-A ! X HOOD RIVER, OREGON, AUGUST 22, 1907 14 VOL. XIX ifc P00& MtM SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVER OOMMERCIALCMJB-MmU every wrond Monday la mcd moot- M I p. m- Id lb club room over jMkwn'i Mom. H.F.-ieo,P-- A. I). Mob, Secretary. B(X)I) RIVER LOlKiK NO. 106, A. 9. and A. H.-Mwu Haturday evening; oq orbanr each fall moon. A. D. Mob, W. M. It. Mc-IHiw A LU, Meorelary HOOD RIVER CH ArTER. NO. 17. R. A. U. MeeU flrit and tbld Friday nil bu of job mootb D. McDonald, H, t. A. D. Mob, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. , O. K. MeeU aecond and fourth Tuesday event nf of each month. Vlaltoraeordial'y welcomed. KVA CIMBKB, W. M. ' Maa. Thkhbsa Caotmbb, hecretary, ID1.W1LDE0.GKNO.107, I. OO. W. Meeu lu Fra'rrnal ball, every Tbnraday nlhu H. C, SMITH, N. O. J. H. FsROUson, xcretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. , I. O. O. Regular meeting aecond and fourth Monday, of each mouth. R. 1. FAaBOTT, 0. P. J.M. Wc BLTgBB, Bcrlbe. KEMP LODGE, No. 181, 1.O. O. K.-Meeta In Odell Improvement Co.'i ball every Hatnr day nlKhk Visitors cordially welcomed. E. T. FoLTS, N. G. L. A.E. Clark, Ree. Becy. LAUREL REBEKAH DEGREE LODOK NO. 1, 1. 0. O. K.-Meeta Ant and third Fridays in each month. MlM ZOBA DA, N. G. Ella Mat Davidsoh. Becreury. W. O. W. meeU the Id and 4th Saturday, each month at I. O. O. F. ball. Vtaltori i cor dially invlied. A.C.8fATEN,0.C. K. W . McKav holds. Clerk. W ACCOM A LODGE NO. JO, K. OF P. Meets in K. of P. hall every Tneeday nli-t. W. E. Sbbbtb, C 0. J. E. NicHQLB. K.ofR-and B. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7.70J, M. W. A. Meets In 1. 0. 0. F. hall every Wednesday nl.ht. K. 8. MAYES, V. O. C. U. DAKiw, Clerk. BOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 624. WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meet- at K. of P. hall on the 11 rat and Third Frldaya of each month. Lou McRbyhos, G. N, K. W. McRbyholm. Clerk. RIVEK8IDE LODGE NO. 68 A. O. U. W. Meeu Unit and third Baturdaya of each month. Auo. Guiohabd, M. W. GEO. slocom, Financier CUKHTKH 8UUTB. Recorder. OLETA ASSEMBLY NO. 108, UNITED ART-lMtua.-MeeUi the first and third Wednes days, work; aeooad and fourth Wednesday! Artisans' hall, MRS. A. D. McGuiBB, M. A. C. D. Hkn rich, Secretary . COURT HOOD RIVER NO. 42, FORESTKltfl of Amerlca,-MeeU aecond and fourth Mon day In each month In K. of P. hall. H. F. Hbndbick, C. R. F. C. BROBura. F. C. CANBVT'OST, NO. 16, G. A. R.-MEETS AT A. O. U. W. hall, second and lourth Satur--Utyaof each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All -. A. R, members Invited to meet with us. A. C. Buck, Commander. S. F. blythb, Adjutant. CAN BY W.R.C..NO, 18-MEETS KOOND and fourth Saturdays of each Month la A. O. U. W. hall at 2 p. m. Mabtha Rioby, President. Alioa Shqkmak-b, secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. S4W, R. N. A. Meets at I. O. O. K. Hall ob the second and fourth Fridays ol eaeh month. MB8.SuaiBMAYia,0. Mrs. Ella Da-iw. Recorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.1 Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 81L SURGEON O. R. 4 N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, ; PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls promptly answersd In town or oountry, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 61 1: Office, 813. Offloe In the Brosiua Building. E. O. DUTRO, M. DJ Physician and Surgeon : Jtfice and Residence over First National Bank, Hood River, Oregon. Phone Main 871 . M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office in Jackson Block. Office phone, No. 1471. Residence, Mo. 593. Dr. M. H. Sharp Da, Kdba B. Bmabf Osteopathic Physicians 1 Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office aud Res., Huxley Cottage, River st. Phone 25 Hood Rivaa. F. C. BROSIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to and to 7 P. M. , DR. E. T. CARNES DENTIST Office over Bartmess Store HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Telephone 31. H. D. W. FINE0,D.D.S. DENTIST Crown Bkidgb Work a Spboaliy. Office over First National Bank Telenhoae Main 311 0. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. TaleDhones: Office 283: residence 1045 Office over Butler Bank, Hood River, Orb. