The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 03, 1907, Page Four, Image 4

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Mrs. ConuEA.iy tt)l to Fortlmd
last Thuisday mid will visit in that
city, ldoMiuoville and 8oio. Sbe ex
pects to return to Olell In et-ut two
Little liobeiin Ji.c'iHi very sick
Ji t week mul aa lakeu to tbe bos-
i tl Ht Hood illrnr f jr treatment.
HI.e baa tr far rocu.. ic.l as to be able
tn be bio ght homo 1 h latter part of
tbe week.
Tenty-thiee car of wood shipped
from "The Htiinuiil", or NiU's tiding
on tbe Mt Hood lailroad is the rec
or 1 for last n oath Thirteen of these
were sbii p .1 laet week.
E. L. Kleiner la homo from a vi-iit
to bus fit' her 'a boiue ill Fairbault,
M inn. Mr. Kleiner wan called there
by the death of a brother.
Jlva Collin vidited tjo Nelfa Fri
day night ruturuiiiK to Portland Sat
i,i. laf. Mr. Collins i a ill undel
ticuttuoiit for mi abscess resulting
from ho accident about a year ago.
Mr. and Mia 1! oh well Shelley lefi
Odi-ll Friday and expected to s'.op
l'Vidiy night in Hood River, tbeo
tako the hout Saturday bound for
Carbon. Wash., where they will re
liiln. They have a cottage home iu
Carson and Mr. Shulley expects toen
gnge iu the leal estate business He
Ih ntbiiHiastic ovei Carson 'a posalbil
itita but does not expect to forget
Hood Hirer. Friend wish them suo
cesrf Iu tbeir new home and hope they
qiny tin I time to visit Udell in tbe
near future.
We are told Mr. Lewis, of Portland,
bin purchased a tract of land from
Ruheit Livingstone, of Portland This
luud ia situated south of Udell and
eolith of tbe Livingstone limine. We
understand Mr. Lewis will eiect a
home ou this land. Should such be
the case Udell will gladly welcome
this family.
Wallace Young baa been helping
Ralph Shelley in bis livery aud trans
fer business at Carson. Ralph's
brother, Hugh, ia interested in tbe
business and will be with Ralph, and
Wallace Young will oome home where
bo will be busy freighting.
Ai last Sunday waa tbe fifth Sunday
and not filled by previous appoint
ment Rov. Woods kindly came to
Udell aud delivered a seruiou iu the
Mr. Conaway baa installed a bar
gain counter wbeio many useful arti
cles may be found at five, ten aud fif
teen cents. Beginning October 1 Mr.
Connaway ia selling Dour and leed at
Hojd River prices, liuying for cash
and in car lota makes it possible (oi
bini to make these prices.
Tbe Mr. llerner mentioned in last
week's Glacier was Mr. Lawrence or
Lorenzou and as suoh wlil be remem
bered by those who knew lilui some 17
years ago.
Kalph Lewis camp In Friday even
ing lrutu tbo forest reset ve.
Mount Hood is to have quite a rep
resentation at the stale agricultural
college at Oorvallis this year. Misses
Lottie and Ulenua Wilson staited last
Friday to attend school there. Ueo.
,'lliornas and llobart Booth, already
students there, have returned to re
sume their studioB.
Hugh Kniglit has come bank to
Mount Hood to look after tbe apple
crop on his father's plaoo.
Mrs. Elmer ('nibble goes to Detroit
this week to nioet her hu sound and
reside this winter. She bin rented
tbeir residence here furuithed to Lou
lluldvvlu for tbe winter.
Mac Hush has gone to Canyon City
to spend tho winter.
Orvillu IJiddlugor left last Friday
to spend a week with his sister at
, Frauktou, after whlrth ho expects to
go ou to 1'ortJnud.
The regular meeting of tbe grange
ia to be held next Friday evening,
Octouer 4.
Mr. aud Mrs. Duvidsou, of Illinois,
are visitiug J onto Davidson ut this
Kov. Johusnu held services at Mt.
Hood both morning and evening lust
Sunday. He gave us two splendid
seimons which were listened to veiy
attentively by those fortunate enough
to bo in attendance.
