater satisfaction In talking
on religion thau on government, it
is suspected that ho also gives bis lei
low democrats gi eater satisfaction
it is said that (Jeoigo Washington
was the discoveier uf petroleum in
this country. It was John D. Kooke
feller however, who discovered tbe
wonderful financial possibilities of it.
"A borae," says the Wyoming Trib
une, "may eat his bead oft, but be
doesn't run up u I 111 for repairs."
Tbe bitter tone of this remark leaves
us with the impression that tbe writer
ba an automobile on his hands.
The early issues of the Putin (j
zetle recently suspended alter nearly
a thousand yeais of iife, were printed
on silk doth. From this we Infer that
there was a paper '.tust Iu those days,
pernapg ou i no sanio order as the one
we have in these modem days.
An Ohio foot ball team onus a col
lection of six brokeu no-ies. four
broken legs, eight dislocated bones
and a dozen broken lingers. Satistled
that it has hroksn all previous casual
ty records, tho team has disbanded
foi the season
riouie couiry editors refuse to raise
their subscription price tu 91.50, look
ing at the itiiiUci in the light of a cer
tain minister who, when offered a
subbtaiitiliil raie, said: "1 thank
you, brethren, but I cannot assume
tbe additional task; it is hard enough
to collect the salary i am now get
Not the Same Hunch.
1 ho llood Kiver lilaoier .wants to
know if the coming good loads meet
ing has anything to do with the Kieh
ardsou et al itggrt -g ition that toured
tho state in a private car tlnee years
ago ami held up the vaiioiis common
it i llood liner among the others
for ()Ui. No, Hiothir Mop, Judge
Scott and Mr. 1'hleL-eii, of Salem, are
at the head of this all'ii'r, uud the
coming meeting will have no graft
strings attached. These gentieuieu are
working for better roads, and it is a
good work, and worthy our support
The bunch you mention were grafters
pure and simple. They robbed Poit
iaud, Ho'id Kiver, 1'endletou, Dakar
City aud other towns in the state, but
they will not likely show their faces
in Oregon agaiu. If they do, wrought
to give them a tastn ot their own
medicine by putting them to work
actually breaking rock for road build
ing, with a b.ill ami chain attachment
to keep them fium gettiug away un
der a year or so lirigou Iirigator.
We liavr just received an I'lugunt
nHNortnifiit of
And ran mil yon in both case and price.
Men's Patent
$3.50 Shoes
This whoe is made of very best patent cult
leather with a prey vesting top. button,
Goodyear welt soles. This is a st rictly high
grade dress shoe and is well worth the regu
lar price. Special price the pair $2.49
SPECIAL Boys Suspenders 15c
Here is a suspender ninde of full in. wide
pure lisle web, rubber of full strength and
wearing quality, o suspender that yon would
pay 25c for anywhere else, nice assortment
of patterns. f-p?cial the pnir 15c
Mnslcale a Sucre.
A very Interesting aud entertaining
musicale wat given at the opera bonne
on Monday evening, November 'J.", by
tbe Ladies Aid society ot the M K.
oburcb of tbia city. Although the
night aa very stormy, a goodly num
ber turned out aud felt well repaid
for their coming.
Tbe program opened with a very
Que overtuie by tbe orchestra, which
waa followed by a aong by tbe mem
berg of the M. K. choir. The choir,
under the splendid ob rid luetrnalinu
of Professor Crouae, certainly di I dim
great oiedit, and ang w ll. Ii. Li Pe
rigo, one ot our new citizens, nbowcd
tbe audienoe bow splendidly bo could
play on tbe mandolin, and lie and hia
oouain, Miss Jennie Edginv:tnu, who
accompanied hi in on tbo piano, de
lighted tbe audienoe with a medley of
southern melodies. Tbe selection giv
en by the quartet of mixed voices was
enjoyed very muob. Mrs. Truman
Butler, In ber usual charming way
sang a very aweet ballad, which waa
followed by a quartet by four y :ung
ladies, wbo are under Mrs. Slettiu'x
oapable Instruction, and which wnu u
Hue specimen of ber exoelleut work.
