Two HOOD RIVER GLACIER THURSDAY OCTOBER 3, 1907 i. x J r, ST"': 1 7 iNnuod Evuy Thursday by ARTHUR I). MOB. Publisher. Term of Bubwrlpi Ion f I.W a year when paid id aavauce. Walla Wall 1 ir.udriea are diseouiag lug cleanline- ly miaiog prices ob tbetr work. State I renin r or Sutl baa Men re qaired by Gov. Chamberlain to In create nil bond to couu.uuu. on ac count of an Increase of ttate fundi i the state treasury. . to Whatever may bare bee a tbe motive of a wotuun and her confederates involve Mayoi Lane, of Portland, i a discreditable complication, it baa resulted in an advertising stunt tbat trill tnrn uiuuy an actress green witb envy. About a dozen towns in tbe state hive established permanent exhibit looiiis iu which to display their pro ducts to tbe visitor and bomeseeker, If tbe efforts of tbe publicity commit tee prevail, Hood Kiver will be in tbe fxnie class. Nearly 170,00 leaflets Inviting peo l ie to Oiegou will bu d!stiibuted t tbe publio sobools of Portland today and tomonow to go out in letters written by tbe pupils. Ibis plan should be followed by every oommun ity in tbe statu of Oregon. Ihe state of Oregon lost nothing by tbe failure of tbo O.egon Trust t Bav ings bank, tbe deposit being covered by a surety company, wbo bave mad good tbe lose. It is tbe widow and orphan, tbe working man and woman who are not protected, who will snllei. The exposition font u re is being overdone, especially in congressional appropriations, and it will be hard for Seattle to get any help from the na tionul treasury. Hut there will be big show at Seattle just tbe same, il tho progressive oitlenns of that eu terprlslng town have to put up all tbe money. Oregon City bus appointed a com mission to revise its charter aud sub ruit the same to a vote of tbe people by tbe initiative and referendum act Hood Hlver should do tbe same. There are several provisions iu ou obartei' which should be changed to meet tbo needs of a growing city, and the Booner done the better It will be for the city's welfare. tiugone bus made a teoord for pro gress and has set a pattern for all the cities under ten thousand population for tbe entire PaoiQo coast. She hat built a first clues bard surface pave meat from the depot entirely through tbe business district and has contracts tor double that amount. Her new electric can are equal to those to be seen in larger cities. She bas raised a $12,000 advertising fund and will employ an expeit at $5000 a year to handle ber publicity. Tbe Eugene Uegister says it "here and now" makei two predictions with regard to tbe Southern Pad Ho land Kraut In Oregon whereby it is sought to compel the company to dispose of Its three million acres held under tbe grant to settlers at $2.50 per acre, One prediction la tbat not a settler wbo has made a filing will get tbe laud, and the other Is that all tbe land of any value beld by tbe corn pa ny under tbe giant will be disposed of one way nud another before the government takes action lu the mat ter. About tbe only purpore seived by this agltution will be the benefits derived by tbe state lu getting these three million acres into tho hands oi milling companies aud speculators with not even a "look la" for the $2.50 settler It was a mistake lu judgment wbou tbe state fair was not located uear tbe biggest city in the state. The limit of accommodations which can be pro vided in a oity the size of Salem must always limit tho number of admis alons. The city of Portlaud alone would be good for 50,000 admissions, but it is doubtful if one tenth of tbat number went from Poitlaud to Salem Theie are thousands iu a large oity who can get away for n few hour or bait n day wbo would be glad to visit the fair, if they could go out iu a street oar, spend a low hours at the fair, and get back witb a minimum of time and expound. Many would go every day. A largo majoi ity of this class never get to Halem. Hundred of tiauslents, always to be found lu a large city, would drop an adtniuslon lea nt tbo gates woie it convenient to do so. Tbe location of the s'.iite fair ut P rtlaud would probably make a