The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 16, 1907, Image 1

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. p.
every eecoud Monday Id each month at I p.
aa., Id the club room over Jackaon'i aloro.
11. K. Da Vinson, Pres.
A. D. Mob, Secretary.
HOOD RIVEK lOIKJK NO. 106, A. F. and A,
H. Meeu Haturduy evening on or before
each full moon. A. l. Mob. W. M.
1). MclM)KAU, Secretary.
Meeu Unit and third Friday nlKhu of each
moDin. v. mcuonals, n. r,
A. 1). Mob, Secretary.
Meela awoud and fourth Tuesday evening
of each moutb. V isllora eordial'y welcomed
M as. Th ERISA C Ahtn IK, Secretary.
IDLEW1LPELO UENO. 107, I. O. O. r-
Meela In r m .ruMl nan, every mursaa)
nigbt. n. v. bmitb, N. u,
J. II. rEROiTuoK, -crelary
Regular meeting' nwxiud and fourth Monday
of eucu liioutu. tv. j. rAUHtn r, v. r.
J. M. Ht'HM ki.tckb, Bun be.
KEMP LODGE, No. 181, 1. O. O. K.-Meelt In
odell improvement Co.'a ball every Hatur-
Uay niMUk. v nuwra coruiany weicomeu.
K. U. MASlKKtt, N.Q
L. A. E. CLABK, Kec. Pecy. '
1, !. O. O. P. MeeU first and third Friday
ueucti uioniu.
Mins Zoka Day, N. ii,
Ella HAT Davidson. 8ecretary.
W. O. W. meeU the 2d and 4th Hitlurdaya
i-aeli nioiiili at 1. O. O. . ball, v lailurs cor
dially in lied. A. C.Sl'Alb.S,U. C.
r. W . McKbvnolim, Clerk.
Meeu in K. of i bail every i ursday mailt.
J. K. Nichols, tC.of R. and 8.
HuoL) RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A.
ileeu In 1. O. o. P. ball evi ry Wednesday
ulgut. E. 8. MAYKtt, V. C.
C. U. DAK IN, Clerk. .
Woodcralt-Moeisui K. of l ball on inr
am and Thiiu Fridays of each nioutli.
Lou McKkynoluj, U. N,
F. W. McRbvdolim, Clerk
MeeU tti.t and third buUiidnys I nicli
month. F. 11. Ulauo, M. W.
E. H., Financier
CHKHTKH suutk. Recorder.
tbe first and third Wednes
days, work; stem (I and fourth Wednesdays
Arunana' ball. Maa. A. U. MoUutKit, M. A.
C 1). riKN KU H.Wei-ri.Utry.
of America. Meeu second and fonrth Mon
day, in each month in K. ot P. hull.
H. F. Hkkdkick, C. R.
F. C. BBoaira. F. C.
A. O. U. W. ball, se,..u uud iouilu oallir
days of each month at i o'clock p. m. All
O. A. R. members invited U meet with us.
A. C. Buck, Commander.
8. FBi-ytbk, Adjutaut.
and fourth Saturdays of each Mouth In A.
O. U. W. hall at 2 p. m.
Martha Rioby, President.
Alida Shoemakkk, (Secretary -
MeeU at 1. O. O. F. Hall on tbe second and
fourth Fridays ot eneb mouth.
Mrs. Husib MAYES, O.
Mrs. Ella Dakin, Recorder.
J. F. WATT, M. D.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811.
BURGEON O. R. & N. Co.
Buccessor to Dr. M. F. Bhaw.
Calls promptly answered in town or country,
Day or Night.
Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 613.
Office In tbe Urosius Building
E. O. DUTRO, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Office and Residence over First National
Bank, Hood River, Oregon.
Phone Main 871
Physician and Surgeon
Office over the FirHt National bank.
Office phone 403 Res. phone 1181
M. F. SHAW, M. D.
Office in Jackson Block.
Office phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. 593.
Da. M. H. Sharp Db. Edna B. Sharp
Osteopathic Physicians
Graduates of the American School of
Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo.
Office and ltesidence Huxley Cottage,
River Btreet.
Phone 25 Hoop Kivkb.
p C. BROSIUS, M. D. , ;
'Phone Central, or 121. ;
Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to 8
and 6-to 7 K M.
Office over Bartmess Htore
Telephone 31. ;
H. D. W. PINE0.D.D.S.
Crown Bbidgb Work a Specialty.
Office over
First National Bank
Main 311
Telephones: Office 283 ; residence 1045
Office over Butler Bank,
Hood Rivkb, Ore.
Is prepared to do any work In the veterln
ary line, lie can be found by calling- at oi
pb'Uing to Clarke s drug store.
Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned.
Will Practice in All Courts.