Does Your
Heart Beat
Yes. 100,000 times each day.
Does it send out good blood
or bad blood? You know, for
good blood is good health;
bad blood, bad health. And
you know precisely what to
take for bad blood Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for 60 years.
One frurtit raiue of bnil blnod te ft lufffflflh
liver. 'I lut iiitNliim dnilinti4in. fottouooi
Mitl.fltAiirea lire Hint lMorbl Into tli blood
ki Ui6 lioweli upen wall Ayer'i fllU.
Mad by 1 O. kjwr Co., lAwali,
VT liv no aaarMa I W publish
ti.a formulaa of all onr Bdlalna.
From tin Enterprise.
Work on Uillett liros. ' new bank
bull ling is progressing nicely, tbe
brick layers being nearly to tbe top
of the windows. The biick work will
probably be HaisLed ia another ton
days or two weeks
Mr. Arces is I uilding a substantial
residence ou land purchased from M.
M. Maine, at the font of tbe hill back
oi Mr. Maine's residence. Tbe con
crete foundation is now finished and
the carpenters are pushing work rap
idly on tbe superstructure.
llerblo lluueaker was driving the
horses out of the corral Monday even
ing when he was kicked in the iaoe by
one of them aud quite seveiely Injur
ed. l)i. Uearhart had to take several
stitohei in bis forehead, but now the
little teliow is getting along nil right
aud will soon be well again.
R. A. Dyikett lias purchased an acre
of ground from K Lauterbach beck
of tbe Washington hotel, and will at
once oo nnieuce the erection of a f 2000
residence thereon. It Is a sightly lo
nation aud gives a tine v eiv of the
liver aud tbe country ou the other
side. We nre glad that Mr. ilyrkett
has purchased bis property for It
pi ores that he has decided to remain
iu White Salmon and become one of
Dick Wright waa severely Injured
at Ulenwood Thurrlay forenoon about
11 o'clock while blastiug stumps. He
put Id a blast which did not go off,
and after waiting '25 minutes he went
aud stooped down to pull out tbe
fuse, when there was a teiriHo explo
sion, and the dirt struck him in the
face with great force. Foituuately the
stump Hew away from him, otherwise
he would douutless have been killed
oitrlght. He whs taken throufb here
Into last night to Hood Hirer for med
ical attention by his brother-in-law,
KJ Murray. It la not known just how
I adly be ia burl, but it Is feared that
both bin eyep are severely injured.
Dr. J. S. Johnson aud J. S. Noli
ritngen. of St l'aul, Minn., have been
in White Salmon several days looking
over 'be cnuutiy with a view of mak
ing investments. ihesa gentlemen
have alieady made same investments
here and will odd to them from time
to lime. They are buying real estate
that Is not too far out and that can
bs out up Into small tracts which they
can sell to their friends who will theu
come out uud improve them. Dr.
Johnson states that be uoiv has '20
families on bis list that will come nut
at once aud locate, and thinks that by
spring tbero will bo ut least '200 fami
lies ready to move out from St Paul
aud locate in tbe White Salmon val
ley. Thus they oome. The fame of the
White Salmon valley Is already begin
ning to spread and ''urlng the next
tew yean people will Hook in from ell
p-irts of the country, until this lean
tiful valley becomes one of tbe most
thickly settiod portions of the uoith
100 Shirts for Men and
Boys, soft or Golf Shirts
without collars, with
cuffs, and some with
cuffs attached, worth
up to $1.00.
All go at
48c each
Oxfords or low, Shoes
for Men, Women and
Children are cut in price
from 35c to 75c per
pair. Other lines as
they become broken in
size go at unusual cut
The building we are in has been sold and
is to be torn down and replaced with brick.
We had our fall and winter goods bought
and all was shipped before we knew we
would have to vacate. As there is no other
building available sufficient to accommo
date our stock, we will have to close out
several lines for cash
At a Big' Sacrifice
Ladies' Dress Goods, ready-to-wear Waists,
Skirts, Coats and Fancy Waistings, Trim
ming Silks, Velvets and Velveteens.