difference of $20,000 a year to tbe fair management, tho ditforonoe be tweeu profit and Iohs. It would moan ii bigger advortisrmioiit to tbe state, better buildings, and a better fair. The fair this year at Salem was the best ever held, and probably made some money. It was a good fair. There is no criticism ou tbat point, but its location necessarily deprives it of a large revenue wblob would naturally go to It were it placed within fifteen minutes' ride of 200,000 people The Oregon state fair should be located at Portlaud. SENATORIAL ADVEKTISIM. Tbe campaign of Jonathan liourne for tbe United States senate, in 1906, will always stand as a living demon stration of the virtue of newspaper advertising. It is hoped that other aspirants to the senatorial toga imitate Senator Bourne's wise aud modern methods In getting betoie the people. Already one candidate In Oregon is using calendar', bearing a photograph of himself, as an advertisement. Tbl is a most precaiions method and Is money wasted. Tbl candidate could talk to thousands of newspaper read era, at tbe same cost of money and time, through a newspaper article, while be is talking to but ono through a ralendar plctuie. Every thinking Dan now reads one or more newspaper and every votrr in Oregon can be reached through uws papers. Billboard advertising is not dignified nor attractive. Senatorial candidates, as well as grocers, or bard ware men, can reaob the most iottlli gent and largest number of people through legitimate newspaper adier Using. It is the only practical means of publioity. All others bave failed, East Oregonian. ADDITIONAL LOCAL D. McDonald went to Portland yes terday on business. (Jordan Bragg bas returned from trip to South lieud, Wash. W. II. Wilson, of The Dalles, bad legal business In Hood Kiver teeter day, Prof. L. F. HendefHon. of Moscow. Idaho, visited bis bi other, Jobu Leland Henderson, Saturday. The Hood Itiver Apple Vinegar Co. are in the market for cider apples, in any quantities, delivered at the old hmry plant. N. O. Hilliii'is box renteO the Hart ley residence, aud will move in as soun as toe colonel moves Into bis new residence. J he uoou Kiver Uider Mill is receiv ing apples, pnylng $H tier ton for No. 1 and $0 for iV. 2 cider apples, dcliv ercd at tbe mill. Do you want one of the best 15-scre farms in tlie valley, cheap? If so read "My Jericho furm ad" in another col umn. It means business. al'U-tl The tu Moot to be dismissed by pas tor Nutley at the Baptist church next Sunday morning Is "A Forward Movement." In the evening "iion- ett Debts." The Hood Kiver band will play nt the fair at Tbe Dalles next Thursday, Mood lilver day. It H though', that boat excursion will bo arranged. both going and coming. Kings Dyspepsda Tablets do the work. Momam trouble, dyspepsia, indigestion bloating, etc. yield quickly. Two days treatment free. Ask vour druggist for a free trial. Hold by Kcir & Cass.. Letters tecelved from J. IC. Klnsey aud tauilly, who nre visiting in tbe east, say that they nie having a good time visiting old friends aud relatives aud will not bo buck for e couple of week 4 yet. Do you know that Pinesal ve Carbolisted acts liko ft poultice In drawing out in tlamnmtion and poison? It is antiscp tic. For cuts, burns eczema, cracked hands it is immediate relief. Sold by M-ir ct i ass., UIUS Wnl,.. .,.. I II . 1UIDB IllllUn TTDUDI, If I Vdlitll 17U1DI . Ohio, arrived Thursday on a visit to ber old school mate, Miss Una Cun ning. She has accepted a position in A. A. jayne'a law oiiice, mid will re main in Hood Kiver. mothers with imio children need no longer fear cr up, colds or whooping cough. Bees Laxative Cough ISprup lasies goon, u works oil the coltl through tbe bowels, clears tho bead. Guaranteed. Sold bv Kelr & Cass,, nUTT U,.tii,..J..., int K IIUW mg IUUDUI .'HI. UUkUIUOV, Villi. U, liAlj. All persons wbo came to tbe valley prior to July 4, 1HH2, are elegible to membership. Don't forget, at tbe K of P. ball, and bring youl baskets well tilled for an tld fashioned din nor. E. L. Smith, being solicitous for the welfare of hid son lb-law. Dr. Watt, yesterday