Office wirh Geo. U. Culbertson A Co. Col
lections, Abstract. Settlement of Estates.
White Salmon Valley Bank
The small depositor receives the same courieous treatment
as the larger ones. We have both. .
FJS.8TAH lbt, K.L.Brra, E.O. BlakOab
tree, viea-rraa. cannier.
V. C. Bbock, Asst. Cashier.
The First National Bank
Capital $50,000 Sarplas, $12,000.
attorney-at-law, abstracter, ho-
For 23 yean a resident of O.-eron and Wash-
lngton Has bad many years axperleaeelB
Real Estate mitten, as abstractor, saareliar of
titles and agent. Hatiafactlon guaranteed
oo charge
Civil' and Architeccaral
Engineers and Surveyors
Make surveys. Diana mil M bsstM Sap mmwr.
er, light and power and rail ay planU, and
furnish, snbiect to annmval. ulana siMiMlSnk
lions and estimates for all classes of build lags
public, private and mercantile. Hpeelal at-
uwuon givjn to economic ana slow-burning
construction. Accuracy and economy gusr-
Contractors and
and Builder
KsUmaUt furnlihsd on all kladiaf wrk
Phone 769
EbII nates furnished on request. An
honest job guaranteed.
Havlmr had several vears' azDeriencs In
drafting and building,! would respectfully
solicit s part of the patronage of the people of
Hood River who anticipate building. Terms
reasonable, a id satisfaction guaranteed. Of
fice at residence ou Heights.
of MeMinuvlllp. Off eon, will insure youi
property at 60 per cent less cost than
any other institution.
C. I). THOMPSON, Agent,
Hood Kivcr, Oreffna
Timber and Homestead
I have for location some eholos apple lands
hi iimqer claims; aiso renn luisnmenia ai a
lauu to script, uau ou or auuress,
Wm. f. rand,
Res. Phone 376. Hood River. Ore.
Hood River Marble Works
Am prepared to execute
all orders for granite and
marble work, monuments,
tombstones, etc.
Also contract for all kinds
of stone masonry, con
crete, etc.
' Prompt sales and quick returns'
Wholesale dealers in all kinds o( First
and Produce Consignments solicited
129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore.
Surveyor. :
I am Qualified and ureuared to do all kinds
of first-class land surveying. Accuracy guar-
anieeti. inwse wno wis nrsi-ciass wora done
address K. F. D. 2., Hood Blver. Phone Wxl.
Hood River Studio
First-Class Photographs
We bave the latest In mounts and can en
largo your 1'liotos In Crayon, Platinoid or
Hepla. 9 fftlon guaranteed.
vV. D. ROGERS. Prop.
Phone 245
Hood River - Oregon
Bicycles, Guns, Sewing Machines,
Furniture, Umbrellas, Stoves
and Locks Repaired
Bicycles, Guns, etc., sent by express lor
repairs will be neatly and promptly re
uui red and returned- Pan aav vnn tl
to $3.00 on price of new wheels. Tire,
k t i 1 1 i i . . i :
orases, auu an Kinos oi repairs soia at
Portland nriif fl. Priia fnrnishd nn
application. Reference: Bradstreet.
Call and look over our list
of money making invest
ments. Real barg.iiu8 wi!
be found among our list o!
farm and city property.
Thirty-seven acres. 22 miles east of Port
land, 4 miles from Corbett station on
the U. K. & N. All but S acres i
cultivation. Seven acres vegetable
land, 2000 trees, mostly apples, some
ianieti pears, cnemes, prunes, etc
ah id wearing. House ol 8 rooms
with toilet aud water in bouse. Good
Barn and spring watei. Joins Allen
A Lwis place. Price only $8000, or
wm trail.- ior nrsi class farm in riood
Kiver Valley.
No. 309. Ten acres 8) miles from town
on the West aide. 100 1 year old
tipitienberg trees, 75 1-year old New
towns. 25 1-vear old Winter Ran
ana, 0 15-year old Gravenstine. 6 acres
bay, some strawberries. Small house
and barn. Horse, wagon and all
farm tools go with the place. Price
io. 2o4. Twenty acres 6 miles from
town on trie juver road. 4J acres
cl.-ared and umailv fan roil 17H
y-ar old apple trees, Spitzenbergs,
me towns ana Arkansas ttlacK. 4
room house ceiled, brick cliironey,
barn 16x20 and wagon shed. Price
only $15,00.
No. 321. Fifteen acres on the edge of
ion, n acres Derrie-, balance wal
nuts, apples, peaches and clover. 15
siiart s water stock. This is all first
class apple land and a beautiful
borne Hitu on one of the best roads in
ttie valley. Price $7,000.
No. 19tl. A Dfi-iiil hftj-uain 92 ana
miles oui in the Willow Flat District.
