HOOD RIVER GLAC1EE .THURSDAY JULY 18. 1907 :n GLACIER Jmiic.1 etarv 1 hartda, ST AHI tll'H D. MOH. PaMtoka. f at subaorlr-Uoa-ll " I44 to Seven IJThey are evidently haruing bow to do things down Id tbe lis; city. Tbe associated press give tbe following account of Vine President Zimmer who refused to talk in court: "E. J. Zimmer, rice president and former auditor ot tbe Paciflo Tele phone and Telegraph company, was lentenced to five dys in jail thii morning. Zimmer was found guilty ot contempt of court because be re fused to tent if againet Louia Glaaa when called to tbe witness atand "Glass la being tried on a charge of having bribed city supervisors to Tote against tbe application of tbe Horn Telephone for a tranobise in Sao 1'lBIKlisCO. "Zimmer was called to the atand aad questioned about bis knowledge of tbe transaction. lie refused to an swer the questions put to him by tbe graft prosecutors and was aentenoed to five daya in jail. In passing sen tence tbe court ordered that Zimmer be kept prisoner until be answered the questions put to bim by the pros ecution. It appeats from tbe assoolated press news that San Franolwo la to have a double-header at tbe front of ber municipal affairs. Dr. Edward K Taylorpbysician and lawyer, dean ol tbe Hastings Law school of tbe Di versity of California, baa been elect ed mayoi of the Day city by tbe board of aupei visors. Mayor Eugene K. Sohmitz, who was recently convicted of gralt and extor tion, declares that be will not relin quish bis bold upon the city govern ment, and that he ia still the mayoi of tbe city. Tbe obiof of police has announced that be will recognize Bcbniltz as the official bend of tbe city and tbat h will vow allegieuce to bim. If Sclimlt? la to bold tbe reins of government the harness makers will have an all sum mers' job to extend the lines down to tho penitentiary. We are very glad to announce that we are able to inform the citizens ot Hood Giver tbat tho water which con stltutos our presont domestlo supply systutii, is pure and wholesome. Some grave apprehension wore entertained as to tho purity of tbe prosent water aupply. The matter has been dis cussed among cut citizens to no small extent, and we are glad tbat tbe whole matter baa come up in this way. We ate now prepured to give you the find ings of Ralph C. Watson, bacteriolo gist to tbe state board of health, to wbom three samples of water have been submitted for chemical analysis, repoits favorable in eanb instance. The text ot the report li as lollowe: "I have to report examination pt three specimens of wutoi received from Dr. Jesse Edglngton, of Hood River. These specimens were marked tor examination No. 1, No. 2 and No. II. Upon examination I have beau unable to find any evidence of con taminatiou In the three samples of water for examiation and would there fore pronounuo hit as safe for drink ing and domestlo purposes," There is nothing more vital to tbe health and sanitation of a city than pure drinkiug water. Tbls analyasU by a com po tout chemist will forever not at lest the fears of a sceptical public. Fairbanks Visits Hood Klver. Vice President Charles W. Fair banks stepped off the train last Wednesday forenoon while enroute tor the east and shook hands with a boat of citizens who were at the train. It was not generally known that be was to pass through the city ; it this faot could have been known in time Hood Kiver would have bad her band at tbe depot to greet the distinguished gen tlumun. However, what was lacking lu putilio demonstration was fully supplied lu the presence of the lion. E. L. SmUli who told the gentleman more of the fame of Hood Kiver and her fruits lu 10 minutes thau weoould write in 10 hours. Mr. Fairbanks stated that be bad beard ot the glory and fame of tbe valley, and he manifested a percoptl tile in Lure-it by asking numerous a lies tions concerning our resources and future prospects. He stated that the receptions ac corded him by t'jo various cities of the coast had boon v ry judioiouslv planned and thoinughly enjoyed by him. He made special mention ot bis visit to Seattle where ho addressed the National Christian Eudeavor ao ciety; bis visit to Astoria and his re caption in Portland last evening as mo guest or tne newspaper fraternity Ihe fellow who started tbe atory tbat Vice President