Sight HOOD RIVER QLAOIEK THUR8DAY SEPTEMBER 12, ID07 NATIONAL FORESTS AND LUMBER SUPPLY A polut ia th industrial progress of the United Statei ban now been reached where development of tbe iountry ia made, not In tbe face or th forest but with Ita essential aid. h nld nrncfsi of exhausting tbe ' anpply of timber lu a region and then seeking new Held a la practically over. Alrnuiv the lumber industry ia turn ing back on ita tracka A quality of timber ia eagerly sought In tbe Lake states wbinb a few yeara ago wan ig nored aa utterly worthies, and in tbe south tbe whole pine region ia being gone over in a close aearob for the old ' field pine, a tree once despised but now bought no at prices much blgber tban ttoae formerly paid for tbe mag nificent timber of tbe virgia forests. A publication just Issued by the de partment of Agriculture, entitled "National Forests and tbe Lumber Supply," defines tbe important part which tbe national toiesta are des tined to play lu the economic devel- . opmont of tbe country. Abises bare - grown ap ander the lawa which pro- - vide tor the disposition of publio land, notably tbe aegregation ot large holdings ot timberland for speculative purposes. Timber from the national foresta ia now purchased by tbe tbuiis and board feet, and payncent ia made upon the actual -wale of tbe loga when out. Two dollars and a bait per thousand feet ia comparatively low aa present obargea go, but since the cut ranges from 5000 to 20,(100 loet per aore, tbe government reaoives from fire to twenty times as muob for toe timber aa it did uudr the timber aud atone act. , f Puhiin oninlon now demands l ot that tbe government should dispose of Ita remaining timberlandi aa lapiuiy ai possible and leave it to private eu tamrisa to exoloit tbe forest hastily but that wbat remains ot tbe natloual foresta should ba more conservatively used. The government baa been forced Into tbe lumber business solely In or der that a supply of forest products may be guaranteed to luture genera tions. Probably 05 per cent of tbe total stand of merchantable timber within tbe foresta la located on tbe Pad do coast, where for a long time tbe euor mou anpply of privately owned tim ber will satisfy most of tbe demand. This more accessible private timber lurrouuded the forests as tbe meat of an apple suirounds tbe core. It baa been entirely eaten away in mauy placet, while In others it la looked up by speculators. Tbe thing to remem ber, tbeu, is that this immense body of publlo timber la there aa a great reserve against tbe time when private timberlanda will be depleted, and tor use aa a weapon against monopoly. Tbe first elteot ot national forests upon prioea, particularly where there is still a great deal of available tim ber, la to raise the price of outside stutnpsge toward Its actual value by withdrawing the excess supply of low- rrioed timber from the market, lint iter, aa the supply of timber dwin dles and valuos are forced upward by speculative holdings, tbe elf out of tbe forests will he to check the advance cf prioea. In the virgin forest, growth ia just about balanced by decay. In the western forests, however, natural de terioration is greatly augmented by forest Hies. The tires usually do meat harm by damaging merchantable tim ber, but, great as this Injury ia, vast ly more actual loss in forest wealth reaulta from the yearly burning over ot tbe grass and undergrowth ot the forest. Uround Or en do not oonsunn tbe large trees, but tbey destroy seed lings, outright and injure growing trees so that they quickly decay. Fin ally, tbe forest floor, oom posed of a mold of needlss, twig, aud mosses, is burned away. Far beyond tbe present influence ot the national forests upon tbe lumber supply will be their importance in the future. Tbe United States la now faring a shortage lu tbe stock of avail able timber. Tho yield from the na tional foronta will aid greatly to bridge over thfl'petiod in which ma ture timber wilt bo lacking, n period which will last from tbe time the eld trees are gone nutll tbe young trees are large enough to take thoir placeH. Ti e definite result, therefore, ol