1 1 She 151 T HOOD RIVER, OREGON, APRIL 11, 1907. VOL. XVIII. 48 (Ir- SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVER COMMKKt'IAM'IX'B Meets vary second Monday In etch inonili t 8 p. m., Id Uii club rooms over .Inokson store. H. K. bAVliwoN, Pre. A. D. Moi, Secretary. llOOD RIVER LOIHJK NO. lCn, A. K. nd A. M. MeeU Saturday evening on or before each fall mono. A. I. Mi, W. M. 1. McDonald, Becreury. HOOD RIVER ( H A1TKR NO. 27. It. A. M. Meeunrst and third Friday niiihwof each month. 1), MiPonai.u, H. V. A, 1). Moc, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO .25, O. E. 8 MeeUiecond and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed. Kva C'l.AKKK, W. M. MBS. Thbhbha CASTkKK.fx-eretury. IDLKW1LDE U GK NO. 107, I. O. O. F. MeeU Id Frucriiul ball, tvery Thursday night. H. C. Hmitu, N. U. J.H. Fkhouhon, -crotary EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. AH, I. O. O. K Recnlar meeting second and fourth Monday! of each mouth. It. J. 1'aiikott, C. Y. J. M. Hchmki.T7.kr, Hcrltie. KEMP LODGE, No. lsl, I. O. O. F.-Meets In Odell Improvement t o. s ball every Satur day nllfbt. Visitors cordially welcomed. R. U. Mamikkk, N'. G. L. A.E. CLARK, Rec. Weey. lAUREL REBEKAH HEUREK LODGE NO. 1, I. O. O. F.-Mtets flriit und third Friday! In each mouth. ... , Miss Zora Day, N. Q. Ella May Davidson, secretary. WAUOOMA LODGE NO. 30. K. OK P. Meeu In K. of P. ball every TueMday night, W. E. Hiikkts, C. U. J. E. Nichols, K. of R. and S. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,7(, M. W. A. Meets In I. O. O. '. hall every Wednesday night, K. 8. Maves, V. O. C.U.DAKIN, Clerk. OOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. hii, WOMEN OK WoodcraftMeet at K. of 1'. hall on the Brat and Third Fridays of each mouth. Lou M('ltKVNOI.D8, G. N, K, W. McRkynoi.dh, Clerk. RIVERSIDE LODGE NO. ( A. O. U. W Mxxia Hmt and third hHtiirdn.vH of each month. K. H. lii.Auu, M. W. i.1 u Umiti it v IT1i iieier Cubhtkk HHL'TK. Recorder, OLKTAAH8EMBLYNO. 1(0, UNITED ART Imuii. Meela the first and third Wednes days, work; second and fourth Wednesday! ArtlsaDs' ball. Mrs. a. D. McGcikk, M. A. V. li. nSNKltn, peci run j'. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. ii, FORESTERS of Amerlca.-Meets second and fourth Mou day! Id each mouth In K. of V. hall. 11. F. 11 KNDHK K, V. It. K. C. BBOSIUB. F. c. CAN BY POST, NO. IB, O. A. R.-MEE1S AT A. O. U. W. bull, second and loui th Satur day! of each mouth at 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. R. members invited to meet with us. A. C. Hui'K, Commander. B. F. BLVTHK, AOJUtaUl. CANBY W. R. C, No. lfi-MEETH SECOND and fourth Saturdays of each Mouth lu A. O. U. W. hall at i p. m. Martha Kii.ry, President. AL1DA BllOKMAKKR, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 34i9, K. N. A. Meets at I. O. O. F. Hall on the second aud fourth Fridays ol each mouth. Mrs. Susik MAYK8, O. Mbs. Ella Dakin, Recorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEOX. Telephones: Office, 2S1; residence, 811. BURGEON O. H. N. Va. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKON. Successor to Dr. M. K. Shaw. Calls promptly answered iu town or country, Day or Nilit. Telephones: KesUlence, till: Office, 613. Office lu the llroslus Building. J2. 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Officeaml Residence over First National Bank, Hood River, Oregon. Phone Main 871 DR.J. EDGINGTON, Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National bank. Office phone 4H3 Res. plionnllHI M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office in Jackson Block. Offloe phoue, No. HT1. Residence, No. 5W3. I)B. M. a, SHARP DR. EDNA B. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office and Residence Huxley Cottage, River street. Phone 25 IIood IUvbr. p C. BROSIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGK0N 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to and 6 to 7 1'. M. DR. E. T. CAilNES DENTIST Office over Bftrtmes more HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Telephone 31 . H. D. W. PINE0,D.D.S. DENTIST Cbown Bridok Work a Specialty. Office over First National Bank Telephone Main 311 C. