The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 14, 1907, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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fl T O ;. L M o n MM A
a a c a m m m u mm... j km b b r t
a? YEN
S5 to Sl oWMD
at Face Value
dl Coitom to Us
And we would rather have them . than our excellent assortments of reliable
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Cloaks, Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Suits, Etc.
Which we will gladly exchange for you rClearing House paper.
For Any Amount,
THney are as Good as
Reduction Prices
Prevail all over the Store
O CD C-Zr3 CTSSZSSP CZ--3 ea c errrrm gL ".a Q
Our work guaranteed. Deltz Studio.
Dr. Watt waa iu Portland over Sun
day. Metal house numbers at Hunt's Wall
Paper store.
Mrs. A. A. Jayne spent Saturday iu
Maple Syrup and New York State
Buck Wheat at Jackson's.
Bu'ton tlarris came up from Port
land Thursday.
Salt mackerel, eastern white fish and
pickled salmon at Jackson's.
Clny Brock made a business trip to
Portland Monday
Olives in bulk, bottles, and cans at
J. 0. Maoluuee, of Wbite Salmon,
went to Portland Saturday tor a few
Cull and see the beautiful new pian
os at Soule'i houso.
Freeh made sausage at McGuire Bros,
every day.
Leslie Butler spent Sunday with bis
daughter at centralis returning
Louie Monday.
t'h. C. Young is iu the market for cat
tle, hogs, chickens, etc., and will pay
the highest market price.
Mt. Hood tooth powder, best in the
world at Williams Pharmacy. Money
back if not satisfactory. 114
Try 21 candle power lamps instead
of 'ii. The price ot the lump iv the
same at a 10 candle power. It will
save you money on your meter bill.
1). R. Norton and wife arrived Fri
day on a visit to Hood River friends
for a few jays.
Do you know that Pinesalve Carbolized
acts like a poultice in drawing out in
flammation and poison? It is antisep
tic. For cuts, burns eczema, cracked
bunds it is immediate relief. Sold by
Keir & t'ass..
Noiin Young aud Bert Stranaban
went to Portland Thursday to visit
the horse show.
John Wyers and wife, of White Sal
mon, made a trip to Poitiand the fore
part ot the week.
The special sales at Bragg & Co. 'a is
oertaiuly giving the buying publia
great bargains.
New Orleans Molasses in bulk and
cans at Jackson's.
J. B. Hunt crossed over to the Lit
tle White Salmon yesterday to look at
a land proposition.
Mrs. U. A. C'aike went to Portland
Thursday to visit friends and rela
lives for a few days.
Walter Moore passed through tie
city Friday ou his way home from the
eastern Oregon country.
All kinds of rubber foot wear at re
duced prices at Bragg & k'o.'t
Fall and winter millinerr at "'I lie
Bazaar," Hood Kiver Height. c24tf
Kev. J. W. Mayes came in Monday
from 1'oppeoisb to visit relatives for
a tew days.
Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu
dio. Chickens for Sunday dinner at Mc
Guire Bros. Order early.
E. B. Long aud wife left for Port
laud Thursday to visit friends for a
few days.
I( you want to buy or sell real estaie
go to k & Otteu. Money to
loan on first mortgages. Abstracts and
legal papers carefully prepared. Nota
rial work of all kinds.
Attorneys Back and Nelson, of
Vancouvsr. visited their old friend,
O. H. Gray, on Monday.
The first delivery will be made at 8
o'clock in the morning. Do not fail to
have your orders in for your boils and
roasts in time for this trip. The last
trip will be made at 10:45 aud the last
trip in the evening at 4:30. Please ob
serve these hours of delivery so as to
receive your meats on time and assist
us in the delivi ry. Miliums Bros.
Sheriff Christuan cume down from
The Dalles Satuiday to assist iu the
searoh for John Hamann.
The Dieiz .Studio for photos.
J. M. Culbertsou, U. . Clarke and
Cluy Block eU to The Dulles Sun
day to take in the foot ball game.