on hi birthday pre sented hi in with u flue watch. Not that be needed wutchiug, or that be wished mm t go ou tick, but tbat he miuht always bo on time. II. S. Klohmond has disponed of his interest in Booth's Btoie, and taken a position witb H. 11. Brugg & Co.. and oommenced work luosdav morniuii. S. Booth purchased Mr Kiuh- moud'i inter ft, end will continue tbe business as before. Dr. Watt reports that there are ten cases oi typhoid fever at tbe mill of he Swau-llaiuiuiiu Lumber Co.. uear White Salmon, probably caused from di inking from a spring near the camp, luo bou of W. U Demorcst contiaoted bis disease wbilo at the same camp. Christina Schmidt has brouubt suit for a divoroe auuiust Peter Sohuddt. alleging cruel treatiueut. The latnily have had tronhlo tor some time, mid the defendant nud his children by a former wife nro now iiiuuing a bakery on the coiner of Third street and Cus cade avenue. Tbe llrst dance of the season for the Tuesday evening dancing series, was beld at tbe Odd Fellows halt Tuesday evening. There were si couples ou the lloor and a very fine time bad he muslo was excellent. After the dance about halt tho crowd indulged n an oyster supper. J. K. Nichols has moved his under taking parlors Into tho buildiuii va cated by J. II. Iloilbrnuuer. ou one or ma lots, adjoining tho new build ng being errtcuid, where he will con- net tho LiislnesH until the comple ou of the new building. .1. E. Nichols expected to brlnu hii lie homo from The Dalles hospital yesterdny, but she took n turn for the orse the llrst of tbe week, and a new bsoess formed which it was neoessa to remove, aud will result in her remaiuing at the hospital for the pros eut. 8. M. ilkins onnie up from Cor allis last week aud left Saturday for hieago, where be will attend the annual mooting of tbe National L'u- ertakers assoointiou. Mis. Wilkin bas beeu visitliiit ber sister. Mrs. V. Brock, for a couple of weeks, and ill probably extern) ber visit until tbe return of ber husband Irom tbe east. Fitzgerald & CurtU have taken a ouutraol to cut tbe wood oil 40 acres tor Whitiug & Kouudtiee, of Port laud, on Neul crook. the MhhsI- ker place. They went through Hood Kiver witn a gasoline enuiue and loir sawing much! no. They say that tbey bave bad opportunities to out more nod than they can do In a year, and re seriously thinking of putting In another outfit. Jobn Cadtuer went to Corvallw yes terday to Instruct tbe students in the Hood Kiver method of packing apples The college is giving the a'udents In struction lu tbat line, and will teaoh the Hood Kiver mi thod, as exempli fied by Mr. (Vtuer. It would be well to hold a few school ot inatiuc- tion in Hood River. Unless iiihuv ore learu to pdck apples iu Hoed iver It will be a serious problem in year or two to take oare ot the crop. isosasnONnsaONasnNOnvosc Infants' and Children's Hoods Tbe iw el lest line yon can imagine. Just ask to see them and be convinced. The Paris Fair The Store That Saves You Money New Fall Millinery Jost received. Wa are showing a swell line of the season's latest styles in ready trimmed Hat for tbe Ladies. Ladies' SilK Shirt Waists. $1.25 We have a large lot of Peau-de-Soie Silk Shirtwaists worth $4 and $5 each. The sleeves in these Wsiets are not just right so we re giving you the benefit of a 5 Shirtwaist for, each $1.25 In all our buainesi career in Hood River and elsewhere we have never conducted a "fake sale" and when we tell you an article is woith $1.00 it it not an article worth only 50c or 75c. Anything stated in our "ads" are cts. We have received in the last few days thousands of dollars worth of new Full Merchandise. We did not buy these goods early last sumirer, but waited until the styles were settled. Then we sent our buyer direct to the large manufacturers in all the large cities and personally picked out the cream of the stock. I5y this method we cannot only buy to a better advantage (and thus sell for less money) but one can buy the proper style the styles that the people want and thus be able to show you garments that are right in every sense of the