the sale of timber from the foresta will be to sustain the lumber business, to maintain a steady range of timber values aud so discourage speculation, and, far more important still, steadi ly to further the uninterrupted do vleopment of the great industries de pendent upon wood. . Stevenson liank a Heallty. The bauk of StevenBon is now open for business, wltb a capital stock of 110,000. The president, 0. II. Clod lua, ot Ritvzl'le, Wash., la a man of considerable means, being president ot several banks In Adams and Lin coln counties; A. C. Sly Is vice pres ident and ft. ft. Ulenn, formerly as sistant cashier of tbe (Jorn an Ameri can State bank of Iiitzville, Is cashier. The directors are as follows: A. 0. Sly and B. P. Mlohell, Stev enson; 11. ft. Chrlstenaeu, ORshler Herman Amor loan bank, O. II. UJodl us, Uitzville, WBBh; W. P. Christen- sen, cashier German-American bank, uaessa, vtai-n; j. w. .unijuruey, pres ident .North Jn-t fire insurance Co.. Seattle, nud O. K Loveil, attor ney at law, Kitzvilln. 1L li. Cbristensen arrived ia Stev enson last Sunduy ana will open me bank immediately and after it is fair ly started, ii 11 (J Iran will take charge. o bauk starts out under more favorable circumstances mid e are confident that it will succeed. While Stevenson U yet in ber infan cy, we predict a bright future for tbe town and a bauk is a stepping stone to progress. Without the patronage ot the community a bank cannot suj ceed, but we are confident that every body In tbe county and some outside, will lend a helping band and thus in sure a good sate institution. Kecently there have been several nnnla hap Innlrintf nreP thft Held with a view of putting iu a bauk, but Mr. Cbristensen, from ine moment ue landed in Stevenson had bla mind made up aud made arrangements to occupy part of the lower flour ot the Udd Fellows building. This might well be named the "First liank of Stevenson aud Ska mania county," for such it is. Pio neer. . , ' - - Schinldt-Mulliolland. Married, Thursday eveuuiDg, Sep tember 5, 1307, at the paiiouage of tbe United iiiellueii church, Hood Kiver, by Uev. J. M. Treseuriter, Josephine M. Malbolland and Frank S. Schmidt. After tbe ceremony tbe guests pro ceeded to the home ot tbe bride, aihapd Ilia T.urrnntr nf ft aiimntnouy wedding supper, and spent an hour in congratulating the newly married cou ple and social enjoyment. Tbe bride has been n resident of Hood Klvei for about a year, and l well and favorably ku.iv.ij nmong a large oircle of 1 r i oils, iho groom has been in tbe employ of the (ilaniui for over a year, ui:l is one ot Uio popular young men ol the city. Mi. and Mrs. Schmidt will lu it home to thoir friends in tiro lUldwin cottage. JolniHon-l'nrtcr. Married, at high noon, Wednesday, September 4, Miss Mabel l.anktou Carter and Dr. ft. D. Johnson, at the Mt. Hood homestead of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carter. The wedding was a vory pretty affair, and carried out with line etfecl. Tbe marriage altar was con structed in the deuue 111 forest ucur the house, with a carpet of moss and cedar leaves, and decorated with vine maple boughs. It was a summer wed diug, and all the details were made to harmonize wltb outdoor life. The groom was dressed in a white flannel summer suit, and the bride also at tired in white. The groom and olliu iating clergyman, ltev. VY. C. Cil more, first wended their way to the leafy bower, and were followed by the bride aud wedding party, tbe bride carrying a bunch of vine maple Tbe ring service of tbe church of Mew Je rusalem was used, aud is a beautiful aervioe. After the ceremony the wed ding party proceeded to the bouse, where a wedding dinner was served. Uuly immediate members ot the fam ily were present. Jo cards. the bride is a daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carter, formerly of the Pine drove distrlot, but who have been living on their homestead at Mt. Hood for a year. The groom Is a rui ng young physician of t'ortiand. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left Saturday evening tor Portland, aud will go east from there over the Canadian Fiioiiut tO'New York, where the doctor will study for three mouths iu his Hue of work, alter which they will re turn to their home iu Portland. Tbe wedding gifts consisted mostly of elegant cut glass aud sterling sil ver, and were much admired. Should Answer Inquiries. In a letter to E. II. Shepard, C. I.. Lenvitt, ot Huston, Muss., writes: "1 hove had veiy poor success iu'my cor respondence with or lather to Oregon parties. Some never reply to Inquiry even with a stamp enclosed. 1 wrote to about a dozen farmers over a year Mgo, and only two answered. To be frank 1 have been much less favorably Impressed with Oregou people than those. In other sections, for, from Col orado 1 have received Innumerable oourtesies, one of which practically put me iu touch with your papti, with the result you already know. Can it ' be that the people ot Oregon are so conceited that tbey don't any more citizens from the east unless these new citizens are "little million aires" with pleuty of money to buy thoir blgb priced laud?" There arc a great man people who have alight attacks of indigestion and dyspepsia nearly all tho time. Their food may satisfy tho appetite but it fails to nourish the boilv airnply because the stomach is not in tit condition to do the work it is supposed to do. It can't di irest the food yon cat. The. stomach should bo given help. You oiifil it t ti k something that will do the wrk yoi'r stomach can't do. Kodol indiges tion and dyspepsia, a combination of natural digestiuitH mid vegetable ucid.", digests the food itself and gives strength and health to the stomach. I'lcasiuil t take. Sold by Keir A (Jans. U. J. (ioHt.ling made a trip to the county seat Monday. RACE WAR AT VANCOUVER, B. C Vancouver, IS. C., A riot, in which several thousand weie involved, and which ended iu the driving of Hutu Chinamen Irom their homes, the wrecking of gl.'i.l'OU worth of property iu Chinatown, Mild tho burning f.f Lieutenant (iovernor Dunsmuir f British Columbia in ertlgy in front ot the city had, rjarked the end of a pa rade ot Hi KM laboring men through tha stuctri Saturday night. The police torce was powerless eilh r to quell the lint or arrest the riot ers until e lata hour, when It finally got cnutiol of the til nation and pre vented a Mid on toe Japanese quar tern. iho object of the parade was to make a demonstration In order to I in preai the gorernmeut with tbe neces sity ot excluding Oriental laborers from Canada. After the parade, the plan wks to go to a h id and pass res olutlon; but it wax round the btdl would accommodate only a tenth ut the crowd. Ihe overflow meeting im meduitely dispersed and disorder commenced. A mob ot 1000 went to Chinatown and charged through tho streets. knocking Chinamen right and left and breaking eveiy costly plate glass win dow In sight. Shops were wrecked and at least 2IKK) Orientals left their homes in a panic and scattered to hiding places. Die police attempted to check the ruin and excesses ot the crowd and took many prisoners, but tho mob rescued those arrested. A sncoud mob ma le a straw tigure of Lieutenant Governor Duusninir and burned it in eifigv before the'clty ball; and here, ton. the police were powerless. Ihe governor gained the hut red of tho labor tmeses by his at titudo lu tho last provincial If xiala. tore, wheu be showed himself in favor of tbe Importation ut Oriental labor. The act ot bis burning in ellliy is considered remarkable as the lir-jt in stance of tho kind in a British city for more tban IHO years. Af'.er this outbreak the mobs joined forces aud started tor tbo Japanese quarter, but the police stretched ropes Heroes the street and lining up behind them, fought the ciowd back. After a time the mob dispersed. Lit tle damage wns done iu the laut riot. Hindi Died First. As wad expected, a question bus arisen in the tidininistiution of the es tate ot the late 11. C. Liebe, ai d in settling up the alfairs Samuel M. Meora, of Portland, who was chosen as administiator, will bo coinpelk-d to answer if possible. Yebterdny (. A. Liebe, father of lo ceased Hied a petition in Port laid asking that Meurs be appointed ad mi'iistrulor