' 31 t i VOL. XIX HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 19, 1907 18 8 ! " SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVER COX M KRCI A L. CLUB Meets very secoud Monday In each mouth M S p. m- Id Um club rooois over Jackson's Mora. H. V. Da viusoa, Frea. A. I). Mob, Heeretary. MttODRIVKKLUKUKMO. 10&.A.F. and A. M.-Mli Haluruay evening oa eh run moon. a. u. mob. w. sa. 1. McIomali, Secretary. HOOD RIVER Ch AFTER NO. 17. R. A. M. MeeU flnt and laird Krldaf nlfbuof eaek noolb D. McUomaLD, H. P. A. I). Mob, Secretary, HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. t&, O. K. Meets aaeood and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Visitors eordialiyweleomea. KVA CLAKKB, W. M. Mb.Thbba CAgTBB.Beertary. IDLKW1LDK IX OK NO. 107, I. O. O. S- Meeu in ITravruai nan, every louraoay ht. H. C Burnt, N. U. FEBacaoH, -eretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. , L O. O. F. Recnlar ineetinir eeoond and fourth Mondays of each mouth. K. 4. Pabboit, C. P. I. M. 8cHt,TBB, Bcrlbe. KEMP LODGE, No. 181, L O. O. F.-MeeU tn Odell Improvement Co.'s hall every (Satur day nlgtil. Vleluwseordlally weloomed. K. T. Foira, N. O. U A. E. Clabk, Ree. Becy TAlKfcL REBEK AH DEGREE LODGE NO. 1, 1. 0. 0. r.-MeeU nrst and third Fridays i u eaca month. M im Zoba Dai, N. 9. Ella Mat Davidson. Becretary. W. O. W meet the Id and 4th Saturday! each month at I. O. O. F. hall. Vlltor oof dlally Invited. A. C. HfATEM, C. 0. K. W. McKKVNOl.iia. ciera. WAUOOMA LODGE NO. SO, K. OF F. Meata In K. of P. haU every Tneaday night w. E. BHBBTS, O. 0. J. E. Nichols, KV. or K. ana a. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 1.T0J, M. W. A. MeeU in I. O. O. F. hall every Wednesday night. KB.1UTO, V.C. - C.U. DABIK, Clerk. . BOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 624, WOMEN OF W'oodcraft-Meett at K. of P. haU on the Oral and Third Fridays of eaoh month. Lou McRBYKOLM, U. N, V. W. MCKBYltoLpa, mere. RIVERSIDE LODGE NO. 98 A. O. U. W. MnU firet and third Saturdays of each mouth. Auo. GviUMABD, M. W. GEO. HLncoM, Financier r Cukhtkb Hu OTB, Reoorder. OLETA AHrtEMBLY NO. 108. UNITED ART-luut.-MoeU I he first and third Wednea day, work; wound and fourth Wednesdays Anions' hall. Mas. A. D. MoGdibb, M. A. K H. Haktwiq, Secretary. COURT HOOP RIVER NO. 42, FORESTERS of America,-MeU every Saturday evening lnK.ofP.halL John G. Zolia, 0, R. F. C. BBogiua. F. C. CANBY POST, NO. 16.Q. A. R -MEETS AT A. O. U. W. hall, second and lourth Satur day! of each mouth at a o'clock p. m- All G. A. R. members Invited to meet with ua, A. C Buck, Commander. B. F. Blythb, Adjutant. CANBY W.R.C..-NO. IS MEETS SECOND and fourth (Saturday of each Month In A. O. U. w". hall at ip.ni. Maktba Riobt, President. Alida Bhobmakbb, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. MM, R. N. A. Meet at I. O. O. K. Hall on the aeeond and fourth Friday of eaeh month. 1 Mua.HU8iBMAYBS,0. Mas. Ella Dakim, Reoorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephone: Office, 281; residence, 81L BURGEON O. R, A N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND 8URGE0N. Call promptly answer id In town or country, Day or Night. Telephone: Residence, 61 1: Office, (U. Ollto In the Uroalu Building. - - E. 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Jflice nd Reeidence over First National Bank, Hood River, Oregon. Phone Main 871 M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office In Jackson Block. Office phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. 583. Dr. M. H. Sharp Dr. EdhaB.Bhabp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office and He., Huxley Cottage, River at. Phone 25 Hoop Kivbb, p C. BROSIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hour: 10 to 11 A. M.; i and 8 toT P. M. to I DR. E. T. CARNES DENTIST Office over Bartmea Store HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Telephone 81. H. D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Cbowm Bbidgs Wobk a Specialty. Office over First National Bank Telephone , Main Sll 0. H. JENKINS, D.M.Dt DENTIST. Teleohones: Office 283: residence 1048 Office over Butler Bank, Hood Rivbr, Obb. