The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 07, 1907, Page Eight, Image 8

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Hats and Caps
Your Great Opportunity
Your Friends are All Going
Bargains Galore bJ vy uu 1 Are You?
ill Ml ) U ili cH I
V - s
'M.CTEaWMMBPfM 'HWlM I III II m i mi m i
Eugene ii la the mldfit of a muulcl
pal waterworks oampaitfo. That thrlv
iuj! city has several timet voted upon
the matter and in one or two Instanc
es the vote was overwhelmingly in fa
vor of the idea, but for ome unao
oouotable resann it wai not oarrled
out. Now tin advocates of tbo meas
ure seem to be in downright earnest
and they woo by putting up a strong
Mayor Matlock of that olty hus
within the past week or two sent to
various oitlea in the Paolflo northwest
where there are In operation munici
pal water planta a aeries ot questions
in regard to the coat ot building the
plants, the uet Income, eto. Bo tnr
figures from Cottage Grove, Corvallis,
Pendleton, Oregon City, Portland and
Walla Walla have been reeolved aud In
eaob Instance the phnt is a financial
suooesa and the rates for water to the
consumer are much lower than In
those oities where the plants are
owned by ptivate oonoeini.
Petidsioton has a pumping plant
which was built lu 1878. The net
prollt to the city from the plan' in
liMKI wits ?l'.U9 :t(l.
Cottage Grove's gravity system has
been in opeiatlon for 15 years and the
city has a surplus water fund ot $5000
from its operation.
There Is a gravity system at Corval
lis aud the not Income U 10250. The
city recently purchased the pumplug
system which had beeu In operation
there in addition to the city system.
Oregon Citv has a pumping system
and uses filters. The groHS income
there Is $1100 a mouth and the ex
pensos of operating the plant are less
than $."00 per month. The rates for
water there are said to be lower than
In any city of the state.
At Walla Walla the plaut cost $700,
000, and the net income is $:!C,000 i
At Portland the net income from
Urn Hull Hun plant is $1)04,000 a year.
Mayor Matlook expect figures from
other cities soon. They will lie uaea
ilmiuif the campaign which will be
wasod between now and the boud
election next Monday, to ahowtheac
vantage ot the water system owned by
the city. Kogue Klvor Courier.
A lU'Ilahlo Remedy for Croup
Mrs. 8. Uosinthal, of Turner, Mk-lii-tiansava:
"We have uwd Chamber
Iain's Cough Medicine for ourselves and
children for several rears and like it
very much. I think It is the only remedy
t - i - 1 1 i ..
l-'or sale by Keir A Cass.
Hood Klvcr Delivers the Uoods.
' Ten years ago Hood Hirer apples
mere worth neither more nor less than
my othei Oregon apple. Today the
Irult rivals any In the world and costs
SO a box. llcod Kiver lauds cost one
thousand doliara an acre. These re
mlts are due largely to the faot that
the Hood Kiver people take I be great
nt pains in the selection ot their
fruit. Bad fruit la condemned and
the reputation maintained. Tilla
mook llerald.
A Significant Prayer.
"May the Lord help you make Buck
len's Arnica Salve known to all," writes
J. G. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. C. It
quickly took the pain out of a felon for
me and cured it in a wonderfully short
time. Best on earth for sores, burns
nd wounds. 25c at Clarke's drug store.
" Afier the Publishing lloiisew.
The state board of education mid
the attorney-general do not agree up
on fie interpretation ot that poitiuu
of tin Ute text bot k law which re
quires the publishers to sell their
books at as low a price in I bin utisto
as they do in any other state. Tbo
board rooeotly asked the attorney
general's advice nud then proceeded
to act contrary to it.
It has been discovered thut somo of
the publishers aie selling books at re
tall la Louisiana aud Tenneeie
cheaper than they are sold in Oieenn.
AgalnBt this the board protected, ll.o
oompanles take the position that tliov
are entitled to gut as much for their
books, not, lu Oregon, as they do iu
any other state and they represent
that diirereuce in fright, oommU
sious, etc., acoouuU for the hlwlior
prloe in Oregon. T'ko board hobU
that when the contract was made with
the publishers stipulating that they
shoull not sell books for a grouter
price in Oregon tbau is charged iu
other states, reference whs had to the
price the parent or pupil must pay
and not to the net price received by
the company. lu accoidunco with
this view the board yesteiday adopted
a resolution declining that retail
prices here must not l o higher tbau
in oi her states
The controversy aroao ovor four
books. The plane and solid geometry
is sold for 1)0 cents lu TentieHHoo while
in Oregon the price is $1.25. The
physical geography sells tor H8 cents
iu LoulBliimt, while it costs the Ore
gon pupil $1. The uew text look on
elementary ngriciiltnre sells for 00
cents iu LouUiaua Hiid 75 in Oregon.