word. We had exceptionally good luck in securing good reliable merchandise for our rapidly increas ing Ladies' Garment Department. We have now on display more Ladies' Man Tailored suits than all other Hood River stores com bined, and can undersell them all. If you are contemplating buy ing a suit or making one you will surely make a mistake if you do not call and se. our line. Ladies All Wool Suits, Braid Trimmed Silk and Katin Lined Pleated Skirls, style up-to-the-minute for only $10.00 You cannot match the goods for the price ask ed in Portland or any mail order house. Come just to look. Calico, the yd 5c Outing Flanel, full width ; d 7c Yonths' and small men's genuine lisle web suspenders, pair 15c Woolen Dress Patterns, new goods, worth 50c a yard, selling at the yd, SOc and 40c Men's Leather Gloves, tbe pair , 25c The Hood Kiver oroheslra has been reorganized and Is now called Prof. Beatty's orchestra. Tbe personnel Is as follows: Prof. Beattv and Nel son Einry, violin ; Prof Hill, cornet; II. a. Kicbmond, clarinet; Harvey Sluxher, trombone; O. H. Oray, dou ble baas; Arthur Clarke, dram, traps and bells. Clarence Oilbeit tcok hlsCadilaoon the boat Monday evening to Tbe Dalles, and from tbere started for Shaniko with II. U McAllister and two others. They will make quite a trip into the interior, and Clnrcnoe has bad experience enough In driving the machine to take them about any where they wish to go. Judge Henderson brought in an ear of little yellow dent oorn yester day whioh was raised o.i C. R. Bone'a Willow Flat ranch, and said tbat it was tbe first com to fully mature In Hood Kiver valley. It is from tbe seed propagated at tbe Idaho experi ment station at Moscow, by Prof, llendersou, brother of the judge, and bas been acclimated to this country, maturing early. It Is rumored that tbe looal train will be extended to Pendleton begin ning next Sunday. This baa been or dered by tbe railroad commission and it is said that tbe O. I!, & K will comply with their request. It will necessitate the nutting on of another full train equipment and two more crews. This service Is needed, as the branch lines cannot depend on con necting with the through trains on account rf them being to many hours late as a i ale. Ou the I'ibI page will be noted some big pi .ces lecelveil lor Medford pea.-a in Ne.v York. From reliable sources we learn that it took tbe product of 1400 trees to make op tbe oarload, making the gross prioe but little over S3 per tree. Compared witb this Tbos. Shere this year sold the product of three trees, of Ueurre d'Anjou pears for 915. The treei bad no apodal oare, were not iriggated nd were sold around town at re duced prices. The third stage of the building of the us bridge aud approach la com' pleted. Tbe temporary top of tbe trestle bas been removed and tbe rails reluid, and tbe work Is now beld op ou aooount of tbe steam (hovel being employed elsewhere. The next move 111 be to put tbe sbovel In at Shell Hook, this side or tbe looks, and load small rock, wnicn will be nsed to cov er the dirt fill, ao that it fill not be washed out by blgb water or tbe ao tion of tbe winter rain. It la said that several weeks will elapse before tbe new bridge will be used for tbe passage of trains, and the old bridge bandoned. High School Notes. The high school literary society beld its first meetfbg last Kiiday evening and rendered a' very appropriate pro- grain. Meetings will be beld every other Friday evenlug and all are wel come. A boys' and a girls' glee club were organized last week. Eaob oiub will meet twice a week aud probably ouoe week they will meet together. Ibe clubs bave endeavored to boo u re tbe services of J. A. Kppiug to drill them in this work. The biuh school foot ball team bas beeu practicing earnestly three and four night a week ever since sohool began. Tbe boys elected Prof. MoKnight to coaob them. Plan are under way to seoure a game with The Dalles blgb sohool team for tbe 18th of this mouth. Give the boys all tbe encouragement you can and lelp them to win. Notice. To all pioneers wbo came to Hood Kiver valley prior