J Mm js ; CD o HOOD RIVER, OREGON, NOVEMBER 28, 1907. NO. VOL. XIX n 1, SOCIETIES HOOD RIVER COMMERCIAL CLUB Meet tTery ageond Monday In aacn month alt p. m- In tua club roomi over Jackaon's tore. H. K. Davidhoh . Pre. A. P. Mo, He retarjr. H(M)I) RIVER IXIMJE NO. 105, A. V. nd A. M. MeeU Saturday evening on or before each full moon. A. I). Mo. W. M I). McDonald, Heeretary. HOOI) RI VER CH A1TKK NO. 27. R. A. M. Mtwta nmt mid third Friday nlghlaof each month D. McIhinald, II. F. A. I). MoK, Secretary. HOOD RIVEll CHAPTER NO. S5, O. E. 8 -MeeUaeound and fourth Tuumlay evening of each month. Visitor cordially welcomed. Eva ( lahkic, W. M. M. Thikisa Casthkb, Becretary. I DLEWtLDE LO (JE NO. 107, I. O. O. MeeU in Kravrnal hall, every Thursday nujht. H. C. Smith, N. U. J. H. Fkboitkos, eretary KDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. 48, 1. O. O. F. Itecnlar mealing necoud and fourth Monday i.t each month. R. J. I'akkott, C. P. J . M. HcH-KLTZKR, Scribe. KEMP LODOE.No. M, I.O. O. F.-Meeti In Odell Improvement Co.'a hull every Hatar rtay night. Visitor, cordially welcomed. E. T. FoLTM, N. G. I.. A.E. Clark, Rep. Wecy. L ! itKL RE11EKAH DEGREE LOIKiE NO. i. !. o. O. F.-Meets first nnd third Friday 'iieacb mouth. Ti MiksZohaDay, N. O. ritL May Ia Vinson. Secretary. .V O. W meets the 2d and Uli Saturday ech month at I. O. O. F. hall. Vlslton cor dlally InvliiMl. A. C. 8fATN, C. C. K. w. McKevolis. Clerk. WAl'COMA LODGE NO. 80. K. OF P. Meet in K. of P. hall every Tuesday night W. K. Khekts, C. 0. J. E. NlCHotJJ. K.of R. and 8. OOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A. MeeU In 1. O. O. F. hall every Wednesday nWliL K. Mayks, V. 0. 11. V. DARIN, I'terk. MO"D RIVER CIRCLE NO. 624, WOMEN OF W.ioderan-M.flsnt K. of P. hall on the (1 .laud Third Friday of each mouth. Lou McKbvsolds, G. N. if. W. McRkynoi.ini. Clerk. j-IIVEKSIDElAJDGENO. A. O. U. W.-M-eta tlrl and llilrd Saturday ir each month. Al'a. GtJIUNAitlJ, M. W. UEO. Si-ocoM, Financier t'HKHTKB S11UTK. Recorder. i-TA ASSEMBLY NO. 10:1. UNITED ART-iu.-Meellhenrt ami third Wedues- i ys, work: second and fourth VVeduenday Art:m'n' hall. C. D. Hknrich M. A. E 11. UAKTwm.Secrfclary. COl'RT HOOD 1UVER NO. 42, FORESTERS ol Amerlca.-Meolsevery Saturday evening iu K.of P. hail. , John O. Zolls, C. R. r. r. urohii's. f. c. A.N BY POST, NO. 16, G. A. R. MEETS AT A O. U. W. hall, Hecond and lourth Satur dxy of each nmuth at 2 o'clock p. m. All G A R meniber Invited to meet with ua. A. C. Buck, Commander, 8. F. Blytub, Ad iilanL l ANUY W. R. U, No. 16-MEETS SECOND ud lourth Saturday or each Mouth in A. ... L'. v. . hall at 2 p. in. Maktua Riqby, President. Alida Shoemaker, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 8409, It. N. A. ieuu at 1. O. O. F. Hall on the ecoud and fourth Friday ot each mouth. MRS. SU8IKMAYKS, O. Mkk. Ella Dakin, Recorder. " PAYNI'ER LODGE, No. 2110, M. U. A. iiueeu nrst and third Friday of each month ul K.of P. hall. Gko. S. Mtl.LKR, Pres. Al'O. GUIUNARD, Sei. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, jviupboncs: Ofllce, 281; residence, 811. SURGEON O. R. & N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, I'llVrilCIAN AND SURGEON. Call, uroiuplly answer sd In town or country, " H Day or Night. , l-clephoue: Residence, 611: Office, 013. Otlliw in the liioslus Building. B. O. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon uince over First National Bank. Hood Kivor, Oregon. I i Mice riione Main 871 Res. Main oii M. F. SHAW, M. D. Ultice in Jackson Block. ( ,!!ce pit tite. No. 1171. Residence. No. W3. iTTi7rtAtte Koha B. SiiAHi- Osteopathic Physicians l2r0uates if the American School of USteonaillA, ivtiaawuc, ..... Office and Lis ) i'iion : Huxley Cotutge, Klverat. iiooD HtVKU. IF. V. BUOS1US, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 131. MoBls: 10 to 11 A. andto7P M. M.; 3 to 8 DR, . T. CARNES DENTIST OiBce over Bartmess Wore HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Telephone 111 H. D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Chown Ukidgb Work a Specialty. Office over Hrst National Bank Telephone Main 311 H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones: Office 283 ; residence 1045 Office over Butler Bank, Hood Kivkr, Okr. A A.JAYNE LAWYER Atwtracte FurniBhed. Money Lo: ned. HOOD RIVER. OREGON. E. H. HARTWIG, JiAWYHK. rill rr-efl" in Ml Courts mitU liui'diiig. "V-r Kl't N.i. ORK " 7W. MORTON anrf Counselor at Law notarv PLBLIC Ofllce with J,!I.lu..'