Mrs. Uoddard next gave tbe audience
in ber usual impressive way, a read
lug from "The Arizouian." Iiv Joan-
quln Millet. Mrs. Duuibln ph'ved n
very pretty little waltz on bei l itar.
alter which Mr. Perigo and Nii.-i, i'il
I UK ton again favored the amlitnce
with auotber darkey roug, which v :ib
followed by an intlruu eutal aeiectiuu
on tbe piauo by Mihs iedrick. Mien
Nacelle and Mr. Albert Lathrop, who
bave recently come among us, and
who have ti am ed every one who bus
beard them with their beautiful
voioes, eang a duet together, A quin
tet consisting of Meserg. Niuhol, Hay,
Lathrop, Medley and Crouae, treated
the audience to a very amusing song,
alter wbiob Misses Bradley aud Klg
ington played a very pleasing iuctru
nieutal duet. After the orchestra iuA
plaved their finale march, a taLiii
wub enacted, by a voung lady, wboM)
name we have promised not to men
tion, gowned In white, clung to a
large white cross, while oue of lion I
Kiver's sweet singers eang "Hook of
Ages" very touobingly, which cIomx!
the concert.
Art Lecture.
Prof. F. S. Dunn, ot the uiiKflmltv
of Oregon, will give an art lecture tit
the opera bouse Friday evening, No
vember 29. The Drooeeda will on in
wards buying pictures for tbeechoolx.
it i i . ...
a una musioai ana nieiury progriuu
will be rendered, and an intnr.....t,imj
entertainment is promised. Admis
sion, 00 oents.
Taxpayers Ticket.
Just before ooina tn nrena wn limrn
the following ticket will be tiled:
Jounciimen, two years U. K. Vai
ner, S. J. Frank, M. F. Shaw.
Councilman, one year-S. E liait-
Keooider J. K. Niokeisen.
Treasuei C. JU. Stranahau.
Andrew J. Derby. E. 11. Ilmtuiu
A. A. Jayne and J,. W. Morton were
elooted to membership iu Ijhe Oregon
liar association at the annual, meeting
last week.
Our work guaranteed. Deltz Studio.
New stockings should always be
washed beforo being worn, for the
washing causes slight shrlnkngo and
makes them, wear better.-
A new I'unife should be very irrnd-
oally heated to prevent the possibility
f cracking.
stock is all new, made this year, of correct designs, and best fabrics,
and every suit is a bargain at the low prices at which ve are offering
them. They ail go Men's, ' Youths' and Boys' Suits -at greatly re
duced prices as long as they last. Every day is sales lav, and every
Suit is a bargain. See them and price them before buying your Fall
R.. H. Coshow, Proprietor
sLe:thr $2.49
Football today.
The Dietz K'udio for photos.
Clarence Gilbert spent Sunday In
Art lecture at tbe opera bouse to
morrow night.
See W. S. Orihble for Duck Erie,
Felts and overs. tf
(!oo. Chamberlain caire down from
M osier yesterday. -
TotoW. S. (iribMe. Mt. Hood, f..r
tlm district No. 7ti Shoe. if
TTfirpv inl il I n rim an1 ilnn 't
J i ... ... j. au.. null
late for the football gome today.
O. C. Dean and wife went to Port
land yesterday on delayed No. ft.
E. E. Golf and wifo are spending.
itiauttpgiving with fiiends In Port
Closing nut winter millinery at low
prices. The I'.azaar, llood River
John Cactner and wife left for Poit
laud yesterday to visit friend i for a
few days.
Cliaa. Hall and wife went to Port
land yesterday aud will spend Thanks
giving with lelativea.
Mr. Urabelson, of Salem, igent for
the Queen Insurance Co., visited bis
old friend, J. Otten, yesterday.