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERI5ARI SCRUEOS Is prepared to do sny work In tha veterin ary fine. He can be found bye-ill- atoi phoning to Clarke s drug store. - A.JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H.HARTWIG,' LAWYER. win p-alA-1n All nnnrta. Office In Bmith Building, over First Na- tl0nalBanHk60DRIVKH,0REWN. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-aT-LAW, ABSTRACTER, NO- TABI runbUjMunivA. i ESTATE AGENT. i M .mti rMMpnt nfOracon and Wash i.nn H h-ri manv veara experience ill Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of titles and agent. Bausucuun u-- no charge Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Propfc i Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, Fruita ana vegetaoiea. nee Delivery. Phone Main 36, White Salmon Valley Bank The small depositor receives as the larger ones. We have both. COME AND SEE US. FABta-lby, K. -.Bmrm, B.O.Blabc-ab Frea. Vtoa-Pras. Caahler. V. C. Bbock, Asst. Caahler. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Capital &0,000 ' ' Sarplas, $12.500. P. M. BALL-LEWIS & CO. Civil ud ArchKeccaral Enlincen ud Sarveyors Msks sorreys, plans and b aates for sew er, light and power and rallaay planu, and nu-lsb, subject to approval, plana, specific-. lions and estimates for all claaaee or buildings puklte, privaU and mercantile. Hpeclal at lenlloa given to economic sad slow-burning eonsuaetlon. Accuracy and economy guar anloed DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLA YENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 769 Estimates furnished on request. An honest job guaranteed. E. A. JEROME, Architect Having had several years' experience In draft I n and buildtnr.l would respectfully solicit s part of the patronage of the people of Hood River who anticipate building. Terms reasonable, a id satisfaction guaranteed. Of- Boa at residence on Heights. H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I am auallfled and prepared to do all kind' of drst-clais land surveying. Accuracy gum anteed. Those who wish n rat-class work aom address R. F. D. 2.. Rood River. Phone 60x1. 11 OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION ofMcXInBville. Oregon, will insure your property at 60 per cent less cost than any other institution. V. u. THuarsuj, Afreni, Hood RlTer, Oreyen JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of atone masonry, con crete, etc. McEWEN & KOSKEV GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS PromDt sales and auick returns Wholesale dealers in all kinds of First and Produce. Consignments solicited 129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City : Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle Hood River Studid for First-Class Phbtographs We have tha latest In mounts And can en large ynnr Photos In Urayoiw Platinoid or Sepia. 9 -fentiOB guaranteed. L vV. D. ROGERS; Prop. C. EVERETT; The Practical Shoemaker, At Riggs' Old Stand. Fine Work a Specialty, .BIGYCUE SHOP j. mArion reid Bicycles, Guns, Sewing Machines, Furniture, umbrellas, Moves and Locks Repaired KEYS MADE TO ORl'ER Bicycles, Guns, etc., sent by express for repairs will be neatly and promptly re i i . i I .i pairea anu returueu. van save juu f to 13. uu on price ot new wneeis. tires, hrakes. and all kinds of repairs sold at Portland prices. Prices furnished on application. Reference : Bradstreet. PR. JONES, Dentist Crown and Bridge Work. -Teeth Witiwot PUtts. Treatmeot of diseaaed teetb and gums. Offloe Brosiua Building1.' Pbone 1033, the same courteous treatment FOR SALE MY JERICHO FARM Containing 15 acres splendid fruit land. None tettir, 3 acres in bearing orchard, choice varieties. Three acres Newtowns and Spitzenbergs, 3 years old; 4 acres clover, 7-room house, 20x40 feet, 2 story barn also new, black smith shop, farming tools, spring wagon, phaeton, spray outfit, incubators, etc. Also ten inches irrigating water, paid up in full. All for $300.00 an acre. See George Easterly on the place or address W. J. BAKER & 00. Hood River, Ore. FREDERICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Katlaiatas lurnishad on all kinds of work Phnnnf Arnold, Main 8S. A MWUO. T FradarUik. li.ia m BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection O. H. CRAY, Prop. for sale;by S. J. FRANK