Men's and Boys' Clothing
Also special low prices on everything in the
Dry Goods line. This is an unusual oppor
tunity to make big savings in your fall and
winter wearing apparel.
Table Linens and Da
masks in red and white,
blue and white, bleached
and half bleached, 50c
quality at
60c to 70c quality at 48c
85c to 1.00
1.25 to 1.50
All summer Underwear
for Men, Women and
Children, go at half
price. Get ready for
next year.
J. E. llanna nrndo a business trip
to The Uail'B Friday.
W. W. Swan, president of tbe Joys
It n Improvement Oo , will par oat on
tbe (list day of October about 13000
for labor and logi for bis new mill,
This ia only i starter as the mill is
still under ci.ostrotoion. Four or five
enterprises of this kind will putClng-
en where sbe 'noperly belongs, at tbe
bead of the list of manufacturing oi
ties ou the new North Bank toad.
Tbe steamer J. N. Teal is doing i
thriving business at Bingen landing.
lbey have unloaded over 00 too of
merchandise for tbe Mingen and Ulen
wood merchants in tbe oast 12 dav.
The Ulenwood merchants try all kinds
of routes for their goods, but always
full back to th only natural outlet to
tbe baok country Bingen. The
steamer Teal baa out out landing at
tbe White Salmon dock, as business
did not justify stopping. Any of our
friends who wish to take tbe Teal to
Portland are Invited to com to Bing
en and by calling on J. . Reynolds
may secure tickets or any Infoi nation
necessary. Mr. Keynolds bas been
appointed agent at Bingen.
Mr. Kankln, of White Salmon, has
moved with his family to Blngea an I
will at once start in the hotel bnsi
ness. Mr. Kankln needs no ad vert is
ing as Mrs. Bankin bas a aplendid
reputation as a landlady.
John Terry has moved In from bis
ranch and started in tbe transfer bus
iness, lie is having all tbe work be
can do, but thin is nothing strange
lor tJingen, as there is always plenty
to do here and tbe money Is always
ready, we don't have any lumber or
itioor liens tiled bere.
There wai a very enjoyable dance
held in tbe Reynolds ball Friday ev
ening by tbe Cod Fish club. There
It's the best ad we can get.
Rubber Goods Right Prices
Our now fall and winter lines of Hot Water Bottles and Syringes
are now in. Wo are proud to say they are the best goods we have ever
had, and are pgsitive we have the largest and most complete assortment ever
carried in this city. In consists of all styles of
Cloth covered, plain rubber, rubber cloth inserted, Combination Syringes, Tlain
Syringes, and Hulb Syringes of all kinds. In fact a style and quality to suit
everyone, and a price for each that will satisfy each purchaser that they are
securing uhe best goods for the least money"
See the samples of these goods in our window. Every piece is guaranteed.
Come in and let us show them to you.
. jcuzz
was a good attendano and splendid
musio. All the best danoers from
White Salmon were down and enjoyed
themselves. There was a fine lunch
erved at the Maple hotel, whUoas b
also muob oyed.enj
Fied Wilkin baa moved to Bingen
and already has tbo lumber on tbe
ground for bis new residence. Lie has
a beautiful location. O. L. Hender
son will oommenoe tbe erection of tbe
building Monday morning.
Mel Wetberell and R. A. Page are
on a bear bunt In tbr mountains' back
of Carton, and we all teel very sorry
for tbe bears.
Fall being near at band the farm
ers are all busy gathering thoir apples
and report tbe crops as very good.
A. C. MoCarger la having a tele
phone put Into bis i esidenoe.
reter ;uenniogsen and family aie
preparing to move to Tbe Dalle where
Mr. llenningsen baa aooepted a posi
tion In tbe commission business with
Mr. Kurtz.
Mrs. I. N. Thomas and family re
turned frtm tbe bop yards last
Born To Mr. and Mis. Alington,
Thursday, Sept. 20, an eight pound
bo JJezeu was a Dalles passenger
iasi rriaay.
Alfred Evans returned frcra tbe
harvest fields and left Sunday for Cot
vallis to resume bis studies.
