J 1 f 1 TWO HOOD KIVER QLAOIER, THURSDAY, NO EMBER 14, 19.07- I.'i j, :1 onfo SUurr (Blarirr ImuiU Kvtiy Thumday bjr ARTHIR D. MOE, Publisher. Term of SuL iipuou-f I (0 a year in f.rtvnr.ic. When a gociJ jockey can earn $00, UUO a 5 out, it in ttrnue that so uiauy lightweights try to frl Into coDgrena. . So tbe uavy Ij In (urobat "90, 000 gallons of oil. Wouder if tbe octupua wouldn't be willing for ua to iedit tbe price on that floe? Ad Omaha editor asaeiU tbat Bryan la weaker than be was in 18U6 and 1000. Tbe weakaeaa must be confined to bia legi. tkeu, for bit luuga still teem to be all right. Ad Euglifb clentlat eaya tbat ex cessive eating of piunea baa a tenden cy to shorten lite and produce bald ueea. And yet, the bald-beaded board er la invariably tbe bappieet and mer riest iu the lot. A Ban Antonio piomoter baa ven tured tbe rie Motion tbat tea yeara bence there will be five thousand mil lionaiiea Id Texas. In tbat case tbe rest of tbe population will probably be beaded tor.the poor boose. A Virginia judge apologizes tor go log to sleep while tbe attorneys were arguing. It would seem to ua tbat tbe attorneys ought to do the apologizing when tbev can't even Intelsat tbe judge who miiHt decide tbe issue. "Tbe pure foud law ought to make them state on tbe bottle bow many headaches there are inside." sa.s the Baltimore Sod. No use; very few peo nle would believe tbe label ipoke tbe truth either before or after taking. Wouldn't there be a bowl if Uncle Barn should advance tbe price of post age stamps, on "account of tbe in creased cost of living?" And yet it la hard to tbink of any one whose liv ing expenses have increased more rap idly. "How meek and lowly a girl is dui ing oouttshlp and bow strenuous af ter marriage," remarked the New Ha ven Leader; whereupon tbe Hartford Post meanly callod attention to the faot tbat tbe editor of the Leader was just borne ftoip his honeymoon. Ouoe more, tbe deadly olgarette hag claimed a victim. At 'Julpurt, Miss., a colored man tied bia fishing line to bis neck while be rolled a olgarette, and a huge cat llab swallowed tbe bait, got caught on tbe book and jerked the llshermau Into tbe sea, to perish miserably. Truth la indeed stranger than any of Dr. Lung's na ture storloa. "We take clearing house oertlQ cates" is a sign now to be seen in tbe bow windows of almost every Port luud business house. The financial sky la clearing and there is every prospect that two weeks more will see conditions noruial. In October oolouist tickets were sold over tho Harrimau lines as fol lows: To Portland 520, to points In Oregon south of Portlaud, 301, Hood Ulver 13, Tbe Dalles 13, Pendleton 11, LaUrande IB, Baker City 14, Walla Walla 30, Lewiston 15, balance scat tering. The meeting of tbe Mosier Commer cial club Saturday evening will be well attended and a royal good time will be bad. Hood Kiver should be well repiesented, and quite a number have expressed their intention of be lug at the meeting. A delegation from Portland, beaded by Tom KiohardsoD, will be there, and the formal opening of the new Mosier club will be launched under the most favorable auspioes. Tbat enterprising oomrouui ty is up to the spirit of tbe times and Is beginning to make good progress, The Mosier valley is tbe oue plaoe In Oregon where they raise apples "as good as Hood Kiver." Mr. JarksiHi FalrrUiua. One of the mont charmioK vents tbat ban tftkrn place in aome time was enjoyed lat Wednexiny nicht rf Inst week at the lon e of Mr. aud Mrs. K K. Jarkion, heu a re.- licn wasgiv en iu honor of IT. aud .Mrs. A. II Latbion. Mi and Mr. Lath -ii. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson oined their beuutif ul bou.e for the flrt ti:ne since it linn luri tnni k-teil cod acids cannot adaauatelv exrrr s its beauty, Tbe recettion ball, which la furoMied in antique oak, alforded a beautiful back ground for tlio tall green palms and vaes of lovely pink cbrysutbe mums. Tbe parlor is finished In tbe eld oo lonial stvle with the beams snowing. and frcm each cornel of tbe square was suspended a large electrio globe, studded with ftar , which pave a most delicate light and made tbe loom sbine with beauty. The tire place wu tilled with flowers and palms und threw out a fragranoe tbat was really delicious. Mr. Jackkson, not having returned from bis hunting trip Mrs. Jackson bad '.o lie host and hostess combined, aud certainly proved herself an excel lent oue. Sho received In a charming gown of crepe de chine over tBletta. Mis. Latbrop worn a very liaiiclwome gown of white pongee with lace, and Miss May t.t)IIo hh c owned in a white luce role over chillou. Misses llradley and Ldgington played a very charming duet, alter which I'ror. urouse welcomed Dr. Latbrop and family to liood Kiver in behalf of tho church members. .Mrs. Purkius welcomed them in bei delightful manner lor tbe Ladies Aid society. Miss Ida wrignt spoke veiy feeling ly in behalf of t he Kn worth League at tbe conclusion o( which Miss Alberta Jackson chaiuied the audience witb a sweet sonir, booouii uuied on the piano by Miss r.dfclnitlou. li K. LSiudiey g ive a si.ieudid ail drees which was crammed full of good wishes from the Sunday school. liev. W, t. Oilmore, of the Congre gational church, and gave a 'Jne sp-ecb which was over Mowing with wit aud good fueling. liev. Nutley, of the liaptist church, wbo has been here but a short time, assured the doctor and bis family that their lot IihiI fallen in pleasant places, as liood Kiver was certainly good to itr miuisters. Miss Wright theu asked permission to soy a tew words tot Mr. and Mrs. Latbrop, which were certainly re sponded to by thorn In a very pleasing manner. The doctor aud his wife were equal to tbe occasion and each gave a splendid talk which delighted their hearers Alter a piano sclo by Miss Wiedrick tbe guosts bad a merry time getting acquainted aud were served a very delectable luncheon by the ladies who assisted Mrs. Jackson in entertaining. Several guiuos wore played and longs sung and alter tilling Mis. ackson that, they wishod sho would give a reception every night everyone went home happy, charmed with our new residents. Dastardly Outrage. Saturday eveulug some miscreant entered the bom of W. Mom inc. d ur ns the absence nf the occupants and smashed tip and slushed witb a knife nearly everything In the house. Mrs. blaming went down town after supper to do some shopping and wbeu she re turned utter eight o'clock discovered tbe home in confusion. Dishes and glassware wcto lnoken, a new sofa slashed from one end to the other with n knife, bureau drawers ran sacked aud the contents torn and cut to pieces, olothos cut and ruined, and burdly a thing In the house left unin- ured. A bottle uf em bolic add was emptied on carpets and food lott iu the bouse, und the fiend left a scene of desolation in bis wuke before de parting. . Marshal (.1 auger was noti fied, and while suspicion points strongly to the perpetrator of the deed, he has not yet heeu apprehend ed. It Is dourly an act of revenge, and it is hoped the perpetrator will be caught and dealt witb to the full est extent ot tbe law. The flnauoial stiuatlon is not hav ing any appreciable eBeot upon Ilocd Kiver. lluslness is going aloug about ua usual. There is no uneasiness felt as to any of our local banks, no with drawal of deposltn, aud everybody Is keeping a cool bead and not trying to make trouble by foolish talk. Clear ing bouse certificates are being circu lated to a small extent, but not mauy aie using them. Most of small ao counts are being paid In cash, while the bulk of the business Is being done by oheoks on the local jbanks, which are as good as gold. I he failure of tbe Merchants National at Portland, has not alfeoted Buy of the bauks here, as none of them bad any depos its with the bauk, nor weie any indl viduals bere doing business with the bauk. Firmer continue to bring in apples and are being paid for them In the usual manner. Kut rlcan-l.ay ton. . Herbert K. Kutrican and Miss Cur rie Laytou were married at tbe resi dence of tho bride's parents at Port laud luosduy evening ut eight o'clock. K. 11. llartwig was best man and Miss Laytou, sister uf the bride, brides maid. The happy couple left on the evening train for Culifornii, where they will spend a short honeymoon. 