Harness andSaddles Tent b and Wagon Covers. Club Chop House AND- RESTAURANT Merchants' and Famers DINNER 11 A. M. to 2 I. M 25c M, Oysters aiii Poultry A SPECIALTY T. W. DeBUSSEY DAYIPOBT HAB1SS CO. Carry a full line of Heavy Harness Also Double and Single Driving Harness All made in tbeir shop. Whips, Robes and all fix tures found in a harness shop Call and get our prices brfore buying 20 Acre Snap. Twentv acres of good soil, mostly, all cleared, half of it black loam and bal ance clay loam ; best kind of land for berries or orchard and raises fine gar den truck ; garden growing on land at present time; two good springs and creek on 1 tnd. It lays adjoining one of the best small orchards in Hkamania county. Price, $1800 for quick sale; terms on part. Address Wm. A. Burdick, Collins, Wash. LAND When looking for something good in the way of a FARM Unimproved Property or Investment CALL OX Heilbronner and look over his long list of BARGAINS This is a firm that gives you . nothing but reliable pointers about Hood lUver, and you can save money and valuable time by doing business through this office. J. H. HEILBRONNER & CO. HOOD RIVER i PORTLAND, OREGON Bargains in Real Estate 80 aores, 10 acres in cultivation, 6-roora house, wood fucii, smoke lioiiBe, milk housu, chicken liuuse, shop, 2 barns, w ater flamed to house; 6D0 fruit trees, 100 3-year apple trees, some bearhi);, 1 acre potatoes, 1 acre corn, J acre in carrots, 4 acres alfalfa 1 span work homes, 1 wagon, 1 hack, 1 mowing machine nearly new; blacksmith tools, other implements too numerous to mention ; 2 brood sows, 5 head cattle, 2 dozen chickenn, (S tons hay. This place is good soil 2 miles of poBtollice, 4 miles from boat landing, 7 miles from Underwood. Must be so'.d at once. .; 20 acres, 12 acrs in cultivation, 400 fruit trees, 300 are apples, good vari eties, 100 iii full bearing; 2 acres strawberries ; one good house li story, 6 rooms; 1 barn, chicken house, wood shed, cellar; lots of water, good soil; 1 mile of Underwood; $150 per acre. 40 acres, 2 acres in cultivation, 18 fruit trees, bearing; j acre in strawberries; pood soil, a fine location, 1 miles from town, enough timber if made into cord wood to pay for place. $40 per acre. 150 acres, 15 acres in cultivation. 30) apple trees, more than 100 in bearing, 100 peaches beginning to bear; one houne, cellar, barn, woodshed, chicken house; 2 acres strawberries, lots of small f.uit, free from rock, running water; more land can lie eauily cleared; 2j mi ies from ton. 125.00 per acre. The above is only just a reminder of a few of the bargains we have. Can sell you from 10-acre tracts up to 210. Come and see what is -destined to be one of the best fruit countries in the Northwest and where ' three crops of alfalfa can be grown without irrigation F. W. Deliart Underwood, Wash. FOB SALE One-third cash; balance on or before 20 years at 7 per cent. 60 acres timbered land in sec. lfl, 1-10, with additional 100 acres partly tlm bereJ. Timber is wqrth cash pay njent required. 3 acres south of Wilson Reservoir. South half, block 8, I'arkhurst. 14 lots, block 20, Hood Kiver proper. AnmVto MURRAY KAY. Phone 95x Hood River, Call for Bids. The Common Council of the City of Hnnd River. Oregon, will receive sealed bids up to September 1, 1907, for the Drintina of 600 copies of City Omi nances. Charter aud Amendment to Charter, combined under specification! to 1 furnished by Committee on Pub lic Printing. (J. L. Hershner, Chair man.) Right reserved to reject any and a 11 bids. J. K. MCKRlJtoN, Recorder, FAMOUS HOOD RIVER FRUIT PACKER MAN VISITS ORCHARDS Finds the Orchards Practically Perfect and Fruit 1 or High (Jualitj Ititerviews E. II. Shcpard. (StfT Correspondent of the Kana&i City Packer.) Hood River, Ore., Aug. 8. The ap ple grower in the east or middle west who reads of the phenominal piices reoeiveu for apples at tlood Kiver uo doubt wonders now it could be possi ble for one little vuuiuiuaitv of grow era like lioud Kiver, to mar above all others lu qiiHlity aud prices tor tier fruit. To the ktU'ieut of nature who has been here ud investigated condi tions he rapidly sees the reason for it stands out aa boldy as ber great Mount Hood. It seems that nature, when ahe plaoed those terrible aae In spiring wrtnklea