All under ditch. All uncleared,
uio-tl hi uh land. sloDimr. rood art-
pie land. Price $1300 for a short time
No. 184. TweiltV acrra. six milna frnin
ton li, 12 Hi res cleared. 2A acres 3-vpnr
old lives, 0 acres strawberries, 2 acres
i-yer om trees, z acres wheat, 2 acrea
waist land, live inches water paid 2
years iu advance. Price $4800 for a
short time only.
o. 310. Forty-two acres 7 miles out
In the t'rapper District. 15 acres in
cultivation. Spitienbergs, Newlowns
and Jonathans, 70 peach trees, 2 to 7
years old, tl of which are bearing, 5
room house, barn and team, 2 cows,
3 wagons and all farm implements.
Itutween 34 and 30 acres cleared.
Price $8,400.
Nq 284. Ten acres 6i mil I from town.
on tbe East aide. 160 3-year old
SpiUenberg and Newtown trees, bal
ance ready to grub. All first-class
land under ditch. No buildings.
Price $3,000.
No. 272. Tea acres in Barrett Dialrirr
5 acres cleared, balance timber and
rocks. 3 acrea hav. 1
Spitaenberg, Newtown and Arkansas
oiaiKirees.. email House and barn,
Good Well. Price $2250.
No. 276, Ten acres unfenced. 3 acres
cleared, balance good apple land, 9
miles from town in tbe Duke's Valley
district. Price $1,000.
No. 285. ,Ten acres 2i miles out on the
lit... . I- .np rt . .
. nesi Biue, xuo epiizenDerg and rew-
lown trees, i yr. old, 3 acrea straw
berries, I yt. old and 3 yrs. old,
1 1 RPrtHI nlnvr 1 ijC n.oa .ua .1 in ....
9 - B " V' J W Wit
, to trees, all cleared, 4-room house,
goou Darn, snea and good well. 8 in.
water suica. rrice, ftoUU.
No. 296. 10 acres, 7J miles out, in the
wrapper district, 6 acres Spits, and
Newt, trees 1 yr. old, balance small
fir. 2-room log house, no barn, under
ditch. All good apple land. Price
No. 157. 25 acres 6 miles out on the
West side, half mile from Rockford
store, 3 acres cleared, small house,
spring water, all fenced, e&st slope.
Price $2200.
No. 299. 12 acres on the edire of town.
680 2-yr. old Newt, apple trees, straw-
irernea sei ueiwveu trees mis year.
Nn buildings; 6 in. water slock. Price
$7000, easy terms.
No 268. 40 acres 7i miles out in Odell.
17 acres in cultivation, 10 acres in
young trees, 5 acre- in wheat, balance
in.oaa ana pine iimoer, an nrsi-ciass
apple land in the best apple belt in
the valley. Irrigation ditch on the
line. Near 4 room school, church and
two stores. Price $10,000, half caah.
Kidney eoipplalnt kills moie peopl
than inf other rlianaoA 'I'hia la Am
tn tha diaeaaa beins ao inairlinna that
It geta good hold on the system be
fore It is recognized. Foley's Kidney
Care will prevent tbe development of
fetal diaease if taken in time. Clarke
Ding Co.
Farms for Sale
Eighty acres uncleared orchard land
situated on I he Dalles road about
miles east of Mosier. Nearly all can
be cultivated when cleared, about 20
acrea of which is partially cleared
rrice fj,4w.
Also 80 acres adjoining this, went
With new 8-room plastered bouse with
concrete cellar and water piped from
spring. Alan new Iruit house and wood
shed combined. About 2 acres full
bearing orchard, alxmt 2 acres young
ireea. rrice nr quica sale h.ouu.
Owner going Kant, hence low price,
telephone in resilience.
Mosier, Ore,
in tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
loumy oi WHO).
Oeorg P. Sink, Plain tl IT,
Emma Sink, Defendant.
To Emma 8lnk, the above named dxfendant
Id the naineoriheblate orornion: You are
hereby required to apear and anwer the
coin piain i nira againm you in tne aoove en.
titled Court and caime on or before the 17th
day of May, Wu7, ld date belnic the liwt date
oi tne ptiDiiratioD oi mm auinmoni), ana being
six weekn from the 4lh day of Anrll. 1UU7.
which last mentioned date in the date of the
Drat publication or thin aummona, and If you
fall to appear and anxwer, for want thereof,
the plaliulrt will apply to the Court for the ro
ller prayea ior in planum acoiiipialnt, uvwlt:
For a decree of the above entitled Court that
tbe bonda of matrimony heretofore aud now
exlHtlng between "aid plaintiff and delendaut
be dissolved and held for nauirtit. and tint
aald plaintiff and defendant be in all respect
uivorceu iroineacn oiner, ana aucn other
and further relief aa .o the Court may seem
equitable and Junt
Tbia aumraoua is served upon you, Emma
Hlnk, by publication thereof In the Hood
River U lacier by order of Hie Honorable W. U
Bradahaw.ludKeoftlie alwve entitled Court.
which order waa made on and bearing dale of
me xnii any oi aiaruu, ivuj. a. w. hi auk
aim ib Attorney for riaiiitirr.