to July i, lns'A nre requested to attend the auuual meet ing of said a socUtlou to be beld In the K. of P. ball Saturday. Oct tiring your caskets niled so we t ..o bave a good old time dinner. Tbe i.t ternon will be devoted to speech tank ing aud the anuual election of-otll- cers. Hon. Ueo. (1. Himes, secretary ot the Oregon Historical socioty, will bo p escut and give us a talk. Don't forget the date, Oct 5, 1007, and all poranna who came to the valley prior to July 4, ism, are elegible to mem bership. I). A. Turner, Pres. Ueo. T. Pratbei, Seo'y. forty-Seven Years a Jeweler. Oct. 4, 1800, W. V. Laraway began his apreuticeahlp in the jewelry bus iness witb a jeweler at Beaver Dam, Wis., just 47 years ago tomoirow. Thirty yexra of that time Mi. Lar away says, bus beeu takeu up almost exclusively In optioa. the Glacier man askei the name of the Beaver Dam jeweler who started "y mng" Laraway In the business, aud found it was the same one who sold him a weddiug ting nearly '20 years ago. Jofia Tiuiuis. Died, at White Salmon, Wash , Sept. 30, John Tim mo, aged 73 years, 7 months and 7 days. The deceased was the father of W 1. Tlmms and Mrs. U. F. Jewett. and came here four years ago from Bills dale, Miob., where be had lived Huoe he was eight year) old. The funeral waa held at Ihe resi dence and the remains interred In tl e White Salmon cemetery. 'Rev. J. Morgan I icwia otHoiated. S. E. Bart. me is bad charge of tbe funeral ar raugemonti Born. To Robt. L. and Mrs. Stanletoii. Sept. 30, a girl Hood River Bay. Next Thursday. Oct. 10, will bo Hood River day at Tbe Dalles fair, Hood River should make a good show ing on that day, if possible, or thoi-e who cannot go on that duy should visit tbe tair some time uuriug the week. It will be held from the 81 h to tbe 12th inclusive. Preparations are being made tot a good fair tc year, aod it will be wcitb going to. The Dalles gave np their Fourth of July oelebration this year in order to combine their funds and attractions for the tair, and it will no doubt be euooess. Let Hood Kiver turn out and give them a glud baud ouce more. lielleu-Koud. Mr. Perry Belleu aud Miss Ella Rood were married at tbe residence ot Clarenoe Shaw yesterday morning, Rev. J. W. Jenkins oUJoiating. Only relatives and a few intimate friends were present at tbe ceiemouy. Tbe groom is a son of B. F. Belieu, a for mer resident of Hood River, and the bride a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rood, ot Mt. Hood. Sbo was for some time employed in the telephone exchange here, and is a very etima ble youug lady. Mr. aud Mrs. Belieu lett on the looal for St. Johns, Ore., where they will make tbeir future home. The Churches MethodlBt Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school 10 a. in.; Kp worth L ue 7 p. m. Prayer meeiing Thrrsda evening. All cordially invit ed. W. C, Evans, pastor. Episcopal services at 11 a. m. the third Sunday in each month, conducted by Archdeacon H. D. Chambers. Sun day School every Sunday at 10 a. tu. U. B. Church sabbath school, 10 a. m. ; preaching, 11 a. in.; Y. P. C. E. 7:15 p. m.j preaching, 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting at 8 p. tu. VVednesday. Junior Society Saturday at 8 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend all or any ol these ser loes.vPactor, J. M. Tresenriter. Christian Chnrch Preaching services at K. of P, Hall each Sunday evening and at 11 a. m. each first and third Sun day, and at Odell at 11:30 a. m. each second and fourth Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. m. and Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 p. m. each Sunday at K. of P. Hall. Uoruial in nation to the puplic. W. A. Wood, Minister, Baptist church Sunday school 0:50 eaon auuday. 'reaching 11 a. in. and 8:00 p. m. ; ml 1 week Prayer service at 8 p. m. Wednesday evening Rev. C. A. Nutley, Pastor tuversiue ucntcrecmtional Church. w. u unmore. pastor. Her vices iSuu day at 11 a. m., Christian Endeavor at 7 p. in., evening worship at 8 p. m. iamoiic uiiurcn Keirui'.r services every Sunday. H oo iver LAND t IVl FORUM COUNTRY PROPERTY A PARTIAL LIST 100 acres on Hood river, near Dee, some cleared land, f 45.00 an acre to June 1st next only. 13 acres, all improved, free water, 3 miles from town, meadow and some orchard, $4,600.00. 