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones: Office 283; residence 1045 Office over Butler Bank, I loon River, Orb. M. E. WELCH, MCESSED YETEKIS AttY SURUE0N I prepared to do any work In the veterin ary hue. He can be found bycalliux at or pbenlng to Clarke s drug store. A.JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will Practice In All Courts. Office wlrh Geo. I). Cnlbertson & Co. Ct-1-Uottoni. Abstracts, Settlement ol J-'states. HOOi RIVKR. OKH - 'N. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. White Salmon Valley Bank Western Klickitat's First Bank We are growing rapidly nud managing sonservatively. COME AND SEE US.f FJ9.BTAHI.BT, K. L. SMITH, tO. BLAIfCBAB rre. vioe-rrea. i;nier. V. C. Brock, Anst. Cashier. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, ORKUON. Capital $50,000 Surplus $12,000. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER, NO TARY PUKUCand RKAL ESTATE AOENT. For 23 yeara a reeident of O.egon and Wash. Inirton Hae bad many yeare eiperlenceln Real Eatate matter, aa abatractor, aearcber of tltlea and agent, ttalialaeuoo (uaranieea or do cnarge P. I.I. ILL-LEWIS & CO. Civil and Architectural Engineers and Surveyors Make aurreya, plana and eai b aatea for aew er, Heht and power and raliaay planu, and furnlab, aubject to approval, plans, a pec 111 ca tions and eHtlmatea for all claaaea of buildlaga puDiic, private ana mercantile. Hpecial at tention glvau to economic and alow-burninf construction. Accuracy and economy guar- anteeu. DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. S. H. COX Contractor and Builder rLAXe AMD ElTIMATM TVMMUMMB. FREDFRICK A ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Eitinatei (urnlihad on all kindf of work Phones: rg, JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 769 Estimates furnished on request. An honest job guaranteed. SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Decorative Painting and Paper Hanging Plans furnished. Estimates care fully made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, Architect Hnvlng bad aeveral yeara' experience In drafllnn aud building, 1 would respectfully solicit a part of the patronaite of the people ol Hood River who anticipate building. Temu reasonable, a id satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice at residence on Heights. II OREGON HUE RELIEF ASSOCIATION of McMinuville. Oregon, will insure your property at 60 per cent less cost than any other institution. C. 1). THOMPSON, Ajrent, Hood River, - Oregon GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location some choice apple lands and timqer claims; also relinquishment and land to script. Call on or address, Wm. f. rand, Ilea. Phone 376. Hood River. Ore. Joseph A. WILSON ANENT FOR Wire Wound Wooden Water Pipe JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prompt gales and quick returns Wholesale dealeri in all kinds of First and Produce Consignments solicited 129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. Cider, Champagne Cider, Genuine Champagne, Vinegar, Wines from grapes and small fruits. Alcohol from cereals, vegetables, plants, fruits and wood and valuable recipes. Send $1 for book giving practical information how to make them. LEO ZABEL, P. 0. Box 604, Portland.Or H. SEYMOUR HALL, v Surveyor. I am quHllfled and prepared to do all kinds of flrst-clai land iiurvfylng. Accuracy guar anteed. Those who wlsn first-claas work done addrexa H. F. D. 2., Hood Klver. l'hone 60z). Hood River Studio -for First-Class Photographs We have the latest In mount and can en large your Photos in Crayon, Platinoid or Hepia. 9 .. .V-nlon guaranteed. W. D. ROGERS, Prop. LAND ..BARGAINS.. In Valley and Town property SEE OUR LIST OF Business Chances Rare opportunities for mak ing money quickly will be found in our list. Don't Delay SEE US TO-DAY No. 264. Twenty acres 6 noilee from town on river road, 4 cre cleared and mostly fenced. 160 3-year old trees, SpitzenDerg, wewiowns ana Ar kansas Black. 4-room house, ceiled, brick chimney, barn 16x20, wagon abed. A good bargain. Price fl, 500. This price will only hold for ten days. No. 287. Ten acres in Odell district, all brush land, easily cleared, good apple land, uo building", wm clear o acres and set to Spitienberg and New towns and Ortleya. Price $1,750 until April 10. Thereafter $2,00 1. No. 283. Ten acres 8 miles out in Odell District 3.4 mile from school, Btore and cbnrch, 3 acres 5-year oia mew towns and Spitzenberg trees, a few odd varieties, 7 acres cleared ready to set to trees. No buildings. Price $2,600 No. 294. Twenty-one,' acres at Mosier, 718 apple trees, 75 trees 10 years old, odd varieties, 304 Spitzenberg 3 years old, 40 Black Twig 3 years old, 156 Yellow Newtowns 3 years old, 210 Yellow Newtowns 1 year old, 25 bear ing cherry trees. 