here in the crust of Mother Kartb which you see ail around you here left the little Hood River valley espeoialy desigued t tower as tar above the rest of the world in the quality of her apples at her great Mount Hood at whose feet she Ilea towers above all ber aistet peaks. You would expect to see a rooky toil in the valley. Not so; it la a deep ashen colored soil, devoid of rocks or hard pan. At the Packer man drove down this beautiful little valley investigating one tine orchard after another, with loveliness and granduer all around, he felt so i u tinned that he did net woudei at these people being so contented iu tbeir wcrk. l'he Spitzenborgs aud Newtown Pip pins are in the pink of condition, -here appears to be a much fuller crop of these two varieties than any other. The crop ot lien jjhv.s tnit year is conspicuous by ita absence. As one grower expressed it, "Uncle lieu ia taking a year's vacation." lu no section where the Packer mau has ever traveled has he seen such well kept orchards. No garden could be in a cleaner or more perfeot con dition, lhe spraying has been fie quent. Not a worm or bug could W found in any of these orchards. Ihese growers ruu down these insects just ilke au otllcer runs down a thief. The grower here does everything but sleep in his orchard. The result: LantyenrE.il. Shep etd, the mau who has contributed largely to making Hood River famous the world ovor, oleaied $2042 on 100 trees, an average of $12.75 per tree. Mr. Khepard is to growing and pack ing what Lutber Durban U ia in prop j gating new varieties of fruits. In taot they are warm personal friende. The Packer man tried to pump Mr. Sbepard dry on various subjects ol vital interest to glowers all over the country but he found it an impossi bility. Like all men who succeed hit heart and soul are in his work. The Packer man never spent two days moie profitably for the Packer' thousands of readeis than he did at Hood Kiver. Read aud digest Mr. Sbepard 'a idoas on this subject aud then put them into foroe aud they will be worth inuon to you. There will be about 175 oars ot 7b per cent ot last year's ciop ot applet u tbia district. Many tniuk trie quality will be a little better than last season. A good many orders tor cai have already been booked. lhe association will be open lot bids to handle the entire crop until the middle of September. The bidu are then opened and the longest pole knocks the persimmon, l'he associa tion retains the privilege of rejectiug any and all bids. Mauaget Huxley Informed the Pack er man that it was going to be a very hard job. to get enough apples to go around. He aays he hopes that If auj of the dealers are disappointed they wou't get olf ended; that next yem they will have a vast number of new orchards coming in and just as soon as he can be wants to reach them all. Mr. Huxley says be is daily bombard d with letters from all over the Unit ed States with inquiries. The Packer man can assure the trade ot one' thing and that is that Mr. Huxley will give a square deal. It la as much the pride of the Hood River grower to give the dealer a square deal as li is to grow me oesi annlei and Dack tne nest. lhe independent cariot growers win have something outside the sstocla tion to otter the public what will doubtless help to appease the com mission men's hungry appetites. Many of them are very large growers. the oeat crop nere is very ligun. Mr. iShenard thinks there will only be four cars, -here were three oars or cheirles shipped and 100 cars cf straw berires. Mr. Shepard's Suggestions. B. 11. Sbepard. who is one of the best informed fruit men in the coun try, in discussing methods, said: We believe in tnorougn ouitiva tion. Mobt people in the snnng disk thill' orcbaids and follow with a clod masher where the sou has some clay, a iid afterwards follow with a spring tooth and fie clod masher. "lhe people have the sou iu a per feet state of tilth, lhe number of times the orulu:rd would have to be cultivuled lu the spilng in this way would depend, ot course, upon how much cluy there was in the soil. "My own sell Is a tieavy ricn sou and in the first two weeks, to bring about the tequired cotidition of the toil that I consider uecesary, 1 first cultivate with a divk, then with clod masher, than with a spring