17H acres, 1J4 acres in English walnuts, 10 acres in 1 year old standard apple on Hard, 15 inches of water on the place, two miles from Hood River, per acre, fcfiOO. 40 acres of wild land, $1,000 of timber, 8 miles out, rough, well watered, $1,500. 80 acres in upper valley, A No. 1 apple land, 40 tu n s nearly cleared, free irrigating water, perncrc, $150 00 330 acres raw land, timber reserved, under irrigation, platted in ten ncre lots, 12 miles out in upper Hood Kiver valley, A No. 1 apple land, $10,000. 40 acres, all under cultivation, 35 acres hav and pasture, S acres in 10-year old apple orchard, acres in 3-year old apple orchard, standard varieties, good soil, level, good bouse and barn, including all farm implements and atock until June 1, 1007, $1U,0U0. Terms, $5, 00 cash. 10 acres, all level, 9 acres under cul tivation, lj.j acres in strawberries 500 apple trees In orchard, $3,000. 5 acres, all under cultivation, one acre of strawberries, one acre in standard apple orchard, sandy loam soil, level, barn and small house, 3 miles from Hood Kiver, $3,500. 10 acres, all under cultivation, 3i acres in strawberries, 300 apple trees in or chard, 8-room house, barn 30x30, 3 miles from Hood River. Price $5,000. 40 acres, IJg miles from Hood River, rolling, good orchard land, 3 acres, plowed, all fenced, good well, $4,000. 11 acres, 10 acres under cultivation, 9 ncres in standard orchard. Price $3,500. 40 acres, all in standard apple orchard, 0 miles from Hood River, Price $20,000. 15 acres, about one-half under cultiva tion, 4,j miles from railroad, barn and 5-room house, $4,000. 40 acres, 5 acres under cultivation, 3 acres in standard apple orchard, good mud, 7 miles irom white Salmon, Wn. $1000. 40 acres, some cleard, 7 miles from Mosier, $1,000. MISCELLANEOUS. For Bale My ranch miles south of town oi, the went utile, on main road, near good cliool and church; telephone and free de livery; 20 acre all Improved; W25 apple ireea, atandard varieties; ' trees nine years old, 135 three yenra old, Vil two yearn, 3211 year Hum, peacuei and (turn for family nxe. Black berries and one acre of strawberries. The balance clover. Ten Inches of wnler rlirht. Price to October 20th. 110,000: Terms easy. J. W.Jenkins, I'bone fiftl. uM KorHale TO Head of Angora goats on ac count of going to Portland for tbe winter. Frank Chandler. o4 Wanted Girl for general housework. J. E. Nlchol'. I'bone lull. Mrs1 on Kor Hale-Dry 4-foot oak wood. Farmers. Phone 417 o24 For Hale 17 acres of land about one and a half miles south of the O'dell store In Hood River valley; five acres cleared; about 200 ap ple trees two and three years old. All Rood land. Enquire of J. W. Jenkins. I'bone (Ml. Team to let for their feed during winter Address U. K. Kntrlcan or pbone 12ii. 24 Grocery store In Portland, doing cash busi ness, trade for Hood Kiver property. Hox im, Hood Kiver. For Sale Several head ot good dairy cows. Bruno Franx. oil Terms can be had on all the above property at Reasonable Interest -A Partial List City of Hood River Property Price $2,500. house new, 8 rooms, Unimproved lots, cash or on the in stallment plan from $100 up, Businsfs lot Main street, rents $180 a year. 3 lots and houso, Price $3,0110 W. J. BAKER & CO. Ileal Estate gents, Of Hood River, Oregon, offer the fol lowing bargains: No. 1. 6 acres, 1 mile from town, all improved, all set to trees, Newtons. Spitzenbergg and peaches, poultry yara anu guou ouuuings. fJZoo. No. i 24 acres half milo from town, 400 trees, 5 years old, 10 acres 1 to 3 years old, 8 acres berries, $2,000 house, an in nign state oi cultivation, flu, 000. No. 3. Five acres close in. 5 inches of water, no buildings, no fruit planted, but ground thoroughly fertilized and very rich. Price $2,500. No. 4. Ffteon acres, all under cultiva tion, 5 acres 2 year old trees, 10 acres 1 year old trees. 