25 2-year old cherry trees, apricots, plums, peacbesjprunes, 5-rooni house and good barn, wagon shed and shop, 2 good springs, irriga ting, water. Two acres a little steep, balance good. Price $6,000. No. 184. Twenty acres 6 miles from town, 5 inches water paid two years in advance 12 acres cleared, 2 acres 3 year oil trees, 2 acres 1-year trees, 6 acres strawberries, 2 acres wheat, 2 acres wante land, 5 inches water paid 2 years in advance. Price $4,800. No. 279. 160 acres in Willow Flat dis trict, 9 miles from town, all good ap ple land, 5 acres cleared, balance easily cleared, brush and willow, all umlar ditch line. Will sell in 80s or all lor $100 an acre. No 277. Fifty acres about 9J miles out in Duke' i Valley district. Mostly good apple land, free water from springs, ten acres waste. Price $2,000 No. 2!8. lj acres on the hill back of Gill s store, ua trees, 120 9-year Spit zenberg and Newtown trees. Balance 3 years old. About 25 cherry trees, 7 room house with electric lights. Good water,, chicken house, wood shed, barn. Under ditch. Price $3000. Easy terms. No. 271. 10 acres, 5 miles out on the West side, 4 acres cleared, 4 acres cultivated, 2 acres Spitzenberg and Newtowns, 1 acre slashed, 3 room house, good spring water and creek. Price $2,500. No. 281. 40 acres, all but 3 acres in cultivation, 600 apple trees 10 years old, 70 per cent Spitzenberg and New towns, balance standard varieties, 1400 apple trees 2 years old, Spitzenberg and Newtowns. 11 acres ready for trees, 12 inches free water. Good house aud barn, good well, 1 acre strawberries. All good apple land. $18,000. $8000 cash. No. 282. 40 acres 9 miles out in Willow Flat District, 13 acres alfalfa and clover,' 13 acres almost ready for crop, balance small pine and willow, 6-room house. Under Bone ditch. Price $5,500. No. 122. 40 acres miles from town, 12 acres in cultivation, 8 acres bear ing trees mostly apple, some peach, plum and pear. Land is ideal for vegetables. Soil very rich sandy oam, ' Good spring ' water, Price $4,000. This place can be bought for $500 down and the balance 1 to 5 years at 6 per cent. No. 110. Nine acres 4 miles out on the East Side, 4 acres cleared and set to trees, Spitzenbergs and Newtowns 3 years old. Two acres cleared and ready to set to trees. Balance in timber good for wood only. No buildings. Good water from Spring. Level laud thoroughly drained with tile. This is the best buy on the East side. Price $2,200. No. 269. Forty acres 7 miles out on taut bide, all but o acres lu cultiva tion, 1900 trees in bearing, Spitzen bergs, Newtowns, Arkansas Black, Johnathan, Ben Davis and Ortleys. Five acres in meadow with free,, water from Odell creek, house and barn, water in house, apple bouse, chicken house and wagon shed, near 4-room school, church and two' stores. Price $20,000. This place will pay for itself in five years. Twenty acres 1 miles from town, 6 acres in bearing orchard, trees mostly ten yeara old Bpitzen bergs. Nine acres Spitzenberg and Newtown trees two and three yeara old, One acre cleared and; ready to plant. Five acres, uncleared. An abundance of free water from large spring both for irrigation and home use. Price $7000. House and barn. 1 Here is a rare bar gain that is earning $1200 or more yearly now. Whether baying or selling It will par you to transact your business through reliable dealers. If yon want quick re turns list your property with us. We are in a position to show it and cell it. J. H. HEILBRONNER & CO. HOOD RIVER i PORTLAND, OREGON T: l M Aa r iwmni hut An tint mrih lliwaitv""" ' mit to an operation until you have first tried Man &an, ne vireai rue iwnieuy, . . . n . . .:.u - It 11 pni up In couapeiuie iuiki wuu norsle that allows it to be applied ex actly where it is neetiea. II you na i(.kin klninir- or nmtrurfinff nil ia Mn 7indii not relieve, monev refunded. Hootba and cools. Relieves at once. Sold by Keir & Cass.. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Hiate of Oregon for Waaoo uouniy. Mary O'Calahan, Plaintiff, va, Michael O'Calahan. Defendant To Michael. O'Calahan, Defendant : In the name of the tt of Oregon, you are hereby commanaea hi appear in iu aoove enuiieu foun on w unwn nwuu.y , mk iwr Anril. iyu7. and anawer the complaint tiled agalnat you in aald court and eauw), and for want of uch anawer the plaintiff will,take Judgment aaintyuu lor me mm ryeu for lu the complaint, to-wit : Kor a decreed la. nivinv tna bouda of matrimony between rilalntflf and youraell and for auch other re lefaa In the complaint aked. Thli suinmona Is published by order of Hon. W. It, Bradanaw, juaiie 01 tne aoove eu. titled oourt, made ana enterea on tne no uay ol March, 1SW7. Dale of unit publication Marrh 7, 1007. V JAY V. I'rTON m?-al8 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court for tbe Htate ot Oregon for Wasco county. Patarah L. Orubb, Plaintiff, vs. KM ward J. Orubb, Defendant. To Edward J. Orubb; above named defend ant. In the name of the itate of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and anawer on or before the Mb day of April, 1W7, the coin nluint Hied uiminkt vou lu the above entitled oourt and oauae, and you are hereby notified that If you fall to so appear or anawer, tne plalutln will apply tor the relief prayed for lu her oomnlaiut. to-wit: Kor a decree dla. solving tbe bonds of matrimony nowexiatiog between above named iilalutlff Slid deleuci- nl and mr auch other and further relief as to me court seema meet auu juau This summons is pumiauea oy oraer oi tne Hon. W. L. iiradsbaw, judge of the above named court, made aud entered on the 1st day of March ml. m7-a!8 Attorney for I'lalntilf. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Htate or Oregon for Waaco county. James J. Burggraaf, Plaintiff, vs. Kate Burggraaf, Defendant. To Kate Burggraaf, tbe above named defend ant. In tbe name or tne male or uregon: you are hereby reoulred to appear and anawer the complaint filed agaiant you in the above en titled court and cause on or before May 13m, 1HU7 which is six weeas aner Apin tin, luuv, the date ordered for the first publication of this notice, If you fall Uao appear and answer tbe plaintiff will apply for the reliel prayed for in bis oomnlalnt. to-wit : for a decree dis solving tbe bonds of matrimony now existing between above named plalntlft and defend ant, and lor such other and further relief as to the court seems meet and Just. This summons Is published by order of W. L. Bradshaw. Judge of the above named court. made and entered on tbe 2Mb day of March, IWl. ItUniiKl ukisi , a4ml6 Attorney for l'laiutl fl. Beautiful Home for Sale Twenty acres, ten In fruit trees, 13s besrlng: 40 cherry trees In full bearing. All cleared nut '4 acres: iu acres neeu no irrigation: some timothy: 6 acres plowed ready for grass: Inches of water goes with place; also 8 tons of bay: wood all under shed for winter. A fl,6U0. house, six rooms, bath room and pantry; barn and other outbuildings, all new; good water, line roads and town only miles: mall right at the door every day. Price 1460 per acre; per acre cheaper than laad iu 1 1 H a umntiii thA nlum Il.inM l,r ,1,1a piace witnout seeing -it. Address, u. w, Hmith, R. V. I). No. 2. May 15 For Sale Seventy acres three-fourth mile from Underwood landing. Two and a half acres cleared for cultivation, three acres ready to grub, seven acres slashed, partly burned. One good 4-room house, one wood house, one chicken house, good cellar and good barn. For particulars call on or write. Veatch & Dehart, if21 Underwood, Wash. MISS HAGILL .FASHIONABLE DRESS MAKING.... SCHIFFLER BUILDING Hood River - Oreaon .BICYCLE SHOP. J. MARION REID Bicycles, Guns, Sewing Machines, Furniture, umbrellas, Moves and Locks Repaired KEYS MADE TO ORDER Bicycles, Guns, etc., sent by express for repairs will be neatly and promptly re paired and returned. Can save you 1 to $3.00 on price of new wheels. Tires, brakes, and all kinds of repairs sold at Portland prices. Prices furnished on application. Reference: Bradstreet. Virginia Fruit Farms In the noted Alhemarl dis trict. Free lists upon ap plication to H. W. HILLEARY & CO., Charlottesvilte.Va. Why Not Buy the Best ASK TO SEE Alfred Peat's Prize Wall Papers Samples shown and estimates cheerfully given. D. L. DAVDISON, WILLOW FLAT. Geo. T. Prather CARRIES THE BEST LINE OF CANDIES Tobaccos and Cigars IN THE CITY The Oregonian, Telegram and Journal ON SALE SUNDAYS Hood River, Oregon NEW BANK WILL BUILD SMITH BUILDING TO BE ENLARGED Iurrrase in liuinf Justifies en En terprises In t'ourse of Construct!'