MIm flazel Wledrlck came up from
Hood River on a visit and returned
Thursday, aooomcanied by ber sister,
Miss Ella.
Misses Can la Brown and Evelyn
Hawes spent Sunday in The Dalles.
Frank Maoey was a Hood River
passenger last Saturday.
Ibe Rebekah lodge gave r social
last rrlday.
Mrs. Althea Akars spent a few days
in rue Dallies last week.
Mrs. Cbas. Stark returned to her
home In The Dalles after spending a
few days at tho borne of W. A. Stark.
Mr. Steelqulst and Mr. Qailey have
beeu survelyng the land owned by A.
L. Dundas Into 10 acre tracts.
Mrs. Arthur Mlddleswart aud bkby
have left for Butte, Mont . whe e shn
will join her husband. Her father
W. F. McClure, aooompaoied ber part
of tbe way.
Paul Evaua bas returned from tlm
harvest fields.
Miss Agnes Phillips, who has beeu
visiting friends the last month, bas
returned to her borne in Poitland.
Sbe was accompanied by Miss Ber
tress Coyle.
Mrs. Dlok Evaua and daughter.
Maude, returned borne fiom The
Dalles Sunday. They were accompa
nied by Mrs. Evans' niece, Miss Deu
Mrs. Arms, of Portland, has pur '
ohaied a 10 acre traot of land from A. !
Lb Dundas.
R. S. Smith has purchased 80 aoies
of land from Mr. Steelamltb.
not tbe Otb and 10th grades should be
taught in this district. Although
strongly opposed by a few old resi
dent, who apparently desire that
things be continued iu tbe same old
rut, it was deoided by a vote ot 20 to
7 to take up these grades bere. Fit
teen minutes' time was devoted to
discussion of tbe subject and both
sides were fully aired, and the pro
gressive and up-to-date element proved
beyond doubt that it was tbe proper
thing to do. With good schools we
can now hope that tbe better class of
inteudiog settlers may be induced to
"pitch tbeir tents" in M osier, and
tbe country and town's many aud
varied tesoucea developed. About one
aore in fifty of tbe available Brat-class
fruit land in the M osier district U in
productive 'condition, owing to the
faot of being held in large tracts by
people who have not the capital tode
velop it.
fine urove school is progressing
nneiy under tbe skillful muBgen uu
oi ai lss (Jlurit witn the aid ot her as
sistauts, tbe Misses llartnell and
MisseslCiark and llartnell spent last
Saturday and Sunday In Portland.
Mrs. Ed Hawkes is enjoy'ng a visit
from an old friend, Mrs. Cochran
from Missouri. They have known
each other since childhood,
Mi. Rodamar, ot Waterloo, la., who
came to visit his oousiu, W. Fike, is
so much pleased with the valley that
his two days' stay has been prolonged
to mat many weeks and now be con
templates buviug.
ine Aioore cniiareu have been en
tertainiug a siege of tbe whooping
The 23 year old horse of Hans Lage
got cut in the wire last week so that
be had to be killed.
Sam Campbell is iu Idaho,
Cut vallis students of this neighbor
hood have returned to again take np
their work at tbnt place. Miss Mable
Kobinsou is at Monmouth,
Ralph Ordway has returned from
Massachusetts where he bas been tbe
past few months.
Tbe new bull iu our cburoh has
very pleasing tone. Sotuo difficulty
waa experienced iu getting it into
place. It weighs 410 poinds. Now
with a bell to call us to peivioos.
seems tbat there should be more
promptness in attendauce.
Our Sunday school opens at 10
o cluck. It ia not yet known when
the new pastor will arrive
A 10 cent afternoon tea will bo given
at (he home of Mrs. J. (). Mark
Thursday afternoon. Oct. 10. under
me auspices or the Ladies Aid. A
short progiam will le given and sup
per fervea nora lour to tive o'clock,
The puulio is invited.
roiirteen ladies were present at the
i meeting of the aid at Mrs. Rice's last
week aud a very pleasant afternoon
I was i petit.
ju rine urove ieides Aid mav
well be proud of tbe success cf tli ir
, society iu both a social and financial
1 way. Besides subscribius and na ins
Dr. MoCrum and friend, of Port- 900 towards the building of the uew
land, weie up visltug at tbe doctor's
H. F. Claton. of Portland, has pur
chased two 10 aoie tracts of land from
A. L. Dundas. Mr. Clatou was great
ly pleased with tbe cooutry.