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY SURGEON t. nmninut tn do inv work in the veterin ary fine. He can be found by calling at or puenlng to Clarke I drug store. A.JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned, HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will Prantln In All CnnrtA. Office In Hmlth Building, over First Na- tlonalBank & J. W. MORTON Attorney and Counselor at Law Will Piactice in All Conrts. Offioe with 1. H. Heilbronner A Co. Collection, Abstracts, Settlement of Estate HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. White Salmon Valley Bank The small depositor receives as the larger ones. We have both. COME ANI SEE US. FJS.BTABXBY. E. L. KMITm, E. O. BlABCBaB Pres. Vtee-frwu Cashier. V. C. Bbock. Asst. Cashier. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVES, OREGON. v 8 Capital $50,000 ' Surplus, $1200. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT-L A W, ARfTRACTER, NO TARY PUBLIC and REA1 EtSTATK AGENT. For a year a reel deal of Oregon and Wah Ington Ha bad many year eiportenee In Real Eatat mettera, aa abstractor, eeamher of Utlr and agent. BalifacUon guaranteed or oa charge International orrepondcnce Reboot 8CRANTON, PA. H. V. REED, Representative t Hlilh HL, Portland, Oregon. Hood River once a month. Full infor mition mailed upon request. Mrs. Mary Powell Jordan, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office aad reeldenoe, boms place of John Leland Henderson, Utate Be, head of Third 81. Phone 171, HOOD RIVER, OREGON. MISS JOHNSON A pupil of the beet masters of Cincinnati, teacher of Piano, Mandolin and Harmony. Call at the Noble residence, near hospital, or Phone 434. P. M. ML-MIS & GO. Civil ami Architectural Engineers and Surveyors Make aurvey, plan and e b ata for aew er, light and power and rallay plant, and furnish, aubject to approval, plans, specifica tion and estimate for all classes or buildings public, private and mercantile. Hpeclal at tention given to economic and alow-burning oonetrnouoa. Accuracy and economy guar anteed. . DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 769 Estimate! furnished on request. An honest Job guaranteed. E. A. JEROME, Architect ' Having had eeveral year' experience In drafting and building, I would respectfully solicit part of the patronage of the people ot Heod River who anticipate building. Terms reasonable. Kid satisfaction guaranteed. Of floe at residence on Heights. H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I sm qualified and prepared to do all kinds of first-class Und surveying. Accuracy guar anteed. Those who wist first-class work done address U. K. D. 2., Hood River. Phone 50x1. m OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION of McMinnville. Oregon, will insure your nrODertv at 60 per cent less cost than aov other institution. C. D. THOMPSON, Afrent, Hood Rlfer, Oregon JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of atone masonry, con crete, etc. HcEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prompt sales and quick returns Wholesale dealer in all kinds of First and Produce, Consignments solicited 129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. Hood River Studio -FOR First- Class Photographs W have the latest In mounts and can en large your Photo In Crayon, Platinoid or Hepla. 8 i votion guaranteed. W. D. ROGERS, Prop C. EVERETT, The Practical Shoemaker, At Riggs Old Stand. Fine Work a Specialty. TR.JONES,Dentist Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Withsut Plates. Treatment of diseased teeth and gums, Offioe Brasilia Building. Phone 1033, the same courteous treatment FOR SALE MY JERICHO FARM Containing 15 acres splendid ruit land. None better, 6 a 11 acres in bearing orcnaru, choice varieties. Three acres Newtowns and Spitzenbergs, 3 years old; 4 acres clover, 7-room house, 20x40 feet, 2 story barn also new, black smith shop, fanning tools, spring wagon, phaeton, spray outfit, incubators, etc. Also ten inches irrigating water, paid up in full. All or f 300.00 an acre. The above advertisement has been running for some months and no buyers. Now am going to sell, as I can not take care of it, and m order to do this I am going to make reductions in price until it will sell. I have of- 'ered it at $300 per acre or $4,500 for the 15 acres. Now I will reduce the price of the 15 acres $100 per week until sold This week $4,400 takes it. Next $4,300 buys it, and so on. Wnose larm will it be: No buyers yet at $4,300. Next week $4,100 takes