Hood Kiver High School vs. The
Dallei. It will be a good game tbia
utteiuoon, aud don't fail to see it.
Mis P. S. Uavidaou went to Port
laud yesterday afturuoon to make ar
raugemeuts for staying there through
the ijiuter.
Mrs. Frank Davenport and Oua
Davenport and family will spend
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. F.
No a by at Mitchells Point.
For the purpose tor raising money
to buy pictures for tbe schools, an art
lecture will be given at the opera
fcoupe tomorrow niglit by Prof. F. B.
I' .11111. ;
I) R Xnrfnn nnrl ml fa .nlii.n.J
... - - - ...... ' .o.u.uou
yesterday from Portland, where they
have beeu visiting friends in tbat vi
cinity for a couple of weeks. After
"pending Thanksgiving with friends
hern they will leave for tbeir home at
Echo tomorrow.
tftreri'bnrtv Khrfnlrl ntfanil fh
ball game this afternoon. The boys
have worked liHrd, and will put up a
good game. . They have gone to con
siderable trouble and expense to pro-,
vide a wood game, and they should be
encouraged by a good attendance.
While snow could be seen from the
citv nil the hiultnr mmmtulna tnm en
eral days it did net reach to tbe level
0 . L. 11 a:l .
ui inn YHnuy i iiiu yoBierany, waea a
cold raiu started during tbe forenoon,
wbich was part enow, melting, bow
over, as fust a i it toll.
F. U. Co - has completed th install
ing ot n dumb waiter in the Cottage
hospital, wbich required oaasiderable
ingenuity. It was necessary to 'out
through tbvr Monva nuil la uittba IIia
. n - ....... , -m wwmv uu
atfair comply with nli requiremeats
wuh qui u a biuuy. rue new arrange-
nimit. Hnroa tha hnuciifcni Int.. mcnM
etepa aud avoids going up aud down
mans iuuuy times during I lie oay.
Football. Faotball.
Down it! Down it I Hood Kiver man I
Hood Kiver wins it! Hood Kiver can I
Uo get a rat trap bigger than a oat
trap !
Uo get a cat tiap bigger than a rat
Jump ou a grandstand I Thump on a
tin ran 1
Tin caul Grandstand I Orandstaudt
Tin can !
Who can ! We ca I Can do a can i au I
And if we can't nobody ou can I
The Paris Fair
Store that Saves You
Ladies (EL Children's Mittens 8C
On S.VTUltDA Y and MONDAY you can
buy these mittens that, we seii regularly at
10c, 12c and 15c for th- -i low price of
the pair 8c. There is nothing nicer for
winter wear than mittens.
Special Saturday and Monday, reg
ular 25c, JWc and 3 mitten, nil wool, the
pair 20c
Special Ladies' Black Spangled Col
lars and Chemisettes worth regularly 50c to
75c, each, your choice, special price 30c
When You See it in Our "ad" it is So
' President
.1. H.
We Are Just as Attentive and Fair
In Our Dealings With the Small Depositor as with the
Larger One.
thing for you that you may be offered elsewhere, but
we lo agree to so treat vou that you will respect us
for what we may have to refuse to do quite as much
as for what we do do.
Our Fire Proof Vault
Is equipped with safety deposit boxes, they are free
to customers; to others we make a charge of $5.00
per year for the smaller boxes und $7.50 for the
larger sizes. You are the holder of the keys, thus
securing absolute privacy,
We deserve to be favored with a share of your business.
FIRST, Because we have had seventeen years ex
perience in the banking business, and our record w
strictly clean, which if you intrust your business to
us, insures your receiving intelligent nnd houest
SECOND, We ow our banking building, having
spent a number of Vwusand dollars in building antl
tit ting up in modem banking room, of which a city
many times th size of Hood RiAer might be justly
TJIIUIX we are centrally and coavniently lo
cated. Our stock is held in Hood River, d we are
a HOME institution.
Roller Skating Rink
Comfortably heated, Fine Floor,. 250 pairs Winslow
Famous Fiber and Steel Ball Bearing Skates.