tooth and then with the cbd iiineher, going four different ways with each, tbeu twice with the Acme, making 18 onlti vations in the early rmit of the sea son. Alter tnis 1 loiiow about every two weeks with the Acmo, which puts a lieiii dust tnuicu, or iiu.ikoc, as sometimes cull it. on the top which conserves all the moutnre beneath. It it ruins we immediately cultivate with the Acme to break the crust, which prevents the moisture escaping. We use very little water in Hood River, became we beliere that too much wa ter alfects both the tubto and keep of the apple, therefore we mo as little as possible, some i rigating only once, Homo twioe, at the most, aud quite a few orobardists do not irriizi te at all, 1 know of one orchard nine years old that baa never bad a drop or witer It h one of the most magnifloient or aids In tha -alley and has produced ; s' n"''" ' oue aud Spitzenbergs. 1 do not believe mere ia any doubt but that an orchard abould be cultivated aa deeply aa possible Ot couiae there it limit to the depth of cuitivatiou, and the limit ia the root ot the trees. It au oichard hat not be. in watered when it was young the roota hate gone down and consequent ly man can colitvata deep. If it baa been ungated gieat deal tne roota are apt to be nearer toe auriace and, of couiae, be cannot cultivate ao deeply without lujurying too many roota. It 14 certainly just aa necessary aud important in order to conserve the moisture to cultivate close to tbe tiuuk ot the tree aa it ia in tha mid dle of the rows. We all work on this plan and although wa start and build low beaded tree we endeavor to train tbe tree in such a way that with our exteuaion diska aud barrowa we can cultivate cloae up to the trunk vt t he tree while the horses are out in the middle betweeo the rows. "There is oonsldeiable ditterenoaof opinion aa to the porper amount of uttivatlou au orooard anouid reoelve during the year, or 1 might express uiysnlt tetter by saving there U quite a difference of opinion aa to now long au orchard should be cultivated. 1 have given the matter considerable at tention in my own work in an experi mental way aud also observed what other people have done, not only here, but in other districts. While 1 dj not wish to be quoted as stating a fact, bowever, I will atate that my mpression ia that an orchard aboold not be cultivated too late In the tea- sou, i una mat some orcnaraa mat have been cultivated, and most vigor ously, seem to bear pretty light every other year, whereas those orchards hat have been neglected a little on cultivation seem to bear more regu larly. Too much cultivation will cer tainly take tbe bumua out or tbe soil aud the soil will begin to get in a condition wbaie it Is not f liable. 1 have bad a good ciop on my orchard ver ainoe 1 bought the place tor tour couseoutive years. "About tbe time lu the fall when the apples have about reached their zo 1 let up on cultivation. About the nrst ot AugUBt when it begins to get a little dry, 1 water the orchard once veiy tboiougbly and this wet- ing la enough aftei belug well culti vated ouce to supply the sufficient moisture lor growth dining the re mainder of tbe season. In addition to this irrigation stimulates splendid growth of dillereut kinds ot weeds ike tilluree fern and a tew others fthicli exist iu our valley, and these 1 pel nut to continue to grow during no tail aud winter lor the purpose oi turning under in tbe spring to supply QUU1US. E. L. Stewart, of Prossei, gave me splendid advloe on this subject by telling me bla method, lie has a crop of alfalfa, which he irrigates during tbe season, cuts It and leaves tbe crop on the giound and he baa not failed to have a orop since the orohaid has been planted up to tbe year 1007. In word I believe loo muon Clean out ture will stimulate too much of a tree gtowtb and take the bumua out of the soil. I endeavor to preserve, so far at I am acta, the equilibrium between tbe tree growth and tbe formation ol the fruit spur, by cultivating a sufllo ieut length ot time, watering and al lowing tbe weeds to grow, which 1 turn under the following spring" "On this laud what would you tug- est as a fertilizer?" "lou have asked me aquestlon that I cannot reply to In a very definite way for the reason that although re sults In my own orchard have pretty well convinced me that tbe use ol oommeicial lertilizeis was a great benefit. 