.: n. Tbe flood liivcr Hanking &. Trust Co., has pup-lmced the comer lot cow occupiej ny J. K. ilauun, aud will soon imikiu IU' erection of a modern bankiutf ekUUiMiiiU'ut. Ihe building aiiI be constructed of tire-proof uiuti-iiul. It has not Jot beeu decided whulber the whIU will be ot atone, pleated Luck or concrete t Jock a, iu any event, tho building will be coueli noted to conform to tbe ideals of beauty and symmetry, as well as utility, aud thus eutuiuce the prominent corner wbicn it occupied. 1'be buildiug will be but one tUny high at the pieseut time, but it win oe ao constructed mat anotner story can be conveniently added iu the lu- tuie. It win nave a full bHueiuout iux.15 feet, and will be "tted tor runt al purposes. The main entrance will be on Uak street, ana open into the lobby, which will te 11x18 feet. 1m mediately to the lett will be the ollice room of tbe vice promuout mid cash ier. This will be an apartment 11 feel 6 inebea by VI feet, aud iu the iiu mediate tear will be ti.o the mum room, which will be 12 feet U iuuhet by '23 feet. At the rear of the bank ing room there will be a toilet apart ment, a vault b feet by 8 feet i inches. and a dircetora room 'J feet IU iuohet by S feet 10 inches, lu the extreme tear there will be two oliicu iiiutit- uients, one lti feet 2 inches by 12 t'icl 9 luobes, tne otber 11 teet .( inches I'l 1(5 feet 2 inches, which will uLso be fitted (or rental purposes. TIicao two oiilce rooms will face on Ihird tttrect. The interior furnitihiuKs will be ul the most Improved designs, and soar ranged as to fuciliute the daily busi ness ot tbe iustitution. 'The officers of this new bunking in- sitution have unbounded coulideuoe in tbe ultimate outoome of Hood Kiv- cr's commercial interests. It is ap parent to them that this vulloy is sco ond to none iu tbe Noithwunt, aud that the futuie prospects fully juuli ties their present iuvesttneut. llooii Klver is always glad to welcome tmch men into her midst. - W. II. Moore, the president ,'of the bank i well and favorably known. J. II. Osborne, vice-president, aud li. W. Pratt, tbe cashier, are both men of sterling business integrity, aud Hie forming a large circle of friends iu tbe city and valley. The advent ol such men into our city aud rttlley to invest their capital is one of tbe iuoh! etHoient meaus ot advertising. We predict that the same meusure of pros perity that has oome to tbe other banking institutions of our city will ultimately be their reward. P. M. Hull-Lewis A Co., aie doing the architectural work. The lot was purchased from h. L. Smith through tbe real estate firm of W. :J. Uaker & Co. (JouBiderHtioii, 15,000. Extension of Store Room. A Ulaoler reporter stepped Into (leorge Slocum's Btore ou last Thuis- day morning to invest lu a penny penoil, and as George was about to band out the penny graphite, tho re porter inquired. "Ueoigo, what does all this noise mean back here?" The genial proprietor then took us by the arm, and wblspeieu in oouu iouce, "We have completely outgrown our present quarters, and are compelled to enlarge tbe establishment," Upon investigation we found several teama at work excavating tot the stone foundation, which will bo put in place bv Zolls & Sons. Ihe super structure will be ot brick mid will be under the supervision ot Iiedericks & Arnold, who have the contract ioi its erection. Tbls Improvement will afford 625 square leot of additional tfoor spaoe, which will be divided be tween the book and jewelry depart meuts of Messrs. Slocuiu aud Luru- way. The improvement is ueing made by George Hloouni and Keir & Cush, who have a long term lease on tne proper ty. The increase of business of this popular drug firm has mado it neces sary for them to incieuse their quar ters. Ibey will also add 625 square feet of floor space to their present sto'e room by virtue of this additiou. Tbe building when completed will lie remodeled on the interior, and finish ed to conform to the latest models and designs of utility and beauty. W. t Laraway will prefect a plun'i or the most recent designs for the grinding of lens, examination of the eyes, and all that is necessary in a 'Jrst class optical department. Mr. Larawny will also install a set of tho latent patterns of rolls and