Fairbanks la an "loiclo" simply lied. He isn't cold. lie Inn t stiif. The Ulaclor represon tativo had the! opportunity; to shake uis nana, ami we round it to be the real, genuine handshake of a warm hearted, sympathetic, courteous man There is absolutely nothing stilted or frigid in his make-up. 1'hls cold cur rent which has been circulating through the press of the state and ua tion mint have boon filtered thiougb me screens or "yellow" journalism To us, "he looks good." As be stepped otf tbe tiain be was unattended by a retinue of secret ser ice men. aud appeared to be nerlent ly at ease as ho shook hands with the bystanders promiscuously. As be boarded tbe train Mr. Smith said. "Why, Mr. Fairbanks, you don't look line an loiolel" lie replied, "Well you see I'm in a warm latitude now.' Laige delegations will go from Ore gon to attend tbe Christian Endeavor convertino at Senile, tbe National Ed uoational association couveutfon at Los Angeles, nnd tbe Itaptist Young People' convention at Spokane, and all should bear in mind that every ticket is good to any railroad point in Oregon. Judging from advance preparationa being made by the differ ent delegations they will do a great work in advertising the resources of this state. Don't forget tbe musioal treat on Tuesday, July 21 MoKee Bros, con cert at the llnptist church. WELCOME TO HOOD RIVER VALLEY Dr. W.'.F. Ierasrway has just band ed ns a oopy of tbe extra edition of tbe (lien wood, (la. ) Opinion, which gives a record of the terrible storm which occurred lu and around Ulen wood Saturday, July 8. at about 9:4b p. m. The approaching storm was aeeo by tbe citizens of the place aad as it oame gradually tbey were afforded an opportunity to seek shelter. Tbe down pour was a mixture of rain and bail which fell like a torrent opon tbe oouotiy. The flood ran over tbe side walks and Into tbe basement windows of aeveral of tbe busineaa bouses until tbey were filled with six luobea of mud and 18 inches of water. House rnd barns, which oame in the path of tbe s.orm, were literally torn to pieoei and tbe debrla scattered to tbe tour quartera of tbe earth. Growing crops were literally beaten into the ground. Horses and cattle were stampeded and in their effort to Mek safety, ran into the wire fences and were out and mangled in horrible shape. Chickens were killed by the wholesale aa tbe bail felt upon them in gieat clouds. Among other things tbe Opinion states: "Fifteen hundred peach trees in the ituigei orubaid were praotically Killed and tbua in bait an hour wat destroyed an orchard tbat Mr. liurgei dad spent 40 years in building. He estimates tbat bis loss In trees alone is over 12,000. There are a tew limb (bat are not Injured but in many places be found strips of bark tout inches wide aud two feet long tbat had been pounded otf the trees. At ter tbe late spiiug and trosts he bad been pleased to bud signs of au abundant peach crop, but now tbe or jbard ia kided besides the rear's pro duct." The history of one of these storuit sounds like a faiiy tale to tbe native Oregonlan. We, who have rested so peacefully in tbe valleys ot tbe Cas jades, know absolutely nothing ol these things. Yon, native sons ot tbe Hawkeys state tome and oast your lot with us. 1'bere ia ample rooom for us all in (bis great Paciflo noithwest. Here, you will be immune from tbe terro: by nlgbt and tbe hazard by day. We, ot Hood River, know absolutely uotblug of tbe tieacherous winds and iteaitby storms. Our rest aud slum ber is the repose ot perfect peace. Again brother, we most cordially in vite you to come to Hood Kiver. Ihere are still thousands of acres ot the most productive soil tbat lies out of doors, awaiting tbe touch of the tiller's band. Do not sell your birth right for a mess of pottage. Come aud lay bold of tbe splendid oppor tunity awaiting you in this laud ot peaoe and plenty. . Over the Hills to the Poor House. Clarence Gilbert surely bad the ride of bis life last Thursday. Ho left Hood Klver for Tbe Dalles in an auto mobile driven by 0. F. Fisher, ol Portland. Mr. Fisher drove his fa runus maoblne "Auto-oar" from Hood Klver to The Dalles In three hours. 