it. Mr. Homeseeker, you are go ing to lose the chance of get- ing the best and cheapest 5-acre home in the valley. Go out to Jericho home on the Mt. Hood Road and in vestigate for yourself. Don't take anybody's word for it. Half cash, balance any old tune. Address H. C. COE, ockbox 107, Newport, Ore. Eureka Meat Market McGUIKE BROS., Props. Dealer in Kresh and Cured Meats, Lard I'oiiltry, bruits una vegetables, criee tMivery. Phone Main 35. FRLDFRICK A ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimate furnished on all kinds of work FhnnAH' Arnold. Mains. rUUUBB. rradertok. Umim aas RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection O. H. GRAY, Prop. Carry a full line of Heavy Harness Also Double and Single Driving Harness All made in their shop. Whips, Robes and all fix tures iounu in a harness shop Call and get our prices before buying .BICYCLE SHOP. J. MARION REID Bicycles, Guns, Sewing Machines, hirniture, umbrellas, Moves and Locks Repaired KEYS MADE TO ORl'ER Bicycles, Oun, etc., vnt by expreeg (or repairs will be natly mid promptly re- i . i . i paired aim reiurmti. v. an nave you ei to 3.00 on price of new wheels. Tire, brakes, and all kinds of repairs sold at Portland prices. Prices furnished application. Reference: Bradstreet Uig line or tents, wagon Covers, au summer lap dusters at 8. J. Frank's LAID i I When looking for something good in the way of a Unimproved Property or Investment CALL ON Heilbronner and look over his long list of BARGAINS This is a firm that gives you nothing Due reliable pointers about Hood River, and you can save money and valuable time by doing business through this office. J.H.HEILBRONNER&CO. HOOD RIVER 4 PORTLAND, OREGON Bargains in Real Estate 80 acres. 10 acres in cultivation, 6-roora house, wood shed, smoke house, mult house, chicken house, shop, 2 barns, water numed to house; 51KJ fruit trees, 1(50 3-year apple trees, some bearing, 1 acre potatoes, 1 acre corn, ) acre in carrots, 4 acres alfalfa. 1 span work horses, 1 wagon, 1 hack, 1 mowing machine nearly new; blacksmith tools, other implements too numerous to mention : 2 brood sows, 6 bead cattle. 2 dozen chickens, 6 tons hay. This place is good soil 21 miles of postollioe, 4 miles from boat landing, 7J miles from Underwood. Must be sold at once. 20 acres, 12 acres in cultivation, 400 fruit trees, 300 are apples, good vari eties, 100 in full bearing; 2 acres strawberries ; one good house 1J story, 6 rooms ; 1 barn, chicken house, wood shed, cellar; lots of water, good soil; 1 mile of Underwood; $160 per acre. 40 acres, 2 acres in cultivation, 18 fruit trees, bearing; j acre In strawberries; good soil, a line location, i miles from town, enough timber if made Into cord wood to pay for place. $40 per acre. 159 .acres, 15 acres in cultivation. 30 i apple trees, more than 100 in bearing, 100 peaches beginning to bear; one house, cellar, barn, woodshed, chicken house; 2 acres strawberries, lots of small f-'uit, free from rock, running water: more land can be easily cleared; 2J miies from town. 125.00 per acre. 8 or 10 million red fir raw timber, $1.00 per 1000 feet stumpage. Wood loca tion. Early logged, gradual slope to river. The above is only just a reminder of few of the bargains we have. I an sell you from 10-acre tracts up to 210, Come and see what is destined to be one of the best fruit countries in the Northwest and where three crops of alfalfa can be grown without irrigation F. W. DeHart Underwood, Wash. ML ABBOTT Millinery, Hair Goods Richardson's Silks and Embroidery Supplies. Opposite the Paris Fair. The Toggery will take your measure and nave your suit mine to order by the loyl Tailoring Uo. fit guaran teed. FARM MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL ADVERTISE FOR WATER BONDS ProTlsion Made to Boy Present Plant If SatNfactory Terms Can Be 1 treed I'pon. liershner and Mayes were absent at the council me tiLg Monday evening but a quorum being present, routine busioeas was transacted. Couno'ltnan Watt reported on the ordinance or grading State street, asking that the metter be postponed, as the property owners on the street wished to be beard iu the mattei and would later pi eseut a petition for the consideration of the council. It was so ordered. ' An ordinance was Introduced call ing for a special election Ootober 21, to issue bonds for a