crucibles and will give special attention to tho inaiiut'i'Ciiring of solid gold jewelry and liumi made diamond mountings, it is the pur pose ot Mr. Laraway to do tho high diss work iu this department of his business. Tbe building now occupied by the Stewart Hardware A Furniture Co. will soon be enlarged. Tho company baa purchased the lot duo west of their present location. It is their purpose to erect a three soory brick building thereon; tins will piorine 15,000 square feet ' ot floor space, ex clusive ot gallery provisions. Mr. Stewart stated to a leportcr th it the oompany was also negotiating for tbe present site and building, and in case tbe purchase can be made they will proceed to eiect a three story iincK tbe entire length of the block, which would give tbem 30,(XH) square feet ol floor room exclusive of galleries. Mr. Stewart has been lu tho hard ware and furniture business for many years, lie is consido-eii to i,e one oi tbe best buyers on the coi:st. The pbenominal growth of his business is an evidence that be is a wise seller. If the present plans to build end enlarge are fully eonsumatcd the Stewart ilardwate fc Furnituro Co. will have ooe of tbe bpct pp')int"d retail establishment in the stata east of Portland. Mt. Hood tooth powder, best in the world at Williams Pharmacy. Money back if not satisfactory, 114 Meeting of Bonded Irrigating District. Ibe electo s of the Hood Klver Ilonded Irrigating District held call meeting at the llarret' school house on last Friday evening. S. A. Ukiuner, president ot the oompany, presiding, C. E. Markb tm, secretary. The meet lug was attended by about 35 ot tbe electors. Chairman Skinner slated that the object of the meeting was to get tbe opinions of the voters relative to the ooustiuction work for the future, a statement was made showing tbat it would not be possible io complete tne anon to lireen Point this season iu time to carry water. and tlat tbe funds now available would not justify the underaking. It was shown tbat there was only about 1 1:1,000 available for oonstruotion pur puses, aud tbat this small sum was not sufficient to complete the three and one half miles of tbe main caual yet to be constructed. Ihe far men were then given an opportunity to express meir views in ino matter ; this priv ilege was enjoyed immensoly. 11. A. liacKett was tbe first to take the floor, aud with tbe tloquenoe ot a t'emosinenese and tne logio of a Plato, he pioceeded to expiaiu bis po sition relative to the best policy for the tutute. Mr. llaokett is a natural bom orator, and bis exposition was nigniy entertaining, f W. Angus, meaning in uenan oi Uie board ol tit rectors, thought it advisable to dis continue tbe construction work ou the upper end of the main canal and cuuoeutiate theii etfrrta on tbe lower end of the ditch. It was reported that it would require about V3.00U to cleau out the ditob below Dead Point and repair the breaks. The excessive and continuous rains of the season have caused aeveral large slides to fill tbe ditch at various points. In answer to an luquliy it was stated that the tverage cost ot constructing tbe canal was about 8,000 per mile, aud that niucu oi tbe diton between Dead Point and Ureen Point would cost lu,000 per mile. Mr. Angus tboug' t that it might be feasible in the 'inter ssts of economy to loose the 120,000 tuna far expended beyond Dead Point, and to lay a pipe line from Hood river and connect it with the main canal at a practicable point, preserving tbe 700 iuohes of water from Dead Point north for the upper section of tbe ,bondod district, stat ing tbat it was his opinion tbat this amount ot water would be sutlioient to irrigate this territory for many years to come. Mr. Markbam stated that the'io were about 70 men employ ed on the upper end of tbe ditch at the present tiuio, ana that the dally sxpense was about $200. Tbat at this rate it would not take long to expeud tbe i:t,000 available and still not have water. A resolution was finally passed requesting the board of direct ors .to tuke the men now at work on tho upper end of the ditoh and pro ceed to clean out tbe main caual aud construct aud repair laterals, so that cue iuu inches might be distributed this year. The ineetlne adionrned subject to the call ot the board of di rectors. In tbe iuteiim the directors will get statistics concerning a pipe line