1'bis ia a wild drive when you take into consideration the conditions ot the road. It ia aa assured faot that Uilbert will never taokle it again. lie stated tbat aa tbey were driving np tbe steep mountain over the di vide between this oity and Moslor tbat it often became neeossary to stop tbe oar and each time that It would come to a bait tbe brakes would set; but aotbwitbsiandlng this fact it would slide back down tbe hill, aud upon one oooasion tbey narrowly aveited go ing over the steep grade. Again as they were passing down tbe Mosier side tbey found the road filled with loose rocks about tbe size otben eggs; this condition was very annoying as the machine could not be kept under oontrol and tbey went down tbe rocky steps at a two-forty t rate. Tbe most sensational escape awaited tbe sports as they drove Into tbe city. Clarenoe was anxious to return to Hood Klver on No, 1, and as tbey oame Into tbe city they went at full speed for tbe Umatilla House where the young Hood Kiverite expected to board tbe train for home, aud just as tbey reached the intersection of tbe .treat and railroad, tbe passenger train pulled through. Tbe driver did not have suilloleut time to stop bis machine he gave it a sudden turn, and aa tbey paralelled the moviug train the aide of the coach struck Claienoe on tbe shoulder. Tbe front wheels of the auto were under the side of the oar. Clarenoe atated that aa the engineer observrid them approaoblng, tbe train under full speed, he threw bis bands over bis eyea fully expecting a bead on oollision and a look of agony was ipou his face. Clarenoe returned to Hood Klver by way of the steamer and Mr. Fisher continued bis trip in to tbe interior ot tbe atite. Irrigation Co. Makes Improvements. Tbe East Fork Irrigation company has been very busy of late mukinu many substantial impiovements to their plant. Tbey have iust complet ed their Odell lateral and tbe water is now running in tbe same, supplying tne thirsty farmers In that section witb the neeossary lrtigatlug juice. Tbe company is now at work build ing numerous distributing ditches and tbat section will soon be bouev- combed with these minor laterals; tbls territory Is a very profitable field for tbe company; tbey have sold a water rigbt to nearly every user in this section. The officers of the company weie busy last Saturday selling water stock aud preparing the necessary credent ials tor the same. There are now 75 stockholders in tbe company aud as many more are expected to sign up uerore me nrat ot August. the maintalnanoe fee for tbe pres ent year will not exoeed ft per inch, aud it ia very probable that this amouut will be very materially de creased next year. The company is wen satisnsd with tbe present out look of affairs and tbe system will soon be running to its full capacity. Llndsay-Omeg-. Weddings are coming on apace, an- otliei taking place at about 1 o'clock tbls afternoon. It ocourred at the home of the bride's sister. Miss Ma- Del Utueg, on mat Third street, the contracting parties being Mr. Kobett 13. Lindsay, of Hood Kiver. and Miss Lucy Omeg. a daughter of Peter Omeg, of The Dalles, and tbe officiat ing clergyman, Rev. A. A. Luoe. A tew f i lends were pteesent. a brother ot tbe groom and intimate friend of tbe biide aotlng aa best man and bride's maid. A wedding dinner fol lowed and tbe young couple took.tb.eir departure for Portland on tbe after- j noon train. Tbey will make their home In Hood River valley and Dalles friend wish them well, oongratulat ing Mr. Lindsay on securing such a worthy young woman aa a life partner. -Dalles Chronicle. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Attorney Seneca FouU, ot Portland, is In tbe city tbls week. Will Nichols ess a visitor at tbe ooanty se t duiiug tbe week. J ltobeit Smith and wife, of Port land, are in tbe city tbia week. Attorney Derby waa busineaa call er at the county aeat during tbe week. 3. A. Slmooson made a call to Tbe Dulles last Tuesday returning Wedneav day. F. W. McKeynolda was a passenger for 1 be Dalles on tbe local last Tuee day. K. II. Wallace and family have been spending several daya visiting at Cloud Cap inn. McKee Hroa. oonoert at tbe Baptist oburcb Tuesday, July 2X Popular prices, 2Tx) and iJDo. Will Edick was a passenger for Ibe Dalles last Wednesday to look after some buaioesa in tbat suburb. Truman Butler and wife are spend ing tbe daya visiting at tbe coast and engineering some awell clam takes. Miss Alta Poole, teacber