In the Superior Court of the Mtate of Oregon,
ior waaoocouuiy.
Elsie J. Reynolds, l'lulntlff,
John A. Reynolds, Defendant.
To John A. Reynolds, the above named de.
In tbe name of the Suite of Oregon vou are
bereb required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the above enti
tled suit, on or before the last day of the time
prescnoea in meorueror publication to wit:
On or befor the Hith day of May 1907, and If you
fall to ao appear and answer plaintiff will
apply to the above named Court for the relief
aemanaeain ner complaint and for a decree
aissoivinx me oonas oi matrimony now ex
isting between pluintl ft aud yourself on tha
grounna oi cruel ana lniiuman treatment
rendering planum s life burdensome; lor
lntlO s oonts and disbursements and for such
otbtr reller aa to the Court may seeme qultu
able aud Just.
mis summons la served upon you by pub-
weekly newspaiw, of general circulation,
published In liood Klver, Wasco County
Orevon. for all sucsslve weeks. In nursu.
i.uaiiifu .iioixui .ii iuc iuiuu riivur uiacier. s
anceof an order ot the Hon. W. L. Ilradsliaw.
Judge ol the above entitled Court, duly made
on the Wtb da iMach, W07, and the date of
the first publication thereof Is the 4th day of
aprii, iwi, r.j.kiKWlN,
Attorney for Flalutlir.
Vancouver, was. aim Jo
In the Circuit Court of the Htate or Oregon for
wascu county.
James J. Burggraaf, Plaintiff,
Kate Burggraaf, Defendant.
To Kate Burggraaf, the above named defend
In the name of the State of Ores on : You
re hereby required to appear and answei tbe
compiaiut n lea against you in the aftove en
titled court and cause on or before May l.'ltn,
1117 which I. .ii wwtliB .n.i Anrll 4tlt 1 um
the date ordered tfor the first publication of
inn uovira, 11 you mil mi so appear ana answer
the plaintiff will apply for the relict prayed
for in bis complaint to-wit : for a decree dis
solving tbe bonda of matrimony now existing
between above named nlalntift and defend.
ant, and lor such other and further relief as
to the court seems meet and Just.
i ins summons is puonsnea nv order or w
, Brsdshaw. J mine of the abovenamed emit l
waue auueuiercu on uievuiu aay oi Marcu,
aml Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice la hereby given that the undei slimed.
as executor of the last will of LoulsH. Uhoades,
deceased, oaa filed his final account as such
executor In the county court of ihe stale of
Oregon, tor w asco county, and that the Judge
oi am wui i, nH npuoinuHi mouaay, May
Wth, at the hour of 2 oVIock p. m. a,the time
and the county court room at The iWumi. in
aid Wasoo county, aa the platre, for bearing
objections to said final account, and for the
settlement tnereor.
All persons Interested in said estate are
hereby notified to appear at said time and
place and show cause. If any they have, why
iu w:iuui auuuiu uui. De approvea.
Dated at liood River, Oregon, April 16, 1(107.
Executor of last will of Louis H.' Khoudes, tie-
In the County court of tbe county of Wasco
In the Mlate of Oregon.
In the matter ol the guar- Order to Bhow
aiansuipoi Arinur ies- cause, on an.
terFoss, an Insane mln. plication of
or, by Pnoebe Eoss,Quar- Guardian to
Ulan. sell realtv.
in me name oi me nuiie uregon
It annearlnc to this court from the netltlon
tbla day tiled by Phoebe Kosa, guardian of
the person and estate of Arthur Lester fuss,
an Insane minor, duly appointed by order of
kui.utmi.. pinjuiH iui his mid ui uiv micnmi
ofberssid ward in the real estate described
In said petition, to-wit:
Beginning at one-fourth auction corner on
the west line of section thirty-one (,31) In town-
iio inrtw, uunu oi range eleven east or tne
'illsmette meridian, thence south alona- the
section line seven and sixty-eight hundredths
chains (7.(8 chs.) to the center of the comity
road, thence south 12 east five chains and
ulnety tlve links (6.1)6 clis.l, thence south 1
east twochalns ninety-three and one half links
(2M chs.), thence south 30 east two chains
seventy-seven links (2.77 chs.), thence north
28t6" east two chains fl fly-seven links (2.f7
chs.), to au oak stake and the beginning point
for the land hereby conveyed, thence run
east HI chains (10 chs.). thence south 21;-'
east ten chains (10 chs), thence west seven
chains (7 chs.). more or less, to the center of
tbe county road, thence northwest trly up the
center of the county road twelve chains
twenty-tnree Unas (12 2.1), more or less to a
point fifty (50) links west ol tba beginning,
thence eatt to tha point oi beifinnliiu.