.l"n..er .VCo n..n.il.H,. Aliairael. tf- inenl o- j- HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON White Salmon Valley Bank -The small depositor receives the same courteous treat meiit as the larger ones. We have both. COME AND SEE US. lftftrin.tr. E. L. Hurra. E. O. BlaHCBaB Prt. Vioe-fraa. Caanlar. I V. C. Brock. Asst. Cashier. The First National Bankj OF HOOD RIVER. OKEUON. Capital $50,000 Surplus, $12500.; JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORN EY-AT-L A W, ABSTRACTER, NO TARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AGENT. For S3 year a resident of O.tgon and Wash ington Ha bad many years experience In Real Estate mstlera, a abstractor, searcher of titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no cliarre International Qoirtspondencc Jchool BCRANTON, PA. II. V. REED, Representative M Sixth BL, Portland, Oregon. ' Hood River once a tuouili. Full infor nulioii mailei! upon request. Mrs. Mary Powell Jordan, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office and residence, borne place of John Inland Henderson, Stale St., head of Third St. Phone 971. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. MISS JOHNSON A pupil t.I the best masters of Cincinnati, toucher of Piano, Mandolin and Harmony. Call at t lie Noble residence, near hospital, or Phone 484 DR C. W. EDMUNDS Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Office, New Bank Building, corner Oik and Third St. Telephone Main 611. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY SURGEON I prepared to do any work In the veterin ary line. He can be foun t by calling at or pb'nlng to Clarke drug store. P. M, BALL-LEWIS & CO. Civil and Architectural Engineers and Surveyors Make surveys, plans and ei li sate for (ew er, liirht and power and ruilaay plains, and furnish, subject to approval, plans, specifica tions und estimates for all classes of buildings public, private aud mercantile. Special at tention glvan to economic and slow-burning construction. Accuracy and economy gusr nntc"', DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 769 Estimates furnished on request. An honest jo!) guaranteed. E. A. JEROME, Architect Having had several year' exiwrienc In .Intltlng and building. 1 would respectfully solicit a part of I he patronage of the people ol iiiui.l llivi-r :ni ntlclutte building. Terms rca jin ihlf. u ul satisfaction guaranteed. Of llce at resldeuoe on Heights. H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I mii iiialllled and prepared to do all kinds or rlral class land surveying. Accuracy guar iiu'eed. Tli " who wis'1 rlrst-class work done idd'CM. K. K. 1. 2., Hisd River. Phone Hal. ASSOCIATION OF McMINNVlLLB. ORE. Announces another reduction in the cost of insurance. T. L. DUNSMOItK, THE DALLES or C. D TIIOAIPSON, HOOD KIVEK McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prom ot sales and quick returns Wholesale dealers in all kinds of First and Produce Consignments solicited 129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. Hood River Studio FOR Fi rst - Class Photographs We have the latest In mounts and can en lame vinr Photos In Crayon, Platinoid or ttep'v.. 3 . .V"'lou guaranteed. a . D. ROGERS, Prop C. EVERETT, The Practical Shoemaker, At Kiggs' Old Stand. Fine Vvk a Svecialt v. R.JONES, Dentist Crown and Bridge W rk. Teeth Withsnt Plites. .dm-i.t of diseased teeth n.l t Liotj'.ua Buildinic. Pifn KUIii- . Hi;:: C.F.SUMNER headquarters for PLUMBIMG Come in and exam ine our line of Pumps, Bath Tubs, La vatories, SirJLS, Etc. Spray and Garden Hose still selling at Reduced Rates All Kinds of Repairing Work Guaranteed JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. McReynolds & Co. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain and Poultry supplies YUCCA TREE PROTECTORS, Petal u ma Incubators and Brooders STOCK FOOD Phone 1091 HOOD RIVER, OREGON FOR SALE One-third cash: balance on or before 20 years at 7 per cent. 60 acres timbered land in sec. IB, 1-10, with additional 100 acres partly tim bered. Timber is worth cash pay ment required. acres south of Wilson Reservoir. South half, block 8, Parkhurst. U lota, block 29, Hood River proper. Apply to MURRAY KAY, Plu ne 95x Hood River. Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. nee Delivery. Phone Main 35. f COFFEE TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT EDE1 CL0SSET&DEVEB3 PORTLAND. ORE. s ML ABBOTT Millinery, Hair Goods Richardson's Silks and Embroidery Supplies. " Opposita the Paris Fair. BONTON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut Our shop iR metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection o. h: gray; prop. Carry a lull line of Whips, Robes, Blankets and Wagon Covers, Heavy Harness Also Double and Single Driving Harness All made in their shop; Coll and get our price before buying .BICYCLE SHOP. J. MARION REID Bicyc'cs, Guns, Sewing , Machines, rurniiure, umDreuas, Moves and Locks Repaired KEYS MADE lO ORI'ER Bicrclee. Guns, elc, n.-tit by e.lii:ss for repairs will be neatly and promptly re- i i .... i ... ...... l paired aim reiurntu. v mu ! lo 13.00 on price of new wheel -. Tires, brake, and all kin'U of repir sold at Portland prices. Pricvs furnished on application. Reference: Bradntre Town Lots In the beautiful Ri vcrview Park Addition Can be bought durin": the next few weeks at Sacrifice Prices Don't overlook this opportunity to get a lot in this sightly location before it w too late J. H. Heilbronner &Co. Hood River, Ore. Bargains in Real Estate The Underwood and Little White Salmon Valley choic fruit and griifs land ; 80 acres ; good improvements; 12 acres In cultivation; 400 fruit trees 100 in full bearing; all kinds of fruit lare and small; running water; good soil. 2b miles out. $40 per acre. . Twenty acres, 9 in cultivation ; house nd barn; 100 fruit trees in bearing; mall fruit; 3 miles out. 2,100. Forty acreB 20 in cultivation; 200 fruit trees in full bearing; one house, two wells; fine view overlooks bluff ; 5 miles out. 50 per acre. I ha e now arranged to open up 500 acres of the Little White Salmon land for settlement, cutting it into small tracts. This is the ideal land for fruit and grass; abundance of water and good soil; within 3J miles of Cook's station and boat landing. Now ia the time to get a good cheap home. Every thing on terms. Come and investigate. The above is only juut a reminder of few of the bargains we have. Can sell you from 10-acre tracts up to 210. Come and see what is destined to be one of the best fruit countries in the Northwest and where three crops of alUlfa cat) be grown without irrigation. F. W. DeHart Underwood, Wash. RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle Hue of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle Biliousness and Constipation. For years I was troubled with biliour iiabs anrl ronitinft i 'li. which mnde lift inierable for nie. My nppetit" I'ailril ma T 1,4' inv llxil'll Inri'M unit v 1a itv PepHin prepu ati 1 1 a .1 ratburtica onlv made mauer.-i uise. 1 u. not kiiou wli e I should have been today had I n6t tried Chamberlain's Htomacb ami Liver Tablets. The tablets relieve tbe i 1 feeling at once, strengthen the diges tive functions, helping the aysteiM to do its work naturally. Mrs. Rosa Potts, Berimngham, Ala. These tatileis are for sale by Keir & Cans. mil ur ia Hood River a i . The remedy that mates you tat, sleep and grow slioii, called Pslmo Tajik'", will l .M rw.iii.riy i.y -iimmn Pharmacy, I In-at River. Hrae greM nerve and constitution buililer cn-t only 50c per box. six boxes. t2.30. tf We have secured the agencv fur Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new Uxnilv. that makes the liver lively, pnriliis the breath, cures headache and n gulaUs tbe digestive organs, t'uri-s chronic constipation. Ask us about it. Clarke Drag Co. GENERAL NEWS OF LOCAL INTEREST ITEMS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNS A Resume of tin Week' Doing Com piled from Our Ex changes. 