In the Hood Kiver public aohool, left (or fhe Dallea Tuesday tor abort visit. Mrs. C. R. Bone, aooompanied by her mother and sister, Miss Klein, were passengers foi Portland Wednes day. David Eooles, president of the Ore gon Lumber company, la in tbe city looking after tbe intereata of tbe lo oal plant. Tom Kiohardson, ot Portland, who has been apending aeveral daya at Cloud Cap Ion, waa In tbe city Wednesday. Mrs. F. A. Topper, of Plainview, Minn., who bas been visiting at the Smith farm, returned to ber borne last Wednesday. G. Arthur Clvrke, accompanied by his wife, took tbe morning train tor Ibe. Da lies Wednesday and returned (he same day. Miss Fay Laverson, who bas been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. U lieilbronner, left for ber borne In Portlan I Wednesday. Haivey Slasher left for his borne in Dutur last Wednesday to remain for several weeks. However, we will look cor Dim to return befoie that. Max Vogt, cashier of the. First Na tional bank of Ibe Dalles, waa in Hood Kiver lust Sunday on a visit with bis brother Joe and Will. Kev. J. Shepard and wife, ot Kan ma City, Kan tas, arrived In Hood Klver Wednesday aud are visiting witb J. 11. Uunue, ot Dukes Valley. Mr?. Ingalls, accompanied by her daughters, Mrs. Fied Howe and Mrs. lierl MoCrory, left on tbe local last Tuesday for a trip to Tbe Dalles. Miss Myrtle Stevens returned from Ibe Dalles last Saturday where she bas been for tbe past week visiting with ber oous'n, Misa Jenette Snipes. ix. . Agren, of Portland, la now tbe foreman in the Ulaoier jobdepait ment. Mr. Agren arrived in tbe city last Wednesday and began bta work immediately. Mrs. Hany DeWitt, who bas been visiting with her parents and enjoy ing a camping trip to "Camp Over all," returned to Portland Wednes day. A. M. R lop, who Uvea near tbe Hood Kiver-Mosier divide, was a bus iness caller lu tbls city last luesday, l'be Glaoiei office aoknowledgea I pleasant call. W. J. Baker an I wife, who have been camping at "Camp Overall" on Hood river, returned to the city last luesday. Mr, Baker reports fishing to be very tair. Mrs. Prank Davidson, who bas been visiting with relatives and friends in Hood River for several days, returned to her borne in La cross, Idaho, last Wednesday. TO... ... fed iiosietier :and wife, aooompa oied by Dr Sutherland aud wife, of Spokane, arrived In Hood River Wednesday morning and made the trip to Cloud Cap inn via tbe auto route. "Fed Shoemaker unasAii thrnnoh uooo Kiver Wednesday enroute for bis home in Portland. Fred stated tbat he bad been out In tbe Prlneville oouotiy for tbe past ten days and that tilings were Dooming in mat interior town. G. D. Eatloger baa traded off hi property in lielmout to parties from ot jonus, woo win irfxe up melt res idence in their newlv anmilrArl hnma Mr. Eatlngor and family will leave for at. jonus in a lew daya to make their tuture oome. Mr. Tburuiau, an expert watchmik er of Iowa, has been employed in tbe Liaraway watobmaklug and repair de paitmeut. Dr. Laraway will now de vote his eutire time and attention to tbe optloal department. Tbe business hag luoieased so much of late that It will ooupy one man's time to dls- patoh the business. F. 11. Graves, who is out In tbe in terest ot the special edition of tbe Portland Journal, was In Hood River last week securing photographs of lo cal iuterest for this edition. Hood Klver will have one full page in this issue. ''be edition will be out some time next month and promises to eonpse anything ot its class ever be fore gotten up lu the Paciflo north' west. E. E. Lyons was taken to Portland last week for the purpose ot undergo ing au operation for perfoiation of tbe bowls with peritonitis and appen dicitis. The operation was performed at toe JNorth raollio sanitarium. Dr Shaw aooompanied the patient to the oity and assisted in tbe operation, We learn that Mr. Lyons Is Improv ing, but that a second operatolo will be necessary as he was not atrong enougb to eudure Bit tbat was requir ed to complete the case. win ttogers nas now turned into a full Hedged mechanic. He has under- taken to saw ott several feet of bia gasoline eating machine in order to oonveit it into a one seated rig. He nas arrived at tbe conclusion that bia auto wlil do better work in climbing tne Dins, providiug be saws