1'hey were accompanied by Mrs. D. O. Kutrican and daughter, Ethel, aud Mrs. 11. U. MoUulie aud son. Xhosn present at the wedding from Hood Kiver wore 11. C. McUulre and family, li. M. Huxley and family, A. C. Lender aud wlte, 10. 11. llartwig, Honiei Ureene and Miss Paulson. Site fur .Sen Fountain. Tho new drinking fountain pur chased through tho ett'orts of the la dies cf the W. C. T. U. will be set up at the corner of Uak aud Third streets, Iu front of the new bauk building of the Hood Kiver banking St Trust Co. While many think that it should be placed ut the comer of Oak and Sec ond, or somewhere on Second street ou account of the greuter width ot that street, yet the fountain will be placed at the place designated by the ladles. To Our Customers and Friends. Wo have some gilt edge real estate loan applications that will interest you if you do.-uro In place funds on eight poi cent interest fur a year or lunger. First .National liana-. Fine Apples Sent to the President. President Koosevelt aud Attorney Ueneral Knox will have good cause to lonieiuber Oregou when tbey receive the two boxes of big Hood Kiver au pics that are to be shipped to them this evening by Sealy, Masou & Co. The fruit is ot tbe Winter tlanuna va i lety, raised at the Vender hilt or chard, near the town of Hood Kiver, iOaoh apple avorages a pound iu weight, and la ot tho rich, creamy nolor of a ripe bauana. On opening the box, an aroma as of pineapple greots the beholder, and a rich per me permeatts tbe room. Tbe fruit was bought by a man who is iu tbe oity from tbe national cap 1 tat, and wbo does not wish bia name mentioned in connection with the transaction. It is doubtful about the distinguished recipients ever knowing who tbe douor is, although tney win be made fully aware where tbe apples came from. The brand of apples sent, retail In New ' York at 35 cents apiece, aud therefore taste too much of silver to be found in the markets iu any abundanoe. Telegram. Horn. To Mr. aud Mrs. Carl Lsopold, vomber 10, a girl. No- Masonic Lodge Saturday Evening. Iiegulur meet intf 'f Musculo Lodge Sulurday evening. Work iu K. A. de grte. Members requested to be pres ent. Visiting brothers welcome. A. 1) Moe, W. M. AllimiONAL LOCAL Frank Chandler Has u passenger for Portland yesterday on the local. J. 1 liatcheldei made a business trip to Portland yesterday afternoon, K. Smith cunio up from Portlaud Tuesday to look otter busiuess inter ests. C V. Koss returned yesterduy morulug Ironi u Lusiuoss trip to. foit iaud. .. MlssStrykei, of l'orliaud, visited friends In the city the fore part of the weetr. Petor Schmidt, the btikor, has sent his children to Portland to atteud school. Deaoou Davidson is spending a week at bis ti illy Megutdeu ranch uear Bald Unite; Mrs. Douglas; of Salem, arrived Tuesday 'on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. Otteu. I X I '0 ,?'! &i ft j-", i . i i -' . r. M Mcrs and Boys' Overcoats We li.ive t like as Miiliiu'iit of Over- route for Boyn, of KersevH, Men il I. (I Meltons, Chevoits, and Worsteds for $3.50, $4.50, $5.50, $6.25, 58.00 and Up Itaineotit of tin cel ebrated PIMESTLY Roods for $8.50 and $14. Hays' overcoats in all ages from two years up, $2, 2.50, $3 and up. The Paris Fair The Store That Saves You Money SPECIAL-Men's AH-Wool Sox 19c Here is a special for Saturday .pid Monday that ought to interest every man in tlV valley, this cold weather. Heavy al l-wool so v ! i ; , . , re a bargain at the regular price of 25 etc u pair. Special Saturday and Monday, the p i!i- J00 Special-WcnV Heavy tt'?v:i Wei! worth $1 u Suit Soinei hing reed Underwear you will ap preciate