The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 05, 1907, Page Eight, Image 8

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No. 31. 20 acres of the test Uod lo I
the Wbite Sainton valley, seven miles j
oui, six acre, iu cuiuvufciuu, uwu u
alfalfa anil a tew trees tor family or
chard; til in tract it in the midst of
tbe laruat commercial orchard in
the country, the laud around in plot
ted to 4inall tract and niomly aold,
'lb. Uud in thi section nf the coun
try was at oue time covered with
heavy srowtn of tiuiber which burned
off tew v.ara auo and tbe land is
dow covered with willow and hazle, is
very esty cleared and the soil ia deop,
Joohe aud ticb; bold the moisture
good ; in fact there i not a mure de
sirable location (or a borne or a com
ineicial orchard lu tbo Wbite bal'DOo
valley. Price I1UUO, one half cash.
No. 'M. 1 aciea ol line land, 15
miles from town, '.M acres practical!
level, balance fcligbtly rolling; can
moat all be cultivated, two-tnira un
ilor fence, IX acres cleaied, ISO apple
tieea, 20 peach aud pent tree, all iu
line couditiou ; over r,iXH),UU0 feet of
piue aud II r saw timber; small 5 room
boufo, good tmrn, ttcre room and
work shop; watered by 3 creeks and 5
springs, a lot of water for iirigation,
but not needed only for late vegeta
bles; quite a lot of oak timber that
will make an ideal bog pasture for tbe
ground is covered with acorn every
year; located on county road, stage
and telephone line, daily mail, one
fourth mile to school, 1 mile tc post
office, Vi mile to church, 5 miles to
store, 13 miles to railroad station aud
boat landing, dud a splendid road 2
miles to tbe Wbite Haluiou river; a
good neighbor hod, and quite thickly
nettled ; there ia a saw mill now on the
laud and the t i ui tie - alone will sell for
the price now asked for the land and j
no rock or waste land ou this tract.
tbe soil being very deep, ricb, Ioom
and moist, ibeie is not Letter
tract of apple land in tbe valiey. Foi
either boma or investment ttls can't
be beat in price. 1'be ltW acres ad
joining just aold for fHOOO. Price
flMO tot 80 or will sell in 20 acre
tracts at 135 an acre.
No. 87. 80 acres of tins apple land,
i miles from town, 2 acres tcleaied,
balance very easy cleared. This tract
lies la the main apple belt of tbe
Wbite Salmon valley, where tbe land
Is very rapidly beiug cut to small
tracts and set to apples, is located on
two county roads, mail aud stage
route telepbone line; 1 mile to post-
office, also 1 mile to sl'.e where a
large saw mill is l.icating. Ibere I
about 500,000 feet of fir saw timber on
tbe land. 1'bia tract can all be culti
vated and is bargain at IJ00U, oi wil
sell la J or 40 aoie traota. Xermt
very reasonable.
No. 'JO. 40 acies ot unimproved
land, 8 miles from town, located ou
county road near good school aud
church; also a saw mill nearby, a
thickly settled community; timber
consists of some small Ur, hazle and
willow; Is very easy cleared. A snap
at 1700. $400 cash, balauoe in 3 years.
Interest 8 per cent.
No. UI. 100 acres 15 miles from
Wbite Salmon, 1 mile to postotllce,
oounty road passes on two sides of
land ; small box bouse, good barn 20
aores of tine swul laud, 11 wbicb ia
cleared and iu cultivation, aud at
least 130 aores can be ciltivated nice
ly ; some One fruit laud, watered by
two creeks aud a i.'iiiuuer of springs,
water.DOW iiuiued to the hoiii-e aud
barn,' plenty at water to iirUate at
' ,. ; ... . ......
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limber. Tlilsja tbe very best of fiuit
laud uud the gieatext bargain ever
olferod in the Wbite Salmon valley,
but mint sell at ouce on account ot ill
health of the owner, i'rico 17000.
tl500 cash, $3000 In 5 years, balance
to suit.
No. DC. 80 acres of apple aud
strawberry laud, 1 mile from town, alt
uuder fence; 20 aores cleared; water
ed by small oreek and several springs,
water now piped iuto the bouse; 500
apple trees, 100 peach, pear aud
plum, all 8 years old uud in qood
condition; 7 room house plastered it
side and well fin lulled on outside,
stone cellar, woodshed, barn and other
improvements, all first class In eveiy
wey; some good saw timber (Hi) aud
several hundred cords of fir aud oak
wood. 50 acres of this tiaot can be
cultivated uloely aud balance good
pasture. A good homo aud moucy
maker from the start, espeoinlly
adapted for poultry rnislng. Price
$1000. Oue half uush, biiluuoe to suit.