2 Many boboea s:i e passing south these days mil tteuih'bt watchman report tliut they literally come in droves, aud that be has quite time crowding them onward. Uervaia Star. The Gilliam County Milling Co., wbioh auFpemUa opi-i i.tinus a coule of week hk ( ten tint of tbe finan cial flurry, itatlto t.p gaiu this moruiiiK 1 ; rii.i'..,.K cut Hour aud feed as tui. .. - t'oudon lilobe. John Harilson lobt bit separator by (lie 'luosdr.j night nhilo tbe crew was aep. Tbe niaubiuo was tbiebing ou tbe J. E. Downer lauch and had just Huifched a setting. Condon Ulobe. Ollie Haguewood is in jail at Ilepp ner for a "bad m im performance In lone last Wednesday, duriug which be shot up tbe town. In jail witb bim is WilliRui Price, vvno tried to Uolp turn out of tbe loue bastile. - Coudrn (Jlobe. A box of pretty red apples every bit as netit as the one thit tempted poor old Aiiam Is on display at tbe Bazaar. Ibey are Baldwins aud are the pre- duj, of James Nichols' orchard on the 1'batober road. Washington County News. II. Sevuiore Hull, civil engineer, of Hood Hirer, baa made arrangements to transfer bis otlloe aud lesidence to this side of the river. He will make the chtiuize about tbe first of the month, and his oltice will be witb A. W. Estes & Co. for tbe present. White Salmon Enterprise. lhe last spike has beeu driveu in the Sulem-l'ortlatid electrio line aud tiuins will ba running betweeu trie two cities by January 1. Work will be pushed into Washington county in the early spring, aud before another summer hi over wo may reasonably ex poet to be riding to Portland cn tbe electrio cars. forest Grove Times. Laige shipments of fruit trees bare beeu received in Dallas during the past week aud more are expected soon. Tlio number of trees ordered witbiu tbo past year, aud the large aorexge of laud now being prepared for the planting of orchards, indicates a great growth ot tho fruit laislug In dustry iu Polk county iu tbe near fu ture Polk Couuty Observer. While at Brownsville. E. C. Bob erts, tbe fruit inspector, was given a tew waluuts from u 10-year-old Iran uuette tree, iiibrt of u crop of nearly eight biisbuls, north about $10. This is a sample of what the waluut busi ness might be made to do in this val ley, where tbey nulverasally do well. There is a tree in Alhany wliloli pro duoes about $30 woith annually. Al bany Demucrcut. Neighbor Jennings has been gather iog Btiawberries oft his vines duriug tbe past two woeks. Laut week be cultivated tbe natob and picked aev etui nice ripe oneis, but tbe frost of tbe past few nights baa injured tbe blossotna so that there will uot be auy more ripen tbis winter. There was a beavv crop of greeu berries and blos soms which would have made a good crop in a couple of weeks. Forest Orove i'imes. Strawberries blooming on tbe oom uious. raspberries iu tbe gardeus, must look strange to eastern people. who see snow and sleot ut tbis time ot tbe year, as a rule. Tbe Que Italian climate Oietion is blessed witb should cause her iububitauts to be grateful forever. Riches ia not all iu life, it the outsido ia gloomy aud forbic.ding. Here we uot only enjoy good weather but all tbe luxuries of life, inoluding good health. Mt. Scott News. Cliffs, tbe ft.'st tailroad division east of Portland on tbe Nortb liank railway, etiuated opposite Rufus, is rapidly forging to the front as a city, Within a raoutd past it pas a ouna inas ui. all under cover, some entire' lr finished and painted, others in tifocess ot nulsning. all wiin ocou pants waiting. It baa nine foot side walks tbrougb the business part uf the place, aud water piped to all poinis by street mains. It has a barber shoo, hotel. lestHurant, stole, eto. witb othui tiusiness opportunities open to new comers. Moro Ofcierver, A war.iitydeed wu9 recently Hied iu the otUce ot tbe county clerK by b. it, Brooks by which wua trausferetd to .In in fm I). Kiuifa a tract of land about three miles eoullicsbt of Ibe Dalles known ti9 the old Brooks farm for tbe sum of ili'.i'i. Do. By tbe terniB of tbe sale Jir. Brooks will duilug tne tan winter nnd spring of 19U7 aud 1908 ti l ut 75 acres ot tbe land purubased to fruit tiees of various variat lea. No specifications are made regurding the kind of trees ho shall set out, but it is understood that punches, cheiries, prunes and apples will prevail. Chronicle. E. N. (iillntn was over from the Ma dras