SPECIAL ATTENTION givem do, beginners during
regular session.
CLASS LESSONS given by Prof:. Harrison, the LEAP
THE GAP MAN and forrntrriy floon manager Exposition
Rink, Portland. r
Admission Ladies Free.
Gents 10 cents.
Skates 25 cents.
NOTE Nearly everybody, old as well as young, are
learning to skate, so don't put it off ami regret it.
Special attention given to l.e-jimiers for fancy and plain
skating. See Manager (J. M. Th mias for terms.
Another new lot of Mats' NeeKwear just
opened np. All the very latest. Nice silk bow tie
fur men and ton, St, lOc, 15c and 25c Also
lour-in hands, string, tecks, etc., if the newest color
ings for lOc. 20e, 25c, 40c and 50c.
Dress Patterns
We have just received a new lot of dress
patterns in serges, plaids and mixed suit
ings, goods that would cost 50c a yard any
where else, special the yard - - 30c
Getting Ready for Xmas
We are opening up one of the finest lots
of Xmas gifts that has ever been brought to
the City. We have presents for old, middle
aged and young. Ornamental presents, use
ful presents, and some that aro not useful,
but will make the young hearts glad and
cause the older ones to feel ten years young
er by the amusement they afford. Don't fail
to be on hand early. Follow the crowd and
you will be at this store.
Hours Every night 8 to 10.
Thursdays & Saturdays
2:30 to 5 p. m.
WEXEL, Props.
Oakdale Greenhouse
Now ready, Bulbs, Tulips, Hyacinth,
Chinese Lilliea, Peonies, Roses, Shrubs,
for fall or spring delivery.
White Wyandotte Cockrels from $1 to
$3.00. Fletcher & Fletcher,
KOR BALK Cedar rxwt delivered lo nnjr
part of thev.licy. Address K. W. Caldwell,
or phone No. H. " t
For Hale-Hpao of 5-year-old black ho tea.
WelKbl :X pounds: rfrxt rlami In ever., re.
Hpeet. Al a bargain If taken at once. A . B.
Shelley, Udell.
FOB HALE While pony, weight about 700
lbs., which wan taken up about th first of
November, will be wild at my premise, onsi
mile east of Hood Kiver, on Saturday, tier. 7,.
at 10 o'clock a. ni., to pay for feed nnd.
charges. V.V.Hlckock. IS
FOR BALK Chlckering piano, nearly ww..
Enquire of John Leland Henderson. iiS.
FOR BALE Edison Cylinder Horn thonru.
graph with four dozen records in gnod order..
Would exchange lor tire wood or any uirtl
thing. Apply at the Itockford Htora UtmiH
Kiver. dill
KOR BALE Horse, cheap for ewti. good
note or exchange for city kit. A. & Blower. 6
ForHale As 1 am leavlna; Hood River, t
offer my house and three tt for sali . While
bouse, north of Episcopal church, No, 4 (7.
Grace Wilcox, L'leone, Ore. 1 f
For Bale 17 acres of land about one and a
bslf miles south of the o'dell store in Hood
River valley: five acres cleared; about 200 ap
ile trees two and three years old. All good
and. Enquire of J. W.Jenkins. Phone 603
For Bale Live pheasants, Chinese, palri
t6.00. Goldens and Bllvers, Iti.OO each. Mrs.
O. H. Kobblns, Route 1, Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Phone Farmers 1-49.
For sale 40 acres of Al fruit land in center
of valley. Easy terms. Box 658, Hood Rivar,
Oregon. s2M.f
FOR BALE-Eighty acres or land 7 acrea
ol tine (Ir timber, 12 acres In apple orchard,
8 years old this fnll, and bore several liun- .'
dred boxes of apples Northern Bdy, Uuld-
win and Winter Red all long keepers. JLand 1
all under good fence; four fields all In clover;
water running through small ditch 5 months !