1 have jufct bad a bulletin finiu the Geneva stution in the state of New York, written by Pi of. lied- rick, and by tbe way thia la oue ol the best stations in America, aud I'rof. lledrlck is oue of the ablest uieu, in which, he states that aftei 13 years' very thorough work aloug tbe line of commercial fei timers . they have concluded that they are ot no value in an orcbaid in the way of in creasing the yield or along adding uolor to tbe fruit I have used about 100 pouuds of sulphate of potash, 100 pounds of acid phosphate and 100 pouud-4 of bone meal tor several years and bad about oonoluded it was glv- iu me splendid results tor tbe reason that 1 was getting an excellent yield, particulaily of fine Newtowns, clear aud ot good color, but thia was sim ply a conclusion and I bad not estab lished it as a fact, tor the reason 1 bad made uo check plot wbeie 1 did not use tbia feitlllzer. Prof. Hed rick's article put me all at sea. TbiB good crop that 1 have may have been iue to other causes. '.'How many times would you apray an oicbard during tbe season?" 'There are very tew districts and comparatively few people in tbe dif ferent fruit districts that have tnot- ouubly understood tbe codling moth or its habits, coiuequen .ly most ot the work by oiobardlsts baa been or a me ohauical nature, they aimply follow tbe rules laid down by some one else without knowing why or making any thorough investigation for themselves. Prot. t'j. V. liall, of Utah, three years auo in t e Northwestern Fruit Urow era association meeting at rortiaua, stated that three sprayings were all that were necessary to raise a clean oroo of apples, free from worms, un dor favorable conditions. Everybody laughed at him for the reason that every grower in the northwest nau sprayed regularly every two weeks. found that A. U Roberts, ol (JOlora do, waa working along tbe lines ot Prof. Hall, of Utah, and he used three snravs. aottlnu practically a oiean croD. "1 firmly believe that from 90 to 95 per cent ot I be first orop ot worms is killed in the first spray if this is done when tbe apples are in blossom and tbe calvx open so aa to receive the snrav. it the proper spray is used, and by the way we use arsenate of lead beie, but 1 do not mean to say it ia the only spray thpt is good. Tbe spray must be put on in a thorough and oroner manner, that la until ev ery calyx of every apple ia tilled with the spray. If tbia is done 1 believe that a man would almost get a clean orop ot applea if he did not spray again. Our first spray was put on at blossom time and tbe entrance of tbe first woims this year in Hood River valley occurred about June 5. The be ginning of tbe aecond brood would naturally occur about 50 daya from this time, or July 25. Aa a matter of (Continued on page 2.) ch llPPTlMr' AC THC MttlINu Ur I lit COMMON COUNCIL ENGINEERS SEWER BID ACCEPTED Street Signs Ordered tirade Estab lished on Twrrfth Street Buy Site for Penad. lhe reaular meeting of tbe council was held Monday night, with all pres ent. Tbe street committee reported that Hood River bad out its channel about four feet deeper than a year ago, and it would be neoessnry to cat a ditch leading into the old iLannel of tha river ao that a ttrci i.. cf fresh water would con luully iul i-t tha sewer outlet. A sketch of the new fountain which haa been purchased by tho ladiea of tne W. O. T. U. waa Inspected, and the location of tho same waa recom mended at tbe corner of Oak and tfeo- ond streets. A letter waa read from tho Irwin Hodson Co., ot Portland, wanting to bid on tha Drintina ot the charter and oidinaucea, and the same waa referred to tbe committee on printing. An ordnlanoe establishing tbe grade on Twelfth street passed ita Hist lead- log. A bill in favor ot John Lelaod Hen derson tor drawing ordinancea and surveying, to the amount ot $71.75, aa allowed and ordered paid. The bid ot J. 15. Hunt to furnish and put up atreet aigna for tbe sum of 50 centa each, waa accepted. The question or buying a pouna caused considerable discussion. The council were divided In tbe matter. part of them thinking that tbe pound sites whiob were ottered made quite a large expenditure for the city, which