containing eight and one-half (8J) seres, more
or less, situate In tne county of Wasco and
Htate of Oregon; and It appearing to tne court
that it is for the best Interests of said ward
and necessary that said real estate should lie
sold, it is hereby ordered that the next to kin
of the said ward, and all person Interested In
aald estate, appear before this court on the
6th day of J u ne, at 10 o'clock a. in , at the
court room of this court, at the city of The
Dalles. In the county of Wasco. Htate or Ore.
gon, then and there to show cause, If any
there be, why an order should Lot be granted
for the sale of said real estnte.
It Is further ordered that a copy of this or
der be published at least once a week for
tnree successive weeci anillotir insei t'ons next
preceding the date set for aald hear Inc. In
the "Hood Klver Glacier," a weekly news,
paper of gene-al circulation, published week.
in saia county ana state, ana that a copy
said order be served Deraonallv o i said
rthnr Lester Koss. and also on J. F. (tel.
breath, superintendent of tbe State Insane
Asylum, ten days before tbe hearing of aald
Tbe first Issne and publication of which nr.
tloe Is dated tbe vth day of May, 1H07.
uraerea mis au aay oi May, tU7.
Signed, A. K. LAKE,
m5J0 County Judge.
Urand Military Dlxplaj YMU Many
I'oinU of Interest Interviews
Ma k Twain.
Hod. E. L. Smith mi l wife return
ed from their uadteru trip last Friday
aiceruoou. mi. buiitn was appointed
oy uoveruor (Juiiuiuei'imn to lepie
seut the bUte u Uregou at the opeu
ing exercises oi tl.e Jauieatown expo
Mr. Smith j(t Hood River in time
to be preseut a hen the initial oere
tuouies were to take place, aud was
ou the L'lio.iai w tun the president
touched i..c Uei-tii) button that set
in motion the vatl uuu.ur of Bteam
and!eleotrical appliances of tbe fair.
Air. Hmitn stated tnat tne lair bad
been built on a oollosal scale, aud
that tbe idea of beauty aud conven
ience has keen made a promineut
feature In tbe construction, ihe fair
will not be entirely completed for
moutb at least. Most of th exhibit
buildiugs are at ill in oourse of ccn
structlou, aud not one of them was in
entire readiness to receive the exhib
its awaiting their placement.
ibe cause tor tbis tardiness on tbe
part of the inanBgerueut was due to
several causes. In the first instance
tbe coverrnment appropriation wag
very slow iu making its appearancr.
and next tbe workmen went on a pro
tracted strike. These three causae
seriously mitigated against tbe ar
rangements aud origiual plana of tbe
ooutraotora in tbeir oourse of con
struction. The buildiugs are made ot a peoul-
iaily colored brick wbiob is native to
that looality. Ihe structures will be
made permanent, aud at tbe conclu
sion of the fair they will be used as
assembly hulls for national gatherings.
On tbe opening day Od.UOO petsous
passed through tbe turn-etiles to view
the grand pagautiy of the day, and
witness the cerenioutea ot oratorical
excellency prepred for the hour. 1'be
president's speech waa the feature ot
tbe day aud was delivered iu a nuta
te! ly way, aud received with gieat
Mr. Smith stated that tbe dresB pa-
ado and military diHplay surpassed
anythiug that he bad ever witnessed
before, ibe land forces were in com
ma ml of Ueneral Fred Utaut, who
sustained tbe reputation of biB wor
tby site as a commander among men.
The troops weie reviewed by Fiesi
deut Roosevelt as they passod betoie
the grand stand, and at the changing
colon passed be would salute by lift-
ng bis bat. Xbe laud toroes weie
made up of detachments from every
department of tbe army, aud tbe
gtaud spectacle revived the proud
feeling of American oitizensbip in tbe
breasts of all who were there to sur
vey tbis magnificent scene.
ibe navy also presented ner very
most emoieut specimens ol warfare,
ebe lined up for parade in tbe
Chesapeake bay, and foi several hours
splayed tbe wondertul skill ot tbe
United States marines as they maued
their cruisers and men-ot war in hon
or to tbe nation's call.