In the year; no waste land or rock, up lund .
and uo;hillson the land: can be plowed nuy.;
time In winter when not raining. Btore
church aad school nearby, two miles frouo
Eslacada; railway; good plank road; no bulkl...
Ings on land: several million feet ol lun ger
can be got out of trees. Water can be lia'J, by -digging
15 or 20 feet. W'll sell tbe 80 acsa for .
112,500. C. H. Uuttrldge, Spring Water.) Ore. '
FOR BALE One black mare, la to, 13 years
old, weight, 1400 pounds; IliO: Oue white,,
mare, 11 years old, weighs from 1100 to 12004
price, 2S. one iron-gray mare 4 years oldi
weight 1200 pounds, price ltti. 2- yearling colts,
(mares), price S30eacli. M. Ihimas, Mt. Poodt
FOR BALE New rag carpet. Neve,- ben
cut. Address Box 111,. r call ob Mr. II. W.
Elliott, Hood Kiver Height. 028
FOR 8AI E Good farm tea ji very rciuou
able If taken at ouce. Phone Farmer a 411). n2S
FOR SALE Berkshire pigs, 4 and lOim ntha
old. G. W. Simons, Urapper district. n28
FOR tM.E-Houaehold goods,
man Young,
Mrs. Nor-
Lost and Found
8trayed-One brlndla and one red and
while steer: also oue red and white, one roan
and one black andjvbite heifer, all tw.y-ycur-olds
and branded Ton right hip, left car crop,
ped aud right ear split aud underbit; both
steers and black and white heifer are mulcya
Reward of Si per head will be paid anyone .
taking tbein up and notifying me. E. W.
Jochinsen, R.F.ll. No. 1, Hood Kiver, Ore. nl4 '
WANTED Man to clear five acrei ner
Hood itivpr hv mntrai.1 litrf avuu, ILI
J ,.uui.,n. 411. iai c ui.
Glacier. ar,
W NTtPnTn An- II. .1.1 . 1. 1. ,'
V . i,Buv nuin .111 rmiMlll IU 1
pay for board. C. N. c. care Glacier. d!2
WNTl'nl'm,.l,.,.,, j ,.
.. .... . "."i- ") .nr... i,m a Birnuy girl Ol f
good character. Address G. care of the Glaclerr
WAN! ED oung man residing in Hoodl
River, to represent us as salesman at thau
point on commission basis. Page A Buia.
Wholesale Fruit, Portland, Oregon. Vi
U'IVTVIlC.H 1. . . . . .
K. H. toshow, at the Toggery, n28
r,r,AN.TIJD-Men to cleuf wres of land.
Chris Uethman.
W ANTED A good homestead Relinquish
ment, cheap. Address (J ., care of The Glacier.
For Rent
la hereby given that I did on the 2Ut day of
November, 1907. in the City of Hood River,
take up one il) brladle, muley cow, under.bit
In right ear; one (1) light roan, two.year-old
heller with wire iu right ear, and Hint 1 will,
on the 30th day of November, l'J07. hi the hour
tf 1 ' " I . 1. n ... . . r 1 .1 . . ..
office In the city of Hood Kiver, Oregon, sell
r j . K . " ' pwuii, nuo iuii 10 rue rilgllest
bidder lor cash iu hand. W. GANUKH,
City M.trahu'.
UAUKufu mad omc' The Di"lM'
uro ,1 in .1.0J .. J Kr,V. W1: omr.-
laos, utn aay ol January,
son'HT1.Jw,itne,"f.8,: c,1."rl9 Ivld-
Carrie h0 ii, " "' ' Btokei.and
Carrie r rey, all of Mosler, Oregon.
ab .;:.d.r.,7c'uj,.c'aJ?,ln adversly tiie
C. W. MOORE, Register.
Room 12 BroBims BUick
UWitfg Carbolized Witch HZel
t-alv.. penetrates the
cleanseg iiH ia l.Uat: .1 . '
G.Hid for p:le8. Sold by Keir & CW