K. Wright, of Los Angeles, Cal.,
was np looking for a location for a
box faotoiy.
A. L. McKenna, of Portland, was
np looking after bis property and also
took several pictures of apple or-
ob rds
E. L. Root has completed the haul
ing ot 00 tons of bay to ibe Dalles.
Mi. Martin, of Portland, has pur
chased a 10 acre traot of land frcm A.
L. Dundai.
Geo, and Jobn Carroll and Geo.
Cbamberlai i visited Hood River one
day last week.
Geo, Huskey rather surprised bis
Moaler friends last week by announc
ing his martlge with a young lady
from Browoville. Wa wondered wby
George made ao many tripe to tbat
plaoe this summer.
Mosler U gradually emerging from
Ita lethargy and "mossbacalsm." as
waa plainly In evldenoe at tbe special
school meeting beld Iasi Saturday for
tbe purposa ot deciding whether or
Church, thev hara curnalm) ir
. r ----- - -1 r
" . wi. . uulvu ii v n uj luuaia, JJU1U
the janitor, subscribed towards tbe
preacher' s.rlury and paid numerous
minor expenses. In tact they have
bad about 1200 credited toi this, tbeir
arm year's work.
Should tbe weather be fa vol able
ihursday aftcinoon passers by may
see a host of ladies huskina corn in
Lage Bros.' Held, 'lis but tbe Ladies
Aid laboring to secure the prize
offered to tbe lady who busks tbe
moat corn besides adding 20 cents to
tbeir treasurer for each lady present.
Mrs. Hitobcock, Mrs. Goriill and
Mrs. Butler, or Oakland, Cal., after
speuding two weeks visiting with
Mrs. O. W. Simons, left for tbeir
homes Wednesday of ltut week.
Mrs. H. C. Wortman, of Portland,
is visiting with Mrs. Simons at the
present time.
Rev. E. D. Bronson failed to repoh
bis appointment at tbe Crappper last
Sunday afternoon.
Rev. A. W. Barbezat, a minister ot
tbe Menonita church, of North Yaki
ma, Wash., commenced a series ot
meetings at tbe school house last Sun
day afternoon. He expeots to bold
evening series through tbe entire
week. He depends upon having tbe
asasitanoe of Rev. H. J. Pontius, of
Belliugham, Wash.
We were very glad to see tbat E. E.
Lyons, after his long and painful ill
ness, was able to attend oburob last
I L. H. A meson, of The Dalles, visit
ed with friends in this neighborhood
from Saturday afternoon of last week
until Mouday of this week.
Nathan Haokett went to Portlaud
Monday of last week.
Mrs Niobola and Mrs. Markbam, of
Kocxrora avenue, attended bunday
school and church at Crapper last
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Niokelseo, of Belmont, attend
ed oburob at Crapper last Sunday afternoon.
miss iMleo MoOurdy waa seen on
our street one day laBt week riding on
a nioe new pony. Congratulations
Miss mien.
Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Dumble, ot
Hood River, visited with Mr. and
Mis. P. II. Martin iast Sunday.
Quite a number of Clapper ites re
turned from the bop yards last week.
We are having a One tall and tbe
people are taklna advantase of it
There are lota of improvements going
ou cere. James Dunn and Mr. lay
lor are bulidiug dwellings on tbeir
land. Dunn bought from Knox, aud
Taylor bought six aces from Mr.
John Dodaon is building a barn.
Mr. I'oltz bas built a barn and wood
sbed. Leonard Dodson is building a
dwelling ou the old man's place. J,
E. Wbisler has built an addition to
bis dwelling. Dave Salsberry and Roy
Slooum have both built barns. Cbas.
E. Earls aud Wm. V. GUsoock bave
built houses ou their homesteads west
of here.
