mmittt. 1 HOOD RIVER, OREGON, OCTOBER 3, 1907 VOL. XIX 20 SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVER COMMERCIALCMJB MtMl very second Monday in Mrb month HI p. m., In Uie club room over Jtekno'i Mora. H. F. DA Vinton. PTM. A.. Moe, Secretary. HOOD RIVER IjOlHiE NO. 105, A. F. Md A. M. Meet Halurday evening on or baton eacD run muun. A. I), hob, w. m. 1. McIHjnald, Hecretary. HOOD RIVER CH ArTKR NO. t7. R. A, M. MeU Unit and third Friday nlgbuof eaeh month, V. McDonald, u. r, A. I). Moe, Hecreiary, HK)D RIVER CHAPTER NO. , O. E. 8. Mrtta second and fourth TnetwUy evening ofeacb mouth. Viiltora cordially welcomed. EVA CLAKKB, W. M. Mas. Tuekeha C ahtn er, 8crtry . IDLEW1I-DELO.iUENO.I07, I. O. O. MwU lu Fruvrnal hall, every Tharaday nlglll. H. U. SMITH, N. U, J. 11. KEKm'soM, cretry KHKN ENCAJPHKNT. NO. 48. I. O. O. K. lUnnlur meeting aecond and fourth Mondavi .f ench mouth. R. 1. Pabhott, C. r. J. M. Ht'HMKLTZKR, Hcrlbe. K KMP LODGE. No. 181. 1. O. O. K.-Meets In Odell Improvement Co.'a ball every Hatur- aay niijui. mitora ooruiauy weiouium. K. T. Folts, N. O. L. A. E. Clark, Rec. Becy. l.ll'KKI. RKHKK All DEO REE LODUK NO. 1. I. O. O. K.-MeeU Brat and third Friday lu each month. . MimhZoba Day.N.O. Ella May Davidson, Hecreutry. W. O. W. meets the 2d and 4th Saturday, each month at I. O. O. F. ball. Visitors cor dially inv ited. A. C. STATEN, C. 0. F. W. McReyholds, Clerk. ... . f,vw . siu3ti K' r on nv I. Meets In K. of P. ball every Tuesday night. W. E. Hhbm,C.C. J. E. Nichols, K. of R. and B. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A. MeeU In I. O. O. K. hall ever Wednesday night. E. B. MATE, V. O. C.U.DAKIK, Clerk. BOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 624, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meet at K. of 1'. ball on the first and Third Fridays or each month. Lou McKeynolds, (I. N, K. W. McReynolus, Clerk. K1VE118IDE LODGE NO. 8 A. O. U. W. Meets first and third Haturdaya of each month. Aua. Uuiunabd, 11. W, tlEO. Hi.ocot, Financier Chehtkk Hhutr, Recorder. O-.ETA ASSEMBLY NO. 103. UNITED ART-lMns.-Meel the first and third Wednes- days, work: second and fourth Wednesdays Artisans' hall. C. D. HENUICU M. A. E. H. Haktwio, Becrnary. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. 42, FORESTERS of Amerlca.-Meets every Saturday evening in K. of P. hall. John G. Zolls, C. R. F. C. Brosius, F. C. CANBY POHT, NO. 18, Q. A. R. MEETS AT A. O. U. W. hall, second and fourth Satur days of euch month at 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. II. members invited to meet with us. A. C. Buck, Commander. 8. F. Blythe, Adjutant. CANBY W. R.C..NO. 16-MEET8 SECOND and fourth Saturdays of each Month In A. O. U. W. hall at 2 p. in. Martha Riqby, President, Alida Biiobmakku, SecreUry MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 84B9, R. N. A. Meots at I. O. O. K. Hull on the second and fourth Fridays ol eaeh mouth. M us. Susie MAYES, O. Mas. Ella Dakin, Recorder. PAYNTEK LODGE, No. 2110, M. B. A. meets first and third Fridays of each month at K. of P. hall. Geo. S. Millkk, Pres. Al'O. GUIGNARD, Set. J. F. WATT, II. Br PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. SURGEON O. U. A N. 00. H. L. DTJMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Calls promptly answer 3d In town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 613. Office in the Brosius Building. E. 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Jflice and Residence over First National Bank, Hood River, Oregon. Phone Main 871 M. F. SHAW, M. D. Ofiice in Jackson Block. Office phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. 693. Dr. M. H. sharp Dr. Edna B. Sbabp Osteopathic Physicians uraduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office and Res., Huxley Cottage, River at. Phone 25 Hood River. p 0. BROSIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. 'Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to and 6 to 7 P. M. DR. E. T. CARNES DENTIST Office over Bartmess Hlore HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Telephone 31. H. D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Crown Bridgk Work a Specialty. Office over Telephone " Hirst National Bank Mam oil C. II. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones: Office 283; residence 1045 Office over Butler Bank, Hood River, Ore A. A JAYXK LAWYER Al).-lructs Furnished. Money Loaned. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HART WIG, Vfin t'rsctlce in All Court" Office In (Smith Building, over First Na tional Hunk. U(H)l) KIVKR. OttEii-N. J. W. MORTON Attorney and Counselor at Law Will Ptactice in All Courts. Office with J. H. Hellbronner A Co. Collections, Abstract, Settlement of Estates. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. aTj."ierby Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. White Salmon Valley Bank The small depositor receives the same courteous treatment as the larger ones. We have both. COME AND SEE US. FA Starlit, K. L. Burro, E. O. Blahcbab frea. Vlce-lfes. Caahler. V. C. Beock, Asst. Cashier. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Capital $50,000 Surplus $12,500. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON attoeney-at-law, abstracter, no- TABY PUBLIC and KKAL ESTATE AtiKNT. Por.a yean a resident of Oregon and Wash ington Hu had man Tears exuerience In Real KstaU matters, as abstractor, searcher of titles and agent. Balislacllon guaranteed or do charge International orrepondencc chool 8CRANTON, FA. H. V. REED, ReKesentative Sixth St, Portland, Oregon. Hood River once a month. Full infor mation mailed upon reue.-t. Mrs. Mary Powell Jordan, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office and residence, home place of John Leland Henderson, Htate St., bead of Third St. Phone m. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. . MISS JOHNSON A pupil of the best masters of Cincinnati, teacher of Piano, Mandolin and Harmony. Call at the Noble residence, near hospital, or Phone 434 DR. C. W. EDMUNDS Specialist EYE, EAR, N08E AND THROAT. Office, New Bank Building, corner Osk and Third bt. Telephone Main 611. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY SURGEON Is nreoared to do any work In the veterin ary line. He can be found by calling al or pntmng to ciarxe s arug store. P. H. HALL-LEWIS & (10. Civil and Architeccnral Engineers and Surveyors Make surveys. Dlans and esi b Bates for sew er, light and power and rsliaajr plants, and furnish, subject to approval, plans, specifica tions and estimates for all classes of buildings public, private and mercantile. Special at tention givan to economic sad slow-burning construction. Accuracy and economy guar anteed. DAVIDSON BU1L.UINU HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and , Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 769 Estimates furnished on request. An honest job guaranteed. E. A. JEROME, Architect Uawln ha1 aavAval vaufi aTisarioHM In drnfilnj and building.! would respectfully oiio i a pun ui uie iHiiuuui;e m uio wtmie ui Hood River who antiotpnte building. Terms aa s..l uutlufuHtlnii onox.i nloaH tf. flce at residence on Heigbu. H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I sm qualified and prepared to do all kinds of first cIh land surveying. Accuracy gusr antecd. These who win') first-class work done address K. F. D. 2., Hood River. I'bone 60x1. 11 OREGON Fl RELIEF ASSOCIATION of McMinnville. Oregon, will insure your property at 60 per cent less cost than any other institution. U. u. liiuni'SUA, Airent. Hood Rlrer, Oreiren McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prompt sales and quick returns Wholesale dealers in all kinds of First and Produce Consignments solicited 129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. Hood River Studio First-Class Photographs We have the latest In mounts and can en large ynr Photos In Crayon, Platinoid or Sepl'A. ? .'i"llon guaranteed. w. D. ROGERS, Prop. 0. EVERETT. The Practical Shoemaker, At Riggs' Old Stand. Fine Work a Specialty. T R. JONES,Dentist 0 Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Withsat Plates. l'realtiient of diseased teeth and gutus. Ofllee Brosius Building. Phone 1033. n3 JL1. A FOR SALE MY JERICHO FARM Containing 15 acres splendid fruit land. None better, 3 acres in bearing orchard, choice varieties. Three acres Newtowns and Spitzenbergs, 