out a few fibs and couples the animal up a lit tle shorter. The meetings at the Ba ptist church nrA Itirunltf attnnAaA ftha lnt.M. growing fiom night to night. Tbe I. l- J.. 1 : i , uuuruu in receiving a Dimmer or ac cessions to its membership. Key. II. Wyse Jones is a strong evangelist. Tbe McKee brothers' singing adds greatly to tbe iuterest ot tbe meet ings. The meetings will continue over Sunday. A. W. Swansen and H. J. Bulk ar rived last Sundsy trotuJSpooner, Wis., where they have been engaged in bus iness. Mr. Swansen Is an old time frlAnri nf l IT. Flu It In nl aii and baa been running a newspaper in tne east ror several years, it Is tbe niirnna nf haaA tmn trm nttam.n A l oate on the coast it a suitable loca tion can do rouna. rota otnoe ao knowledgea a pleasant call. George H. Gary, of St. Paul, who Yon caa't snake moatey easier than taklaf ad vantage of those as aneroua specials oa our BAS GAIN TABLES Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers We bave eome splendid snaps in I adiea' and Children's fiboes and Slippers. 8boeeand slippers worth from $1.25 to f 1.75, most all sixes. Special the pair 9oc Ladies' shoes worth from $2.60 to $4.00, mostly narrow widths. The pair 1.9S M Of WHITE flOUSE SHOES For Men a.'-..- 9 in I B S TV '. A C .TT I $23.00 COUNT IT $23.00 Saved in onoyeur by shuving yourself with one of our MATCHLESS RAZORS Prices $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Pocket Knives, Guaranteed for One Year, 35c to $2.50 All kinds of High Grade Sundries at Popular Prices Ml Hood Tooth Powder BEST FOR THE TEETH Formuldehyde and Whale Oil Soap, Guassia Chips, Arsenate of Lead WILLIAMS PHARMACY The House of Drug Staples HALL cis ESSOT We Deliver Phone lOOl recently purchased a tract of land on the Washington side near Husum, has been out to take a look at the traot and la rery maoh pleased witb bis boy. Tha property waa purchased tor Mr. Gary by bia brother in-law, C. 8. Smith. 11 returned to his home lust Satudray erening greatly elated over this oountry. lie alao bought 15 sores adjoining 0. S. pmitb on the west. Revival services are in progress in tbe Uelinout M. E. cburob each even ing of the week. Evangelists T. J. Coburn and R. F. Urymer bave charge of tbe meeting. Large crowds are at tending and it la expected tbat there will be a large number unite with tbe church. Mr. Urymer la a soloist and bia singing Is attracting great atten tion. ' O. S. Nisbizakl, a prominent Jap of Portland, was in tbe olty last Wednea day in the Interest of a Japanese Mu tual Protection society which Is to be organized in Hood River valley next Sunday. The Japanese oonsul of fortland will be present to assist in tbe organization of the order. Tbe meeting will be held on tbe Cbaa. Sproat Uwn and you are all invited to attend. Ibe addresea will be iu both Eugllah and Japanese. F. A. Pattie. a wholesale nursery man of Winchester, lenn., who bas been visiting tbe recent oberry show in Salem, and attending tbe annual session ot the Northwest Nursery mens association, waa lu Uood Klver last Wednesday, lie took a drive over the valley and waa blgbly pleased witb the orohard conditions, lie stated tbat the west raiaed tbe best fruit iu the world, and tbat be bad never seen the equal of tbe cherries exhibited at tbe tialem fair. J. M. Ham t let left last Wednesday lor a visit witb friends at lone. Ure, i'e will leave In tbe near future for an extended trtp to Kansas and Mis souri and while In the east be will be preseut at tbe annual reunion of tbe Eighth Missouri cavalry ot wbiob be is a member, lie stated that be bad not had tbe privilege of meeting with tbem slnoe his discharge from tbe ar my. lie is planning to bave bia wife and daughter accompany bim on bis (rip. is visiting in Hood River. His friends are glad to welcome bim back, and re joioe in tbe faoot tbat he is looking bale and bearty. He appears to be stiong and rugged acaln. Mr. Wil liams does not bave any particular lasomatlon for that oountry. and ex pacta to return to the ooaat aa soon as he believes his health will warrant tbe change. After a two weeks' visit In ilood Klver Mr. and Mr. Williams will return tu their borne In tbe south. Clarenoe Gilbert waa a weat boond passenger Wednesday. He atated that be was going to tbe Koee city. Clar enoe is becoming