municipal water works plant. Provision is made in the ordinance for the purchase of the present private system, it terms oan be agreed upon. The ordinanoe passed its first reading. A new pound ordinance was Intro duced to take the place ot the several eld ones, which passed its Urst read ing. A, 3. Derby was present and repott ed several Lrdiuauoes correcting old ones which were defeotive, or bad been amended so many times that they were unintelligable, and they all passed their first leading. Mr. Henderson was present and re ported as special attorney to anange with the U. l. & in. about tne line at the end ot Oak street, and said thai he bad received a proposition from the O. R. A N. to give the city a deed to that part of Oak sireet needed foi a street ii tne oily would vacate tne balance of Fioct street, and also buy and give to the oity a small triangular piece oi iand to straighten out tne lines from the section house. Mr. lleudeison recommended that the oity ask tor only part of the roadway at the intersection of the street corners, rounding off the oorners, instead ol going stiaigbt to a point, as it would save one-half the cost in a fill, and also be ot no use to the city. Also that the oity vacate the balance nortb on Front street, provided the compa ny build ball the retaining wall The rtreet committee reported that in a talk with Supt. Campbell be bad said that perhaps tbj best way would be for the oity to take what they needed of tbe street, without futtber oeremony. Further discussions was had and it was tbe sentiment that as tbe north end of Front street would be of little value to the city it might as well be vaoated provided tbe com pany would build half the retaining wall. A report was made by the street committee that part of tbe present road to the boat landing was not on the right-of-way, and that It would have to be Qxed un at onoe if men could be found to do the woik. Tbe matter was left to tbe committee. ' C. N. Clarke made a request tor s light placed on the Serpentine road near the stairs, to light up a dark and dangerous corner, and the same was ordered. ( City Engineer Henderson presented a communication, of which tbe fol lowing is a brief extraot, and the same was referred to tbe committee on fire and water. To the common council of tbe oity ol Hood River: 1 write this open letter to youi hon orably body, for tbe purpose of call ing to your attention, as well as to the bublio. citizens of tbe oity of Hood River, senerally the status of our citv laws as rewards in, and tbe method of improvement of, our oity streets, together witn my reoommend atlona for tbe establishment of giades, and the improvement of streets, liy this method, 1 am enabled to call your, and tbe public's attention as well, to tbe matter and to present to your consideration all tbe ordinance! n toroe on Mie suoieoi, ana to snow you wherein you have made mistakes, according to my judgment. We aie now on tbe threshold ol tbe door-way enterins upon tbe improvement ol the city legarding her streets. Every oitizen. who baa tbe Interest of tbe city at heart, should lay aside bis per tonal feelines In tbe matter and be willlna to suiter inconvenience rno extra expenses, if by the improvement of any stieet or part ot sireet, toe city will be made more beautiful and tbe Interests ot tne majority con served. I stand ready as a property owner of this oity to pay any street assessment or suffer any inconven ienoe tbat will answer tbe aboe re auirements and I am willing to abide bv tbe acts ot tbe present city ooun oil or any other oity council of this oity in the effort put forth now, or in the future, regarding tne improve mont of tbe oity streets. But now is the accepted time. Why all this de lay? If you will allow me to suggest where in 1 think tne city counnou n in fault. I must say that your bonora ble body consults too many people, and tries to act according to tbe wish es of each person, when no two are agreed on every point connected witn auv pioposed impiovemeut. Hy this method we will never accompnsn any thing. It is well to listen to the Bug gestinns of each and every person, lut not to allow tbe suggestions to delay the work. You must "take tbe bull by tbe borne," and having beerd all paities a reasou-tfcle time, tben act under tho advice ot tbe oity attorney and the oity