country lus week and while here put a tivu .eur-ul l tilly tbiougb some of tu t tt .nts. She jumps a pole, shakes bunds all around, bold up auy font to he examined, mounts a box, tells Mr. U whether she likes bim or not a:., I does various other tiicks. She liits been hitched up single but a few timet', but w en tbe harness is put on aud the rbafts held up she itiHrches under like an old timet, ititro is u oliiitice for some oue to de- ?iP "', ' "e .nua 8 5.u ""V K1U li T , I rj IULIS Vll l.fllKiilll. lllbuuutu " , . lllilf lu.J or.a ; t kjl L ... .ltt,.c roui b irse l.t.,1L0Ud cor. iu Jouiral. A number of people bave beeu pass ing th uiigli Madras during tbe past neek rr hj, on their way to Beud, where H is Hii'l they go to buy irri gated I Hid ivn rert ies ot niue eaob went Lin i uii i.Kiii tbe Bi at of tbe v eek. hu irrigulioo coinpauy at Bend baa beeu handicapped in plac ing its I'.iudg on tbe market by tbe lack of railroad transportation, but even with tbat handicap, the price of tbe D. 1. it P. Co. 'a iriigated land, when compared witb tbat of other if rlgated tracts, proved great induce ment to people looking for tbat kind of land. It ia a pretty aafe wager, anyway, tbat tals section ot tbe state won't be mo.cn longer wunoui ran transportation. Madras Pioneer. Several of the citizens of Golden- dale and tiolnity have taken op subscription and purchased tbe old block bouse, wbioh nas been one ot tbe landmarks of tbe Spring Creek country for great number of years. lbi old building has been moved to ioldendale and will be put together again on the plat of ((round owned by tbe city nortb ot tbe oemeteiy. in is Is one ol tbe biatorio old buildings tbat was used by tbe settlers in early days in Klicktiat county, when tbe Indians went on some or.tbelr numer ous "tantrums" wDen you oouio ex pect to be awakened at any time by the war whoops of tbe Indians, and could look out of your windows and see tbe red fiends waring tomahawks aud guns, -ud auy minute might bare beeu your last on tbis eartn. Ho tbia old building was elected, and within Its walls many prayer baa been lilt ed up to an all wise providence to spare tbe inmates from tbe wratb ot the red devils, tbe donors ot tals historlo building should be thanked that they are saving tbia old land mark foi the tuture generations of uui fair oountiy. Uoldendale Sent! n el. Fatal Accident at YYjeth. W. C. Burns, who was run over ty moving car while at work at Wyeth Thursday afternoon, died at The Dalles sanatorium In tne evening irom tbe effects ot tbe terrible aocident. Bums is a yardmastor at Wyeth and wbi mangled by falling off a moving oar. Ills left arm was completely sev ered from the body and tbe left log was . kept In place only by ligaments. Tbe injured niau was brought to The Dalles for treatment shortly after the aocideut. At Wyeth tbeie is a spui that leads down from the main line to tbe ex treme edge of tbe Colombia in order tbat tbe oars may be loaded directly from tbe small river crafts tbat ply ou tbe Columbia. Tbe grade is very heavy on tbis spur, making it neoes sary fcr the engine to get well under headway before approaohing the steep est part of tbe grade. At tbe top of tbe grade there is a small oonay bouse, wbioh stands close to tbe traok. Tbe engine bad been attached to several stock cars and tbe young man. apparently not thinking of tbe impending danger, was holding to tbe side of one of tbe oars Just as a crane man usually does, wben be struck tbe oorner of tbe donkey bouse. He was knocked to eartb and tbe body was thrown partially necrose tbe traok. Tbe train was moving swiftly and tbe young man was run over by two ca:i before it colnd be stODDed. The engine was detached from tbe remaining cars and the body of tbe young man piaoed In tbe eab. in less than forty-five minutes from the time tbe engine Mt wyetn. wnicn is tnir ty two miles from this city, it pulled in at tbe station at rbe Danes. An ambulance was called and tbe Injured man taken to tbe sanatonum. He, however, was very weak and died soon after bis arrlvaL Mi. Burns has a wife and sister at Lona Beach. Cal.. who have been no titled of bis death. His parents live at EmDOiia. Kansas, and they have also i been