one of tbe most pop ular young men In three states, lie baa been kept busy for tbe last three weeks leturnlng out-of-town calls. Be Informed ns that he waa Kilns to Ev erett, Wash., in a few daya, and that be bad an offer to enaparon tbe Ha waiian lassies wno are to visit oar city soon. He will aoeept tbe latter prop osition and be with tbe auger-cane girls when they banquet at tbe "dev il a puncn dowl" Roy Ellis Miller, son of Fred Mil ler, of tbe Barrett district, bad bia toot severely wrenched and crushed by coming in contact witb tne sweep I - m. I naA m I Try a Suit of Suealne Tlhe Paris Fmr The Store That Kitchen Notions Here are a few articles that we bave that you need. Clothes pins, the doz lc Tin cups, 3 for lOe Handled pot chains lOc Lenox soap, 7 bars 25c Brooms, good grade corn, laced 4 times 25c Sadirons, set of 3 iro'.f, han dle and stand, fuli nici It pluted. The set $1.10 Tumbler j.lly glasse-, plain per dot 30c Tuinl.U-f jelly (tlasscs, lid-, a lirst class iiitu'le. Per dot 35c Stew kettles in granite, all sizes from a 2-quart kettle for 18 cents to the very largest size preserving kettle for $1.75 There is nothing better to use fnr cooking fruits. Shoes and Oxfords for men and boys in all styles and leathers, and at any price you care to pay. Full value in every pair. Shoes Tor any kind of wear Black Flag Insect Powder 250 and 500 "It kills but never cures' Prescription specialists 500,000 Prescriptions on File ot tbe hay bailer. Tbe boy was silling on tbe machine driving the team and his toot bung idly down, and as the sweep returned it oangbt it and near ly tore it ott. It is possible that he may sustain a permanent injury. An Ole Olsen by tbe nanio of Lars Larson swiped about $75 worth of col lateral from the boys at Ureen Point on a recent date and made good iiie escape. Tbe officers of tbe oity bad a veiy meager description of the pur loiner, consequently tbey bad lit! le due to work upon. Howeve, they kept vigilance over every departing train. At last the marshal spied a oouple of auspicious looking fellows and be ordered tbem to unroll their blanketa; tbls tbey did, and tbe dis oovery revealed tbeir Innocence and they wor allowed to pass on. One of tbe fellows remarked tbat he would never bit this town again. Cherries Purloined Enroute. Dr. W. F. Laraway stated to a Ula oier reporter recently tbat he had shipped a 10 pound crate of premium Biug oberiea to bis son, S. E., at Glenwood, lows, and upon tbe arrival ot the gift it was discovered that the orate had been opened and nearly all or tne fruit had been stolen. Ibe ex press agent of tbat oity stated that tbe orate arrived at bia office in tbat oondition ; it tbis be true tbe various express messengers enroute must bave been tbe guilty parties. It is not so much tbe value of tbe fruit which is lust, as it is tbe defeating of the pur pose of tbe donor, and the sense of humiliation wbiob accompanies the knowledge of the faot that the recipl ent bas been awarded an empty crate, Dr. Laraway will seal the next con signment which he foi wards to his borne olty. His son wrote, however. tbat there were still enough cherries remaining In tbe orate to aliord them a taste and tbat tbey were niiuhtv good. Live Soldier Lying in the Street. Last Tuesday aa tbe Glacier report er was on bis way to tbe depot to meet No. 7 be espied an American soldier lying in tbe street near the Wauooma hotel. Marshal Gsnger, who waa near at band, was notified and the two gentlemen proceeded to iu vestigate tbe oase. Repairing to the plaoe where be was lying they took bim by tbe sbouiders and raised bim to his feet. It was thought at (list tbat be waa dead, but tbe marshal, being a better judge of mortuary mat ters, pronounced bim to be alive. Up on examination it was discovered tbat bis name waa Ameiicus. The letters O. P. S. were stamped upon his shoulder straps, and it appeared tbat be was from the regiment of ilenrv Campe, of San Francisco. He was born In tbat oity in tbe year 1880. In order to apare tbe gentleman from humiliation and disgrace he was tak en in obaige by tbe reporter ana sent over tbe road in a manner befitting bis station. Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Groff. Julv 10th, a daughter. Tbe bites and stings of insects, sun burns, cuts, burns and bruises relieved at once with Pinesalve Carbolized. Acta like a poultice. Draws out inflam mation. Try it Price 25c. Sold hv KeirACass.. AU Hood River will bave a delisht. tul time at tbe McKee Bros, concert July 21 Saves You Money kimonss, worth $1 25. for $1.00 end mj on Special value on everj oiii. Ladles' shirt WHieta In a Hilendid va riety for 90c, $1.1)0. $1.25 mid up. The best values in the city ESSON'S COLD CREAM BEST FOR CHAPPED HANDS AND LIPS Serious Conflagration Averted, Ibe Hcod River (Ire fighters bad an other opportunity to make a record run last Friday afternoon. A few minutes after tbe tire alaim aa sound ed tbe coys were on their way to the new residence of J. II. Osborne in re spouse to the appeal for help. Tbey succeeded lu drawing tbe large obem ical engine to the scene of probable disuHtor. However, upon reaobing tne scene tney louud tbat tbe ore was under control. It appears tbat a lot ot old rags, saturated witb linseed oil, had been thrown out upon the back porch anil tbey became ignited tnrougn srontnaeous combustion, There was also a pile of shavings and other debris upon the porch and tbe mass was soon aflame. Several of the laborers on tbe building at once pro ceeded to scatter the burning mass ana tne bouse was tbus saved from burning to tbe ground. J. H. is a very ticketed man to know tbat bis domicile still stands, and desires to tbank tbe boys for tbeir assistance. The Churches Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep worth Lague 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thrrsda evening. All cordially invit- eu. v . u. ,vans, pastor. Episcopal services at 11 a. m. the third (Sunday in each month, conducted oy Arcnueacon li. u. Chambers. Sua day School every Sunday at 10 a. m. U. B. Church Sabbath school, 10 a m. ; preaching, 11 a. m.; Y. P. C. E, 7:15 p. m.; preaching, 8:U0 p. m. Prayer meeting at 8 p. m. Wednesday. Junior Socutv Saturday at 8 p. m. All are cormaiiy invited to attend all or any of lurao Br-.!:es. i ssior, j. w, Sprecher. Christian Church Preaching services at K. of P. Hall each Sundsy evening nun at 11 . iu. eni'll nrNr nnn mirrt Nun uay, aim at Udell at 11:30 a. m. each second and fourth Sunday. Sunday sciiooi at iu a. in. and Y. P. 8. C. v.. .t 6:30 p. m. each Sunday at K. of P. Hall." uoruiai invitation tn the puplic w. a. wood, Minister. Baptist church Sundav anhnnl o-sn r.,V. O J.. Tl Ll 9:00 p.m.; mid week Prayer service at y p. m. Wednesday evening Rev. C. H. MoKEE, Pastor Riverside Congregational Chn W C Gil more, pastor. SerIn Hnn. duyatlla. m., Christian Endeavor at i p. m., evening worship at 8 n. m. Belmont M. E. Church. H. C. Clurk pastor. Services, Belmont: Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; Class meeting at 1 1 m. ; Epworth League 7 d. m nrnanh. ing every Sundav evening and OA h.,-. day in month at 11 a. m.; Prayer meet ing Thursday 7:30 p. m. Services at t ine ii rove same as above except preach ing, which is on 1st and 3d Sundays at 11 a. m. Crapper. 1st and SH KnnJ... at 3 :30 ; Sunday school at 2 :30. Mount nooa. ine 4tn Bunday at U Sundav school at 10 a. m. a. m. Catholic Church Reonlar services every Sunday. Portland business men haa in temptation an excursion ArtVAl Inn about 25 pointa iu northwestern Ore- guu aim western wasblnston. 2lth-28th. " ' July Bad sick headaches, bilioubiiem nr constipation are quickly relieved bv IteWltt'S Little Earlv Riser. Rm.ll pill, sure pill, sate pill prompt and leasant in action. Sold hv k'oi. t, Cass. ' " Try a Suit of Sue sine Silk, it looks aa wen as real silk and will wear treat deal better The yard 45 cents Ladies' Kimonas and Shirt Waists W'e have some special bargains in Ladies' abort and long Kimonas made of lawns, dimities and fancy crepe, just the thing for these warm daya. Ladies' abort Kimonas, worth 85 cents anywhere. Special SOe ladies' abort Kimonas worth $1.25 for 75c Ladies' long Kimonas, worth $1.00 for 75c Ladies' long Oakdale Greenhouse Flowering plants, Sweet Peas in any color and quantity. Now is the time to order Tulips, Crocus and other bulbs for spring; alao Peonies, ptoses and other shrubs. White Wyandotte hens for sale. Flbtchkr & Fletchkr, Route 1, Hood River, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. For hale 18 acres of choice land, balf mile north or Carnon, Wash. New 8 room houxe; new barn well bricked up; good out build ings. A very desirable place. Uood for three mouths only. 0. U. Walherell, Carnon, Wash. IZ7-12 For Hale One good Democrat warou; one light one-uorae buggy; one young cow;Jone thoroUKhbred 0. 