tliiH cold weather. SjM-ial, the garment, 33c Another Nice Lot of Blankets 7 and Comforters Just in. Now is when you will apprecinte them, too. u Ladies' Furs. Our line of moderately priced Furs is without a rival in the city. It includes Mink, Otter, Isabella Fox, Marten, Er mine, Siberian Squirrel, Angoi;i, and French Coney. We bought these away under value and are selling them at the same big saving. Call and look them over, and compare them with anything in the city from 10 to 50 higher and you will find them their equal if not superior. P. W. Annus rotnrned Yesterday from a trip to Portland. J. M. Sohmeltzer received word yekteiday from County Uletk liolton tbat legal papers were now being re corded. Etutuett Tompklua aud Cecil Hol- inau returned the early part of tbe week from eastern Oregon where tbey were bunting wild geese. Rev. Dr. Latbron will no to Port end today to attend a convention of be Uome Missionary societv. wbieh will be in sesslou until November 2G. Ex Gov. Oeer. ot tbe I' Tribune, passed tbroueb on the loeul yesterday foi Portlaud, and stepped otr the tiain to shake bauds with friends. E. II. bbepard. R. 11. Wallace. J. II. lieilbronner, J W. Wilson and A. layue attended tbe banouet nf the Poitland Commercial club Friday evening. The Ladles Aid societv of th M E. churob will bold a inusinal at tbe opera bouse Novembei 22d. Prepara tions are being made for a fine enter tainment, wbiob will be provided en tirely by borne talent. Mrs. Clara D. Waldo, wbo was bere attending tbe Orange meoting, left for roruano yesterday on account of the failure of tbe Merobuots National bank. Mrs. Waldo Is thti owner cf the building In which tbe tank is situat ed. Mr. A. 1). CanBeld left today foi Portland, where she will i isit trieud, for a few weeks, and may conclude to ipeud tb wiutni iu California. Mrs. Waller Lovirni. of Bnowdnn. taken to a Portland hospital yes terday, sutferiug from typhoid She was taken sick last week. fever. Several statements have come to us from purchasers of the ''Carbon Sad Irons" tbat the party selling them reprenented himself as working in conjunction with us, mainly for the purpose of introducing tbe Ironsaiid we would after that carry them in Block, by him doing so and gaining the confidence of the public and en abling bira to make the sale. In order todinpel any erroneous im pressions almut the matter we wish tostnte most emphaticaly that we know nothing whatever about those Irons, either before or after the sales were made, except to the extent that we premised to carry them in stock upon tho solicitation of the party selling them and the many re quest! of our customers, ''Clark Coal" wnich is the proper thing for beating Clurk's Heaters and would probably win k nil right in any other well con structed instrument of that kind. Yours truly, Stewart Hardware & Furnitvrc Co. HOOD RIVER Roller Skating Rink beginners during NOT OPEN SUNDAYS Comfortably heated, Fine Floor, 250 pairs Winslow Iiiimi L-K.... 1 oi i r ii r : ciL.; i uiiiuua a iuci ttuu oteei ran wearing o&aieg. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to begii regular session. CLASS LESSONS given by Prof. Harrison, the LEAP THE GAP MAN and formerly floor manager Exposition Rink, Portland. Admission Ladies Free. Gents. 10 cents. Skates 25 cents. Hours Every night 8 to 1 0. lhursdays & Saturdays 2:30 to o p. m. NOTE Noaily. everybody, old as well as young, are learning to skate, so don't put it off and regret it. OATFIELD & WEXEL, Props. Antl-Cigaretto Law Told. Spokane, Nov. 11 The anti-cigar ette law, wbiob banished this kiud of smoking material from tbe state of Washington, waa declared void by Judge E. II. Sullivuu, in tbe superior oooit this morning, on the ground tbat tbe title does not confoim to tbe body of tbe act. Royal Arch Chapter. Regular meeting Friday evening, Nov. 15. Work in tbe M. M. degree. Members requested to te present. Visiting companions welcome. D. MoDonald, II. l. MISCELLANEOUS. Kor Hale-Hpan of 6-year-old black horses. welKhlilOO pounds; flint class In everv re. pert. At a bargain If taken at onco. A. H. Hbel ley, Udell. d5 FOB HALE While pony, weight bout 700 lb which wm taken up about the first of November, will be sold at my premises, one mile east of liood River, on Saturday, Dec. 7, at 10 o'clock a. m., u pay for feed and charnei. V. V. Hickock. dr FOR BALE CblckerlDg piano, nearly new. inquire of John Lelaud Henderson. 