No. CI. 100 aores 15 n'llea from
town; 100 noiea good tillable land ;
some good timber, Ur and codar; 2
acres lu cultivation ; 3 room box
house, small barn; watered by a
strong spring; 1 mile to postotllce,
oue mile to church, 1 mile to school,
1 mile to saw mill . This U a splendid
place for a borne and some as tine ap
ple laud ou this tract as can be found
lu the Wbite Salmon valley.
least 40 aores. This is an exception
ot a bargain lor a borne or invest
ment. Prioe $2750. One-half cash,
balance easy time.
No. 97. A beautiful home in Wbite
Samon. 10 arret of well improved land
within the city limits, is in tine state
oi cultivation, set to trees and straw
berries, 125 oherry trees i years old,
200 oherry trees 3 years old, 200 cher
ry trees 2 years old, 175 oherry trees
1 year old, CO apple trees and 35 peach
trees 4 years old, also a small family
orobard, small fruits and beiries of
all kinds; story frame house 20x30
feet, 4 rooms on first floor; good
bain. Ibis tract Is in the heart ol
tbe (own and is flue property; will
make a tine home and a money mak
ing proposition from tbe start. I lie
town is growing veiy fast and the
prioe Is bound to increase as tbe trees
grow older. Price $8000. Terms very
No. 101. Eight acres ot line apple
and barry laud lli miles from
town on the oounty roHd, and stage
line, dally mail and telephone line; 7
aores of nice level land, 2 acres
cleared, about 40 apples trees 6 years
old and in line condition; 3 acres
more slashed and very easy cleared.
Is iooated in the Wbite Sulmon Irri
gation distirct. This tract is the very
beslitproposition we have In a eiuull
traot, near town and Is a bargain us
the land will double iu less than 2
years. Price $1200. Oue halt cash.
f OCX) cash, balance to
0 per oeut, good until
Price $1000.
suit, interest
No. 07. 40 acres 3 miles from town,
25 acres level, J5 aores slightly roll
ing, 5 Keren slashed, 15 acres heavy
timber, balauoe asy oleared. Ibis is
tbe very best Of apple land, Iooated 3
miles from railroad station and boat
landibg, and a county road. Wlil
sell (be entire tract at $1300, or will
sell in 10 aore tracts at $35 per aore,
two-thirds oash.
'.0. .70. 7 miles out, located on
county road and mail route, one
fourth Diile to church, one-half mile
s to-Bcbool. This traot is Dumber one
apple laud and oau all be cultivated ;
10 acres under fence, 4 acres lu oultl-
, i ration, some brusb laud and very easy
j clouted ! small orchard ; new (i room
.- frame houw, woodshed, cellar, good
barn and a flue well of water in the
yard. This traot will make good oris
f nd ia well worth tbe money asked.
Price $1000 cash.
No. 82. ' 80 aores unimproved land,
5 miles out ot town, located on coun-1
ty road, mail route, telepbone line'
1 mile to postoUloe. This traot is
almost level, sloping enough to drain
good, about 250,000 feet of fine fir on j
the 40, balance ooveied with a light i
growth of hazle and wijjotv. There is
No. 108. 40 aores 3 miles from
town, tbe very bei4 of fruit laud; 20
teres under fence, 12 acres In cultifa
tion, 15 acres slashed, 5 aares of
which is grubbed, Is mostly willow
and hazle land easy cleared, 200,000
teet ot nice nr saw timber, oue-fourth
mile to saw mill, one-fourth mile to
school, one-bait mile to oburoh, In a
very thickly ;settled community; 3
room box house, large two story wood
shed, oblckeu house and fair burn;
watered by a large spring and a small
oreek This tract will make a delight
ful home. A snap at the price asked
as the improvements alone cost almost
as much as the prioe asked. Prioe
$1500. Oue-halt cash.
No. 111. 40 acres 5 miles out. locat
ed ou oounty road aud mall route, 7
acres in cultivation, 1V aores set to
strawberries, about 40 fruit trees, ap
ples, pears and peaches 7 years old,
tor family orchard ; 5 acres more very
easy oleared ; balanoe heavy timber,
about 500,000 feet of splendid llr saw
timber, JW mile to saw mill, all lays
well and is the very best ot apple
land. Prioe $2000. $1200 cash, bal
ance In 5 years. Interest 6 per cent.