1. U. boar. Knouire of a. t. Dodge, K V D Na. 1, Box 127, Hood Klver. Jy2a For Hale Hecond hand rigs, all kinds. Fashion livery stables. Jll al For Hale Cheap-One pony team, hack and names. Call or address H. 8. Hall, phone 50x1. K. F.D. No. 8. Box 97. Jil-ai For Bale A good light running Z'i wagon, or will trade Tor hay. W. L. Carnes, H. F. 1). No. 1. Box 189. Jil-ai For Bale Yearling colt. T. C. Jones, near Leaaure'a place, Mu Hood. Jll-al For Bale-80 acres all under fence, fine or chard of 800 apple trees, commercial varieties and about 4OU.OU0 feet of good timber. Mill nearby. Two miles from Kstacada electric line; good roads. Address C. H. Uuttrldge, Spring Water, Clackamas Co. Ore. Jy26 For Bale One horse wagon, Btoughton make. Kaqulre D. Kverbarl, Belmont. a8 For Bale 10 dozen Mason Jars, cheap. Ad. ply to Dr. Jenkins. u8 For Bale Fresh young Jersey cow and calf. Price $60. Knqulre B. W. Caldwell on farm at Crapper or address Hood River. aH For Hale A handsome black hone, weight about 1200 lbs; very line disposition; cau be driven by lady or gentleman; a very fine roadster, works either single or double. This horse la a snap to any one wanting such au animal. Can be seen at the Kockford store, near Barret school bouse, Hood Klver. ai For Bale Fox terrier pups. These are true ru Inlood. Mother won hrst and second prizes at tbe Portland Bhow. These pups Will milbA nrit. bIkmh H . , 1" " . m , o, uud (AII11UUI011S and housedogs. Oame at rats or any vermin; ... uicic m umuiug ueiier in tueaog Hue. Only two dog pups left. Kockford store, Hood Klver. bh i,N?i'.5e nereby given that I did on July 13, 1907, In the city of Hood River, take up sorrel pony, 3 white feet, white face; browu mare S years old, branded on right shoulder, wire cut on rlgnt fore leg; gray horse 5 years old. branded on right shoulder; and that I WIIL on July 23, 1907, at the hour of 1 o'clock r. M. of said dav. in front cf ,1 ,i In ,t.A city of Hood River, Oregon, sell said property at public auctlou to the highest bidder for cash In hand. w. Oanokh. City Marshal. Wanted. Wanted A llht Cheap for cub. 8. B. Carnine. K. F. D. Mail box 63, a WinlAd-Msn mrf IA. .1.1. . ... "-"""u "'ic wibu wj ruu smaii itum, rioca. man capable and steady; wife H , " ' wwi iU Will. U, X1UBI1, ood River, care W. H. Carter. K. V. D, t rr sniea Man and wife want posittlon to take charge ot ranch. Address X, Blngen, Wash. tn-A-i ta'phim"1 eJealn.lan, APP'y Immediately piaceT .y:..;"8 Wan ta afn.i, c . . - ,,.', - ""-r.perieucea farmer ana commendations. Capable of running crew and operating large farm. Apply C. B. Ga briel, Hood River, Oregon. Jl3 jy6 Wanted Small farm . work where family of 3 can be accommodated. Address M. H. Maher, Hood River. Ore. J18 .ij nie agea cnamber- iSSUi SJSLTwi" K month. board and WatltAt Vtmmt .1. . . . n nuwuiH, JylH Wanted Sap i grin, ,.u , ... psnuane .. .hi.il oV Aly s"' ja-jyis Wl&ntAH Man tn. . inm . 'i a . j ,uu" "oras or wood. tl.36 per cord. Barnes & Chninard. R. F. D. l(VT l.,1D Blda for tnlt . ?hPnmnAhil"l'i "A I p- m- HoU8e must be iiFEKSX h' commence, - auiuucr( " B. F. Blythe. clerk. For Rent (lvm 1 Km m Dt !.. . T ' a 11 ah. ..I, . uur ""Xl noraes in D- Shelley's good clover pasture. They will appreciate It, Phone 1218. & pe? month? Jy35 Vnr WamftT r 11 . . Iea tV. .ni.irVi uer?n residence on snltable persons, furnished or unfur. SencS?" Prtrc' at office or rial- For R.ntlwTran.-l . I mi i7 iV,.. " . " ""norn -.room nouse ana two lots to rent or will trade for lurid apply to 1st National Bank. j ue2W f Lost and Found Lost A nair nf .imiiu . , .. . . mounted. ""r"1- ' at Olaclir office? '"TV T LOSt Rlaolr ohavln. . ... k .-, mie iace collar n"' iVT, ,, TV wr,n J"? Place and offlce. "- "-"".pr uiacler ft ma. lVm-i n rf. nM a 1 laattl Uln.V 1 , , .... k7.1 .r apoiiea dog, one eve hI "nE? ? bhuclTand white, from To makl twnm fi .. 1 ... ., . , , large BHICK Ol pnonoeraDha mat nuu raj r ..n i out all the organs in s ock at any price a .i?r tlme Al8 P'anoa low Main i U23 B0Ulf" 1 Jno House, 93