Tbe facilities for reaching the fair
grounds were ample tor all emergen
oies. The grounds oould be reached
by either boat, steam, or electrlo
One of the most interesting ooca
siona ot Mr. Smith's visit east was
bis oontereuoe with many of the not
ed men of tbe nation in political aud
literary oiioles. Mr. Smith had tbe
opportunity of meeting President
Koouevelt, and several hours were
spent in an interview with Mark
wain, Amenoa's most protound
Mr. Smith stated that President
Roosevelt was exceedingly popular in
Virginia, and that no democrutio oau
idafe oould defat bim in tbia state if
be should beoome a nominee for a
third torui. Ibe piesuleut has been
very loyal to the exposition, and to
all of tbe interests of tbe state, aud as
result has made himself very popu-
ar witb the masses.
Several days were spent In visiting
itb Dr. S. A. Robinson, who has
been a previous visitor in our city
aud valley. Dr. Robinson owna a
farm near Cbarlottsviile and is a suc
cessful growei of apples in that re
gion. When tbe doctor wan in flood
River some years ago he took a lot ol
pple scions dom our trees to use in
bis home orchard in Virginia aud to
dopt some ot our melboda ot apple
packing which have proven a financial
success. Mr. Smith brought two xsew
towns from bis orchard aud they are
display in Laraway's store win
ow. Jt will ue seen at a glance inat
they are not equal to our product.
ibey are dencieut in color, solidity
and size, aud are without that super
excellent flavor of our famous New
towns. Mr. Smith stated that tbe
doctor bad oue ot the I) nest farms in
that aeotiou of tbe state, aud that his
visit there was marked with tbe high
est degree of hospitality.
"ibe valleys ot old Virginia are dot
1 with elegaut mansions, but mauy
sactious of the country are sadly neg
lected, ihe orchards are not iu prime
couditiou; they have boon topped too
high, but this defect will be remedied
the young orchards, ihe rising
gnneratiou is not inclined to the in
dustry of husbandry, but rather enjoy
the busy pursuits ot tbe more congest
ed maits ot trade. There is a vast do-
aln of rioh and fertile soil awaiting
the touch of tbe skilled aud energetic
busbandman. Mrs. Roosevelt is also
tbe owner of a beautitul farm near
Charlottesville. My .visit to this city
waa one of tbe enjoyable occasions
my trip. It is most beautifully lo
cated, aud its historic interest is
world famed. io ne in tne piaoe
here the immortal Jefferson, tbe
framer of tbe Deolaraion of Independ-
uoe, was born, is a rare privilege,
nd one fraught witb the highest In-
oantives to the most useful citizen-
hip. Charlottesville is aiso tbe seat
tbe famous (jnarluuesYlile uuiversi
Tbe campus is very artistically
designed and oared tor iu a most
lendid n'linner. I here are now ap
proximately 800 students in attend-
nee, and the ontveisity la doing an
efficient work.
Oui trip was not marked with any
accidents. We experienced some de
lays inoidental to a trip of tbis char
acter, but aa a whole we had a most
pleasant journey, and a very profita
ble atay. 1 must aay that I am glad
to get back to flood River. There is
no place like borne."
Kew Ice Cream Factory.
kvery branch of, industry in the
city in receiving a new impetus witb
toe aaveni oi apring. ihe latest ad
dition to our commercial industries
la a new ice cream factory.
S. L. Young baa beeu oontemnlat
ing tbe establishment of aa ice cream
manufacturing plant tor liood River
for some time past. Ilia own trade
baa grown to auub propoitions that
tbe venture ia entirely justifiable.
Tbe plant that Mr. Young has in
stalled ia ol tbe latest design, and of
new material throughout. Tbe power
is generated by a three horse power
eiecino motor, rnia motor la not at
ter tbe ordinary pattern, but has i
new model apeed changer to regulate
mo uiotiuu oi toe ireezer.
In tbe manufacturing of first-class
ice oi earn it la neoeseary to regulate
tun motion oi tne ireezer to conform
to 'be consistency of tbe cream dur
ing tbe vaiioua stages of transition,
ibis is just what this plant will do,
J be receptacle for holding the cream
is a large 40 gallon White Mountain
rreezer of tbe best approved pattern
With tbis plaut running at ita full ca
paolty, Mr. Young cau manufacture
lou gallons ot cream per hour.
It is tbe purpose ot Mr. Youns to
supply oream for any aud all who may
be iu need ot a tJrst-olass croduot.
Orders will be taken foi auy amounts
from one gallon to 1000. Mr. Youns
uaa aiso installed an electrlo Ian aud
beverage heater, and in tbe near fu
ture hopes to bave au electrio waiter.
Police Court lliisy.