for both caual and laterals. J. II. Ackerman Chosen Leader. Tbe auuual business meeting held at Lnwistou. Idaho. Atirll f raunllud In the election of J. 11. Ackerman, state superintendent of instruction of Ore gon, to .be ottice of president and l.hn HAlfttlnn nf Pnllmnn Wnuh ......... U , ..HBU., mB the place for the next meeting. The other officers of the asooiatlon are: w. I'j. Ullsou, i.lleusburg, first vice nresident Anrnlin llnnrv. Trfnluf.nn second vice-president; Superinten dent w. j. narmon, ot Montana, third vioe-presieut City, Superintend ent. .1. H. Wllliflmnnn. Hnian Aunra. tary. M. Trimble, of Spokane, treas urer. The exeoutive committee is composed of II. O. Sampson, Pull man, preslden; D. L. Penrose, Whit ....I,.. .. j . man uuege, ana hit. r.iariage, oi the Univeristy of Idaho, Moscow. The sessions nrnvn.i full nf Inturaut and leading sducators of tbe onivers uies a lid colleges ot in or th west put forth their best efforts in ad dresnna liafnrA thA autharina nt fmiuh. ers. The addi esses by Superintendent Acaerman auu inomaa u. ftane, pres ident of the University nf Wnahlna. ton, were largely attended. Sessions were conducted by Principal 11. C. Sampson, of tbe Washington State college: II. tM. Shafnr. nf thn nntmul school at Cheney ; W. E. Wilson, principal of tbe normal school at Kl- Innshnrtf! (I. A. Avlina ntlnnlnul nf thn normal flnhnnl ufc Allilnn II II Swain, of the normal school at Dil lon, mo in,., tu. a. Bryan, president st ite college at Pullman ; S. 13. L. HanrnftA. rirABlrlnnt-. Whitman nnUana J. A. McLean, president of the Uni veristy ot idano, and SO. U. Kessler, principal of tbe state normal at Mon- .u uiouiu, yJi. OliA nftnrnnnn tuna Aaontatl f.n an av. cursiou trip through Lewlston and Clutkstou, under tbe auspices of tbe Lewistou Commercial club, and the evening was celebrated by a School master a ciuo banquet. IMue (irove M. E. Church. The new M. E. church at Pine Grove is neariug completion. It is being planned to dedicate it on the last Suuday iu April. An effort is being made to secure the services of Uev. J. 11. Coleman, D. D., piesidont of the Willamette university. If the weather is favorable, in all piobabili ty n busket dinner will be held In con nection with tbe services. The new edifice is a credit to tbe community and au evidence of tbeir progress. Ontle and Effective. A well known Manitoba editor wiites: "As an inside worker I Hod C'lamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets invaluable for the touches of biliousness natural to sedentary life, their action being gentle and effect ive, clearing tbe digestive tract and tho head," Price, 25 cents. Sam plns free. Keir St Cass. Just Because your cough is only in the throat and does not trouble you now, don't think tbat it needs no attention. When it has not bad much ot a start is the time to check it. The slight est cough easily leads to pneumonia, bronchitis and consumption. A bot tle of liallard's Hurehouud Syrup will cure that cough. The price puts it w itliin reach of all. Sold by Gbas. N Clarke. APPLE GROWERS UNION MEETS IMPORTANT SUBJECTS DISCUSSED Largest Gathering la History of Orga Dlzation Jiew Hoard of Di rectors Elected. The Apple Growers union of Hood River valley held tbeir annual meet ing last Saturday, April 6, in the Ar tisan's hall at 1 :;)0 p. m. Shortly af ter the doors were opened tbe spaci ous hall was tilled to overflowing. This was the largest gathering in tbe history of tbe organization. Upwarda of one hundred shares of stock were represented at this meeting and all were enthusiastic in the advocacy ot their opinions concerning matters tbat appertained to tbe interest of the union. I Many vital subjects were discussed. The stockholders tealized tbat tbe fu ture suocesi of the organization de pended upon a correct solution of tbe problems confronting It, with this thought in mind, the action of the body was directed along the most con servative lines. It was conceded by all preseut that the Hood Kiver Fruit Growers union must be perpetuated In order to se cure tbe highest margins for the vast apple crop ot tbe valley. vlt waa prac tically demonstrated that the policy of Individual consignments was runlus to the best Interests of the producer. Tbe report of tbe secretary waa un usually lengthy because tbe business of tbe past year had been without a parallel