W. Haynes has a large and complete
stock of heating stoves, all sizes, from a
small airtight bedroom heater to the
largest size stove for halls or storerooms.
Seo them and get prices.
Goo. P. Urowell and wife weut to
Portland yesterday morning on the
bo t to visit friends for a few days.
A. O. Adams end wife came up
from ductule Locks Mondav and weie
guests ot Mr. and Mrs. A. C Buck.
Wanted Man to dig five or six acres
of potatoes immediately. tl.L.Dutuhlc.
W. L. Iluckabdy came up from Al
bany Fiiday aud went out to Mt.
Hood to look after some business. mat
ters. Wanted Voung nun residing in
Hool lUver to represent us as salesman
at that, point on commission basis.
Page & Son, tVholesale Fruit, Portland,
Oregon. n2l
Lou Morse is now associated with
Mr. Heilbrouuer iu the leal estate
Berkshire pigs for sale; four and Un
months old. G. W. Simons, Capper
Mrs. M. J. Spangler, of Castle
Hock, Wash., is visiting her daugh
ter, Mr. J. C. Chuioard.
Have vou seen "My Hood River
Belle" and heard "The Songs She Used
to Sing?" You should get them and
leain them well, and let the town with
music ring. For sale at Booth's. d5
J.' T. Porter made a business trip to
The Dalles Thursday.
A. O. Heiehey went to The Dalles
Tuesday on business.
Chris Oriesen went to The Dulles
Saturday on business.
B. R. Tucker made a business ttip
to The Dalles luepdny.
W. F. Cash, of Undeiwood, came up
from Porlaud Tbursduy.
Father Maxlmillian Klein made a
business trip to P ; i t laud Friday.
Dr. Beard, of Portland, visited C.
H. Vaogban aud wife over Sundny
O. L. Strauahan and wife were pas
sengers from Portland on No. 2 Mon
day. F. S Stanley pasted through on
N'i. 2 Thursday on a ti ip t.i eastern
Chas Hall and bis brothel, J. B.,
went to Eastern Oregon Saturday to
look up sou. a timber land.
Mis. Wh;'elioad who has been visit
ing bet father, Peter Sonmidt, for a
week, lett tor her home iu Portland
It. II. Huggins & Co. are closing
out their line of men's aud boys'
uits at cost. Their prices will em
prise you.
H. D. Parkins came in Monday
morning by boat from Lyle and left
on the IoohI for Wasco to look atter a
piano sale.
The regular meeting of the W. C.
T. U. will be held at the residence of
Mrs. J. W. Rigby Tuesday, Nov. 19,
at 2:30 p. m.
Father Cyprian, of St. Louis, pro
vincial superior of the Franciscan or
der, was la Hood Rivei Sunday in his
official oapacity.
W. 3. Brownell went to Portland
Saturday to attend a director's meet
ingot the Northwestern Long Dis
tance Telephone Co.
J is. West, civii engineer of the
S ttupter Valley road, came in from
Bakei City Monday to visit his sou,
of the Mt. Hood railroad.
Miss Alvina Hoadley received word
last week that her tatber had passed
away at Guilford, Conn., and left for
that place Thursday morning.
Dr. Dumble went to The Dalles
Monday to prove up on a timber
claim. W. F. Rand and Sam Blowers
accompanied him as witnesses.
Mrs. Williams and daughter, of Ida
ho, who have been visiting relatives
at North Yamhill, came op Friday on
a visit to V. V. Hickock and family.
Pres. .Woodward, of the Oregon
Press association, stepped off the
train Saturday morning to shake
hands with friends ou bis way home
from the east.
J. R. Kinsey and family returned
last week from their eastern tiip.
Tbey visited in Ohio and Pittsburg
for a couple ot months and bad a very
pleasant time.
n w
pGET in the habit
Granite Ware Cooking! fttmviai nfjrialc Toilet Sets Plain and Deco-
utensils of every sort for kitchen ! JulUI Uuj jJCU(ilj rated, Bowls, Pitchers, Slop Jars,
niu. Tittle Prices m i . . , Combinets, 8oap Dishes, etc.
use, wtite rrices. Money Making Moment for Little Prices.