notified ot the aocident Chronicle. Glad They Attended. Editor Glacier: 1 believe that all the Hood River attorneys are glad they attended tbe teoent meeting of tbe Oregon mate liar association si Portland. It seems to me tbat we were fully repaid for all the expense and more than tbat we heard soma very Intelligent discussions on Important topics of the day. Tbe money ques tion was ably commented on by one of Portlands prominent bangers, uon Oliver P. Mirton, special attorney in tbe reclamation servloe of the United States, save an address on irrigation which was very instructive to every oun present Mr. Morton is a direct descendant of 'the late Ex-Oovernor Oliver P. Motton, ot tbe state ot In rHuna. On Wednesday, the 20th, a banquet was spread for about oue hundred lawyers aud It was decided success, Tbe meeting was interspersed witu musio hv a male Quartet, abort siiBHnhes bv ten prominent attorney and drew out many profitable and pleasant remarks. J. W. Morton, Child Scalded to Death. "You can't catch me papa," cried th bhLDv treble of little Arthur Lar ami. of Trontdale. with whom bis fathei was playing after tbe day' work. Just then tbo babe, breaking away in exoited glee, fell into a tab of scalding water. Ihi was 8 o'clock at night; be died at 5 o'clock the next morning. Mrs. X'ted Larson, mother of little Arthur, was preparing her husband's bath. She had poured tbe hot water into Ibe tub and bad turned away for oold. Nearby Larson and the baby art liavliiff their evenina's tomp. Arthur was the only obild of Mr. and Mrs. Larson and would bave been three years old in January. Possibly Older Than Ere. Arthur A. Ureene in the Oregouian Hva the apple Is as old aa Eve. How doea be know. Possibly be would like us to beleve be is a student of tbe unnd book: but we would have come nanrer believinit it had be not made tnat statement. However, we will ad m it tbat it or its progenitor of perhaps similai shape or flavor was In exist euoe even farther baok than that, even if the bitle doesn't mention it epecin rallv aa a product ot tbe garden ot Eden. MoMinnville News-Reporter, Bell-Stryker. C. A. Bell, of Hood River, and Miss D a M. Strvker. ol Portland, were married at tbe borne of tbe bride in Portland Thursday. November 21 Mr. aud Mrs. Bell arrived In H od River Saturday morning, where tbey will be at home t their friends after Onnember 1. Mr. Bell is oue of the old and high ly remiBoted residents of tbia city. and tbe bride a veiy estlui tble lady of Portlaud. Tbe Ulaoler extsnds con gratulations. A. A. Jayne bad legal The Dalles Tuesday. business at INCREASING USi I- i NATIONAL FOREST 50,000 ACRES NOW IN RESERVES Eight 5arerle Now Maintained to Grow Sffdllnps for Depleted forests. "Wlthiu lb fee decades after the Brat fedoral recognition of forestry, and sixteen yeius from the date when the first 'tiuibeiland reserve' was created, I here bare been established, n tbe Interest ot tbe wools ptopie, 150 million acres fit national forests, effectively riotectui ngaiust fire aud trespass, and tbrnr r open on advan tageous terms to lhe e of tbe pub lic" Thus reads It. i annual review ot forest work In t'.e year book ot tbe department cf agriculture. "Forests bave so large a place in the national life that in some measure every citi zen sbarej tbe benefits wbiob atteud successful effort to preserve, restore, or establish them. Yet it will alwnya be the western industiies wbiob will most profit fiom tbe presence of the existing national forests, upon wboxe resource mainly wood, water and range tbey are largely dependent. The government always favors settlers and home builders and prior users, both by granting free use of timber and byenoouraging small sales. The business or tne national roresis must Increase hugely; for so vast are tbe resources ot timber and minerals, and tbe opportunities for various business enterprises aud lor the development of power and irilgation, tbat tbe util ization ot tbe loieBts can oe said to have only fairly begun. Xbrougbout tbe yeHr niarxea pro gress bas beeu nituie in scouring me moat prompt, simple, and precise dub iness methods, and in bringing the forest officers iu the field aud, through them, the public into closer touch with tbe alms of tbe govern ment in its forest policy. On Jauuary 1, I DOG, tbe area ot tbe natioual for eats was 07,773,017 seres, aud on De cember 21. 