engineer, and proceed to make the Improvements, or Improve ment, aoenrding to tbe ordinances, and for tho best good to tbe gieater number. The law gives you tbe an thorlty to act without any petition or with any petition trom tbe people in tbe matter of street improvements. Von are tbe sole judges of tbe neces sity of any street improvement, and tbe mannei or doing tbe wnik la pro vided. nr should be piovided by your ordinances and the city charter. As to your authority to act Independent of anyone see sections, 40, 50, 55, 71. Now tben, gentlemen, you see tbat you are tbe sole arbiter of tbe neces sity ot tbe Improvement ot any and all street) aud alleys, iuciuding side and cross walks, and tbe specitlo kiud of impiovemeut, including tbe extent and nature th reof and the mateiial for constiaotlon. It is right up to you to say whether or not tbe streets of tbe city should be Improved, and to see that tbe work is done. It yon wait till every man on any street shall fall line witb tbe city idea ot tbe proposed improvement, we will see tbe Urst stieet graded never. I am willing to stand my part ot any indi vidual dissatisfaction, in carrying tbe work along as city engineer, knowing that 1 shall be endeavoring to work for the city's good and tbe best in terests of tbe majority along any pro posed line ot street improvement. A certain street improvement may hurt some one or more persons on the street, but tbat cannot be helped. Re fer ring to tbe proposed grade and Im provement ot State) street. 1 bava to ay tbat I stand back of tbe new or- manoe now before tbe oity oounoil establishing a new giade on State street. The ordinances, aa proposed in close aooordauoe witb tbe pre ent oity ordinanoe and while tbe street giaded .accoiding to said ordl aoje may work hardship on two or three of our prominent citizens along said stieet, it will benefit tbe great majority ot tbe owners along said street. Tbe ouly property tbat tbe new grade will Injure, by tbe proposed out, if it injures tbat, wbiob is debat able, Is tbe property ot tbe lion. Coarlea T. Early, aud tbat ot Truman Butler, esq,, and perbapa tbat of Mrs. Cautield. 1 know that these parties are among onr most pnhlio spirited citizens, aud that if oonvlnoed tbat the pioposed Improvement is accord- ng to law, and tbat it will greatly m prove the said street over tbe old grade, and especially tbat it will ben efit their neighbors aoross tbe street tor twice tbe distanoe tbat it injures them, they will eaoh say, "Let the good work go on, and 1 will take my uiedioine. " Wbat is tbe use ot having city engineer unless bis judgment U to be taken on questions in bis juris- ictionr First let ns look at tbe or iuauce establishing tbe grade on State street now in toroe. Tbe grade centre 3rd is 178 feet ; centre of 4th is 108 feet; centre of btb Is 218 feet; cen tre of Cth is 230 feet ; at point 250 feet west of centre of Otb street is 202 feet ; at centre of 9th stieet (Park ave. ) 201 tee''. Tbe proposed ordinanoe at tbe said points makes the giade: Center ot 3rd 170 feet ; centre of 4th 197 teet entre of 5th 218 feet; ueol re of Otb 13 feet; at 250 feet weit about 255 feet; oentre of Otb 207 feet. Now com' pare tbe two. Tbe grade was lowered wo feet at 3rd to accommodate the Stewart new building now going up aud was done by authority ot your street committee. Tbe grade at 4th 1b lowered one foot which will help tbe climb up 4th street. The grades at otb, Cth and Otb remain tbe same. Mow for tbe ordinances undei which e are working as to grades. Ordi nance No. 40 establishes tbe grades on State street between Front street and the street at tbe points Indioated as above set out, and breaks tba grade between Ctb and Otb streets aa set out, conforming to tbe bump in Stat street. See section 1 ot ordinanoe 62. This ordinanoe. No. 62, lathe only ordinanoe detluing the manner of oal- oulating grades and aayi tbat th grade shall conform to straight line between adjaoent orosa-atreets, unless otherwise provided by ordinanoe. Or dlnanoe No, 40 provides for a bieahj In tbe grade between otb and ma streets at a point 250 feet west of oen tre ot Ctb street. 