Men of Moderate Menus Laun- '
" " " " tiered Shirlf in while and colored, "
Dinner Sets Very beatiful Men's and Hoy's sizes good quality Chopping Bowls Mine
patterns in plain and drcorated regular dollar shirts for ing Knives Itaisen Seeders, Bak-
. t-... t , "la- ing Dishes, Pie Tins, Collondere,
ware, any size set. Little Prices. OOC etc Little Prices.
4. Ply Linen Collars-C or- Men's Underwear High
CaKd Pans All sizes and liss Coon make grade Hl. wool liKllt weight,
shapes, we have any kind you regulrr $2 00 garments, special
want. Little prices. $1.25
Cushion Tops A window 1 11
lull, som? made up, others to work Roasting Pans-3 stylos,
Flower Pots An I Janlen- come very fine ones, worth 5c and sixes, Dipping Pane, Basting
iers, plain and fancy shapes, Iwnu- ) "r choice nn Saturday for Forks and SKKjns, Carving Sets,
tiiul d. c ialions. Little Prices. I8c Liu;e V'k
Don't Get SoaRsd By Sawing A ic'i n AjviN I'nv S'f Home of us and save 2 p -r cent.
D.S. Vagdjoglou came up from Port
land Thuisdny on business.
J. F. West, of Lyle, was in the city
the latter part of the week.
Miss Cosbow went to Portlaud Fii
day afternoon to visit friends.
S. II. Soule weut to Portland Sptur
day to look after a piauo sle.
J. E. Rand came up ftom Portland
to visit relatives over Sunday.
Mis. Soule left for Poitiand Friday
to visit friend tor a tew duye.
Geo. Lalug, of Dawson City, is vis
iting F. W. Angus in the valley.
C. J. Calkins went to Portland
Thursday aiternoou on business.
G. D. Woodwortb weut to Mosier
Monday to oversee the loading of a
car of apples for New Vork.
Caaby Post G. A. R., will bold
niemoiial services at G. A. R. hall
November 2:), in conjunction with the
VV. R. C. Relatives of deoeusod mem
bers are invited to attend.
C. L. Rogers retumed last week
from Everett, it ash., where he went
to visit his sou, John, who was badly
injured in a logging camp. It is
feared be may lose a leg on account
of the accident.
C. S. Smith has been appointed by
Agent Fredricy express and baggage
agent, to succeed Geo. Howe, who has
resigned to accept snothei position.
He began bis duties Monday morn
Hon. C. W. Fulton passed through
Hood River ou No 2 luesdny bound
for Washington, D. C. lie was met at
the train by Chas. J'. Eaily who pie
sen ted the senator with a basket of
choice Spitzeuberg apples.
Geo. Gearbart, of Ohio, who is
making hit sun, Dr. Gearhait, of
Wbite Salmon, an extended visit, was
the guest o( esse Davidson, at Mt.
Hood, foi sever tl days, returning to
Wbite Sal ..on Tuesday.
The Voung Men's club of the Bap
tist churoh have engaged Mrs. Mattie
Uardwicke Jones, teacher ot expres
eion in McMiunviile college, to give
an eutertaiumout in i locution Tues
day, Nov. 2G, at the Baptist church.
Until further notice the north
bound train on the Mt. Hood rail
road will leave Dee at 3:15 instead of
i o'clock. The change takes place to
day. The south bound trains leave
Hood Rivei at the usual hour.
The Oregon Lumber Co. have ma
terially reduced tbeli force at Dee,
aud when the supply of logs now at
the mill are cleaned up, will shut
down. This is due to the trouble iu
getting cars and the unsettled finan
cial situation.
Tieman Day was oberved Monday
evening at Masonio hall, and attend
ed by tbe largest number ot Masons
ever assembled in tbe hall since ttie
dedication. Dr. Latbrop and E. L.