3 years old; 4 acres clover, 7-roora house, 20x40 feet, 2 story barn also new, black smith shop, farming tools, spring wagon, phaeton, spray outfit, incubators, etc. Also ten inches irrigating water, paid up in full. All for $300.00 an acre. The above advertisement has been running for some months and no buyers. Now I am going to sell, as I can not take care of it, and in order to do this I am going to make reductions in price until it will sell. I have of fered it at $300 per acre or $4,500 for the 15 acres. Now I will reduce the price of the 15 acres $100 per week until sold This week $4,400 takes it. .Vext $4,300 buys it, and so on. Whose farm will it be? No buyers yet at $4,300. Next week $4,100 takes it. Mr. Homeseeker, you are go ing to lose the chance of get ting the best and cheapest 15-acre h urn; in the valley. Go out to Jericho home on the Mt. Hood Kond and in vestigate for yourself. Don't take anybody's word for it. Half cash, balance any old time. Address H. C. COE, Lockbox 107, Newport, Ore. Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers In Kresh and Cured Meats, Lard I'oullry, Fruits and Vegetables. J1 nee Delivery. Phone Main 35. FKEDFRICK A ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimate farnlthad on all kinds of work Phonea: & RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection O. H. CRAY, Prop. Carry a full line of Whips, Eobes, Blankets and Wagon Covers, Heavy Harness Also Double and Single Driving Harness All made in their shop. Call and get our prices before buying. .BICYCLE SHOP. J. MARION REID Bicycles, Guns, Sewing Machines, Furniture, Umbrellas, Stoves and Locks Repaired KEYS MAbE TO ORl'EIl Bicycles, Guns, etc., sent by express for repairs will be neatly and promptly re- ; paireu ami remrneu. can save you fl j lo $3.00 ou price of new wheels. Tires, i bruker, and all kinds of repairs sold at rortiana prices, rricea lurnislied on application. Reference: Bradtjtreet. Big line of tents, wagon Covers, and nmmer lap dusters at S. J. Frank's. i LAID i When looking for something good in the way of a Unimproved Property or Investment CALL ON ileilbronner and look over his long list of BARGAINS This is a firm that gives you nothing but reliable pointers about Hood lliver, and you can save money and valuable time by doing business through this office. J.H.HEILBRONNER&CO. HOOD RIVER & PORTLAND, OREGON Bargains in Real Estate The Underwood and Little White Salmon Valley clioic fruit and grns land; 80 acres; good improvements; 12 acres in cultivation; 400 fruit trees 100 in full bearing; nil kinds of fruit large and small ; running water; good soil. 2 miles out. $40 per acre. Twenty acres, 9 in cultivation ; house and barn; 100 fruit trees in bearing; small fruit; :U miles out. fi',100. Forty acres 20 in cultivation ; 200 fruit trees in full bearing; one house, two wells ; tino view overlooks bluff ; 5 miles out. $50 per acre. I ha-e now arranged to open up 500 ucres of the Little VYhite Salmon land for settlement, cutting it into small tract?. This is the ideal land for fruit and grass; abundance of water and good soil; within 3J miles of Cook's station and boat landing. Now is the time to get a good cheap home. Every thing on terms. Come and investigate. The above is only jnst a reminder of a few of the bargains we have. Can sell you from 10-acre trsctH up to 210. Come and see what Is destined to be one of the best fruit countries in the Northwest and where three crops of alfalfa can be grown without irrigation. F. W. Deliart Underwood, Wash. ML ABBOTT Millinery, Hair Goods Richardron's Silks and Embroidery Supplies. Opposite the Paris Fair. Exchange of School Books. Books must be whole with good cov ers. Books are exchangeable ouly for corresponding books in the same grade, for instance, sixth tirade books cannot be exchanged for seventh grade books. The time for exchanging books expires December 81st, lj7. For Sale.' , Having disposed of my farm I will sell nt private rale all my household furniture and everything else left on the place at a bargain. First come, first served. o3 the time to sell anything ii when tbe o.bei tellow wants it. We have plenty of tujers coming here this