it would be advisable to avoid, If pos sible Tbe two lots and ram offered by U D. Woodworth for $1000 waa considered the best propoaition, aa there was a barn on the plaoe worth half that amount, while the property oould be disposed of at any time for aa much or more than it cost, and a baru would be necessary. It also ap peared that part of the baru oould be rented tor about $0 a month. It was also deemed advisable to raise the pound fees ao there would be no losa iu feeding impounded stock, and also tend to lessen the number of stock running at large. JJne faotor waa con sidered whiob had a tearing in bay ing tbe sitn, and that waa the fact that no one at preaent wanted to take care of stock, and tbe Hartley oorall waa too close to tbe business portion to be used tor that purpoae. By a vote ot one majority tbe lota were or deied purchaaed. , P. M. Hall-LiewiB submitted the fol lowing bid tor doing the engineer work aud supervising the constiuctlon ot the sewer in district 9, which waa accepted : - We propose to do the following Held, ollloe and oleiioal work, to-wit: Make all preliminary survey, prepare all plana, and speoillcatioua, prepare detailed estimates ot quantities and oosts, prepare aobedule for assessment of properties, all under the direction of your committee, and including all consultation incident to tbe above services, for the sum cf $3-2.50, pay able, and to be paid upon the com pletion ot tne above services: ana we further propose, to make all location . or dual surveys, aet au graaea, ana re-set same aa may be required, main tain in person or through competent deputy, a continuous supervision aur ing working hours, over the building of all manholes, flush-tanks, and over the whole and every part aud detail ot the laying of all of tbe pipe, and the following over same. Prepare, and fu:nlsb tbe olty with three oiotn Diue print copies ot a map, showing tbe actual looatlon ot every part ot the section ot tbe aewer aa actually laid, together with a detailed report upon the completion thereof, all under the direotiou of your committee, and In cluding all consultation incident to the above services, for tne sum oi $322.50, payable, and to be paid upon the completion of tbe above services. The above proposals are to be con strued to cover all and every service whiob may be propeily defined aa en gineer's work, from tbe commence ment ot preliminaries, to tne compie. tion and acceptance ot tbe sewer. Land to lie Open for Filing. On the 20 th of the preaent month phi eels of land In the Ueppner ana CaHoades reserves, which bave been subject to settlement since July 27. will be open to -ling at tne local iana otlice. The Ueppner reserve land la principally in Wheeler county. One bait a township In the Matolea oountry south of tbe Warm Bprlnga agency, will also be included, ana toe land nearest The Dalles ia twelve or thirteen miles up Mill oreek. It is epxected that several rival claimants will be on hand, but at tbe quautity of land ia small, there will proimbly be no great rush. However, on Ootober 28th, when the Fremont reserve beyond Bend, I opened there will no doubt be a small sized Hue up at 'lhe Dalles ofllae. It is not yet known whether the local offloe will follow the "line up" ar rangement at that time, giving prefer ence to persona in line aooording to order, or consider all conflicting ap plications presented on that morning as almultaueous. Chronicle. Special Cover Design. Geo. Blooom la getting in bla sup ply of school bcoks aud school sup plies and baa about four tone ot goods to unload. Even with the additional room bis store will be crowded for epaoe. With bis usual enterprise Mr. Slocom baa bad a special design made of a new cover for, composition booka. They contain views of tbe tbree city school buildings, and makes a band some cover. The booka are also speo ial ruled to meet the ideaa ot Prof. Crouse, and ate therefore a distinctly Hood River production. The $2.50 round trip ticket from Portland to Clatsop Beaob points, good going Saturday and returning Monday, offers a tbree day's outing at slight cost. Two and one-half daya on tbe beach. Tlcketa via tbe A. it C. R. at oity ticket offloe, Portland, corner Third & Morrison St., and at Union depot, a I : I 1 J ' it It) i V I : x ! 1