ot t he est:iti said to bu valued at fiUVK). Ai will be remom bernd Liebe held beneficiaries In tho local K. of 1'. find Art'.uau lodges. Tho petition seU f rtb that threo-yeai-old llai.lJ Liebe, son of .ho couple, is tho sole heir. If Mrs. Lie be died tt rut, then tbe boy is his fath er's solo heir, but it Mra. Liebe sur vived her husband by a few moments, tbe petition all. gea Mu.t she died in testate, leaving ber son the only heir in any chpo. -Chronicle Ilovr to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those woo are habitually constipated,' Orino I.a.xinive Fruit Hyrup cures chronic con stipation by stimulating the liver Hiid bowels, and restore tbe natural action of tho bowels. Orino Laxative bruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and ia mild and pleasant to take. Itefuso sub stitutes. Clarke Drug Co. l!ig line of tents, wagon Cover?, and Slimmer lap dusters ut S. J. Frank's. NOT1CK FOR 1'UISLICATION Unltfil Suites t..ini!Onice,Tlie Dulles, Oregon, Annus! at, Mir. Not lee Is hereby Klven Mint In eonipllKtiep wit It t he pmvlKlops nf the net of I'onreNH tl .lunell, ;, entitled "An act Inr Ihe mile of llmher Inn. In in thestn'tt of Ciililoi inn, ore. woo, NevaiiH mul Washington Territory," us extended 'o nil the jiuhllc land Mules by ael of August 4, lsis.', I.AVINA KKARCH, of Hood Klver, comity of W'hsco, state of iireuon, lias on Mu.v 1 1, 1!N)7, tiled In Ihlsollh-e her sworn sialement. No. 415, for the iirehie-e or the N'.jNK'i suit KK'4NKiof seellou No. ii. In township No. I north, inline No. 11 ft., W. M., anil will oiler proof to show that Ih land sought Is more vuluxhlc for its timber or sioue thiin for itxriciillui'iil purposes, und lo establish her claim to said land before the Itcifister and Receiver at The lmlles, Oregon, on (lie 1Mb day of November 11HI7. She names iw witnesses: John M. Culhert son, Ivlmoiid '. Miller, William II. Davis, John West, ail of Ibsid River, Oregou. Any and all persons clalniint; adversely thantiove described lands are lequested lo llleiheir claims In this olllee on or before hh lit I.Mhdayof November, PUT. sti in" ('. W. .MOOUK, Register. XOTICK FOlt PUI'.LICATION' Department, of the Interior, Lund Olllee at The Dalles, oreuon, August 7, liie,. Notice Is hen bv Klven I lint I.KWts I,. (iHiiHWIN, or Mnsier, (liivon, bus ft led llotlee of his Inl, llllon l. nutke llnul rUe year pivol'ni miu-i-oi I ol ins eluint, v . : I'oneV.e'i . eutt v No. made Nov. t, HI II, for ihe SW1, of s.-cltou luwnship north, vansru 11 ft., W. M . an I Unit s.iid piooi will be made before the lieji.-ler end Reeeiver at The D i lies, I He :on, on .seplemher 17, IIH'7. He names the following w-llneKses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultlva. Hon ot the land, viz.: I". M. Duvall, W. K. Iluskey, (ieorge (TmmherUin, W. W. Steven son, all of .Mosler, Oregon. ' alft-sia 0. VV. MOOUK, Ueglster. Clean Hands and Pure Blood S Within the reach of all. Take a bottle of our B yriip o MTsapar a 1 COMPOUND WITH IODIDE OF POTASSIUM. It will drive out the poison and purify the blood. 1.00 per bot Then a one pound bar nc ro40 Will cleanse of our Castle Soap at D vTIlio your hands. Headquarters for Souvenirs ggSggt .' Goods right, Prices right, Courteous treatment. HALL & ESSONES0 1 sTABUSHrU 1900 IMOORPOIUTtDl905 The Tog'g'ery R. H. Coshow, Prop., On Oak Street, First door West of Jackson's Deals in Hen's and Boys Wear Clothing, Furnishing Goods and Shoes Just ncclvpil dpleihliil utix-k of Men's and Boys' Clol liinn which e invito Ihe ijixmI wople of ll od Hiv r In intet't Iwfora tiuying their fall iStiitii. We (It-Hire at tliid lime to call eHpeciul atttrntion to our line of Boys' Suits made from tl.e Oregon I'lickHkiii Cloth, guaranteed ali woo, nicely made up of stood patterns, and the befi goods on the market for wear. If you linv tliHTii Hupp for vonr bova vou will tiave no other. Now ia the time .to select the School Suits. Parents, we would be pleased to have you examine our line ol Boys' Suits, whether you buy or not We want you to see what we have anl to know tnat our prices are right. We also have a splendid line