No. 115. 80 aores, 2 miles from
town on oouuty road, mail route and
telephone Hue, 20 acres in cutliva
tion, about 300 fiuit trees, 250 apples,
balance mixed fruit for family or
obard, trees about 7 years old; IK
story frame boose, 5 Urge rooms and
pantry, good cellar aod wood abed,
also lair barn; watered by a number
of spring; can Irrigate about 25
acres, water now piped Into tb
bouse. At least 50 acres of this tract
can be cultivated aod balanoe good
pasture land. This is snap and most
sell in 30 days. Prioe $5000. One-half
No. 122. 100 acres, 2 miles from
Wbite Salmon, about 14 aores ia cul
tivation, about 60 acres level, balance
rolling, some too steep to cultivate,
but uot roogb, bas an abadanoe ol
Hue spring water; One view of Wbite
Salmon and Hood Kiver valley, also
tbe Columbia river; Is spleodid apple
and berry land, and joins one of tbe
best commercial oicbards In tbe val
ley, ill sell all or in 40 acre traota.
PrioeS5 perfacre. One-balf.casb. i;
mm ...
No. 130. 80 acres 8 miles out on
oounty road, mail and stage line,
about 30 rods to school and church,
one fourth mile to saw mill. All un
der fence, 25 aores slashed, burned
and logged, 8 aores cleared ; 2 room
box bouse, cellar aod milk bouse,
good well; land almost leveL A cheap
proposition for the prioe. Prioe
2000. One-half casb, oi will sell tbe
following doHcrihol property ti Ret ti
er: 3 acre tract adjoining all in cultl-
Hiinn. nbnr.t 40 young fruit trees 3
enrs old, lor family oi chard; 6 room
run e bout, well built. closiU in ev
"iy room. alo pnutiy, goid cellar,
wood house, bain and a fine well ol
water ; linpru enieuts all new and in
good t-hapo. The two tra la together
for '2i00. Oue half casb, balauoe to
iu it
No. 132. 8 acres 7 miles out, most
ly brush laud : a tew acres cleared
Iok houte anil sprinus, lays ell and
is number cue uppln land. This laud
ill soon double In value end now i
the time to tmy for an iutestuient
ii ii'e H2200. $121'0 cash.
No, 111. 100 aores of choice tpple
: i. I, C miles from While Snimon, all
:iiiiiiinnred, 80 aores willow and
lih?ln, halanne flr: about one million
leet if saw tin ier; Inys tuirly well
but ome wasto land on back 40;
number if Hue tcrines. a lot ot wider
for iirlijution. Ibis is o le of our best
bargain'. Price S20 per aoie; lib
m. itiy vv h.
Nn HO. HO Hcres of fine tiuiUr
laud, 10 miles from White Salmon, on
Rattle Snake ctec k. Land lays well
and will ruuke tine fruit land wbt n
oleared of timber and placed In cult!
vation ; has about 2,000,000 feet ot floe
Ur timber. Price $1750. One-bait
No. 152. 100 aores, 3 miles out. all
fenoed with wire, most of tbe posts
having been dipped iu oarbollnlum,
40 aores five wire, goat tight, about a
mile of cross fenoe, each 40 being
fenood to Itself ; 35 acres grubbed, 80
aores slashed and burned and good
timothy pasture on It, ' aores of al
falla, 5 aores wheat, 18 aores orobard.
14 aores ot which it Yellow Newtowns
and Spitzenbergs 2 and 3 years old,
fhn famo nimi A onram mlyail annlaa
wuu ivujviuiun, avion uiiavk ('idbi
bearing; 4 or 5 springs, 8 acres piped
uuder ground, can be irrigated every
a hours; a good small 1 room cot
tace, stone foundation and cellar.
large old barn, goat abed, milklbouse;
spring water iu tbe milk bouse; stock
aud farming Implements; 10 bead ot
stock, span ot horses, 35 dead of
goats, dozen bogs, chickens, wagons,
cultivators and other (arming tools.
spraying outfit, separator aud all the
orop. jrioe $15,000, asy terms.
Estes Realty & Invest
ment Co.
Kings Dyspepsia Tablets do the work.
Stomach trouble, iiyspepsia, indigestion,
bloating, etc. yield quickly. Two days
treatment Ine. Ask your druggist lor
a free trial. Sold by heir & Cass..
t'ni;!..i in- 1 acres .-iilcinlid
friiil I.-mkI. Nunc hi'ttor, Ji
.ici; s in he; i riii"; orchard,
rhuiiv varieties. Three acres
Newtowns ami Spitzenbercrs,
'5 years old; 4 acres clover,
i -room house, 20x40 feet, 2
story barn also new. black
smith shop, farming tools,
spring wagon, phaeton,
sprny outfit, incubators, etc.
Also ten inches irrigating
water, paid up in full. All
tor $:u)0.00 an acre.
The above advertisement
has been running for some
months and no buyers. Now
I am going to sell, as I can
not take care of it, and in
order to do this 1 am going
to make reductions in price
until it will sell. I have of
fered it at $300 per acre or
fV'OO for the 15 acres.