'Ibis is an objeoi tionable feature In this ordinanoe. the grade sbould be uniform on a straight line between Ctb and Otb streets, tor tbe following reasons : Flist This MMte street Is the prin cipal artery ot tbe travel ot tbe oity and is tbe only 80 toot avenue, except lil street, and sbould be made to be most convenient to the great amount of travel passing over It, aud whlob will constantly Increase. Tbe raise of tbe grade at the point objeoted to by me makes tbe grade t jo steep, at least unnecessaryily steep at that point. A glance at tbe ground will show tbls, as tbe top ot tbe bump as It now ex ists is about tbe giade adepted Wbiob is for tbe best interests ot tba oity of Hood Kver? To bave this stieet almost a uniform wade from the bottom of tbe bill at 3rd street to tbe Unitarian oburcb at Otb street, making about a 7 per cent grade, or to bave tbe steep pltcb at the debate ble polntr Sbould tbe Interests of tbe whole oity be considered or tbe Inter ests ot a few Individuals on tbestreett 1 want to go on record so there will be no mistake as to bow tbe city engl neer ot Hood Kiver stands. 1 say obange tbe grade, aooept the new oi diuauoe and make a beautiful street of this One avenue. When tbe work is done every fair minded man on tbe street will say, "Henderson, you wer rwut. Tbe cbange is U. K. Second Tbe nortb side of State street is muoh lower than tbe aoutb side, and the change of grade at the laid point will benefit all tbe proper ty from E. L Smith's residence to and including Dr. lirosius' residence. New Ibis matter being disposed of so far as 1 am oonoerned, 1 wish to call your attention to the manner in which State attest is to be graded. Several days ago, a number of citi zens, residents on said street, togetb er with your street committee and myself, walked over said xtreet from 3rd to Otb street, and dlsouBsed tbe manner ot Impioving said street. beiieve I am tight when 1 say that no two men of tbe party were entirely agreed as to bow this should be done. Some wanted to cut the stieet down to grade acioss its width. Others wanted to bave terraoea above and be' low tbe street, witb a rond-way grade in tbe centre; while others wanted two road-ways, one above tbe other, that is one along side of tbe other, but the surface ot one below tbe otb er. Now wby not proceed aooording to our ordinances as to tbla matter, See ordinanoe No, 62. Now why not go ahead with the im provement of State -street aooording to ordinanoe? I understand tbat it is tbe intention of tbe oity oounoil to ask tbe citizens of Hood Kivei to vote to cbange the obarter of tbe oity at tbe next oity election, by amen. ling tbe section ot tbe obarter, which is as follows: "Section 68. Eaoh lot or part of lot abutting a street graded, improved or repaiied, shall be liable for the full cost ot making the same nnon the bait of tbe street in front ot and abutting upon It," eto. - ' - - - So that the city oounoli may either declare tbe improvement paid out of the general fund, or make the proper ty pay for tbe Improvement aloug tbe line of tbe street Improved, aa to tbe oity oounoil may seem best. I Und tbat all tbe newer charters of all tbe Concluded on lut page BOND DITCH FOR $40,000 NECESMKY TO CLEAR UP DEBT Meeting of Stockholders Saturday Tote this Authority to the Board of Directors. A stocbolders meeting of the East Side Irrigating Co. was beld at th Artisan ball Saturday and was attend ed by about 30 ot tbe stockholders. A repoit ol tbe secretary was read. showing conditions ot tbe company, and recommending II t a bond issue be made to take op the Indebtedness ol tbe company wbicL will come due November 1. Tbe principal object of tbe meeting was to aot on tbe bond question, and brought out considerable discussion. It was stated tbat a bond issue of $40,000 would pay all outstanding In debtednew ot tbe oompsny and leavo nearly $1000 in tbo treasury. Tbe fact was brougbt out tbat tba directors bad stopped tbe sale of stock, ai authorized because they bad Id all tbe water wblcb the ditch waa delivering at tbia time, and did not think advisable to sell any more stock witb watei rights nntil It waa assured that tbe ditob oould be made to de liver It without enlargement Tbe time for tbe aale ot stock bad been ex tended onoe, and no one else bad ap plied for stock, so tbat tbe tarmers along tbe line of tbe ditob oonld feel sgrieved if tbe sale of stock bad been stopped. Mr. Evans stated tbat be bad meas ured the water near tbe head of tba ditob at tbe divido, and there waa 1103 inches of water, and some ot tbe watei bad been sold and delivered shove thia point. At tbe same time, owing to waste, extravagant nse and other causes, only 800 bad been aold and delivered this year. P. S. Davidson advised the lale ol more stock, oi whlob lbu snares re main it In tbe treasury, and out down tbe indebtedness. 