of Men's Ffae Worsted Suits ami Cxtra Pants at prices that will save vou money. Our Line of Men's and Boys' Shoes is complete, well ncleded, and our prices as lw as can tf made for the i utility. REMEMBER THE PLACE on Oak Street, first door West of- Jackeon 8, next to tiiiiiiank v utten Keal l. mate utiioe. j Butler Banking Company HOOD RIVER, OREGON Capital Fully Paid, $50,000 Lbhlti Butler, President DIRECTORS J. N. Tkll, Vicv rreiident. Trcman Bdtlxb, Cashier J. W. Fbkkch R. T. Cox A uQenera, Inspection Of our f uperior line of Groceries ia re spectfully requested. We are sure that u trial, after inspection, will result in enliHtinft you as a permanent customer. Our goods are all chosen by us with a view lo their perfect purity, and we are thus in a position to offer them to our customers with a grarantee. We do not shelve our goods for future sales, but make a point of having everything frenli rlyLt along. Phone 491 Free Delivery Wood & Sm ith Bros. SEE THE The Automobile makes daily trips around the valley, j;oin out the East Side and returning on the West Side, passing thiough the heart of the Apple and Strawberry districts, making a trip of seventeen miles. louno i rip rare Make Your Reservations at the Mt. Hood Hotel. True to Name Nursery Is again offering their usual choice stock of Apple, Pear Cherry and Peach Trees, with reference to varieties adapted to this locality. Hear in mind that all buds and scions used in propagating were personally selected from bearing trees, Last year was ah" sold oiat November 1st. Would suggest that orders for the coming season should not bi delayed. Address, I'hone Farmers 341). H. S. GALLIGAN- ! ..MILLER'S DRUG S TORE.. ON THE HEIGHTS in now open and solicits a share of your patronage. . A full line of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Combs, Brushes, Syringes, Soaps, Toilet Preparations, Stationery, nd all those articles tipually carried in a first class drug store PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY RECEIPTS given careful com pounding by a Registered Pharmacist On the Heights, Hood River, Ore. a T. IlAWBON. V. E. BTANTOK HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let our friends and patrona know tliMt for the fall planting we will hare and can anp ply in !"v number Cherry, Pear,Apricot, Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all tho standard varie&eg of apple treea. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spltiea berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAYSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or. GO TO HOLMAN'S MARKET For Fresh Meat, Poultry, Vegetables and Eruit We also carry a full line of Lunch Goods Cheese and Canned Meats Orders receive our special attention and prompt de livery. We solicit you orders. Phone Slain 1401 C. C. HOLMAN, HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS TII0S. CALKIN WALTER ISENBERO Riverside Dairy We can supply you with any quantity of Fresh Milk PRICES ON APPLICATION I I Free Delivery. Phone 414 Buy Your Fruit Boxes AT TUB Hood River Box Factory and Patronize Home Industry. Best Quality Lowest Price Home Made Phone Main 71 ...Hood River's Leading Druggist... (Don't go hunting around looking for an effective Ointment when we can give you a "pointer" that the very hest ia kept right here iu wir cst;i!.!if linient. Be prepared for all kinds of accidents by having a wuply of our always handy remedies. Everything in the drug and medicine line is here perfectly fresh, pure and reliable. Also perfumery and toilet articles and bath-room requisite?. While the qualities are the highest, our prices are admittedly the lowest. THE GLACIER PHARMACY, chn. claeke HOOD RIVER. OREGON NOW IS THE TIME to trade your old Stove in, on A NEW RANGE The Big New and Secondhand Store is the place. We buy, sell and exchange anything in2Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Tin and Graniteware, Crockery, and in fact EVERYTHING salable. Come in and be convinced that we can SAVE YOU MONEY. 0. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors. Phone lOOl We Deliver Phone 1053 I L.'rif 2