0" FOR SALE Edlaon Cylinder Home Phono, graph with four doten records In good order. Would exchange for fire wood or any old uing. Apply at the Kockford Store Hood River. an CHAS. G. PltATT PriciJent J. II. OSBOUNK Vice President It. W. PRATT Cashier HOOD RIVER BANKING & TRUST CO. We Are Just as Attentive and Fair In Our Dealings With the Small Depositor as with the Larger One. WE DO NOT GUARANTEE TO DO every thing for you that you may be offered elsewhere, but we do agree to so treat vou that you will respect us for what we may have to refuse to do quite as much as for what we do do. Our Fire Proof Vault Is equipped with safety deposit boxes, they are free to customers; to others we make a charge of $5.00 per year for the smaller boxes and $7.50 for the larger sizes. You are the holder of the keys, thus securing absolute privacy, We deserve to be favored with a share of your business. FJKST, Because we have had seventeen years ex perience in the bunking business, and our record is strictly clean, which if you intrust your business to us, insures your receiving intelligent and honest treatment. SECOND, We own our banking building, having spent a number of thousand dollars in building and fitting up in modern banking room, of which a city many times the size of Hood ItiAer might be justly proud. THIRD, we tire centrally and conveniently lo cated. Our stock is held in Hood River, and we are a HOME institution. MARION I. JOHN LELAND IIKNOERSON, Prei. Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public " ' . J. M. SCHMELTZER, Sec-Treaa. HENDERSON, Vice President Hood River Land Emporium Real Estate, Loans, insurance, Abstracts, Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying Uur abstract books are up to date in every particular and abstracts of Hood River Valley probity in one of our specialties. Conveyancing and Surveying given special attention. We represent four of the best Fire In surance Companies having Agents in the City, arid will give you satisfaction in the insurance line. . A List of Some of Our Property for S u.le V acrea, 2 miles S. W. of . Hood River. 10 acres of 1 and 2 year old opple trees: acres of English Walnuts;-15 inches of water; no bnildings; S.000; 13,600 cash, balance on time. 40 acrrs of wild land, $1000 worth of timber, 8 miles out, rough, well watered ; $1500. ' r 320 acre of raw land, timber reserved, under irrigating ditnli, platted in 10-acr lota, 12 miles out, first class apple land, at $10,000. 40 acres IJ miles from Hood River, rolling, good orchard land, 3 acres plowed, all fenced, good well, at $4000. . . . 100 acres 11 miles north of White Salmon, over twentv acres in orchard. 70 acres in timothy pasture, plenty of water, a first class fruit and dairy ranch at $15,000. 2 houses and four lots, close In at $2600, $1200 cash, balance on time, rents for $26 per month for the two houses. Iloiue and lot In Blower addition, 5, rooms, plastered, City water, at 160 acresou the east side 12 miles out, 120 acres of brush, several springs, a fine location to start an orchard, $4000. . CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED the rresitient oi trie company is city i-n vevinir end civil engineering work f ABSTRACTS A 61'ECIALTY . neineer, all kinds. an I is prepared to do sur- Opinions given on titles. PHONE MAIN 141 KOK HAI.E Horse, chenn fur i-uah vimh note or exchange for city lot. A. S. Mowers. 