11. S. Ualligan waa of the same opinion. The board, how ever, tbougbt It best not to sell any more stock than could be delivered at tbls time, but to sell water instead, at $7 an inob, enlarging tbe ditch to oarry tbe extra amount. Tbe cost of maintenance would be only about j year to owners of water lights. while tbe difference from the sale of stook would provide a sinking fund or pay tbe interest on tbe Indebted ness which would in time pay off tbe debt. Tbe question of interest came op, and tbe directors stated tbat tba con dition of tho money market w s such tbat it was uncertain bow low a rata of Interest oould be obtained, and af ter some discussion, the matter waa left to the board to do tbe best they oould. Peter Moht stated tbat as tbe report of tbe banks showed a bait a million -on depoait, be tbougbt there wera plenty of tamers 10 tba valley who. oonld take up tbt bonds and would ba glad to do so. It was voted tbat tba board ca au thorized to issua tba bonds, and tba rate of Interest was left to their dis cretion. Funeral of Mrs. Martha McFarland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarland left here Friday to attend the funeral of Mr. MoFarland's mother at Tne Dalles, who died at tbo residence of ber daughter, Mrs. K. Abrams, at Concord, Mass., aged 77 yeara and Ave months. The deceased wai a pioneer of Wasco county, and well known here among ibe early settlers. Tbe following Is taken from tbo Chronicle: The funeial of Mrs. Martha Mol'ar- land, wife of John Mofcarland, waa oonduoted at tbe Congregational oburcb this afternoon by Kev. D. V. Potlng. After a few general remarks and reading of a portion of the scrip tures by tbe pastor, Mrs. . M. Wil son In a lew words tbat cornea witn tbe earnestness wbiob prompted their utterances told tbe story ol tbe lire ot Mrs. McFarland from the time of her arrival in Tbe Dalles until ber death. Mra. Martha McFarland oama to Oregon with ber young husband, Neil MoFarland, in m ana setuea in ane Dalles, tben only a small village and trading post for tbe Indians. Soon aftet their arrival, In 1853, Nell Mo Farland and bis father, John Mot Br ian, I. launobed the "Wasco." one of the first steam boats on tba upper Co lumbia, plying between Casoadea and Tbe Dalles. Mrs. Wilson oescriDea graphically the dangers to wbiob tba young tivermen were exopsea, iouoq lng feelingly upon tbe anxiety of tho young wife awaiting her husband's re turn. Mrs. MoFarland often told in after years tbe story of frontier life, but always emphasized tbe more pleas ant phases never complaining of tbo hardships enocuntered. "IJer charac ter is best described by an inscription cn a statute in Rome wbiob was made over 20 centuries ago 'She was very pleasuut,' " said Mis. Wilson. Mis. MoFailand leaves two sons, Frank MoFarland, of Portland and Homer McFarland, ot Portland, and four daughter, Mrs. Eugene Price, of Portland ; Mrs. Laura Hill, of Port land ; Mrs. K. Abrams, of Conoord, Mass., and Mra. W. U. Moody, ot Shaniko, all of whom were In attend ance at the funeral save Mrs. Abrams, at whose borne tbe deceased was visit ing when tbe summons oame. Tbe pall bearers were C. L, Hrooks, Tom burgess, J. B. Crossen. Oeorgo Llebe, Henry Steers and Georgo Snipes. Tbe floral offerings were elab orate and beautiful and showed how much Mrs. McFalrand was esteemed and loved by her friends, neighbors and acquaintances. Willie Hearst Will Ran. A press dispatch from New York City baa it tbat Wm. K. Hearst baa changed front and is to become tba candidate ot tbe "Interests" foi pres ident next year. Tbe report even goes so far as to say tbat Harriman la to be behind tbe Hearst oandidaoy and tbat a 910,000,000 campaign fund la to be raised. Healthy kidneys filter tbe imparities from the blood, and unles they do this good health is impossible. Foley's Kid ney Cure makes sound kidneys and will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It strengthens tba whole system. Clarke Drug Co. ' : i i 1 4 I t 1 7 i K i I i t. -J ;-i " . l 4 'V J 1