Smith were tbe principal speak rs of
tbe evening, and their addresses were
greatly enjoyed. A flue banquot f il
lowed. Mrs Clara II. Waldo and daughter.
Edith, who were he-e tbe first of the
week attending tbe Grange meeting,
were guests of C. F. Waldo and lami
ly. Mrs. Waldo is one of the olilcers
of the it Ue Grange. They go from
heie to Tbe Dalles, and will return
and spend Sunday with tbe Waldo
family here.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J.
K. Carson at the Coltago hospital 1 i-t
week. This is the tenth visit ot he
etork to tbe b mm of Mt. U'ld Mrs
Carson, their tinn family now consist
ing of five girls aud bva boys, who
will be a comfort and joy to the wor
thy couple for tbe remainder of tbelr
journey through lite.
Sam Samscn, of Portland, the weal
thy loggei, formerly of Hood River,
wh i baa made a fortune in Alaska,
was in the city over Sunday, the
guest of Marshal Ganger and family.
Mr. Samson has purchased a large
tiact of timbei laud near Portland
and intends to put iu a saw iu'11 in
tbe spring.
Albert Tozler came up fr mi Salyn
Saturday in company w tb Geo B
Hayes, of Sao Jire, Cal., who is look
ing for a location in Oregon. .Mr.
Hayes was verv much interested in
Hood River and may conclude to lo
oate here. Mr. Hayes weut to The
Dalles Tuesday moruiug. i-Lori i .4 iu
tbe atternoou, when ha w s joiutid by
Mr. Tozior au I they proceed' d to
Sectional Bookcases
"Macey" Chippendales are the New
est, Handsomest and Most Practical Bookcases on the
Have a Style of their Own
We have the choice of Golden and Weathered Oak finish. They are
beautifully made and finished inside as well as out. Practical in con
struction Handsome in appearance.
Sic vvart Hardware & Furniture Co. The House of Quality
Jayno spent Tuesday in Port-
Ladies If you 1110 interested in a
coat lor yourself ot child, attend the
sale at L. 11. Hugging & Co.
1 II V, l,nn.JJ th In.
oal for eistmu Oregon Monday to
look after his f-lieeo interests.
I'rank lUciMiirand came up from
Portland Thursday to look after bis
property interests iu the valley.
Wm. White Salmon, left
for Portland Thursday. He has been
under tho weather for several weeks
and will lul.e a rest.
Tho Fa: tern Star lodge held tbelr
annual chicken plo diuuei at Masonio
bail Tuesday evening, and wa fully
up to tho Htaudard maintained by tae
ladies at this annual event. The din
ner was hold ut OMO p. m., and the
banquet tables were loaded with good
things, tbe mbstantial part of tbe
dinner being chicken pie. A number
cf guauts were present, and after tbe
banquet a gncd social time was bad.
Photographer Dietz has a dog whlob
has taken the responsibility or
bringing up a kitten and seeing that
it does not stray away from home and
get into trouble. Tbe other day the
kittou went over into tbe neighboring
yard of Cant. Crandull. The dog dis
covered it soon after aud running
over, it ctabbed the kitten by tbe
back of the neck and can led it back,
putting it down unhurt as soon as
their ou 11 yard was reanhed.
While pulling n cur of apples out of
b siding at the Van Horn station Fri
day evening, tho pussenger ooaob
wheels climbed the rail end ran oft
the tiaii; It top'dud over on its side
iu the i ii.'h and was more or lea
smashed v;k The conductor had a
narrow oaenpo. He was on tbe plat
form and ua th;o"ii in tbe ditch,
with tho car over him, but tbe ditch
was deeo enough to protect him. Ow
ing to the slow rate ot speed no one
was iujuicd.