Judge Henderson has lieen a vnrv
busy man of late, lie Informed a re
porter that a couple came to bis resi
dence very early one morning recent
ly to have him tie the golden knot,
aud on Saturday momma before he
scarcely bad time to get o bis olile
Marshal Uanger maiuhed Geo. Free
man into police oourt to Dlead to a
ubarge of throwing a chair witb iuteut
to kill. It appeara that tour men were
quietly enjoying a rest in tbe East
bud aaloou wbeu Freeman came in
and without cau Be or provocation
picked up a ohair and threw it at the
four uieu. Dau O'Leary was the un
fortunate man of the lot. Ibe ohalr
struck bim broad side ou tthe head
aud out a deep gash over tbe eyes. It
was almost a fatal blow. Several
stitches had to be taken iu order to
properly dress tbe wound.
ireemau was not inclined to tak
the matter very seriously. As tbe case
was called several witnesses were ex
amined and tbe oonsensus of testimo
ny pointed to an unjustifiable assault.
The judge carefully weighed tbe ev
idence, and after a brief considera
tion ot tbe oase fined the defendant
$50. This ia the maximum penalty
for this crime.
It appeara that tbe defendant has
bad a previous reoord in oourt and
tbe judge warned him against com
mitting orimes in tbe future, and
promised bim that if be appeared in
nia oourt again on a obarge ot tbia de
gree that it would be fixed ao that he
would appear in oirouit oourt to re
oeive a more severe puulsbmeut than
Freemau was again taken before lie-
oofdei JNiokelseu last Monday to an
swer to a complaint sworn out Lv L.
O. Louis, charging tbe defendant
witb assauit aud batteiy. Fieemau
plead guilty aud was Sued an addi
tional KiO.
Strawberries as Large as Apples.
On last Tbuisday aa No. 1 pulled iu
from toe east a nea ;iy dressed geutle
man stepped oif the train to inhale
some of Hood River's ozone while the
tiain made her regular atop at the do
pot. As he looked back toward the
bridge he spied Jack Rand with bis
usual quota of apples, and Inquiied of
tne porter: "What is that fellow sell
ing up there?" The porter replied:
"Those are Hood Rver apples. " The
stranger oontinued, "iiy jingo.
tboubt they Were strawberries. A'iut
tbis the town where they raise the big
oernesi" ihe porter said. "Well I 11
tell you tuey raise strawberries here
darn near as big as those apples." It
men came our time to butt iu, ao we
vermeil an that tbe darkev bad atiid
and banded tbe traveler a little pham
piec teuing Dim the old, old story of
flood River's famoua fruit.
Grange Will Provide Kail
Tbe East Barrett grange held an en
thusiastic meeting on Friday evening
at tho ftaBt iiarrett aobooi bouse. A
committee had been appointed at a
previous -.eetiog to make some ar
rangements tor tbe building of a
grange hall foi tbe district. A report
waa presented to tbe effect that a
building oou'd be purchased at tbe
nominal sum of $500. Tbe grangers
io session advised tbe committee to
incorporate; form a stock company.
and make arrangements to purchase
the building in question. However,
tbe committee asked for further time
in which to consider the matter, and
win make detinue recommeudatons at
Its next meeting.
it developed during tbe disousson
oonoerulng tbe ball matter tbat tbe
Insurance company holding tho noli
oies covering the several school build
ings', now oooupied for eranee meet
ings, would be ooompelled tocauoel its
policies it these oenditions continued.
ibe agent ot tbe MoMinovllle oomna-
ny has been io tbe valley during tbe
past week in tbe interest of tbis mat
ter, and be stated that be would be
willing to issue a policy governing the
insurance ou publlo balls in lieu of
the present policies covering nublio
school buildings. It waa deteimined
tbat an additional premium of 11
would be required in tbe case of tbe
Kast Barrett school. Tbis amount was
voted by tbe grange, and will be bd-
plied aa premium ou a new policy.
A resolution was also presented bv
tbe Mt. Hood grange, aud adopted by
the East Barrett grange, asking Mr.
Uufur, tbe distiiot denutv. to take
tbe necessary steps to have tbe county
recoids exported aa they pertain to
cash leceipta and disbursements dur
ing tbe past few years. It appears
that tbe grangers are not entirely sat
isfied w'th the exorbitant taxea and
tbe smalt benefits received.
Olives in bulk, bottles and cans at
Special Attention to be G1tb Hood
RlTer Crop Car Shortage for Per
ishable Fruit Serious Question.
: Tbe bent possible oar aervloe for the
transmission ot the present strawber
ry crop of Hood River bar been assur
ed. R. P. Ober, general agent ai St.
Paul, of tbe Nottbern Pnciflo refrig
erator oar line, and W. U. Olmsby,
traveling freight agent, were la tbe
oity one day last week t3 interview
the Davidaou Ftuit company, and the
Hood River Strawbeiry Growers on
ion io reference to tbe probable out
put tor the year.