5 For Hale Will deliver 4-fnnt nuk irnnil m B per cord; Id-Inch oak, S7.05 per cord. David vmu, ruuue main 02. uU For Sale Hnron oart anrl hvmc.oa Rhodes, Paris Fair. Ora nil For H&lfr Ynnnr R. F. D. No. 1. pigs. Mrs. VanAllen, nH ForBale-As I am Iravlnir limit im-or I offer my house and three lots for siili . White honse, north of Episcopal church. No. I.S7. , Grace Wilcox, Cleone, Ore. if ForSnle 17 acres of land ahoiit im r,i litlf miles south of the O'dell store In Hood River valley; five acres clenrel: about 200 m. ple trees two and thrieyeurs old. All mod land. Enquire of J. W. Jenkins, l'h one Grocery store In Portland, dolne cash busi ness, trade for Hood Kiver oronertv. Hot- sau-tf cm, imae lor t m, Hood Kiver. For Hale I.IVA nhwumnla r'hlni. 1 1.00. (ioldcns and Hi Ivers. Stl.00 each. Mr G. H. Kobhlns, Route 1, Hood Kiver, Oregon. ruuue farmer lw. For sale 40 acres of Al fruit limit i.. .,.,.. of valley. Easv terms. Ilmu Hmi Ri.. Oregon. sawf ' FOR HALE- Elffhtv acres it lnnriT ot flue fir timber, 12 aeres In apple orchard, i years old this fall, and bore several hun dred boxes of apples Northern Hdy, Bald win and Winter Kd all inmr Vatir ! .,.,1 all under good fence; four flelds all In clover; .....v. ...lllu iinuugu HiuHii uilcii t inonriis In the vean no waste Innrt nr iwt and no;tl)lon the land: can be plowed any time In winter when not rutnimr ui,.r. church aad school nearby, two miles from" bslacada; railway; good plunk road; no b'lllrt. lugs on lend: several million feet ol lumber can be got out of trees. Water can he had by J.'Jffi!? 20 fcet- W!" 8e" ,l,e wes for 12,6O0. C. H. Guttrtdge. Spring Water. Ore. FOR HALE One hl.i-k mora 1.J in I't .An old, weight, HO pounds; JIUO: One while mare, Li years old, weighs from 1100 to 1-J00 S.; ff o.ne ,J"on-8ry '" 4 years old, weight 1200 Rounds, nriw (tuti ) v..tn (mares), price H0 each. M. Uiinia's. Mt.Hcmd n8 FOR BALE New rax car not. cut. Address Box 111, or call on Elliott, Hood Kiver Heights. Neve b ien Mrs. 11. W. n-Jti FOR 8A1 E Good farm tea .u very reason able If taken at once. Phono Farmer's 4 111. uSS FOR SALE Kerkshlrontm. a in old. G. W. Simons. Cranner 'district FOR hrALE Household man Young. ' Mrs. Nor- Lost and Found LOST Black r.nn hpturoon i, and BChool house. Return to Sam Ulowera. d& YOUR TrsTTTn If 11 Will procure BARGAINS in CLOTHING at THE TOGGERY. Our stock is all new, made this year, of correct designs, and best fabrics, and every suit is a bargain at the low prices at which we i re offering them. They all go Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits-at greatly re duced prices as long as they last. Every day is sales t!r?y. and every Suit is a bargain. See them and price them before buying your Fall Suit. - - . ;'VV,:, Straved One l.rlnrfi. o.i and one black and white heifer, all two.vHur. 'fnl? ,bra?1d?on right hip, left ear crop ped and right ear split and underblt; bo h steers and h unk .nA mv.i. " ' Reward ofiw perhead wll 'be ; il.1g tne,m,,"P and notifying me. K. W. Jochlnsen, R.F.fi. No. 1, Hood Kiver, Ore? nU Wanted. River, to rere,mt 's"T. 'ZZZ l. point on ctimmlssion basis. Page A Hon Wholesale Fruit, Portland, oregou dr, ' WANTEDGood fresh, young cow, Call ou R. H. Coshow, at the Toggery. n! WANTKii-iun i . ir. r Ch'rubethman. acres o. tana. WANTEb A irond hnmoefoori tj,.h,...i..l. ment, cheap. Address C ., care of The Ul,'i, . I M For Rent FOR RF.NT-riirai.i,.H at McDonald", more. W. II. All-' III n;i FOK KENT.jir. !.. . -TT TT .irouiwi ot ii,x predion. Oak HI. It R. H. Coshow, Propr ietor NOTICE FOR PCBLTHATfov AUgus? H nd 0fflCe Tbe Da"es- 0reKn- fir W "An ac l lo'r Z o timber lands in ih aiu,.. ..r .,,.; ? . .. 1 1 gon. Nevada, and WashlugVon Terrirv " nr ,8AKAH K- RAINOUH, No. p. "r" he "porch of 'the l1 k. oi S-tl No. 84, IttowiihloKo B"K o. II E.. W. M.. and will ..nU guiles, uregon, on the 10th day ot - H bhe munes M witnesses, Charles E. I)avlit abt?e darBiLBeri"ODf clal'"'lf dversly the. th7lrcl.Z.b.h andare reJted u. Hl Vay'oflu'irJ,06 " r befo" - ' U. W. MOORE, R.glstir, V OREGON II II II I I i.M-aTTI