Troy Shelley brought In 101 boxes
of tir'fX grade Spitzeuheig apples last
week Iroci (is live yptir old tiees,
which told tor $-71. Only two boxes
ivoro four and a half tier, the balanoe
being four tiet and larger. The
gro'iud ma net fertilized or irrigat
ed The trees were sprayed four
times, ti1. ir.) when the bloom was fall
ing and t.vlce at Intervals ot thirty
days But two wormy apples were
f jiiud. All the appies were colored a
deep ri d ibe srnnnds will more than
pay for hexes, wiping and packing.
Kci lfci.tly attracted by tbe loads of
M'in leid i:id hay (hat has been going
"i the Itcckford store of late, an old
hey bots'i tried to break into tbe
st 01 o in the early morning hours one
day U.-t week, and bad succeeded lo
t-cili'i- in a window in the front of
st'iu', when caught In the aot by
Always Ready
Never Leaks
The Parker
Fountain Pen
Sells because It Excells
Tbe Verdict of the World
An Even Flow of Ink
A Smooth Gold Point
Make writing a pleasure. If you are thinking of buy
ing a Fountain Pen for yourself or a present to a
friend, you can't afford to overlook THE PARKER.
A large assortment at
oil '
As this waa tbe first
s the sheriff was not uotined,
l!rn. L'rayford read tbe old ainner
the ri it a-.t, exhorting blin to mend
bis ways, and allowed biin to depart.
E. C. Rogers retumed from Ibe
Dalles yesterday.
A. O. Lender and wife were Port
land visitor! Tuesday.
Capt. Allyn and wife, of Portland,
visited Majo.- Booth and wife, return
ing borne yesterday afternoon.
Rnaaa1l fihulla and witn Mm DD
from Carson yesterday and went out
to Odell to attend to business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Newtown Clark, of
Portland, visited their aon, W. L.
Clark, and family, over Sunday.
Rev. L. O. Dix went to Gresbam
Mondav to make aiangementt for
holding religious meetings at that
Robt. Livingstone came op from
Portland Thursday and apent a few
daya looking after bis property inter
est! in tbe valley.
Edgar Button baa resigned his posi
tion in tbe ooatotHoe and has entered
the employ oLVogt Uroe., where bis
manv friends will find him ready to
minister to tbelr wanta In the olotb
tog and gents' furnishings line. He
la succeed ed in tbe postotBce by
Tboa. Bishop.
Mr. Leedy, Mia. Waldo and Mr.
Howard attended tbe meeting of tbe
Grange at tbe Odd Fellows ball yes
terday. The purpose of tbe meeting
la Instruction and drill In tbe work
and leotures foi tbe good of the or
der. There was a good attendance,
all the tiraugea In tbe valley being
wall represented.
The Keosiugton given by tbe U. B.
Aid society will be at tbe home of S.
E. Bartmess Thursday afternoon,
Nov. 14, at 2 o'olock. All ladies in
vited to attend.
Tbe members cf Laurel Rebekah
lo idge, 1. O. O. F., are planning a
five o'olock dinner for Nov. 18, at
Odd Fellows balL All visiting mem
bers are Invited to participate.
Tuesday afternoon Noah Bone's res
idence at Willow Flat oaugbt tire and
burned to the ground with all the
contents exoept a sewing machine,
which was saved. Mrs. Bone was at
home and a hired man was on the
place at tbe time, but Mr. Bone was
absent. It is thought tbe tire caught
from a stovepipe betweou tbe celling
and tbe root, and gained such head
way befoie discovered that there wa
no chance to tave much. There was
no Insurance.
"Businers and Religion" Is thetop
io to be discussed at tbe Baptist
ohuroh next Sunday morning. In tbe
evening the Sunday . sobool will ob
serve Bible day with appropriate ex
eroeiea. Tbe young people's meeting
to be at 7 o'clook prompt.
Hood River's popular jeweler, W.
F. Laraway, was down yesterday and
tour old IJi" I Kiverites met on a oor
ner from ditteieut directions and be
gan discussing tbe annexation of
Portland to Hood Kiv.i; but we
coaxed them out of tbe notion a be
ing nielsei, as all the good people of
Hood River were ooming to St. John
at fast as they oould sell out. Review.