Now I will reduce the price of
the 15 acres
$100 per week until sold
This week $4,400 takes it.
Next $4,300 buys it, and so
on. Whose farm will it be?
H. C. COE,
Lock box 89 Newport, Ore.
The' Tog'g'ery
R. H. Coshow, Prop.,
On Oak Street, First door West of Jackson's
Deals in lien's and Boys Wear
Clothing, Furnishing
Goods and Shoes
Just received a splendid strck of Men's and Boys' Clothing which
we invite the good people of Hiod Rlvt r t' inspect before buying their
Fall Huiti. We desire at this time to call especial attention to our line of
Boys' Suits
made from tl.e Oregon Buckskin Cloth, guaranteed ali wool, nicely made
up of ool patterns, and the bent goods on the market for wear. If you
. bnv thorn nmw for vour bovs vim will tiava nn nthpr. Nnw iu Ilia limn
I to select tbe School Huits. Parents, we would be pleased to have you
to see what we have and to know that our prices are right.
Wo also have a splendid line of
Men's Fine Worsted Suits
and Lxtra Pants
at prices that will save you money.
Our Line of Men's and Boys' Shoes
complete, wp" "looted, nd nur riie
as Inw as can U; made for the quality.
REMEMBER THE PLACE on OmIc Street, first door West of
Jackson's, next to Onthank A OttenV U-hI Estate Office.
rncoEPOEATiD 1905
Butler Banking Company
Capital Fully Paid, $50,000
J. W. Fbkmch
J. N. Tkil, Tkdmam Bctleb,
Wet President. Cashier
E. T. Cox
A "General"
Of nnr ruperior lines of Groceries is re
fpertfnlly requested. We are sure that
a trial, after inspection, will resnlt in
enlisting vou at a permanent customer.
Our goods are all chosen by us with a
view to their perfect purity, and we are
thus in a position to offer them to our
customers with a grarantee. We do not
shelve our goods for future sales, but
make a point of having everything
fresh rlgLt along.
Phone 491 Free DaHvarr
Wood & Smith Bros.
River Valley
The Automobile makes daily trips around the valley,
proing out the East Side and returning on the WW, Si,l
passing th.otigh the heart of the Apple and Strawberry
matrices, Making a trip ot seventeen miles.
Round Trip Fare $150
Make Your Reservations at the
Mt. Hood Hotel.
True to Name Nursery
Is again offering their usual choice stock of Apple, Pear
Cherry and Peach Trees, with reference to varieties
adapted to this localitv. Bear in mind that nil hurls jind
scions used in propagating were personally selected from
ueanng rrees, iasx; year was an sold out November 1st.
Would suggest that orders for the cominc season should
not be delayed. Address,
Phone Farmers 349. H. S. GALUGAN
is now open and solicits share of your imtronnge. A full line of
Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Combs, Brushes, Syringes,
Soaps, Toilet Preparations, Stationery,
mid all thofe articles usually carried in a first class drug store
given careful compounding by a Registered Pharmacist
On the Heights, Hood River, Ore.
For Fresh Meat, Poultry, Vegetables and Eruit
We also carry a full line of
Lunch Goods
Cheese and Canned Meats
Orders receive our special attention and prompt de
livery. We solicit you orders. Phone Main 1401
Riverside Dairy
We can supply you with any quantity of Fresh Milk
Free Delivery.
Phone 41
Buy Your Fruit Boxes
Hood River Box Factory
and Patronize Home Industry.
Best Quality Lowest Price
Home Made
Phone Main 71
...Hood River's Leading Druggist...
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
W desire to let our friends and patron know
tlut f"r the fall plnnting we will hare and can sup
pi ii, vi v 1 lumber
Cherry, Pear,Aprlcot, Peach Plum Trees
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple" trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitxea
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON. Hood River. Or.
Don't go bunting uround looking for
an effective Ointment when we can give
you b "pointer" ti'Rt the very testis
kept right here in our establishment.
Be prepared for all kinds of accidents by
having a mipplyof our alwayi "handy
remedies Everything in the drug and
medicine line is here perfectly fresh,
pure and reliable. Also perfumery and
toilet articles and bath-room requisite?.
While the qualities are the highest, our
prices are admittedly the lowest.
THE GLACIER PHARMACY, chas n. clarke
NOW IS THE TIME to trade your old Stove in, on
The Big New and Secondhand Store
is the place. We buy, sell and exchange anything inJFuraiture, Stoves, Carpets, Tin and
Graniteware, Crockery, and in fact EVERYTHING salable.
Come in and be convinced that we can SAVE YOU MONEY.
O. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors.
Phone 1053
. t-