The general history costs tho Louisi
ana boy and girl $1.35 and tho Oregon
pupli 91.50. Since the text book lnw
and the contracts with publishers pro
vide that these differences shall not
exiBt, the boaid proposes lo sen Hint
OregjU shall buy hooks at lowest
prlooa. Salem Statesman.
A Hani Debt to Pay.
"I owe a debt of gratitude that can
never be paid off," writes G. S. Clark,
of Wcsttiold, Iowa, ''for rescue from
dealli.liy Dr. King's New Discovery.
Both lungs were so K'liously affected
that death Beenicd emniineiit, w hen I
commenced taking New Discovery. The
omnious dry, hacking cough quit before
the first bottle was used, nud two more
bottles made a complete cure." Noll
ing has ever equaled New Discovery for
coughs, colds and all throat aud lung
complaint. Guaranteed lv Clin-. N.
Clarke, druggist. 60c and $1.00. Trial
bottle free.
Changes in Head Oflleers W. 0. W.
Owing to the death cf J. C. Lat
shaw, head clerk of the Woodmen of
the World the following changes bav(
been made by the board ot managers:
C. V. HeiiHon, of Kt. Collins, Colo.,
one of tho board of mnuageis, suc
ceeds Mr. Lnlshaw an bead olerk; and
Frank P. Iluake, of Pueblo, Colo.,
succeeds Mr. lionsou on the board of
Will Celebrate Tieniuii Day.
Hood Kivei Lodge No. 105, A. P. &
A M., will hold their auuual observ
ance of TiemHii l):iy Monday evening,
November 11. Ail members of tho or
der are invited to attend. Itefresh
monts will be set vod.
This 1m North Remembering.
As no one is immune, every ieisoii
should remember that Fulev'a Kidney
Cure will euro any case of kidney or
bladder trouble thut is not beyond the
reach of medicine. Clarke Drug Co.
Phone 491
Our Groceries
Will build you up! Their absolute
purity insures their wl olesomenet.?.
We cater to a class of customers who
want things right and appreciate our
efforts to satisfy in all particulars.
Canned Goods
In great variety and all of a superior
quality. Our prices will interest yon.
Free Delivery
Wood & Smith Bros.
aho Union Pacific
3 Trains to the East Daily
ThroiiRh Vullnian standards oivl tnuriat
liotti cars daily to Omnhii. ClOcnito, .Siv
ksnc; tourist Ripening osrs dallv In Kara,
" !'.. iriroiiKi) ruiimnn tourist Hlwplnir "r
(iwrwHisnlly eonductPd) wooklv to CIiIchvo.
Hwllnlng clmir ours (scaui trie) to the K.nt
I'nlon Depot- Leave. Arrlv-'
Clilpnitvloriltid Special for
Hie Kast via Huntington, dally 8:30 am 8:) niu
Hpokane Flyer for Kiisteru
WashliiKton. Walla Walla,
lwlston, ('opiird'AlontMituI
OrtMU Northern ilnts. dully 7:00 pin 8:W am
AlluntloFxiircss for tlieKast
via Huntington, dally 7:10 pm O.-IWam
1'nrlliunl IVn.lletotl Kx-al for
all notnts Itctween lendlitim
and I'oriland, dally 7:15 m
Hotel St. Philip
Fourth, Fifth and Bumside Streets. Main Entrance on Burnside Street.
H. M. PIERCE, Proprietor
Only concrete fire-proof hotel in the city. Steam heat, electric lights, hot and
cold water in every room. Five bloiki from Union Depot. lSiirnside.St.ini1
Fifth St. cars pass the door. Take street cars at Union Depot.
Rates $1.00 per day and up.
Speeiul Rates by the week and month. Free Baths on every floor.
Mr, pm
Annual Chicken. Pie Dinner.
The Kastern Btar Lodge will held
their annual chicken pie dinner at
Masonic hall Tusday evening, Novem
ber 12, at 0:30 p. m. All members of
the order are invited to bo present.