tall. so if yo I bnve hnd for sale list it wlto us and we win do.iue rest. J. 11 Ileilbronner Sl Co. FARM HAWAIIAN PARTY TO ARRIVE SOON WILL VISIT HOOD RIVER IN 10 DAYS Plans Being Made to Entertain the Young l.iulles While In Hood Ithfr. The llawiian young ladies will visit Hood Eiiver about the middle of Oc tober, aooording to a letter received by Mrs. Kdith Tozier Weathered, from Los AnnWeH The following let ter to Lesli Hi'itlcr will be of iuter ent : "Presume r.u nn Sundering the wbereaboi.ts ' tliu liawniian party? Well, we ii.o ttill 'doing' southern California. The best people are giv ing tbe best ct attention. San Frau oisoo, Kaoiamonto, Los Angeles and other places have certainly treated the girla royally. Club women aud commercial clubs have joiued in ex tending greetings to their guests. Am very anxious that Oregon will 'show off as well as California has. We will reach Portland ou Saturday, Ootober 5, an 1 about eight or nine duys will find us in Hood liiver. "Do you have a fiuit fair this year, and what is the date if you do? "We will stop a day aud night in Salem, Friday, October 4, leaving there on Saturday morning for Port land. We will stop at Hotel Imperial while in Portland, 1 will write you there or you can write me as to date thut will host suit us both. "Have received so many invitations throughout California to have the young ladies visit theii locality, but time, will not permit. A presidential party could not have been better treated. They are very popular wher ever they go. Last Sunday they sang at tbe First CongiegaMonal churoh in Sacramento. We are all anxious to reach Oregon and it will give me a chance to breathe. Kdyth T. Weatherred." The Honolulu Bulletin of August loth, gives the names of seven ot the young ladies as follows: iMisa Katie Sadler, Daisy Todd, Miss Hester Lem on, Lillian Muudou, Miss L. Callie Lucas, Ilattie L. Salfrey, Kose Aloiau, aud says: "iheee are the young ladies selected by tbe people of Hawaii, patrons of the B'llletin, to represent this teriitory in a tour of the Paciflo const states as the guests of the Evening Bulletin. Miss Mun don and Miss Aloiau are from the isl and of Kauai ; Miss Lucas aud Miss Lemou fnm tbe city of Honolulu, ou the island ot Oahu, and Miss Hatfrey and Miss Todd are from tbe Island ot Hawaii. The young ladies are worthy representatives of the islands. They are of Island birth, were educated in island schools aud three Miss Aloiau, Miss Sadlei aud Mies BaQrey aie suo oesstul teaoherg iu the public schools of tbe territory, iuey will tour tue coast under the ohnperouage of Mrs. & 1. Weatherred, leaving Honolulu ou the steumor Sierra Sept. 4. When the tour is complete these young la dles will have traveled a greater num ber of miles than any paity ever sent out by an Amerioau newspaper." The other two ladies acoonipamug Mrs. Weatherred are teaoheis In Honolulu, and are making the trip for eduoa tional purposes. Their names could not be learned at this writing. Arrangements are being made to en tertain the youug ladies at Hood Kiv er but the exact piogram has not yet been deoided upon. Ibe manner ot entertainment wilj depend somewhat upon the weather and also the plans of Mrs. Weatnored. The party is ex pected to hi rive here by boat and re main about 24 hours. A trip to the Devils Punch Bowl on the Mt. Hood railroad and a drive around the valley will take up most of the day, while it is planned to give a reception in the evening, hui tne mayor wilt give them au address of welcome, followed by remarks from others, a few songs by Hood Biver youug ladies, etc. The reception will pribBhly be held Bt the Mt. Hood hotel, unless a suitable ball oau be secured for tbe occasion. As the young ladies have never seen an apple tree in tbeir native country, tne drive around tne valley win ne a revelation. Their extended trip through the Paoitlo ooast country will be an educational feature that will never be forgotten. Frank Taylor Suicides. Frank P. Taylor, a prominent and highly respected citizen of this coun ty, committed suicide Thursday morning at lne Dnllos, in tno sliudow of a woodpilo on the beach shooting himself under the chin, tbe tall pierc ing the