4 acres strawberries, set among young wees, rnce f 7,500 No. 5. Thirty acres one and one-half miles from town, all under cultiva tion, 4 acres orchard in full bearing, in acres young orchard, some meadow land and 3 acres berries, large hou-e, very conveniently arranged. Good barn, also good cottage on place and an kinds small fruit,'cmc light phone, etc. A very desirable home. Price $15,000. rso. 9. Six and one-half acres three miles out, 4'b acres set to trees two years old, peach trees set between rows, 0-room llouse, good well and barn, frice $2,000. No. 10. Eight acres, same JUtance from town, 250 4-year-old trees, also 150 young trees one year out. Three acre of this place is suitable for early la'rriea. Neat 6-room horse and out buildings. Price $4,400. This lint is si nud v a sample of what we have to offer buyers. Call and see our entire list. It w ill interest vou. A 0 V, a Sallownesa Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark ikin becomes fascinating whea delicatel aofL un,lr,i.,l lAl "it th radiant glow which indi S I catasahealthy. active ikin. Robert- be keep tbt akin refined in quality, ksepsjioiaafrts from dogging watte andstinralatei tat tiny capillarici to contribute the colorwhich charms in blonds and brunette ilikt Robert Im is ceflaia rotectioa against tin, wabata and freckle if tpplied be fart eawMurt to ma or wind (Mad liks aa Imperceptible sheen ninii la surface, forming t stimuli ting in preserving aeiicat, lustrous beauty TODJT 11 1 r tnnw 1 an nOBERTINE True to Name Nursery Is again offering their Uotial choice stock of At)T)le. Pear UHerry anu Jreaen trees, with reference to varieties adapted to this locality. Uear in mind that all buds and scions used in propagating were personally selected from bearing trees, year was all sold out November 1st. Would suggest that orders for the coining season should not be delayed. Address, L'hone Farmers 3 19. H. S. GALLIGAN- JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Free Delivery. Phono 931 HOOD KIVER, OR. HOOD RIV Fit, OREGON Wholesale Fruit and Produce Fruits and Produce of All Kinds Wanted Will pay the highest market price in cash For Hale Three No. 1 fresh cows, part .I.t. sey. ft years old. Your choice fifty dollars. J. A. Heuderson, Blngen, Wash. oil For Hale Live pheasants, Chinese, pairs trt.00. Goldens and Silvers, fti.00 each. Mrs. O. H. Kobblns, Route 1, Hood Kiver, Oregon. Phone Farmers 149. For sale (0 acres of Al fruit land in center of valley. Easy terms. Box 038, Hood River, Oregon. sai-tf F-r Hale-One Jersey cow, price 840, also one Durham cow, price .'5. Apply to H. A. tlackelt, Route 2, Phone 88X. ol" For Sale Having disposed of my furm I will sell at private saU, all my household furniture and everything else left on the place at a bargain. First come, first served. v. E. Neff. oil For Sals Dr. Dumble ofTers good driving horse cheap on account of being atrald of automobiles. Can be seen at Fushon Htnhles o!7 For Bale 20 acres 1 mile from Odell store, church and school oo main road K. F. D. and telephone line. All choice level land, 4-room cottage, burn and good well with pump; 6 acres cleared and la fruit, balance slashed; a splendid location. Price for ao days $4,100. Inquire of I,ee B. Strong; Odell. oil) Lor Bale A few very fine light Buff Leg horns, May Cockerels from tbe noted Grebe Poultry arils, Idaho, especially bred for laying purposes, 200 egg strain. H. H. Keed, East side, box 236. Route No. 1, Hood River, Oregon. old For Sale Household furniture, Including stoves, carpets, etc Mrs. K. P. Matthews. 