1900, 127,154,371 acres; but the receipts increased In greater pro portionfrom $273,000 in 1905 to U,- 004,185 in 1900. In addition, 15,000 permittees (near by settlers auu raucu mon) weie granted timber free of charge to tbe value ot $75,000. "In disposing ot timber on tne na- . tional forests, eveiy effort bas been made to meet tbe local conditions in eaob forest and in tbe different parts ot each forest where tbe character ot the timber and tbe market required special consideration. Tbis has been done not only by varying tbe size of tbe trees wbiob aie cut uuder tbe sales iu aooordance with tbe kind of timber and tbe situation, but also by supplying tbe needs of tbe people in each vicinity witb tbe particular kind of timber required by tbem in tneir industries. The institution of a charge for grazing in tbe forests, with tbe adop tion of regulations to prevent aamage to tbe range, and witb sstisiaotory al lotments ol territory, ootn between the cattle owners aud between indi vidual ownets ot the same kind ol stock, were important accomplish ments of tbe year. - , , 'Planting operation! are at preseuc centered in eight nurseries within or near as may different forests ibere are now on baud a toal of 6,000,000 seedling!, and 750 aores were planted In tbe spring ot iwi. f our ot tne nurseries have been established long enough to grow seedlings of size for planting. Hotter lacinciea ror ouujmuuiuu Hon, through public and private tele phone lines now being oonnruuteu, and the Improvement ot roads, will be ot tbe greatest assistance in tne conduct ot forest business, and espeO' (ally in tbe control of fires. Ibe use of tbe forests by tbe publio will also be stimulated by thj marking of roads and trails, giving tbe direction and distance to tbe nearest town, ranch or oamplng place. "The reoord of 1900 has confirmed the business sucoess of the govern ment policy, and thus given encour agement to the development of tbe technical side of forestry. Wben, tbrougb studies now uuder way, a better knowledge of the growth and habits of our western trees is secured and tbe forests have beon brought, tbiougb the utilization of ground at proseut nuoooupied, to greatly in creased productiveness, still larger beuetlts may be expected." The article, "Progress of Forestry in 1900" illustrated of wbiob tbe above ia an extract, bas been issued together witb a directory of forest olrJoers associations and schools in pamphlet form. It oan be bad upon application to tbe Forester, Forest Service, Washington, D. C. Moved Into New Building. J. E. Niobols ia moving bis under taking establishment Into bis new building, wbioh is about completed, only a few minor details to be done ye:. Tbe painters are at woik and tbe front office is being fitted up. Tbe arrangement of tbe rooms is very convenient for tbe business, aud Mr. Niohols designed them witb tbat aim in view. The office will be divid ed into two rooms, a reception room ocoupying tbe west end aud tne dusi- nes office tbe east etid, a louoy occu pying tbe center. Back of the office is a line large chapel, well arranged for guod sized orowd, aud lighted by two chandeliers and side lights. Still back of the chapel are tbe work rooms, aud at the aide tbe sales rooms, une ruuui mu bo used entirely for children s gious. The extra store room In tho building will be occupied by the Paciho btaies Telepboue Co. about tbe nrst ot uie year. Advertised Letter Lht. For week ending Nov. 23, 1907: French, Miss Edna; Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Ting; Peterson, Mis. A. O. ; Pond, Mrs. Maire; Willi. ,ns, Miss Mamie; Williams, MlssOrace; Abelseu, Mar tin; Bel), Pit; Bebill, Harry; Conley, D. D. ; Eriokson. Alfred; (Jliocni, O. A.; Hudson, Harvey; Jubnson, C. H. ; Johnson, Thomas; Johnson, Hans; LuAinstein, A. L ; MoMurray, Mr.; Ottle, August; lulce, Sampson; Suifaoe. Elbert; White, W. T. Wm. M. Yates, P. M. Chapped hands are quickly eurcd by plying Chamberlain s Suive. Price, applying 2o centB, For sale bv Kelr and Cass. 1 r r i i ? I-. '. H "2 t s ' p 'I i V