The .New Pure Food and Drug: I an
We are pleased lo announce that
Foley's llonev and Tar for coughs, colds
and lung troubles is not affected by the
National Pure Fool and Drug law as it
contains no opiates or other harmful
drugs, and we recoiuend It br a aafe
remedy for clildrcn and adults. Clarke
Drug Co.
Will Vogt transacted business at
The Dalles betweeu trains Monday.
We have secured the agency for Orino
Laxative Fruit Hyrup, the new laxative
that makes the liver lively, purifies the
breath, cures In aditche and regulates
he digettive o'giins. Cures chronic
constipation. Ask us about it. Clarke
Drug Co.
Kl 1 1 1 A S'I'u U I A and H:00 lV M.
way points, ronnerttnd Dally
ivllh Mcainer for II .wteol pxnl
and Not lh llcnch steam- Sunday,
cr Hiissnlo. AkIi Htieei'Halnrdav.
(lock wt-r per.) jltt.-OO P.M.
FOK liavnm, (ircemi 7:00 A. M.
City and Vanililll Klv j Pally
cr poInK Ash stiwl exppiit
5:00 P. M
HO P. V.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Highest Prices l'nid for Hig;h Grade Fruit.
Sunday. I Suml v.
Foil I. K W 1ST O N, 6:10 A. M
Idaho, and way points,: Pally
from Itlpuria, Wash, j txcpjit
j "aiurua;
4.IX) I' l
...Mount Hood Store...
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Electricity for Lighting
Is only expensive to people who are
wasteful and careless. To you, who
are naturally carelull, it does not
come high.
It is economical because it can be quickly turned off when not neei'ed.
With gas or keropene there is the temptation to let light burn when not
needed to ?ave bother of lighting and adjusting. In some homes the
electric light bills amount to only one or two dollars per month. You
can probably get come kind of artiflcal light for less money than electric
light, but does it pave you anything when it limits opportunities for work
and recreation ruins your eyesight smokes vour walls mars decora
tions and increases household work. You could probably save a dollar
tomorrow by going without your meals but it wouldn't be economy It
is not so much what you save, but how you save that counts.
Our new invoice of fixtures have just
arrived from the factory. Call and
make your selections.
Hood River Electric Light, Power & Water Co.
True to Name Nursery
Is again offering their usual choice stock of Apple, Pear
Cherry and Peach Trees, with reference to varieties,
adapted to this locality. Bear in mind that all buds and
scions used in propagating were personally selected from,
bearing trees, Last year was all sold out November 1st.
Would suggest that orders for the coming season should
not be delayed. Address,
Phone Fanners 349
..tkod River's Leading Druggist...
OKle llot'Hg
Krelalil llonw-8 a. m. to 12 noon; to p.
m. No nviRlit received or delivered after 5
t. in.
Ptuisensor Depot Hours for delivery of ex
rvm niul bamrnve will be 8 n. in. till H p. m.
General Pamiwr Agent, Portland, c ir.
U. W. IIOYLK, A-(tnt, liood River.
Eaxt bound
No. 2, l'hlcuo Sneclal, 10:50 a. in.
No. 4, NiMikMne Hyer, (Md p. in.
No. , MhII and Kxpre, 10:06 p. m.
No. Mt:SO a. m. No mall.
No. Way h'relKht, li:15 p, ra.
No. 22. Knsl Krelirlil. J ai . m
Wel bound
No. 1, I'orllnnd Ximm-IhI, S:S0 p. m.
No. H, Portland Hyer, 5:.'0 . m.
Na 5, Mull niul Kxpn'iw, 6:30 a. ra.
No 1, 2?:ni p. m. No nmll.
No. 2:1, W ay Krelitht, 1:2ft a. ni.
.No. 56, KhhI 1 rikhl, Ik)6 p. in.
Drv (mkxIi-
I lav (rain
Ammunition Hoots and Shoes
Hardware Granitewore
I'lonr FiikI Full line of (iroceriu.
Riverside Dairy
We can supply you with any quantity of Fresh Milk
Free Delivery.
Phone 414
III 3 Step!
9 uighta and roi'tloss days will
luilcrmine the strongett constitution.
They cause nervousness and irritability,
too. We have reimdiea (hat will give
you a quiet, pe:icefn', natural .sleep,
soothe the nerves and brain and bring
bark your natural state of health. D
not suffer from insomnia Ke:i you
now know that it may be so easily
voided. You may rely on setting the
best medicines of all kinds hero at all
times, and at moderate iric.
.' j
intiiLAUtR PHARMACY, omab j ui-akke