3 For 8ale Grey saddle horse; also good for light farming. L. Struck. O10 For Bale Good gentle work horse. Will sell cheap If bought at once. Inquire of A. o. Johnson, Mt. Hood. Phone SX1. olo For Bale Good Jersey cow, 2 1-2 Inch wagon, 2-seated phaeton and buggy, all for sale cheap if taken soon. J. A. Ccok, phone Farmers 121 x. o,t For Bale One 2 3.4 Mitchell wagon; also a two year old heifer, fresh In October. J. L. GroB, R. F. D. No. 2, Hox 178. o3 For Sale IS head choice pigs, six weeks old, at S3.00 per head. 1'hos. Calkins, Riverside Farm. oli Wanted. Wanted Girl for eeneral honsewnrl.' Dr. Dumble. Mrs. Wanted To rent. 6 or 7 room house, w Nelson, Glacier office. D. Wanted Experienced well dleeer to dlir a well on my place. Jack Rand. oli Wanted, teams We want seven nr eiirh teams to haul ties to Lyle A good road aud no np hill: steady work all fall; 11-mllo haul; we pay 13 cents each for 7x8 ties. Cox Hros. uuiuuer i., Liyie, wasn. o"4 Wantd--Mcn to cut wood, fir l fin cord. Inquli e at ranch y. mile south of Neff switch, Mt. Hood, R. R. Telephone Furmers 077. Address J. L. Tousey. box 105. R. 1. oiT Wanted To contract for nnfHnor itmnt s i ricks of wood or more In Hood River valley. Address M. Inukul, care A. Butts, Hood River. ol? Wanted Men to work on streets iintv of work. Wages, t2.50 per day. Aooly to A. i. Moe. Chairman Street Committee, or Marshal Ganger. sltttf Wanted Three Rocks, or Black Langshan. Mrs. J. A. Hen derson, Blngen, Wash. O10 Club Chop House Asn- RESTAURANT Merchants' and tamers' DINNER 11 A.M. to 2 T. M 25c il A SPECIALTY T. W. DeBUSSEY HOME Ml YOU GOING EAST? We can save you money on freighting household enods. Write as for mw ind ofhrrpanicubrf. Oregon Auto-Dfspatch Co. 17 flKST tTHII rtUTUND. GfKGOft BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. ! 5-iTe near town, all improved an I half in fruit, sunn, bearing apples, lies line, v niy y.'tiiHl. ... i aer l iinleH out. aert-s in I lit ;iri-rf 'inr.l, tine location and eood piMpe; :y, . nosy terms. : s :!. s, 2 miles out, all under oi.iti v i. nul in apples of Iiest varie ti ; a' "i' uildings. $4000. i. 1HJ : 1 mile out, good location ai d h'irlily nproved property, bearing fi lit i'f ; d variety and the I'est ol buildings, r S;i!u ut u bargain. . 20 ac 6 miles out, 5 acres in 4 y - M ' balance easy clearing, for smo on euoy terms. 6. 40 acroN 5 miles out, good apple iann, f,i.uu. 7. 41 r '-res fi miles out, timber will pay I r u. t, I..!.t of apple land, only s. . 8. US ! 0 ti des out, mostly t ilia.- We, . i t.te cifuitd, a great bargain at oni j low. The above are only a few saniplrw of the bargains we have to offer. We have a vanety ol other properties listed in all parts ol the valley, also anything you want in city property Onthank til Otten Hood River Orerfon If a man loves a tilrl that's hid busi ness. It a girl loved a man that's her buti nt a . Ifthfy v.aut to get married that's their business If they want to buy a farm that's our business. J J. il. Iieilbrouner & Co. Wanted-Yonne ladles to learn tplenlmno operating, short hours, pay while learning. Apply J. W. Reld, Mgr. sis If For Rent For Rent-Furnished house to rent for ihe winter. Apply to Mrs. Canfleld on Mtnle St. Lost and Found Notlce-laken by mistake, a straw telescope with leather straps, from W. 8. dribble's store some lime between the 17th aud tho 21sl of Kept, l'srlles who took the same will please return to the storo and oblige. Mrs 11 c McKamey. ...'7 ' Lost-Monday, Sept. 17, at hitching post in front of Rnmona Hotel one package of mer chandise containing ladies dress t-oocis uliri baby clothing. Probably p aced 111 ronir ftiS" Keturn t0 W. Hhlpley, Phone No. 1S58 1 armors. r o1 Lost Pocket book, rontninimr tn i.-i.,, and change, silver thimble and gold rimmed glasses. Money tied up In handkerchief. Re turn to H. A. Clark at the Davidson Fruit Co. Mil rV U'urrl 010 Taken un Tenm nt imru 1.. i . Mib?;"rC,S- naK'.eJ "J P''a on or about May .s. one llifht bav hr hnn,i.ji 1 o?hf,nrf h.1aLder' wire.c,U on ri!',t ft"" foot Other dark bay, no brand. Right ear crop, ped. Clarence Dunsmore, Mosier, Ore o3 Oakdale Greenhouse Flowerinar plants. Smt p0o ;n .. color and quantity. Now is the time to order lulips, Crocus and other bulbs for sprintr: Ko Pponioa pnD 1 .. , ; llliu other shrubs. White Vvandott I.m.,. for sale. Fletcher A Vt i-iy-.h-o Route 1, Hood River, Ore. It is a Well known fn.f that living in the Pine forests do not suffer from kidrtev diseases Ono ,i, t T1. - . UUDD Ul rineules at merit nsnalW mi ;,. k..i . ' 'J I'.H l - ache. 30 days treatment, ti on v. ...uut-jt reiunuea 11 not satisfied, by Keir & Cass.. Sold n