Dukes Valley is fast ooming to the
fiont. We bave a store now so we do
not have to go to Hood River or
Mr. Knox said he will give another
uoruur lot to any one who will put np
a store or a bank, or in faot any kind
ot a business bouse 'that would im
prove tbe valley. Mr. Knox la a man
woo likes to see anything that will
improve tbe valley.
Our school is progiessing nioely un
der the watchful care of Miss Hnlda
tienriobs. One month Is dosed and
every one can speak a good word for
our sohool and we know how to bd-
: i . i i . "
i-iii i i u kuuu reacner.
. j understand (but Cbas. Stanton
bat .old ont but bas taken a onntmot
ro c tear ten acres of land, so be will
be i ito ns a while vet. We would l.a
giau to in dim buy a plaje here and
siaj mi tiie valley.
lb- re vjs rj'jito a number nf frlanHa
or j. u. L i-uerou gathered at bis
nun o d 'i i .0 and bad a pleasant ev
enii'K. j i . j spent the evening tins
ing mid t ,-iniij ice cream.
Born - 1.. Ai. aud Mrs. Geo. Tud
per, vppi. a D0V Mnth nr., I
Iowa college professor of boitioultuie
bas visited The Dalles and ia surpris
ed tbat tbey can grow such exoeilent
fruit without irrigation. Now if the
professor bad dropped off at Under
wood be oertainly would have tweu
surprised sure enough for we bave
peaohes to not only make the mouth
water, but make tbe eyes water to
look at ; yellow, rich, meaty and sweet
to eat. And, too, If the professor eats,
bay we would surprise him again by
showing up four crops of alfalfa to
the season. All done without Irriga
tion. Tbe U. B. hatchery people are mak
ing large oatobea in tbe last few days.
It keeps the boys hustling to keep the
fish eff tbe shoal at the mouth of tbe
river where many of them are want
ing to span.
Professor Kollook is inoieasing bis
foroe on the fruit ranch. He ia pre
paring several acres to set in orobard
this fall.
G. L. and J. M. Carroll, of Mosler,
were In Hood River Friday on busi
ness oooneoted with the Mosier Krnlt
Growers association.
.Fruit Lands.
in large or small tracts. Some very gooit
land at low prices at present. Good
Rrowing community. Six miles east of
Hood River. Also homesteads and re
linquishments. Parties wishing to buy
will do well to write or see
Mosier, Oregon
O r sohool . peued Tuesday ot last
ee! with bra. Knllnclc i.k..
s uho.i . unnu rather unexpected to
some, the attendance waa liuht tint it
s expected all onuila will lu nn k..j
B. F. Bc k is Opttinu matarlil .
tbe groi I;'1 rAairinnn II. u ktj beautiful site for
Herman Buechl came un last
to vit-it friends. Un has been
ng several months in the mln i
southern Oregon that he bas an inter
est in.
rranit xoornton, who bas been 1M
up with a wounded thumb, U able to
be out asain: or we shnnM an h. ...
down again, on the Hood town site.
we tmiuent at first Prank ...
lug to buy a town lot. but hv l.t.
come to tbe conclusion thai be Is try
ing to contract with souie nartl..
down there, as he is quite a band to
J. W. Marsh came nn tmm Pih..j
Saturday. Mr. Marsh
40 acrea of U. Nelsnn which h. i.
tends to pot in cultivation soon.
We notice by the Cbronkle tbat an
One-third cash; balance on or before
20 years at 7 per cent,
60 acres timbered land in sec. 16, 1-10,
with additional 100 acres partly tim
bered. Timber is worth cash pay-,
ment required.
3 acres south of Wilson Reservoir,.
ouuui nan, diock b, rarsnurst.
14 lots, block 29, Hood River proper.
Phone 95x Hood River.
McReynoIds & Co.
Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain
and Poultry Supplies
Petaluma Incubators and
Phone 1091
- Or. COB
22 lipt
ShopoppositeO. B. Hartleva FeMn.
Phone 571
Cider Mill
Pays $8 per ton for No. I
and $6 for No. 2
Cider Apples, delivered
at the mill.