in Ihe history of tbe organiza tion. kThe large gathering listened at tentively to every word ot the report; for it was this record of the , past year'a profit and loss tbat was to serve aa a guide tor their present act ion. ' One of the most vital subjects dis- oussed waa "The Necessity for Pro viding Superior Isabels for lioxes." Ihis waa discussed pto and con. Many of tbe members grew eloquent as tbey advocated the vniue ot placing tbe very best labels obtainable upon tbeir fancy fruits. It was conceded that this item would add laigely to the ex pense account. It was ordered how ever, that no expense be spared lu this regard and tbe new board ot di leotora were instructed to act accord ingly. A new scale for tbe handling of ap ples will be placed into ttleot the oomlng leason. The present system la tbat of a flxed charge ot live cents per box. Tbe new system will tie on a percentage basis with a minimum ot Ave cents per box and a maximum of 10 centa per box. Tbe purpose of his sliding scale is to tlx a higher rate on the fauoy fruit, in order that it might bear a better proportion ot tbe bur den according to its selling price. Alter tbe regular routine business of the organization had been disposed of tbey prooeedod to elect tbe follow ing directors tor the ensuing year: U. Detbman, O, Vanderbllt, V; Winchell, C. II. Sproat, C. K. Marshall, U. D. Wood worth, J. II. Shoemaker, U. A. MoCurdy, P. II. Martin. Aged Warrior Sta-III Dead. Lyle, Wash.. April 4. Information has been reoelved from Maddook Sta tion, up the Big Klickitat river on the line of the O. K. & N. railway, that the old Indian chief, Sta-bi, died at fort Slmueo while on a visit to a daughter. Htak-bi was 92 years old, lie one time said to tbe writer that bis father lived to be 120 yeais of age. lie also related tbat his father knew King Oeorge'a men and used to trade them furs. Sta-bi owned at tbe time ot his death an allotment of land on the Hig Kliokitat. It is said that 50 years ago be pos sessed 1000 ponios that roamod over the tunoh grass prairie now known aa tbe famous Horseshoe Bead wheat belt, and that he then ruled tbe opu lent Wah-kia-cus tribe of Kliokitats. Some years back he let tbe mantle ot chief tall to bis much younger half- brother, skookum Walhee, now the ,, Apple King" of Uig Kliokitat.valley. Tbe old chief was noted for promot ing peace among the whites and In dians. In the Cayuse war of 1878 he was one ot the very few Indiana who were friendly to the settlers. He aid ed tbe late "Father" Wilbur in bia oapture of that arrant obief, Ska-mi ah, and braves at Tutu water, in tbe war of 1878. Uhrouloie. Fruit Law Must He Enforced. Judge II. 13. King, ot the superior court of Yakima oounty, recently ren dered a verdict in favor of the de fendants in the case of K. W. Sbafford against State Horticultural Commis sioner A. A. Huntley and County Horticultural Commisioner J. M. lirown and placed tbe cost upon the plaintiff. This suit was for 11,100 damages for fruit tbat waa alleged to have been iufested with pest and de stroyed by the officials in November, )'.)U5. The decision in elieot upholda the horticultural law of the state of Washington. In his remarks the oourt said that tho only fault he found witb the de fendants was tbat they took too much timo in sorting the infected fruit from tbat which was good, when tbey should have destroyed the entire lot of about 900 boxes at once and saved tbe expense to the oounty. The case will probably be appealed to tbe supreme oourt. There are a number of fruit gtowers near Zenith, who are opposed to the law tbat com pels spraying trees for tbe pest, and Lave raised a sum of about 9200 to pay tbe expenses ot tbeir case. Ibe result is heid to be a great vio tory lo the fruit industry of Yakima, for it it were not for the stringent in speciou law tbat Is enforced here, the fruit would be so overrun with pest tbat it would be impossible to raise it for tbe general markets. Mr. S. L. Bowen, of Wayne, W. Va., writes: "I was a sufferer from kidney disease, so tbat at times I could not get out of bed, and when I did 1 could Lot stand straight. I took Foley's Kidney cure. One dollar bot tle and part of the seoond cured me entirely." Foley's Kidney Cure works wonders where others are total failures. Clarke Drug Co. I I i i , ;,'. .. 4' TV ;'.. .- V fe'.V ' x - I k .' 0 i I atj - .