A conservative estimate of the
straw berry crop this year will plaoe
tbe Ugurea at 80,000 crates. It waa
thought tbat the early frosts bad done
some damage to the crop, but present
indications are that tbe crop has
suffered very slightly, end we are now
cast tbe danger point.
. Mr. Ober stated tbat It he Northern
Pacllio would plaoe 150 new refriger
ator oars in commission, and that
Hood River would receive the benefit
of tbsm for moving this season's crops
Tbe oars aie of a new model, and
fitted witb every appliance tbat will
conduce to tbe preservation ot tbe
fiuit while iu tiansit. We may expeot
our berries to reaoh the eastern mar
ket in tbe very best condition possi
ble. Oue ot tbe improved features of
the new oars is tbat they can be at
tached to the regular paaenger trains
and not destroy any ot the connec
tions tbat make these train safe. The
oars are also lilted with tbe regular
passenger trucks which obvlatea the
jairiug so oemmou to the old line of
Mr. Ober also stated that there
would be an assistant manager located
at Umatilla to look after tbe interests
of the company in trausferlng the
fiuit curs from the trunk line to tbe
Spokane division, and that be would -,
also spend some of bis time in Hood
River iu order to secure the best pos
sible oar facilities.
W'th the present prospect for a
heavy berry crop, and tbe open mar
ket in tbe east and middle west, to
gether with an etliolent car servloe,
should Insure the grower a good mar- 1
gin for hia fruit.
ihe our service is of tbe most vital
importance in the handling of a per
i tha tile crop. Oiteu our shippers are
baudioapped iu getting the fruit to
market ou a speedy schedule, and in
oofLequence ot their late anival there
is a dockage due to tbe deterlated
oouditiou of the fruit. However, we
usualy blame the shipper if we ao not
obtain tbe prices that we think we are
eutitled too
The fruit growers in California are
at tbe present time having some ser
ious difllulties in solving tbe oar dis
tribution question. , A oomplaint has
been filed with the interstate Com
metoe commission against the South
ern Paoltlo Raihoad by tbe California
Fruit U lowers aesociaton baaed on a
recent levision ot that company's
rules concerning tbe distirbution ot
oais for fruit shipments. Until about
twi week ago tbe company's rales
provided that when more oars were
demanded than oould be immediately
supplied, tbe distribution among dif
ferent shippeia should be in propor
tion to tbe number of oara each waa
prepared to load. But about April 15
tbis waa changed, and a new rule
adopted providing that cars should be
distributed in proportion to the
amount of fruit actually stored in
packing houses.
The complaint points uut tnat ,
000 to 30,000 cara of citrus fruitt are
shipped tioni the Southern part of
the state annually, and that it baa
been the praotioe to pick fruit and
put it directly into the oara, many
shipments being made without using
the store bouses at ail. Sbippeis fre
quently have no extensive storage fa
cilities, and alt prefer not to use them
because their use Involves a delay
which baa a bad eUeot on so perisha
ble an article as fruit. Yet under the
new rulo the large shipper is liable to
secure fewer cars than the small ship
per who ia able to store bis entire
ibe imminenoe of this condition is
indicated by tbe fact that tbe full
text of the complaint was telegraphed
to Washington, making about 4,000
words, aud tbat seivioe was made on
the Southern Paoitio by wire. May 15th
was set as tbe date Ior bearing the
oomplaint at Los Angeles.
Apple Sale at YYenatchee.
The Weuatobee World prints the
following bit of news oonoerning an
apple sale in that district on a recent
"Good price for big reds. A. J.
Liuville is in receipt of 9202.80, rep-
teseutiug the Iprioe of 122 boxes of
Wiueeup apples to a Seattle Irult
broker. These apples have been pre
served here iu oold storage, and were
sold a few days ago through the We-
oatche Fruit Growers asooiatlon.
This rate figure out $2.15 a box, the
pack being 1 teirs aud 5 tiers to tbe
'Mr. Linville says these apples bad
been bruised somewhat in handling,
and bad be beeu able to keep them
until June 1st, be oould bave obtain
ed :! a box for them."
Hood River does not make a specal-
ty of Winosaps. However, O. O. Ruff
has just hauled a few loads of his Ben
Davis to town and received &2o to
12.50 per box for them.
Piles are daucorous but do not sub
mit to an operation until vou have first
tried Man Zan, the Great Pile Remedy,
It is put up in collapsible tubes with a
nozzle that allows it to be applied ex
actly where it is needed. If vou have
itch'intr. bleedine. or protruding piles
and Man Zan does not relieve, money
refunded. Hooths and cools. Relieves
at once. Sold by Keir & oass..
Just received at Soule's Piano house a
largo shipment of phonographs and the
. elelirated Jonophone records. A spe
cial discount will be offered this week.