jugular vein and producing In stant death He purchased the reval ver from n boy iu a locai store, not desiring to purchase from the propri etors, who knew him several years. He resided In 'no suburbs ol Tne Dulles, rede n horse down town, got tno revolver, went to the beach be hind tbe woodpile and shot himself. No reason U assigned except men tal woirr, which produced melancholia. lie wub not lluaucialiy cmbsnussed, so far as known, but made one unfor tunate business venture, and his wife had been nek sevnal monMi. these caused him considerable trouble, and it has been uoticed tor souie time be bus been given to constant worry. Mr Tnvlor was a member of tbe city council and obaiiman ottheoom- tnittee ou streets and publio proper y. He was one of the prinoipal stockholders in The Dalles Dressed Meat company. He was bora near Salem 01 years ago aud loaves a wife aud Ovo children, the oldest 20 years, youngest 9. He was a member cf the Woodmen ot tbe World and Elks lodges of The Dalles. A Fish Story. The ftory goes that V. C. Hook, of Hood Kiver, while fishing in the Lit tie White Salmon, suoceeded iu book lag a minatnre whale in the guise ofa trout. Tbe tinny giant and tbe Cboniole's Infomant Is veracious enough measured 32 inches in length, nud doubtless weighed several pounds if not more. But tbe most remarka ble part of tbe incident Is perhaps the tact that he did not get away, as nan ot sucb dimensions are wont, but was anded, cooked and eaten by bis cap tor without assistance. Chronicle. The largest stork of furuituro in the city at Oubuey's. Canadian Road Will Sot Raise Rate. Vancouver. B C, Monday. SapL 30. The commercial Interest of Van couver and tbe ooast generally will in all probability be granted by tne Ca nadian Paciflo railway substantial concessions in tbe matter of freight rates eastward Into the territory trib otary to Lethbridge, Calgary and Ed monton. While no official statement to tbii effect could be secured from Mr. F. L. Peteis, assistant freight manage! of the Canadian Paciflo railway, the fact that tomorrow morning be will meet the freight ratea committee of tbe board of trade to discuss tbls question indicate that redaction! In present rate are probable. "About advaced rates on lumber to northwest points on November IT "ell, tbe Canadian Paciflo railway bas done nothing ai far as tbe British Columbia coast is concerned," said Air. feters. "Un that date tbe Amer ican railways will nut into edect a tarilf increasing ratea on shipment iron) I'ucet sound to points suoh a St. Paul 10 cents per hundred pounds, and tbe Canadian Paoitlo railway la a party to tbe new taritt in ao far at tiattlo which it draw from Puget soand is oonoeined. ibe old rate have been 40 and 50 cents on flr and oedar respectively, and after Novem ber 1 they will be 50 and GO cent. No, I oannot say that the Canadian Paciflo railway will increase the rates from Biitish Columbia at all events the question has not been raised yet. "While the lumber market in the noitwest la slack at present I antici pate that demand will Increase short ly. The slackness In demand hat been due to the fact that people in the nortbwest bare been waiting to see how tbe crop have turned out. Now that the oiop iltuatlon is fairly clear 1 believe that orders for British Co lumbia lumber will be more plentl- rui. - WENATCHEE UNION KEEPS PRICE SECRET Publio interest at Wenatobee still centeia in the sale of tbe big apple pool on Monday. It is known that nearly till of the 100 cars of fruit pooled were sold, and it la rumored on the street that a good price was obtained. Hut just what thia price was is still a matter of conjecture. Tbe ofUoiala cf tbe Froit Otoweri as sociation are still wltholding thia in formation, doubtless for good reasons oi ttielr own. The criticism in tbe atreet which attaobea to them on aooount of tbeir oourse in thia matter may or may not oe justifiable in tbe light of later de velopments. Ibe people whose bdd1s are tied od lu the pool are naturally anxious to know bow much money they reoeived tor tnelr crop, It sold ; yet when they joined the association they elected tbe present staff of ofUoera to act for thorn, and in doing so obligated them selves to support these same officials in any stand they might take regard -lug tbe marketing of their respective fruit outputs. So the varioua mem bers ot tbe association have no klok coming that tbe newa is withheld from them. affiliated with the association, la nat urally interested to know the prloe tbe crop brought, but Is not in a po sition to demand tun information. Tbe report that a "deal" ia being oonsumated ia generally disoiedtted, and most of the people ascribe only good motives to the directors of tbe Fruit Growers associaion in holding baok Information as to the big sale. Tbe whole story will soon be made public Wenatobee World. Program for The Dalles Fair. Tuesday, Oot. 8, Opening day. Wednesday. Oct. 9. Portland-Dallei day and Open Riper convention. ibursday, Oot. 10, Oufur Hood River day. Friday, Oot. 11. Sherman-Crook- Gilliam and Wheeler Counties day. Saturday, Oct. )2, Cbildren'a day. Main exhibit pavilion on Washing ton St., between Second and Third. Iwo balloon asoenslons during tbe week. High grade oarnlvsl attractions ev ery day. ibe following is tbe speed program : Wednesday. Trotting, 3-miuute class, 2 In 3. f 100 purse. Kuuuig novelty, 1-mile dash, 925 to winner of each quarter. trotting, farmers' tingle driver. driven by owners, 2 in 3, -mile dash, 175. Running, '4 -mile dash, 975. Thursday. Trotting and paoing, dlstiiot hois- es, 2:40 class, 1-mile heats, 2 la 3, $150. Bucking contest, $100. Friday. Running race, 1-mile dash, free for al), $100. Farmers baok team race, 1-mile dab, 2 in 3, $100. Saddle horse race, 'i-mlle dash. $75. Free for all trot, 1-mile dash, 2 in 3, 8100. Saturday. Boys' louy raoe, -mlle dash, $50. Relay raoe, !) miles, 3 horses, one rider, to be ridden-with oowbny sad dles, $150. Free tor all, pacers, 1-mile dnab, 2 in 3, $100. Running, -mile dash, $75. Will Celebrate Golden Heading. Canby Post, O. A. R. and W. R. C. will celebrate tbe golden wedding an. niversary of Mr. and Mil. W. II. Per ry on tbe next meeting day, Satur day, Ootober 12. The wedding will take plaoe at high noon, Comrade and Kev. J. W. Rigby officiating. S. F. Blythe, II. II. Bailey. Mrs. II. II. Bailey and Mrs. E. R. Bradley will aot as best men and bridesmaids. Af ter the ceremony a dinner wilt be served by tbe W. R. C. Does your back ache? Do you feel tired and drowsy and lacking in ambi tion? If so, there is something wrong with your kidneys. DeW'itt's Kidney and Bladder Pills relieve backache, weak kidneys, and infiamation of the bladder. A week's treatment 25 cents. Sold by Keir and Cass. If vou take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills you will get prompt relief from backache, weak kidneys, infiama tion of the bladder and urinary troubles. A week's treatment 25 cents. Sold by Keir & Cass. COMMERCIAL CLUB MAY BUILD PERMANENT HOME FOR THE CLUB A Plan on Foot to Erect Large Bnild. lot; to Accommodate Frnlt Fair and Commercial Club. A tpeoial meeting of the Commer cial ciub directors was held at tbe club room Monday evening to conrider a proposition from J. E. Nichols to lease the second story of bla new build ing to the club lor a term of years. While the matter ot securing better quarters for tbe club met with unaui- mous favor, it was tbe sentiment that the matter be taken up on a broader toale and unite tbe several organiza tions in building a laige building, in a favoiable location, which would ao commodate them all, and be for tbe best interests of tbe city and country. It has been tbe opinion for tome time that the fruit fair should beheld annually, instead of every two years, and that a permenent building be erected wblob oould be used for the fair, a convention ball or auditor ium, a home for the Commercial olub, tbe Business Men'a Protective assocition, etc To that end a com mittee was appointed by President Davidson to canvass tbe matter and see if the undertaking oould not bo carried '.out In a manner whloh would meet all requirements. It was the opinion of those present that the two comer lota opposite the Wauooma hotel would be tbe best lo. cation for suoh a building, at it la close to tbe depot, tbe hotels, and the oenter of tbe business distriot. The grade ot Second street going down to tbe depot ia steep enough to give at full stoiy in the basement, with a front on Seoond street, and a room oouldbe made for exhibition pur poses about 100 by 125 foet, whioh would be well lighted and of ample proportions. Tbe first flooi oould be rented for business purposes, and help seouie a ievenue sufficient with reuts from the fair and Commercial olub to pay the Interest and retire tbe bonds in a term of yeara. The seoond floor oould be made into an opera bouse and auditorium, beside quarter for tbe Commeroial olub, and other organization of similar or pub lic oharaoter. It ia proposed to merge the fair as sociation, the merchants' association, the Commeroial olub and the corpora tion recently formed, called the Hood River Development Co.. into one or ganization, for the purpose of the building, and unite all interest Into tbe one great object of ptovidlng a home whloh will result in gieat good to all. It will be project in whloh the country wilt be interested equally with the city. The fair association baa spent from $500 to $800 every time a fair waa held in putting up a tem porary struotare. If that money oould go toward the maintenance of a fine building, much better results oould be obtained at no greater ex pense than ia biennially incurred, while the quartera oould be used at all time for otber purpose. Good building site are being rap idly picked up, and tbe prloe la ad vancing eveiy year. Now ia tbe time to aeoure a auitable plaoe, and it hould be done. The time ha oome for tbe holding of an annnal fruit fair, and a permanent building ia needed for tbe purpose. Hood River baa long needed an auditorium or oouvention hall for general assem blies, and now 1 the time to seonre one. The undertaking ia no imitll one, and it will require the oombined ef forts of ell interests, oity and .coun try, to aeoure tbe funds necessary to carry out tbe enterprise. It li to be hoped that it oan be accomplished. At tbe meeting a ooramittee was ap pointed, consisting of J. L. Hender son, Frank A. Cram and G. D. Wood worth, to request tbe oo'inoil to plaoe several light on the east tide giade to light the road at night, a there are many dangerous placa on tbe grade, and tbe evening will soon be short. Tbe matter of more bitching plaoe for team will also be consid ered, and it waa suggested that the directors of the Apple Grower Sup ply Co. be asked to allow raoka and sbeda to be plaoed on their property, and that they be put up by the oity. if tbe Davidson lota be secured for the purpose ot building. It will be necessary to remove tbe racks now on that ground, and another plaoe must be seoured. The present raoks are not sufficient now to aooommodate tbe teams on a busy day, and more room must be secured. Apples for the Orient. F. Eggert reoeived a draft for $90 last week from a friend for 20 boxes of apples from Eggermont, to be Spitzenberga and Newtowns in equal qualtities. They are to be shipped to Shanghai, China, ibey go from here to Seattle, where they will be loaded on a boat whioh sails November 3. Mr. Eggert also reoeived a request from an apple Arm at Rottetdam for tbe entire crop of the Eggermont or chard, at any reasonable prloe. A Mr. Avery, who manages the oichard, bas sold bis orop to tbe Davidson Fruit Co., through the Apple Growera union, ha referred the letter to Mr. Davidson. Mr. Avery said that every box ot apples which goes from tbe Egger mont orchard bas hi name and that of Mr. Eggert on tbe box, a well aa the address. They are ulso very care ful that nothing ia shipped oot which they are ashamed of. In thia way tbey are building up a reputation that is bringing inquiries from all over tbe world. Cornice Pears $7.70 Fer Box. Special to tbe Olacler. New York, Sept. 30. -Tbe highest prloe ever reoeived for a carload of pears in thia country waa realized to day by Rao & Hatfield, who sold one car for O. II. Lewi, of Bear creek, Medford, Ore., of Cornice peart. The car grossed $4,622.80, against the next highst prloe for a oar from 3. W. Per kins, whioh grossed $4,552.70. Fruit Trade Journal. P. M. Hall-Lew Is left Friday for Portland, and visited Astoria before) hi return. , 4 i HI ? 1 i V i i a ; r 4 i